Model EC-25 Sprinkler: Application of The Tyco Fire & Building Products
Model EC-25 Sprinkler: Application of The Tyco Fire & Building Products
Model EC-25 Sprinkler: Application of The Tyco Fire & Building Products
Sprinkler Identification
Number (SIN) TY9128
Patent 4,580,729; 5,829,532
Other Patents Pending
March 13, 2007
Table of Contents
Application of the Tyco Fire & Building Products
Model EC-25 Sprinkler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Example of Branch Line Spacing in Bays . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
K11.2/K16.8/EC-25 System #1 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Factory Mutual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Comparative Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Sprinkler Performance Comparison for the
Protection of Group A Plastic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Full Scale Fire Test for Application of the
Tyco EC-25 Sprinkler for Retail Stores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Application of the
Tyco Fire & Building Products
Model EC-25 Sprinkler.
Sprinkler Identification Number (SIN) TY9128
As with any new technology, understanding the by adjacent activated sprinklers preventing it
appropriate application is the key to successful from operating), or simply activating too many
implementation. The EC-25 is simply the sprinklers in a single event. What we
most powerful control-mode sprinkler ever have shown is the EC-25’s 100 ft2
developed. In addition to better (9,29 m2) minimum and the 196 ft2
fire protection, it provides an (18,21 m2) maximum sprinkler
economic advantage to the user. spacing provides a superior
History will be made recognizing level of fire protection by
the increased performance of eliminating the skipping
this technology above the “magic” and controlling the
100 ft 2 (9,29 m 2) maximum number of operating
spacing limitations we have all sprinklers. Additionally,
endured for Extra Hazard and consider the safety factor of
Storage occupancies since the discharge from the initial
the development of the spray sprinkler in a fire event. With a
sprinklers in the early 1950’s. K-factor of 25.2 GPM/psi 1/2 (362,9
The reality will become clear LPM/bar1/2), the first sprinkler with
that for the same reasons an average static water supply of 70 psi
current technologies such (4,83 bar) will discharge approximately
as ESFR and Large Drop 210 gpm (795 lpm) or just over a 1.0 gpm/ft2
sprinklers have minimum (40,7 mm/min) over a coverage area of 196 ft 2
spacing limitations of 80 and (18,21 m2) per sprinkler. In contrast, a 17/32”
70 ft2 (7,43 and 6,50 m2) respectively, sprinkler with a K-factor of 8.0 GPM/psi1/2
standard spray control-mode sprinklers should (115,2 LPM/bar1/2), which will only discharge
also have these minimum spacings. These 67 gpm (253,6 lpm) or only a .67 gpm/ft2 (27,2
minimums are based on the concern of skipping mm/min) over a coverage area of 100 ft2 (9,29
(a sprinkler in the fire area being cooled m2) per sprinkler.
To understand the application and best use of the EC-25, a few examples of the benefits are listed
1- Spacing
The 14 ft (4,27 m) maximum spacing of the EC-25 technology offers great flexibility in optimizing
the number of sprinklers in a bay, as well as the location of outlets on the branch lines, especially,
if used with welded or mechanical tee fittings. Even when the 14 ft (4,27 m) does not save the user
a branch line in a bay (2 lines in a 24’ (7,32 m) bay), the ability to space the EC-25 at 12 ft (3,66
m) along the branch lines results in typical 24 ft (7,32 m) branch line pipe lengths with 2 outlets.
Standard sprinklers having the 100 ft2 (9,29 m2) spacing maximum leaves the spacing along the
branch lines at 8 ft or 8’-3” (2,44 or 2,51 m), requiring 3 outlets and the possibility of non-typical
branch piping.
The table below and example outline the optimum bay spacing for branch line savings. Always
keep in mind the above paragraph if a line per bay is not saved.
Standard Spray
3 Branch Lines* 4 Branch Lines 5 Branch Lines
12’ (3,66 m) Max.
Tyco EC-25
2 Branch Lines 3 Branch Lines 4 Branch Lines
14’ (4,27 m) Max.
*NFPA exception for a 25’ (7,62 m) bay - 12’-6” (3,81 m) is allowed for standard spray sprinklers,
12’-6” (3,81 m) is not allowed for bays greater than 25’ (7,62 m).
Example of Branch Line Spacing in Bays
Using >25’ to 28’ (7,62 to 8,53 m) Bays
A >25'-0" to 28'-0"
(7,62 to 8,53 m)
B >25'-0" to 28'-0"
(7,62 to 8,53 m)
Bay Bay
7'-0" 14'-0" 7'-0" 4'-8" 9'-4" 9'-4" 4'-8"
(2,13 m) (4,27m) (2,13 m) (1,42m) (2,84 m) (2,84 m) (1,42m)
(3,26 m)
(4,27 m)
(3,26 m)
(4,27 m)
(3,26 m)
2 Branch Lines 3 Branch Lines
2- Temperature
It is important to note that the EC-25 is available only in 165˚F/73,9˚C and 214˚F/101,1˚C. While
NFPA has Tables and sections, which give credits for high temperature sprinklers (250˚F/121,
1˚C to 300˚F/148,9˚C), the EC-25 is approved for the application of the credits for the high
temperatures, using the 165˚F/73,9˚C or 214˚F/101,1˚C EC-25 sprinkler. The 165˚F/73,9˚C EC-25
performed as well if not better than the high temperature standard spray sprinklers.
3- Operating Pressures
With the EC-25 technology, the myth that extended coverage sprinklers require too much
pressure has been shattered. Keep in mind that this sprinkler has the flexibility of odd spacing
for the purpose of hydraulic calculations (density/area method), which is different from previous
extended coverage technology. As you can see from the chart below, the operating pressure
is relative to the actual area of coverage. Additionally do not pass up the opportunity to take
advantage of the extremely low operating pressures at 100 ft2 (9,29 m2) as if this sprinkler was a
standard coverage. No other sprinkler will deliver a .8 gpm/ft2 (32,5 mm/min) density for 100 ft2
(9,29 m2) at only 10.1 psi (0,70 bar).
100 ft 2 (10’x10’) 7.0 psi 7.0 psi 7.0 psi 10.1 psi 15.8 psi
9,29 m2 (3,05 x 3,05 m) (0,48 bar) (0,48 bar) (0,48 bar) (0,70 bar) (1,09 bar)
120 ft 2 (10’x12’) 7.0 psi 7.0 psi 8.2 psi 14.5 psi 22.7 psi
11,15 m2 (3,05 x 3,66 m) (0,48 bar) (0,48 bar) (0,57 bar) (1,00 bar) (1,57 bar)
140 ft 2 (10’x14’) 7.0 psi 7.0 psi 11.1 psi 19.8 psi 30.9 psi
13,01 m2 (3,05 x 4,27 m) (0,48 bar) (0,48 bar) (0,77 bar) (1,37 bar) (2,13 bar)
144 ft 2 (12’x12’) 7.0 psi 7.0 psi 11.8 psi 20.9 psi 32.7 psi
13,38 m2 (3,66 x 3,66 m) (0,48 bar) (0,48 bar) (0,81 bar) (1,44 bar) (2,25 bar)
150 ft 2 (12’x12’-6’’) 7.0 psi 7.2 psi 12.8 psi 22.7 psi 35.4 psi
13,38 m 2 (3,66 x 3,81 m) (0,48 bar) (0,50 bar) (0,88 bar) (1,57 bar) (2,44 bar)
168 ft 2 (12’x14’) 7.0 psi 9.0 psi 16.0 psi 28.4 psi 44.4 psi
15,61 m2 (3,66 x 4,27 m) (0,48 bar) (0,62 bar) (1,10 bar) (1,96 bar) (3,06 bar)
182 ft 2 (13’x14’) 7.1 psi 10.6 psi 18.8 psi 33.4 psi 52.2 psi
16,91 m2 (3,96 x 4,27 m) (0,49 bar) (0,73 bar) (1,30 bar) (2,30 bar) (3,60 bar)
196 ft 2 (14’x14’) 8.3 psi 12.3 psi 21.8 psi 38.7 psi 60.5 psi
18,21 m2 (4,27 x 4,27 m) (0,57 bar) (0,85 bar) (1,50 bar) (2,67 bar) (4,17 bar)
K11.2/K16.8/EC-25 System #1 Analysis
4" (ELO's)
4" (K17)
6" (ELO's)
6" (K17)
Actual Layout 11.2
& 16.8 K-factor
Standard Spray
6" (ELO's) Sprinklers
6" (K17)
Actual Layout
25.2 K-factor
Tyco EC-25
6" (EC-25)
K11.2/K16.8/EC-25 System #1 Analysis (Cont.)
.60 gpm/ft2 (24,4 mm/min) Density
EC-25 SYSTEM - 0
27’ (8,23 m) Bldg. & 20’ (6,10) Storage
Supply @ Base Of Riser = S
tatic 82 psi (5,65 bar), Residual 71 psi (4,90 bar),
Flow - 2123 gpm
K11.2 System Req. Press. K16.8 System Req. Press. EC-25 System Req. Press.
69.26 psi (4,78 bar) @ 54.36 psi (3,75 bar) @ 76.42 psi (5,27 bar) @
Hydraulics 1239.4 gpm (4691,6 lpm) 1278.6 gpm (4840,0 lpm) 1361.2 gpm (5152,7 lpm)
Avail. Press. = 77.9 psi Avail. Press. = 77.7 psi Avail. Press. = 77.16 psi
(5,37 bar) (5,36 bar) (5,32 bar)
[ ]
@ .60 gpm/ft 2 (24,4 mm/min) Density
Possible branch-line savings
Number of Branch Lines per bay can be a major factor.
3 2 Greater than 25’ (7,62 m) to 28’
Per Bay
(8,53 m) bays are optimum.
Number of Sprinklers
57 30
Per Bay
Total Sprinklers 407 214
[ ]
Minimum Pressure
28.7 psi (1,98 bar) 21.7 psi (1,50 bar)
Required at Less required pressure at
@ 100 ft2 (9,29 m2) @ 196 ft 2 (18,21 m2)
Each Head almost double the spacing
of an 11.2 K sprinkler
Factory Mutual
The following section is information relative to the Factory Mutual Approval and Application of
the EC-25 sprinkler technology. The information has been edited to incorporate the reference to
NFPA standards as Factory Mutual is an organization that qualifies under the NFPA definition
of a ‘Listed’ product. As with any project being designed to Factory Mutual criteria, follow Data
Sheet 2-8N, 8-9 and Engineering bulletin 02-01.
The Tyco Model EC-25 control-mode extended-coverage sprinklers have been Approved. Full-
scale fire testing has shown that these control-mode sprinklers are acceptable for all current
density/area applications. The FM Approval gains recognition in NFPA 13 as a Nationally
Recognized Laboratory as well as FM Global ENGINEERING BULLETIN 02-01 (Reference with
Data Sheet 2-8N). The design and installation of these sprinklers will simply follow the rules for
Standard Spray Control Mode Density/Area sprinklers such as 8.0 gpm/psi 1/2 (115,2 lpm/bar 1/2)
K-factor (Large Orifice), 11.2 gpm/psi 1/2 (161,3 lpm/bar 1/2) K-factor (ELO) and 16.8 gpm/psi 1/2
(241,9 lpm/bar 1/2) K-factor (K17). All of the rules for design and installation will remain the
same for these sprinklers in NFPA applications as well as FM Data Sheet 2-8N with the following
1. Application
These Approved extended-coverage control-mode sprinklers may be used to protect any occupancy
for which there is a density/area design. They are not Approved for use in control-mode specific
application (e.g. large-drop) or suppression-mode (ESFR) protection designs.
2. Temperature Rating
The Tyco Model EC-25 will be available in ordinary and intermediate temperature ratings. The
ordinary temperature rated model should be used for all applications except those where high
ambient temperatures require use of intermediate temperature rated sprinklers. For occupancies
where there is a reduced design density and/or design area specified for high temperature
rated sprinklers, the same reduced design density and/or area can be used for the ordinary or
intermediate temperature Model EC-25, control-mode extended-coverage sprinklers. The use of
ordinary temperature rated sprinklers is recommended if ambient temperatures permit.
3. Hydraulic Design
Density/area designs should be the same as those for 11.2 gpm/psi 1/2 (161,3 lpm/bar 1/2) K-factor
control-mode density-area (ELO) sprinklers when a separate sprinkler design criteria is presented
for 11.2 gpm/psi 1/2 (161,3 lpm/bar 1/2) K-factor control-mode density-area (ELO) sprinklers.
Otherwise use the same design criteria as 5.6 gpm/psi 1/2 (80,6 lpm/bar 1/2) K-factor (Standard
Orifice) or 8.0 gpm/psi 1/2 (115,2 lpm/bar 1/2) K-factor (Large Orifice) control-mode density-area
sprinklers. The minimum design pressure is 7 psi (0,49 bar). Use a K-factor of 25.2 gpm/psi 1/2
(362,9 lpm/bar 1/2). As for all density/area sprinklers, the hydraulic design for EC-25 sprinklers
should be based on the design density applied over the actual area of coverage per sprinkler (i.e.
Sprinkler spacing of 11 ft by 14 ft (3,35 m by 4,27 m) will be hydraulically calculated based on 154
ft2 (14,3 m2) of coverage).
4. System Type
Wet-pipe, dry-pipe, or preaction systems are acceptable.
5. Sprinkler Spacing
The maximum area of coverage per sprinkler is 196 ft2 (18,2 m2). The minimum area of coverage
per sprinkler is 100 ft2 (9.3 m2). The maximum distance between sprinklers is 14 ft (4,27 m). The
minimum distance between sprinklers is 10 ft (3,05 m).
Exception: When a wall or obstruction makes a minimum spacing of 10 ft (3,05)
impossible between the line of sprinklers along the wall or obstruction and
the next adjacent line of sprinklers, the minimum distance from the sprinklers
located along the wall or obstruction to the sprinklers located on the adjacent
row can be a minimum of 7 ft (2,13 m). In this case the sprinklers located along
the wall or obstruction must be hydraulically calculated for a 100 ft2 (9.3 m2 )
coverage area or their actual coverage area, whichever is greater.
6. Sprinkler Location
Locate sprinklers with respect to the ceiling/roof as a standard control mode sprinkler with the
following two exceptions:
Exception 1: Sprinklers to be installed within one inch (25,4 mm) of the bottom
of concrete tees regardless of the depth of the tees, does not apply to extended
coverage control mode sprinklers due to the potential for delay in sprinkler
Exception 2: For obstructed construction, when the structural members are
deeper than 12 in (304,8 mm) and spaced less than 42” (1,07 m) on center (such
as concrete tee construction), install sprinklers in every bay.
7. Obstructions
Follow the obstruction requirements for Standard Spray Control-Mode Density-Area sprinklers.
The Tyco Model EC-25 control-mode extended coverage upright sprinkler has successfully
undergone full-scale fire testing for use in density/area design applications.
The following Tables show the dramatic performance of the EC-25 technology compared to standard
spray sprinklers, even against the most advanced 16.8 gpm/psi 1/2 (241,9 lpm/bar 1/2) K-factor.
Comparative Testing
15 ft (5,57 m) High Palletized Storage of Group A Plastic in a 25 ft (7,62 m) High Building.
Standard Spray K8 and K11.2 Sprinklers Spaced at 80 ft2 (7,4 m2 )
Versus EC-25 Sprinklers Spaced at 196 ft2 (18,2 m2 ).
[ This is comparative testing with bays in-between the
sprinklers creating empty pockets, they still did great. ]
Sprinkler Performance Comparison for the
Protection of Group A Plastic
Temperature Control
[ This was considered a success in
the 1970’s ]
1600 TEMP
1200 GAS 1
TEMP (f)
400 TEMP
K8 K11 K17 K25-EC MINUTE
Sprinkler Type
# Open
30 Sprinklers
20 Pallets
5 4
5 1
K5.6 K11 K25-EC
Sprinkler Type
Underwriters Laboratories (UL)
Full Scale Fire Test for Application of the Tyco
EC-25 Sprinkler for Retail Stores
These designs are based on fire testing at Underwriters Laboratories and represent conditions
existing in many retail stores. In all comparisons made, the K-25 EC sprinkler outperformed the
smaller orifice sprinklers. These designs are based on Full-Scale fire test data, which is the basis
for an equivalent method of protection as allowed by NFPA 13.
Fire loading in these tests markedly exceeded the fire loading in existing stores, with ceiling only
All tests with the EC-25 were conducted with ignitions between four sprinklers. Similar successful
tests were conducted with slatted shelves and limited solid shelves in the lower tiers, with Group
“A” Plastic commodities, utilizing the 11.2 gpm/psi 1/2 (161,3 lpm/bar 1/2) K-factor sprinklers. These
tests were conducted with ignition between two sprinklers and under one sprinkler. Because of
the use of extended coverage -14 ft by 14 ft (4,27 by 4,27 m), ignition between four sprinklers was
utilized. In recognition of other possible ignition scenarios, 70 ft (21,34 m) rack length limitations
were inserted to ensure limitation of sprinkler operations to no more than the design area for
the solid shelf arrangements. If a fire burned the entire length of a 70 ft (21,34) rack, sprinkler
operations would not exceed the 2000 ft2 (185,8 m2) design.
Sprinkler design criteria for storage and display of Class I-IV commodities, cartoned (non-
expanded and expanded) Group A plastics, and non-expanded exposed Group A plastics in retail
1. Home Depot, Sam’s and like stores
A wet pipe system designed to provide 0.7 gpm/ft2 (28.5 mm/min), density over 2000 ft2 (185,8
m2) area for the first 4 sprinkler operations and a 0.6 gpm/ ft2 (48.4 mm/min) density over 2000
ft2 (185,8 m2) area shall be permitted to protect single and double row slatted shelf racks when the
following conditions are met:
[a] EC-25 listed for storage occupancies shall be provided.
[b] Shelves shall be slatted using a 2 in (50,8 mm) thick by maximum 6 in (152,4 mm) wide slat
held in place by spacers that maintain a minimum 2 in (50,8 mm) opening between each slat.
[c] There shall be no slatted shelf levels in the rack above nominal 12 ft (3,66 m) level. Wire mesh
(greater than 50 percent opening) shall be permitted for shelf levels above 12 ft (3,66 m).
[d] Solid plywood shelving (3-1/2 ft x 8 ft 3 in - 1,07 m x 2,51 m) shall be permissible over the wood
slats at the 5 ft (1,52 m) level.
[e] Perforated metal (open area of 40 percent or more) shall be permitted over the slatted shelves
up to the 60-in (1,52 m) level.
[f] Other than what is allowed in this section, solid plywood or similar materials shall not be
placed on the slatted shelves.
[g] Solid veneered particleboard displays shall be permissible provided that all flues are maintained
and only one display is installed per bay.
[h] Maximum roof height shall be 30 ft (9,14 m) in the protected area.
[i] Maximum storage height shall be 22 ft (6,71 m)
[j] Aisle widths shall be a minimum of 8 ft (2,44 m)
[k] Minimum transverse flue spaces of 3 in (76,2 mm) every 10 ft (3,05 m) horizontally shall be
[l] Minimum longitudinal flue spaces of 6 in (152,4 mm) shall be provided for double-row racks.
[m] Storage in the aisle shall be permissible provided the aisle storage is no more than 4 ft (1,22
m) high and a minimum clear aisle of 4 ft (1,22 m) is maintained.
2. Wal-Mart and like stores
A wet pipe system designed to provide a 0.50 gpm/ft2 (20,3 mm/min) density over a 2000 ft2 (185,8
m2) area for the first four sprinkler operations, and a 0.425 gpm/ft 2 (17,3 mm/min) density over
a 2000 ft2 (185,8 m2) area, without the use of in-rack sprinklers, shall be permitted in solid steel
cantilever style retail shelving racks (gondola racks) when the following conditions are met:
[a] EC-25 sprinklers listed for storage occupancies shall be provided.
[b] The storage height shall not exceed 12 ft (3,66 m).
[c] The ceiling height shall not exceed 22 ft (6,71 m) in the protected area.
[d] Gondola rack structure shall not exceed 48 in (1,22 m) in aggregate depth or 78 in (1,98 m) in
[e] Maintain a minimum aisle of 5 ft (1,52 m) between storage.
[f] Rack lengths shall be no more than 70 ft (21,34 m).
4. Target and like stores
A wet system designed to provide a 0.55 gpm/ft2 (22,4 mm/min) density over a 2000 ft2 (185,8 m2)
area for the first four sprinkler operations, and a 0.45 gpm/ft2 (18,3 mm/min) density over a 2000
ft2 (185,8 m2) area, without the use of in-rack sprinklers shall be permitted when the following
are met:
[a] EC-25 sprinklers listed for storage occupancies shall be provided.
[b] Storage height shall not exceed 15 ft (4,57 m).
[c] Ceiling height shall not exceed 25 ft - 0 in (7,62 m).
[d] Shelving structure shall not exceed 48 in (1,22 m) aggregate depth or 12 ft (3,66 m) in height.
[e] Shelving shall be permitted to be made of solid particleboard.
[g] A minimum aisle space of 3 ft - 1 in (0,94 m) shall be maintained.
[h] Rack length shall be a maximum of 70 ft (21,34 m).
6. Bed Bath and Beyond and like stores
A wet system designed to provide a 0.55 gpm/ft2 (22,4 mm/min) density over a 2000 ft2 (185,8 m2)
area for the first four sprinkler operations, and a 0.49 gpm/ft2 (19,9 mm/min) density over a 2000
ft2 (185,8 m2) area, without the use of in-rack sprinklers, shall be permitted in retail solid shelved
steel rack structure when the following are met:
[a] EC-25 sprinklers listed for storage occupancies shall be provided.
[b] Storage height shall not exceed 16.5 ft (5,03 m).
[c] Ceiling height shall not exceed 22 ft (6,71 m).
[d] Shelving structure shall not exceed 51 in (1,30 m) aggregate depth or 148 in (3,76 m) in height.
[e] The intersection of perpendicular steel racks shall be permissible as long as no storage is placed
within the void space at the junction of the racks.
[f] The top shelf shall be wire mesh.
[g] A minimum aisle width of 4 ft (1,22 m) shall be maintained between shelf units and other
ung, Hsiang-Cheng, Vincent, Bennie G., and Troup, Joan M. A., “Performance Evaluation
of Tyco Model EC-25 Control-Mode Extended-Coverage Sprinklers for Storage Occupancies,”
FMRC Report J.I. 3007168/3007169, May 2001
abich, Martin J., and Sheppard, David T., “Report of Large-Scale Fire Tests of Retail Shelf Display
and Rack Storage of Cartoned Group A Plastics Utilizing Extended Coverage Sprinklers Having a
Nominal F-factor of 25.2,” UL Report 00NK22528, NC4119, November 2000
roup, Joan M. A., “Full-Scale Fire Test Performance Evaluation of Central’s Model K17-231TM
Sprinklers,” FMRC Report J.I. 0D1R8.PR (2), January 1998
roup, Joan M. A., and Chicarello, Peter J., “Large-Scale Fire Tests of Stored Commodities
Protected by Central Model D.64 Sprinklers,” FMRC Report J.I. 0W0R4.RR, September 1992
National Fire Protection Association. “Installation of Sprinkler Systems - NFPA 13,” 1999 Edition
“ NFPA 13 Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems 1996 Edition,” Loss Prevention Data
Sheet 2-8N, FM Global, Norwood, Massachusetts, 1999, Revised January 2001
“ Storage of Class 1, 2, 3, 4, and Plastic Commodities,” Loss Prevention Data Sheet 8-9, FM Global,
Norwood, Massachusetts, 1997, Revised January 2001
“ Tyco Fire Products (Central, GEM, and Star) Model EC-25 Control-Mode Extended-Coverage
Sprinklers (SIN TY9128),” FM Global Engineering Bulletin 02-01, FM Global, Norwood,
Massachusetts, February 2001
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