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Installation Handbook

Autroprime Interactive Fire Detection System

Autroprime-Installation-Handbook-eng, Doc-1004359-2, 2021-01-29, Autronica Fire And Security AS


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Autroprime Installation Handbook, Autroprime Interactive Fire Detection System, Autroprime-Installation-Handbook-eng, Doc-1004359-2, 2021-01-29,
Autronica Fire and Security
Table of Contents

1. Introduction ...................................................................... 7
1.1 About the Handbook .......................................................................... 7
1.2 The Reader ....................................................................................... 7
1.3 Reference Documentation................................................................. 7

2. Pre-installation ................................................................. 8
2.1 Location ............................................................................................. 8
2.2 Environmental Requirements ............................................................ 8
2.3 Mounting Height / Space Requirement ............................................. 8
2.4 Mounting Alternatives ........................................................................ 9

3. Panels, Brackets and Cabinet ......................................... 10

4. Interconnecting Panels on the Panel Bus ...................... 12

4.1 Overview............................................................................................ 12
4.2 Cyber Security ................................................................................... 12

5. Mounting Instructions ..................................................... 13

6. Addressing Panels .......................................................... 15

6.1 Rotary Switch on Panels ................................................................... 15
6.2 Addressing the Fire Alarm Control Panel (BS-200) .......................... 15
6.3 Addressing other Panels ................................................................... 15
6.4 Addressing Mimic Drivers.................................................................. 15

7. Mounting Drawings.......................................................... 16
7.1 Hole Dimensions - Mounting Bracket for BS-210 and BS-211 ......... 16
7.2 Hole Dimensions - Mounting Bracket for BU-210, BU-211 and
BV-210............................................................................................... 17

8. Cable Specifications ........................................................ 18

8.1 Calculating the Current Consumption ............................................... 18
8.2 Tables ................................................................................................ 18
8.2.1 Table for Low Current Detectors and I/O units ....................... 18
8.2.2 Table for High Current Detectors and I/O units ...................... 19
8.2.3 Onboard I/O and Power .......................................................... 19
8.2.4 Panel Bus and Serial Port ....................................................... 20
8.3 General Considerations..................................................................... 20
8.4 The Panel Bus Cable Requirements ................................................. 21
8.4.1 Characteristic Impedance and Signal Attenuation .................. 21

Autroprime-Installation-Handbook-eng, Doc-1004359-2, 2021-01-29


8.4.2 High-voltage and Noisy Environments .................................... 21

8.4.3 Cable Length and Power Consumption .................................. 22
8.5 Calculation of Power Consumption and Cable Loss ......................... 23
8.6 Power Supply and Battery Capacity .................................................. 24

9. Cable Connections .......................................................... 25

9.1 Cabling - Overview ............................................................................ 25
9.2 Overview Internal Cable Layout ........................................................ 27
9.3 Battery Connections .......................................................................... 28
9.4 Connections to Power Supply / Mains Power ................................... 30
9.5 Fuses ................................................................................................. 31
9.6 Connection of External DC Power .................................................... 32
9.7 Terminal Points Overview – Main Board ........................................... 33
9.8 Description of Terminal Points – Main Board .................................... 34
9.8.1 Main Terminal Block J1 ........................................................... 34
9.8.2 Ethernet RJ45 connector J2 ................................................... 37
9.8.3 Power Supply Control and Battery Temperature
Measurement J3 ..................................................................... 37
9.8.4 Auxiliary Term inal Block J4 .................................................... 38
9.8.5 USB Host J10 .......................................................................... 38
9.8.6 Auxiliary Terminal Block J6 ..................................................... 39
9.8.7 User Configurable Inputs ........................................................ 39
9.8.8 User Configurable Outputs ..................................................... 39
9.9 Cable Connections inside the Cabinet (Fire Alarm Control Panel) ... 40
9.9.1 Connections (J7) for a standalone cabinet with integrated
BS-210 .................................................................................... 40
9.9.2 Connections (J4) for a cabinet with external BS-210 and no
external panel bus ................................................................... 41
9.9.3 Connections (J4) for a cabinet with integrated BS-210 and
external panel bus ................................................................... 42
9.9.4 Connections (J4) for a cabinet with external BS-210 and
external panel bus ................................................................... 43
9.10 Panel Bus Connections to BU-, BV- and BS-panels ......................... 44
9.11 Overview Panel Bus .......................................................................... 45
9.12 Connections to Mimic Drivers (BUR-200) ......................................... 46
9.12.1 Terminal Points – Overview .................................................... 47
9.12.2 Switch Settings ........................................................................ 48
9.12.3 Connection of Master and Slave Mimic Drivers ...................... 48
9.12.4 Connections for Panel Bus ..................................................... 49
9.12.5 Connections for Slave Panels ................................................. 49
9.12.6 Terminals for monitored inputs ............................................... 49
9.13 Ground Fault ..................................................................................... 50

10. Maritime Installations ...................................................... 51

10.1 Typical Maritime Installation – Overview ........................................... 51
10.2 Fire Alarm Control Panel BS-200M ................................................... 52
10.2.1 External Connections .............................................................. 52
10.2.2 Detection Loop Connections – Extended Terminal Block....... 52
10.2.3 Internal Wiring ......................................................................... 53
10.3 Panel Bus Connection ....................................................................... 57
10.4 Mimic Cabinet BUR-200 .................................................................... 58
10.5 External Battery Cabinet ................................................................... 59
10.5.1 Dimensions ............................................................................. 59
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Autronica Fire and Security AS

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10.5.2 Internal Connections in Battery Cabinet ................................. 60

11. Startup .............................................................................. 61

11.1 Power Up ........................................................................................... 61
11.2 Testing ............................................................................................... 62
11.3 Safety Measures during Commissioning and Maintenance ...... 62
11.4 Service Menu when the System is Starting....................................... 63

12. Switches and Indicators on the Main Board .................. 64

12.1 Overview............................................................................................ 64
12.2 Reset Switch (S1) .............................................................................. 64
12.3 Dip-switches for Mode Settings (S2) ................................................. 65
12.4 Battery Short-circuit Protection ......................................................... 65
12.5 Battery Restart after Deep Discharge (S3) ....................................... 66
12.6 Serial Port Settings (S4) .................................................................... 66
12.7 System Fault LED indicator (yellow) ................................................. 66
12.8 Status LED indicator (red) ................................................................. 67
12.9 Power LED indicator (green) ............................................................. 67
12.10 Regulated 24V Indicator (green) ....................................................... 67

13. Exporting / Importing Configuration Data ...................... 68

13.1 USB Output ....................................................................................... 68
13.2 Entering the Service Menu ................................................................ 69
13.3 Exporting Configuration Data ............................................................ 70
13.4 Importing Configuration Data ............................................................ 71
13.5 Backup Current Configuration ........................................................... 72
13.6 Select Configuration & Restart System ............................................. 72
13.7 Save Configuration ............................................................................ 73

14. Changes on the Detection Loop ..................................... 74

14.1 Typical Scenarios .............................................................................. 74
14.2 Remove a unit and Insert the same unit ........................................... 74
14.3 Remove a unit and insert another unit of the same type ........ 75
14.4 Remove a unit and insert another unit of a different type ....... 75
14.5 Add a new unit to the detection loop ................................................. 76
14.6 Remove a loop unit from the detection loop...................................... 76
14.7 Major Changes / Clear Loop Config. - Restart System ..................... 77

15. Changes on the Panel Bus .............................................. 78

15.1 Typical Scenarios .............................................................................. 78
15.2 Adding an extra panel to the Panel Bus ............................................ 78
15.3 Removing a panel from the Panel Bus .............................................. 79
15.4 Replacing a panel of the same type and with the same address .. 79
15.5 Replacing a panel of the same type but with a different
address .............................................................................................. 80
15.6 Replacing a panel of a different type ................................................. 81

16. Charger and Battery ........................................................ 82

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Autronica Fire and Security AS

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16.1 Calibration ......................................................................................... 82

16.2 Battery and Charger Characteristics ................................................. 83
16.3 Battery Maintenance ......................................................................... 83
16.3.1 Batteries .................................................................................. 83
16.3.2 Periodic maintenance check of batteries ................................ 83

17. Appendix .......................................................................... 84

17.1 Text Foils ........................................................................................... 84

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Autronica Fire and Security AS

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1. Introduction

1.1 About the Handbook

This document describes in detail the installation of the Autroprime
Interactive Fire Detection System (hereby called Autroprime), a
system for small-to-medium-sized applications.

1.2 The Reader

This handbook is intended f or technical personnel.

1.3 Reference Documentation

In addition to this handbook, the following technical documentation is

System Description
Configuration Handbook
Operator’s Handbook
User Guide
Wall Chart
Menu Structure
Datasheet; Fire Alarm Control Panel BS-200
Datasheet; Fire Alarm Control Panel BS-200M
Datasheet; Autroprime Controller Unit BC-250
Datasheet; Repeater Panel BS-211
Datasheet; Information Panel BV-210
Datasheet; Fire Brigade Panel BU-210
Datasheet; Mimic Driver BUR-200

For information on all available documents to download, refer to

Autronica’s Product Web http://product.autronicafire.com/products/

Autroprime Installation Handbook, Autroprime Interactive Fire Detection System, Autroprime-Installation-Handbook-eng, Doc-1004359-2,
Autronica Fire and Security AS

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2. Pre-installation

2.1 Location
The Fire Alarm Control Panel or Operator Panel must be located in, or
nearby, the entrance according to local regulations and in consultation
with the fire brigade.

Repeater Panels, Fire Brigade Panels and Information Panels must be

placed according to local regulations and in consultation with the fire

2.2 Environmental Requirements

The equipment complies to environmental conditions of IEC-721-3-3
class 3k5.
Ambient temperature: -5 to +55 C

Degree of protection:
◼ BS-200: IEC-529/IP30
◼ BS-200M: IEC-529/IP32

2.3 Mounting Height / Space Requirement

To ensure optimal readability of the panels’ display, the recommended
mounting height of the panel top is approximately 175 cm above the

Autroprime Installation Handbook, Autroprime Interactive Fire Detection System, Autroprime-Installation-Handbook-eng, Doc-1004359-2,
Autronica Fire and Security AS

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2.4 Mounting Alternatives

The Fire Alarm Control Panel (BS-200, BS-200M) is to be surface
mounted onto the wall.

The Operator Panel (BS-210), which is an integrated part of the Fire

Alarm Control Panel, can also be mounted separately outside a cabinet,
either surface mounted onto the wall or mounted inside a 19’’ rack or

All other panel types; Repeater Panel (BS-211), Fire Brigade Panel
(BU-210), Information Panel (BV-210), Mimic Driver (BUR-200) and the
“Larmlagringspanel” BU-211 are to be surface mounted onto the wall or
mounted inside a 19’’ rack or console.
For information on mounting alternatives for the maritime panel
BS-200M and Mimic Cabinet BUR-200, refer to chapter 10.

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Panels, Brackets and Cabinet

3. Panels, Brackets and Cabinet

The Autroprime system provides the following panels, brackets and

Fire Alarm Control Panel

(BS-200, BS-200M)

BS-200 is an integrated fire-alarm control

panel for small-to-medium-sized installations.
The panel serves as a stand-alone operating
panel, or as a master panel in a networked
HxWxD (mm): 420x346x140

Cabinet (UE-1747)

If the Operator Panel (BS-210) is mounted

separately outside the cabinet, the door
bracket is to be turned inside out, and
fastened to the cabinet’s door.

HxWxD (mm): 420x346x140

Operator Panel (BS-210)

The panel is delivered as an integrated part of

the Fire Alarm Control Panel but can also be
mounted separately outside a cabinet onto a
bracket (UD-731).

HxWxD (mm): 310 x 220 x 45

Repeater Panel (BS-211)

The panel is identical to the the Operator

Panel BS-210, with the exception of the
alphanumeric keypad. Mounted onto a bracket

HxWxD (mm): 310 x 220 x 45

Fire Brigade Panel (BU-210)

Mounted onto a bracket (UD-732).

Dimensions (mm):
HxWxD (mm): 154 x 310 x 45

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Panels, Brackets and Cabinet

Information Panel (BV-210)

Mounted onto a bracket (UD-732).

Dimensions (mm):
HxWxD (mm): 154 x 310 x 45
Mimic Driver (BUR-200)
The Mimic Driver is capable of driving 32
LEDs with series resistors on a mimic panel
for additional indication of alarms. Provides
also 8 standard monitored inputs.
HxWxD (mm): 181x125x40

For maritime applications, the Mimic Driver

BUR-200 is delivered in a cabinet (BUR-
200M) providing 16 programmable relays.

In addition, the Autroprime system provides the ”Larmlagringspanel”

BU-211 specifically designed for the Swedish Market.

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Autronica Fire and Security AS

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Interconnecting Panels on the Panel Bus

4. Interconnecting Panels on the

Panel Bus

4.1 Overview
A maximum of 8 additional panels can be freely mixed and connected
to the Fire Alarm Control Panel via the RS-485 panel bus, including
Repeater Panels BS-211, Information Panels BV-210, Fire Brigade
Panels BU-210 and Mimic Drivers BUR-200.

For information on cabling, refer to Cable Connections, chapter 9.1.

Fire Alarm Control Panel BS-200

RS-485 Panel bus


ESPA 444 Communication Protocol or

NMEA protocol for VDR systems (RS-232, RS-422/485) BS-211

Modbus RTU protocol (serial/ethernet)

4.2 Cyber Security

To ensure cyber security, we strongly recommend that the Ethernet port
is not connected to the public internet.

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Mounting Instructions

5. Mounting Instructions
• Find the text foils in the relevant language for the panel, and insert the textfoils in the
correct locations (there are two different foils). Through the small hole near the slot,
use a small screwdriver or similar to slightly bend the edge (approx. 1mm) of each foil
until the edge slips behind the opening of the slot. An overview of all foils is shown in
Appendix 17.1.

Refer to the relevant mounting procedure below

(A, B or C), consult the drawings and follow the

Step A) Mounting the Fire Alarm Control Panel

(BS-200. For information on BS-200M, see chapter 10)

1A • The cabinet has 3 mounting holes located at the rear. The upper holes are of key-hole-type.
• Insert the 2 upper screws in the wall according to the drawing.
• Open the cabinet’s front door and hang the cabinet onto the screws.
• Insert the lower screw, then tighten all screws.
2A • Place the 2 batteries inside the cabinet according to the drawing. Make sure that the battery
is not in conflict with the front pane screw.
3A • Connect all external cables to the correct terminal points. Refer to 9.12.1

Step B) Mounting the Operator Panel separately outside a cabinet

(Operator Panel BS-210, an integrated part of BS-200)

1B • The cabinet has 3 mounting holes located at the rear. The upper holes are of key-hole-type.
• Insert the 2 upper screws in the wall according to the drawing.
• Open the cabinet’s front door and hang the cabinet onto the screws.
• Insert the lower screw, then tighten all screws.
2B • Unscrew the 4 screws which connect the panel to the cabinet’s front door.
• Remove the Operator Panel with its bracket mounted.
• Remove the bracket from the Operator Panel.
• Disconnect the internal cable from the Operator Panel.
3B • For cosmetic reasons, unscrew the extended nuts from the door bracket (which the Operator
Panel was fastened to), and turn the door bracket inside out, then fasten it to the cabinet’s
door. Note: The maritime panel BS-200M requires the use of a rubber seal (UY-108)
between the door bracket and the cabinet’s front door.
• Plug the holes by the four plastic studs.
4B • Mount the Operator Panel’s bracket onto the wall.
5B • Connect all external cables to the correct terminal points. Refer to chapter 9.8 and 9.9
6B • Place and centre the lower part of the panel onto the lower part of the bracket, then simply
push the upper part of the panel towards the bracket until it snaps on.

Step C) Mounting all other panels

(Repeater Panel BS-211, Fire Brigade Panel BU-210, Information Panel BV-210)

1C • Set the correct address (1-9) by means of the Rotary switch located on the rear side of the
panel (refer to Addressing Panels in the next chapter).
2C • Mount the panel bracket onto the wall.
3C • Connect all external cables to the correct terminal points. Refer to chapter Error! Reference
source not found..
4C • Place and centre the lower part of the panel onto the lower part of the bracket, then simply
push the upper part of the panel towards the bracket until it snaps on.

Autroprime Installation Handbook, Autroprime Interactive Fire Detection System, Autroprime-Installation-Handbook-eng, Doc-1004359-2,
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Page 13
Mounting Instructions

1A 2A

For adequate access to the inside of the

panel when the door is opened, make
sure that the distance between the
panel’s left side (front view) and the
adjacent wall is approximately 30 cm.

1B 2B

3B 4B

For information on
hole dimensions for
brackets, refer to
chapter 5.


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Autronica Fire and Security AS

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Addressing Panels

6. Addressing Panels

6.1 Rotary Switch on Panels

All Autroprime panels (BS-200, BS-200M, BS-211, BU-210, BV-210)
must be assigned addresses by means of the rotary switch located on
the rear side of the panel. The addresses must be set before mounting.

6.2 Addressing the Fire Alarm Control Panel (BS-200)

The main Fire Alarm Control Panel (BS-200, BS-200M) with the
integrated Operator Panel BS-210 must always have address 0 (the
arrow pointing straight downwards). Address 0 is preset from the

Note that only 1 Operator Panel BS-210 (either as an integrated part of

Fire Alarm Control Panel BS-200 or as a separate panel mounted
outside a cabinet) can be connected to the panel bus.

6.3 Addressing other Panels

All other panels connected to the RS-485 Panel Bus, including
Repeater Panel BS-211, Fire Brigade Panel BU-210, Information Panel
BV-210 and “Larmlagringspanel BU-211” have addresses from 1-9.

6.4 Addressing Mimic Drivers

To address the Mimic Drivers the X2 Panel Bus Address Switch is
used. If S2.7 is set to Master, X2 sets the panel bus address. If S2.7 is
set as slave, X2 sets the RS-485 daisy-chain slave address. The range
for the switch is 1-9.

Autroprime Installation Handbook, Autroprime Interactive Fire Detection System, Autroprime-Installation-Handbook-eng, Doc-1004359-2,
Autronica Fire and Security AS

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Mounting Drawings

7. Mounting Drawings

7.1 Hole Dimensions - Mounting Bracket for BS-210 and

The Operator Panel BS-210 (an integrated part of the Fire Alarm
Control Panel BS-200) can be surface mounted onto a bracket on the
wall outside the Fire Alarm Control Panel’s cabinet.



171 69.5

Autroprime Installation Handbook, Autroprime Interactive Fire Detection System, Autroprime-Installation-Handbook-eng, Doc-1004359-2,
Autronica Fire and Security AS

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Mounting Drawings

7.2 Hole Dimensions - Mounting Bracket for BU-210, BU-

211 and BV-210
The Repeater Panel (BS-211), Fire Brigade Panel (BU-210),
Information Panel (BV-210) and “Larmlagringspanel” BU-211 are to be
surface mounted onto a bracket on the wall (or mounted inside a 19’’
rack or console).

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Autronica Fire and Security AS

Page 17
Cable Specifications

8. Cable Specifications

8.1 Calculating the Current Consumption

As a general rule, the maximum current consumption for all loop units
on a detection loop must not exceed the configured current

In the system service menu (Unit Configuration/Detection Loops) it is

possible to limit the maximum possible current consumption for a
selected detection loop. The following different default settings are
possible: 100mA, 150mA, 200mA, 250mA, 300mA, 350mA and 400mA.

The current consumption per device is found in the data sheets of the
respective units.

Always calculate for worst case, normally during alarm condition whene
LEDs, sounders, strobes are activated.

8.2 Tables
The tables in this chapter give the wire dimension in square millimeters
or AWG (American Wire Gauge) for various cable lengths. Please refer
to national/local standards for your country. Data may change. Please
check with your local manufacturer.

If multi-stranded cables are used, cable crimps shall be used.

8.2.1 Table for Low Current Detectors and I/O units

Detection Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable
Loop length (m) length (m) length (m) length (m) length (m)
current Max cable for for for for for
setting resistance AWG 20 AWG 18 AWG 17 AWG 15 AWG 13
(mA) (ohm) (0,5mm²) (0,75mm²) (1,0mm²) (1,5mm²) (2,5mm²)
100 105 1500 2250 3000 4500 7500
150 58 829 1243 1657 2486 4143
200 35 500 750 1000 1500 2500
250 21 300 450 600 900 1500

Autroprime Installation Handbook, Autroprime Interactive Fire Detection System, Autroprime-Installation-Handbook-eng, Doc-1004359-2,
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Cable Specifications

8.2.2 Table for High Current Detectors and I/O units

Detection Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable

Loop length length (m) length length length
current Max cable (m) for for (m) for (m) for (m) for
setting resistance AWG 20 AWG 18 AWG 17 AWG 15 AWG 13
(mA) (ohm) (0,5mm²) (0,75mm²) (1,0mm²) (1,5mm²) (2,5mm²)
100 112 1600 2400 3200 4800 8000
150 78 1114 1671 2229 3343 5571
200 55 786 1179 1571 2357 3929
250 40 571 857 1143 1714 2857
300 30 429 643 857 1286 2143
350 23 329 493 657 986 1643
400 18 257 386 514 771 1286

8.2.3 Onboard I/O and Power

Maximum Wire Maximum

resistance / Dimensions cable Remarks
capacitance (examples) length
( / μF) (mm2) (AWG) (m)

Inputs, 10m
Inputs, 50m

Output, - 2 x 1,5 15 - Determined by cable loss

Monitored - 2 x 0,78 18 - (0,5A maximum load)
Output, Relay -
Output, O.C 100m

Battery - 2 x 2,5 13 5m Maximum battery cable length is

- 2 x 1,5 3m 5m
Maximum cable resistance is
0.05 ohm

Mains - 3 x 1,5 15 - -

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Cable Specifications

8.2.4 Panel Bus and Serial Port

Panel Bus Capacitance pr. 1km cable Maximum cable segment length
Capacitance < 200 nF < 600 m
Capacitance < 100 nF < 1000 m Cat 5 or better
Cable shall be twisted pair, characteristic
impedance 100 ohm.

Panel Bus 2-wire 24V supply:

Calculation vs power loss

Power supply The power loss in these cables has to take into consideration the maximum current at
startup due to the Lamp test, which is 300 mA. Cable loss shall be limited to ensure at
least 18V supply to each panel in this situation.

RS 232 For cabinet internal connections only, limited to 10m.

For USCG installations the length is limited to 6m (20 feet).

RS485/422 Shielded cable is required if cable is >3m. Cable shall be twisted pair, 100 ohm
characteristic impedance (Cat 5 cable recommended).

Maximum length 1000 meters.

For USCG installations the length is limited to 6m (20 feet).

8.3 General Considerations

The maximum cable length is determined by both cable loss and the at-
site designed power consumption. Increasing current implies a demand
for less cable loss, hence increased copper area or reduced cable

Note: The current consumption of LED indicators (on detectors or loop

units) in the event of an alarm has to be included.
The current consumption of other loads has to be included (for
example, loads applied to the output connection of detectors).
Units with varying current consumption, like sounders or strobe devices
have to be included according to the configured setting, for example,
the sound level may vary.

A 25% margin should be added for safety, to ensure correct operation

in case of excessive current consumption, degraded connections
(ageing), etc.

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Cable Specifications

8.4 The Panel Bus Cable Requirements

8.4.1 Characteristic Impedance and Signal Attenuation

When dealing with specification of the Panel Bus cable, the important
issues are the characteristic impedance and the attenuation of the
signal at approximately 100 KHz. These parameters become more
important the longer the cable is.

The parameters are defined by the geometry of the cable. Proper

characteristic impedance is best obtained by a cable with twisted pairs.
For short communication paths (less than approximately 100m) the
characteristic impedance is not that important, and attenuation is low
enough for most cables. However, the twisting improves the cable’s
ability to withstand external interference, and a twisted cable should be
preferred when the cable runs in the vicinity of power cables and power
devices as generators, transformers etc.

Longer paths require twisted pair cable and 100 ohms characteristic
impedance, Cat 5 or similar cable intended for RS485 transmission.

The characteristic impedance shall be (at 100KHz:) 100 ohm +/- 15

ohm. Note that the characteristic impedance has nothing to do with the
resistance of the cable. It is a property related to high-frequency
transmission, regardless of its length. Typical examples are antenna
cable (300 ohm), video cable (75 ohm).

Attenuation is defined by the wire to wire capacitance mostly, as long as

the wire is at least 0.5mm2. The total attenuation of the cable length
must not exceed 9 dB @ 100KHz. If attenuation is not specified,
normally the capacitance is defined. The capacitance shall not exceed
the specified value in order to achieve the total communication length.

8.4.2 High-voltage and Noisy Environments

In high-voltage environments (power plants, electrical machinery etc.) it
is recommended that shielded cable is used. In this case, the shielding
of the cable should only be connected at one end to avoid ground
loops. If high-frequency noise is expected (>10MHz), then both ends
should be connected. This may be present close to radio transmitting
equipment or similar.

Autroprime Installation Handbook, Autroprime Interactive Fire Detection System, Autroprime-Installation-Handbook-eng, Doc-1004359-2,
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Cable Specifications

8.4.3 Cable Length and Power Consumption

The maximum cable lengths are defined for each segment between
panels. Each panel has a built-in electrical repeat of the signal.
Power loss, however, is defined from the maximum power consumption
along the cable.

Note: RS-485 Panel Bus contains both the RS-485 signalling and the
redundant power to all panels. Two four pair cable will be suitable.
Note: For redundancy, the power supply has to be supplied by two
physically separated cables in a loop structure to maintain connection in
case of damage to one cable. See drawing (Simplified cable routing
between panels).

NOTE: If separate power supplies are installed locally to source the

panels, the following shall be ensured:
◼ The local power supply shall be galvanically isolated from its local
power source and earth.
◼ The reference (0V) of this power shall be connected to 0V of the Fire
Alarm Control Panel to ensure same reference for all signaling
nodes. As described in the tables below, one of the pairs may be
used for this.

In this case, an earth fault at this panel’s power supply will be signaled
as a global earth fault by the Fire Alarm Control Panel.

The local power supply to the panel should include a local backup
source in case of loss of mains supply. In some installations it may be
required (by local regulations) that the power supply includes a
monitoring of internal condition in accordance to EN-54-4, and that it
signals a fault if present. The wires from the power supply’s fault relay
output has to be connected to J23, replacing the jumper. A break in this
circuit path makes the panel signal a fault in the system. Total loss of
power will be signalled in the system as a missing panel.

Panel 1 Cable 1 Panel 2

(BS-200) From Fire Alarm Control Panel to external (BS-210/
panel BU-210 etc)
J4/9 Panel Bus In A Pair 1+ J14/5 A_1
J4/10 Panel Bus In B Pair 1- J14/6 B_1
J1/5 +24V out 1 Pair 2 (both wires) J14/1 24V IN 1
J1/6 0V out 1 Pair 3 (both wires) J14/2 0V IN 1
Not connected Pair 4 Not

Panel 2 Cable 2a Panel 3 Terminals

(BS-210/BU-210 From external panel (n) to next external (BS-210/
etc) panel (n+1) BU-210 etc)
J13/5 A_2 Pair 1+ A_1 J14/5
J13/6 B_2 Pair 1- B_1 J14/6
J13/1 24V IN 1 Pair 2 (both wires) 24V IN 1 J14/1
J13/2 0V IN 1 Pair 3 (both wires) 0V IN 1 J14/2
Not connected Pair 4 Not

Autroprime Installation Handbook, Autroprime Interactive Fire Detection System, Autroprime-Installation-Handbook-eng, Doc-1004359-2,
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Cable Specifications

Panel 3 Cable 2b Panel 1 Terminals

(BS-210/BU-210 Redundant Power between external panels (BSA-200/J1)
Not connected Pair 1 Not
J13/3 24V IN 2 Pair 2 (both wires) 24V IN 2 J14/3
J13/4 0V IN 2 Pair 3 (both wires) 0V IN 2 J14/4
Not connected Pair 4 Not

Panel 2 Cable 3 Panel 1 Terminals

(BS-210/BU-210 From last external panel and back to Fire (BS-200)
etc) Alarm Control Panel
J13/5 A_1 Pair 1+ Panel Bus J4/11
Out A
J13/6 B_1 Pair 1- Panel Bus J4/12
Out B
J13/3 24V IN 2 Pair 2 (both wires) +24V out 2 J1/7
J13/4 0V IN 2 Pair 3 (both wires) 0V out 2 J1/8
Not connected Pair 4 Not

See drawing, chapter 9.11.

8.5 Calculation of Power Consumption and Cable Loss

The fuses determine the maximum power load. The 24V cabling should
be dimensioned according to the power consumption and the smallest
voltage during load.


Sourcing of power shall only be supplied via the fused outputs

! (+24V Out 1- and Out 2) from the Fire Alarm Control Panel.
Connecting to battery or charger is not allowed as the control of
the charger voltage and current will become malfunctional.

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Cable Specifications

8.6 Power Supply and Battery Capacity

The battery capacity must be calculated according to the total power
consumption all units require in case no mains power is supplied. Note
that national/local requirements for battery backup may vary.

General Rules
◼ Add all power loads in the Quiescent condition. The total current
consumption should then be multiplied with the required hours of
battery backup (typically 24 hours).
◼ Then add the additional load in Alarm condition. As above, multiply
by the hours required for this condition (typically 0,5 hours)

The total required battery capacity which is now found needs a margin
of about 15 % for the life cycle of the battery.

In addition, the total current supplied by the fuses +24V Out1 and +24V
Out2 shall be safely below the 1.0A limit. The available total current
from the charger is 5,1A, and care must be taken to ensure that the
total charging current together with the overall load does not exceed
5,1A. Also, the charging current available shall be capable of charging
the batteries fully within 24 hours.

(24 hours Quiescent condition + 0,5 hours Alarm condition)

Consumers Quiescent Alarm (mA) Quiescent 24 Alarm 0,5 Total (Ah)

(mA) hours (Ah) hours (Ah)
BS-200 200 310 4,80 0,16 4,96
200 detectors 60 90 1,44 0,05 1,49
30 loop units 9 180 0,22 0,09 0,31

Panel Bus
BU-210 20 60 0,48 0,03 0,51
BV-210 20 60 0,48 0,03 0,51

Output 1, 10 pcs 0 200 0 0,10 0,10
Output 2, 10 pcs 0 200 0 0,10 0,10

External load 100 200 2,40 0,10 2,50

9,82 0,66 Total:
15% margin ~12Ah

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Autronica Fire and Security AS

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Cable Connections

9. Cable Connections

9.1 Cabling - Overview

Consult the drawings on the next pages and follow the procedure

NOTE: For specific information on the installation and cable

connections for maritime installations, refer to chapter 10.

Fire Alarm Control Panel (BS-200, BS-200M)

◼ Insert the rubber glands (delivered with the panel) into the suitable
cable inlets at the top. This should be done regardless of whether
the cables are to be fed through the cable inlets at the top or bottom.
If the external cables are to be fed from the bottom, remove the
knockouts from the cable inlets that are to be used. Note: If the
cables are fed from the bottom, batteries cannot be placed in the
◼ Feed all the external cables into the cabinet through the suitable
cable inlets.
◼ Fasten the cable by strips to the rear of the panel.

◼ Refer to Description of Terminal Points – Main Board, chapter 9.8.

◼ Connect the detection loop cables to the correct terminal points.
◼ Connect the panel bus cables to the correct terminal points (if
several panels are interconnected).

◼ Interconnect the batteries with the small cable delivered with the
cabinet (see drawing).
◼ Connect the internal temperature sensor cable to the correct terminal
points (see drawing), then fasten the sensor to the battery with a
piece of tape.

◼ For information on the connection of other peripheral units, refer to

Description of Terminal Points – Main Board, chapter 9.8

! *NOTE: In the fixed mains wiring to the panel a two-pole disconnect device
must be provided to disconnect the equipment from the power supply when
servicing is required. Normally, this switch is a two-pole automatic fuse located
in the fuse terminal box at the premises. This fuse location must be marked
"Fire Alarm System". The isolation of the mains wiring must be of either
inflammability class V2 or the wiring has to be fixed to the cabinet separated
from all other cables.

All other panels (Operator Panel BS-210, Repeater Panel BS-211,

Fire Brigade Panel BU-210, Information Panel BV-210)

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Cable Connections

If in-wall cabling is used, feed the external cables through the hole of
the bracket before mounting the panel (the cables should preferably
stick out approximately 25cm from the surface of the wall).
if on-wall cabling is used, remove the appropriate knockouts on the top,
bottom, left or right hand side of the panel.

Before mounting the panel on the bracket, connect all external cables to
the correct terminal points (the panel bus cable). Refer also to
Description of Terminal Points – Main Board, chapter 9.8

◼ Verify that all cables are correctly and properly connected before
connecting the mains cable and the internal battery cables.

◼ Verify that the switchsetting on dipswitch S2.4 is correct according to

the panel in question (land market/BS-200 or maritime market BS-
200M). Refer to dipswitch S2.4.

Switch Description
S2.4 Market selection. Select between Land (BS-200) and Maritime
Land: S2.4 ON
Maritime: S2.4 OFF

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Cable Connections

9.2 Overview Internal Cable Layout

NOTE: For specific information on the

installation and cable connections for maritime
installations, refer to chapter 10.

The mains cable (black cable) must be fastened with strips on the right
hand side of the cabinet as shown (see arrows).

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Cable Connections

9.3 Battery Connections

NOTE: For specific information on the
installation and cable connections for maritime
installations, refer to chapter 10.

◼ Connect the black cable from the connector on the main board to the
minus pole (black) on the battery on the left side.
◼ Connect the red battery cable to the plus pole (red) on the battery on
the right hand side.

Black wire to minus pole - Red wire to plus pole +

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Cable Connections

Fasten the temperature sensor to the battery with a piece of tape as

◼ Connect the internal temperature sensor cable to the correct
terminal points.

Plus pole + Temperature

Minus pole -
◼ Interconnect the other plus pole and minus pole on the batteries with
the cable delivered with the cabinet.

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Cable Connections

9.4 Connections to Power Supply / Mains Power

NOTE: For specific information on the
installation and cable connections for maritime
installations, refer to chapter 10.

Each terminal point is indicated on the power supply’s label straight

above the terminal points. For protection purposes a plastic cover is
placed on top of the terminal points.

◼ Connect the mains power cable to the correct terminal points (L and

Note that the isolation must be kept on the mains cable close up to
the terminal points (L and N).

Mains Power
Terminal Points
(L and N)

Do NOT touch the potensiometer labeled V, ADJ unless the charger
needs to be calibrated (see chapter 16, Charger Calibration).

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Cable Connections

9.5 Fuses
The Fire Alarm Control Panel is provided with 4 fuses, easily accessible
from the main circuit board inside the cabinet.


Fuse Value Description

F4 1A Fast 24V output 2. Used to power external equipment.
Typical application will be to power the panel bus +24V
F3 1A Fast 24V output 1. Used to power external equipment.
Typical application will be to power the panel bus +24V
F2 5A Slow Battery charger fuse.
F1 5A Slow Battery connection fuse. Used to cut the connection
between the battery and the charger in the event that the
battery shorts out.

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Cable Connections

9.6 Connection of External DC Power

The default power configuration for Autroprime is mains power
(230V/110V) and 24V batteries. If mains power not is available, it is
possible to power the system with single or double external 24V DC.

External DC power for Autroprime will not be in accordance with EN54

part 4 unless the external power supply is approved for EN54 part 4.

To enable external 24V power solution for Autroprime, BSA-200A dip

switch S2.3 must be set ON, and connector on J3.1 – J3.3 must be

When a single 24V DC input is used, it shall be connected to J1.3/J1.4

When a second 24V DC input is available, it shall be connected to

J1.1/J1.2, and dip switch S2.5 must be set in ON position.

Note that there is no monitoring whether external 24 V is connected on

J1.3/J1.4 or J1.1/J1.2 or both. All monitoring related to battery and
fuses F1 and F2 is disabled. Fuses F1 and F2 must be checked
manually at regular time intervals to ensure that the system is working

Whenever dipswitch S2.3 or S2.5 is changed the system must be HW

rebooted to read the new settings. Reboot by pressing the HW reset
button S1 or powering the system off and then on.

When the system has started, the configuration must be saved and the
system restarted.

If there is a conflict between the actual power source and the switch
settings on dipswitch S2.3/S2.5, the fault message “Power source
conflict” will appear.

If there is a conflict between the configuration and the settings on switch

S2.3, the fault message “Power source config conflict” will appear.
Voltage for the external inputs should be a standard 24 VDC within the
range of 22 – 28 VDC. The system will give the user a warning if the
external power is outside system limits.

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Autronica Fire and Security AS

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Cable Connections

9.7 Terminal Points Overview – Main Board

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Cable Connections

9.8 Description of Terminal Points – Main Board

NOTE: For specific information on the

installation and cable connections for maritime
installations, refer to chapter 10.
9.8.1 Main Terminal Block J1
The main spring-loaded connector block J1 is capable of up to 4mm2
solid core cables or up to 2.5mm2 multi-stranded core cables. If
multistranded cables are used, cable crimps should be used.

Note that first connecter J1.1 is physically located at the lower end of
the terminal block (refer to the picture on the previous page).

J1- Description Internal External

Fuse F1, For connection
1 Battery +
T5AH of standby 1
battery 1
2 2
2 Battery -

Charger Fuse F2, For connection Battery charger or 24V supply

+24V T5AH of internal 3

4 Charger 0V

Fuse F3 Power to panel

F1AL. bus. 5
5 Max 1A (24V1).
+24V out 1
(includes 6
output 18)

6 0V out 1

Fuse F4 Power to panel

7 F1AL. bus (24V2).
+24V out 2 7
Max 1A
8 0V out 2

Monitored for
9 open and short
Input 1
circuit. 2k
resistor to 0V.
Activates at
910 ohm to 0V.

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Cable Connections

J1- Description Internal External

configurable 9
input. 10
Monitored for
10 open and short
Input 2
resistor to 0V.
Activates at 11
910 ohm to 0V.
0V reference
Monitored for Monitored
Input 0V Inputs 1 & 2

Monitored 0,5 A
12 Output 1 resettable +24V
+24V fuse. 12

Monitored 13
13 Output 1

0,5 A Default
resettable configured as +24V
fuse. Fire Alarm 14
Monitored 15
14 Output 2
Monitored for 0V
short and open
circuit. 2kohm
end resistor.
Max 500mA.
15 Output 2
Open collector
Open output.
16 Collector Non-monitored
Output 1 Switches to 0V
at activation.

Open collector
Switches to 0V
at activation.
17 Collector
Output 2

Same fuse Supply voltage

as J1.7 for loads
connected to
18 Open collector
+24V out
outputs 1 and
2. Max.1A

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Cable Connections

J1- Description Internal External

19 Output 1
20 Output 1
configured as
Fire Alarm
Relay (FARE)
21 Output 1 Potential free
NC change-over
22 Output 2
23 Output 2
configured as (non-energized)
Fault Warning
Relay Equipment.
24 Output 2 Potential free
NC change-over
Detection For connection
25 25
Loop1 out + of
Detection Max 127 26
26 27
Loop1 out - detectors/
Detection loop units 28
Loop1 in +
Detection 2
Loop1 in -
Detection For connection 29
Loop2 out + of
Detection Max 127
30 31
Loop2 out - detectors/
Detection loop units 32
Loop2 in +
Detection 2
Loop2 in -

Connection of additional loops, refer to chapter 10.2.2

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Cable Connections

9.8.2 Ethernet RJ45 connector J2

1 2

8 1

LED 1 Link/Activity LED

LED 2 If ON, 100MBit/s, if OFF, 10MBit/s

9.8.3 Power Supply Control and Battery Temperature

Measurement J3
J3- Description
2 A cable from J3 is connected to the power.
4 A wire goes from the thermistor to the battery.

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Cable Connections

9.8.4 Auxiliary Terminal Block J4

The auxiliary spring-loaded connection block J4 is capable of cables up
to 0,5mm2 single or multi stranded cables. If multi stranded cables are
used, cable crimps should be used.

J4- Description
1 O.P. +24V 1
2 O.P. 0V 1
3 O.P. A 1
4 O.P. B 1
5 O.P. +24V 2
6 O.P. 0V 2

Connections to Operator Panel O

(Return/Input for redundancy) .
7 .

8 O.P. B 2
9 Panel Bus in A Connections to panel bus. Connects from
10 Panel Bus in B unit to unit.
11 Panel Bus Out A (Return/Input for redundancy)
12 Panel Bus Out B

9.8.5 USB Host J10

The USB host connector mates with USB type A connector. This
connection is used for saving and loading configurations and software

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Cable Connections

9.8.6 Auxiliary Terminal Block J6

J6- Description Internal External
1 RS-232 TX
2 RS-232 RX
3 RS-232/422/485 0V
External Interface
4 RS-422/485 A
Optional data lines
5 RS-422/485 B
6 RS-422/485 Z
7 RS-422/485 X
Non-monitored Input User configurable
1+ input
Non-monitored Input Activates on
1- closing contacts
between 24VDC 9
and 0V.
Observe polarity

Non-monitored Input User configurable

10 10
2+ input
Non-monitored Input Activates at
2- application of
24VDC. 11
Observe polarity

9.8.7 User Configurable Inputs

User configurable inputs can be used for
• Day/Night input
• User Configurable input
• Morse input
• Mute Fire Alarm Device (FAD) input
• Reset in
• Silence in
• Fire Alarm Routing Equipment (FARE) feedback (signal from fire
• Activate all alarms
• Monitored Fault Warning Routing Equipment, FWRE

9.8.8 User Configurable Outputs

User configurable outputs can be used for
• User Configured output (or General output)
• Reset Out
• Silence Out
• Disable Out
• Silent Alarm Out
• Small Alarm Out
• Fire Alarm Device, FAD
• Fire Alarm Routing Equipment, FARE
• Fault Warning Routing Equipment, FWRE

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Cable Connections

9.9 Cable Connections inside the Cabinet (Fire Alarm

Control Panel)


Do not connect the 24V wire to the terminal points used for

! communication (A and B terminals). This will lead to malfunction

of the communication circuits.

9.9.1 Connections (J7) for a standalone cabinet with integrated

Delivered from the factory, the cables from the integrated operator
panel (BS-210) in a standalone cabinet are connected to connector J7.

As the operator panel BS-210 is integrated in a standalone cabinet,

redundancy is not required.

From the factory, the default configuration of the panel connection
(Service Menu/System Settings/“Set Operator Panel connection”)
is set to “J7, Operator Panel” (connector J7), i.e. the configuration
is by default prepared for a standalone cabinet with integrated

Standalone cabinet, with integrated BS-210

BS-210 BSA-200A
J14.1. 24VIN1 J7.1. Output +24V
J14.2. 0VIN1 J7.2. Output 0V
J14.3. 24VIN2
J14.4. 0VIN2
J14.5. A_1 J7.3. Output A
J14.6. B_1 J7.4. Output B
J14.7. GND

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Cable Connections

9.9.2 Connections (J4) for a cabinet with external BS-210 and no

external panel bus
If the Operator Panel BS-210 is to be placed outside a cabinet, and no
external panel bus (with additional panels) is to be connected to the
cabinet, the Auxiliary terminal connector J4 must be used.

From the factory, the configuration is by default prepared for a
standalone panel with integrated BS-210.

If the Operator Panel BS-210 is to be placed outside the cabinet

and no external panel bus is to be connected to the cabinet, the
configuration of the panel has to be changed during
commissioning in order to achieve redundancy and fault
monitoring of the panel bus.

Configuration change:
The configuration of the panel connection (Service Menu/System
Settings/“Set Operator Panel connection”) must be set to “J4,
Auxiliary terminal block” (connector J4) during

Cabinet with external BS-210, no external panel bus

BS-210 BSA-200A
J14.1. 24VIN1 J4.1. O.P. +24V 1
J14.2. 0VIN1 J4.2. O.P. 0V 1
J14.3. 24VIN2
J14.4. 0VIN2
J14.5. A_1 J4.3. O.P. A 1
J14.6. B_1 J4.4. O.P. B 1
J14.7. GND
J13.1. 24VIN1
J13.2. 0VIN1
J13.3. 24VIN2 J4.5. O.P. +24V 2
J13.4. 0VIN2 J4.6. O.P. 0V 2
J4.7. O.P. A 2
J4.8. O.P. B 2
J4.9. Panel Bus In A
J4.10. Panel Bus In B
J13.5. A_2 J4.11. Panel Bus Out A
J13.6. B_2 J4.12. Panel Bus Out B
J14.7. GND

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9.9.3 Connections (J4) for a cabinet with integrated BS-210 and

external panel bus
If the cabinet has an integrated operator panel BS-210 and an external
panel bus (with additional panels) is to be connected to the cabinet, the
Auxiliary terminal connector J4 must be used.

From the factory, the configuration is by default prepared for a
standalone panel with integrated BS-210.

If the cabinet has an integrated BS-210 and an external panel bus

is to be connected to the cabinet, the configuration of the panel
has to be changed during commissioning in order to achieve
redundancy and fault monitoring of the panel bus.

Configuration change for panels on a panel bus:

The configuration of the panel connection (Service Menu/System
Settings/“Set Operator Panel connection”) must be set to “J4,
Auxiliary terminal block” (connector J4) during

Cabinet with integrated BS-210, external panel bus

BS-210 BSA-200A
J14.1. 24VIN1 J7.1. Output +24V
J14.2. 0VIN1 J7.2. Output 0V
J14.3. 24VIN2
J14.4. 0VIN2
J14.5. A_1 J7.3. Output A
J14.6. B_1 J7.4. Output B
J14.7. GND
J4.1. O.P. +24V 1
J4.2. O.P. 0V 1
J13.1. 24VIN1 J4.3. O.P. A 1
J13.2. 0VIN1 J4.4. O.P. B 1
J13.3. 24VIN2 J4.5. O.P. +24V 2
J13.4. 0VIN2 J4.6. O.P. 0V 2
J13.5. A_2 J4.7. O.P. A 2
J13.6. B_2 J4.8. O.P. B 2
J14.7. GND J4.9. Panel Bus In A
J4.10. Panel Bus In B
To external panels
J4.11. Panel Bus Out A
J4.12. Panel Bus Out B

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9.9.4 Connections (J4) for a cabinet with external BS-210 and

external panel bus
If the Operator Panel BS-210 is to be placed outside a cabinet and an
external panel bus (with additional panels) is to be connected to the
cabinet, the Auxiliary terminal connector J4 must be used.

From the factory, the configuration is by default prepared for a
standalone panel with integrated BS-210.

If the Operator Panel BS-210 is to be placed outside the cabinet

and an external panel bus is to be connected to the cabinet, the
configuration of the panel has to be changed during
commissioning in order to achieve redundancy and fault
monitoring of the panel bus.

Configuration change for panels on a panel bus:

The configuration of the panel connection (Service Menu/System
Settings/“Set Operator Panel connection”) must be set to “J4,
Auxiliary terminal block” (connector J4) during

Cabinet with external BS-210, external panel bus

BS-210 BSA-200A
J14.1. 24VIN1 J4.1. O.P.+24V 1
J14.2. 0VIN1 J4.2. O.P. 0V 1
J14.3. 24VIN2
J14.4. 0VIN2
J14.5. A_1 J4.3. O.P. A 1
J14.6. B_1 J4.4. O.P. B 1
J14.7. GND
J13.1. 24VIN1
J13.2. 0VIN1
J13.3. 24VIN2 J4.5. O.P. +24V 2
J13.4. 0VIN2 J4.6. O.P. 0V 2
J13.5. A_2 J4.7. O.P. A 2
J13.6. B_2 J4.8. O.P. B 2
J14.7. GND J4.9. Panel Bus In A
J4.10. Panel Bus In B
To external panels
J4.11. Panel Bus Out A
J4.12. Panel Bus Out B

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Cable Connections

9.10 Panel Bus Connections to BU-, BV- and BS-panels


Do not connect the 24V wire to the terminal points used for

! communication (A and B terminals). This will lead to malfunction

of the communication circuits.

Note that when connecting additional panels on a panel bus, the

communication cables inside the cabinet (Fire Alarm Control Panel)
must be connected as shown in chapter 9.9.2.

If additional panels are to be connected to the RS-485 Panel Bus, the

additional panel’s Panel Bus connector J13 and J14 is used. This
connector is located on the rear side of the BU-, BV- and BS-panels.

Panel Bus connector on additional panels (viewed from rear side of

panel where cables are to be connected)

J14 J13
0V iN 1

0V iN 1



0v iN 2

0v iN 2


Panel Bus In Panel Bus Out

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Page 44
Cable Connections

9.11 Overview Panel Bus


Do not connect the 24V wire to the terminal points used for

! communication (A and B terminals). This will lead to malfunction

of the communication circuits.

The termination point "GND" is available for termination of the shield

from a shielded cable. In this way, it is possible to establish a through-
connected shielded cable. Note that it is not required to terminate this
point to an Earth connection.

Connection of panels on the Panel Bus

2 1

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Page 45
Cable Connections

9.12 Connections to Mimic Drivers (BUR-200)

NOTE: For specific information The BUR-200 is a Mimic Driver that is capable of driving 32 LEDs with
on the installation and cable series resistors on a mimic panel for additional indication of alarms. In
connections for maritime
installations, refer to chapter
addition, 8 standard monitored inputs can be used for reading various
10. switches.

Power redundancy is achieved by using a daisy-chain connection with

master and slave drivers. A maximum of 8 Mimic Drivers can be
connected to the panel bus, providing a total of 256 outputs and 64
monitored inputs.

Note that when connecting additional panels on a panel bus, the

communication cables inside the cabinet (Fire Alarm Control Panel)
must be connected as shown in chapter 9.10.


Do not connect the 24V wire to the terminal points used for

! communication (A and B terminals). This will lead to malfunction

of the communication circuits.

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Autronica Fire and Security AS

Page 46
Cable Connections

9.12.1 Terminal Points – Overview


With external power without fault

output: mount a strap between terminals
1 and 2 on connector J12

Without external power: mount a strap

between terminals 1 and 2 on connector
Pwr. LED+24V 6
Pwr. LED out 5
When OK: K1 is closed (between J12.1
and J12.2)
When fault: K1 is open (between J12.1
and J12.2)

Switch S2
Mode switch

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Cable Connections

9.12.2 Switch Settings

RS-485 termination and board mode switch.

Switch Description
S2.1 RS-485 3 Failsafe termination
S2.2 (see description below)
S2.3 RS-485 3 Line termination
S2.7 BUR-200 Master/Slave select (ON: Master,
OFF: Slave)
S2.8 Toggle function: impedance versus light

Switch Settings Failsafe and Line Termination

Master and the last* Slave: The switches S2.1, S2.2 and S2.3 are to be
set to ON.
Other Slaves: The switches S2.1, S2.2 and S2.3 are to be set to OFF.
*Refer to the next chapter: Connection of Master and Slave Mimic

X2 Panel Bus Address Switch

If S2.7 is set to Master, X2 sets the panel bus address. If S2.7 is set as
slave, X2 sets the RS-485 daisy-chain slave address. The range for the
switch is 1-9.

9.12.3 Connection of Master and Slave Mimic Drivers

BUR-200, Master mode
(Set by DIP switch)
TuBUS in V2-
A1 RS-485 Multidrop
TuBUS out V2-
32 out 8 mon in













BUR-200, Slave mode

BUR-200, Slave mode

BUR-200, Slave mode

8 mon in

8 mon in

8 mon in

Address 1

Address 2

Address 8
32 out

32 out

32 out

































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Cable Connections

9.12.4 Connections for Panel Bus

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Inst B2 A2 0V + 0V + Inst B1 A1 0V + 0V +
Gnd Gnd
24V- 2 24V- 1 24V- 2 24V- 1

BU/BV Mimic Panel Bus IN J5 BU/BV Mimic Panel Bus OUT J4

9.12.5 Connections for Slave Panels

9.12.6 Terminals for monitored inputs

Input +

Resistor 910 ohm End resistor

2 kohm


Input -

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Page 49
Cable Connections

9.13 Ground Fault

A)Normal situation, there shall be approximately 12VDC between
GND and 0V.

Fault scenarios:
B) Ground fault to +24V, if there is less than 50kohm between GND and
C) Ground fault to 0V, if there is less than 50kohm between GND and

Autroprime Installation Handbook, Autroprime Interactive Fire Detection System, Autroprime-Installation-Handbook-eng, Doc-1004359-2,
Autronica Fire and Security AS

Page 50
Maritime Installations

10. Maritime Installations

10.1 Typical Maritime Installation – Overview

The overview below shows an example of a typical system layout for a
maritime installation.


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Maritime Installations

10.2 Fire Alarm Control Panel BS-200M

The BS-200M is specifically designed for use in maritime applications.
The panel is provided with a filter.

10.2.1 External Connections

116-71211549 (230VAC) and
116-71211550 (110VAC)

X1 Description
1 Mains 110/230 VAC
2 Mains 110/230 VAC
3 Emergency 110/230 VAC
4 Emergency 110/230 VAC
5 Earth
K15 Change-over Relay
K16 Mains Fault
K17 Emergency Fault

X2 Description
1 External 24V +
2 External 24V -
3 Battery 24V +
4 Battery 24V -

10.2.2 Detection Loop Connections – Extended Terminal Block

Detection For
1 1
Loop 3 out + connection
Detection of 2
2 3
Loop 3 out - Max 127
Detection detectors/ 4
3 loop units
Loop 3 in +
Loop 3 in -
Detection For 5
Loop 4 out + connection
Detection of
6 7
Loop 4 out - Max 127
Detection detectors/ 8
7 loop units
Loop 4 in +
Loop 4 in -

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Maritime Installations

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Maritime Installations

10.2.3 Internal Wiring

The drawings in this chapter shows the internal wiring of the Fire Alarm
Control Panel BS-200M (cabinet) for the following alternatives:

◼ Cabinet with external BS-210 and no external panel bus

◼ Cabinet with external BS-210 and an external panel bus
◼ Cabinet with integrated BS-210 with or without external panel bus –
with mains changeover relay
◼ Cabinet with integrated BS-210 with or without external panel bus -
without mains changeover relay

The following description applies to all alternatives:

K16 and K17 are connected to non-monitored input 1 and 2 on X3 for
mains/energy fault indication. Inputs have to be configured to show the
correct fault text on the panel. If the power fault indication is needed on
external systems, 2 dedicated outputs can be configured to be activated
by non-monitored input 1 and 2 for external power fault indication. Cabinet with external BS-210 and no external panel bus

Autroprime Installation Handbook, Autroprime Interactive Fire Detection System, Autroprime-Installation-Handbook-eng, Doc-1004359-2,
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Page 54
Maritime Installations Cabinet with external BS-210 and external panel bus

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Page 55
Maritime Installations Cabinet with integrated BS-210 with/without external

panel bus – with mains changeover relay

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Page 56
Maritime Installations Cabinet with integrated BS-210 with/without external

panel bus – without mains changeover relay

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Page 57
Maritime Installations

10.3 Panel Bus Connection

The drawing below shows an example of a panel bus interconnecting a
Fire Alarm Control Panel BS-200M, a Repeater Panel BS-211, an
Information Panel BV-210 and a BUR-200 Mimic Driver.

Note that connections depend on the number of panels on the Panel


J14, IN J13, OUT J14, IN J13, OUT

J14 J13
0V iN 1

0V iN 1



0v iN 2

0v iN 2



Panel Bus In Panel Bus Out

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Maritime Installations

10.4 Mimic Cabinet BUR-200

The Mimic Cabinet BUR-200 is specifically designed for use in maritime
applications. It includes 1 Mimic Driver BUR-200 and 16 programmable

J13 J15 J16 J17 J18 J19

Inp. 1+
Inp. 1-
Inp. 2+
Inp. 2-
Inp. 3+
Inp. 3-
Inp. 4+
Inp. 4-


Out 32
Out 31
Out 30
Out 29
Out 28
Out 27
Out 26
Out 25

Out 24
Out 23
Out 22
Out 21
Out 20
Out 19
Out 18
Out 17

Out 16
Out 15
Out 14
Out 13
Out 12
Out 11
Out 10
Out 9

Out 8
Out 7
Out 6
Out 5
Out 4
Out 3
Out 2
Out 1





Inp. 5+
Inp. 5-
Inp. 6+
Inp. 6-
Inp. 7+
Inp. 7-
Inp. 8+
Inp. 8-










J14 J12 J20 J21 J22 J23

K-16 K-15 K-14 K-13 K-12 K-11 K-10 K-9 K-8 K-7 K-6 K-5 K-4 K-3 K-2 K-1

2k Ohm resistors must be installed on the monitored inputs J13 and
J14. A jumper must be installed between J12-1 and J12-2.

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Page 59
Maritime Installations

10.5 External Battery Cabinet

Part number Description
116-234403 Battery Cab. 1x24 DC 12Ah CS

10.5.1 Dimensions
s 1.5
s 1.5








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Maritime Installations

15 36



10.5.2 Internal Connections in Battery Cabinet

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Page 61

11. Startup

11.1 Power Up
Autroprime is provided to the user in a pre-configured state. In this state
the panel is set to recognize detectors and other loop units connected
to the detection loops and the availability of routing equipment, etc. As
such, the system is fully functional and ready-to-use simply by turning
ON the power and following the simple steps below.

When the necessary cabling for the Fire Alarm Control Panel and all
other panels that are to be interconnected is completed, you are ready
to power up the Fire Alarm Control Panel.

• To turn ON the Fire Alarm Control Panel, connect the mains cable,
then connect the internal battery cables to the correct terminal points.
Refer to Cable Connections, chapter 0.

The green Power-indicator lights up with a steady green light, and an

initialization starts.

Step Display Indication / What happens? Actions to be taken

1 The panel type, firmware version and address • To select the appropriate language,
are shown in the display. press the Enter button, then use the
A pulsing cursor starts to move from left to right left/right arrow buttons.
on the bottom line of the display, indicating the
• To accept the selected language,
progress of the initialization procedure. press the Enter button twice.
The length of the initialization period depends
on the number and types of loop units, and
whether there are branches on the loops.
After a short time, the system will prompt you to
select the appropriate language.

2 The system will then prompt you to enter a • Press Enter, use the alphanumeric
password. keypad to type the password and
then type it once more to confirm
the password.

3 The system will prompt you to set the date and • Press Enter, use the alphanumeric
time. keypad to set the time, press the
Enter button, then set the date.
• To accept, press the Enter button

4 When the initialization procedure is completed, • Verify that the topology is correct
the panel will recognize detectors and other according to the actual installation.
loop units and the system topology is shown in
the display. A functional verification of the panel
is run to assure the panel itself is fully

Autroprime Installation Handbook, Autroprime Interactive Fire Detection System, Autroprime-Installation-Handbook-eng, Doc-1004359-2,
Autronica Fire and Security AS

Page 62

Step Actions to be taken

• Turn the key clockwise (not necessary for Access Level 3).
• To enter Service Mode, press and hold down the Enter button for a few seconds.
• Use the Arrow down button to select Enter Service Mode, then press Enter.
• Select System Settings (the uppermost menu selection which is highlighted), then
press Enter.

• Select Save Configuration (the uppermost menu selection which is highlighted),

then press Enter twice.
• Type the Operator Name, then press Enter.
• Type the Site Configuration Version, then press Enter.
• Type a Description, then press Enter.
• Press Enter once more to confirm.

• Use the Arrow down button to select Restart System.
• Use the left Arrow button to select Accept, then press Enter.

• The message “System is now shutting down…” will appear, and the system will
reboot automatically.
The system topology is shown in the display. Press the Cancel/Back button to reveal
the idle display.

6 Before leaving the system unattended, all faults should be corrected.

Any fault preventing the system from detecting or reporting a fire must be corrected.

The system now functions with the default configuration. Site-specific

configuration can now be carried out. For details on system
configuration and examples on how to configure a site-specific
configuration, refer to the Configuration Handbook.

11.2 Testing
To ensure that the system works properly during normal operation after
commissioning, the whole system (control panel, detectors, control
functions, activation groups, activation of inputs/outputs) must be

11.3 Safety Measures during Commissioning and

To avoid unmotivated activation of release outputs on connected safety-
critical systems, it is important that service personnel physically
disconnects or disables (in the Service Menu) the safety-critical system
from the fire detection system during commissioning and maintenance.

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Page 63

11.4 Service Menu when the System is Starting

If a USB-stick is connected when the system is powered on, or
HW reset by pressing button S1 on BSA-200A, the Enter button
lights up after approx. 35 seconds, and the display writes
“Starting Firmware”.

By pressing the Enter button a service menu is shown.

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Page 64
Switches and Indicators on
the Main Board

12. Switches and Indicators on

the Main Board

12.1 Overview

System Fault Status LED Power LED

LED indicator indicator indicator

S3: Battery
Restart switch

S1: Reset switch S2: Dipswitches S4: Dipswitches

for mode settings for serial port

12.2 Reset Switch (S1)


! The reset switch (S1) on the main board is to be pressed only if

the System Fault indicator on the main board for any reason is

(A normal system reset – which is a quite different operation - is

done by pressing the green Reset button on the front panel.
Also, if a restart of the panel is required , this is to be done via
the Menu entry in Service mode.)

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Page 65
Switches and Indicators on
the Main Board

12.3 Dip-switches for Mode Settings (S2)

Switch Description Default
S2.1 Boot from internal memory (flash). In normal ON
operation set to ON.
Switch to OFF if reprogramming flash from PC.
S2.2 Not in use. OFF
S2.3 Run without batteries when switch is ON OFF
S2.4 Market selection. Select between Land (BS-200) and ON
Maritime (BS/200M)
Land: S2.4 ON
Maritime: S2.4 OFF
S2.5 ON: disable Deep Discharge protection. Refer to OFF
chapter 12.5.

12.4 Battery Short-circuit Protection

The battery circuit is protected with an automatic resettable electronic
fuse that prevents system shutdown in case of short-circuit in the
battery circuit.

Internal Cabling

Connector Description Power Supply

J3.1 Charge Control VCON
J3.2 Charge Control FB -V
J3.3 Mains OK PSF
J3.4 Battery Temperature Battery
Sense + Temperature
J3.5 Battery Temperature Sensor
Sense -

J1.3 Charger +24V +V

J1.4 Charger 0V -V

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Page 66
Switches and Indicators on
the Main Board

12.5 Battery Restart after Deep Discharge (S3)

The Battery Restart switch (S3) is to be pressed only in case you need
to commission the panel by means of the batteries (if the mains power
is not available). A complete hardware reset will take place.


The switch turns on the relay in the battery circuit.

• If the system is run from battery and the battery is replaced, the
switch must be operated to restart the system

EN54 part 4 states that if the battery voltage drops below a limit
specified by the manufacturer (17V) the battery shall be disconnected to
prevent deep discharge. The battery is disconnected using a relay.

12.6 Serial Port Settings (S4)

Switch Description
S4.1 Multi purpose serial port RS485/RS422 failsafe termination,
S4.3 Multi purpose serial port RS485/RS422 line termination, ON/OFF
S4.4 RS485/RS422 mode select
S4.5 RS485 mode: both switches ON,
RS422 mode: both switches OFF

12.7 System Fault LED indicator (yellow)

The yellow System Fault indicator is lit if a system fault occurs. The
board enters this security mode if the main processor fails to function
due to hardware problems on the main board, programme faults or
faults in the file system. If such a fault occurs, the reset switch (S1) has
to be pressed to regain normal operation of the board. If it is not
possible to regain normal operation, the board must be replaced.

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Page 67
Switches and Indicators on
the Main Board

12.8 Status LED indicator (red)

When the system is being powered up, or a HW reset is performed
by pressing button S1 on BSA-200A, the red status indicator is
turned on for about 6 seconds, and then switched off.

12.9 Power LED indicator (green)

The green Power LED indicator is lit when the main board is supplied
with the correct power (3,3VDC and 5VDC).

12.10 Regulated 24V Indicator (green)

The green LED indicator is lit when the regulated 24V power is OK.

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Page 68
Exporting / Importing
Configuration Data

13. Exporting / Importing

Configuration Data

This product contains static-sensitive devices. Please avoid any
electrostatic discharge during these operations.

13.1 USB Output

By means of a USB memory stick, configuration data can be exported
or imported.

The USB output J12 is used for this purpose. It is easily accessible from
the inside of the front panel door.

Note that the maximum load on the USB port is 100mA.

The USB port is provided with a resettable fuse.


We recommend that the USB-stick that is to be used contains

Autronica-related files only.

13.2 Entering the Service Menu

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Exporting / Importing
Configuration Data

• First, to enter the Menu Mode from operation mode or the panel’s
idle state, press and hold down the Enter button for a few

The following will appear in the display:

• Use the arrow down button to scroll down and select Enter Service

• Press Enter twice, then use the alphanumeric keypad and type the
password that has been selected during commissioning (4

• To accept the password, press Enter once more.

The menu selections Service and Exit Service now appear in the

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Exporting / Importing
Configuration Data

To enter the Service menu, use the arrow down button to scroll down
and select Service, then press the Enter button

13.3 Exporting Configuration Data

• To export configuration data, enter the service menu (see chapter
13.2), select the Export and Import menu, then perform the command
Export Configuration.

This command allows you to export configuration files from the system
to a USB memory stick.

Make sure to save all recent configuration changes (using the Save
Configuration command in the System Settings menu, chapter 13.7)
before executing the Export Configuration command.

From the Service Menu, perform the following:

• Use the arrow down button to scroll downwards to
Export and Import, then press Enter.
• Press the arrow down button to select Export Configuration, then
press Enter.

The following message will appear:

” Copy the last saved configuration file to a USB device.”

• To execute the command, use the left arrow button to select Accept,
then press Enter.

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Page 71
Exporting / Importing
Configuration Data

13.4 Importing Configuration Data

• To import configuration data, enter the service menu (see chapter
13.2), select the Export and Import menu, then perform the command
Import Configuration.

The imported configuration will have no impact on the running

system. To use the imported configuration the system must be
restarted (Restart System, chapter 13.6).

Note that when importing a configuration from AutroClient, all

configurations saved by AutroClient 1.0.4 or previous versions will
be rejected by Autroprime.
Open the configuration in AutroClient 1.0.5 (or newer) and save to
Config.xml before importing into Autroprime.

This command allows you to import configuration files from a USB

memory stick.

From the Service Menu, perform the following:

• Use the arrow down button to scroll downwards to
Export and Import, then press Enter.
• Press the arrow down button to select Import Configuration, then
press Enter.

The following message will appear:

”Import configuration files from the USB device. The imported
configuration will not have any impact on the running system.
To use the imported configuration, please restart the system.”
• To execute the command, press the left arrow button to select
Accept, then press Enter.

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Page 72
Exporting / Importing
Configuration Data

13.5 Backup Current Configuration

• To perform an internal backup of a current configuration, enter the
service menu (see chapter 13.2), then perform the command Backup
Current Configuration.

This command allows you to take an internal backup of the current


Make sure to save all recent configuration changes (using the Save
Configuration command in the System Settings menu, chapter 13.7)
before executing the Backup Current Configuration command.

From the Service Menu, perform the following:

• Use the arrow down button to scroll downwards to
Export and Import, then press Enter.
• Press the arrow down button to select Backup Current Configuration,
then press Enter.

The following message will appear:

” Create backup of the current configuration. Please save the
configuration if configuration has been changed”.

• To execute the command, use the left arrow button to select Accept,
then press Enter.

13.6 Select Configuration & Restart System

This command allows you to restart the system by using one of the
configuration files available (current configuration, imported
configuration or backup configuration).

From the Service Menu, perform the following:

• Use the arrow down button to scroll downwards to
Export and Import, then press Enter.
• Press the arrow down button to select Select Configuration & Restart
System, then press Enter twice.

The following message will appear:

” Restart the system by using one of the configurations

• If several configurations are available, use the left/right arrow buttons

to select the configuration (Current Configuration,
Imported Configuration or Backup Configuration).
• Press Enter.
• To execute the command, press Enter once more.

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Page 73
Exporting / Importing
Configuration Data

13.7 Save Configuration

Each time a configuration has been changed, this command should be
run. The changes will not become effective until a Restart System
command is performed.

From the Service Menu, perform the following:

• Press Enter to select System Settings.
• Press Enter twice to select Save Configuration.
• Type a new Site Name, or accept the existing one by pressing the
arrow down button.
• Type a new Operator Name, or accept the existing one by pressing
the arrow down button.
• Press Enter to type a new Site Configuration Version then press
Enter, or accept the existing one by pressing the arrow down button.
• Press Enter to type a new Description then press Enter, or accept the
existing one by pressing the arrow down button.
• To confirm, press Enter.

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Autronica Fire and Security AS

Page 74
Changes on the Detection Loop

14. Changes on the Detection Loop

14.1 Typical Scenarios

This chapter provides information on how changes on the detection
loop affect the system during normal operation.

The table below gives an overview of typical scenarios for various

examples, including the actions to be carried out and the panel
indication (visual/audible).

Note that some fault messages may not appear if a change is done
rapidly (for example, a unit is removed and another unit is inserted
rapidly). However, the procedures will be the same, regardless of how
quick the changes are done.

Before a point is to be added or removed from the loop (for example, a

new detector base for a detector is added or an existing is removed),
the detection loop in question has to be disabled after entering service
mode. When the change has been done, the detection loop has to be

14.2 Remove a unit and Insert the same unit

Scenario during normal operation / actions to Panel indication (visual/audible)
be carried out

For example, remove an optical smoke detector BH-300 from its base, and reinsert the same one
into the base.
1 Remove the detector from its base. Observe two fault warnings:
“Loop Cable Fault”
“Loop Unit not responding”
2 Acknowledge all faults. Buzzer off, indicator to steady
3 Insert the same detector. No change
4 Operate reset. Panel to quiescent condition.

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Autronica Fire and Security AS

Page 75
Changes on the Detection Loop

14.3 Remove a unit and insert another unit of the

same type
Scenario during normal operation / actions to Panel indication (visual/audible)
be carried out

For example, remove an optical smoke detector BH-300 from its base and insert another optical
smoke detector BH-300 into the same base
1 Remove the detector from its base. Observe two fault warnings:
“Loop Cable Fault”
“Loop Unit not responding”
2 Insert another detector of same Observe fault warning
type in the base. “Loop Unit has been replaced”
3 In service menu, select System After restart of system observe quiescent condition on the panel.
Settings/Save Configuration, then
Restart System.

14.4 Remove a unit and insert another unit of a

different type
Scenario during normal operation / actions to be carried Panel indication (visual/audible)

For example, remove an optical smoke detector BH-300 from its base and insert a heat detector BD-300.
1 Remove the detector from its base. Observe two fault warnings:
“Loop Cable Fault“
“Loop Unit not responding”
2 Insert a detector of a different type in the base. Observe fault warning:
“Loop unit has been replaced”
3 In service menu, select System Settings/Save After restart of system observe quiescent condition on
Configuration, then Restart System. panel.

Autroprime Installation Handbook, Autroprime Interactive Fire Detection System, Autroprime-Installation-Handbook-eng, Doc-1004359-2,
Autronica Fire and Security AS

Page 76
Changes on the Detection Loop

14.5 Add a new unit to the detection loop

Scenario during normal operation / actions to be carried Panel indication (visual/audible)

For example, an optical smoke detector BH-300 is added to the detection loop.
1 Enter service mode and disable the detection
loop in question.
2 Mount a new base on the detection loop.
3 Insert the new detector in its base.
4 Enable the detection loop. Observe fault messages:
“Topology has Changed”
“Configuration Mismatch”
5 From the menu check the loop topology. Observe that the topology is in accordance with the
new detector added.
6 Add the appropriate properties to the new unit
(Service Menu/Unit Configuration/Points).
7 In service menu, select System Settings/Save After restart of system observe quiescent condition on
Configuration-Restart System. Accept panel.
restart of system.

14.6 Remove a loop unit from the detection loop

Scenario during normal operation / actions to be carried Panel indication (visual/audible)

For example, an existing heat detector BD-300 is removed from the detection loop.
1 Enter service mode and disable the detection
loop in question.
2 Remove the detector from its base and repair
the cable break.
3 Enable the detection loop. Observe fault messages:
“Topology has Changed”
“Loop Cable Fault”
“Loop Unit is Not Responding”
4 From the menu check the loop topology. Observe that the topology is in accordance with the
new detector added. An “X” sign is indicated at the
position of the removed unit
5 In service menu, select System Settings/Save The removed unit is presented in the list
Accept to view list of units to be removed.
6 Mark the unit by pressing the Select button an
then the Function button.
Press Enter button to start the command
“Remove Unit From Configuration”, and finally
accept the command.
Complete parameters to save the configuration.
7 In service menu, select System Restart After restart of system observe quiescent condition on
System. Accept restart of system. panel.

Autroprime Installation Handbook, Autroprime Interactive Fire Detection System, Autroprime-Installation-Handbook-eng, Doc-1004359-2,
Autronica Fire and Security AS

Page 77
Changes on the Detection Loop

14.7 Major Changes / Clear Loop Config. - Restart

Note that, when major changes are to be done on an existing detection
loop, i.e. a large amount of points on an existing detection loop are to
be removed and others are to be added, it is recommended to use the
command Clear Loop Config. - Restart System. This command allows
you to delete all points on a selected detection loop, meaning that you
can start from the beginning configuring the detection loop in question.

For further information, refer to the Configuration Handbook.

Autroprime Installation Handbook, Autroprime Interactive Fire Detection System, Autroprime-Installation-Handbook-eng, Doc-1004359-2,
Autronica Fire and Security AS

Page 78
Changes on the Panel Bus

15. Changes on the Panel Bus

15.1 Typical Scenarios

This chapter provides information on how changes are to be carried out
on the panel bus (typical scenarios), plus the panel indication
(visual/audible) and the results of the changes.

15.2 Adding an extra panel to the Panel Bus

Step Task Expected results

For example, an Information Panel BV-210 is added to the Panel Bus.

1 The system is to be in quiescent
Enter access level 3 (service
2 Add a new panel to the panel bus. Within 100 seconds the Fault indicator starts to pulse and the
Make sure that the panel’s internal buzzer is turned on.
address (refer to Addressing
Panels, chapter 6) is not already The panel display shows the following message:
used for other existing panels. “Panel topology mismatch”

3 Press the Mute Panel button The internal buzzer is turned off.
4 Acknowledge the fault by pressing The Fault indicator goes steady.
the Function button, then press
the Enter button to accept.
5 Save the configuration and restart The system restarts.
the system The system starts in quiescent condition, and the new panel is

Autroprime Installation Handbook, Autroprime Interactive Fire Detection System, Autroprime-Installation-Handbook-eng, Doc-1004359-2,
Autronica Fire and Security AS

Page 79
Changes on the Panel Bus

15.3 Removing a panel from the Panel Bus

Step Task Expected results

For example, a Fire Brigade Panel BU-210 is removed from the Panel Bus.
1 The system is to be in quiescent
Enter access level 3 (service
2 In service menu, select System
Topology and observe the current
state of the panel bus and number
of units on the panel bus
3 Remove a panel from the panel Within 100 seconds the Fault indicator starts to pulse and the
bus by disconnecting the cables internal buzzer is turned on.
from the panel.
4 Connect the wires where the Within 100 seconds the Fault indicator starts to pulse and the
break is. internal buzzer is turned on.
5 Wait up to 100 seconds. Observe that panel bus topology is reduce by 1 unit

6 In the service menu, select

System Settings/Save
Configuration. The removed unit is presented in the list
Accept to view list of units to be
7 Mark the unit by pressing the
Select button an then the Function
Press Enter button to start the
command “Remove Unit From
Configuration”. Complete
parameters to save the

15.4 Replacing a panel of the same type and with the

same address
Step Task Expected results

For example, a Repeater Panel BS-211 is to be replaced by another Repeater Panel BS-211 with the same
1 The system is to be in quiescent
Enter access level 3 (service
2 In service menu, select System
Topology and observe the current
state of the panel bus and number
of units on the panel bus
3 Replace a panel with another one Within 100 seconds the Fault indicator starts to pulse and the
of the same type and the same internal buzzer is turned on.
4 Wait until the number of units on
the panel is correct
5 Save the configuration and restart The system restarts.
the system. The system starts in quiescent condition.

Autroprime Installation Handbook, Autroprime Interactive Fire Detection System, Autroprime-Installation-Handbook-eng, Doc-1004359-2,
Autronica Fire and Security AS

Page 80
Changes on the Panel Bus

15.5 Replacing a panel of the same type but with a

different address
Step Task Expected results

For example, a Repeater Panel BS-211 is to be replaced by another Repeater Panel BS-211 with a different
1 The system is to be in quiescent
Enter access level 3 (service
2 In service menu, select System
Topology and observe the current
state of the panel bus and number
of units on the panel bus
3 Replace a panel with another one Within 100 seconds the Fault indicator starts to pulse and the
of the same type but with a internal buzzer is turned on.
different address (not used by any
other panels on the panel bus).
4 Wait until the number of units on
the panel is correct
5 In the service menu, select The removed unit is presented in the list
System Settings/Save
Accept to view list of units to be
6 Mark the unit by pressing the
Select button an then the Function
Press the Enter button to start the
command “Remove Unit From
Configuration”. Complete
parameters to save the
7 In the service menu, select The system restarts.
System Restart System. The system starts in quiescent condition.

Autroprime Installation Handbook, Autroprime Interactive Fire Detection System, Autroprime-Installation-Handbook-eng, Doc-1004359-2,
Autronica Fire and Security AS

Page 81
Changes on the Panel Bus

15.6 Replacing a panel of a different type

Step Task Expected results

For example, a Repeater Panel BS-211 is to be replaced by an Information Panel BV-210.

System behaviour does not differ if the new panel use the same or different address.
1 The system is to be in quiescent
Enter access level 3 (service
2 In the service menu, select
System Topology and observe
the current state of the panel bus
and number of units on the panel
3 Replace a panel with another one Within 100 seconds the Fault indicator starts to pulse and the
of the same type. You may keep internal buzzer is turned on.
the same address as the previous
panel, or change to adifferent
address (not used by any other
panels on the panel bus).
4 Wait until the number of units on
the panel is correct
5 In the service menu, select The removed unit is presented in the list
System Settings/Save
Accept to view list of units to be
6 Mark the unit by pressing the
Select button an then the Function
Press the Enter button to start the
command “Remove Unit From
Configuration”. Complete
parameters to save the
7 In the service menu, select The system restarts.
System Restart System. The system starts in quiescent condition.

Autroprime Installation Handbook, Autroprime Interactive Fire Detection System, Autroprime-Installation-Handbook-eng, Doc-1004359-2,
Autronica Fire and Security AS

Page 82
Charger and Battery

16. Charger and Battery

16.1 Calibration
The charger is factory calibrated. If an Autroprime system gives the fault
message «Charger Control Output Fault”, the charger needs to be

The procedure is as follows:

1. If the system is running, enter the service menu (chapter 13.2) and
shut down the system

2. To power off the BSA-200A board, disconnect fuses F1 and F2


3. On the charger (consult the picture below), use a multimeter to

monitor the DC voltage between terminals “ –V “ and “ +V “
while slowly adjusting the plastic knob “V ADJ” until the
multimeter shows 27.2 V

4. Re-connect fuse F1 and then fuse F2 to start the system

If the charger cannot be calibrated to 27,2V +3% (minimum 26,4V

and maximum 28,0V), it must be replaced with a new charger.
Autroprime Installation Handbook, Autroprime Interactive Fire Detection System, Autroprime-Installation-Handbook-eng, Doc-1004359-2,
Autronica Fire and Security AS

Page 83
Charger and Battery

16.2 Battery and Charger Characteristics

EN54 term Description Value
Imax a, Imax b Rated maximum output current which can be 5,1A
supplied continuously from the charger
Vbmax Battery float voltage 27,2v
Final voltage Lowest voltage, specified by the battery 21,0v
manufacturer, to which a battery should be

16.3 Battery Maintenance

16.3.1 Batteries
◼ Check manufactured date.
◼ Replace according to statement of lifecycle.

16.3.2 Periodic maintenance check of batteries

◼ Disconnect the Mains input, possibly by removing the fuse for main AC
◼ Wait at least 2 minutes and measure battery voltage.

This shall be > 25,2v. Unless they are not fully charged when tested,
they must be replaced.

Autroprime Installation Handbook, Autroprime Interactive Fire Detection System, Autroprime-Installation-Handbook-eng, Doc-1004359-2,
Autronica Fire and Security AS

Page 84

17. Appendix

17.1 Text Foils

Autroprime supports the following languages (listed in alphabetical

Danish (DK)
Dutch (NL)
English (GB)
Finnish (SF)
French (F)
Hungarian (H)
Icelandic (IS)
Italian (I)
Norwegian (N)
Polish (PL)
Portuguese (Brazilian) (BR)
Russian (RUS)
Spanish (E)
Swedish (S)

The text foils in the relevant language are to be inserted in the correct
locations (there are two different types of foils). The table below gives
an overview of the different textfoils (part numbers for indicators and
keypads) and for the various languages (the letters XX indicate the
language, DK, NL, etc.).

Text foils for: Indicators Keypad

Operator Panel BS-210 (integrated part E-2717/XX-1 E-2717/XX-2
of BS-200/BS-200M) and Repeater Panel
Fire Brigade Panel (BU-210) E-2721/XX-1 E-2721/XX-2
Information Panel (BV-210) E-2735/XX-1 E-2735/XX-2
”Larmlagringspanel” (BU-211) E-2736/XX-1 E-2736/XX-2

Autroprime Installation Handbook, Autroprime Interactive Fire Detection System, Autroprime-Installation-Handbook-eng, Doc-1004359-2,
Autronica Fire and Security AS

Page 85

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