Washability Characteristics British Columbia Coals: by Maria E. Holuszko
Washability Characteristics British Columbia Coals: by Maria E. Holuszko
Washability Characteristics British Columbia Coals: by Maria E. Holuszko
PAPER 1994-2
This paper summarizes the washability study con- Degree of washing and washability number were found
ducted under the Coal Quality project. The aim of the study to be very useful tools in the study of coal seams as rock
was to investigate and interpret washability characteristics units. Washability number defines the boundary between
of British Columbia coals, in order to provide a geological free (removable) mineral matter and mineral matter associ-
basis of washability and to gain practical information which
will be useful in the processing and utilization of these coals. ated with coal (fixed), and at the same time gives an idea of
Washability characteristics of many coal seams from vari- the optimal conditions for separation. It is reasonable to as-
ous British Columbia coalfields were examined. sume that this number represents the effect of the deposi-
The classical washability parameters were used to com- tional conditions on the association of coal with mineral
pare washability characteristics of different seams: yield of matter. Above all, it characterizes inherent properties of a
clean coal and the amount of near-gravity material close to coal, and provides a single numerical measure of the vari-
the density of separation for desired clean coal product. ation in washability characteristics.
Comparisons were made between seams from different
coalfields, geological formations and lithotypes within the Suggestions of possible applications of the washability
same coal seam. Unconventional washability parameters, number to improve various technical procedures (blending,
such as degree of washing and washability number, were sampling) and coal preparation technologies are also in-
also calculated and compared. cluded in this paper.
British Columbia
ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii FIGURES
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 1. The relationship between seam composition.
Acknowledgments ................. 2 lithotypes. microlithotypes and macerals . . . ... 3
PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF COAL IN RELATION 2. Type of mineral association and its possible effect on
TO COAL CLEANING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 the washability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Coal Characteristics at the Seam Level . . . . . . 3 3. Washability characteristics: ash versus clean coal
Physical Properties of Lithotypes . . . . . . . . . 4 yield curve for different size fractions for two coal
Macerals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 seams from British Columbia . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Mineral Matter and its Influence on Physical
Characteristics of Coal . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 4 . Example of classical washability curves for a British
Washability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Columbia coal seam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Construction of Washability Curves . . . . . . 10
5. Graphical representation of washability number . . 12
Yield of Clean Coal and Quality of Rejects . . 11
Predicting the Ease of Washing . . . . . . . . . 11 6 . The effect of size reduction on increase in yield of
Degree of Washing and Washability Number . 11 clean coal and washability number . . . . . . . . . 12
SOURCES OF DATA AND SAMPLES 7 . Location of coalfields in British Columbia . . . . . 17
FOR THE STUDY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
8. Stratigraphic relationships and relative coal seam
Bulk Samples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
positions in the Peace River coalfield . . . . . . . . 18
Samples for Detailed Study . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Sampling Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 9. Stratigraphic positions of the seams in southeast
Sink and Float Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 British Columbia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
GEOLOGICAL SETTINGS 10.Yield of clean coal for seams from: (a) Mist Mountain;
OF THE STUDIED AREAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 (b) Gates Formations; (c) Gething Formation; (d)
Peace River Coalfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Wapiti Formation; (e) Comox Formation; (f) Klappan
East Kootenay Coalfields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 coalfield; (g) Merritt coalfield . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Memtt Coalfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Klappan Coalfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 11. Variations in the ease of washing for seams in the
Comox Coalfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Mist Mountain Formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
12.Variations in the ease of washing for Gates Formation
COLUMBIA COALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 21 seams seams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Washability of Coal Seams from Different 13.Correlation between washability numbers and amount
Geological Formations . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 of near-gravity material for 10% ash clean coal . . 3 1
Mist Mountain Formation . . . . . . . . . . .21
Gates Formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 TABLES
Gething Formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 1. The correlation between Australian and ICCP
Wapiti Formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 lithotype classification . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 4
Comox Formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Memtt Coalfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 2 . Types of mineral matter in coal and their amenability
Klappan Coalfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 to physical separation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Washability of Lithotypes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 3. Example of sink-and-float data from southeast B.C.
Washability of Lithotypes from Greenhills coal seam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
and Quintette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
4 . Industrial classification of "ease of washing" . . . 11
5 . Washability data for seams from different geological
TECHNOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS OF WASHABILITY formations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
6 . Washability Number and associated parameters for
REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 seams from different geological formations . . . . 24
7 . Washability data for Mist Mountain Formation seams;
southern part of the coalfield . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Paper 1994-4 v
8. Washability data for Mist Mountain Formation seams; 3. Quintette coal preparation plant . . . . . . . . . .. 5
northern part of the coalfield . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4. Examples of macerals from southeast British
9. Washability number, degree-of-washing and other Columbia coal seams. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
associated parameters for selected lithotypes from 5. Examples of mineral matter from British Columbia
Greenhills and Quintette seams . . . . . . . . . . 3 1 coals ......................... 8
Paper 1989-4
Page Page
FIGURES 25. Plot of poles to bedding on Flathead Ridge in
Parcel 82 (Wulff projection)..................................... 29
1 Location of the East Kootenay coalfields.................4
26. (a) Down-plunge projection profile of B-seam
2. Coal tenure map of Crowsnest coalfield .................5 data and selected outcrop orientation data; (b)
3. Topography of Parcel 73. Dominion Coal Block. B-seam structural contour grid; (c) Residual
with outline of model grid superimposed.................6 grid; (d) Final B-seam position grid ........................30
4. Topography of Flathead Ridge in Parcel 82. 27. Areal distribution of seams used in the digital
Dominion Coal Block .................................................
7 deposit model .............................................................31
16. Positions of coking coal groups listed in Table 1 5. Individual and Cumulative Waste-Coal Ratios.
relative to reflectance and inert contents ...............14 Parcel 73 .....................................................................23
17. Geology of Parcel 73 .................................................18 6. Combined Results of Float-Sink Tests of
B-Seam Flathead Ridge ............................................26
18. Generalized measured stratigraphic section
from Parcel 73 with coal rank values ......................19 7. Summary of Clean B-Seam Test Results at
Japanese Steel Mills .................................................. 27
19. Isometric diagram of the surface topography of
Parcel 73 with coal seams and reflectance 8. Summary of Clean A-Seam Test Results at
values displayed.............................. Japanese Steel Mills ..................................................
20. Plots of poles to bedding in Parcel 73 (Wulff 9. List of Grids in the Flathead Ridge Model
projection) with associated eigenvectors and Parcel 82 .....................................................................
21 10. Reserves and Resources. Flathead Ridge.
21. Distribution of waste-to-coal ratios over Parcel Parcel 82 .....................................................................
22 11. Mount Taylor U2-Seam Washability .......................36
22. Geology of Parcel 82 (modified after Olleren- 12. Mount Taylor M-Seam Quality ................................ 36
shaw. 1981b) ...............................................
(in pocket)
13. Mount Taylor U2-Seam Quality ..............................36
23. Generalized measured stratigraphic section
from Flathead Ridge in Parcel 82............................
26 14. List of Grids in the Mount Taylor Model
Parcel 82 .....................................................................
24. Isometric diagram of the surface topography of
Flathead Ridge in Parcel 82 .....................................28 15. Potential Coal Resources Mount Taylor .
Parcel 82 ....................................................................
Paper 1994-4 I
British Columbia
information is used in the designing of a coal preparation Branch of the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Re-
plant and that the inherent characteristics of coal are taken sources, who contributed their moral support and coopera-
into consideration. For example, the partition curves derived tion to the Washability Project and preparation of this paper.
from washability data serve to predict efficiency in the per-
Special thanks are due to Dave Grieve for his valuable
formance of various types of coal cleaning equipment
(Leonard, 1979; Butcher, 1985; Laskowski and Walters, discussions and guidance throughout the duration of the pro-
1987). ject and in preparing this paper. Ward Kilby is acknow-
From the environmental point of view, extraction of any ledged for his help in the first stage of the project and for
mineral is a process leading to the disturbance of the natural providing computer programs used in the study.
environment and production of waste material, as a result of Many thanks are given to the geology staff at all the
both mining and processing. Coal preparation produces re- province's coal mines for their cooperation, especially the
ject material, in the form of rock and middlings, which is staff of Greenhills, Line Creek, Quintette and Quinsam for
accumulated as waste. The characteristics of waste material
their assistance in the sampling programs. Valuable discus-
can easily be predicted from the washability parameters.
This information can be useful in decision making about sions with many geologists and engineers during the scien-
possible utilization of waste products during the environ- tific exchange meetings in Tumbler Ridge and Sparwood
mental impact assessment. during the summer of 1992 are greatly appreciated.
Mike Fournier provided technical assistance in prepa-
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ration of graphs and sketches. Linda Hitchen and Anna
I wish to express my gratitude to all colleagues in the Peakman typed many pages of washability data tables. Their
Coal Unit and support staff from the Geological Survey help is also very much valued.
, (Banded Bright
Banded Coal)
(Banded Dull
to Dull)
Figure 1. The relationship between seam composition, lithotypes, microlithotypes and macerals.
Paper 1994-4
types (<50 Rm), and, conversely, microlithotypes form TABLE l
bands of lithotypes on the macroscopic scale. THE CORRELATION BETWEEN AUSCKALIAN AND lCCP
The physical characteristics of coal are dependent on
lithotype composition, whereas composition of lithotypes is
strongly dependent on the maceral composition as well as
the association of macerals with different proportions of
~~~~ ~
Paper 1994-4 5
Paper 1994-4
Plate5. Examples of mineralmatterfrom British Columhiacoals: A- framhoidal pyrite inBowron coal; B - pyrite with siderite in Bowron
coal; C -irregular euhedral pyrite in Quinsam coal: D - dendritic pyrite from Bowron: E - carbonate minerals from Bullmoose coal: F -
s e G - quartz (black) in ~ullmo&ecoal; H - clays in Bullmoose coal.
quartz with clays in ~ u l l m o ~ coal;
Absorbed and weakly Ash-forming components in pure water, Various salts Very limited
bonded groups absorbed on the coal surface
Mineral matter
a. Epiclastic Mineral washed or blown into the sea during Clays, quartz Paflly separable by physical methods.
coal formation
b. Syngenet~c Incorporated into coal from the very earliest Pyrite, siderite, some Intimately intergrown with coal maeerals.
peat-accumulation stage clay minerals
c. Epigenetic Stage subsequent to syngenetic; migration Carbonates, pyrite, Vein = type mineralization; epigenetic minerals
of the mmeral-forming solutions through coal kaolinite concentrated along cleats, preferentially exposed
fractures during breakage; separable by physical methods.
when mixed with water form a gel-like suspension, which usually along the bedding planes. The way in which coal
is difficult to settle, and in many cases tends to cover coal separates from ash-forming minerals depends on the type
surfaces, impairing cleaning processes.
Coarser syngenetic minerals are easier to remove. Bet-
ter washing characteristics are mainly due to a greater de-
gree of liberation of coarse minerals.
Washability of a given coal is estimated from a set of
washability curves. These are constructed from sink-and-
float analysis of a representative coal sample, carried out
under ideal conditions, and characterized by ash content and
yield at each density of separation. As the specific gravity
of coal is closely related to its mineral matter content in raw
0 10 20 30 40
Cumulatve Ash %
coal (expressed as ash), gravity separation will divide coal
into ranges of different impurity content. The washability
curves provide the best possible prediction of theoretical
results for gravity-based coal preparation processes.
In order to investigate the washability characteristics of
raw coal it is necessary to determine the amount and distri-
bution of the mineral matter, expressed as ash, in a repre-
sentative sample. Due to the fact that sample is composed
of coal material varying in size, and, at the same time, each
size fraction has a different composition (mineral matter as
well as petrographic), it is necessary to examine certain size
ranges for washability characteristics separately. Figure 3 10 A I
Paper 1994-4 9
and mode of occurrence of the minerals as well as the type
Specifc Grav~ty
of coal.
2.2 2.0 18 16 14
As discussed in the previous chapter, the easiest to sepa-
rate are the epigenetic minerals, while epiclastic and syn-
genetic minerals are more difficult to remove by physical
separation (Cook, 1981; Falcon and Falcon, 1983). Epige-
netic minerals are easily liberated when the size is reduced
and this results in an increase in the yield of clean coal.
Epiclastic and syngenetic minerals (clays, quartz, pyrite,
siderite) are not usually liberated during the coarse coal
Depending on the size of coal particles or the severity
of the reduction process (crushing or grinding), a part of the
mineral matter will be impossible to separate from coal.
From a practical point of view, the terms "extraneous" and
"inherent" mineral matter are usually used to distinguish be-
tween ash-forming mineral matter which is separable by
physical methods, and that which is not. Extraneous mineral
matter invariably refers to epigenetic minerals, whereas the 0 20 40 60 80 100
term "inherent" may be applied to syngenetic or epiclastic % Ash Content
minerals. What the so-called "inherent" mineral matter ac-
tually represents is questionable. It does reflect, however,
the amount of mineral matter intergrown with the coal in a Figure 4. Example of classical washability curves for a British
Columbia coal seam. A- primary curve, B - clean coal curve, C -
particular size fraction. Recent research shows that even cumulative sink curve, D - density distribution curve, E - near-
mineral matter as fine as 1 micron in size can be separated
if liberated by fine crushing and grinding. In this context,
gravity material within 0.1 s.g.
inherent mineral matter represents only inorganic elements
the washability characteristics of various size ranges within
which are confined to the coal molecular structure and
the coal sample.
which can only be removed by chemical treatment.
At the top size of each size fraction of a coal sample
there is a ratio of inherent to extraneous mineral matter con- CONSTRUCTION OF WASHABILITY CURVES
tent which characterizes the sample in terms of the ability
to clean the particles within the given size range. There is In coal preparation, results of coal cleaning are ex-
also a critical top size below which further reduction leads pressed as yield of concentrate, which is the clean coal, to-
to deterioration in the quality of the coarse fractions in the gether with the grade expressed as ash content. Points
sample. Coarser fractions are enriched in composite parti- defined by yield and ash content at each step of density sepa-
cles (coal intergrown with mineral matter) and these are ration in sink-and-float tests are used to construct washabil-
more difficult to clean. Reducing the top size below the criti- ity curves. An example of sink-and-float data is presented
cal level deteriorates the quality of coarse fractions, while in Table 3 and the resulting washability curves are illustrated
cleaner coal particles are concentrated in fine fractions. This in Figure 4.
may not be desirable from the cleaning point of view: coarse The primary curve (A) is obtained by plotting incre-
fractions will have to be cleaned with more accurate devices mental ash content at each separation density versus incre-
while circuits treating fine coal will be overloaded. mental yield on the cumulative yield scale. The clean coal
In practice, coal preparation treats raw coal according curve (B) is obtained by plotting cumulative ash content at
to size. For thermal coal, only two circuits may be employed any given density versus cumulative yield. The cumulative
(coarse and fine), whereas three or four are commonly used sink curve (C) predicts ash content of the sinks at any yield
for metallurgical coal. In this respect it is important to know of clean coal. The cumulative density distribution is plotted
Specific Direct % Weight of Cum. Weight Cum. Floats Sink Weight Cum. Sinks * 0.1 S.G. Distribution
Gravity Weight % Ash % Ash of Total of Ash % Weight % Ash % of Ash % Weight % Ash % S.G. Weight
-1 30 14.96 1.90 0.28 0.28 14.96 1.90 17 36 85.04 20.41
1.30-1.35 20.51 5 65 1 16 1.44 35.47 3.32 16.20 64 53 25.10 1.40 62.15
1.35-1.40 20 86 10.08 2.10 3.54 56 33 5.82 14.10 43.67 32.29
1.40-1.50 20.78 16.20 3.37 6.91 77.11 8.62 10.73 22.89 46.88 1.50 27.43
1.50-1.60 6.65 25.94 1.73 8.64 83.76 10 00 9.00 16.24 55.42 1.60 10.39
1.60-1.80 6.23 37.31 2.32 10.96 89.99 11.87 6.68 10.01 66.73 1.70 6.23
+1.80 10.01 66.70 6 68 17 64 100 00 17.37
- - - - -
Paper 1994-4 I1
British Columbia
- 60 7
- 20
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40
Ash (%I Degree of washmg
Degree of washlng
It has also been shown that the washability number can This shows that the environmental conditions during
be a very useful tool in the study of coal seams as rock units the formation of these coals may had been significantly dif-
(Sarkar and Das, 1974; Sarkar et al., 1977). According to ferent. The Carboniferous coals of the northern continents
Sarkar, washability number represents the effect of the de- were presumably deposited under quieter swamp condi-
positional conditions on the association of coal with mineral tions, leading to formation of more heterogeneous coal de-
matter. It has been shown by the same authors that washa- posits with less mineral matter incorporated within the
bility numbers are higher for coal seams formed under qui- seam. Gondwana coals are more allochthonous, which leads
escent conditions (autochthonous) as opposed to those to the difficulty in cleaning them.
formed under turbulent conditions (hypautochtonous). It is generally known that the size of coal influences its
Changes in washability number within a single seam were washability characteristics. As discussed earlier, this is re-
used to outline lateral changes in depositional environment lated to the liberation of mineral matter during size reduc-
for some Indian and North American coals. tion. It is expected that a reduction in the top size of a coal
Comparisons of washability numbers from a number of will increase the value of its washability number until the
countries around the world allow conclusions to be drawn critical top size for the coal sample is reached, below which
about the global pattern in washability characteristics there is no increase in clean coal yield. Figure 6 illustrates
(Sarkar and Das, 1974; Sarkar et al., 1977). Carboniferous this effect.
coals of Europe and North America have the highest wash- Reducing the top size of the samples from seams A and
ability numbers, ranging from 96 to 157, with the lowest ash B improves the recovery of clean coal while reduction in
at the optimum degree of washing (between 3 and 6%), size in seam C sample has no positive effect on the yield of
while Mesozoic coals have lower washability numbers clean coal. Crushing to a smaller size does not increase the
(ranging from 25 to 95) with the ash from 4 to 12% at the yield of clean coal from seam D, and, as indicated by the
optimum. The lowest washability numbers are found in washability number, leads to an increase in difficulty in
Gondwana coals of Permian age, with washability numbers washing. This also may imply that washability is more sen-
near 20 and ash at the optimum varying from 8 to 16%, sitive in detecting changes in ease of washing than the curve
indicating their inherent difficulty in washing. for yield of clean coal.
Paper 1994-4 13
British Columbia
Paper 1994-4 16
c --
Coals in British Columbia range from lignite to anthra- taceous coals in the northwest and Tertiary coals of south-
cite, with most of the present production in the bituminous central British Columbia are within the Intermontane Belt.
rank. Coal production in the province usually exceeds 20 The Foreland Belt includes the mainly Cretaceous coals of
million tonnes per year. More than 90% of coal production the Peace River coalfield, and the Jurassic-Cretaceous coals
is from two major coalfields: Peace River (northeast coal- of the Kootenay coalfields (Grieve, 1992). Locations of coal
field) and East Kootenay (southeast coalfield). These coal deposits in British Columbia are shown in Figure 7.
deposits account for all of the metallurgical coal in the prov- Coal-bearing strata throughout the province were de-
ince, as well as substantial amounts of thermal coal. One posited in both paralic and limnic settings, mainly in deltaic
mine in the Comox coalfield is producing thermal coal. and alluvial plain environments. Tectonism associated with
Coal deposits in British Columbia range from Late Ju- mountain building has resulted in strongly faulted and
rassic to Tertiary in age, and occur in three of the six major folded coal measures in some coalfields.
tectonic belts: the Insular, Intermontane and Foreland
(Rocky Mountain) belts. The Upper Cretaceous Vancouver
Island coals are within the Insular Belt; the Jurassic and Cre-
Paper 1994-4 17
7 -
British Columbia
PEACE RIVER COALFIELD lithotypes are predominant, in others brighter lithotypes are
the most abundant, but generally banded lithotypes are char-
Coal deposits of the Peace River coalfield underlie the
acteristic of the Gates coals. The dull appearance of some
northern Inner Foothills belt, which extends northwestward
lithotypes is due either to the presence of mineral matter, or
for more than 300 kilometres from the Alberta - British Co-
an abundance of inertodetrinite and mineral matter, particu-
lumbia border east of Prince George (Figure 7). The coal
larly quartz (Kalkreuth et al., 1991) or close proximity to
deposits occur in four different geological formations, but clastic partings. According to Lamberson et al. (1991) dif-
the major coal measures of the region are in the Lower Cre-
ferences in lithotype stratigraphy are due to variations in
taceous Gething Formation and Gates Formation. Strati-
groundwater level as well as differences between wetland
graphic relationships and relative positions of coal seam are
types. These lithotypes represent a continuous range in de-
shown in Figure 8. The Gates Formation contains 70% of
positional environment from forest swamps (dry and wet)
the commercially attractive coal measures (Smith, 1989)
to dry, herbaceous or shrubby marshes.
and accounts for all the current production. Coals of the Ju-
rassic-Cretaceous Minnes Group and the Upper Cretaceous Coal seams in the upper part of the Lower Cretaceous
Wapiti Formation are currently considered economically Gething Formation are in general composed predominantly
unattractive. of bright lithotypes. The reported maceral analysis for these
seams shows that they are rather low (mean 66%) in vitrinite
Structurally, the area is characterized by folding and content and high in inertinite macerals, mainly semifusinite
thrust faulting, resulting in thickening of some of the coal and micrinite. The mineral matter content is exceptionally
seams. The least structural deformation is observed in the low. Carbonate minerals (mostly calcite) occur in cleats and
coal seam in the Wapiti Formation. In terms of coal quality, fill cavities in semifusinite and fusinite; clays occur more
most of the seams in the region are classified as medium- rarely and are associated with massive vitrinite (Cook,
volatile bituminous with excellent coking characteristics 1972).
and low sulphur. The rank of coals in the Gates and Gething
formations is in the range high-volatile A to low-volatile, The coal at the base of the Upper Cretaceous Wapiti
whereas the Wapiti Formation coal is much lower rank, Formation is the only seam in this formation with possible
high-volatile C bituminous. economic potential. However, it contains large amounts of
mineral matter both from the dirt bands (partings) and in-
Lower Cretaceous Gates Formation seams are charac- herent in the coal.
terized by relatively low vitrinite and high inertinite con-
tents with negligible liptinite (Lamberson et al., 1991;
Kalkreuth et al., 1991). The lithotype composition of coal EAST KOOTENAY COALFIELDS
seams is highly variable, reflecting various depositional The economic coal-bearing strata in southeast British
conditions during peat formation. In some seams, banded Columbia (Figure 7) are confined to the Mist Mountain For-
Hullcross Fm.
Gates Frn.
Moosebar Fm.
Gething Fm.
Cadomin Frn.
Minnes Group
Vertical Scale
7 7 7 1
Figure 8. Stratigraphic relationships and relative coal seam positions in the Peace River coalfield.
Paper 1994-4 19
Plate 6. Line Creek seams -coal- hearing strata exposed in the highwall.
Subsequent folding and thrust faulting have severely de- 0.50 metre in thickness (Matheson, 1990; Kenyon et al.,
formed the coal-bearing strata. 1991). Coal zone 3 isin the Dunsmuir Member and is nearly
Coal seams considered here are from Hobbit-Broatch 35 metres above zone 2. This zone contains seams locally
and Lost-Fox deposits on the Klappan property. The coal is up to 3 metres thick(Smith, 1989). Coal zone4, withathick-
anthracitic in rank and the ash content in raw coal ranges ness of 1 metre, is the uppermost coal bed and occurs only
from 14 to 42%. with an average of 29.5%. The coals are locally. Current Quinsam coal mine production is mainly
moderately hard, with an average grindability index of 54. from seam No.1 (Grieve, 1992).
Coals in the Comox coalfield are predominantly high-
COMOX C O A L m L D volatile AandB bituminous in rank (Smith, 1989). Quinsam
The Comox coalfield is on the east side of Vancouver coal mine produces thermal coal with 13.5% ash and 1.0%
Island (Figure 7). The coals are within the Cumberland and sulphur (Grieve, 1992). These coals are relatively hard (av-
Dunsmuir members of the Comox Formation, which is part erage Hardgrove Grindability Index = 48).
of the Upper Cretaceous Nanaimo Group. Commercially,
Quinsam coals are of semibright to bright composition.
the most attractive coal measures are in the Quinsam basin,
sitc of the Quinsam mine. Four coal zones arc recognized No.] seam is very hard, banded dull to banded bright coal
with inclusions of coaly mudstone and finely disseminated
here (Kenvon era/.. 1991LThc twolowermostzones.(l
\ , . and
pyrite (Kenyon et aL, 1991). In places, I-seam coal pro-
2) occur in a succession of siltstones of the Cumberland
Member. The No.1 zone consists of the No.1 seam, with an duced from the open pit does not need to be washed due to
average thickness of 2.3 metres, and a rider seam with a its inherently low ash content. These coals also produce very
thickness of 0.40 metre. In zone 2, coal bands are 0.20 to few fines due to their relative hardness.
Classical washability parameters were used to compare WASHABILITY OF COAL SEAMS FROM
washability characteristics of different seams: yield of clean DIFFERENT GEOLOGICAL
coal, corresponding yield of rejects, and the amount of near- FORMATIONS
gravity material for a desired clean coal product. For the Washability variations are very common in coal seams
comparison, 10% ash in the clean coal was chosen as the from British Columbia coalfields. The range of variation in
grade of the coal product. The comparisons were done be- yield of clean coal for a number of seams from different
tween different coalfields, geological formations, seams and formations is presented in Figure 10. Figures 10a and lob
lithotypes. show seams from the Mist Mountain and Gates formations;
Figures lOc,d,e,f and g present clean coal data for the re-
Degree of washing and washability numbers were also maining formations and coalfields.
compared for coal seams belonging to the same and differ- Comparison of yields of clean coal at a preselected ash
ent formations within one coalfield, and between seams level (10% ash) for a number of seams in British Columbia
from different coalfields. Washability of lithotypes within can be made from the data in Table 5. In the table seams are
the same seam related to their petrographic composition listed in stratigraphic order for each property (A to 0),in
and, whenever possible, linked to the changes in deposi- 100 or 200-metre intervals. Thin lines separate seams from
tional environment during the seam formation. different properties within stratigraphic positions which are
marked by thick lines. Mist Mountain and Gates formations
In British Columbia, metallurgical coal must be bene- are the most represented among all geological formations
ficiated to remove mineral matter and produce a high-qual- and are the most productive. Other formations are repre-
ity, uniform and saleable coal product. The higher rank of sented by seams from random stratigraphic positions.
thermal coals produced from some British Columbia coal- Yield of clean coal at selected ash levels is influenced
fields allows for less cleaning. by the mineral matter within the coal, but also by the rock
material from the floor and roof of the seam introduced dur-
The geological settings of most of the coal seams in
ing mining or sampling. Low yield of clean coal at a par-
British Columbia are complex. Coal seams from mountain- ticular ash level is not synonymous with difficult
ous regions are especially difficult to mine and process. The washability characteristics. The amount of near-gravity ma-
most common problem encountered during the handling terial at the density of separation for a specific clean coal
and processing of these coals is their tendency to disinte- product is believed to be a practical indicator of ease of
grate. Size degradation of bituminous coals has been attrib- washing, and these values are also included in Table 5.
uted to the natural fissuring and fracture structure in these The best indicators of inherent washing characteristics
coals (Mikhail and Patching, 1980). Fractures and fissures are washability number and the parameters associated with
it, as discussed earlier. These data are presented in Table 6,
have been caused mostly by tectonic movements, leading to
grouped the same way as in Table 5.
compression and tension, and resulting in shearing.
Sheared seams are usually more difficult to wash, es- MIST MOUNTAIN FORMATION
pecially when the shear plane is in contact with the coal A number of coal seams in the Mist Mountain Forma-
seam. Dissemination of floor or roof rock through the coal tion were examined for their washability characteristics (Ta-
seam makes it difficult to distinguish between sheared rock bles 5 and 6). A total of 33 seams have been studied; some
of the bulk samples represent current producing seams,
and coal. Very often the mineral matter is intimately inter- while other data were obtained from exploration reports.
mixed with coal, and as a result is very difficult to remove Raw ash content for these seams varies from 8.37 to 5 1.12%,
during cleaning (Bustin, 1982). with an average of 28.91%. Yield of clean coal at 10% ash
Difficulty in washing British Columbia coals is related ranges from 23.94 to loo%, with an average of 68.16%.
to the middling-stype quality of coarse fractions produced The average amount of near-gravity material at the den-
from these coals. Large amounts of fines also contribute to sity of separation for clean coal at 10% ash, is 8.92%. The
highest values are for seams at the bottom of the formation,
difficulty in cleaning as there are fewer and less efficient with some as high as 56.9% (Table 5). This trend is also
methods to clean fines as compared to coarse coal. These evident in the data presented on Figure 11. It is apparent that
factors significantly increase the overall cost of a coal clean- seams at the bottom of the formation must be cleaned at a
ing operation. lower density, with larger amounts of near-gravity material,
Paper 1994-4 21
British Columbia
53 61 35 19 1 56 13.00 60.68
200 metres 80.56 19.13 1.91 0.10 76.39
89.02 17.41 1.79 1.47 75.26 1
Paper 1994-4 23
Density of Separation for 10% - A s h Coal Denslty of Separation for 10% - Ash C o a l
Figure 11. Variations in the ease of washing for seams in the Mist Figure 12. Variations in the ease of washing for Gates Formation
Mountain Formation; density of separation for 10% ash versus seams; density of separation for 10% ash versus near-gravity
near-gravity material at the cut point. material at the cut point.
to obtain a 10% ash product. The large amount of near- and near-gravity material is 6.44%. Whether this represents
gravity material contributes to the difficulty in cleaning of a regional trend is not known at this time.
these coals. An improvement in ease of washing is espe-
cially obvious in seams located above 200 metres from the GATES FORMATION
base of formation. Coal seams in the Gates Formation are usually thick
The variations in washability characteristics of Mist and continuous. The formation reaches up to 350 metres in
Mountain coal seams are not only stratigraphic but also lat- thickness at the southeast end of the Peace River coalfield,
and thins to about 60 metres to the northwest. Commercially
eral. Washability data for two stratigraphic sections of the
important coal seams occur in the southern part of the coal-
formation, 75 kilometres apart, are shown in Tables 7 and 8. field and extend to north of the Bullmoose mine (Figure 8;
There is a more obvious trend in improving ease of washing Grieve, 1992). Eighteen Gates coal seams were examined
for seams towards the top of the formation in the southern in this study, representing the entire stratigraphic section
part of the coalfield. There is very little indication of corre- from throughout the coalfield. Classical washability data for
lation in washability characteristics between these seams. In Gates coals are presented in Table 5. Coal seams on property
effect, seams at the same stratigraphic position have differ- G are from the southeast end of the coalfield; whereas prop-
ent washability characteristics. Generally, washability of erty K is located at the northwest end.
seams from the property in the southern part of the coalfield Raw ash in these seams varies from 9 to 46.9%, with
is much better than seams in the northern part. The average an average of 23.13%. Yield of clean coal at 10% ash ranges
washability number for all seams in the formation from the from 37.08 to 100%, and averages 76.4%, with the average
southern property is 75.4, with near-gravity material at the amount of near-gravity material near the cut point at 8.45%.
density of separation at 10% ash equal to 3.3%. For seams Variation in the ease of obtaining 10% ash for raw Gates
from the northern property, the washability number is 50.6, coals is illustrated in Figure 12. The density of separation
Paper 1994-4 25
British Columbia
from the upper seams, but difficulty will be encountered of southeast British Columbia, and the Lower Cretaceous
when a lower ash product is needed. Gates Formation of northeast British Columbia. Plates 7 and
8 shaIW sampling from seams at Quintette and Green hills
Two seams from the Klappan coalfield were studied.
- ~~~..... .-.~.
mine!r. The seams selected were Greenhills 16 seam and
Quintette u ana c seams. A roral or
~~~ ~~~ ~P.0 ....~-.~~~~
l a nrnorype samples
They are from the middle part of the anthracite-bearing se- from Greenhills and 15 samples from Quintette were ana-
lyzed. The!se represented six lithotypes: bright; banded
quence, but they account for almost 70% of the mineable
bright; bancled coal; banded dnll; dnll and sheared coal.
reserves identified to date. Despite the fact that these seams ... . .
Washab~utynUmbeIS ancl associatea parameters for
are close together stratigraphically, the washability of one
is far superior to the other (Tables 5 and 6).The washability these lithotype samples are presented in Table 9.
number for one seam is higher by a factor of two. The seam Greenhills seam 16 is composed predominantly of
with the lower washability number has quite a high ash con- banded lithotypes, with banded bright the most abundant.
tent at the optimum cut point, and this contributes to the The base of the seam is banded dull, but not until the middle
difficulty in cleaning this coal. Klappan coals are anthraci- of the seam does the coal change from being predominantly
tic; the higher density of anthracite requires cleaning at a banded bright to predominantly banded dull. Dull lithotypes
higher specific gravity. are common near the top. Quintette seams D and E are also
composed of predominantly banded lithotypes. Lithotype
composition of seam E changes from banded bright at the
Paper 1994-4 27
bottom, to mainly dull and banded dull in the middle, to
banded bright and banded coal, becoming duller and
sheared near the top. A similar trend is observed in Quintette
seam D; the base of the seam is composed predominantly of
banded bright and banded coal, then becomes duller towards
the middle. The seam brightens up again towards the top,
but becomes duller and sheared in the uppermost part of the
The highest washability numbers and the lowest clean-
coal ash values (at the optimum) are associated with the
bright lithotypes in all three seams. There is an evident trend
in the decrease of washability numbers from bright to dull
lithotypes. This is accompanied by an increase in ash at op-
timum, and this is more consistent for lithotypes from Quin-
tette seams. The average washability numbers for all
lithotypes from Greenhills 16 seam are much higher than
for the same lithotypes from Quintette D and E seams. The
average washability number for bright lithotypes for Green-
hills samples, for example, is three times greater than for
Quintette seams, with the clean coal at optimum values sig-
nificantly lower.
Sheared coal in the Greenhills seam has a degree-of-
washing value similar to that of bright coal, but with amuch
higher ash of clean coal at the optimum, and a washability
number between that of banded coal and banded dull. For
Quintette seams, the washability number of sheared coal is
similar to that of banded dull, while degree of washing cor-
Plate 8. Sampling lithotypes at Greenhills. responds to the banded bright lithotype. The raw ash content
for the sheared coal from Greenhills and Quintette is the
Bright (3)
Banded Bright (6)
Banded coal (5)
Banded Dull (3)
Dull (1)
Sheared (1)
WN - Washability Number
N (opt) - degree of washing at optimum
d (opt) - density of separation at optimum
CC (opt) - clean coal ash at optimum
( ) -numbers of samples analyzed
highest. However the clean coal at optimum value is much matter associated with coal. An interesting maceral trend
higher for the Quintette seams. was observed in lithotypes from Greenhills seaml6: the ra-
The variations in brightness of lithotypes in these seams tio of vitrinite A to vitrinite B decreases toward duller litho-
is a result of changing maceral composition, from vitrinite types. Abundance of vitrinite A, representing structured
rich (bright) to intertinite rich (duller), and generally an in- vitrinite macerals, indicates a more preserving depositional
crease in ash content from bright to dull lithotypes (Lam- environment, and reflects depositional conditions with less
berson et al., 1991; Holuszko, 1992). Due to the fact that frequent changes in water level. This environment is char-
mineral matter (ash) has a major influence on the washabil- acterized by less mineral matter deposition. Vitrinite B, rep-
ity number, lithotypes having a dull appearance as a direct resented by vitrodetrinite and vitrinite associated with other
result of a higher mineral matter content show more dra- macerals and mineral matter, indicates coal of detrital ori-
matic changes in washability numbers than those whith a gin, usually characterized by more degraded organic matter
dull appearance that is due to a change in petrographic com- and a higher mineral matter content.
position. It is not always the amount of mineral matter (raw Comparisons of lithotypes from the Greenhills and
ash), however, but its association with the coal that contrib- Quintette seams show that washability numbers for the same
utes to the change in washability characteristics. Two differ- lithotypes are much higher for Greenhills 16 seam than for
ent lithotypes with very similar petrographic compositions Quintette D and E seams. This may indicate that the Green-
and ash contents were found to have different washability hills seam was deposited in less turbulent conditions than
characteristics. In one lithotype, mineral matter was dis- the Quintette seams. According to Cameron (1972) for ex-
seminated throughout the coal, whereas in the other it was ample, seams in the upper part of the Mist Mountain For-
epigenetic. The disseminated occurrence of mineral matter mation (Greenhills seam 16), were accumulated in an upper
made one lithotype look duller and contributed to the diffi- delta plain environment. Coal seams in the Gates Formation
culty in washing. are believed to have formed in depositional settings ranging
Assuming that washability numbers indicate variation from coastal swamp to upper delta plain (Kalkreuth et al.,
in depositional environment, the actual decrease in the mag- 1991). The coastal swamp coals are characterized by vari-
nitude of this number, in conjunction with the increase in able lithotype sequences (brightening-up, dulling-up).
clean-coal ash at the optimum in moving towards the duller Seam D from Quintette, however, was formed on a coastal
lithotypes, indicates a change from a wet forest swamp to plain, more open to clastic influx than seam 16 at Greenhills
an open marsh environment (Lamberson e t al., 1991; Kalk- (Kalkreuth et al., 1991). This resulted in a higher content of
reuth e t al., 1991). This trend is usually evidenced by mineral matter intermixed with coal, and contributed to
changes in maceral composition and the amount of mineral more difficult washing characteristics.
Paper 1994-4 29
British Columbia
Paper 1994-4 31
It is also evident that it is not the amount of mineral sedimentary origins of the coal. Washability number and
matter, but rather its association with the coal, that deter- parameters associated with it can also be related to indices
mines the washing characteristics Of a particular seam. The derived from rnaceral composition, leading to conclusions
disseminated occurrences of mineral matter usually affect about the depositional environment of the coal.
both the appearance of the coal as well as its washability
characteristics. This is why there is a strong correlation be- Washability number defines inherent washability char-
tween lithology and washability characteristics of the seam. acteristics and, as such, may be used as a valuable index in
The same lithotypes from different coals may, however, dis- many technological applications, as discussed in the follow-
play different washability characteristics, due to different ing chapter.
Use of the washability number extends the scope of tion can help in assessing the mode of association of mineral
application of standard coal quality data, especially in as- matter with coal (Sarkar and Das, 1974). It may be practical
pects related to coal processing. In fact, it was suggested by to use the ratios of the washability number of the coarse coal
Grounds (in Sarkar and Das, 1974) that washability number (of specified top size) to the washability numbers at various
should be included in the list of indices used to characterize levels of crushing, as a valuable parameter characterizing
coals (e.g., caking index, shatter index or Hardgrove index). coal or even performance of size reduction equipment. The
The washability number is often a good parameter for ratio of washability number at any particular level of crush-
correlation of coal seams in accordance with their washa- ing to that of the critical top size should be significant in
bility characteristics, for developing sedimentation patterns describing coal liberation characteristics, and also should
for coalfields, and even for prediction of coal quality (ash correlate with grindability index.
distribution patterns, etc.; Sarkar et al., 1977). In any processing operation where inherent washability
Washability analyses are costly and time consuming, properties of coal are important, use of washability number
and the ability to predict washability from small samples or will be of great benefit. With blending, for example, where
lithological descriptions of coal seams is a very attractive raw or clean coals are mixed in order to ensure consistency
feature of washability number. Estimating washability of in coal quality, it is necessary to take into account a number
coal seams from small samples using washability number of coal quality parameters which affect either the washabil-
was discussed by Ryan (1992). Prediction of seam washa- ity or the eventual product specification. For thermal coals
bility from washability of lithotypes has also been discussed it is the ash content and the heating value of the desired
by Holuszko, (1992). product, while for metallurgical coals, ash and swelling and
For every coal within a specified size range, there is an plastic properties are critical. Due to the fact that conditions
optimal density cut point for separation, which distinguishes for obtaining desired ash-level products do not necessarily
free from fixed mineral matter. Degree of washing and correspond to the optimum conditions of separation, defin-
washability number represent this optimal condition for ing the blending ratios based on these parameters is not al-
separation. Theoretically, the maximum advantage could be ways the best approach.
expected for separation at this point. In practice, however,
the separation at optimum may not necessarily correspond Coals which are easy to wash usually have high yields
to the level of ash in clean coal which is required by com- of low density material, very little middlings and some
mercial specifications. amount of liberated or free impurities. For these coals, low-
density material usually has a very low ash content and, as
It has been shown that the size of coal generally influ- a result, achieving a certain ash level (e.g., 10%) leads to a
ences washability characteristics. Therefore, washability situation where rock material must be added to meet product
number, degree of washing and ash at the optimum of sepa- specifications. Using the washability number as a blending
ration vary with the top size of crushing. For some British parameter allows the use of the least amount of the best
Columbia coals a decrease in the top size of coal during quality coal in the most beneficial way in composing the
crushing usually increases the washability number, and low- blends.
ers the ash in the clean coal at the optimum density of sepa-
ration. For others, reducing the top size leads to From a knowledge of variability in washability num-
deterioriation in washability characteristics, as discussed in bers it may be possible for the coal process engineer to make
earlier sections. This results from reaching the critical top decisions on the size of crushing, method of blending and
size below which there is no advantage in further crushing. even on designing specific cleaning operations for a particu-
Other studies show that systematic calculation of lar coal. There are probably other useful applications of
washability numbers and corresponding ash of clean coal at washability number in coal processesing and utilization,
optimum degree of washing at various levels of size reduc- which should be explored in the future.
Paper 1994-4 33
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