Journalism of Courage: SINCE 1932

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SINCE 1932



Rs1.05lakhcr:GSTcollections Many ways to dupe a poor student:

steal IDs, lie about source of funds,
upagain,nowat8-monthhigh pocket most of it — all officially
But overall, data show y-o-y 20.2% decline during Apr-Oct

andreconciliationforbusinesses Festival THE
CONTINUING TO post a year-on-
EXPLAINS indirect tax regime.
In October 2019, GST rev- THE UPTICK in October is
year increase for the second
month in a row, gross Goods and
Nilesh Shah
From The Indian Express panel
cent to Rs 95,380 crore, marking
due to the pick-up in eco-
nomic activity for the fes- ABHISHEK ANGAD Jharkhand CM
Services Tax (GST) collections
rose 10.2 per cent to an eight-
of specialists, exclusive insight the third instance of a contrac-
tion since the July 2017 rollout of
tival season, the unlock-
down and a September
RAMGARH, LOHARDAGA, orders probe:
month high of Rs 1.05 lakh crore
inOctober,forsalesinSeptember. BEGINNINGS OF the GST regime.
The pick-up in gross GST rev-
deadline for annual rec-
onciliation of input tax
‘action soon’
An uptick in economic activ-
ity with the easing of Covid re- RECOVERY enues in October reflected the 9
per cent growth in revenues
credit for businesses.
Collections after Novem-
INSIDE THEIR unplastered two-
room house in the dense
strictions, along with a low base EXPLAINED from import of goods and 11 per ber will indicate whether Behratoli area of Ranchi, Rashid JharkhandCMHemantSorenholdsacopyof TheIndianExpress ABHISHEK ANGAD
effect and a September 30 dead- PAGE 10 cent growth in revenues from the trend is sustainable. Ansari, a mason, and his wife reportatapressconferenceinDumkaonSunday. Express RANCHI, NOVEMBER 1
line for claiming input tax credit CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Salma Khatun, are badly shaken.
They have just come to know TAKING NOTE of an ongoing in-
ity money from Saudi Arabia”, of
Aadhaar obtained, account vestigationbyTheIndianExpress,
which has revealed several cases

Hizb commander in Valley killed in

Rs 10,700 each that came into
their accounts, was part of a
statewide scam targeting a na-
hijacked, and hostel faked offraudbyanexusofmiddlemen,
school staff, and state govern-

gunbattle, police call it big success

tionalscholarshipschemeformi- funds from a Central scholarship
nority school students. ABHISHEK ANGAD forminoritystudentsinthestate,
Andthattheyareamongsev- RANCHI, DHANBAD, LATEHAR, Jharkhand Chief Minister
eral unsuspecting victims de- RAMGARH, LOHARDAGA, Hemant Soren on Sunday or-
frauded by a nexus of middle- SAHIBGANJ, NOVEMBER 1 deredaprobeintothe“bigscam”.
BASHAARAT MASOOD men, bank staff, school Speaking to reporters in
SRINAGAR, NOVEMBER 1 authorities, and state govern- FROM 102 beneficiaries in a Dumka,Sorensaid:“Wehavejust
ment employees to siphon off school that never applied for got to know about the scam and
IN A major setback to the Hizbul money from the Pre-Matric benefits to students whose reli- The in-charge at the very soon, there will be action.”
Mujahideen,themilitantoutfit’s Scholarship initiative under the gion waschangedin therecords, Assembly of God Church SpeakingtoTheIndianExpress
operations chief in the Valley Union Ministry of Minority an investigation by The Indian School in Ranchi has been later,Sorenreferredtotheinves-
was killed in a gunfight with a Affairs. Express hasrevealedmultiplein- suspended. Abhishek Angad tigation,whichreportedonalet-
team of J&K Police and paramil- This is just one of their meth- stances of fraud and corruption tersentinJuly2019bytheCentre
itary forces at Rangreth on the ods. An investigation by The acrossJharkhandinthedistribu- to the then Jharkhand Chief
outskirts of Srinagar on Sunday. Indian Express has found schools tion of pre-matric scholarships Here is the second set of cases: Secretary warning of “repeated
Saif-ul-Islam Mir alias Dr fudging data, even changing the for 2019-20 sanctioned by the SARFARAZ DEVELOPMENT attemptstosubvert”theNational
BUSINESS AS USUAL Saifullah had taken over as the religion of students to show Union Ministry of Minority ACADEMY MISSION HIGH ScholarshipPortal.“The(current)
chief of the Hizb in the Valley af- CONTINUEDONPAGE6 Affairs through the National SCHOOL, KURGI, RANCHI: Chief Secretary has taken cog-
BY UNNY ter the killing of Riyaz Naikoo in Near the encounter site in Srinagar Sunday. Shuaib Masoodi Scholarship Portal (NSP). RecordsshowthatRohitKujjur,a nizance of the matter. It seems
Maythisyear,andwasoneof the Over the last month, this Class 10 student, received Rs the matter was flagged last year
most wanted militants in TOMORROW: newspaper tracked 15 schools 10,700 in his Jharkhand State and we will get to the bottom of
Kashmir. doned off the Rangreth neigh- team of the Army’s 53 Rashtriya SCAM SLIPPED acrosssixdistrictsinthestateand Cooperative Bank account for it,” he said.
Early on Sunday morning, bourhood after specific inputs Rifles also joined the operation UNDER RADAR spoke to over 30 students, par- hostel students. “I had given my Theinvestigationalsopointed
policeandCentralReservePolice about the presence of the mili- subsequently, police said. DESPITE RED FLAGS entsandschoolauthoritiestoin- fingerprints and Aadhaar details to a failure in several layers of
Force (CRPF) personnel cor- tant commander in the area. A CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 vestigatethelistof beneficiaries. CONTINUEDONPAGE6 CONTINUED ON PAGE 6

Other side of APMC repeal: Bihar

farmers want mandis, ‘like Punjab’
woman with IN 2006, Nitish Kumar’s govern-

self-respect mentrepealedBihar’sAgricultu-
ral Produce Market Committee THE EXPRESS
will die: Cong
(APMC) Act allowing crops to be
freely traded outside the state’s
regulated mandis.
chief in Kerala But 14 years on — when the
Narendra Modi government at Aggregator Saroj Kumar and
the Centre has enacted a law dis- farmer Gaurav Kumar (left) CHARACTER’
SHAJU PHILIP mantlingthemonopolyof APMC both say mandis would help J P NADDA
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, mandis all over India and Nitish them. Harish Damodaran BJP PRESIDENT

THE PRESIDENT of the Kerala

unit of the Congress on Sunday
called a woman who had ac- US vote tomorrow, surge in gun
purchases amid fears of violence
cused several leaders and min-
isters of the previous Congress-
led UDF government of raping
her, a “prostitute” – but back-
tracked soon after and apolo- is no way I could have saved my
gised at the same public event. KARISHMA MEHROTRA life that day if they had pulled
Addressing an Opposition NEW YORK CITY, NOVEMBER 1 the guns on me," says Benson, a
protestmeetingagainsttheCPM- Black himself, adding, "I feel that
led LDF government, Kerala PCC
a “reluctant gun owner”. A 34-
my hand was forced.”
said: “The Chief Minister should THE WHITE year-old from Pennsylvania, are doing the same, buying guns
not think that he can escape by
fielding a prostitute to tell stories
HOUSE Benson had planned a Black
Lives Matter protest this sum-
for the first time, in the midst of
widespread protests, a polarised
against UDF leaders. Kerala is mer.The50people whoshowed country and a pandemic, all of
tired of hearing this. EXPRESS up on his side were matched by which have added to the tension
“That is a woman who had
lamented that she was raped IN THE US almost 300 counter-protesters
carrying Trump flags and hold-
leading up to the November 3
presidential election.
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 ing large automatic rifles. “There CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

Multiple peaks on road ahead:

experts’ Covid insight in book
PAGE 1 Lahariya, three of India’s leading
ANCHOR healthcare experts, in a forth-
coming book titled Till We Win:
India's Fight Against Covid-19
Pandemic (publishedbyPenguin
KAUNAIN SHERIFF M Random House India).
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 1 DrGuleria,theAIIMSDirector,
■ Reduction in death rates is a and a member of the govern-
‘Problem deeper
goodsignbutnotlinkedtopeak- ment’s Covid-19 task force. Dr
ing of cases, and India might see Preparing for after-effects is Kangisaworldrenownedvaccine than this govt... rot
“multiple peaks”. the next stage: Guleria. Express andinfectiousdiseaseresearcher, over time... (But)
■ Chances of Covid-19 re-infec- andDrLahariyaisaleadingpublic Mrs Gandhi had
tion are very rare and in such policyandhealthsystemsexpert. some shame’
cases an individual only devel- These are some of the an- “This is a unique journey that ARUN SHOURIE
ops mild symptoms. swers to contentious questions all of us have gone through. FORMER UNION MINISTER,
■ Current evidence shows that revolvingaroundthecoronavirus None of us was fully prepared ECONOMIST, JOURNALIST,
a Covid-19 pre-symptomatic pandemic being offered by Dr either at the individual level or AUTHOR AND SOCIAL ACTIVIST
casecanbeasinfectiousasaper- Randeep Guleria, Dr Gagandeep as a country. PAGE 11
sonwithfull-fledgedsymptoms. Kang and Dr Chandrakant CONTINUED ON PAGE 2




■ CUSTOMIZABLE Embeddedwithintheinstitution,istheideathatstatelegislatureshavethepowertodecideonwhogetsto
How Covid, lockdowns
Indian Express
pushed thousands into
★★★★★ ■4.6
poverty in Mumbai
MP BYPOLLS: VOICES REVIEW: DYSON PURE In today’s episode we look at how a
FROM THE GROUND HUMIDIFY+COOL number of people have been pushed into
BJP-Congress only At Rs 55,900, it is among poverty in India’s financial capital due to
SCANTHISQRCODETO work for themselves, the more expensive Covid-19 and lockdowns.
say voters in state purifiers you can buy

Fugitive of law is FROM PAGE ONE

fugitive of society: Hizb commander On pre-symptomatic patients,

Rs 1.05 lakh cr: GST collections

the book raises a red flag, saying
Bengal governor As the security personnel
closed in on the house, the mili-
evidence from India suggests they
can be as infectious. “A small pro-

takes a dig at Gurung tant opened indiscriminate fire. In portion, maybe around one in

up again, now at 8-month high

the resulting gunfight, Mir was every 10 cases, would be pre-
killed. symptomatic or (have a) mild dis-
“This is a big success for police ease. The key point is people can
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE and security forces,” Inspector infect others (when) pre-sympto-
KOLKATA, NOVEMBER 1 General of Police (IGP) Kashmir matic, when they themselves do
Vijay Kumar said. “We have cap- domestictransactions,including businesses in September.” November as well.” State GST; Rs 52,540 crore not show any sign of disease. This
DAYS AFTER GJM leader Bimal Gurung made his first tured alive a suspect from the spot, the import of services. Experts said GST revenues Sequentially, GST revenue in Integrated GST, including Rs would be around two days before
publicappearanceinthreeyearsandvowedhissupport and we are questioning him”. Annualreconciliationsbefore areexpectedtoriseinNovember October recorded a 10.1 per cent 23,375 crore collected on import the first sign of disease appears...
to the TMC, Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar on Sunday Mir, a close aide of Naikoo, the September 30 deadline are as well but it needs to be seen if increasefromRs95,480crorecol- of goods;and,Rs8,011croreCess, There is also evidence that a re-
said “a fugitive of law is a fugitive of society”. took over as the Hizb’s operational also likely to have led to an in- the uptrend will sustain beyond lectedinSeptember.Cumulatively, including Rs 932 crore on import covered person can shed the virus
In 2017, Gurung was booked under murder charge chief after his killing on May 7. Mir, crease in the filing of returns in the festive month. theGSTrevenueshaverecordeda of goods, the statement said. from the upper respiratory tract
and other IPC sections, and the stringent Unlawful who belonged to Malangpora vil- September as companies would Pratik Jain, Partner & Leader, year-on-year20.2percentdecline The government settled Rs for up to three months after the
Activities (Prevention) Act after violence broke out in lage in South Kashmir’s Pulwama, haveaskedtheirvendorstofillin Indirect Tax, PwC India, said: during April-October for sales in 25,091 crore to CGST and Rs illness.”
Darjeelingforaseparate‘Gorkhaland’state.Hesurfaced joined militant ranks in 2014, two and report missing transactions, “One of the reasons for the March-September. 19,427 crore to SGST from IGST On re-infection, the authors
on October 22 and snapped his ties with the BJP for al- years after Naikoo joined mili- tax experts said. higher number of returns could “The growth in GST revenue as regular settlement. After this, say, “Till now it is being inferred
legedlyrenegingonitspollpromiseanddecidedtoback tancy. Mir had a diploma in med- Abhishek Jain, Tax Partner, EY be the fact that the last date for as compared to that in months the total revenue earned by that even if a person is infected a
therulingpartyintheupcomingAssemblypolls. ical electronics from Industrial said:“Thisuptickincollectionson claiminginputcreditfor2019-20 of July, August and September, CentreisRs44,285croreasCGST second time, he or she is unlikely
AddressingapressconferenceinSiliguri,Dhankhar Training Institute (ITI) and had amonth-on-monthbasisandover was September 30 and a lot of 2020, of -14%, -8% and 5%, re- and by states is Rs 44,839 crore to develop serious disease in (the)
said, “Those who think of destroying democracy have worked as a technician in Srinagar. the same month last year is quite companies would have carried spectively, clearly shows the tra- as SGST, the Ministry said. second infection." The book says
beendestroyedinvariably.Nomatterhowbigyouare, Since Mir often helped treat in- a welcome one for the govern- out an yearly reconciliation and jectory of recovery of the econ- The detailed break-up for that in such cases they had seen
no one is above law.... A fugitive of law is a fugitive of jured militants, he was nick- ment and the economy in partic- asked their vendors to file re- omy and, correspondingly, of GST collections raised in various that the immune system re-
societyandmustbeuniformlytreated.Ifanyoneisnot named “Dr Saifullah” in militant ular. Some potential reasons for turns or report missing transac- revenues,” the Finance Ministry states showed that barring sponded quickly, and this showed
equal before the law, it is wrong. If I meet a wanted circles. After he took over the reins thissurgecouldbethedemandon tions. Given the festivities, col- said in a statement. Union Territories and some it won't affect vaccine develop-
criminal, I shall be at fault.” of Hizb, he was codenamed account of the festivities and in- lections in November could also Out of Rs 105,155 crore col- northeastern states, most states ment and efficacy.
He is on a month-long visit to Darjeeling to assess “Ghazi Haider”. put tax credit/ other similar rec- be robust. We would need to see lected in October, Rs 19,193 crore recorded a year-on-year growth On why men and people with
the ground realities in North Bengal Mir was believed to have es- onciliations which were due for if this trend continues after is Central GST; Rs 25,411 crore in October. co-morbidities are at a higher risk,
The Governor said just like the two major issues of caped with an injury from a fierce the experts state, “The reasons are
the country — Article 370 and construction of a Ram gunfight in Srinagar’s Nawakadal not fully understood... Researchers
temple in Ayodhya — the long-term issues of North neighborhood on May 19, in mediately after harvesting, had Sah’s firm Shiv Udyog owns no ents for unrest are present. The preferring to “shoot animals with have found that in Covid-19, the
Bengal would be solved constitutionally, in a apparent which his deputy Junaid Sehrai fetched Rs 1,200/quintal. The sec- warehouses, but has rented electorate is polarised, both sides my camera". He says his country immune response of men is
reference to the statehood demand by people of was killed. Police sources said Mir ond load, on May 7, had gone for godown spaces for storing 55,000 frame the stakes as existential, vi- has a “sick relationship with guns” mostly through cytokines and
Darjeeling which has witnessed many incidents of vi- would spent a lot of time in and Rs 1,060, and the third for Rs 1,020 bags (3,300 tonnes) of maize. olent actors could disrupt the and that they are “too easy to ob- chemokine. In women, the im-
olence on the issue. The BJP has, in its election mani- around Srinagar city. on May 29. His average realisation These have been pledged with process and protracted contesta- tain”. But, this year, he bought a mune response against Covid-19
festoes,promisedtofindapermanentpoliticalsolution Police said Mir was involved in in May 2019 had been Rs HDFC Bank, which has extended tion is possible." 9mm Magnum and a small caliber is considered to be driven by T-
to the statehood demand. “No matter how complex, several militant activities includ- 1,620/quintal, when the govern- him a 9.5% interest-bearing loan Earlier this month, the automatic rifle. cells... The T-cell dependent re-
complicatedandemotivetheproblemsare,theyarenot ing killings of policemen in South ment’s MSP was Rs 1,760. for 11 months against 85% of the Department of Homeland Security “I’m buying new guns, for the sponse is more balanced and nu-
biggerthanArticle370,morecomplicatedthantheRam Kashmir. “As per police records, Gaurav’s buyer is Saroj Kumar, stock value. named domestic violent extrem- first time in my life, because I don’t anced." On comorbidities too, the
temple and more emotive than the triple talaq issue. the said terrorist (Mir) was chief who aggregates about 20,000 Sah, like Jha, supplies to com- ism as a threat to the country. trust the GOP,” he said, referring book talks about T-cells, saying
Thesolutionshouldbefoundthroughapoliticallypru- operational commander of pro- quintals from 100-odd farmers in panies and also trades on his own Now, some segments on the to the Republican Party. that in many patients with such
dentandpragmaticapproach,”addedDhankhar. scribed terrorist outfit HM and Sapaha and surrounding villages. account. “Last May, I bought ‘A’ Left, including new groups like the conditions, these are not fully
The Trinamool Congress slammed the Governor, was active since 2014,” police said A small vyapari -- both he and grade maize at Rs 1,700/ quintal, Socialist Rifle Association and the Book on Covid functional. "The people with co-
saying he was working as a spokesperson of the BJP. in a statement. “He was involved Gaurav are Yadavs -- his firm Ansu which rose to Rs 2,200 by African American Gun We thought it was important morbidities also produce a spe-
in many terror crimes and civilian Traders supplies maize to feed December. This time, the price of Association, are also buying guns. to explain firsthand how we all cific type of protein, which acts as

Protest against proposed

atrocities besides was instrumen- millers as far as Palsana in what I stocked at Rs 1,220 has While he had no difficulty pur- sort of got together, pulled our a brake on the immune system
tal in recruiting innocent youth Rajasthan. “The grain I buy at Rs gone up to Rs 1,325-1,350, which chasing his shotgun and pistol, socks up, and fought our way and makes them prone to severe
into terror folds.” 1,100/quintal is delivered at Rs isn’t much after adding interest Benson says ammunition is in through the pandemic,” Guleria diseases,” the experts state.
felling of trees for Police said Mir was involved in
killing policemen in South
1,350 in Palsana. After deducting
the transport cost of Rs 180, load-
and storage,” he says.
What this means is that farm-
short supply. Previously $15 for 50
rounds, it is now running at $40.
told The Indian Express.
The book focuses on three Kerala PCC chief
Dehradun airport project Kashmir, a non-local truck driver
at Bijbehara, and a civilian in
ing and other expenses, I earn a Rs
30/quintal margin,” he says.
ers sell grain to the small vyapari,
who bags it and supplies to the
On Friday, Walmart pulled guns
and ammo from its shelves, citing
principal issues regarding the still
evolving pandemic: why Covid-19
across the state. One can under-
standif awomansaysshehasbeen
Shopian. “He was also involved in Saroj, himself an 8-bigha bigger commission agent-cum- the possibility of “civil unrest”. is not just another respiratory dis- rapedonce.If she’sonewithself re-
LALMANI VERMA an attack on Sarpanch in farmer from Thatha in Khagaria, trader. The processors/millers, in At the first presidential debate, ease; the public health response spect, she will die, otherwise our
DEHRADUN, NOVEMBER 1 Kokernag, grenade attacks on also believes Bihar needs APMC turn, only deal with the bada vya- President Donald Trump had re- and stories from the frontlines; society has the circumstances to
Police Post Kakapora & Police Post mandis “like those in Punjab and pari. They aren’t buying directly fused to explicitly denounce white and the future roadmap for the ensure it doesn’t happen again...”
ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVISTS and local residents on Lassipora,” police said. “Besides, Haryana”. Farmers can take their from farmers yet — despite Bihar’s nationalists. Asked if he will agree public, policymakers and physi- Ramachandranwasreferringto
Sunday protested outside Dehradun’s Jolly Grant he was also involved in many sim- tractor-trolleys to local mandis, Agricultural Produce Market to a peaceful transfer of power, cians given the long road ahead to the 2013 solar panel scam, in
Airport on Sunday against the proposed cutting of ilar terror crimes regarding which but it is beyond them to book for (Repealing) Act permitting it since Trump usually responds with vaccines. which businessmen and NRIs
more than 9,745 trees in Thano forest for expansion dozens of cases stand registered distant markets, he says, adding, 2006. claims of “voter fraud”. The book also deals with the were cheated by the accused who
of the airport. against him in different Police “In APMCs, there is trading and “I am now forced to sell to one The Second Amendment of after-effects of the infection, flaunted their connections at top
The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Stations”. proper pricing of not only ‘A’ grade vyapari, who pays me after 20-30 the US Constitution provides for termed Long Covid, which could levels of the then Oommen
Change (MoEF) had recently asked the Uttarakhand Godrej-Pass (a reference to maize days. We need a local APMC, the right to carry arms and has be the next crisis in the pandemic. Chandy government.
government to consider another area for the expan- APMC repeal bought by Godrej Agrovet, India’s where there are more buyers and been a political hot potato for “When we started, our main aim One of the accused in the case
sion. “Out of the 87.0185 ha proposed area to be di- is seeking a fourth full term — leading animal feed company), payment is made within two- much of the country’s history, was to ensure cases were low and had told police on Saturday that
verted, 47 ha area falls under MDF (moderately dense farmers in Bihar aren’t impressed. but also ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’ quality pro- three days,” sums up with gun control advocates pitted to prevent deaths. Now we have a Congress leader and former
forest)... (state government) may explore alternatives “Hamein yahan sarkari mandi duce. Even I will benefit from hav- Bhubaneswar Yadav. against gun rights groups. The lat- situation where we are realising Minister A P Anil Kumar had raped
for the proposal such as acquiring area lying north of aur MSP par khareed donon ing a shop in a regular market ter have touted in press releases that unlike in the case of a viral in- her several times in 2013.
existingrunway,”readaletterbytheMoEF’sforestcon- chahiye (We want both APMCs yard." US election this year that new gun owners are fection, in a large number of peo- Ramachandran said: “I was
servation division to the Uttarakhand Forest and MSP-based procurement Bihar’s sole functioning mandi FBI numbers till September increasingly Black or female. ple who have recovered, Covid-19 told by a senior police officer that
Department. “The entire proposed forest area for di- here),” says Bhubaneswar Yadav, — not an APMC any longer, it is run 2020 show that background Democratic nominee Joe Biden does lead to some degree of resid- you (Chief Minister Pinarayi
version falls within the Shivalik Elephant Reserve and who farms 10 acres at Tulsitol vil- by private traders with no formal checks, which are required to buy has been promising to bring back ual post-Covid sequela. In many Vijayan) are trying to come out
elephant corridors within its 1 km radius.” lage in Begusarai district. government oversight — is at guns, peaked in March (3.7 mil- a ban on assault weapons, in one this is very mild and they recover with a woman who is lamenting
Theexpansionprojectincludesdevelopmentofthe Yadav sells his maize and Gulab Bagh near Purnia. Till lion) and then in June (3.9 million of the most aggressive gun reform within a few weeks but in some, that she was raped across Kerala.
airport, parking area, a new ATC tower and extending wheat to Sunil Sah, a village-level around 2005-06, this “freest” total). Background checks till plans of any candidate. Biden had this can cause significant damage Chief Minister, do you have pride,
the existing runway to 3.5 km to meet international vyapari or produce aggregator. grain market of India daily han- September (28.8 million) have al- said at the time of a 1994 Bill that to organs like the lungs and heart, do you have shame? If you have
airport standards. “We had an APMC at Begusarai, dled three-four rail rakes, each ready surpassed last year's figures included the measure, "I hope that necessitating long-term rehabili- self-respect, you should resign
Holdingplacardsandwearingmasks,protesterson which is now shut. Even MSP pro- 2,600 tonnes, during the peak (28.4 million). A survey of cus- my Republican friends will not tation and increased care. We without waiting for a single day.’’
Sundaydemandedthattreesshouldnotbecutandthat curement of wheat at the PACS maize season from mid-April to tomers by a firearm trade associ- spend too much time with what need to move into the next phase After Ramachandran, who was
forest experts and local residents should have been (primary agricultural credit soci- mid-July. ation, the National Sports has been the issue on this legisla- of being able to provide long-term also a Minister in the UPA govern-
consultedduringtheplanningprocess.Runningsocial eties) here has stopped after 2015- “That is down to one rake, with Shooting Foundation, found that tion since the beginning... Six care,” Guleria said. ment at the Centre, returned to his
media campaigns to save the trees, activists said they 16,” he says. 80% of the farmers selling from 40% were first-time gun owners. years ago, it was guns. Five years He said they also dealt with seat however, other Congress
will also launch a mass awareness campaign soon. Official data corroborates this: within 20-25 km range and the The states with the largest num- ago, it was guns. Four years ago, it challenges on the vaccine front in leaders flagged the distasteful ref-
Out of the 389.92 lakh tonnes (lt) balance local vyaparis. Gulab bers lean both Republican and was guns. Last night it was guns. the book. “There is a lot of hope erences to the woman in his
wheat that government agencies Bagh, too, will become history in Democrat. This morning it was guns. And that we will have vaccines early speech, which had been telecast
Man held for purchased from last year’s crop
this April-June, Bihar’s contribu-
due course,” predicts Nawal
Kishore Jha, a grain trader and
The last peak in similar back-
ground checks was in 2016, the
right now, it’s guns. It’s guns, guns,
guns, guns, guns.”
next year. However, a lot of
changes will happen as we go
live. Ramachandran then decided
to express “unconditional regret”.

posing as cop to tion was a paltry 5,000 tonnes --

as against Madhya Pradesh’s
129.42 lt, Punjab’s 127.14 lt,
commission agent at Balia.
A hint of what lies in store post
APMC changes can be had from
previous US election, of 27.5 mil-
“I’m not a big fan of carrying a
Like many of Biden’s agendas,
his opinions follow centrist
Democratic evolutions over the
along. We have many vaccine can-
didates and the first one may not
be the best and we may have
“As my remarks were con-
strued as anti-women by certain
quarters, I express my regret un-
collect Covid fines Haryana’s 74 lt, Uttar Pradesh’s
35.77 lt and Rajasthan 22.25 lt.
the operations of this 52-year-old
B.Com pass from Begusarai’s G.D.
gun. But I want to have the ability
to express this right,” Benson said.
decades. However, in a repeated
pattern, calls for increased gun
more immunogenic and safer vac-
cines subsequently... Therefore...
conditionally,’’ he said.
However, the Kerala Women’s
But don't agricultural market College. Jha’s firm Hanuman “This year has been incredible as control, like under President how do we decide if we will have Commission registered a case
reforms give farmers the freedom Bhandar does an annual business far as social unrest and as far as Barack Obama, have often led to one vaccine or multiple vaccines against Ramachandran. “The re-
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE to sell to anyone, anywhere and of 10,000-12,000 tonnes of maize, questioning our values and what increased gun sales. or will different groups receive peated anti-women statements of
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 1 anytime? 10,000 tonnes of wheat and 2,000 we are willing to do to protect our- What has raised the opposi- different vaccination, and how do political leaders is an insult to
“Kya azadi? Hum apna fasal tonnes of soyabean. He sources selves is concerned.” tion to guns are incidents of school we distribute them to the entire Kerala. Such statements cannot be
A23-YEAR-OLDmanhasbeenarrestedforallegedly Gulab Bagh aur Dalkhola tak bhi grain from 10-20 smaller vyaparis The probability of drawn-out shooting. While these date back to population. These issues are ad- allowed. His apology was not sin-
impersonating as a police officer and issuing fake nahin le ja sakte hain. Kahan and supplies to companies as far election results is adding to the before the Trump presidency, in- dressed to some extent." cere,” Commission chairperson M
Covid challans in Ashok Vihar. Kalkatta, Dilli aur Mumbai (What away as Chhattisgarh and Madhya anxiety. Benson says several of his cluding the 1990s Columbine On when the country will hit C Josephine said.
Accordingtopolice,theaccused,UpenderSingh, freedom? We can’t afford to take Pradesh. Jha also has his own acquaintances are pondering gun shooting, in the last four years, the peak, the authors say they ex- Health and Social Justice
who was wearing a police uniform, allegedly issued our produce even to Gulab Bagh 6,400 sq ft godown with 1,200 ownership, worried there may be student survivors have taken on pect multiple peaks. “However, it Minister K K Shailaja took strong
fake challans to two persons for violating social dis- in Bihar’s Purnia and Dalkhola in tonnes capacity. a "civil war". “When you watch gun control as their primary ad- cannot be said how many and exception to Ramachandran’s
tancing norms. Later, when a security guard at the West Bengal’s Uttar Dinajpur dis- Another example of a some- the other side not care about the vocacy, leading school walkouts when...Whether those were peak comment that a rape victim with
entrance asked Singh's name and rank, he left the tricts, forget Delhi, Mumbai and what big or bada vyapari is Bablu rule of law, you think about how and major protests. or not and how many peaks hap- self-respect would end her life.
spot. The guard got suspicious and immediately Kolkata),” retorts Gaurav Kumar. Kumar Sah from Maheshkhunt in much these people are willing to John, who requested that his pened, that can be answered (only “Only persons with a dangerous
called the local police. This farmer, from Sapaha vil- Khagaria. A Teli (oil-presser) by take. It’s really a culture war.” last name be removed, grew up at) the end of the pandemic.” They mentality can say such things. Do
DCP(Northwest)VijayantaAryasaid,“Weformed lage in Khagaria district, has just caste, he handles roughly 10,000 Four days ago, the around old rifles in a hunting fam- also state that it's not necessary rape victims who do not commit
ateamandseveralraidswereconductedinthearea. sold his last 60-quintals lot of tonnes of maize and 2,500 tonnes International Crisis Group of pol- ily. But, his father refused to buy that the places where cases and suicide have no self-respect? Did
The accused was then identified and apprehended. maize from total produce of 240 wheat every year — again pro- icymakers and researchers handguns saying “they were only deaths have gone down are those he mean that? Politicians should
We found the fake police uniform and also four reg- quintals at Rs 1,100/quintal. His cured from village-level aggrega- warned, “As the U.S. presidential good for killing humans”. The 45- which have already reached the not repeatedly make such anti-
istrationplateswhichhewasusingonhisSwiftcar.” first 60 quintals, sold on May 2 im- tors. election approaches, the ingredi- year-old quit hunting in his 20s, peak. women comments,’’ Shailaja said.




Nehru for
complicating ‘Black Day’ observed; ministers wear
Kashmir issue
is propaganda
to some extent
black bands, attack Karnataka govt
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE PUNE, NOVEMBER 1 The Karnataka All ministers of
MUMBAI, NOVEMBER 1 government was MVA today wore
EVENAS Marathi-speakingpeo- inflicting injustice on black bands to
SHIV SENA MP Sanjay Raut on ple in Belgaum and other areas and ill-treating express their support
Sunday said blaming former of Maharashtra-Karnataka bor- peace-loving to Marathi-speaking
PrimeMinisterPanditJawaharlal der observed ‘Black Day’ on
NehruorCongressforcomplicat- Sunday and demanded merger
Marathi-speaking people living in
ing the Kashmir issue was prop- of the areas with Maharashtra, people in border disputed border
agandatosomeextent.TheSena ministers in the Uddhav areas. It was areas. We even
spokesperson also took on the Thackeray-led Maha Vikas imposing Kannada on asked NCP leaders
BJP over the recent decision of Aghadi government wore black them and denying and workers to wear
permitting people from across bands to express solidarity with jobs... We are hopeful black bands. The
the country to buy land in the the agitators and asked the ‘RECRUITMENT RACKET’ BUSTED
the MVA government government has
Union Territory of Jammu and
Karnataka government to stop
committing “injustice” and
“atrocities” on the Marathi- Marathi-speaking youths observe ‘Black Day’ in Belgaum, on
will take all steps for
merger of these
taken first such
step to send out
Army jawan, two others
in party mouthpiece Saamana,
wrote that Nehru did his best to
resolve the Kashmir issue and
speaking people.
Under the banner of the
Maharashtra Ekikaran Samiti,
Sunday. Express disputed areas...”
strong signals”
— JAYANT PATIL held for ‘promising
maintain peace. "It is a propa-
activists and political leaders
held a sit-in agitation at Maratha
people who could attend the
down the throats of the
Marathi-speaking people.

Over 800 villages in border areas where

aspiring candidates
selection through CEE’
Nehru or Congress complicated Mangal Karyalaya in Belgaum fewer numbers,” he said. People from Karnataka have
theKashmirissue.Nehrudidex- between 10 am and 2 pm. The samiti alleged that a bus been for years living happily in Marathi-speaking people outnumber
perimentstoresolvetheKashmir Among others, NCP women’s belonging to the Maharashtra Maharashtra. They have set up Kannadigas should be merged with the state.
issueandmaintainpeace.Similar wing chief Rupali Chakankar ad- government was stoned by businesses in Maharashtra. We condemn any kind of force used against
experiments were made by Atal dressed the gathering and lent members of the Kannad Likewise, Marathi-speaking Marathi-speaking people in border areas EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Officials said the
Bihari Vajpayee...," the column support to the Marathi people. Rakshan Vedika but the police people have been living for years PUNE, NOVEMBER 1 accused, in exchange
read. The Sena MP added that “I have come here as the repre- preventedthesituationfromgo- in border areas. The Karnataka — CHANDRAKANT PATIL, STATE BJP CHIEF
Prime Minister Narendra Modi sentative of NCP chief Sharad ing out of control. government should stop sub- A SERVING Army jawan and two for money, promised
and Home Minister Amit Shah Pawar, who has been in the fore- AshtekarsaidtheKannadigas jecting them to ill-treatment. otherswerearrestedforallegedly candidates that they
had formed a government in front of the agitation to ensure believethe‘BlackDay’istargeted They should be allowed to pre- running a racket for recruitment
Jammu and Kashmir in alliance justice to Marathi-speaking at Karnataka formation day but serve their culture and identity.” speaking people in border areas. ticeonandill-treatingthepeace- into the Army, during a joint op-
would be selected into
with PDP leader Mehbooba people in border areas. Our this is not true. “We have been Water Resources Minister We are confident soon Belgaum loving Marathi-speaking people eration by the Southern the Army through
Mufti."Thistooshouldbeseenas stand is crystal clear. The areas protesting on November 1 be- Jayant Patil, who is also the state and other disputed areas would inborderareas.Thegovernment Command Liaison Unit (SCLU) of Common Entrance
an experiment for maintaining of Belgaum, Karvar, Nippani, causeonthisdaythecentralgov- NCPchief,said,“Alltheministers be merged with Maharashtra.” was imposing Kannad language theMilitaryIntelligenceandPune
peace," the columns stated. Bhalki and others, where there ernment had taken the decision of the Maha Vikas Aghadi today State BJP chief Chandrakant on them and denying them jobs. City Police. Exam held at the Army
RautaddedthatMuftishould are majority of Marathi-speak- six decades back to merge the wore black bands to express Patil said, “Over 800 villages in The Marathi-speaking people According to investigators, a Institute of Physical
be arrested for her remarks that ing people, should be merged Marathi-speaking areas with their support to the Marathi- border areas where Marathi- are struggling to preserve their probe shows that the accused, in Training campus in
thenationalflagwouldnotbeal- with Maharashtra. The NCP will Mysore state. Our ‘Black Day’ is speaking people living in dis- speaking people outnumber culture, language and identity in exchangeformoney,promisedas-
lowed to hoist in Kashmir until always stand solidly behind the against the decision of the cen- putedborderareas.Wehadeven Kannadigas should be merged theborderareas.Theyhavebeen piringcandidatesthattheywould Pune on Sunday
Article 370 is restored. Marathi-speaking people,” tral government.” asked all NCP leaders and work- withMaharashtra.Wecondemn agitating for more than 60 years. beselectedintotheArmythrough
"The allegation that the role she said. PWD Minister Eknath erstowearblackbands.Thegov- any kind of force used against We are hopeful the Maha Vikas Common Entrance Exam (CEE) ropedinone,RavindraRathod,to
of PanditNehruorthethenrulers AccordingtoMalojiAshtekar, Shinde said, “The Karnataka ernment has taken the first such Marathi-speaking people in the Aghadi government will take all held at the Army Institute of tutorthem.Theyhadconfiscated
waslenientontheKashmirissue generalsecretaryof Maharashtra government should stop harass- step to send out strong signals.” border areas.” steps for merger of these dis- Physical Training (AIPT) campus the documents of the aspirants
is not true. The tradition of pre- Ekikaran Samiti, the agitation ment of the Marathi-speaking State Minister Hassan ShivSenachief spokesperson puted areas with Maharashtra. in Pune on Sunday. The physical and had planned to take Rs 1.5
sentinghistoryconvenientlyhas was peaceful. “Since there were people. The government should Mushrif said, “We condemn the SanjayRautsaid,“TheKarnataka That will be true justice examination for the recruitment lakh from each successful stu-
started now," Raut wrote. restrictions on the number of not force Kannad language injustice being done to Marathi- governmentwasinflictinginjus- for them.” process was held in February, dent."Singhaddedthatthethree
while the written examination, had been arrested, and that
CEE,wasdelayedduetoCovid-19 Parihar was a serving jawan of

‘Pinkathon Day’ observed to raise awareness on women’s health BUILDER MURDER

Realtor was
Sunday. Explaining the modus
operandi of the accused, an offi-
havildar rank and Rawat, who is
an agent.

EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE planning to kill cial said they took original docu-
ments from the candidates, and
Officials said the accused
rented two flats at Lohegaon in
him for three would take money from those
who would get chosen.
Pune and began tapping candi-
dates when they started coming
THE THIRD edition of
Pinkathon Day, powered by
months: Police Deputy Commissioner of
Police (Crime Branch) Bachchan
in September and October at the
WOW Life Science, was ob- Singhsaid,"Wereceivedinforma- zonal recruitment office of the
served on November 1. EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE tion from military authorities Army. They added that while
Pinkathon is a women's run to MUMBAI, NOVEMBER 1 aboutarecruitmentscamduring some of the candidates would
encourage and promote fitness the exam, held on the AIPT cam- havebeenselectedeventually,the
and health, and raise awareness REALTOR ASHOK Chaajad, ar- pus. Acting jointly with the mili- accused kept the original docu-
on breast cancer and other rested for conspiring about the tary intelligence team, officers mentsintheircustodyandwould
health issues related to women. murder of builder Munaf Shaikh, from Unit 2 and 5 of the Crime only return them when the se-
Pinkathon ambassadors had been planning to kill him for Branch detained the suspects, lected candidate paid them.
across 77 cities in India and threemonths,saidaCrimeBranch JaidevSinghPariharandVensingh A case was registered at
other countries took part in a 3- official. Shaikh's throat was slit in Lalsingh Rawat, and interrogated Wanawadi police station. Singh
km run at the same time and JuhuonAugust9,whenhewason them.Thesuspectshadpromised alsosaidtheaccusedmightbein-
day to show solidarity with the his way to a mosque. The police jobs to 17 aspirants and had also volved in other recruitments.
cause. have so far arrested Chaajad,
In Pune, Pinkathon ambas- NadeemShaikh,whoshotShaikh,
sador Mrunal Inamdar marked aswellasAbdulRahmanLatifand
the day at University of Pune WasimKhanPeshkar,fortheirin-
with other participants. volvement in the murder.
The concept is the brain- Chaajadwishedtobagalarger
child of supermodel and profit from the Juhu-based Slum
Pinkathon founder Milind Rehabilitation Authority (SRA)
Soman. project and hatched a plan to kill
He said using community Shaikh, said an officer. "Chaajad
running as a tool, Pinkathon andhistwopartnershadtakenup
and its ambassadors have em- theSRAprojectatJuhuGulli.Due
powered and enabled thou- tofinancialissues,workatthesite
sands of women across India to hadstoppedandtheyhadtorope
bring a positive change in Pune Pinkathon ambassador Mrunal Inamdar and volunteers at Pune University, on Sunday. Express in Shaikh, meaning further divi-
sion of profit," the officer added.

Pune tech expert wins HC directs MAT to 3bookedfor‘betting’onIPLmatches

Emmett Leahy award consider plea seeking to Pune: The Pune Rural Police
booked three persons for al-
legedly running a betting racket
identified. According to police,
they received a tip-off that
some people were taking bets


tion management.
Among the many works in- commence online filing, over matches in the ongoing
Indian Premier League. One
over the phone on an IPL match
on Saturday. An officer said a

videoconference hearings
PUNE, NOVEMBER 1 volving e-library and archiving person has been detained, search was on for more
systems, Katre led the team that ENS while two others have been suspects.
THE EMMETT Leahy award for developed Digitalaya. It is a tool
2020 was conferred on Dinesh using which, a repository com- tual platforms due to the pan-
Katre from the Centre for prising over 2 Petaflop audio-vi- OMKAR GOKHALE demic,MAThasnotstartedvideo
Development of Advanced sual content comprising dance, MUMBAI, NOVEMBER 1 conference hearings and online
Computing (C-DAC), Pune. music, drama and cinema was filing of pleas yet.
Katre, who heads the created. THEBOMBAYHighCourtrecently Thepetitioneralsoreferredto
Human-Centered Design and For this project titled directed the Maharashtra HC's July decision, directing the
Computing Group at C-DAC, is National Cultural Audiovisual Administrative Tribunal (MAT), BMC to provide facilities at its
the first Indian to bag this award. Archive (NCAA), undertaken in which deals with pleas related to ward offices for hearing appeals
Established in the US in 1967, collaborationwithIndiraGandhi state government employees, to filed under the Right to
this international award recog- National Culture for Arts, an ISO considerimmediatelycommenc- Information(RTI)Actthroughvir-
nisescontributionsof personsin 16363 certification was later ing online filing and hearing of tual platform.
the field of records and informa- awarded. cases in view of Covid-19. Morbale, who stays in
A division bench of Chief Kolhapurdistrict,saidhewasnot
JusticeDipankarDattaandJustice inpositiontocomepersonallyto
GirishSKulkarnipassedtheorder file matters before MAT consid-
on October 28 while hearing a ering "huge risk" entailed by the
plea filed by lawyer Yogesh pandemic and increase in travel
Morbale, through advocates costs due to the restrictions. His
Vinod Sangvikar and Yashodeep plea stated, "All these factors
Deshmukh, seeking direction to makeitpracticallyunfeasiblefor
theMATto"commenceonimme- anadvocatelikepetitionerbased
diatebasis"onlinefilingandhear- away from Mumbai to continue
Dinesh Katre ingaswelltodevelopandupdate his or her practice, due to lack of
(left) receives itsofficialwebsitetomakeituser- online access. Thus, the right to
the Emmett friendly.Morbale,inhisplea,men- practice the profession of choice
Leahy award for tionedthatwhilemostcourts,tri- is severely impacted... due to ap-
2020. Express bunals and other adjudicating athy/inaction on part of admin-
authoritiesarefunctioningonvir- istration..."


IMD forecasts cooler COMPARED TO SEPT

days in Pune this week
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Night temperatures
Oct sees 70% drop in cases in PCMC areas In September, Pimpri-
PUNE, NOVEMBER 1 MANOJ MORE Chinchwadwasreporting1,000to

PUNE RESIDENTS will experi-

will remain around
15 degrees Celsius
IN NUMBERS 1,300 positive cases daily. In
October, between 100 and 300
ence chill in the air during early COMPARED TO September, caseswerereporteddaily.Onmost

morning and late evening hours iswhysomecoldwindsblowing Octoberrecordedastaggering70 days, fewer than 200 cases were
all through this week, as winter from north India are influencing per cent drop in Covid-19 cases reported,saidAssistantMunicipal
season is on its way. The mini- the local weather in Madhya in Pimpri-Chinchwad. The civic The number of Covid- CommissionerAnnaBodade.
mum temperatures are set to MaharashtraandnorthKonkan,” administration, however, reiter- 19 deaths reported in The PCMC chief said the re-
drop marginally below normal. said an IMD official. ated that it is too early to say the Pune on Sunday. covery rate had also improved
Since last week, cold condi- On the day, Chandrapur in situation is fully under control. significantly."Asof now,wehave
ing hours over the city. During
the weekend, Mumbai and
Vidarbha recorded 14.2 degrees
to remain the coldest city in the
state. The Extended Range
say the Covid-19 situation has
The toll so far in the
a recovery rate of 95 per cent.
The mortality rate remains 1.7
per cent," he said, adding that
many locations in the state, too, Predictions issued last week by that the situation is improving district. the doubling rate stood at
reported similar drop in the IMD mentions that many re- day by day," said Municipal around 400 days. So far, Pimpri-
night temperatures.
According to the India
Meteorological Department
gions in central and western
low normal temperatures till
According to the PCMC
health department, in July, there
The number of fresh
Chinchwad has reported 1,511
deaths of Covid deaths.
Stating that the civic body
(IMD),Pune,thecity’snighttem- November 12. were close to 22,000 positive Covid-19 cases hadstartedraisingawarenesson
peratures will remain around 15 Even though there are two cases in Pimpri-Chinchwad. In reported on Sunday. avoiding the possibility of a sec-
degrees during the week. “IMD cyclonic circulations -- one near August, in a sharp rise, the num- Children play outside Saras Baug as gardens and public parks across Pune opened from ondwaveof infections,Hardikar
recognises winter between
coastal Saurashtra and another
near north Konkan and Madhya
ber of positive cases recorded
were 28,233 while the situation
Sunday as part of unlockdown guidelines. Ashish Kale
The total positive cases
said, "The possibility of cases ris-
ing during Diwali cannot be
presently the transitional phase Maharashtra -- their influence was similar in September when ruled out. And, therefore, we
betweenseasons.Thereareclear on the weather will be limited, 28,518 were recorded. In were recorded. By the end of positive cases stood at 78,714, tal cases stood at 87,740. so far in the district. have launched an awareness
sky conditions available, which the Met officials stated. October, however, 9,026 cases September, the total number of while by the end of October, to- "October has witnessed a big drive to ensure that people
maintain distancing and do not
drop of around 70 per cent. mingle under the guise of the
Thoughtheoverallpositivityrate festive period. Each person will
remains 22 per cent, this month, have to take up the responsibil-
EMPLOYEES’ STATE INSURANCE CORPORATION the positivity rate is just around ity, only then will we be able to
(Govt. of India , Ministry of Labour & Employment)
8 per cent," Hardikar said. keep coronavirus at bay."
Phone: 020 24211138 / 39, Fax: 020-24215153
Toll Free Helpline: 18002334143, Email:
(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Organization)


Attention of employers mentioned below is drawn regarding proposed assessment of Contribution as shown
against their names. The final opportunity of hearing is being afforded before passing of ex-parte order u/s 45
(A) as they failed to avail opportunities afforded earlier.
Sr. Name, Address & Code No. Date of Amount Date of hearing
No. of the Employer Period
issue of Notice (in `) Now fixed
1 M/s. Excelus Star Food Bev
Pvt. Ltd. 01/02/2020
Plot No. 470, Chipari, Tal. Shirol, 22/07/2020 to 10/11/2020
Kolhapur - 416101. 29/02/2020
Code No. 33000507990000009
2 M/s. Tirupati Enterprises
Smita Deshpande Rajlaxmi
Flat No. 3, B-Wing Machish `
04/09/2020 to 30/11/2020
Company, Medankarwadi Chakan, 60,522.00
Pune - 410501.
Code No. 33000608730001099
3 M/s. D. S. Enterprises 01/12/2016
Flat No. 304, Bldg. No. 13, to
S. No. 31/1-A/2, Choudhary Nagar, 28/02/2017, `
Tingre Nagar, Pune - 411015. 05/03/2020 10/11/2020
01/07/2018 771,161.00
Code No. 33000485340001099 to
4 M/s. Ashoka Builders
Ashoka Areh, Plot No. E-28, Nagar 01/11/2017
Nisarg Mangal Karyalaya, Market `
05/03/2020 to 10/11/2020
Yard, Gultekdi, Pune. 472,164.00
Code No. 33000328730001009
5 M/s. Shetty Caterers
Flat No. 401, Pelican Nyati Enclave, 01/06/2016
Mohammadwadi, Hadapsar, `
13/02/2020 to 10/11/2020
Pune - 411028. 553,245.00
Code No. 33000485120001102
6 M/s. IT Intellect Micro Solutions
Pvt. Ltd. Opp. Sun & Sand Hotel,
7th Floor, Lalwani Plaza, Sakore 01/09/2015 Bandgarden Rd, Pune.
Nagar, Viman Nagar, 26/08/2020 to 10/11/2020 Ph. No. 8975758860.
Pune - 411014. 31/03/2018 BHAWANI PETH -
Code No. 33000150430000911 Globe Enterprises,
Tanveer Rehman Shaikh,
7 M/s. Hotel Rasik Bar & Restaurant 718, Bhawani Peth, Poona
23/2B, Hyderabad Road, Raviwar
College Road, Pune-1.
Peth, Solapur - 413006.
M. 9890073883.
1) Shri . Rasik MD Sharif, Tinwala
01/04/2017 BHOSARI -
Plot No.16, Rajiv Nagar, Kamathe `
06/03/2020 to 10/11/2020 Samvad Ads.,
Naka, Solapur - 413006. 110,592.00
31/10/2019 Near Gawli uilding,
2) Shri. Nagesh Thakur, 23/28, Pimpri-Chinchwad I, No. 10150175L Rank
Hyderabad road, Raviwar Peth, BUSINESS Broilers Traders’ HAV Name Metkar SITUATION VACANT ADVERTISEMENT Pune Nashik Highway,
Solapur - 413006. Bhosari, Pune 411039.
Code No. 33000134510001102
POULTRY Association “Rate On Ananda Siddhu, declare
02.11.2020 For Live Big that name of my son has
8 M/s. Maxx Food Products Birds Rs.102/- Live Small been changed from ACADEMIC AUNDH- Impex Advertising,
Office No. 6 DSK Rohit Apartment, Birds Rs.136/- Al- Aniket to Metkar Aniket Suyog Enterprises, Mr. Ashfaque A. Shaikh,
1264/2, Off J. M. Road, Shivajinagar, Taqdeer Broiler(Siraj Ananda as per affidavit C/o Sandeep Book Stall, C-25, MIDC Comml.
01/12/2015 No. 4488/2020
Pune - 411004. ` Shaikh)9822931357, Swajas Complex, Parihar Building No.1, Nr I.B.M.R.
06/03/2020 to 10/11/2020 0090277452-1
Shri. Sanjay Lalchand Siriah 202,918.00 9767869302 Chowk, Aundhgaon, College, hinchwad, Pune-
A-8, Flat No.704, Karishma, 0090273225-1 I, Anita Ulhas Pandit, Pune-7. Mob. 9422011181. 411019. Ph. no. 27470282/
Karve Road, Pune - 411038. spouse of Colonel Ulhas Chordia 9822792583.
NECC suggested farm-
Code No. 33000473010001102 Vasant Pandit (Retd), Communications, Mayureshwar Enterprise,
gate price for 100eggs
9 M/s. Baba Enterprises 30/04/2018 resident of Arshad Ajit Chordia.
on 02.11.2020 in Pune Latish Balkawade,
Shri. Ajit Walunj to SalunkeVihar, Pune
without tray is Rs.515/- 17/18, Aundh Gaon, opp. Chaphekar Chowk,
H. No. 5/29/5/20, Near Meghaji 31/08/2018, ` 411028, have changed
04/02/2020 10/11/2020 (Five Hundred and lane of Cosmos Bank, Chinchwadgaon, Pune.
Lokhande Bhawan, Pimpari, 28/02/2019 246,708.00 my name from Anita
Fifteen Rupees only) Pandit to Anita Ulhas Aundh, Pune-7. Tel: 9422082164.
Pune - 411018. to Phone:NECC 24270724, Pandit vide Affidavit 25886118, 9960111123. Raka Advertising,
Code No. 3300045513000699 31/12/2019 26336377, Dealer: Number Shraddha Ads, Mrs. Vimal Bafna, Raka
10 M/s. Shri Sai Enterprises 24332689, 24455130, 2052141941268500341734, Mrs.Ujwala Kotbagi, 'A'
(Snack Corner & Food Corner) Chambers, Bombay-Pune
24265787. 0090272256-1 dated 27 October 2020 wing, Vastu-sunder, Near
70/182, Nagargoan, Lonavala, 01/11/2016 Road, Chinchwad
` executed at PUNECity. Kumar Classic, Pune-7.
Tal- Maval, District- Pune, 03/09/2020 to 10/11/2020 Renuka Broiler Traders Madina Poultry Traders, Station, Pune-19. Ph. no.
296,010.00 0090277459-1 Tel. 9371055799.
Pin - 410401. 31/07/2020 wholesale live birds 2.0 Pune.Paper rate on 27475055/ 27472250.
Code No.33000477690001102 kg & qty above 200 kg 02.11.2020 for Live Big I service no-729050T Cpl San Ads, CAMP -
Rate- 94. cash & Birds Rs.101/- Kg . Shop Rajendra Kumar Ram Anurag, Plot No. 10, near Ad India,
11 M/s. Mudo Facility Management DeliveryContact changed my wife’s name Kobe Silzler Cave, Aundh-
carry.Contact- Office No. 102, 1st Floor,
Services 9763333335. 090273396-1 from Sanju Devi to Sanju
01/04/2016 8010872474 411007. Tel: 25881302/3/4. Sterling Centre, Opp.
LLP Office No-1, S.No.15, Kohinoor ` Ramvide affidavit no-
31/08/2020 to 10/11/2020 0090277456-1 Archana Poultry farm. APPA BALWANT CHOWK -
Building, Fatima Nagar 690,749.00 34857 dated 27/10/20 Hotel Aurora Towers,
30/06/2020 A Pimpri Chinchwad Available wholesale live M/s V. V. Medhi,
Pune - 411040. 0090277489-2 M.G. Road, Pune-1. Ph. No.
Code No. 33000472430000999 Broiler Traders broilers 1.3-1.5kg; 2kg& Varun Medhi, 153,
Old name Mahrukh 26131993, 26135659, Mo:
Association Rate on above. Eggs at attractive Budhwar Peth, Near
12 M/s. Tanishka Enterprises Akhlaque Ahmed Wafa 9422083670.
02.11.2020 for Live big rates. Shop delivery Jogeshwari Temple, Opp.
Plot No. B-304, Sr. No. 192, 01/10/2015 Shaikh to new name Hindustan Advertising
` birds Rs.105/- Live available. 9767101013/ Ganraj Books, Above
Bella Vista Impress, Near Datta 08/03/2018 to 17/11/2020 Small Birds Rs.136/- 9552525315/ 9552525316
Mahrukh Akhlaque Agency,
32,175.00 DTDC Courier, 2nd floor,
Mandir, Pune - 411027. 30/11/2015 contact- 7720828080. 0090272941-1
Ahmed Shaikh by Mr. Hiroo Surtani, 7,
adhaar 8683-4754-6482 Pune-2. Ph. No.
Code No. 33000450330001001 0090271130-18 Gitanjali Kunj,
0090277448-1 9028967505, 8793647505,
13 M/s. Saubhagya Enterprises Opp. Nehru Memorial
Shop No.21, Kamath Industrial
Vencobb today’s ex- CHANGE OF NAME I, No. 10150311W Rank
(020) 24492149.
01/12/2015 Hall, Ambedkar Road,
` shop delivery rate at My old name Mohammed BIBVEWADI -
Complex, Plot No.83, General Block, 17/09/2020 to 23/11/2020 HAV Name Khade Sanjay Pune-1. Ph. No. 26138113,
38,057.00 Pune Rs.74/- per kg. Ad Services,
MIDC Bhosari, Pune - 411026. Talha Akhlaque Ahmed Pandurang, declare that 26133510, Fax: 26131487.
31/03/2016 Contact (9522) Amol Nalawade,
Code No.33000479360000699 Wafa Shaikh to new name of my son has
Meenat Advertising,
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Akhlaque Ahmed Shaikh
Flat No. 101, First Floor, 01/10/2018 Simra Trading rates for Sanjay as per affidavit 827/7, Dastur Meher
by Aadhaar 7022-4553- Bus Stop, Bibvewadi,
Eligent Home, S. No. 46 Khodhwa, ` No. 4486/2020 Road, Camp, Pune-1.
24/07/2020 to 10/12/2020 100 eggs. Selling price 4089. 0090277448-2 Pune-17. Mobile
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service No. JC-460212H C. S. Sawar, 645/1, Shop
Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. 01/09/2015 Sheetal Agro Traders
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Office Level-1, 103, Pentagon-2, 18/09/2020 to 17/11/2020 Today’sEx-Shop A-17, 'C' Building,
62,205.00 Gavade Subhana Janba Rashma Yadav Bibawewadi Main Road,
Magarpatta, Hadapsar, 30/06/2019 delivery for live small 3rd Floor, Kate Residency,
videaffidavit no-34856 Bibawewadi, Pune-37.
Pune - 411013, (As per ROC have changed my Name
birds size between1.3 to dated 27/10/20 Near Dapodi Railway
address is M & N wing, 1.5 rate at PuneRs.138/- & DOB from Anjana to 0090277489-1
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Pune - 411013) 1,848.00 7588532184. Gawade & my correct Mr. Vijay Deshmukh,
HAV Name Khade Sanjay 27143243/ 9822847256/
Code No. 33000458340000911 31/08/2019 0090274713-1 DOB is 13/01/1975 & Not 672/2a /2b, Ganesh
Pandurang, declare that
01/06/1975 as per 9822132500.
name of my son has Complex, Shop No.3,
16 M/s. Mayur Enterprises A Pune Broiler Traders DECCAN -
01/12/2015 affidavit No. 2981/2020 been changed from Bibvewadi, Pune-37.
S. No. 17 Alandi Road, ` Association Rate on
0090277449-2 Rushikesh to Khade Prajakta Advertising,
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PM:Doubleyuvrajononehand, Two FIRs filed, MAN SEEKS PROBE INTO SON’S ‘KILLING’

doubleenginegovtontheother cops booked over

25 unidentified
Munger lathicharge
YadavandCongressleaderRahul not good for ENS&PTI
Modi on Sunday said the
healthy politics’ PATNA,NOVEMBER1

Haryana CM Manohar Lal Khattar at an event in Karnal, on AssemblyelectionsinBihararea Patna/New Delhi: TWO SEPARATE FIRs were filed
Sunday; (below) state Home Minister Anil Vij contestbetween“doubleyuvraj” Concerned over the dete- on Sunday in connection with
andthedevelopmentusheredin riorating political dis- the October 26 lathicharge on a
by the NDA’s “double engine” course in the country, group of people reportedly on

Haryana considers law dispensation. He also touched

upon the Ram
Temple issue, Prime Minister Narendra Modi with Bihar CM Nitish Kumar
Union Minister and sen-
ior BJP leader Rajnath
Singh said elections
their way to immerse a Durga
idol in Munger. One person was
killed and dozens were injured
On October 29, protesters
ransacked a police station

to tackle ‘love jihad’ Article370and

and other senior leaders in Samastipur on Sunday. PTI shouldn't be fought and
won by spreading hatred
among people and there
in the incident.
The first FIR was lodged
and torched some vehicles.

Act. ers.InChapra,hesaidmothersin many Indians will lose their citi- should be no place for forthe“unwarrantedlathicharge”.
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE DECISION Modi ad- Bihar should not worry as their zenship on account of the “bitterness and acidic re- AccordingtonewsagencyPTI,the area on the night of the incident.
CHANDIGARH, NOVEMBER 1 2020 dressed rallies “son”inDelhiwillensurekitchen Citizenship Amendment Act. marks” in a healthy second case was lodged by “We were busy with control-
BIHAR in Chapra, fires keep burning despite the One year has passed and not a democracy. Amarnath Poddar, the father of ling law and order so far. We will
FOLLOWINGTHEmurderofa20- Samastipur, pandemic. In Motihari, he single person has met such a Whenpointedoutthat the person who died in the vio- now focus on the investigation,”
year-oldwomaninFaridabadlast Bagaha and Motihari on the last touched upon the NDA govern- fate,” he added. LJP chief ChiragPaswanin lence, seeking an inquiry by a Maharaj said. On 29 October, irate
week, Haryana Chief Minister day of campaigning for the sec- ment’s initiative to build toilets. AttherallyinBagahainWest hiselectioncampaignwas teamledbyaseniorpoliceofficer protesters had ransacked a police
Manohar Lal Khattar and Home ond phase of polling. At the Bagaha rally, he spoke Champaran, he credited the Atal only attacking Chief to “unravel the truth” behind his stationandalsotorchedseveralve-
MinisterAnilVijsaidtheyarecon- “On one hand, there is about the Union government’s Bihari Vajpayee government for MinisterNitishKumarand son's “killing”. hiclesoverthelathichargeincident.
sidering bringing a legislation to progressusheredinbyagovern- Ujjwala scheme which he said notifying the Tharu community not the BJP, Singh said, Videos of the incident, which Then DM of Munger, Rajesh
dealwithcasesof“lovejihad”.This ment fired by a double engine. provided free LPG cylinders to 4 of Biharasatribe.Then,referring “Personalanimosityisnot showed the policemen charging Meena, was removed by the
comes a day after Uttar Pradesh On the other hand, the double- lakh women. to the association between Lord goodforhealthypolitics.It the group, had surfaced on social Election Commission of India
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath their religion through love jihad. doubleyuvrajareonlyfightingto Referring to the Centre’s Ram and the tribal community should be avoided and I media. along with then Superintendent
warnedthosewaging“lovejihad” In Faridabad’s murder case too, save their thrones,” he said at moves on Article 370 and the intheRamayana,hemovedonto myself also don’t practice Munger Deputy IGP Manu ofPoliceLipiSinghforallegedneg-
tomendtheirwaysorbeprepared thevictim’sfamilyhasallegedthe Chapra. Citizenship Amendment Act, he the construction of the Ram such politics.” PTI Maharaj told The Indian Express ligence.
fortheirlastjourney—“Ramnaam woman was being forced to At the Samastipur rally, said, “They have been peddling Temple in Ayodhya. regarding the FIR against the Rachna Patil was appointed
satyahaikiyatranikalnewaalihai”. change her religion... We shall where he shared the stage with one lie after another with an in- Modi made an indirect refer- unidentified policemen: “We are the DM while Manavjit Singh
The 20-year-old woman, holddiscussionswithourallies...A Chief Minister and JD(U) chief nocent face. They said Jammu ence to the remarks made by lost their lives in the attack. tryingtoidentifytheerringpolice- Dhillon was appointed the SP.
Nikita Tomar, was shot dead out- decision will be taken accord- Nitish Kumar, he asked, “What and Kashmir will be on fire with Pakistan minister Fawad Inanobliquereferencetothe men through the video. Though TheEChadalsoorderedprobe
side her college, allegedly by her ingly.” Speaking in Malhani have the family parties given the scrapping of Article 370, Chaudhry and claimed “the inclusionof CPI(ML)intheGrand noonehasbeennamedintheFIR, into the incident by Magadh
former classmate, Tauseef, with (Jaunpur)onSaturday,Adityanath you? They only give tickets to riversof bloodwillflow.Thepeo- neighboring country has admit- Alliance, Modi warned people threepersonsareidentifiable.We CommissionerAsangbaChubaAo
her family telling police he had a hadsaidtheAllahabadHighCourt family members. Have you ever plethereareheavingasighof re- ted to its involvement in the against those responsible for areproperlyinvestigatingandwill — whose report is awaited.
one-sided affection towards her. ruledthatreligiousconversionfor seen Nitish-ji’s family members lief and looking forward to Pulwamaterrorattacks”.Hethen “jungle raj” joining hands with nameallthoseresponsibleforthe Political parties also weighed
The woman’s father has alleged marriage is not necessary. “It get a ticket to Rajya Sabha?” progressunhinderedbyrampant said it has “taken masks off” the supporters of “Naxalism” and unwarranted lathicharge.” inontheincidentwithOpposition
the accused had been pressuring should not be done, it should not His address at each rally car- corruption.” facesof thoseinIndiawhonever “tukde-tukde gang”. He added that extra police parties attacking the Nitish
his daughter to marry him a few be accepted or recognised. The riedanappealtothewomenvot- “They similarly said that caredforthe“sonsof Bihar”who WITH PTI INPUTS forces had been deployed in the Kumar-led government.
days before the murder, “asking government too is in the process
her to convert to Islam so they ofdecidingtoughmeasurestoend
couldgetmarried,butshewasnot love jihad,” he said. PROVISIONAL PROVINCIAL STATUS FOR GILGIT-BALTISTAN

MEA: Pak move bid to camouflage occupation

willing”.Speakingtothemediaon “Chori chhupe, naam chhupa
the sidelines of a state govern- kar ke jo log behen-betiyon ki izzat

ment event in Karnal on Sunday, ke saath khilwad karte hain, unko
Khattar said: “Since the pehle se meri chetavani: agar woh
Ballabhgarh woman’s murder sudhre nahi toh Ram naam satya mediately vacate all areas under Kashmir to the Union of India in Pakistan map on its new ban-


Between words and
case is linked with love jihad, the hai ki yatra nikalne waali hai (This its illegal occupation,” Ministry 1947,” said the MEA spokesper- knote after India asked it to take
Centre and state government are is my warning to those who con- NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 1 of External Affairs spokesperson son. The government said it “urgent corrective steps” about
are not able to escape...”
nour of sisters and daughters:
mend your ways or be prepared
HOURS AFTER Pakistan Prime
Anurag Srivastava said on
Sunday. Responding to the MEA,
Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign ●
actions of Islamabad “firmly rejects” Pakistan’s at-
to a part of Indian territory, un-
the “gross misrepresentation”.
ocation of Jammu and Kashmir’s
Haryana Home Minister Anil for the last journey),” he said. provisional provincial status for Affairs issued a statement. der its illegal and forcible occu- special status, the Pakistan gov-
Vij, in a statement, also said the SeniorofficialsintheHaryana Gilgit-Baltistan, India on Sunday “Pakistan categorically rejects PAKISTAN’S MOVE comes more than a year after India re- pation”. ernmenthadreleasedanew“po-
state government is considering government told The Indian said that Pakistan’s move to Indian Ministry of External voked the special status granted to Jammu and Kashmir “Instead of seeking to alter litical map” which included
bringingalegislationtodealwith Express that “discussions are be- name Gilgit-Baltistan as its fifth Affairs’irresponsibleandunwar- under Article 370 and bifurcated it into two Union the status of these Indian terri- JammuandKashmir,Ladakhand
cases of “love jihad”: “Whatever ing held at various levels to come province is meant to “camou- ranted statement regarding Territories. New Delhi has rejected these attempts in the tories, we call upon Pakistan to partsofwesternGujarataspartof
Yogi Adityanath says, he always up with such a legislation”. flageitsillegaloccupation”of the Gilgit-Baltistan,” it said. past. But Islamabad is now making these changes, even as immediately vacate all areas un- its territory. Describing it as “po-
speaks the truth... Attempts are Sourcessaidthestategovernment areabutitcannot“hidethegrave Earlier this year, the Pakistan it says that there should be no change in the status of J&K. der its illegal occupation,” the liticalabsurdity”anda“ridiculous
being made by unscrupulous el- is also in consultation with the human rights violations, ex- SupremeCourtallowedthegov- spokesperson said. assertion”,NewDelhisaidit“con-
ementstoforcepeopletoconvert Centretoworkoutthemodalities. ploitation and denial of free- ernment to conduct elections in Recently, Saudi Arabia, a key firms the reality of Pakistan’s ob-
dom” to the people for over the region. The election will be Jammu and Kashmir and tegral part of India by virtue of ally of Pakistan, had removed sessionwithterritorialaggrandis-
seven decades. heldonNovember15,Khansaid. Ladakh, including the area of so- thelegal,completeandirrevoca- Pakistan-occupied-Kashmirand ementsupportedbycross-border
“WecalluponPakistantoim- “The Union Territories of called‘Gilgit-Baltistan’,areanin- ble accession of Jammu and Gilgit-Baltistan from the terrorism”.
DAYS SINCE 81,82,082 DEATHS: 1,22,111 For Dalit voters, BSP ‘invisible’, Azad party new hope
BEGAN TESTS: 10,98,87,303 | DOUBLING RATE: 127.08** refuses to be examined was Azad who went to meet the


family’s security and he has been
senting Nirav, had again ap- WEARING BLACK aviators, Bhim visibleandMayawatididnoteven
MAYURA JANWALKAR proachedhimfortwootheropin- ArmychiefChandrashekharAzad visitthevillageonce.Slowly,peo-
& KHUSHBOO NARAYAN ions after a supplementary waved from an SUV as the road- ple are forgetting BSP,” said
MUMBAI, NOVEMBER 1 chargesheet was filed. show passed through Prashant Kumar, a student who
KEYSTATES TOTAL SURGEIN 7-DAYAVG DOUBLING “They made one request (for Bulandshahr’s Kala Aam area on will be voting for the first time in
TOWATCH CASES 24HOURS GROWTH* TIME** FIVEMONTHSafterformerjudge legal opinion). While that was Sunday. This was Azad’s second this bypoll.
■ Maharashtra 16,78,406 5,548 0.34% 211.56 oftheBombayHighCourt,Abhay pending, a supplementary showofstrengthinsupportofHaji Before BJP’s Sirohi won the
■ Andhra 8,23,348 2,783 0.34% 211.87 Thipsay,wasexaminedbeforethe chargesheet was filed against Yamin,theAzadSamajPartycan- seat in 2017 state polls, it was
■ Karnataka 8,23,412 3,014 0.44% 162.88 Westminster Magistrates’ Court Modi.Theoffencesweredifferent didate for the bypoll to represented by BSP’s Mohd
thatiscurrentlyhearingtheextra- in the other request. They had BulandshahrSadaronNovember Aleem Khan for two consecutive
■ Tamil Nadu 7,24,522 2,511 0.37% 195.72 dition proceedings against fugi- sought my legal opinion on the 3. Yamin is up against the BJP’s Chandrashekhar Azad during a roadshow for Azad Samaj terms. Some said they are sup-
■ Kerala 4,33,105 7,983 1.66% 43.50 tive diamantaire Nirav Modi, he chargesofdestructionofevidence Usha Sirohi, wife of former MLA Party candidate Haji Yamin in Bulandshahr. Express porting BSP not because of
hasbackedoutof beingorallyex- and criminal intimidation that Virendra Singh Sirohi whose Mayawati but because of the
* Compounded Daily Growth Rate over last 7 days ** Calculated over 7-day growth
amined in court in the case again were not there in the (case) ear- death necessitated the bypoll, candidate. “Some of us are sup-
CASE FATALITY RATIO POSITIVITY RATE DAILY IN, DAILY OUT after his first deposition was lier. I had given my second opin- BSP’s nominee Mohammad the upcoming MLC elections in ergy and Azad will emerge as the porting Yunus bhai since he is an
“given a political colour”. iononwhetherthesechargesare Yunus, Congress leader Sushil Uttar Pradesh, has also added to true leader.” Azad’s roadshow on honest man. There are questions
Nirav is currently lodged in a made out or not. But I had told Chaudhary and Praveen Singh the resentment against BSP. Sundaysawparticipationofhun- the BSP needs to answer but he
1.51 7.67 44,963 prision after the court in UK re- themthatunlessthey(Indiangov- fromtheRLD,whichisinalliance ArvindKumar,alocalresident dreds of supporters chanting Jai hassupportamonglocals.Azadis
NOW: NOW: RECOVERED TODAY: fusedtogranthimbailforthesev- ernment) give an undertaking with the SP. from the Jatav community, said, Bhim along the way. a new person. He doesn't know
1.49 7.45 58,684 enthtime.Thefinalhearinginthe that they will not discuss my evi- For a section of voters, the “What can we say, Mayawati is With campaigning coming to the area and his party perhaps
Deaths as a ratio of Positives against Becoming sick vs extradition case, which was denceinapressconference,Iwill AzadSamajPartyhasemergedas kathputli (puppet) of Modi. She a close, Mayawati has not held a doesn’t understand our issues.
positive cases (in %); number tested recovering; more scheduled for December, is likely notcome.Ironically,theyrefused. abetteralternativetotheBSP.BSP will do their bidding and has single rally or public meeting in Thereisalotofshow,butcanthey
indicator of progress (in %); indicator of recoveries for 14 days tobepushedtoJanuary2021,said Theysaidwehavenocontrolover supremo Mayawati’s recent re- abandoned the true cause of Bulandshahr. The Hathras gan- handle core issues?” said Sahil
in averting deaths the spread of disease may signal the peak
sources. Thipsay told The Indian press. The issue was not that. The mark that her party would back Dalits. It became clearer after grape incident has emerged as a Khan, a parking ticket attendant.
includedatafrompreviousdays.Assuch,trendsbasedondailynumbersareindicative,notdefinitive Express that Boutique Law, the issuewasthattheywillnotholda anyone, including the BJP, to en- what she said. ASP is hope for us key talking point. “When our sis- FULL REPORT ON
London-based law firm repre- press conference," said Thipsay. surethedefeatofSPcandidatesin now. There is a new sense of en- ter was raped and murdered, it

Unlike Punjab, Rajasthan Bills silent on enforcing MSP except in contract farming

ment in Punjab, which has de- Amendment) Bill, 2020 has a Act.“Wehavehadnoformalreg- (AIKS) from Sikar district, said and100percentprocurementis

fined the enforcement of MSP
for purchase of two crops --
provision for punishment for
those who compel a farmer to Faithinmandimakes istration of contract farming
that in many instances, even af-
ter going to mandis, farmers
done in Punjab, which is not the
case in Rajasthan. “The MSP is

UNLIKE PUNJAB, the farm Bills

wheat and paddy. "No sale or
purchaseof wheatorpaddyshall
sell his produce below the MSP,
but this enforcement is limited

MSPcrucial ingasaprovisionwasinculcated
in the Rajasthan APMC Act. At
have to sell off their produce at
much lesser prices.
thesubjectof thecentralgovern-
ment. If the clause for MSP is
broughtbytheCongressgovern- be valid unless the price paid for only to contract farming. present, the purchasing in As per data available on the added(intheBill),thenwhowill
mentinRajasthantocounterthe such agricultural produce is The other Bill tabled in the WITH LITTLE or late procurement by the state and Central Rajasthan is primarily from the government website ag- take the 100 per cent produce of
Centre’snewfarmlawsaresilent equal to, or greater than, the RajasthanAssemblyonSaturday governments, a vast majority of the state’s farmers depend APMC mandi mechanism and, bajra (pearl mil- the farmer if the Centre doesn’t
when it comes to enforcing the Minimum Support Price an- -- The Farmers’ Produce Trade on the mandi as compared to contract farming. Already fac- often farmers get prices even let), for which the MSP has been procure it? If nobody purchases
minimum support price (MSP) nounced by the Central and Commerce (Promotion and ing crop losses and debt amid the pandemic, farmers need higher than the MSP at mandis. fixed at Rs 2,150 per quintal for itthenthefarmerwillultimately
insalesthattakeplaceinsideand Government for that crop," Facilitation) (Rajasthan their produce to be swiftly sold at the MSP to recover their The MSP condition for contract this season, was sold at the beattheloss.TheBillsaimtoen-
outsidetheAgriculturalProduce states The Farmer’s Produce Amendment) Bill, 2020 -- states losses and avoid any impact on sowing, which can further af- farming in the new Bill tabled in Srimadhopur market in sure that in the name of contract
Market Committee (APMC) Trade and Commerce that harassment of farmers will fect the sector and the market. the assembly is a safeguard for Rajasthan's Sikar district at a farming no person is able to pur-
mandi mechanism. (Promotion and Facilitation) be punishable by imprisonment the farmers’ interest,” said Ashu maximum price of only Rs 1,428 chase from farmers lesser than
One of the Bills in Rajasthan (Special Provisions and Punjab orfineorbothbutdoesnotmen- Chaudhary, additional director, per quintal as on October 30. the MSP. The idea is that the ex-
does speak about enforcing the Amendment) Bill, 2020. tion whether purchase below Most of the farmers in state Agricultural Marketing Agricultural Marketing State education minister and isting system which is in place
MSP, but it is only limited to con- In Rajasthan, The Farmers MSP will be deemed as harass- Rajasthan sell to mandis as com- Department said there have Department, Rajasthan. Rajasthan Congress president continues but if contract farm-
tract farming. (Empowerment and Protection) ment. It does not mention any pared to contract farming, ac- been no formal registrations of However, farmer leaders Govind Singh Dotasara said the ing arrives then the farmer’s
This is in contrast to the Bill Agreement on Price Assurance specific crops as is the case with cording to farmer leaders. contract farming since it was in- such as Kishan Pareek, a mem- Centre decides its target for pro- grain is not sold below the MSP,”
passed by the Congress govern- and Farm Services (Rajasthan the law in Punjab. Besides, officials from the cluded in the Rajasthan APMC ber of the All India Kisan Sabha curementatMSPfromeachstate said Dotasara.


TN agriculture
minister dies
Many ways to causeweareafamilyofeightand from agent to school me?”heasked,andrefusedtore- students,” Soren said. Ansari,theowner,said:“Wehave records list Abhay Singh, a Class
of Covid dupe a poor
have been facing severe hard-
Across six districts, students,
parents, and school authorities
role in the scam.
Chief Secretary Sukhdev
done nothing wrong and all the
students were given the scholar-
9 student, as a Sikh. His family
says they are Hindu Bhumihars.

linked issues student: steal

on the ground. In a typical case,
Another trail, identified by
several beneficiaries, led to a
the verification “has been
stopped” till the probe is com-
ship money. The students who
The records also list the 15-year-
old as a Class 10 student who re-
listed as a beneficiary of the theysaid,middlemenconvincea bankingcorrespondent,Hashim, pleted. Records show that in paid their school fees, and the ceived Rs 10,700 as a hosteller.
IDs, lie about scheme that gives Rs 1,000 per schoolownertoprovidethelogin a resident of Urguttu in Ranchi’s 2019-20, Rs 61 crore was dis- money was adjusted.” Ajij Ansari “I was given Rs 4,000 in cash.
CHENNAI, NOVEMBER 1 source of funds, year to students of Classes 1 to 5;
ID and password on the NSP, or
Kanke block. “I have opened sev-
eral bank accounts but I have not
bursed through Direct Benefit
Transfer in Jharkhand under the
and Latif Ansari denied that they
The school is an extension of the
owner’s home and there is no

TAMIL NADU Agriculture pocket Classes 6 to 10 if they are day

scholars, or Rs 10,700 if they are
tain them. Then, they involve
banking correspondents to open
been involved in cheating. I al-
pre-Matric scholarship scheme,
which was launched by the UPA
‘Never filled any
hostel,” he said. Records list
Khushi Mahato, studying in
scholarship form’
commissions — in hostels. Jharkhand received Rs
61 crore for the scheme in 2019-
accountsof prospectivebenefici-
aries using their Aadhaar cards
ers,” said Hashim, who runs an
establishment under the Large
topowerinDecember2019asthe MADRASA ALIA ARABIA,
Class 9, as a Christian who re-
ceived Rs 10,700. “I am a Hindu
Saturday night due to coron-
all officially 20,fromacentralallotmentof Rs
1,400 crore.
and fingerprints before applying
for scholarships on their behalf.
Area Multi-Purpose Cooperative
Societies (LAMPS) that provides
head of a JMM-Congress-RJD
government in the state.
RANCHI: Records show that
among the 102 beneficiaries is
and we received Rs 4,000 after
my fingerprints were taken,” she
was72.Doraikkannuwasadmit- them as minorities; many keep- In the same locality, another “Once the scholarships are interest-free short-term loans or Sana Parween, a Class 8 student. said. Scholarship records show
ted to the hospital on October 13 ingachunkof thescholarshipfor beneficiary of Rs 5,700 “from credited, the next step depends agriculturalcredittotribalmem- Aadhaar But Parween, a resident of Kanke, 170 beneficiaries, including 168
after he complained of breath-
lessness. Later, he tested positive
themselves. There are cases
Saudi”, 21-year-old Sarjun
Khatoon, has been shown as a
on the deals these middlemen
Apart from Chakor, staff of obtained, is a Class 10 student of St Anne’s
Girls School. “In 2018, I was told
who received money for hostel
for Covid-19. He was put on on
oxygen support since the time of
into striking deals with middle-
Class 9 student of Adarsh High
School in McCluskieganj. “I have
ies or schools. Sometimes, the
beneficiaries remain unaware
Sahu, a teacher who owns account hijacked, that a scholarship form has to be
Salim Khan, owner, said the
school had a hostel where “40-
admission and had been on ven-
of their dues in return for a frac-
tion. Then there are severalcases
never heard of this school, and I
and the money is split between
the agents, banking correspon-
Santosh Shramik School in
Ranchi’s Pithoria, as a key figure. and hostel faked ing money. In 2019, when the
50 students stayed before the
lockdown” but could not explain
A three-time MLA from of bank correspondents, agents, agent,” she said. dents, and school staff. “Sahu told us about the scheme. but I didn’t know an account had ustogivethemhalf,”shesaid. the number of beneficiaries.
Papanasam Assembly con- andschoolstaffconnivingtosteal Over 400 km away, the scam Sometimes, the schools are un- We gave him the user ID and been created in my name. I didn’t Madrasa Alia Arabia is a resi- Asked about the change in reli-
stituency in Thanjavur district, User IDs and passwords to divert played out through a different aware,” said a school official, password, and he said our stu- get any money. Also, there is no dential facility for boys. gion of students on records, he
Doraikannu held several posts in benefits from schools that never method — details of an entire speaking on condition of dents would receive the scholar- hostel in the school,” said Kujjur, Mohammad Sahabuddin, head said: “These things do not hap-
theAIADMKincludingthatofthe appliedforany—includingusing schoolwereusedtoavailtheben- anonymity. ship.Later,wefoundthatnoneof whosefamilycultivatesvegetables teacher,said:“Weneverfilledany pen in our school.”
party'sThanjavurnorthzonesec- thenameofaKendriyaVidyalaya efit without their knowledge. In PastorAnilChakor,chairman, our students had been made a on a small parcel of land. Records scholarshipformforanyofourstu- SARFARAZ DEVELOPMENT
retaryandthepositionofthesec- in Sahibganj. The Indian Express Sahibganj,middlementargeteda Assembly of God Church School beneficiary,” said Rijhu Mahato, showscholarshipsweredisbursed dents.” ACADEMY MISSION HIGH
retary of the party’s Papanasam tracked down individuals who Kendriya Vidyalaya with records in Ranchi, identified a “middle- Vice Principal, Indian Public to 174 students, including 148 INDIRA GANDHI MEMORIAL SCHOOL, KURGI, RANCHI:
Union for three decades. He was were allegedly the pivot of this listing 123 beneficiaries, includ- man”asDineshSahu.Ansariand School, Murpuri, Ranchi. “hostel”students. HIGH SCHOOL, NAWAGARH, Records list Satish Lakra, a Class
also a leader of the District nexus:fromMustaqh,called“the ing 122 hostel students. Daniel Ara pointed to another in In Sundru village of SarfarazAhmad,owner,said: DHANBAD: Recordsshowschol- 9 student from the tribal com-
Agriculture Marketing agent of agents,” to Dinesh Sahu, Tirkey,theprincipal,said:“Ihave Behratoli: Tanveer, a tailor, who Lohardaga, residents said Sahu “Before the lockdown, 40-50 stu- arships were sanctioned for 324 munity as a Muslim who was re-
Committee. He won his first ateacherwhoalsoownsaschool no information about this schol- claimed he was directed by andbankingcorrespondentshad dentsstayedinthehostel.”Hedid students—allexceptonereceived ceived Rs 10,700 in a Jharkhand
Assemblyelectionin2006andhe in Ranchi. arshipscheme.Thereisnohostel MaulanaTabrezBukhariofDarul- visitedthemtoopenaccountsfor not provide any details about the Rs 10,700 each for “hostel” stu- State Co-operative Bank ac-
retained the Papanasam seat in All of this, right under the in our KV, and we did not fill any Salam Academy in Ranchi. The students. “One of them was car- hostel’slocation,orexplainhowso dents.Thethree-roomschoolhas count. “I was told that I will get
the 2011 and 2016 Assembly nosesofdistrict,state,andcentral application form.” Indian Express tracked down all rying a laptop and another was many students received scholar- nohostel. Rs 1,500 as stipend money but I
polls. He was inducted into the authoritieswhohavebeentasked When The Indian Express di- three. carryinga(PointofSale)machine. ships. “These details are handled Ram Dubey, director, said: have not received it. I have only
state Cabinet by late Chief with verifying the applications alled the contact number of a “Maulana Bukhari told me to Many children were asked to get bymycomputeroperator,”hesaid. “We have only 80 students. I did one SBI account,” said the 16-
Minister Jayalalithaa after his before disbursing the scholar- beneficiarylistedasNusratBano, collecttheAadhaarcardsofthose their mobile phones and reveal SUNRISE PUBLIC SCHOOL, notinitiateanyapplication.Thisis year-old.
2016 victory. ships meant for students from a student of Class 9, the call was who look like students. I was to OTPs. But we became suspicious TANGAR,RANCHI: Recordsshow abigfraud.” Sarfaraz Ahmad, the school
As agriculture minister, families with annual income be- answered by a man who identi- get Rs 100 per person. I collected and confronted them. We al- that Aasmin Khatun, 17, received UNIDENTIFIED,RANCHI: Hasan owner, said: “I don’t know how
Doraikannu was instrumental in low Rs 1 lakh, and who had fied himself as Vikas Ganjhu, a detailsofaround100persons,but lowed them to leave only after Rs 5,700 on May 11. “We haven’t Ali’saccountnumberinthePublic their religion has been
getting the Cauvery delta de- scored at least 50% in their previ- 22-year-old shop-owner from only 21 got their money. This job they promised that they would- got any passbook. We were allot- Finance Management System changed.” Bank sources said the
claredasaprotectedspecialagri- ous exam. Salwe village in Latehar. involves a lot of hard work and I n’tcometothevillageagain,”said tedRs2,500bytheschoolbutthey (PFMS)fordirecttransferslistshim money was lying unused in the
cultural zone. During the Covid- OnSunday,TheIndianExpress “Middlemenfilledourformsand have refused to do it any more,” Mumtaz Alam, a resident. said it has been adjusted in the as a beneficiary of Rs 10,700 for account since Lakra’s finger-
related lockdown too, he steered reported how the scam had en- promised us money. We haven’t said Tanveer. Whencontacted,Sahusaid:“I fees.Iamasmall-timefarmerand hostel students, but the school’s prints were not submitted amid
several reforms in handling and snaredschools,students,andpar- receivedanythingsofar,”hesaid. “What Tanveer meant was to am a Left-leaning person and do the money would have been of name could not be verified. Ali, a the Covid lockdown.
managing agricultural produce ents across four districts in In Dhanbad, St Xavier’s collectAadhaarcardsof students some farming on the side. I want much help, especially after the 25-year-old father of a child who MADRASA
andlivestockservicesinthestate. Jharkhand despite multiple Mission School owner of Darul-Salam Academy. But thestudentstoprosper,that’sall. lockdown,”saidAjijAnsari,thefa- owns some land, said he was ap- KURANIYAKALIMUL ULUM,
Vice President Venkaiah checks in place, including GhyanshyamSavfoundwhilefol- since my school did not have an I had gone to the village to make ther of Aasmin who appeared for proached by a middleman who DUMKA: Records list 270 ben-
Naidu, Prime Minister Narendra Aadhaar IDs, fingerprints, bank lowing up on applications that U-DISE (Unified District them understand the process. Class10examsthisyear. toldhimtogivehisfingerprintson eficiaries, including 179 hostel
Modi and Chief Minister accounts,andanonlinedatabase. the contact number had been Information System for The money comes to the stu- Rakiba Khatun, a Class 10 stu- aPoSmachineandAadhaardetails students. However, the contact
Edappadi K Palaniswami con- Itturnsoutthatthisscamhas changed in the forms. “It was the Education Code) number, which dents’accounts,howcanItakeit? dent, also received Rs 2,500 from to avail “charity money from the number listed in the name of
doled the minister's death. multipletrails,with“charityfrom number of a woman from isrequiredforapplying,wecould All these allegations are false.” thesanctionedRs5,700.“Wedon’t Saudigovernment”.Recordsshow Ajmeri Biwi, a Class 6 student,
The PMO quoted Modi as Saudia Arabia” emerging as a re- Wasseypur.WhenIgotmynum- not go ahead,” said Bukhari. know in which bank my account the money was deposited in his was answered by a man who
saying: “Saddened by the de- curring theme. ber reinstated, I found that 100 Local residents and Maulana Jharkhand CM wasopened.Weweregivencash,” account on May 11. “The middle- identified himself as Manzar
mise of Minister in the Tamil
Nadu Government, Thiru R.
“I was told the money was
from the Saudi government. I
Bukhari described a man they
identified as Mustaqh as the orders probe said Rakiba, 17. “I am a farmer but
don't own any land. During the
men only gave me half the
amount. My sisters, too, received
Bari from Gaya in Bihar. “I don’t
know what you are talking
Doraikkannu. He made note- gavethemiddlemanmyAadhaar tal,”hesaid.“Theauthoritiessaid “agent of agents who has done verification of applicants — from lockdown,wegotapittanceforour moneylikethis,”saidAli. about,” he said.
worthy efforts to serve society number and account details. My it was a server error. How can lakhs of transactions”. the school to the state level. “We produce. We will try to educate Samshul Haque, who runs
and empower the farmers. wife and I received Rs 10,700 there be a server error on a phys- Subsequently, The Indian Express will immediately rectify the sys- our children as long as we can,”
‘Don’t know why the madrasa, said he did not
Condolences to his family and each, and we gave half the ical piece of paper?” received a call from a man who temofverificationandmakesure said Latif Ansari, Rakiba’s father. religion was changed’ verify any application for the
supporters in this sad hour.” amounttothemiddleman,”said identified himself as Mustaqh. thisdoesnothappenagain.These Records show 130 students re- SUNRISE PUBLIC SCHOOL, scholarship. "Someone seems to
-WITHPTIINPUTS Ansari, 39. “I took the money be-
Connecting the dots, “Who asked you to come behind scholarshipsareimportantforthe ceived Rs 5,700 each. Munsaf RATU, RANCHI: Scholarship have cheated us,” he said.

OVER THE HEDGE by Michael Fry & T Lewis
ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 20) LIBRA (Sept 24 - Oct 23)
The fact that the This is now a special
Moon is in such a time of year. I cannot
friendly promise that the
relationship to your next four weeks will
sign should surely help you be easy but, even in small ways,
give yourself a leg up today. they will be significant. In fact,
Don't depend on others to in a strange sense, the more
carry out your requests, but obstacles you meet, the greater
don't subordinate yourself to your chances for success. The
their wishes, either. And don't acorns which fall now will, as
be complacent. the saying goes, grow into
mighty oaks as the years go by.
TAURUS (Apr 21 - May 21)
I'd like to take a quick SCORPIO (Oct 24 - Nov 22)
look at a long-term Strangelyenough,
cycle and point out contradictory
that Mars, a most planetaryinfluences
CALVIN & HOBBES by Bill Watterson impetuous planet, is making oftenmakeforthe
this rather an extravagant time. mostproductiveperiods.Thefact
If your costs haven’t escalated thatyouareenteringasecretive
already, they soon will. Your job period,whilestillgoingthrough
is to make sure that it’s all asociablephase,istherefore
worth it. likelytoleadtosomehighly
ACROSS DOWN intriguingencountersoverthe
1 Gets excited about a point 2 Food in test case is exhibited in GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) nexttwoorthreeweeks.
reached in development (5) court (8) Let’s check out
8 Took part with spirit on an 3 Beer long brewed in France (8) Mercury, the planet SAGITTARIUS(Nov23-Dec22)
instrument (4,4) 4 Two lads, one suffers (6) responsible for your Professional
9 Heaped like carpets? (5) 5 I drew out something strange chatty ways. Right arrangementsstill
10 Emphasises the potential of an (5) now you are being urged to do seemtodominatethe
Oriental artiste (8) 6 Western ceremony put down something practical with your outlook.If you’ve
11 Don is produced theatrically (5) ideas and, if you don’t take beenhavingoneortwosleepless
(3,2) 7 An inspiration to entertain (5) that important step towards a nights,somethingisdefinitely
12 One may see one in the 12 Initially when to expect a letter new activity soon, you could wrong.Theunderlyingtrendfor
museum of Natural History (3) from Greece (3) become rather frustrated allworldlyambitionsisactually
16 Note carrier soaked and all in 13 Purposeful employment? (3) or resentful. profoundlyfavourable.Youjust
(6) 14 Conceivably isn’t acne in this havetogetthroughthenextfew
CANCER (June 22 - July 23) dayswithyourdreamsand
17 She’s involved in stage, films case (8)
I often think that
and radio (6)
18 Get on with some notes
15 Conflict in which counter
charges may be the deciding
MARVIN by Tom Armstrong yours is one of the
most perfect signs of CAPRICORN (Dec 23 - Jan 20)
(3) factor (5,3)
the zodiac, but so Asfromnowyouare
23 A portion of rhubarb jam 19 A warm spring we hear for an
often your life seems to be full enteringan
(5) old man (6)
of struggles. Yet, looking at the ambitiousphasethat
24 Taken ill (8) 20 Tongue of land between Italy
long-term, it is now a simple willseeprofessional
25 They drift for the present on and Turkey (5)
matter to forecast increased typesredoublingtheireffortsto
board ship (5) 21 It has a shaky reputation as a
prosperity and comfort - but getonandgetahead.Thereisa
26 Shot by firing squad and writer (5)
only if you dodge the next few chancecomingupsoontoplay
carried out (8) 22 Enter into an American
days’ worth of emotional somesortof diplomaticrolein
27 The kind that turns green business contract with ancient
flying bombs. yourcommunity.Justhowand
(5) city (5)
LEO (July 24 - Aug 23) of timing.
SolutionsCrossword4264:Across:1Antagonist,6Ring,10Siren,11Champagne, The weekly trend
12Esurient,13Latin,15Croesus,17Esparto,19Reddens,21Dresses,22Aesop,24 shows that you AQUARIUS (Jan 21 - Feb 19)
Eastwind,27Off-colour,28Refer,29Liar,30Ethereally.Down:1Also,2Threshold, should now begin to You must be the
3Goner,4Nucleus,5Seattle,7Ingot,8Greenhouse,9Applepie,14Scoreagoal,16 bring financial lucky recipient of a
plans to a conclusion. If you’ve windfall, although I
been dreaming about a don’t think you’re
particular investment or going to be showered by cash
bargain but have made no from heaven. It might be that
JUMBLED WORDS DifficultyLevel5s
positive moves, get on money is not involved, but you’ll

with it. But more than that, be swamped with affection. The
Instructions you’re heading for a fresh source of the upcoming
Givenbelowarefourjumbledwords.Solvethejumblestomakeproperwordsandmovethemto TosolveaSudokupuzzle, start in whatever area generosity should be someone
therespectivesquaresbelow.Selectthelettersintheshadedsquaresandjumblethemtoget everydigitfrom1to9 you choose. who is well-known to you.

theanswerforthegivenquip. mustappearineachofthe
Therichest___isthatwhichsubmitstothearbitrationof___.-LawrenceDurrell(4,..,4) VIRGO (Aug 24 - Sept 23) PISCES (Feb 20 - Mar 20)
nineverticalcolumns,in Venus and Mercury The Moon elevates
eachoftheninehorizontal are still closely your thoughts today.
GINEE AISVLT rowsandineachofthe related, It would be very nice
nineboxes. encouraging if you could take
everything that is most some time off to be a vague,
sociable and charming in your dreamy sensitive Piscean and
DTVIO CIITMV DifficultyLevel
character. However, it now avoid the traps set by those who
seems that unless you take the wish to lure you into a dull and
1s=Veryeasy;2s=Easy; initiative, one possibility, unsatisfying routine. Plus, if I
3s=Medium;4s=Hard; perhaps a promised were you, I’d steer clear of
- Lawrence Durrell 5s=VeryHard;6s= partnership, may slip from people who have nothing to do
Answer: The richest love is that which submits to the arbitration of time. Genius your grasp. but cause trouble.




‘Tejashwi is tutored, can’t deliver, was absent in Covid...

people know there has been no change in RJD character’
It seems to be creating some impact. weexpelledallthe(BJPpeoplewhowere)LJP changed if the captain changes. I am the cap-
LIZMATHEW&MANOJCG Nitish is being compared with Nitish. candidates... That ended their election tainnowbutAmitShahremainstheopener...
And Nitish is a personality who believes in prospects. And we made it clear that our al- Yes, as party president I will have to speak
tough talk... and also good governance. There liance comprises four parties — the BJP, JD(U), more. I have to attend public rallies, other-
You have been campaigning intensely in is no expectation from Tejashwi. People HAMandVIP.Oursisacadre-basedparty.Here wise I was never on the dais, always amidst
Bihar. What’s the major challenge for know that throughout corona, Tejashwi was the spirit of transferring votes is 100 percent. people to listen to their voices. Even today,
the BJP? in Delhi. J P Nadda is not fighting elections alone, it is
There’s no challenge. People want devel- JD(U) leaders are saying that the damage with full inputs from Amit Shah, Rajnath
opment and they have understood that time What’syouropinionof Tejashwi? has been done. Singh, Nitin Gadkari and the Honourable
has come when Prime Minister (Narendra) They have not risen from the roots. They Nodamage.Wedon’tsaybadthingsabout Prime Minister. IconsultedAmitShahonour
Modi is there to take care of Bihar and Nitish don’t know the problems. They are tutored, anybody.Butwhenwerealisethatsomebody programmes during the corona pandemic. I
Kumaristhereasanexperiencedsoberperson they can’t deliver. They are not honest to the is taking advantage of it because we are quiet, consult him regularly.
committedtogoodgovernance.So,heisgoing cause. He has not attended (the House) as we don’t allow it... (Saying) ‘I am Hanuman of
toimplementthesame.Inthepastfewyears, Leader of Opposition in the last year... (just) Modiji’...thatdoesnot(mean)ourworkersare Could you have handled the migrant
aseachangehastakenplace...Institutions,im- one day of the Budget Session. How are you going to vote for you. labour issue better?
plementation of infrastructure, highways, going to explain it? This speaks volumes We handled it well. And it’s not an issue
over-bridges,flyovers,recruitments,develop- about (his) arrogance…feudalism, (his) dis- JD(U)leaderssaytheLJPshouldnotgetthe inBihar.Theyarethemostsatisfied(withour
ment of institutes of na- respect for democracy. RajyaSabhaseataspartof measures). It was an un-
tional standards... people theNDAorjointhe precedented crisis, every
(At Tejashwi’s The BJP has been in Cabinet.Doyouagree?
I am the captain now day we had to handle dif-
not want development to rallies) It’s not a power at the Centre for J P Nadda at a roadshow in Hajipur in Vaishali district on Saturday. PTI We will see when it but Amit Shah ferent things.
getderailedagain.Peopleof crowd. It is committed six years now. Why are comes to that. But the point remains the opener…
Bihar are very conscious of voters of one particular you still talking about 60 isveryclear.Thereisnocon- Even today, J P Nadda is UPCMYogiAdityanath
their rights and they know style, who have been with years of the Congress Ontheground,wehearmanyvoices does not match... unhone experiment karke fusion between the BJP and not fighting elections haswarnedthatthose
whocan(protect)those.So them for 20 years. Same and 15 years of Lalu? againstNitish.Haveyouheardthese? dekh liya. I was the Health Minister then. I the JD(U) and HAM and VIP. alone, it is with full inputs whowagewhathecalls
I find the BJP-NDA to be far
people, same supporters... is a Because we find there
marked change during
We know who these are... inko peeda hui
hai Lalu ko chodne ki. Yeh woh voices hain
telephoned Nitish Kumar and told him that
I am unable to contact your Health Minister.
We are fighting together.
from Amit Shah, Rajnath ‘lovejihad’shouldbe
People know if they come the Nitish regime in Bihar. (Theyarethosewhowerepained It was dengue season. He said, You have filled in Amit Singh, Nitin Gadkari and journey—RamNaam
Youmentioned again, same things are It is our responsibility to because of Nitish leaving Lalu). ‘WhatcanIdoNaddaji.Whodo Shah’s big shoes. After Prime Minister... I consult SatyaHaikiYatra...Do
recruitment.Apromise going to happen” putthingsonrecordsothat Theywerehurtbecausetheyhad I tell?’. I told him I have to send taking over, you had to him (Shah) regularly” youapproveof such
like10lakhjobsmadeby there is no confusion in the hijacked (po wer). If you want to medicines for dengue, I have to lead the party during a remarks?
TejashwiYadavis minds of the people. In compare, compare Nitish’s 2010 send a team of doctors...I need pandemic. What were Everyonehastheirown
drawingcrowds… Bihar, people didn’t step out of their houses popularity with 2020 because THE EXPRESS reports. ‘Yeh Tej Pratap your main challenges? style of functioning and their choice of words
It’s not a crowd. It is the committed voters after 5 pm... there was no terrorism in Bihar
of one particular style who have been with (for them to be scared). Brothers didn’t send
theJD(U)-BJP was together then
and JD(U)- BJP is together now. INTERVIEW
(Tejashwi’s brother) ghode se hi
nahin uttra (didn’t get off his
Culture doesn’t change in our party with isasperthat…Attheendofit,sabkasaathsabka
change of guard. We work with team spirit, vikas, sabka vishwas will be the motto.
themforthepast20years.Whenthey(gather), their sisters out alone. And who were the high horse)’. So he knows. I wehaveaparliamentaryboardof whichIam
othersunderstandwhatisgoingtohappenin people (behind this)? (Mohammad) What gives you the J P NADDA, knew it. a member since 2014. I was Secretary of Ramnaamsatyahaiisassociatedwith
Bihar.Thesamepeople,samesupporters...Usse Shahabuddin, who was an RJD MP. He killed confidence that Nitish will BJP NATIONAL PRESIDENT ParliamentaryBoardandtheCentralElection death.
jyada koi nahin aata (No one beyond that). two brothers by pouring acid. One journal- remain with you? ChiragPaswan’sLJPispartof Committee. All decisions are collective and Idon’tsubscribetotheviewthatthisisthe
Bihars know that if these people come again, ist wrote that the minister went to meet him He has understood — and I theNDA,butheiscontesting taken at the parliamentary board. Prime connotation (of what he said).
thesamethingsaregoingtohappen.Therehas in jail... he was murdered. Today’s DGP, he had said this at that time too — that it (his al- againstyourallianceinBihar.Whynot Minister Modi’s inputs are immense. I never
been no change in the RJD’s character. was hiding in the thana from Shahabuddin... liance with Lalu) was unholy and unscien- removehimfromtheNDA? felt that I had to fill big shoes or small shoes. HowimportantisawininBiharforyou?
Then (G) Krishnaiah, a Dalit officer from tific and the chemistry didn’t match. People TheBJPneverexpelsanyone.Oursisavery Idon’tspeakasentencethatdoesn’thavethe For the BJP, every election is a challenge. I
Tejashwi’s attack against Nitish Kumar is Andhra Pradesh, was lynched. How can we mocked me but I knew. Sushasan and disciplined party. It takes half a day for us to consideration of the top people in the party. don’ttakeanylightly.Ifeeluncomfortablesit-
on jobs and the way he handled Covid... forget and let people forget all this? Kushasan can’t be together. The chemistry giveastatement.Thereweretwoactions.One, And the batting order does not get ting in Delhi when a state is going to polls.

In seat once represented by Lalu, murder FORMORELOGONTO

accused queers son’s development pitch /ELECTIONS

the last day of campaigning for the second
DANAPUR (PATNA), NOVEMBER 1 Even though Danapur’s voters are largely KUSHWAHA WILL VISIT
DESPITE ATTEMPTS by the Nitish Kumar-led ing raised about Ritlal’s candidature.
NDA alliance to rake up poor law and order PawanKumarGupta,whorunsabusiness AND BAJPATTI IN
duringthe15-yearregimeof LaluPrasad,the in Danapur market, says, “One must not en- SITAMARHI DISTRICT;
RJD-led Mahagathbandhan has so far man- courage elements like Ritlal. He faces several MORWA IN SAMASTIPUR
aged to keep its campaign focused on devel- accusations of land grabbing. We would stay
opment politics and Tejashwi Yadav’s prom- away from such a candidate even if Tejashwi
ise of 10 lakh jobs for the state’s youth. Yadav promises us the moon.” Adds Jitendra MADHUBANI DISTRICT
However, the Danapur contest — where sit- KumarfromPatalapurpanchayat,“Ritlal’svic-
tingBJPMLAAshaDeviSinhaistakingonthe tory could mean rise of several local hood-
I Hereby Declare RJD’s Ritlal Yadav, one of the men accused of
murdering her husband Satyanarayan Sinha
lums. Being a fellow Yadav is not good
in 2003 — threatens to muddle that script. Anotherresident,AvinashKumar,saysthat
Adjoining capital Patna, the Danapur the RJD’s Muslim, Yadav-plus formula may
Assembly seat, which votes on November 3, On Sunday, Tejashwi shared stage with Ritlal Yadav (in cap) for the first time. Express not work in Danapur “because of Ritlal’s im- WHO ARE PACHPAUNIA,
was represented by Lalu Prasad in 2000. The age”. In fact, even if Ritlal gets 80-90% of the PACHFORNA?
BJP’s Asha Sinha has been representing the Yadav votes, the upper castes, OBC Kurmis,
SUNILKUMAR seat since 2005. Her husband was killed on over 59,000 votes and RJD stituency has issues such as water-logging, Kushwahas and a big chunk of the EBC votes
Janata Dal (United), April 30, 2003, and the case is under trial. candidate Sachchidanand the main concern is to are likely to go in Sinha’s favour.
Bhorey (Gopalganj) Ritlal, who faces 33 cases of murder, at- only 11,000 votes. keep a politician like Ritlal first came into limelight in the early
tempttomurder,extortion,andisalsocharged In the 2015 elections, Phase2 Ritlal at bay. In this 1990s for he and his men landing all the rail-
underprovisionsoftheArmsAct,wasjailedin the RJD fielded Rajkishore Katihar election, I am contest- way contracts of Danapur division. After
` 6.1 CRORE (with spouse) 2010inamurdercase.Hehasbeenacquitted Yadav, but he lost to Patna ing against my hus- SatyanarayanSinha’smurder,hehadgoneon
**Contesting elections for the first time
in eight of these cases, and is out on bail. theBJP’sAshaSinhaby DANAPUR band’s alleged killer,” the run and had only surrendered in 2010.
In2013,Ritlalbecamethefirststatepoliti- about 5,000 votes. Phase1 Sinhasaidatameetingin However, Ritlal continues to be close to
MOVABLE ASSETS cian to face a case under the Prevention of In her campaign Danapur on October 31. Lalureportedly,andtheRJDsupremohadalso ● POLL SPEAK
Money Laundering Act. this time, Sinha is re- The next day, as Ritlal cam- visited his Danapur house before the 2014
` 3.9 CRORE In2010,RitlalhadcontestedtheAssembly minding people of her hus- paigned in the riverine belt, he stuck LokSabhapollstoseeksupportforhisdaugh-
Assets 2015 2020 elections as an Independent from jail. While band’s murder and asking them to vote for tohisparty’sdevelopmentpitch.Hewasalso ter and Pataliputra RJD candidate Misa SHAKTISINH GOHIL’S
Cash in hand - 85,000 he had lost, he had managed to get 41,000 in ‘peace’.“Iamonlytellingpeopleaboutaman- joined by Tejashwi Yadav, who has so far Bharati. In 2014, Lalu had made him the RJD FULL INTERVIEW
Bank balance - 2.54 cr the Yadav bastion. The BJP’s Asha Sinha got chain (peace, law and order) . While the con- avoided sharing the stage with the leader, on state secretary.
Stocks & bonds - NIL
Other investment - 83.18 lakh

All work, or only play? The sum total of the job maths
Jewellery - 36 lakh
Vehicle - 15 lakh
Other - 1 lakh
Total - 3.9 crore
police officers, Rs 5,780 crore will be spent on details, Union minister Ravi Shankar Prasad
` 2.27 CRORE
recruitment of 75,000 engineers, Rs 6,406
OUT OF WORK claimedthiswasongroundoflayingofoptical
fibre in every Bihar village, that had created
ons... This means a total of Rs 58,415 crore... If jobs at local levels, and setting up of common
Assets 2015 2020 SEVERAL FIGURES are being thrown about as the Opposition spends this much on salary,
Agri land - 1.2 crore the Bihar polls come to hang on the lack, and how will they meet the expenses on pension, Pre-lockdown Lockdown Post-lockdown Centre (which he heads), that had engaged
Non-agri land - 6 lakh promise, of jobs. Here are some of them: students’scholarship,cycle,uniforms,mid-day 50 “over 2.5 lakh boys and girls in Bihar alone”.
meal...and electricity?” he questioned. Modi 40 The JD(U) has said contrary to Tejashwi's


Commercial - NIL Tejashwi’s 10 lakh


noted that the state budget was Rs 2.11 lakh 30 claims of 4.5 lakh government jobs not being

Residential - 85 lakh



The Grand Alliance’s CM candidate has crore,afarcryfromtheRs24,000crorebudget filled,“aroundonelakhjobsarevacant,ofwhich







Other - 16.6 lakh



promised10lakhgovernmentjobsinthe“very in the RJD government’s time. 10 wehaveadvertisedformorethan75,000”.


Total - 2.27 crore first Cabinet with my very first signature”. He InanapparentreferencetoLalu,Nitishsaid, 0
has reduced this number to a “Where will you get money to Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Cong’s ‘21,000-odd’

simple math: “There is a provi- paythesalaries?Fromthesame *India's monthly unemployment rate till October 31 is 6.8% (Urban 7.1%, Rural 6.7%) On Friday, the Congress accused Nitish of
(Bank loans, etc.) sioninthebudgetfor4.5lakhjobs scam for which you are in jail?” puttinghealthservices“onaventilator”,claim-
thatarevacant.And5.5lakhjobs Tejashwireplied:“Rs30,000 STATE OF AFFAIRS: BIHAR’S JOBLESSNESS ing shortage of 60% doctors and 71% nurses
more are needed for Bihar’s crore is Bihar’s budget, where is ■ Jan-Apr ■ May-Aug UnemploymentRate(%) acrossBihar.Withoutmentioningtheyearthe
No pending criminal cases
progress,accordingtoNITIAayog. themoney?Allgonein60scams JD(U)-BJPgovernmenthaddoneso,orinrefer-
If there is a will, it’s possible.” onhis(Nitish’s)watch...Hespent Total 17.2 23.6 Urban 29.1 23 Rural 15.6 23.7 encetowhichcase,theCongresssaidtheNitish
HASHTAG POLITICS According to him, these 5.5 lakh ● Rs500croretobrightenhisface Male 16.3 23 Male 28.2 21.9 Male 14.7 23.1 government had submitted to the Supreme
jobs will be added in medicine, inads.Thenhemakesthislaugh- Female 53.3 46.5 Female 49.6 56.5 Female 54.2 44.8 Courtthatonly5,205ofthe12,206sanctioned
education, police services etc. able comment.” posts of doctors and 5,634 of the 19,155 posts
● @PCHIDAMBARAM_IN: “...IN TheNDAreactedafteritsawthattheprom- Source: Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy of nurses in the state were filled.
2019 LS POLLS, BJP CANDIDATES isewasresonatingacrosscrowds.DeputyCM BJP’s 19 lakh TheCongresssaidaGrandAlliancegovern-
won 319 of 381 assembly seats. But in SushilKumarModifiredthefirstsalvo,saying AfterraisingquestionsregardingTejashwi’s mentwouldfillupthesevacantpostsina“spe-
election or by-election in these regions since that10lakhadditionaljobswouldmeananex- promise,theBJPsomewhatdilutedthecharge wouldcreateonelakhjobsandtherestwould Both Nitish and the BJP have now taken to cial drive”, “bypassing Public Service
2019... BJP candidates...won...163 of 381. pense of Rs 58,000 crore above the annual by vowing in its manifesto to create 19 lakh come from agriculture etc, without details. claiming that under Lalu Prasad, followed by Commission”. The Congress said eligible can-
Who said the BJP can’t be defeated? Oppn budget. He said: “If 1.25 lakh doctors, 2.5 lakh jobs.AstheBJPputit,itspromisewasnotabout RJD national vice-president Shivanand RabriDevi,theRJDgovernmentcreated“only didates would appear with their educational
have to believe they can defeat the BJP. I para-medical staff are inducted, then “giving jobs” but “creating them”. Tewarireacted:“Tejashwihassettheagenda... 95,000 jobs” in 15 years and when, for 10 of certificates,thesewouldbeverified,andanin-
hope this will be proved in Bihar.” Rs22,270.95crorewillbespentonsalaries.For Bihar BJP president Dr Sanjay Jaiswal said BothPMModiandNitishhavebeenfindingit those years, Bihar and Jharkhand were one. terviewdonebytheDirectorGeneralofHealth
recruitmentof2.5lakhteachersand50teach- only four lakh of those jobs — three lakh in difficult to answer his job posers.” In comparison, NDA leaders have been Services,leadingtorecruitment.Thepartyalso
983LIKES,182RETWEETSIN6HRS ers,Rs20,352.66crorewillbespent...Rs3,604 teachingandonelakhinhealth—wouldbein claiming,theNitishgovernmentinits15years promised hiring of specialists on “special
crore will be spent on recruitment of 95,000 the government sector. He said the IT sector
Lalu’s ‘95,000’ vs Nitish's ‘6 lakh’ had given six lakh jobs. Without giving many salary”, and increase in PHCs in Bihar.



THE EDITORIAL PAGE Coalitions though successful have

always found this, that their triumph
has been brief. — BENJAMIN DISRAELI

Offices at war

Andhra CM letter to CJI alleging wrongdoing by HC
is a first. SC must settle matter expeditiously


Government has set new terms for Air India sale, but it may
not be easy to attract bidders in current climate

ACCOUNTABILITY ANGELS URGING that against a senior justice of the Supreme Justice DVSS Somayajulu respectively on
the truth must come out and secrecy folks Court of India without meeting the robust September 15 and 16, 2020, and alleges that
N OCTOBER 29, the Government of India announced yet another round insisting that institutional integrity trumps evidentiary threshold for prima facie en- the “beneficiary” of these orders is the TDP
of changestofacilitatethe saleof AirIndia.Themostsubstantivechange the people’s right to know will have yet quiry. Second, he names some incumbent “of which Justice Ramana was a legal ad-
concerns the level of debt that prospective bidders would necessarily again a field day with the letter (publicly justices and the Chief Justice of the High viser and Additional Advocate General in
have to take on if they bought the national carrier. Earlier, the govern- disclosed via media release) by the Chief Court as directly or indirectly giving judg- the past…” However, the Apex Court has
menthadmandatedafixedlevelof debttobebundledwiththesale.This Minister of Andhra Pradesh to the Chief ments and orders at the instigation of even in TADA cases quashed terror convic-
Justice of India. Justice Ramana. Third, his principal advisor, tions in holding that intention and conse-
was a hefty amount of Rs 23,286.50 crore. According to the latest announcement, the
The secrecy folks always manage to pre- Ajeya Kellam, releases the letter to the press, quences are different things — intention has
government will allow prospective bidders the flexibility to decide the level of debt they vail. Remember advocate Utsav Singh Bains even before the CJI had an opportunity to to be proved and one may not infer it by a
wish to take on while buying the debt-ridden airline. The second substantive change is who filed an affidavit that a certain disgrun- examine the matter. study of the consequences of the act.
that the winning bidder will have to deposit at least 15 per cent of the bid amount in cash tled corporate hatched a big conspiracy How may Chief Justice Bobde act? He Already, Ashwini Kumar Upadhyay, a
with the government ahead of the share transfer. Since these crucial changes were an- since CJI Ranjan Gogoi had taken strict ju- may decide to direct the registrar to list the Supreme Court lawyer and BJP leader, has
nounced just a day before the last date for submission of expressions of interest, the gov- dicial action against the subversion of judi- matter as manifest contempt — two very sought the statutorily required consent of
ernment also announced an extension of this deadline from October 30 to December 14 cial independence? Remember that Justice recent decisions of the Court have held that the Attorney General K K Venugopal to ini-
A K Patnaik had submitted a sealed cover scandalisation of the Court is contuma- tiate contempt proceedings against the
report to the Supreme Court in October cious. Of course, the elite constitutional chief minister and his principal advisor,
The government hopes that these changes would make Air India a more attractive 2019? One year down the road, are we the opinion demands that this power be exer- Kellam, because “if this kind of precedent
proposition. The high — and rising — level of debt has easily been the biggest stumbling people, well-informed about the truth of cised very rarely. Who/what should the CJI were allowed, political leaders would start
block in the sale of Air India since it was first put up for sale in 2018. Air India had close to the matter? listen to? making reckless allegations against judges
Rs 60,000 crore of debt even before the pandemic made things worse; the beleaguered Undeterred, the Andhra Pradesh CM The gravamen against Justice Ramana is who do not decide cases in their favour” and
carrier has accumulated additional debt since the start of the current financial year. Given now attacks the “neutrality” of the high that he was biased to act in favour of the rul- this would soon “spell the death knell of an
court and alleges a “nexus” between that ing party because he was an additional ad- independent judiciary”. One hopes that the
the fact that aviation has been one of the worst-hit sectors in the wake of the COVID-19
court and some justices and the Chief vocate general when the Telugu Desam learned AG will decide soon because the
pandemic, resulting in debt levels going up across the industry, the government was of Justice and Justice N V Ramana, due to be-
The conduct is Party was in office. Many lawyers have daily trial of cases against legislators would
the view, and rightfully so, that “fixing the debt at any level could have reduced the uni- come the 48th CJI when CJI S A Bobde re- contumacious at least on adorned august constitutional positions of now commence.
verse of bidders”. tires on April 23, 2021. Never in the history three counts. First, the CM being high court (and later even the Accountability angels may insist on a
Notwithstanding the latest changes, the biggest threat to the government’s efforts is of independent India has an incumbent makes an allegation of Supreme Court) justices because of their thorough probe into the allegation about
the timing. Most existing players, who would have made for the best bidders, are strug- chief minister written a missive to the CJI high legal experience. Did/do they then nec- lands in Amaravati purchased by two
alleging such wrongdoing by a high court,
'destabilising' his essarily commit any judicial impropriety or daughters of the learned justice before its
gling to survive themselves. Moreover, air traffic in October, while distinctly better than government against a senior
alleging also that a senior-most judge of the are close to the executive to a point of com- designation as capital of the new state. The
May, is less than half of what it was before the pandemic hit. Further, with the second Supreme Court has aided and abetted an justice of the Supreme Court plicity? The second allegation is that Justice chief minister is confident that an enquiry
wave of COVID infections across the board, estimates suggest that most airlines may enterprise to “destabilise and topple the Ramana has exercised remote control and will establish a “prior meeting of minds”,
of India without meeting the
struggle to be financially viable even in 2021. Beyond the timing issue, it is too early to as- democratically elected government of the influenced Bench formation in the Andhra “meticulous round-tripping of transactions
sess whether the latest tweaks would be enough to attract interest from the buyers. It is state”. The letter also speaks of an “indelible robust evidentiary threshold High Court. But is there any hard prima fa- and the holdings”, and a “larger scam”. At
noteworthy that in the previous iterations since 2018, Air India has not attracted a single trail” which leads “back to the overt and for prima facie enquiry. cie evidence of such a conduct suggesting its best, the Court may add its voice for an
bid. The trouble is, since Air India losses money each year, it is difficult for the govern- covert actions of Sri N Chandrababu Naidu Second, he names some that the Master of the Roster allowed such expeditious CBI investigation. But if the CJI
through Honourable Sri Justice NV incumbent justices and the things to happen? Third, Justice decides on an in-house enquiry, the com-
ment to wait out this trough in the market — unless, of course, it can find ways to run the
Ramana”. Chelameswar, in a 2016 internal note to the mittee will have to act much before April
airline in such a manner that it doesn’t leak money. The chief minister does not seek any Chief Justice of the High Collegium, now in the public domain, sug- 23, 2021, the date of his retirement.
specific constitutional remedy; he seems Court as directly or gested that his colleague had shown “un- Any delay may result in an inadvertent
merely to surmise and suggest. Scurrilous, indirectly giving judgments due proximity” to the chief minister in en- and unconstitutional supersession. One


even if politically shrewd, suspicions do not dorsing six judicial elevations. In the event, hopes that the Union Law Minister Ravi
and orders at the instigation
constitute evidence which will hold up in a however, it seems that the contrary view Shankar Prasad would reassure the nation
judicial forum. Would the CJI then be duty- of Justice Ramana. Third, his expressed by the Intelligence Bureau and that the supersession of justices is a thing
bound or discretion-laden in yet ordering principal advisor, Ajeya the Collegium prevailed. of past and will never be allowed to raise its
A formal alliance may not be enough for the Congress and CPM an in-house investigation on such a contu- Kellam, releases the letter to Can allegations about such misdoings ugly and fierce mien again.
to be the alternative to Trinamool Congress in West Bengal macious conduct? further override the attorney-client privi-
the press, even before the CJI

The conduct is contumacious at least on lege? The letter refers to the “gag” order and The writer is professor of law, University of
HE CPM CENTRAL committee on Saturday stamped its approval on an al- three counts. First, the CM makes an allega- had an opportunity to a stay of investigation passed by the Chief Warwick,and former vice chancellor of
liance with the Congress to fight the assembly elections in West Bengal tion of “destabilising” his government examine the matter. Justice of Andhra Pradesh High Court and Universities of South Gujarat and Delhi
next year, while the two parties will face off in Kerala around the same
time. Though a formal alliance is a first, the CPM and Congress had a tacit
understanding to take on Mamata Banerjee’s Trinamool Congress in the


showing. Besides, the BJP seems to have emerged as the principal opposition to the
Trinamool in West Bengal. The Congress and CPM will need more than just an alliance to
radically alter thepolitical scenario in West Bengal and be of some consequence in the as-
sembly polls.
After two terms in office, Mamata Banerjee has lost some of the lustre that fetched her
a substantialmajority in the last two assembly elections. The CPM and the Congress were How project that devised self-reliance in foodgrains can guide COVID vaccination
issues such as land ownership. The rise of the BJP has transformed the nature of the con-
test and the party is now controlling the narrative in the state with a new form of iden-
Yoginder K Alagh
tity politics — its spectacular ascent is reflected in the BJP winning 18 Lok Sabha seats and
over 40 per cent of the votes in 2019. The challenge before the Congress and the CPM is MONTEKSINGHAHLUWALIA,aneconomist support, we could turn to “secular” dharma I came back fired with energy, but my
to reinvent the alliance as the alternative to both the Trinamool and the BJP. That calls for with considerable practical experience, has gurus who have a large following — follow- staff chief gave me a horror story of how
the alliance to discard the lethargy induced by the loss of office and be at least a vibrant pointed out that under normal circum- ers of Pandurang Shastri Athawale (Dada) agriculture was planned. Some yardsticks
Oppositioninthestreetandtheassembly,offeracountertoMamata’sgovernanceagenda stances, India manages to vaccinate only 65 and Morari Bapu, the Kathakar, in western that had originated in Poland were used. I
and patronage politics as well as the BJP’s identity politics. The tried, tested and failed per cent of its under-five-year-olds, 100 mil- India, for example. There are likely to be sim- put an end to that and asked each collector
lion of the 150 million in that age group. By ilar groups in different states and regions. to send me data from the field. Using it, we
leadership of these parties seems hardly in a position to present a new agenda and cap-
implication, 200 million people to be vacci- These are actually religious leaders with a modelled agriculture production and by
ture the narrative. The Congress and the Left in West Bengal have revealed the same nated against COVID in the first year means solid reputation for fieldwork and an organ- 1978, we were producing enough grain to
predicament that its national leadership suffers from — out of office, they are at a loss in a very difficult if not an almost impossible isational structure to follow through when feed ourselves. To my surprise, I became an
setting the electoral agenda. Both the Congress and the CPM have lost the ambition and target. This challenge needscareful thinking. a task is spelt out to them. The Khalsa is, of agricultural “expert”.
skill to reimagine their vision, introduce new leaders and mobilise people: They have We need to plan on a war footing. But the course, the finest example of this with a Will we now have the courage to face re-
optedtowaitforvoterstoreturnafterexhaustingtrustintheincumbentparty.Suchastrat- plan must also be realistic and based on lo- global reach. ality? It's more difficult because you have to
cal realities. The first task would be the con- The public sector in the PPP mode would look at the face of death. But if we manage to
egy can work for them in states where politics is bipolar, but it is likely to further dimin-
struction of a real statistical system, or us- need to build up the supply chain infrastruc- do so, we will build the best possible —
ish their influence when new players enter the contest. ing management jargon, an information ture. A realistic plan will, of course, be for 12 though by no means not perfect — Vaccine
West Bengal, clearly, is poised to see a three-cornered contest. Together, the CPM and system based on health statistics at the vil- to 18 months. An appraisal system must be Plan and improve on it as we go along. But
Congress had gathered over 32 per cent votes in the 2016 election, which is substantial lage level and using guesswork in cases a part of it. we have stopped planning. It's not pretty.
in a multi-polar polity. The alliance will need a powerful message and action-plan to im- where we don’t have data. Those who work Actually, such planning was done for That's why the media and TV shows talk of
such a system must be supported. They have We have stopped planning. food self-reliance in the late 1960s and the the heroes after COVID. Nobody has the
prove upon this vote-share and offer itself as a contender for office.
a difficult task — taking decisions with the It's not pretty. That's why the 1970s. In some ways, the problem was sim- courage to talk about what happens “until
lowest probability of failure despite infor- media and TV shows talk of ilar. I joined the Perspective Planning then”, because it's not a good looking story
mation gaps. We must appreciate their hero- the heroes after COVID. Division (the powerful PPD) on invitation as even on art paper. But that's what we need.

Freeze Frame E P Unny ism and forgive their mistakes. Any case,
nasty parliamentary questions will have to Nobody has the courage to
its adviser. The staff chief helping me had
expertise in agriculture. In those days, the
The dominant Medium Is the Massage
story will tell us that all’s well only after 1991.
be answered. talk about what happens Adviser PPD had to call on the PM. She Meanwhile, we have had the second-high-
Once the rudiments of a system are ‘until then’, because it's not a looked at me and said you are very young. I est COVID case load in the world. Cry my
worked out, NGOs such as SEHAT and PHFI thought this meant, “Good, go back to Beloved Country.
good looking story even on
could be roped in to draft a plan together Ahmedabad”. But she went on: I want you to
with the national institutes. art paper. But that's what we make a plan so that I don’t have to beg for The writer, an economist, is a
If we want faster and more broad-based need. grain from the Americans. former Union minister


ASSAM VIOLENCE DRDO PROJECT principal scientific officer. In essence, false
THE ASSAM GOVERNMENT called troops to A TOP PRIORITY defence project to indige- certificates were issue to IR detection
assist the civil administration as the agita- nously develop infra-red (IR) detectors for processes that did not work, forcing Jain to
tion on the foreigners issue led to firing, in missiles was victim to a conspiracy and de- resign.
which a state employee was killed and mob liberately thwarted. Two Indian scientists
violencehadtheupperhand.Thepolicefired working in the US — Ramesh Chandra Tyagi PEACE EFFORTS
three rounds, including two in the air to dis- and A L Jain — had been specially invited to FOREIGN SECRETARY R D Sathe met Iranian
perse a mob which broke open the gate of work on this project.The technology for de- officials in Tehran as part of India's efforts to
the MLAs’ hostel complex in Dispur. Dilip veloping the detectors, which reportedly bring about a ceasefire in the Gulf War.
Chakravarty,a government servant whowas only the big powers have, could have been Meanwhile, in Belgrade, a meeting of six
hit,diedlater.Thestategovernment,soonaf- developed in India if the scientists had been non-aligned foreign ministers and
ter, ordered a magesterial inquiry. The sec- allowed to work freely, according to sources. Palestinian official has been officially post-
retariat employees have decided to launch a The project, called PX SPL-47, was taken up poned as some of the envoys had been de-
non-cooperation movement to press their by the Solid-state Physics Lab (SPL) of the layed. The meeting is to be attended by the
seven demands, including withdrawal of se- DRDO. The story of Jain and Tyagi is related ministers of India, Pakistan, Cuba, Zambia
curityforcesfromthesecretariatareaandju- intheinthe confidentialmanagementinfor- and Faruk Khaddoumi of the Palestine
dicial inquiry into the killing. mation report, prepared by G K, Agarwal, Liberation Organisation.




“The fact is that efforts are needed on both sides — within the Islamic world
and in the West — to prevent an increase in divisive rhetoric and extremism.”

Dilemmas of development The nature

Post-Covid, lack of social security has made many migrants consider employment opportunities closer of the republic
home. The question for government is how to provide such avenues in ecologically-fragile areas
French tradition of secularism is based on the
strict separation between church and state
lieved to be incompatible with secularism.
subsequent passing of the legislation. As far
as private employers of schools are con-
OVER THE BARREL cerned,thelawisthatthewillof theinstitu-
by Vikram Singh of the employee. The intention behind the
stipulation is to ensure that there is no dis-
Mehta Prafull Goradia criminationagainstmembersofanyreligion,
so that an employer does not avoid the ap-
pointment of a scarf-wearing woman or a
OVER THE PAST decade and more that I FRANCEISONCEagaininthenewsafterthe skull-capwearingman.Theseprovisionsen-
have been writing a column for this page, I gruesome murder of Samuel Paty, a French sure not only the neutrality of political au-
have, on occasion, written about the forest middle-school teacher, on October 16 in thority but also the freedom of conscience
sanctuary of Binsar in Uttarakhand. I have a Conflans-Sainte-Honorine,asuburbofParis. and belief as well as equality before the law.
small cottage in the sanctuary. These arti- Patywasbeheadedinwhatisapparentlyan TheStasiReportalsoemphasisedsecularism
cles have not been about the pristine beauty act of Islamist terrorism. French President as a cornerstone of democracy.
of the sanctuary, the verdant forests that roll Emmanuel Macron has paid tribute to Paty, The rise of Christianity led to the prob-
from one range of hills to another merging calling him a “quiet hero” and said he was lemofchurchandstate.TheBiblerecognised
eventually into the snow-capped peaks of targeted because he “embodied the abasicduality—thetemporalandthespiri-
the Himalayas. They have not been about Republic”,taughtpupils“tobecomecitizens” tual.Thisisbestexpressedinthewell-known
the restorative and calming influence of si- and “fought for freedom and reason”. phrase: “Render therefore unto Caesar the
lence, they have been about the tension be- ThisbringsustothenatureoftheFrench things that are Caesar’s; and unto God the
tween economic development and ecolog- Republic. Former French President Jacques things that are God’s.” In the US, an attempt
ical sustainability. Binsar offered me a Chirac (now deceased) during his tenure was made at the complete separation be-
narrow window of insight into the difficulty commissioned an expert enquiry into what tween church and state. The American con-
of striking a balance between the aspira- precisely secularism in practice should be. stitutioncontainsnoreferencetoGod.Article
tions of the villagers who lived in the sanc- Bernard Stasi presented his report in VIsaysthatnoreligioustestshalleverbere-
tuary and were denied, as a consequence, December2003,basedonwhichafreshsec- quiredasaqualificationtoanyoffice.Thefirst
the economic benefits of development and ular law was passed by the French National amendment to the Constitution adopted in
the imperative of preserving the magnifi- Assembly in March 2004. It brought up to 1791explicitlysaid:“Congressshallmakeno
cence of nature. date the law of 1905. lawrespectinganestablishmentofreligion”.
I bought one of the six British-built es- The new Act defined three essential India never had a centralised institution
tablishments in Binsar in 1987. I have been principles:Freedomof conscience,equality to regulate religion nor did it ever interfere
visiting the place regularly ever since. In in law for spiritual and religious belief, and intherunningofthestate.Islam,ontheother
the early years, I noted the near-total ab- neutralityof politicalpower.Inotherwords, hand, does not separate the temporal from
sence of development. There was no run- there are in any modern state, three sets of the spiritual. The ultimate evidence of this
ning water, there were no electricity lines relations:(a)religionandtheindividual;(b) was that the Caliph, or the representative of
C R Sasikumar
and the road was narrow and irregularly thestateandtheindividual,and;(c)thestate ProphetMohammed,wasthespiritualhead
tarred. I had to walk the last half mile to my on a regular basis, a striking manifestation tain their business. These enterprises are not and religion. In (b) the state views the indi- and the temporal chief rolled into one.
house, the nearest hospital was 30 km of global warming is the receding snow line unviable. They simply have no liquidity. The vidual as a citizen and not as a member of a Francedidnotfullyseparatechurch and
away and there were no schools. Itinerant of the Himalayan range. Even the highest debateinthecorridorsof oureconomicmin- religiousgroup.Theimplicationof (c)isthat stateuntilthepassageofits1905law.Today,
travellers may have been happy to get away peaks of the Nanda Devi, Trishul and istries as to whether to enlarge the fiscal religion and state function in two separate secularism is a core concept in the French
from the clutter of development but the Panchachuli massif reveal large rock faces. stimulus or not or whether the central gov- areas of human activity. Donald Smith, a constitution, Article 1 of which formally
resident villagers were not. They wanted a The Pindari Glacier is brown to the naked ernmentorthestatesshouldturntothemar- scholar from the University of Calgary, has states that France is a secular republic. This,
share of the benefits accruing to those liv- eye. Of course, this will all change when, in ket to make up for the shortfall in GST rev- comparedtheaboverelationsasthreesides however, does not prevent the state from
ing outside the sanctuary. They wanted a few weeks, the winter snow swaddles the enues acquires a different hue when of a triangle. And the integrity of (a) and (b) playing an active role in the appointment of
electricity, water, health, schools and above range in white and maybe I am drawing an contemplated through the non-academic is largely determined by the third relation- Catholic diocesan bishops. Thus, the French
all else, jobs. They verbalised their protest exaggerated picture but I have never seen so Agriculture and lens of livelihood. There is no doubt, in my ship, which separates them. Therefore, for president is the only head of state who still
and at times, out of sheer frustration, they much contrast on the mountain faces be- mind, that the Centre must open up further anystatetofunctionasasecularstate,there appoints some Catholic bishops.
manufacturing offer no
even ignited their surroundings to attract fore. Sitting inside a sanctuary where on ac- the fiscal spigot and help the state/local gov- must be a wall of separation between state Former President Nicolas Sarkozy dif-
attention. One year, the forest fires almost count of regulatory restrictions, the sur- scope. Construction, ernments create the social security nets that and church. fered from this French constitutional tradi-
engulfed my home. roundings are lush and green, one cannot hospitality and eco-tourism assure everyone a basic minimum income. TheFrenchlawattemptedtoimplement tionandsawFrance’smainreligionsasmak-
The authorities have, to an extent, heard but reflect on the forewarning of the scien- are options. But then the The argument of those that pore over macro these principles. It had not abolished the ing positive contributions to society. He
theseprotests.ThedrivetoBinsarisnolonger tific community that if the world and to be ratios (GDP ) that there is no fiscal space for wearingofeitherJewishskullcapsorMuslim visitedthePopeinDecember2007andpub-
as tiresome as it used to be. The roads have more specific India, does not tackle the is-
MSMEs engaged in these such largesse should be set against the headscarves.Allitordainedwasthatthestu- licly acknowledged France’s Christian roots.
been broadened and tarred. The electricity sue of GHG emissions, it will, for certain, be- sectors are struggling to Keynesian comment that “in the long run, dentsattendinggovernmentschoolsorem- PopeBenedictXVIcommentedthatitisim-
lines have been stretched. The valleys which queath an irremediably damaged planet to sustain their business. These we are all dead”. ployeesworkingingovernmentofficesmust portant to become more aware of the irre-
at night were blanketed in darkness are now the next generation. India cannot afford to enterprises are not unviable. A stark manifestation of the two-track not display religious symbols of a conspicu- placeableroleofreligionfortheformationof
studdedwithpinpricksof light.Myhomestill develop first and clean up later. development of our socio-economic polity ousnature,whichwouldincludeevenalarge conscienceandthecontributionitcanbring
does not have grid electricity as does no one COVID has intruded. Of course, it is not
They simply have no is the ubiquitous spread of digital technol- cross.Thereisnorestrictiononwearingany to the creation of a basic ethical consensus
who lives within the forest. But we are not the numbers of infected that have roiled the liquidity. The debate in the ogy. In a place with limited physical infra- formofdressordisplayofanyreligioussym- within society.
complaining. For, except on days when the villagers.Theseappeartobefew.Itistheeco- corridors of our economic structureandfewsocialamenities,everyone bols in the country at large. The state, how- A law was passed on April 11, 2011, with
sun plays hide and seek with the clouds, so- nomic ramifications. Most of the young that ministries as to whether to carries a cell phone and most can find inter- ever,hastomaintainabsoluteneutralitybe- strong support from political parties as well
lar has become a reliable substitute. had left for the plains in search of jobs are net connectivity. I have attended several tween one religion and another. The French asfromSarkozy,whichmadeitillegaltocon-
Thesetangiblemarkersof progressmask, back and if one goes by the comments that I enlarge the fiscal stimulus or Zoom meetings from my Himalayan re- insistence on the absolute separation of ceal one’s face in public spaces, affecting a
however, the deeper dilemmas of develop- have picked up from the locals, only a hand- not or whether the Central doubt. To my mind, this reveals the sharpest church and state goes back to 1905 — in fewthousandwomeninFrancewearingthe
ment. The reason I decided to pen another ful want to return to their earlier jobs. The Government or the states faultlineof all.Thepotentiallydeepeningten- December that year, a Republican law was niqabandtheburqa.ScholarOlivierRoyhas
article on Binsar was that in a microcosmic lack of a social security net in the cities has should turn to the market to sion between society and the State. passed by the country’s National Assembly. argued that the burkini bans and secularist
way, the nature and pace of development in made them ask whether it might not be bet- Technology has deepened aspirations. Article 1 assures the liberty of conscience. It policies of France provoked religious vio-
this area mirror the faultlines that have to be ter to seek income-generating opportunities make up for the shortfall in Government is perceived to hold it in check. guaranteedthe freeexerciseof religiousbe- lence, to which Gilles Kepel responded that
resolved for our country to get onto the tra- closer to home. What those might be is, of GST revenues acquires a WhetheritisinBinsarorthecountryatlarge, liefs. The only restrictions were decreed in Britain has no such policies and suffered a
jectory of sustainable growth. The specifics course,theirbiggestconcern.Agricultureand different hue when this tension will have to be bridged if India is the interest of public order. Article 2 states greater number of attacks in 2017 than
will be different but the essential issues fac- manufacturing offer no scope. to develop on an even social keel. that the Republic does not recognise either France.
contemplated through the
ingBinsararethesameasthosethatconfront Construction, hospitality and eco- salaries paid or subsidies granted to any re-
the country. tourismareoptions.ButthentheMSMEsen- non-academic lens of The writer is Chairman, Centre for Social ligious group. The writer was a Rajya Sabha MP
For anyone visiting the Kumaon region gaged in these sectors are struggling to sus- livelihood. and Economic Progress (CSEP) The Stasi Report stated that Islam is be- from the BJP


An epidemic of over-arrest DATA WORRIES
THIS REFERS TO the editorial, 'Trust in IDEAS
data', (IE, October 30). The integrity of
COVID-19 data has been an issue since
Ameya Bokil, Nikita Sonavane and Srujana Bej with notable discrepancies in the data ONLY IN THE EXPRESS
LAST MONTH, THE Chief Justice of the Delhi beknownsttothejudiciary,prisonshaveseen 67.5 per cent of the prison population in delayed by weeks. The adoption of a virtual state’scommitteestorefinemortalityfig- ●DDLJ’S SIGNATURE
High Court, DN Patel, refused to extend the an extraordinary influx of new inmates: al- September.Maharashtrareleased10,000per- court system also aggravated judicial delays. ureshavebeenanoutlierfromtheglobal TUNES:
court’s blanket orders granting interim bail to most all of them undertrials. According to sons in March but added 5,000 inmates in The pandemic and the consequent plight best practices. At a time when the econ- SUANSHU KHURANA
inmates, reportedly saying, “Let us bring to an data submitted by the Director General SeptemberandOctoberalone.Iftherespective ofinmateshaverevealedtheconvolutedlogic omy is still opening up, ramping up of
end the COVID chapter. Let these people sur- (Prisons) for Delhi to the Delhi HC, 5,581 un- highcourtsof thesestatessimilarlyordersur- and structure of our criminal justice system. testinginfrastructure,makingitaccessi- ● CAPTAINMOHANSINGH
render or go back to jail.” Following this order, dertrials were granted interim bail by the render/re-entry of inmates released due to Police,courtsandprisonsviewthemselvesin ble and affordable to the masses should BAYAS, MY GRANDFATHER:
Delhi’shigh-poweredcommittee(HPC)forthe courts and between 1,200-1,500 convicts COVID,theprisonpopulationswillbe200per silos, failing to work together as a cohesive begivenpriority.Thereportofallegedin-
decongestionofprisonsdirectedthatafinal30- were granted emergency parole under the cent,180percentand160percentoftheirca- wholetowardsthewisestprecaution(decon- terference with the testing process to
dayextensiononreleasewillbegivento3,337 HPC’s guidelines. Delhi’s prisons can hold pacities in UP, MP and Maharashtra respec- gestion) even during this pandemic. The po- control the test-positive rate at the dis-
undertrialsand1,182convicts,afterwhichthey 10,033 persons. Before the HPC’s guidelines, tively.Asecondwaveof thepandemicinpris- lice’s priorities lie in exercising their powers trict level is a serious issue.
mustreturntoprisonsfromearlyDecember. Delhi’sprisonsheld17,300persons.TheHPC ons is almost guaranteed. of arrest to full extent, irrespective of social Sudip Kumar Dey, Kolkata
Global health experts have not yet sig- released 7,000 prison inmates by April. Why have prison populations increased context, while some courts are unconcerned
hence, the belief that inmates can safely re-
However,asof October20,Delhi’sprisonpop-
ulation stands at 15,900 individuals, 90 per
with overcrowding in jails. This leads to two
pertinent inquiries — why is the epidemic of
ONLY CLASSROOMS isuniversalandnon-negotiable,whether
turntoprisonsisentirelymisplacedandmust cent of whom are undertrials. The criminal isation?First,policingprioritieswereentirely over-arrestnotbeingaddressed;andwhyare THIS REFERS TO the editorial, 'Last child for teachers or students, a Western na-
make prison authorities nervous. According justice system added over 5,500 individuals misplaced. We studied arrests made in MP agents of the criminal justice system not tak- matters' ( IE, October 30). Only face-to- tion or an Eastern one. Any kind of intel-
tothelatestHPCreport,theDirector-General toDelhi’sprisons,raisingcrowdingto155per duringthefirstthreephasesof thelockdown, ing responsibility for prison populations and face physical classrooms can provide lectual, or social hierarchy endangers
(Prisons) for Delhi pointed out that after the centwhilethepandemicragedunrelentingly. when the overall number of cases registered their burgeoning rise? qualityeducation,whichachildcanlearn freedom of expression. The right to free
re-entry, “total population of Delhi Prison is If the Delhi High Court’s orders of surrender andarrestsincreased.Besidesahighnumber An earnest attempt by the Supreme and imbibe forever during his lifetime. speechmakessenseonlywhencoupled
likely to reach 22,000, which would be un- areimplemented,there-entryof undertrials of lockdown-related arrests (14.8 per cent), Court to reduce decongestion has ultimately Online classes have a short-term reten- with the unwritten law of tolerance and
precedented and may become unmanage- will likely increase overcrowding to 200 per MP saw higher than usual number of arrests cometo naught. The problem of over-arrests tion value in a child's mind and, more- theunspokenrighttogetoffended,with-
able...” Prison departments in other states cent in a few weeks’ time. under its Excise Act (15.8 per cent) and the and inherent problems of policing have over,achildneedsphysicalhandholding outcommittingorincitingviolence.More
havealsomadesimilarappealstotherespec- Throughout the pandemic, the criminal Public Gambling Act (12.2 per cent). Two is- neverbeenaddressed.Reformstoreducethe togrow-up.How canthecomputertake often than not, the experiences, memo-
tive governments. justicesystemhasbeenatoddswithitself,and sues about state action are revealed— a pub- undertrial prison population have not been the place of a teacher or a parent? ries, and anticipations of the body pre-
In March 2020, India’s prisons released Delhi is no anomaly. Uttar Pradesh, housing lichealthcrisiswasmisdiagnosed,andtreated carried out. Even if we were not grappling Moreover, online education is the do- ventitfromspeakingorwritingwithout
convicts on emergency parole, and undertri- 21.1 per cent of the country’s prison popula- as a law and order issue; and the state had a with a pandemic, a 55-90 per cent represen- main of the middle class and the rich. fear, overruling the mind's convictions,
alsoninterimbailfollowingaSupremeCourt tion, released 9,000 inmates due to the pan- tendency to “restore order” by pursuing low- tation of undertrials in the total prison pop- Where do the vulnerable, poor children thus robbing it of its right to freedom of
order. The court ordered state governments demic.Concomitantly,itadded17,000under- level, low-harm, victimless offences such as ulation is a major cause of concern. Yet, this go, if everything is online? expression. As long as bodies fear other
to form HPCsto determine thecriteriafor re- trials, raising overcrowding from 66 per cent alcohol possession and public gambling does not seem obvious to those in positions Rajiv Boolchand Jain, Zirakpur bodieswecannottalkaboutthefreedom
lease. Giventhe contagiousnatureof COVID- in February to 79 per cent in September ac- againstlow-income,marginalisedcommuni- of power,whocontinuetoplungethousands ofexpression.Interestingly,bodiesalone
have done well to bring prison populations
cording to official data. Similarly, Madhya
tionate targeting of Muslims for lockdown-
of individuals back into a historically bur-
dened prison system.
FREEDOMS MATTER cannot change a thing and this transfor-
mation involves ideas of peace, brother-
down. However, many failed to do so and HPC’s order, but added the same number of related offences). THISREFERSTOthearticle,'LostinParis' hood, equality, freedom and justice.
casesof COVID-19quicklybegantobreakout inmates by 30 September. While undertrials Second,accesstobailwassignificantlyim- The writers are associated with the (IE, October 30). Freedom of expression Fatima Ghazali, via email
across jails. inMPaccountedfor53.4percentoftheprison paired for arrested persons due to reduced Bhopal-based Criminal Justice and Police
In the last seven months, somehow un- population in February, they accounted for court capacities. Regular bail hearings were Accountability Project


If there are questions of current or contemporary relevance that you would like
explained, please write to


11 states, bypolls in 56 Assembly seats: all you need to know

Madhya Pradesh (28 seats) fortablyovertheline,hispoliticalstaturewill CongressMLAstohisparty.Hetoobelongsto Uttar Pradesh (7 seats) hatched by the Opposition.
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE The by-elections were necessitated after rise, and he will be in a strong bargaining po- Gwalior,andanimpressiveperformancewill The BJP had won six of these seven seats Interestingly, while Congress leaders
NOVEMBER 1 22 MLAs of the erstwhile Congress govern- sition ahead of a ministerial reshuffle at the enhance his stature in the party, and could (the SP won one) in the landslide election of havebeenattackingthe Yogigovernmentfor
mentswitchedovertotheBJPinMarch,lead- Centre. Conversely, if the Congress wins boost his chief ministerial ambitions. 2017, but its task in the by-elections will be crimes perpetrated on Dalits, the party has
THE FOCUS has been on the Assembly elec- ing to the fall of Kamal Nath’s government. more seats than the BJP, it will be a personal more difficult.Inall the seats, the Opposition fielded Brahmin candidates in three of the
tions in Bihar, but by-elections too are due in Subsequently, three other Congress MLAs humiliation for him. Gujarat (8 seats) is targeting the government on the issue of five general seats. The BJP has tried to give
56otherAssemblyseatsin11statesthisweek. joinedtheBJP.Anotherthreeseatsarevacant SHIVRAJ SINGH CHOUHAN: The by-elections have been ne- law and order — especially crime against representation to OBCs, Brahmins, Thakurs,
Theseelectionsareimportantforboththerul- due to the deaths of incumbent MLAs. For the four-term Chief Minister cessitated by the resignations of women and the recent spate of alleged caste aswellastheDhangar(herding)community.
ing BJP and Opposition parties, and are being With107MLAscurrently,theBJPneedsto who was sidelined by his party’s Congress MLAs ahead of the Rajya crimes in the state. Should the BJP not do The BSP has given tickets to Muslim candi-
seen by many as a test for public approval of win at least nine of these seats to cross the central leadership after the BJP lost Sabha elections in June. The new well, it will be seen as a sign of growing dis- dates in the two Western UP seats of
the record of the government of Prime halfwaymark,andforShivrajSinghChouhan the2018elections,thesebypollsare Gujarat BJP chief, C R Patil, has set content among Dalits over the way the Bulandshahr and Naugawan Sadat.
Minister Narendra Modi in its second term. to continue to remain Chief Minister. The an opportunity to prove his contin- himself a goal of winning all 182 party’s government hashandled the cases of
Sixty-three seats are currently vacant in Congress needs to win all 28 seats if it wants ued relevance. Chouhan is leaving The other 13 seats
state Assemblies across the country. Fifty- to return to power — or at least 21 in order to no stone unturned— from kneeling DECISION seats in the Assembly elections of
2022. The by-elections are a major
atrocities against members of the commu-
nity, including the alleged gangrape and Two seats each are going to polls in
fourof thesewillseeby-electionsonTuesday giveitself achancetobargainwiththeBSP,SP andseeking forgivenessfromfarm- 2020 test for Patil. killing in Hathras. Karnataka,Odisha,Jharkhand,Nagalandand
(November 3); voting for two seats in and Independent MLAs. ers in Mandsaur to making an- ASSEMBLY The Congress, which had turned Among the seats going to polls is Manipur. In Manipur, the only one of the 11
Manipur will be held on November 7. The Atstakearethepoliticalambitionsof four nouncements that will cost the
BYPOLLS in its best performance in Gujarat Bangarmau, where the vacancy arose be- statesthatwillseevotingonNovember7,the
ElectionCommissionhasdecidednottohold seniorleaders—KamalNathof theCongress, state nearly Rs 3,000 crore. since 1995 by winning 77 seats in causetheBJPMLAKuldeepSinghSengarwas Election Commission had initially declared
“at this stage” Assembly bypolls in the re- and Scindia, Chouhan, and Narendra Singh KAMAL NATH: The 74-year-old veteran 2017, would like to win back all its eight convicted of rape and murder. five Assembly constituencies in the state as
mainingseven seats — in Kerala,Tamil Nadu, Tomar of the BJP. Congress leader is looking for a comeback. seats. The BJP has given five of the eight tick- At a virtual meeting, Chief Minister Yogi “clear vacant”, but announced the election
Assam, and West Bengal, which are sched- JYOTIRADITYA SCINDIA: The Maharaj, Addressing a rally after losing power due to ets to the Congress MLAs who resigned to Adityanath asked partyworkers in the seven schedule for only two.
uled to get new Assemblies next year. who lost his Parliamentary seat Guna in Scindia’srevolt,hevowedtoreturntopower, ensure that the BJP retained all its seats in constituencies to counter the Opposition’s Bypolls are being held in one seat each in
AlsoonNovember7,electionswillbeheld 2019, needs to prove to his new partythat he and has since taken full charge of the politi- the RS elections. attacks witha list of thegovernment’sdevel- Telangana, Haryana and Chhattisgarh. These
fortheValmikiNagarLokSabhaseatinBihar. has support in the Gwalior-Chambal region, cal affairs of his party. The by-election results will not opment works. The BJP has been trying to include Marwahi in Chhattisgarh, which fell
ThebiggestchunkofAssemblyseatsgoing in which 16 of the seats are located. If his loy- NARENDRA SINGH TOMAR: He had affect the government — the BJP already paint the recent incidents of crime that vacant after the death of former Chief
topollsonTuesdayisinMadhyaPradesh—28. alists manage to win and take the BJP com- played a key role in bringing the rebel has103 seats in the Assembly. grabbednationalheadlinesasa“conspiracy” Minister Ajit Jogi in May.


High Covid risk found among

grocery store employees
The road to economic recovery
A FIRST-OF-ITS-KIND This suggests that these The return of economic activity and declining active Covid-19 cases in India have raised hopes of recovery.
study has suggested that
grocery store employees
key workers could be an
important reservoir of
Yet a second wave in Europe and US raise concerns. What is the way forward for businesses and investors?
are likely to be at high risk infection, said the re-
of Covid-19 infection, and searchers. They studied tionresultsetcwillimpactourmarkets,albeit
those in roles that require
them to face customers
PAPER 104 employees of one
grocery store in Boston, EXPERT on a temporary basis.

positiveastheircolleagues CLIP Massachusetts.Eachem-
ployee was tested for EXPLAINS Amid such concerns, what can drive the
market going forward?
in other positions. The SARS-CoV- in May this The stock market will be driven by the
study is published in the NEW RESEARCH year.Oneinfive(21outof Nilesh Shah long-term growth trajectory. Global capital
BMJ Group journal 104) workers tested pos- in an era of abundant liquidity and ultra-low
Occupational&EnvironmentalMedicine. itive for SARS-CoV-2, indicating a
From The Indian Express panel interest rates will chase returns (US junk
Among those testing positive, prevalence of 20%.
of specialists, exclusive insight bonds are trading at life-time low yields). For
three out of four had no symptoms. Source: BMJ many investors, growth or Innovation will
be a proxy for returns.
What factors will determine the recovery Thereisamoney-makingopportunityfor
INDIA ACTIVE CASES 568,458 path for firms? adisciplinedstock-picker.Ononeside,defen-
In the epic battle of the Mahabharata, the sive sectors like FMCG, pharma, tech etc are
virtuous Pandavas survived and prospered tradingathighvaluations.Ontheotherhand,
700,000 while the vicious Kauravas lost everything. public-sectorundertakingsandpublic-sector
Leverage, cost structure, governance, access banks are trading at lifetime low valuations.
tocapitalandadaptivenessdeterminethevir- On the one hand, big is becoming bigger, but
695,509 tuosityofafirm.Firmswithlessleverage,good ontheotherhandthemarketisvaluingDavid
568,458 governance,andtheabilitytoraisecapital,cut farmorethanGoliath.Thefutureisbecoming
costs with the precision of a surgeon‘s knife, uncertain due to massive disruption, but is
600,000 andinnovatetoadaptinthecurrentsituation most exciting for the disruptor. Within a sec-
willnotonlysurvivebutalsoprosper.Oureco- tor,thereisawiderangeofreturnsaswinners
nomicrecoverywillbeafunctionoftop-down Shopping for Karwa Chauth in Jammu on Sunday. Demand, pent up or otherwise, get rewarded disproportionately. There is
factors like fiscal and monetary stimulus as has recovered due to steps taken in the past. PTI plentyof informationandnews,butitisdiffi-
LAST 10 DAYS well as bottom-up entrepreneurial efforts. cult to determine facts.
Oct 22 Oct 31
500,000 When the pandemic continues, what Where is policy focus everyone-winssolutionof Which sectors or themes hold promise
factors raise hopes of recovery? needed? Satyam. Our laws are be- for investors going forward?
Active cases are coming down despite The monetary policy ing made for the lowest At the cost of going wrong, a few trends
Note: The Oct 31 figure in this graph is based on the government update on Nov 1
normalisation of economic activities. A vac- is accommodative but THE EXPERT commondenominatoras are worth capturing from a moneymaking
cine breakthrough seems to be on the hori- credittransmissionneeds NILESH SHAH, Managing crooksescapewithoutad- point of view:
INDIA TOTAL CASES WORLD TOTAL CASES zon. Lower oil, gold and Chinese goods im- toimprovefurther.Policy Director of Kotak equate punishment. This ■Sustainablelong-termgrowthisvisible
8,182,082 46,196,087 ports have made India current rates are at lifetime low Mahindra Asset increasesthecostof com- insectorswhereIndiaisbecomingpartof the
account-surplus. Foreign exchange reserves levels but the cost of bor- Management Co Ltd, has pliance for the rest. globalsupplychain.Sectorslikecontractman-
Source:MinistryofHealth&Family Source:JohnsHopkinsUniversity, are about to exceed foreign exchange debt. rowing needs to be low- over a quarter century’s Investment cannot pick ufacturing and chemicals are at a take-off
Welfare,updatedat11pmonNov1 updatedat11pmonNov1 Global firms are opening up their purses for ered for below-AA rated experience in capital upsustainablyunlessrule stage,liketheITsectoratthebeginningof the
direct as well as portfolio investment. borrowers. Fiscal stimu- markets and market- of law is experienced by century, albeit with high valuations.
Agriculture reforms will materially benefit a lushassupportedgrowth related investments. He is investors.Bighasbecome ■ Firms on the wrong side of ESG (envi-
large rural population. Labour reforms and atthebottomof thepyra- one of the country’s most bigger in these challeng- ronment, social and corporate governance)
postallifeinsuranceschemesarestepsinthe midbutsectorsliketravel, astute financial analysts. ing times, but eventually investmentwillgetde-rated.Theirprofitswill
right direction for India becoming a manu- tourism, hotel, retailing, small and medium firms get low valuation irrespective of growth.
facturing hub, although a lot more needs to aviation, infrastructure needtobecomecompeti- ■ Challengers/disruptors will get high
be done on the ground. etc require more support. The path of fiscal tive and prosper. valuations despite capital burn. Firms doing
TheSeptember20quarterlyresultsareby prudence is important but it needs to be disintermediation will get rewarded dispro-
and large ahead of street expectations. achieved by raising non-tax resources like Is the global resurgence of Covid-19 a portionately.
Marginshaveexpandedacrosssectorsdueto proceedsfromstrategicdivestmentandmon- threat to the stock market recovery? ■ Sector where PSUs dominate, such as
deep cost cuts. In sectors like auto and con- etisation of assets, unlocking capital stuck in Thestockmarkethasrespondedenthusi- bankingandinsurance,willprovidelong-term
sumerdurables,volumesareaheadof expec- gold lying in tijori etc. astically with large cap indices trading a little growth opportunities to private firms.
tations.Manyattributeittopent-updemand. Ease of doing business has improved but below their pre-Covid highs. Flows and im- Investorswillmakemoneyinthismarket
Demand,pentuporotherwise,hasrecovered ruleoflawneedstobeimproved.Despitegood proving fundamentals have pulled the mar- with lots of discipline and a bit of luck.
due to steps taken in the past. However, it intentions, commercial disputes are getting kettocurrentlevels.Undoubtedly,wearenot Portfolios that have virtuous companies like
needs to be sustained in the future by further addressed like the never-ending trial of the outofthewoods.Factorsliketheongoingsec- thePandavaswilloutperformportfolioswith
measures. 1992 security scam rather than the quick, ond wave in the US and Europe, the US elec- vicious companies like the Kauravas.

Setting the template: how Sean Connery crafted James Bond’s identity
EonProductionsandFlemingwereinclined Bond character, it was Connery who set the Connery interjected a mixture of snobbery
KABIR FIRAQUE towards a British actor. template for the well-dressed spy who and violence that has come to define the
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 1 “Certainly, the screen identities of most could be ruthless as well as charming. character.”
of theactorsinitiallyconsideredforthepart “I’d suggest that Connery is, like Ian
SEANCONNERY,whodiedonSaturdayatage of Bond —James Mason, Trevor Howard, ‘Bond, James Fleming's Bond, representative of an ideal Connery versus Bond
90,willbebestrememberedfordefiningthe David Niven (Fleming’s preferred choice), Bond’ — Sean post-war masculinity, a clever mix of suave Connery was the only actor who came
character of James Bond on screen. While Richard Burton, and James Stewart — re- Connery elegance and tough masculinity,” said back as Bond after being replaced — twice.
Connery had a long, successful acting career flected a tendency to assimilate Bond into introduces Monica Germanà, author of Bond Girls: The first time, he quit after the fifth film,
in a variety of roles, we look here at the tem- thetraditionof Englishruling-classheroes,” the iconic Body, Fashion and Gender, and senior lec- YouOnlyLiveTwice(1967),andwasreplaced
plate he set for the Bond character: the British sociologist and author Tony character, turer in English literature and creative writ- with the Australian actor George Lazenby
Bennett wrote in The International Journal eight ing at Westminster University, UK. in On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (1969), the
Bond before Connery ofJamesBondStudiesin2017.Stewart,infact, minutes into Connery's Bond “could be ruthless with his latter’s only appearance as Bond. Connery
Although he was the first actor to play was American. Dr No (1962) enemies,andthosewhobetrayedhim... But returned as Bond in Diamonds are Forever
Bond in the “official” series (the films that he can also be a tender — and sexy — lover”, (1971). It would be his last film in the “offi-
come out of Eon Productions, UK), Connery Connery for Bond she said. cial” Bond series — but not his last appear-
was not the first Bond when all films are What swung the choice in favour of women’s and gender studies at the evision and media studies at Aberystwyth Dr Funnell described how Connery ance as Bond.
considered. Another actor, Barry Nelson, Connery, a Scottish actor who was then a University of Oklahoma, said by email: University.“Curiously,onthereleaseofDrNo helped craft the identity of the global, pop- In 1973, Eon Productions replaced
had played Bond before Connery, but that longwayawayfrominternationalfame,was “Producerswantedtodownplaysomeofthe there was some confusion among UK film ular culture icon: “Connery could pull off Connery with Roger Moore. This upset
film was a US production, not an “official” the need to appeal to a wider audience, par- literary figure’s overtly British mannerisms critics about whether Connery’s accent was any look; from the classic tuxedo to a blue Connery, who resurrected himself as Bond
one from Eon. Nelson’s film, Casino Royale ticularlyinAmerica.Connerywascastforhis thataudiencesoverseasandespeciallyinthe Scottish,IrishorNorthernIrish;hecertainly onesie, he looked confident in professional 10 years later, in an “unofficial” film. Never
(1954) — there are three ‘Bond films’ with ruggedmasculinityoverFleming’schoiceof USmightfindjarring.Instead,Bondwaspre- wasn’tEnglishorAmericanandthisgavehim settings and comfortable in highbrow Say Never Again (1983) is a Hollywood pro-
that name — is largely forgotten today. Niven, said Lisa Funnell, co-author of sentedwithamoremid-Atlanticimage,and an outsider appeal,” Dr Jones said, by email. places of leisure. In addition, Connery’s de- duction, and a remake of Connery’s own
Ian Fleming, who wrote 14 James Bond Geographies,Genders,andGeopoliticsofJames giventheworldwidesuccessofhisfilms,this livery of classic lines like his introduction of Thunderball (1965).
novels, visualised the British spy as resem- Bond,andeditoroftheanthologyForHisEyes was the right decision.” Bond in Connery’s image ‘Bond, James Bond’ and ‘I must be dream- “He is the only actor to play the charac-
bling the singer Hoagy Carmichael. When Only: The Women of James Bond. Connery kept his Scottish accent, ob- While every actor in that role has ing’ helped to shape the (sardonic) wit of ter across 3 decades and remains a fan
planning the first Bond film, Dr No (1962), Dr Funnell, associate professor of served Stephanie Jones, lecturer in film, tel- brought in his own personality traits to the thefigure.Finally,throughhisperformance, favourite to this day!” said Dr Funnell.



Newsmakers in the Newsroom


Problem deeper than this govt... rot in systems

over time... (But) Mrs Gandhi had some shame
TheformerUnionministertalksaboutwhythedeclineof courtsanddemocraticinstitutionsinthisgovtisworse,pointsoutdifferencesbetweenVajpayeeandModiregimes,
VANDITAMISHRA:Inyourlatestbook, shouldjournalismthenproceedinthis forward?
PreparingforDeath,therearetwo dayandage? BerealisticaboutChina...Youthinkthis
strandsof renunciation.Oneisasteady Wemustcontinuetodoourduty,which istheworstformofviolence?Thewayisto
distancingfromtheexternalworld.The is speaking truth to power. Power often prepareformuchgreaterviolenceinthefu-
otherisrenunciationthroughimmer- meansthepeoplewhoaremisledonreser- ture. And it takes 30 years to prepare. You
sioninit.Whichhasitbeenforyou? vation, communalism, lynching and so on. can’t do it overnight. This is true of defen-
Therearetwoverydistinctways.Oneis We must continue to speak the truth to sivepower.AndChinaisadisruptivepower.
Gandhiji’s way — he was immersed till his themirrespectiveofwhatisfashionableto- So they can concentrate on one field of ac-
last breath. And the other is (social refor- day. There was a wonderful sentence that tivity, for instance, becoming proficient in

mer) Vinoba Bhave’s way. He distances Justice K Subba Rao (known for his dissen- cyber warfare. And their idea is to disrupt
himself from all public activity in the end... WHY ting judgments) had said, ‘I am writing for anddisorientasocietyintwominutesthro-
Butwherethesetwothingscometogether the brooding sense of ugh (interference in)
is that it was not a renunciation of external ARUN SHOURIE the future’... We integratedpowernet-

thingsbut,forinstance,oftheego.Andthat should not have that There is a misperception work,railwaynetwo-
n economist who as much empathy for rk, air traffic control
that Mr Modi is mindful of
without the expectation of fruit but also The Indian Express people. If they don’t systems,financialrec-
without the illusion that you are the actor.
editor had taken on the
listen to the truth as the RSS... He knows its ords, broadcasting
All these are synonyms for the abating of you are portraying it, systems,telecomsys-
evil.Andsoweshould notthink of thetwo Indira Gandhi regime during the they will pay for it. senior leaders are froth... tems.Theyrepeatedly
traditions as either/or. demonstratetheirca-
Emergency, Shourie went on to VANDITAMISHRA:
Key persons in districts are pability to do so. And
serve as a prominent member of Doyouhaveadoubt his instruments now we continue to shut
corruptioncaseinaRajasthanspecial aboutthecourse our eyes to it.
court.Forsomebodylikeyou,whohas the Vajpayee Cabinet. However, thatyoueventually
beenacrusaderagainstcorruption, tookvis-à-visthis SHYAMLALYADAV:
howareyoudealingwithit? he has been at odds with the regime? Whatisyourview
You could be angry. But the teaching is, Modi-led BJP and has emerged No. I waited for six months before I ontheRSS?
atthattime,don’tfocusontheevent.Focus spoke and till the evidence was in front of Mr Vajpayee was in the RSS but I don’t
on your reaction to that event.... as one of its most vociferous everybody. And then I only crystallised think his worldview was conditioned by
Every setback, like every success, is an critics. Known as a crusader that evidence. I don’t think I would have that kind of thinking. Today, the RSS mid-
opportunitytoexamineourownmind.Itis lasted 15 days if I had been inside the dleleadershiphasbeencompletelyco-op-
to look at ourselves and get to know the against corruption, he now has regime because there is a character to the tedbythegovernmentapparatus.Andthey
mindbetter.Forinstance,thosedays,I was regime. Why would I not have been are swept away by the small little things —
a case against him dating back thrown out?... There is a view about the anofficialcar,beingsaluted...Thereisamis-
tineofmeditationfor45minutesandyoga. to his time as minister type of person who should be there. I perceptiontodaythatMrModiismindfulof
Iwasabletodoallthatwithoutthethought would not have fitted in. theRSS.No.Heknowsthattheseniorlead-
ofappearingbeforeanybody...Idon’tmind ers of the RSS are just froth. He has got all
that at all. We are nobody. Gandhiji stood provincial leaders and key persons in dis-
before magistrates, so did Lokmanya Tilak. trictsinhishands.Theyarehisinstruments
So, we should be humble.... now.Andideologyisalwaysaninstrument
for domination.
bythisregime? PVAIDYANATHANIYER:Externally,the
I think this regime is the ripening of countryisgrapplingwithChina.And
things which have been happening for 40 internally,thecountryisgrappling
years.Thissuborningofinstitutions,inves- withtheeconomy.Whatdoyouthink
tigative agencies, the police becoming the hasgonewrong?Andwhatarethe
private army of every chief minister. And short-andlong-termreformsIndia
the way the Supreme Court has been con- mustimplement?
ductingitselfinmanycasesandthesenseof First, let the government be truthful. I
theirpriorities...Theycanfindtimefor...Ar- remembertheexplicitself-publishedrevi-
nabGoswamior(lateactor)SushantSingh ewofsomeeconomicadvisor(saying)that
Rajput,butnotforKashmirormigrants?So wewillbegrowingby1.2percent.Where
itisthisregimethatisacceleratingthatpro- is he?... Let’s be truthful and have confi-
cess. It is brazen in using the instruments. denceinthepeopleof India.Tellthem
But the problem is much deeper than just thetruth.Butonthequestionofstim-
thisregime.Itistheprogressivedecayover uluspackagesandsoon,Ipersonally
timeof allinstitutions,startingwithPar- have never been enamoured of a
liament,thelegislatures,bureaucracy,ju- numberingovernmentpolicymak-
diciary,andthemedia.Thisenablesthe ing.Forinstance,thedeficitshould
people... to change the norms. Today, notexceed3.3or4percentofthe
the norm is ‘I have no norms. I don’t GDP.It’sameaninglessnumber.
give a damn...’ So that is the culmina- Situations change and we
tionofalongprocess.Thatiswhythe shouldnotbestuckonapar-
problem is much deeper. ticularnumber.Similarly,for
VANDITAMISHRA:Youhave it’s a wonderful thing for
providedagreatperspectiveon the RBI to just keep stick-
thedeclineof thecourts.When ing out the number and
andwhy doyouthink ithas twist all policies to ac-
reachedthepointthatithas? cordwiththatparticular
Mrs (former PM Indira) Gandhi number. So if a stimulus
hadmanyredeemingqualities,forin- Illustration: Suvajit Dey is required, go in for that.
stance, a sense of shame... That is missing But it is not just throwing
intherulersoftoday.Butthiswholenotion institution after the other. retariat not have foreseen this? Or when it tors.ItmayjustbewhatIseeinthealterna- SHUBHAJITROY:Youmentionedhow money and saying I have given the
startedwith(formerlawminister)MrPShiv becamevisible,couldtheynothaveacted? tive... All of us got so fed up with the inac-thegovernmentdoesn’tvalueexperti- stimulus package. It is being able to im-
Shankar’s phase of a committed judiciary VANDITAMISHRA:Whatarethecrises Whatkindofgovernmentsaysthatwecan- tivityunderDrManmohanSingh’sgovern- se.Doyoufeelthat isthecaseonChina? plementthatinusefulprojectsinthefuture.
andcommittedbureaucracy.She(Gandhi) thatarespecialtothisregime? not pay compensation because we don’t mentinthelasttwoyearsthatweimagined Thegovernmenthasintheforeign Andthatcapacityislacking,becauseof the
superseded three judges. And that set a First is the complete throwing away of know how many migrants died? theGujaratmodeltobewhatthefactstoday ministeranexperienceddiplomatwho general weakening of the governmental
precedent that if you don’t do what I want allnorms.TheAadhaarBillandseveralother revealitwasnot.Sopeoplemayfoolthem- possiblyknowswhatishappening. systemanditsinabilityorunwillingnessto
you to do, I will act accordingly... I have al- BillsweresaidtobemoneyBills.Therefore, PVAIDYANATHANIYER:Historyhas selvesandthenpayfortheconsequences.... What,inyourview,isthewayforward? be seen as harnessing the entrepreneurial
waysfeltthatmoretreesarebroughtdown they were not sent to the Rajya Sabha. So, examplesof individualsatthehelm The appointment of the foreign minis- andmanagerialtalentintheprivatesector....
by termites slowly hollowing them out, this is the complete throwing away of all suddenlychangingthenatureof ANANTGOENKA:Doyouthinkthat ter (S Jaishankar) was a wonderful idea of NobodybelievestheRs1lakhcrore(sti-
rather than by the axe. So we as citizens norms. And this has happened time and institutionsthat theylead.Forinstance, peopletodaycareaboutfreespeech MrModi.Atleastwehaveoneprofessional. mulus)figure.Everysixmonthsyouaregiv-
have to wake up in time. And in the case of again.Second,istheperversionofdiscourse. TNSeshanintheElectionCommission, andfreepressastheyusedto10-15 Iamnotsureoftheextenttowhichheislis- ingaRs1lakhcrorefigureandnothinghap-

‘ ‘
‘ ‘
thejudiciary,thewaytoensureaccountabil- If you see the falsehoods which have been orYVReddyintheReserveBankof yearsago?Orisitnotashighasitwasin tened to... Secondly, it’s very good that the pens.So,truthwouldbemuchmorediverse.
ity is... to continually monitor judgments. uttered, I think they are exceeded only by India.Sowhatisabsenttoday? theirprioritylist?Hasitbecome CDS (Chief of Defence Staff) has been crea-
(USPresidentDonald) The institutions are the persons who collateraldamage ted.ButIdon’twantto VANDITAMISHRA:Inyourbook,oneof
VANDITAMISHRA: Trump. And the third manthematthatparticulartime...Individu- inthecurrent discuss the person theunderlyingthemesishowonecan
Yousaidthecrisisof Under the guise of free is one for which the aljudgeshavechangedthecourseofjustice politicalscenario? To make it a practice to stay who has been selec- turnadversityintheirfavour.Doyou
institutionsisnot country will pay for a in the Supreme Court... Institutions are not Theanswerisallof ted. If it is the same believethecrisisthatweareinisgoing
reallyacreationof speech, nonsense is being verylongtime.Nobo- something abstract, they are the individu- these. But under the away from all expertise and type of person, then toleaveuswithsomethingprecious
oneregime.That’s dy can know every- als who man them. The problem is in this guise of free speech,
spread... I would not back thing...Sotomakeita selection of persons who will be there. For nonsense is being
push out anybody who is you are not going to
get contrary advice...
No, it all depends upon working at it.
thatwecannotput this... People are starting to practice to stay away instance, in legislatures, it is the party high spread. For instance, regarded as an expert, opens Have the Chinese Adversity breaks down many people. So
ontheprevious fromallexpertiseand command which determines who will be the lies on social me- gone back? But we you have to work hard in converting ad-
regimes? see media as a problem, not push out anybody yourcandidate.Parliamentorastatelegisla- dia or Republic TV. I not just the regime but the are being led to be- versity intoa learning opportunity or bet-
I did not want to whoisregardedasan tureisnotanabstractinstitution.Itisthetype wouldnotbeasliberal lievethattalksareon... ter growth. I’m worried about job losses.
a fortress to be defended expert,opensnotjust of persons who were offered to the public as the Americans
country to great danger So the people are not I’m not worried about GDP going down...
been going on for a theregimebuttheco- and the public chose... So that then deter- phrase it, ‘The right to being taken into con- So(it’sabout)usefulproduction,anderror
long time, so what is untrytogreatdanger. mineshowtheinstitutionwillbehave.This freespeechistheright fidence. Theappoint- remediationof the environment,creation
surprisinginit?’.Even I am certain that this is what happened in the judiciary. Former to protect the speech ment of Mr of infrastructure,betterthoughtoutinfra-
ifmurderhasbeengoingonforalongtime, appliestotheChineseintrusions,theman- Justice (J S) Verma, who was the author of whichIhate.’If somebodyisspreadingun- Jaishankar is a wonderful exception to the structure in the Himalayas, rather than
that does not justify my murdering any- agementoftheeconomyandthereformsin the collegium system, had said that it has truth, I would not stand up for his rights... norm. And he certainly would be among converting Kedarnath and Badrinath into
bodytoday.Soitistheresponsibilityof the courts... become a bargaining place... On the other That is a short-sighted view... But I think thepersonswhowouldknowthesethings... Chardham Yatra and destroying the ecol-
rulerstoreversecourseif thingshavebeen If you had what (former US President hand,if yougivetheExecutive,likethecur- peoplearegravitatingtoseeus,thoseinthe You don’t just have to have an expert, you ogy of the place. So, many things have to
goingwrong.Afterall,inMr(PMNarendra) Abraham) Lincoln called ‘a team of rivals’, rentassertiveone,greaterauthority,youwill media, as a problem and not as a fortress have to give the expert the confidence — ‘I be done. The short answer is adversity
Modi’scase,hewasnotelectedtocontinue, thenyouwouldbehearingmore.Thiswas haveanevenmoredisastrousjudiciary. whichneedstobedefended.In(TheIndian wanttolistentoyourindependentadvice.’ does not automatically become a benefi-
he was supposed to change things. Things (formerPM)Atalji’s(BihariVajpayee)great Express founder) Ramnathji’s case, who For example, in Mr Vajpayee’s case, I cial thing. We have to work hard at it.
havebeenbadinthelowercourtsforalong quality.Hewouldmeetandlistentoallsorts ANANTGOENKA:Worldover,moreand were the defenders? They were the read- found that his natural scepticism would
time. But those sitting as law ministers to- ofpeople.Hewouldgiveyoutheconfidence morepeoplearevotingbasedoniden- ers... Every time there was a raid on Ram- bringoutinyouthecontrarypointof view. VANDITAMISHRA:Doyouseethat
dayweresupposedtoreversecourse.Have that you could talk to him without any dif- tityevenatthecostof theeconomyand nathji’s house and on The Indian Express..., That’s not what I hear about the govern- happeningatall?
theydoneanythingtoimprovenotonlythe ficultyorfearofreprisal.Today,peopleshun, jobs.Whyisthishappening?Andwhy the circulation went up. This was because ment today. Independence does not mean Not at all. I would very much like to be
condition of the courts but also the proce- fearing the reaction of the PM or (Union havejournalistsmissedthetrend? thereadersfeltthatitwasnotjusttheir(the beingcontrary.Butfromthefew(ministers) correctedonthis...Andcertainly,Idon’tsee
dures?No.Theyjustwanttheirstatements Home Minister) Amit Shah. Then gover- Thefactthattheyarevotinginaparticu- media’s) voice which is being choked, ‘my that I meet, I do not get that they have the that much hope in the conduct of our peo-
applauding the Prime Minister to be nance comes by revelation. One night, you lar way does not justify a particular crite- voice is being choked’. Today, the reader confidencetospeaktheirmind.Otherwise, ple. If the coronavirus were to just disapp-
prominently displayed... decideandcarryoutdemonetisation.Then, rion.Ithinktheymaybevotingagainstthe doesnotseethatintheoverwhelmingpro- we would not be getting the types of jerky eartomorrow,Ithinkourbehaviourwillre-
It is not that the present regime is for the next eight months, you defend its alternativeandnotfortheperson.Weread portion of the media. That’s the problem. decisions that we are getting. verttothepast...Ithinkofmyselfasarealist,
merely continuing what was happening consequences. The same thing happened toomanytheoriesintotheoutcome.Butthe asa person who seesthingsin front of him
earlier, it is accelerating the decline of one tomigrants...ButcouldthePMandhissec- outcomemaybedeterminedbyseveralfac- NIRUPAMASUBRAMANIAN:So,how SHUBHAJITROY:Sowhatistheway and does not want to turn his gaze away.


Nearly half of Slovakia’s entire population took Covid-19 swabs on Saturday, the first day
of two-day nationwide testing the government hopes will help reverse a fast rise in infec-
tions without a hard lockdown. Defence Minister Jaroslav Nad said 2.58 million Slovaks
took the test, and 25,850 or 1% tested positive and must go into quarantine.

Trumplauncheshisfinalbattleground 4-week lockdown,
pitch;BidenfocusesonPennsylvania says may last longer


BILLBARROW,ZEKE Taking A NEW national lockdown in
Rescue services at MILLER&AAMERMADHANI lessons England may have to last longer
work in Izmir, Turkey, BUTLER, NOVEMBER 1 than the planned four weeks if
on Sunday. AP ● from2016 coronavirusinfection rates don’t
US PRESIDENT Donald Trump is fallquicklyenough,a seniorgov-
mounting one final test of DESPITEBIDEN’Sleadin ernment minister said Sunday. UK PM Boris Johnson
TURKEY whether the massive crowds manybattlegroundstates,the The lockdown announced announced the measures on
70-yr-oldpulled that often show up at his signa-
ture rallies will translate into
tohissurprise2016win, Obama at a campaign event
Johnson is to run from Thursday
Saturday evening

outalive,quake votes as he finishes the final 48 whichcameafteralatesurge for Biden in Detroit on until Dec. 2. Johnson says it’s

tollhits71 hoursof hisreelectioncampaign insupporthelpedhimover- Saturday. Reuters needed to stop hospitals from THE RESTRICTIONS
with a dizzying onslaught of comeHillaryClinton’slead. becoming overwhelmed by
RESCUE WORKERS extri- eventsinthebattlegroundstates Searchingforthatmomen- Covid-19 patients within weeks. ■ People will only be
cated a 70-year-old man
froma collapsed building
that could decide the race.
The President will hold five
Biden and Trump are campaigning across swing states
ahead of Tuesday’s election. AP, Reuters
Obama: Trump Cabinet minister Michael
Gove said it was the govern-
allowed to leave home
for specific reasons such
in western Turkey on
Sunday, some 34 hours
rallies in five states on Sunday
alone. He’ll hold seven more on
cares about ment’s “fervent hope” that the
as education, work,
exercise, shopping for
after a strong earthquake
in the Aegean Sea struck
Monday tocloseoutthefinalfull
day of the campaign.
feeding his ego that could not be guaranteed.
“With a virus this malignant,
essentials and
medicines or caring for
TurkeyandGreece,killing Downinthepollsandatacash a massive crowd Saturday in bemotivatedenoughtoturn and with its capacity to move so the vulnerable.
at least 71 people and in- disadvantagetohisDemocraticri- Butler, Pennsylvania, that re- outtovotefortheDemocrat. ALEXANDRA JAFFE quickly, it would be foolish to
juring more than 900. It val,JoeBiden,Trumpisturningto sponded in roaring approval. Clinton’snarrowlossin FLINT, NOVEMBER 1 predict with absolute certainty ■Pubs and restaurants
wasthelatestseriesof re- ralliestohelpkeephismessagein With more than 91 million Pennsylvaniaandothercru- what will happen in four weeks’ will be shut apart from
markable rescues after front of voters. But it’s unclear votes already cast, Trump and RACE FOR cialstatesin2016hasbeenat- BARACK OBAMA is hitting US time,” he told Sky News. “We’re for takeaways. All non-
the Friday afternoon
earthquake, which was
peal beyond those already likely
Biden are out of time to reshape
therace.Instead,they’refocusing THE WHITE tributedtothefactthatthou-
sandsof potentialDemocratic
President Donald Trump right
where he thinks it’ll hurt most:
going to review it on the 2nd of
December but we’re always
essential retail will close.

centered in the Aegean

northeast of the Greek is-
to vote for him. And the packed
crowds risk deepening the pan-
on their base and making sure
HOUSE votersdidnotcasttheirballot. His ego.
Campaigning for Joe Biden
driven by what the data says.”
Under the new restrictions,
■ Essential shops,
schools, and universities
land of Samos. Search- demicatatimewhencoronavirus either already voted or plan to do on Saturday, the former presi- bars and restaurants can only of- will remain open.
and-rescue teams were cases are surging across the US. so in person on Tuesday. the suburbs. Biden will spend According to an analysis by dent painted Trump as insecure fertake-out,non-essentialshops
working in nine toppled But Trump, still relishing his For Biden, that means paying much of Sunday in Philadelphia, University of Florida professor and self-absorbed, describing must close and people will only
or damaged buildings in late-stageupsetinthe2016cam- close attention to Black voters Pennsylvania, encouraging vot- Michael McDonald, a nonparti- him as a failed president who be able to leave home for a short lockdown earlier this year,
Izmir, Turkey’s third- paign,seeshisshowmanshipasa whoareacriticalpartofthecoali- ers to turn out. He’ll participate san political data expert, almost cares more about himself than listof reasonsincludingexercise. schools, universities, construc-
largest city, but appeared centralelementofhisoutsiderap- tion he needs to build to win. His in a “souls to the polls” event 2.3 million Pennsylvania voters the country. Yet unlike during the UK’s tion sites and manufacturing
tobefindingmore bodies peal that he hopes will resonate teamisconfidentinBiden’sstand- that’s aimed at encouraging had returned absentee ballots as “Trump cares about feeding first three-month coronavirus businesses will stay open. AP
Sundaythansurvivors. AP again this year. ing with women, college-edu- Black church congregations to of Friday out of almost 3.1 mil- his ego. Joe cares about keeping
“Letmeaskyou,isthereabet- catedvotersandthosewholivein organise and vote. lion requested. AP you and your family safe,”
Obama said in Flint, Michigan.
In a scathing speech, Obama
Australia records no new
Stanford study says 30,000 Covid cases,
mocked and belittled Trump for
everything from the President’s
criticism of the media coverage
cases for 1st time in months
attackcase 700 deaths connected to 18 Trump rallies of the coronavirus pandemic —
Trump, he said, was “jealous of
Covid’s media coverage” —to his
and no deaths for the second
consecutive day.
With no fresh cases of Covid-
TWO MORE men were In the study titled ‘The Effects ports the warnings and recom- “obsession with crowd size”. 19 recorded in the rest of the
arrested in connection YOSHITA SINGH of Large Group Meetings on the mendations of public health of- “He’sstillworriedabouthisin- AUSTRALIA RECORDED no new country,Australiasawitsfirstday
with a knife attack that NEW YORK, NOVEMBER 1 Spread of Covid-19: The Case of ficials concerning the risk of auguration crowd being smaller dailycoronaviruscommunityin- of no transmissions since June 9,
leftthreedeadatachurch Trump Rallies’, researchers con- Covid-19 transmission at large thanmine.Itreallybugshim.He’s fections on Sunday for the first Health Minister Greg Hunt said.
in Nice, bringing the EIGHTEEN ELECTION rallies by cluded that 18 rallies by Trump group gatherings, particularly still talking about that. Does he time in nearly five months, “Thank you to all of our
number of people in cus- Donald Trump are estimated to held between June 20 and when the degree of compliance have nothing better to worry health officials said, paving the amazing health & public health
tody to six as investiga- have led to more than 30,000 September22“ultimatelyresulted with guidelines concerning the about?” Obama said. “Did no one way for further easing of social workers & above all else the
tors look at the suspected confirmed cases of coronavirus At a Trump rally in Butler, in more than 30,000 incremental use of masks and social dis- come to his birthday party as a distancing restrictions. Australian people,” Hunt said on
assailant’s last known andlikelyclaimedover700lives, Pennsylvania Saturday. AP confirmedcasesof Covid-19”and tancing is low. The communi- kid? Was he traumatised?” The state of Victoria, a coro- his Twitter account.
contacts, a French police a new study by Stanford “likely led to more than 700 ties in which Trump rallies took Obama at times smiled as he navirus hot spot which accounts Swift and stringent measures
source said. The latest ar- University researchers said, deaths”,whichmaynotnecessar- place paid a high price in terms jabbed the President and often for more than 90% of Australia’s combinedwithcommunitycom-
rests took place on stressing that the communities took place “paid a high price in ilyhavebeenamongattendees. of disease and death,” the re- soundedincredulousatthestate 907 coronavirus-related deaths, pliance have been credited for
Saturday, the source said. where the US President’s rallies terms of disease and death”. “Our analysis strongly sup- searchers said. PTI of his administration. AP saw zero new daily infections reigning in the virus. REUTERS
An assailant beheaded a
woman and killed two
other people in a church
in Nice on Thursday, in
France’s second deadly
10 dead after Typhoon Quebec: 2 dead in Halloween stabbing spree China to begin
construction of
knife attack in two weeks
with a suspected Islamist
motive. REUTERS
Goni slams Philippines Police say suspected attacker, dressed in medieval costume, held; five injured Sichuan-Tibet
AUSTIN RAMZY astheysearchedfortheattacker. Railway section
The police said they arrested
a man shortly before 1 am on near India border
THE POLICE in Quebec City on Sunday, but advised residents to
disruptionof Sundayarrestedamandressedin
medieval garb who was believed
remain inside while an investi-
gation was underway. KJM VARMA
legislature to have killed at least two people Two people were killed and BEIJING, NOVEMBER 1
HONG KONG police ar- and injured several others in a five were injured, said Étienne
rested seven people stabbing spree on Halloween. Doyon, a police spokesman. The CHINA IS all set to begin the con-
Sunday over scuffles that The attacks occurred late Police cars patrol near the Quebec Parliament on Sunday. AP arrestedmanwasinhismid-20s, structionofthestrategicSichuan-
broke out with security Saturday in a neighbourhood the spokesman said, without Tibet Railway between Ya’an in
guardsduringafaceoffbe- near the Quebec provincial providing further details. southwest Sichuan province and
tweenpro-democracyand The typhoon caused flooding in Bariw, Albay Province, Parliament building. The police theattacks,whowasdescribedas call just before 10.30 pm. Thepolicesaidtheirinitialin- LinzhiinTibet,closetotheIndian
pro-Beijing lawmakers in Philippines, on Sunday. Reuters said they began searching for a wearing medieval costume and The police advised residents vestigation did not point to an border in Arunachal Pradesh,
thecity’slegislatureearlier man suspected of carrying out carryingasword,afterreceivinga to avoid the Parliament Hill act of terrorism. NYT state-run media reported.
this year. Those arrested ChinaRailwayannouncedon
in severely hit Albay province in Saturday the bidding results for

Nepal ruling NCP’s unity under threat: party leader

include current and for-
merlawmakersandaleg- ENRICO DELA CRUZ theBicolregion,alawmakersaid. the construction of two tunnels
islativeaide,policesaid.All MANILA, NOVEMBER 1 Storm surges hit some and one bridge, as well as the
seven are from the pro- coastal towns, while rivers over- power supply project for the
democracy camp. The AT LEAST 10 people died and flowed and dikes were de- Poudel, who is also the other party chief, Oli, quit his the issue, and contribute posi- Ya’an-Linzhi section of the
statement said the arrests three others were missing after stroyed, submerging several vil- YUBARAJ GHIMIRE Minister of Finance in the K P Oli NCP leadership post and involve tively to save the unity.” Sichuan-Tibet Railway, indicat-
arepartofaninvestigation Typhoon Goni, the world’s lages in Bicol. KATHMANDU, NOVEMBER 1 government, said: “I request all the party in the running of the Prachanda, after refusing ingthatconstructionof theproj-
into a May 8 committee strongest typhoon this year, bar- Thedeadandmissingwereall leaders, cadres and member government. several invitations from Oli to ect is about to begin.
meeting in which pro- relled through the south of the in Bicol, including nine in Albay, SIXMONTHSafterafactionalfeud comrades to contribute to save Poudel’s unusual step could “discuss and settle” differences, The Sichuan-Tibet Railway is
democracy lawmakers Philippines’mainislandof Luzon the Office of Civil Defence said. erupted in the ruling Nepal theparty’sunitybyresolvingthe indicate that the party is on the went to the PM’s residence on the second such project in Tibet
rushed toward the chair- onSunday,aninitialgovernment Earlier in the day, Albay Communist Party (NCP), its gen- internal differences.” verge of a split. Saturday after a gap of 11 days after the Qinghai-Tibet Railway.
person’s seat and a pha- report showed. Governor Al Francis Bichara re- eralsecretaryBishnuPoudelsenta The row began when a sec- In comments on Twitter and only to tell him personally that It will go through the southeast
lanx of security guards More than 300 houses were ported that a five-year-old had publicmessagetotopleadersand tion of the party led by co-chair- Facebook, Poudel said, “I appeal he was not reliable and honest of theQinghai-TibetPlateau,one
shoved back. AP buried under volcanic rocks and been washed away in flash party cadres to resolve the inter- man Pushpa Kamal Dahal toleaders,cadresandpartycom- enoughtoimplementanyagree- of the world's most geologically
mud flows from Mayon Volcano floods in his province. REUTERS naldifferencesandsavetheparty. ‘Prachanda’ demanded that the rades to seriously ponder over ments between them. activeareas,areportbythestate-
run China News reported.
The Sichuan-Tibet Railway
starts from Chengdu, the capital
of Sichuan province, and travels
Qamdo, shortening the journey

In Italy, like everywhere the virus goes, the discontent is contagious from Chengdu to Lhasa from 48
Linzhi, which is also known
as Nyingchi, is located close to
Instead,asasecondwaveengulfs nowstandsforsomethingdarker. where angry cooks in chef hats, imposed to avoid a massacre. Arunachal Pradesh border.
JASON HOROWITZ Europe and triggers new nation- Italy has become a symbol of restaurateursandfellowbarown- Romans are swinging erratically Linzhialsohasanairport,one
ROME, NOVEMBER 1 widelockdowns,Italyhasbecome Europe’ssquanderedadvantages, ersprotestednewgovernmentre- between last-days-of-disco day of the five built by China in the
emblematic of a despair, exhaus- theimpotenceofhalfmeasuresin strictionsthatshutthemdownaf- drinking and holing up during Himalayan region.
WHEN THE coronavirus first hit tion and fear that is spreading the face of a virus that does not ter 6 pm. It was one of dozens of eerily quiet nights. The newly-built Ya’an-Linzhi
Italy, overwhelming the coun- throughout the Continent. abidebycompromises,andtheso- predominantly peaceful protests Allaroundthecountry,unease sectionruns1,011kilometresand
try’s hospitals and prompting France has applied a new na- cialandpoliticalcostsofnotmak- that have erupted across the ismorphingintounrest,withvio- includes26stations.Trainsareex-
the West’s first lockdown, tional lockdown to contain sky- inggoodonpromisesof relief. country in recent days. “There’s a lent protests breaking out Friday pected to run at speeds between
Italians inspired the world with rocketingcases.Germanyhasput Italians, coming down hard ton of rage and suffering.” nightinFlorence.Largecrowdsin 120and200kmperhour,astaffer
their resilience and civic respon- inplacesofter,butstillsevere,na- fromtheirsummereuphoria,are Italianhospitals,whichdeliv- Trieste chant that they just want in charge of the project said.
sibility, staying home and tionwide restrictions. Ireland has exasperated. ered a searing global preview of towork.Anddemonstratorshave The total cost of the entire
singing on their balconies. Their restricted movement and barred “We’vereachedtheendofour the horror to come in March, are takentothestreetsinnearlyevery Sichuan-Tibet Railway project is
rewardformonthsof quarantine visits to other people’s homes. A nearly empty street in Milan last week on the first day the rope,” said Emanuele Tudini, again under strain and intensive majorItaliancity,fromPalermoto around 319.8 billion yuan ($47.8
was a flattened curve, a gulp of ThroughoutEurope,governments city imposed new restrictions to prevent the spread of the whose wife applauded doctors care units are filling up. Bologna to Verona. billion), Global Times reported.
normalcy and the satisfaction of are scrambling to deliver relief, coronavirus. NYT from their apartment window Milan,Italy’seconomicengine, Mobsters, hooligans and far- The Sichuan-Tibet railway is
usually patronising allies point- keep schools open and salvage and whose children drew isthenewcapitalof itscontagion right extremists have exploited also of great significance in
ing to Italy as a model. their economies. “EverythingWillBeOK”rainbows and seems on the brink of quar- thefrustrationandanger,infiltrat- safeguarding national unity
Italy is now a long way away And everywhere, if people tent is exploding. Covid’s awful human toll — that at the beginning of the crisis. antine.Thepoorerandvulnerable ing protests and tossing Molotov and maintaining border stabil-
from those balcony days and its are not sick with the virus, they The country that gave the demonstrated the necessity, and He spoke in his bar in front of southisexposed,andNeapolitans cocktails. The police are increas- ity, the daily quoted Chinese ex-
summer fling with freedom. are sick of it. In Italy, the discon- Western world a preview of success,of anationallockdown— the Pantheon in central Rome, have rioted against early closures ingly on edge. NYT perts as saying. PTI


New Delhi: Foreign portfolio investors (FPIs) turned net buyers in
October in domestic markets by putting in Rs 22,033 crore as
participant sentiment was driven by resumption of economic
activities and robust quarterly corporate results among others. PTI


Octsalesriseforautomakers,festive ‘No one is saying this is the

end of the stimulus ... we’ll
buying propels domestic numbers plan their vehicle purchase dur- tuate growth for us and the in-
intervene at the right time’
During the Navratri period,
dustry at large.”
Naveen Soni, senior VP—
■ During the Navratri ■ Tata Motors retailed while MSI retailed nearly 60 per sales & service, Toyota Kirloskar
FESTIVE BOOST, alongside the period, while MSI retailed 10,887 units in the Navratri cent of its total domestic sales in Motors, said, “The month of THE GOVERNMENT has not yet ■ Finance Secretary Ajay
pent-up demand and purchase nearly 60 per cent of its period, a rise of 90 per cent October,Hyundairetailednearly October has been our best exhaustedallitsoptionsforstim- Bhushan Pandey said
from first time buyers, saw all total domestic sales in over 5,725 units last year. 50 per cent of its domestic sales month so far since March 2020. ulusmeasuresasitiscloselymon- labour laws,
major auto manufacturers re- October, Hyundai retailed Kia Motors India said it during the 10-day period. Tata The festive season has proved to itoring the economic situation production-linked
port a jump in their domestic nearly 50 per cent of its saw a 224 per cent increase Motorsretailed10,887unitsdur- bebullishaswewitnessdemand and is working on more stimulus incentives and farm law
sales in October. domestic sales in the in retail sales ing the Navratri period this year, surging, month-on-month. This measures to revive the economy amendments are the areas
While Maruti Suzuki India 10-day period during Navratri an increase of 90 per cent over hasbeentrueof ourretailstooas reeling from the impact of the which can be considered as
Ltd (MSI) announced a 17.6 per 5,725 units last year. Kia Motors order flow has been smooth, Covid-19 pandemic, Finance path-breaking reforms
cent rise in its domestic India said it witnessed a 224 per from the very beginning.” Secretary Ajay Bhushan Pandey
passenger vehicle sales at monthly sales in a single month. witnessing revival in sales in cent increase in retail sales dur- For MSI, while sales of mini said.Production-linkedincentives
1,63,656 units in October, Among passenger vehicle August and September on ac- ing the 10-day period at 11,640 cars — comprising Alto and coupledwiththeearlierreduction it every month or every two only for paring debt or building
Hyundai Motors announced its (PV) manufacturers, while count of demand for small cars units. S-Presso — declined marginally in corporate tax rate cut will help months, on one ground or the cash balances, Pandey said the
highest ever monthly sale of Honda Cars India and Toyota from first time buyers and those Rajesh Goel, director—mar- to 28,462 units in October as bring in more investments in the other,itdoesn’taugurwellforthe lowertaxratewillhelpinprovid-
56,605 units in the domestic Kirloskar Motors announced 8.3 looking to avoid public trans- keting & sales, Honda Cars India, against 28,537 units in the same country, Pandey said in an inter- country’s economy or financial ingapositivesignalforlong-term
market, witnessing a 13.2 per per cent and 4.2 per cent rise in portation amidst the Covid-19 said, “The festive buying picked month last year, sales in the view with The Indian Express. system,” he said. investment decisions, a decision
cent growth over the correspon- sales, respectively, in October, pandemic, October got the fes- up from Navratra in mid- compact segment — that in- “No one is saying that this is Pandey, who also holds the which isn’t temporary.
ding month last year. Mahindra & Mahindra and MG tiveshotasamajorityof thesales October and we are focusing on cludes models such as Swift, theendofthestimulusorthatwe chargeasRevenueSecretary,said “With corporate tax cut and
Signallingasharp reboundin Motors too announced year-on- came in the 10 days of Navratri. maximising deliveries during Celerio, Ignis, Baleno and Dzire have exhausted all our options. If labourlaws,production-linkedin- other recent major reforms,
rural demand, Hero MotoCorp year sales growth of 1 per cent Manufacturers feel that Novem- this period ... We expect this de- — saw a 19.2 per cent increase to any sector requires help at any centives (PLI) and farm law Aatmanirbhar Package and PLI,
soldarecordof 8,06,848vehicles and 6 per cent, respectively. ber sales will continue to be mand to continue through 95,067 units as against 75,094 point of time, we will intervene. amendmentsaretheareaswhich we have given positive signals to
in October — its highest ever Whilemanufacturersstarted strong as traditionally buyers Diwali which will further accen- cars in October last year. Weareinconsultationswithvar- canbeconsideredaspath-break- potential investors. The fact that
iousbusinessgroups,CII,Ficciand ingreforms.PLI—whichthegov- India is no more a high tax coun-
various MSME groups and we ernment proposes to expand to tryandithasallotherenablingre-
Settlement 6.08%: FALL IN GROSS 5.04%: DECLINE IN
havebeengettingvarioussugges- more sectors beyond the already forms and environment will at-

scheme for ‘Premium income falls 6% PREMIUM INCOME OF PUBLIC GROSS PREMIUM INCOME OF
tions. We will come out with
announced sectors of pharma-
ceuticals, medical devices and
tract investments,” he said.
Ontheissueof compensation
SECTOR NON-LIFE OF PRIVATE NON-LIFE last seven months, we will inter- mobile phones — will be benefi- payments to states under the
illiquid stock for non-life insurers in Sept’ INSURANCE COMPANIES INSURANCE PLAYERS; veneattherighttimeandwewill cial as it’s linked to incremental Goods and Services Tax (GST)
FROM `11,669.43 CRORE IN FROM `12,442.35 CRORE IN ensurethatwewilldoeverything growth rather than providing in- regime, Pandey said dialogue is
option cases Non-life insurers posted a 5.55% fall in gross premium
income at `22,774.60 crore in September against the
`10,959.88 CRORE THIS
`11,814.71 CRORE IN
possible and in the best interests
of everyone,” Pandey said.
centives to everyone, he said.
“PLI is not an usual industrial
happening at various levels with

extended: Sebi year-ago month, data from insurance regulator Irdai said SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER 2020 He,however,ruledoutanytin-
kering of the tax rates as a de-
incentive scheme.Itsarchitecture
government had said that it will
mand-boosting measure in the centiveschemes,whereyougave which it will facilitate the loans.”
NEWDELHI,NOVEMBER1 1.37% Rise in total
income collected by the 34
`53,484.06 crore:
Cumulative premium
collection of private sector
ongoing economic crisis.
“The tinkering of the taxation
structure is something which we
“States were in the need of
money, especially those which
had given their choices. So, it was
INVIEWofthelarge-scaledisrup- non-life insurers during insurers in April-September needtobeveryverycarefulabout, As a result, it used to have a very thought we could have an
tion caused by the Covid-19 pan- April-September period; this fiscal, up by 1.78% over a because we took a very bold step marginal impact as compared to arrangementofaspecialwindow
demic, the Securities and from Rs 95,526.89 crore in year ago andreducedthecorporatetaxrate the actual money being spent. through central borrowing and
ExchangeBoardofIndia(Sebi)has 2019-20 to Rs 96,831.55 and we are among the lowest Now, in this PLI architecture, in- then pass it on to the states back-
extended till December 31 the crore this fiscal `43,347.49 crore: taxedcountriesintheworld.Ifany centive depends upon the incre- to-back like it happens in all ex-
one-time settlement scheme for Cumulative premium of public tax exemptions have to be given, mental growth, so if you are not ternally aided projects. The cen-
entities that executed reversal of `24,111.78 crore: Premium sector insurers during howwillthegovernmentgiveit? growing,youwillnotgetit.Those tralgovernmenthastriedtobeas
tradesinstockoptionssegmentof income garnered by the 34 April-September period of It will again lead to distortions in whoareabletogrowmorewillget accommodative as possible be-
the BSE during 2014 and 2015. non-life insurance companies 2020-21, rising 0.86% over the tax structure. Now that we higher incentive. That, coupled cause states and Centre have to
The scheme, introduced by in September 2019 year-ago period have come down to a reasonable withourlowestcorporatetaxrate work together. Borrowing has
theregulatorinJuly,commenced level of taxation, what it then re- willhelpbusinessesmake invest- beenmadeverysimple.Statesare
onAugust1andwassupposedto quiresisthatweshouldcontinue ments in our country,” he said. not being burdened, interest rate
end on October 31. However, 38.04%: Rise in premium income reported by the seven `7,812.39 crore: Cumulative premium of Source: with that and should not go on Whenaskedabouttheearlier islow.Wearehavingdialoguesat
amidst the disruption caused by standalone health insurers among non-life insurers; from standalone health insurers in April-September, Irdai/PTI tinkering with that. Because sta- concerns expressed by the various levels with (dissenting)
Covid-19,Sebigotrepresentations `1,118.24 crore a year ago to `1,543.62 crore this September rising 28.10 per cent from the year-ago period bilityofthetaxationsystemisalso ReserveBankof Indiaaboutbusi- state so that they could join the
seekingextensionof thescheme. veryveryimportant.Ifyouchange nessesusingcorporatetaxratecut schemeof borrowing,”headded.

BRIEFLY Q2 earnings: Sales dull, but cost Amazon contentions ‘misconceived’, RRVL
ofdealingwith cuts help companies save cash deal in best interests of stakeholders: Future
Covidpaidoff’ ENSECONOMICBUREAU With business in urban
companies conserve cash and
save on everything, from promo- ENSECONOMICBUREAU FUTURERETAIL
per cent in Future Retail.
In its update to BSE and NSE,
losses to all stakeholders,” Future
retail said in its statement to the
New Delhi: Ficci President
Sangita Reddy on Sunday
areas somewhat dull,
tional spends to staff. While be-
nign input costs have no doubt
had treated two separate agree-
said India’s strategy of deal- AFTER A good start, the earnings sales in the September helped - raw materials to sales KISHORE BIYANI’S Future Retail ments as “a single integrated also mentions that Amazon had
ing with the Covid-19 crisis season is beginning to reflect the were down a chunky 600 bps y- Limited(FRL)onSundayshotback ■ Future Retail, in an transaction by which the latter sought Rs 1,431 crore plus inter-
quarter have been update to the BSE and
has “paid off and the coun- pain in corporate India. o-y-totalexpenditurefellasteep at global e-commerce giant hadobtainedinterestinandrights est as damages from the former,
try’s economy is set to Worryingly, analysts believe that subdued barring a 21 per cent y-o-y. Amazon’s letter to Securities and NSE, said the bourses against the former. which is equal to the amount
should not take
bounce back and emerge much of the spurt in demand for couple of exceptions For the sample, operating ExchangeBoardofIndia(Sebi),the Future said that BSE and NSE Amazon had invested in Future
stronger.” She said it was carsortwo-wheelersarisingfrom profit margins have increased by BSE and the National Stock cognisance of either should not take cognisance of ei- Couponsin2019.“Itmaybenoted
timetotakeboldactionsand the festive and wedding seasons awhopping11percentagepoints Exchange (NSE), saying that the Amazon’s letter or the ther Amazon’s letter or the eme- thatevenifsuchclaimisapproved
pushthegrowthagendavig- may subside by the end of mand seems to be stemming y-o-y. A good example of this is contentions raised by Amazon emergency arbitrator’s rgencyarbitrator’sorderasFuture by the arbitration or at any other
orously. “The dilemma for December. However, the revival from rural and small-town India. TVS Motors. Though revenues were “entire misconceived”. order as Future Retail Retail had complied with all the judicialforum,thesamewouldbe
governments across the in purchases of residential prop- With business in urban areas rose just 6 per cent y-o-y during “In its letter, Amazon has had complied with all requirements of obtaining ap- payable by promoters and there
world was creating a bal- erties is good news and should somewhat dull, sales in the the quarter, the company re- painted a picture that public the requirements of provalsfromFutureCoupons,the wouldnotbeanyfinancialimpact
ance between protecting create demand for a set of con- September quarter have been ported strong operating margins shareholdersofFRLarebeingmis- obtaining approvals promoter group entity. Future on the company,” FRL said.
lives and livelihoods. India sumer durables. subdued barring a couple of ex- of9.3percentanda13percenty- led.Itisabitrichforsuchanargu- from Future Retailhasalsoreiteratedthatasit On October 31, The Indian
tookthepathofastrictlock- With the private sector un- ceptions;the11percenty-o-yfall o-y increase in Ebitda due to ment to be made from someone Coupons, the wasundergoingseriousfinancial Express reported that Future
down to ramp up health in- likely to make any meaningful intheaggregaterevenuesfor387 falling other expenses, mainly who is not even a shareholder in promoter group entity difficulties, especially due to the Group had kept aside up to Rs
frastructure and focused on greenfieldinvestmentsforatleast companies (excluding banks and promotion and marketing ex- FRL. Evidently, Amazon’s letter is Covid-19pandemic,theproposed 1,000 crore in an escrow account
human lives. This strategy twoyears,demandforequipment financials)wasdriveninteraliaby penses. Staff costs also fell 8 per motivated by other considera- deal with RRVL was the only way in order to deal with all present
has paid off,” Reddy said. could be dull. Nonetheless, the a 24 per cent y-o-y fall in the rev- centy-o-yassalarycutshadbeen tions,”FRLsaidinitsupdatetothe and fashion and clothes super- it could come of the situation. andfutureliabilitiesinitsarbitra-
good show put up by cement enues at Reliance Industries, a 12 initiated in Q2FY21. Nestle re- BSE and NSE. mart Brand Factory’s retail and “(The)schemeisinthebestin- tion tussle with Amazon. The
Covaxinlaunch companies - especially UltraTech
which turned in stellar numbers
per cent y-o-y drop at Larsen &
cent, a near lifetime high on the
On August 29, Future Retail
Ventures (RRVL).
terest of all stakeholders, that in-
cludes shareholders, financial in-
amount in the escrow account,
which could later be raised to Rs
inQ22021: as volumes rose 8 per cent year-
on-year — suggests construction
cent y-o-y fall at Bajaj Auto.
back of higher gross margins and
lower A&P spends;the company
by way of a slump sale the retail
The deal had run afoul of
vestment made by Amazon in
BharatBiotech activity is picking up.
A good part of the overall de-
Margins, therefore, are being
eked out of sharp cuts in costs as
optimised costs but also gained
from accounting changes. FE
permarket chain Big Bazaar, pre-
mium food supply unit Foodhall,
cent stake in Future Coupons,
which translates to roughly 3.58
of scheme will cause irreparable
Future Coupons, the promoter
group entity of Future Retail.

How inventory gains helped boost Sept

planning to launch Covaxin
— its Covid-19 vaccine can-
coal mining:
‘EU antitrust chief
uisite approvals from the
Indian regulatory authori-
ties, Sai Prasad, the com-
quarter profits of state-run oil companies 19 blocks to be does not see breakup
pany’s Bharat Biotech
International Executive
Director, said. Covaxin has
company. In the case
of OMCs, inventory
have in stock. The
prices of petrol and
diesel are calculated
petrol and diesel — when net
profit for the September quarter
auctioned of large tech cos’
been developed in collabo- gains can be caused basedonbenchmark sawarefininginventorygainofRs PRESSTRUSTOFINDIA However, Vestager told the
ration with the Indian BOTHINDIANOilCorporationLtd. by an appreciation in prices of petrol and 1,303 crore and a marketing in- NEWDELHI,NOVEMBER1 REUTERS Frankfurter Allgemeine
CouncilofMedicalResearch (IOC) and Bharat Petroleum the price of crude, diesel in the interna- ventory gain of Rs 1,200 crore in BERLIN, NOVEMBER 1 Sonntagzeitung newspaper that
(ICMR)-NationalInstituteof Corporation Ltd. (BPCL) have re- classified as refining tional market. thequarterendingSeptember30. COMPANIES LIKE Vedanta, Jindal shedidnotthinkbreakingupthe
Virology (NIV) using inacti- ported strong financial results in inventorygains,oran Notably, OMCs were Notably,allthreestate-owned Steel and Power, Adani Enterp- SPLITTING UP LARGE tech com- companies would be needed,
vated Sars-Cov-2, the virus the second quarter this fiscal, de- appreciation in the likely insulated from OMCshadregisteredmajorinven- rises,HindalcoIndustriesandJSW panies such as Google and although the European
that causes Covid-19. spite lower operating revenues. price of products such as petrol some possible declines in the in- torylosseslastfiscalduetoasharp Steel are in the race for the first- Facebook will not be necessary, Union could use this step in an
Thekeyitemdrivingprofitsfor anddiesel,classifiedasmarketing ternational prices of petrol and fallintheglobalpriceof crudeoil. ever auction of 19 coal blocks for Europe’s antitrust chief was extreme case.
CILproduction both companies in the quarter
inventory gains.
diesel as they stopped revising
pricesonadailybasisfromMarch Whatquantifiesoperational
commercial mining, which will
kick-start from Monday.
quoted as saying on Sunday.
European Competition
“It will never come to that,”
she told the newspaper in an in-
risesby18%to Petroleum Corporation Limited
(HPCL), the third biggest state-
result of an appreciation in the
16 to June 6 when international
performanceof OMCswhen
The auction under which 19
coal blocks would go under the
Commissioner Margrethe
“Up until now we haven’t
47MTinOct owned oil refiner, has not yet re-
aresultoflowglobalcrudeprices. suchamajorroleinearnings?
hammer will continue for eight
draft rules for the digital sector
on December 2 and will then
had any cases that could lead to
such a move,” Vestager added.
New Delhi: Coal India Ltd ondquarter.Hereisalookatwhat lowof$19.33perbarrel.Theprice Howdidthesechangesin count the ability of a company to ing to Coal Ministry. have to reconcile her proposal EU Internal Market
(CIL)saidSundaythatitpro- causes inventory gains and how of Brent crude recovered to inventoryvalueaffectthe claw back inventory losses in- On Monday, the electronic with those from member coun- Commissioner Thierry Breton
duced 46.8 million tonnes they impact the financial around$40-45perbarrelinmid- performanceof OMCs? curred, they assess operational auctionwouldbeheldforfivecoal tries and the European has said the proposed rules in-
(MT)ofcoallastmonth,reg- performance of oil marketing June, though a recent fall pushed TheriseinBrentpriceallowed performancebycomparinggross blocks — Chakla, Jharkhand; Parliament. cludeforcingtechgiantstobreak
istering a rise of 18.4 per companies (OMCs). itto$38perbarrelinlateOctober. IOC to register a gain of Rs 5,829 profits with EBITDA or operating Marki Mangli-II, Maharashtra; On Thursday, she said she uporsellsomeof theirEuropean
cent. It had produced 39.5 OMCs can also get inventory croreoncrudealoneandatotalin- profittoassesstheunderlyingop- Radhikapur(West),Odisha;Takli- would propose new powers for operations if their market dom-
MTofcoalinthecorrespon- Whatareinventorygains? gains from an upward change in ventory gain of Rs 7,400 crore — erating performance of the OMC. Jena-Bellora (North) & TakliJena- enforcers to tackle market fail- inanceisdeemedtothreatenthe
ding month last fiscal. PTI Inventorygainsareregistered thepriceof endproducts,includ- including marketing inventory Full report on Bellora(South),Maharashtra;and ures in digital markets and to interests of customers and
fromanappreciationinthevalue ing petrol and diesel, that they gain on end products such as Urtan, Madhya Pradesh. stop new ones from emerging. smaller rivals.


MS Dhoni will be back in the IPL next year. Dhoni confirmed it himself at
the toss of Chennai Super Kings' final game of the season on Sunday.
"Definitely not," said Dhoni when asked by former New Zealand pacer
Danny Morrison if the game against KXIP was his last for CSK. The IPL
next year is scheduled to be held in the usual April-May window. PTI

Kings Xit
KingsXI Punjab’splayoff hopesextinguishedafteralistlessdefeattoalready-eliminatedChennaiSuperKings
Bottoms up: KKR jump into
top four after devouring RR
SYNOPSIS POINTS TABLE Morgan leads KKR’s charge, while
Punjab crash out timidly as CSK Cummins lives up to billing
Team Matches Won Lost Pts NRR
unearth forgotten heroes
MI 13 9 4 18 1.296
RCB 13 7 6 14 -0.145
DC 13 7 6 14 -0.159 VISHALMENON
SANDIPG KKR 14 7 7 14 -0.214 NOVEMBER1
NOVEMBER1 SRH 13 6 7 12 0.555
KXIP 14 6 8 12 -0.162 LEDBYtheirirrepressiblecaptainEoinMorgan
CHENNAI SUPER Kings have not only ended CSK 14 6 8 12 -0.455 and superstar Australian pacer Pat Cummins,
theirworstcampaignonabrightnote—win- RR 14 6 8 12 -0.569 Kolkata Knight Riders stayed alive in the IPL
ningtheirlastthreegames—buthavealsoter- with an emphatic 60-run win over Rajasthan Pat Cummins’ lethal spell ended
minatedKingsXIPunjab’sfranticseason.Tidy HOW IT LINES UP Royals.Theyhavestillnotmadesureofaplay- Rajasthan’s hopes of a win. BCCI/IPL
bowlingrestrictedPunjabto153/7beforeme- Thenumberof teamsinthefrayisnow off berth,butit’saremarkableturnaroundfor
thodicalbattingfromFafduPlessisandRuturaj five. Defeat to Chennai Super Kings ateamthathadnothinggoingforthemforthe
Gaikwadsawthemsurpassthescoresansfuss. eliminated Kings XI Punjab, while KKR betterpartofthisseason.Foralltheglitterand tilltheend.AfterseeingoffArcher,theIrishman
knocked Rajasthan Royals out. promise, Royals finish in eighth spot. tore into his England team-mate Ben Stokes,
Timid end Not only did KKR earn two points, their ransackingthreesixesinthepenultimateover
The defeat to Chennai was symbolic of all 60-run win improved their net run rate Morgan leads KKR’s charge that not only brought up his half-century, but
thatwentwrongforPunjab.Indecisivegames, considerably. The winner of Monday’s There’sasenseof uncomplicatedflairthat alsoputKKRinapositionofascendancyatthe
theyflinched.Incrunchsituations,theycracked. clashbetweenRCBandDCwillmakethe defines Eoin Morgan’s batting. Irrespective of half-way stage.
Andforalltheirbattingwealth,theirbowlingis playoffs, while the losers will vie with the match situation, he always makes a con-
woefully deficient to influence games. Their KKR on net run rate. scious effort to get on top of the opposition Cummins lives up to billing
brief sparklewasallbutafalsedawn. bowling.OnSunday,theKolkataKnightRiders WhenKKRacquiredCumminsattheauc-
Straightaway,theyseemedover-keen,un- captain unfurled a typical, counter-attacking tionforRs15.5crore,itwasconsideredmoney
der too much self-induced pressure. Mayank MONDAY: DC vs RCB 7:30pm knockthattookhisteamtoaformidablescore wellspent,giventhe27-year-old’scredentials
Agarwalseemedinatearinghurryandplayed Opener Ruturaj Gaikwad marshalled CSK’s chase with an unbeaten 62. BCCI/IPL TUESDAY: SRH vs MI 7:30pm of191/7againstRajasthanRoyalsintheirmust- across all formats. However, with just eight
one stroke too many. KL Rahul seemed to winfinalleagueencounterinDubai.Morgan’s wicketsfrom13matches,theAussiehadbeen
writheunderthecrushingburdenofcaptaincy. unbeaten35-ball68waspunctuatedwithsix largely subdued.
Anunusualfearhasreplacedtheusualjoyhis sloppy. Ravi Bishnoi let a boundary slip under against his name this season — the most ex- games as the South African was a clear strate- sixes, but it was the circumstances and the All that changed in KKR’s must-win final
batting emanates. Even the usually clear- his body, soon after Hooda had let a catch slip pensive of Chennai’s bowlers (economy rate gic failure. He underlined yet again his virtues manner in which he orchestrated this knock leagueencounterwhenCumminsranthrough
headed Chris Gayle was caught in an attack- outofhispalms.Thebeneficiary,FafduPlessis 10.43). But no other colleague picked wickets of thrift as well as wicket-taking potency. He that made it special. theformidableRajasthanRoyalstoporder,tak-
or-blunt dilemma. The three galacticos de- smacked a tempo-setting 48 off 34 balls and atabetteraverage(18.55)orstrikerate(10.66). foxed Chris Gayle with a slider, setting him up The34-year-oldwalkedinatNo.5,withhis ing four wickets in his opening three overs of
parted,theiralreadythinplayoff hopesfaded. stitched an 82-run partnership with Ruturaj He demonstrated his wicket-taking prowess forthesweepwithhisgooglies.Tahirwasathis teaminaspotofbotherat74/3inthe10thover. high-qualitypacebowling.Afterconceding19
Finally, it took Deepak Hooda’s clean-striking Gaikwad,whoisincreasinglylookingthepart yet again by grabbing the scalps of Rahul and aggressivebest,flauntinghiswholebagoftricks Royals leg-spinner Rahul Tewatia had just re- runs off the first five deliveries, Cummins dis-
abilitiestofishthemoutofhumiliation.Ascore aftereachgame.ItwastypicalPunjab—blink- Agarwal, the two pillars of Punjab batting. andinfusingastreak of intensity that Chennai moved Shubman Gill and Sunil Narine in the missedRobinUthappa.Inhissubsequentover,
of 153 was at best middling, though cornered ing in the big moments of the game. Agarwal with a smartly-disguised off-cutter, hadutterlymissedinthemiddleovers. space of three deliveries. Morgan had barely he saw the back of Ben Stokes, thanks to a su-
teams do tigerishly defend such totals. and Rahul with a devilishly dipping slower- Gayle’s was his only wicket of the series, settledbeforeKKRwouldlosetwomorewick- perlativeflyingcatchbyDineshKarthik,while
But staggeringly, Punjab withered. The Forgotten heroes ball yorker. The two wickets decelerated but Tahir would grouse that he got only three ets - Rahul Tripathi and Dinesh Karthik - that RRcaptainSteveSmithgotaninsideedgeback
new-ballspelllackedintensityaswellashostil- Itwasironicthatthechief architectsof the Punjab’splayoffpush.Paceandbouncemight games.ThattheSouthAfricanpairwouldhave left them precariously placed at 100/5 in 13 tohisstumpsonadeliverythatcutbacksharply.
ity. Forget the pursuit of wickets, they gifted victorywereLungiNgidiandImranTahir,two behisbiggestweapons,butNgidihaswedded made the difference to CSK’s fortunes is mere overs. But buoyed by the arrival of Andre When Cummins had Riyan Parag caught be-
cheapruns.JimmyNeeshamlackedbothpace menlargelyperipheraltoCSK’splansthisyear. those gifts with cunning and awareness. He conjecture,buttheirscatteredappearancesdo Russell,whohadreturnedtotheXIforthiscru- hind defending a vicious bumper, RR were
andingenuity,MohammedShamiwasunchar- Ngidiwasintheoriginalschemebeforeashel- could be a scattergun at times but could pur- presentacaseforwhatcouldhavebeen.Ifonly cialgame,Morganunleashedhimselfbyplun- struggling at 37/5 in five overs, with a moun-
acteristically erratic and Chris Jordan seemed lacking at the hands of Rajasthan Royals chase wickets with the new ball. In ditching they had persisted with Ngidi or introduced dering21runsoffShreyasGopal.Inthesubse- tain to climb. With figures of 4/34, Cummins
wellpasthispeakyears.Shami’sleg-sidewide, flushedhimoutofcontention.Tahirhadtowait him prematurely, Chennai had shot them- Tahir before they had reached the brink. quent over, Russell also got into the act, cametothepartywhenitreallymattered.
so wide that Rahul could only watch the ball till the back-end of the season to make an ap- selves in the foot. BRIEFSCORES: KXIP153/6in20overs(D smokingasixandaboundaryoff JofraArcher. BRIEF SCORES: KKR191/7in20overs(E
whistlepasthimindespair,wasamomentthat pearance. But both reminded the team man- Likewise,thecontinuedside-liningofTahir Hooda62,KLRahul29;LNgidi3/39)losttoCSK The belligerence shifted the momentum de- Morgan 68, R Tripathi 39; R Tewatia 3/25) bt
perfectlycapturedtheirlackof steam. agement of their value in telling fashion. seemed a faux pas. That Piyush Chawla and 154/1in18.5overs(RGaikwad62*,FduPlessis cisivelytowardsKKR.Russelldepartedafteran RR 131/9 in 20 overs (J Buttler 35, P Cummins
Compounding the woes, the fielding was Ngidi would own an unwanted record KarnSharmaendedupplayingtwiceasmany 48,ARayudu30*;CJordan1/31)by9wickets 11-ball25,butMorganwasdeterminedtostay 4/34, S Mavi 2/15, Varun C 2/20) by 60 runs

Rohit in danger of Four losses in a row, why DC’s wheels have come off BRIEFLY
injuring himself this job, but his inexperience and profligate Shooterinfectedwith
again, says Shastri VISHAL MENON
Part of the problem stems from ways — he picked three wickets in five
games and conceded 11.29 runs per over —
the fact that head coach Ricky has hurt the team’s chances. NewDelhi:Anathletetraininginthena-
THE IPL season began with a bang for Delhi Ponting used him (Pant) to Theirspinners,too,havegoneoff theboil. tionalcapital'sDrKarniSinghShooting
PRESS TRUST OF INDIA Capitals. But after four consecutive defeats anchor the innings, a role in In the first six games, Axar Patel and Ravi RangehastestedpositiveforCOVID-19,
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 1 — by 59 runs to Kolkata Knight Riders and Ashwin averaged 16 runs per wicket. In the the Sports Authority of India said but
88 runs to Sunrisers Hyderabad, and by 5 which he has struggled subsequent six matches, their average bal- maintained that it will not hamper the
INDIA HEAD coach Ravi Shastri has re- wickets and 9 wickets to Kings XI Punjab loonedto50.Themeagrereturnsof Axarand ongoing national camp. "An NCOE
vealed that Roht Sharma's medical report and Mumbai Indians respectively — at the Ashwin underlined the absence of a wrist (National Centre of Excellence) athlete
stated that "he could be in danger of injur- business end of the league stage, Delhi — such as Shimron Hetmeyer’s blitz against spinner like Mishra, who has been such a vi- training at Dr Karni Singh Shooting
ing himself again" and advised him not to Capitals now run the risk of failing to qual- Rajasthan Royals and Marcus Stoinis’s as- tal cog in Delhi’s bowling machinery. Range in the 10 metre range has tested
rush his comeback. ify for the playoffs. sault against Royal Challengers Bangalore. In an ideal world, Delhi’s bowling line- positiveforthecoronavirus.Theathlete
Rohit, who is recovering from a ham- Why has the team that was being billed Part of the problems can be attributed up would have read as follows: Rabada, who last visited the range on October
string injury, was left out of the India squad as the most complete T20 outfit barely to the fact that barring Dhawan, none of the Nortje, Ishant, Mishra and Ashwin. Five 28th in the second half of the day, inti-
for the Australia tour on a day when he hit three weeks ago, been in free fall since Rishabh Pant hasn’t scored a single remaining batsmen have the ability to bowlers with experience, skill and smarts mated to his coach that his test result
the nets for Mumbai Indians, sparking spec- then? fifty in this edition so far. BCCI/IPL switch gears easily. This came to the fore to rattle any team. hadcomepositive,"SAIsaid."AllNCOE
ulation on his fitness status. "It's being han- during their 9-wicket loss to Mumbai athletes who were training at the time
dled by the people in charge of the medical Trouble at the top Indians on Saturday, when Iyer and Pant Rishabh Pant conundrum this shooter had last visited the range
part of it. We don't get involved in that. They Shikhar Dhawan and Prithvi Shaw as
Middle-order muddle consumed 44 balls to score 35 runs. Four years ago, Rishabh Pant captured havebeenaskedtogointo14daysquar-
have submitted a report to the selectors and openers should worry opposition bowlers. In the first six games, Delhi’s batsmen This conservative approach would have the imagination of fans and pundits with antineandrejoinafteracovidnegative
they have gone about their business. I have However, they have not fired in tandem. scored at 9.2 runs per over. But in the sub- paiddividendshadeitherof themgoneonto his blistering strokeplay. Having made a report. The same process is to be fol-
no say, neither I am a part of the selection. All In their last six games, sequent seven matches, that playabigknock.Thatdidnothappen.Overall, name in white-ball cricket, the 23-year-old lowedbythesupportstaffwhocamein
I know is the medical report which says he Delhi have lost at least one rate dropped to around 7.3. it was a colossal batting failure, one that was now finds himself out of the reckoning contact with the shooter," it added,
couldbeindangerof injuringhimself again," of their openers in the first Diehard fans may blame brought about by a muddled approach. from Team India’s shorter formats. withoutnamingtheathlete.
Shastri told Times Now. over itself. the slow, worn-out tracks in These days, he looks like a tormented
The series is scheduled to start on
November 27. Shastri advised Rohit not to
Dhawan did enjoy a resur-
gence mid-way into the tourna-
the UAE as the reason why
their marauding stroke-play-
Injuries to Ishant, Mishra
Losing experienced bowlers Sharma
soul, perpetually caught between attack
and defence. Perhaps nothing is more glar- MercedesclinchF1
make the same mistake he made during his
playing days. "There is nothing more frus-
ment by slamming back-to-
back hundreds, but Shaw’s
ers were finding it difficult to
fire. But the truth is that their
and Mishra with an abdominal muscle tear
and a finger injury respectively, were ma-
ing than his underwhelming strike-rate of
112 from 10 games in this IPL. A hamstring
trating for a player than he gets injured. problems have been two-fold. middle and lower order have jor blows. injury didn’t help matters. Pant has not reg- Imola: Lewis Hamilton took a record-
Sometimes you know, you want to get out First, he has been exposed by collectively failed to inject mo- In Sharma’s absence, they failed to find istered a single fifty in this edition so far, extending 93rd career win at the
of that room of yours and try and see how the short-pitched delivery. Second, the mentum in the batting. a reliable third seamer, someone who with the 17-ball 38 against KKR in Sharjah Emilia Romagna Grand Prix on
quickly you can come back," said Shastri. youngster’s lack of discretion in his stroke- In the game against KKR in Sharjah on would not fritter away the good work done being his highest score. Sunday as his Mercedes team
"And therein lies the grey area. Therein lies play has been his bane. October 3, contributions of Delhi’s top four by Kagiso Rabada and Anrich Nortje. Part of the problem stems from the fact clinched an unprecedented seventh
the problem where you want to go and Scores of 4, 0, 0, 7, and 10 in the last five batsmen — captain Shreyas Iyer’s 38-ball Harshal Patel was pencilled in for this role, that head coach Ricky Ponting used him to successiveFormulaOneconstructors'
play, you want to test yourself. But only you games is a grim indication of his troubles. 88, Shaw’s 66, Dhawan’s 26, and Rishabh but he doesn’t have the pace and zip of a anchor the innings, a role in which he has title with four races to spare. They did
will know at the back of your mind The team management parachuted Ajinkya Pant’s 38 — catapulted them to a match- fully fit Sharma. Patel’s three scalps have struggled. In hindsight, Delhi would have itinone-twoformation,thesix-times
whether you are 100% of there is a chance Rahane as opener intermittently, but even winning score of 228/4. But barring that come at close to 9 runs per over. beenbetterservedif thewicket-keeperbats- world champion taking the che-
of it going again." this gamble did not pay off. match, there have been only stray instances Tushar Deshpande was then assigned manwaspusheddowntheorderasafinisher. quered flag at Italy's Imola circuit
5.783 seconds ahead of team mate

Hazard ends year-long goal drought; Barcelona slip again

Valtteri Bottas, who had started on
pole position. Australian Daniel
Ricciardo finished third for Renault,
his second podium of the season.

very well and need to keep it going."
Hazard, likewise, gave Madrid fans some
Diogo Jota came off the bench and scored
in the 85th minute to earn Liverpool a hard- Coeoptimisticabout
BARCELONA, NOVEMBER 1 hope that his club-record signing from DRY SPELL fought2-1victoryoverWestHam,extending
Chelsea last year was not a mistake. The of- the team's unbeaten record in league play at
WHILE JOAO Felix claimed another brace ten-injured Belgian blasted in his first goal Anfield to 63 games - tied for the longest Gurugram: World Athletics President

for Atletico Madrid and Eden Hazard sinceOctoberof lastyeartosparkMadrid's4- Number of days streak in the club's history. SebastianCoesaidtheTokyoOlympics
emerged from his yearlong scoring rut at 1 win over Huesca. after which Eden That's a goal in three straight games for organisers have a "cast-iron determi-
Real Madrid, Lionel Messi failed to score in Messi, however, just like most of his Hazard scored a Jota, an offseason signing who is giving an nation" to stage the Games next year.
a fifth straight Spanish league match as teammates, failed to beat an inspired goal for Real Madrid. His last came extra edge to Liverpool's attack. "Thefutureisuncertainbutletmegive
Barcelona stumbled again. Fernando Pacheco as Barcelona was held 1- on October 5, 2019. Jota's winner came about the same time you a slightly more optimistic mes-
Felix scored Atletico's first two goals in a 1 at 10-man Alaves. Messi's only league goal British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was sage... I can see a cast-iron determina-
3-1 victory at Osasuna, building on his sec- so far was a penalty he converted in the announcing a four-week lockdown in tion to stage the Games," Coe said. He
ond-half double in a 3-2 comeback win opening game for Barcelona. Ronaldo EPL to continue despite lockdown England, starting from Thursday. was addressing the AGM of the
against Salzburg in the Champions League Koeman's side is eight points behind Madrid On a day uncertainty reigned in England The Premier League will be allowed to Athletics Federation of India virtually.
on Tuesday. The 20-year-old Portugal for- with a game in hand. as the nation prepared to go back into lock- carry on - matches are already being played "TheGamesmaybedifferent,therewill
ward appears to be on the brink of a break- down,thePremierLeaguereturnedtosome- without fans, and with players undergoing probably be adaptations, they will
outseasonforAtleticoafteranup-and-down Ronaldo scores on return Hazard scored in the 40th minute. Reuters thing resembling normality. regular testing - so the much-anticipated probably demand more from your
firstcampaignthatonlyofferedflashesof the Cristiano Ronaldo made an immediate Three of the teams expected to contend meeting between Man City and Liverpool teams that we have not seen in any
talent shown at Benfica. impact on his return from a COVID-19 infec- for the title - Manchester City, Chelsea and will go ahead as scheduled next weekend. OlympicGamesbefore.Butpleasereas-
Felix scored nine goals in 36 games in his tion on Sunday, scoring three minutes after ter his arrival as they went second in the Liverpool - all picked up wins in back-to- On Sunday, Newcastle United striker sureyourathletesastheyenterprepa-
debut season for Diego Simeone's Atletico. coming on as a substitute before converting table. Alvaro Morata and Adrien Rabiot were back fixtures on Saturday. There was also Callum Wilson scored twice to hand high- ration phase that there is a strong de-
He has five goals in eight appearances this apenaltytoleadJuventustoa4-1SerieAwin also on target as Andrea Pirlo's side bounced the familiar sight of Liverpool, the defend- flying Everton their second straight Premier termination (among officials in Japan)
season. "It is a good start to the season," Felix at Spezia. The Serie A champions, pegged back after drawing their previous three Serie ing champion, back atop the standings League defeat as they went down 2-1 at St. to stage the Olympic Games."
said. "I have worked for this and my team- back at 1-1 when the 35-year-old entered A matches -- not including the 3-0 walkover thanks to a late goal that is becoming its James' Park while Southampton defeated PTI/REUTERS
mates are helping me a lot. We are playing the fray, scored three times in 20 minutes af- they were awarded against Napoli. trademark. Aston Villa 4-3.

Vol XX : No. 1157 Regd. No. RNI 46944/87, Registration No. PR/RNP/PNE/D/11/2000. Printed and published by Vaidehi Thakar on behalf of The Indian Express (P) Limited and Printed at The Indian Express (P) Limited Press, Survey No. 288, Plot No. 1 and 2, Raisoni Industrial Park, Village Maan, Taluka Mulshi, District
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