Vriksha Ayurveda Subhashini Sridhar Et Al (CIKS)
Vriksha Ayurveda Subhashini Sridhar Et Al (CIKS)
Vriksha Ayurveda Subhashini Sridhar Et Al (CIKS)
August - 2001
Title Vrkshayurveda
Ayurveda for Plants
It is now nearly ten years since our centre has started
Publication August 2001 looking into literature pertaining to Vrkshayurveda i.e.,
Ayurveda for plants. After some encouraging results with
Published by Centre for Indian Knowledge initial experiments for the first few years, we had wanted
Systems, Chennai to undertake an effort to look into the applications of
vrkshayurveda for rice which is the major crop of Tamil
Nadu and one of the major crops of India. When we
Funded by Department of Science and
discussed this possibility with the Department of Science
Technology, Science and
and Technology in 1996, Dr. C.J. Johnny (Head, Science
Society Division, New Delhi
and Society Division) was quite encouraging in his
response and invited us to formulate a proposal for
Copies can be had from Centre for Indian Knowledge looking at the relevance of vrkshayurveda based techniques
Systems for major pest problems of the rice crop and for growth
No.30, Gandhi Mandapam promotion. This book is a result of literature search,
Road, Kotturpuram, laboratory experiments and field trials that have been
Chennai - 600 085 carried out as part of this DST supported programme
: (044) 4471087, 4475862 during the last two years.
Conclusion 31
1st August 2001 A.V. Balasubramanian
Chennai Resource Books on Vrkshayurveda 34
References 46
Chapter – 1
India is the repository of one of the richest biogenetic
resources in the world. Our countrymen have traditionally
shown a remarkable awareness and knowledge of its varied
flora and have in addition put it to diverse uses. In ancient
India there was a tradition of classifying and grouping arts
and crafts and knowledge into various categories known as
sastras or kalas. Sage Vatsyayana, for example, in his famous
text Kama Sutra, listed 64 kalas which is considered a
standard list.
There are several such lists available and in these lists, along
with subjects such as medicine or agriculture, there are
various other sastras listed that bear a relation to plants, such
as :
For instance, the distinguished Indian meteorologist Prof. P.R.
Pisharoty has cited an example about folk knowledge of
weather forecasting that throws light on people’s knowledge
of plants. In Kerala, farmers observe the flowering behaviour
of a plant called ‘Karmikaram’ (Xanthophyllum arnottianum)
that gives an indication of the date of onset of rains over six
weeks before the event. The flowering depends on a
combination of temperature and soil moisture over a period
of time and this has been very carefully observed and made
use of in forecasting rain.
2 Introduction Vrkshayurveda 3
Scope of Vrkshayurveda
Vrkshayurveda is of great relevance in agriculture,
horticulture and life sciences. It encompasses areas such as
collection, selection and storage of seeds; germination,
sowing, various techniques of plant propagation, grafting,
nursing and irrigation; testing and classification of soil and
selection of soil suitable for various plants/types of plants;
manuring; pest and disease management/preventive and
promotive care to build up disease resistance and to cultivate
healthy plants; nomenclature, taxonomy, description and
classification of plants to suit varied purposes; favourable
and unfavourable meteorological conditions for various
operations related to cultivation (such as sowing, harvesting)
and use of plants as indicators of weather, water, minerals,
agriculture, and his assistants. The three works in which this etc.
term is used and a complete section has been devoted to the
In today’s scenario the importance of understanding
subject, are not texts which are devoted to vrkshayurveda
vrkshayurveda has also increased because several crores are
being spent every year on pesticides to control pests. Apart
The first text Agni Purana, is a popular encyclopaedia of all from being costly the chemcial pesticides have proven to be
kinds of knowledge and practices; the second, the Brihat environmentally disastrous. A detailed study of
Samhitha is a manual containing directions for the vrkshayurveda would also provide us with information on
applications of the knowledge of astronomy and astrology in pest management based on sound ecological principles.
practice; the third, the Arthasastra, is a handbook discussing
matters relating to royal polity and the art of government.
Thus, all of them are non-botanical treatises; they are
intended not so much to acquaint the students with theories
as with practices. In all three, we can see an exclusive section
dealing with “vrkshayurveda”. Matters dealt with in these
sections are same.
4 Introduction Vrkshayurveda 5
Since the knowledge of plant life is so vast, so is the scope of vrkshayurveda. Some of the recipes that have been
vrkshayurveda. In this user's manual on vrkshayurveda we experimented with are described in the third chapter.
would focus on certain aspects of plant nutrition and pest
and disease management. Plant Disorders and their Management
Plant Nutrition in Vrkshayurveda Treating disorders in plants is dealt with in the extensive
work Brihatsamhitha of Varahamihira as well as in Agni
In Sanskrit literature, we come across the word “Dohada” purana. There are a number of other works such as
which means special treatment through manure or fertilizer. Vrkshayurveda of Surapala and Lokopakara which have a
The importance of green manure prepared from the straw of great wealth of information on treatment of plant
Barley (Hordeum vulgare) and sesame (Sesamum indicum) and disorders. To quote Gunaratna: “Just as the human body
natural manure of animals like cowdung was recognized in is subject to health problems, plants too suffer from
increasing the productivity of the land. Kautilya’s Arthasastra similar problems such as displacement or dislocation of
discusses the usefulness of cowdung and bones as manure. flower, fruit, leaves, bark and by application of
appropriate remedies prescribed in vrkshayurveda
The cultivators not only knew the use of manure in unnatural growth, deterioration, wounds, fractures etc.,
agriculture, but also possessed a fair knowledge of can be cured in plants".
manufacturing it. Cowdung was stored in a pit specially dug
for the purpose for a long period until it decomposed and Texts of vrkshayurveda classify disorders in plants into
transformed into manure. two types – exogenous and endogenous. The endogenous
disorders are caused by the disturbance of the three doshas,
Rules for watering plants have been laid out clearly in the namely vaatha, pitta and kapha. The exogenous disorders
texts of vrkshayurveda. There are also several recipes provided are caused by factors such as pests, cold, hail, lightning,
for the general nutrition of the plants. Specific recipes for etc. According to vrkshayurveda, plants are also
increasing growth and yield for particular crops have also understood as having vaatha, pitta or kapha characteristics,
been provided. Preparation of special growth regulators and like human beings. We should have an overview of this
liquid manures like kunapajala are also dealt with in texts of concept to understand disorders in plants.
6 Introduction Vrkshayurveda 7
Bear abundant flowers and fruits.
Characteristics of Plants with Vaatha Constitution House many creepers and climbers around them.
8 Introduction Vrkshayurveda 9
Endogenous Disorders The tumours and protuberances which develop on the
sides of the trees due to vaathaja disorders could be
Vaathaja Problems plastered with cowdung, marking nut (Semicarpus
anacardium) and fat and watered with carrion broth.
An infusion of greater galangal (Alpinia galanga),
Feeding plants excessively with substances that are dry and winter cherry (Withania somnifera), mesua (Mesua
astringent vitiates vaatha. Vaatha is also vitiated during nagassarium) and long pepper (Piper longum) is used to
summer as a result of loss of moisture in the soil. water the plants.
Note : For details regarding Ayurvedic properties(guna) of If conditions are acute, the tree is watered with an
drugs refer Appendix - II. infusion of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), and dill
(Anethum graveolens) seeds.
Fumigation with the leaves of five-leaved chaste tree
Plants affected by Vaathaja diseases are lean, deformed, full (Vitex negundo), Indian bdellium tree (Commiphora
of knots and globules on the leaves, rough, have low water mukul), ghee and seeds of karumarudu (Terminalia
content and exhibit a loss of sweetness. tomentosa) is also done.
Treatment Dressing of the roots with goat’s excreta and oil cake
is also beneficial.
Irrigation with flesh, fat, tallow and ghee could be done.
10 Introduction Vrkshayurveda 11
Pittaja Problems nurtured with cold and perfumed rose water in which
sugar and embelia (Embelia ribes) has been dissolved.
If plants are irrigated with substances that are pungent, sour
and saline it vitiates pitta. Plants are also prone to pittaja Fumigation with sugar, honey and ghee is also
diseases in summer and autumn. suggested.
Deformity of leaves, slow maturing of fruits and less taste in
fruits are the general symptoms of kaphaja diseases.
Kaphaja diseases must be pacified with decoctions that
are pungent and hot in nature.
12 Introduction Vrkshayurveda 13
For treatment of kaphaja disorders substances possessing
pungent, bitter and astringent taste are used. Panchamoola
possesses these qualities and is specifically used in kapha and
vaatha disorders [Panchamoola is a combination of five plants.
They are the bael tree (Aegle marmelos), Indian trumpet tree
(Oroxylum indicum), coomb teak (Gmelina arborea), trumpet
flower tree (Stereospermum colais) and agnimandam]. Neem
(Azadirachta indica) and devil tree (Alstonia scholaris) are
mentioned in Sushrutha for treatment of kaphaja diseases.
Exogenous Disorders
A paste of sugar and mustard is applied at the root and Vrkshayurveda also discusses the treatment of a large number
then the plant is irrigated with water mixed with the of exogenous disorders and their management. These
ashes of sesamum sp. disorders are of several kinds, such as those caused due to
The mud and soil around the plant affected by kaphaja worm infestation, insect attack, trees affected by fire, hail,
diseases is removed and replaced with dry and hard soil. storm, cold winds, dried trees, cut and broken branches, trees
struck by lightning, etc.,
Affected tree could be nurtured with tepid water.
14 Introduction Vrkshayurveda 15
Chapter - 2 Use of Gigantic swallow wort (Calatropis
Farmers Practices and Rationale Calatropis in irrigation channels
from Vrkshayurveda
Farmers divert the harvested rain water of adjoining fields
into the weed affected fields. Cut branches of Calotropis are
kept at the entrance of the rain water channel. This practice
There are several indigenous practices followed by our minimizes weed population to a great extent if repeated for
farmers in agriculture. Based on our work in vrkshayurveda several times during rainy days.
we believe that the rationale of these practices can be
For control of aphids in lucerne (Medicago sativa) farmers
explained well based on principles of vrkshayurveda. How
place freshly cut branches of Calotropis in the irrigation
important is the analysis of these practices by farmers and
the understanding of their rationale in ayurvedic terms?
From our experience we feel that it serves a very important Calotropis for treatment of termites
purpose. Such an analysis lets us extend the scope and
application of farmers’ practices. For example, once we know Calotropis plant material (8-10 kg) is soaked in water for about
that a treatment is effective because it regulates vaatha, it twenty four hours and filtered. This liquid is poured on termite
opens up the possibility of modifying, extending or enhancing infested soil. The effectiveness is evaluated by placing pieces
the efficacy of treatment by trying out other substances or of wood at various points in the field. If the wood is not affected
regimens that can regulate vaatha. We can also evolve for one week then the treatment is considered effective.
treatments based on the properties of materials known from
vrkshayurveda to new conditions or situations not described
or dealt with by vrkshayurveda. Calotropis is included in the arkadi gana * of Sushrutha and
swedopaga (sub-diaphoretic) gana of Charaka. It reduces kapha
and vaatha dosha, is teeksna (penetrative, quick) in guna (quality),
thiktha (bitter) in rasa (taste), katu (pungent) in vipaaka and is
krimighna (anthelmenthic) as well as vishagna (anti-toxic) in
Gomootra (Cow’s urine) is rooksha (rough) and teekshna
(penetrating) in guna (quality), ushna (hot) in veerya (potency),
katu (pungent) in rasa (taste) and vipaaka and is lavana in anurasa
(subserviant taste). It is krimighna (antihelminthic) in property.
Cow dung (karisa) also has similar properties.
1 litre of milk should be mixed with 5 litres of water. It is 4. Use of Mint in seed treatment for
better to use cow’s milk. The paddy seeds soaked in water increasing crop growth and yield
and sprouted should be soaked in this mixture of milk and
water for half an hour. After this the seeds should be dried The following is a recipe for increasing crop growth and yield.
and then sown in the nursery. 200 grams of mint (Mentha arvensis) leaves should be mixed
with water and ground well. To this 5 litres of water should
Note be added. The sprouted paddy seeds should be soaked in this
for half an hour. It should then be shade dried. After this it
In Andhra Pradesh tobacco farmers dip their hands in milk
could be sown. This helps in increasing the crop growth and
before transplanting the seedlings of tobacco. It is an
indigenous practice. This prevents the tobacco mosaic virus
from attacking the tobacco seedlings.
After irrigating the field in which the seedlings are The methods of use of panchagavya for specific conditions are
transplanted the growth regulator can also be applied using described in the next few pages.
a hand sprayer on the surface of the water.
Future Prospects
Nevertheless, we have been encouraged by the results
obtained thus far and we feel that there is a lot of scope for
further research and the prospects are bright. Methods
drawn from vrkshayurveda can constitute a valuable starting
point in three different ways -
32 Conclusion Vrkshayurveda 33
Appendix - I preparation of different kinds of manures and also
recommends the kind of manure which should be applied to
various crops, trees and plants. It also talks about plant
Resource Books on Vrkshayurveda diseases and their treatment.
Charakas’s Classification
Given below are a few of the fifty ganas listed by Charaka,
along with the approximate english translation. An example
in each case is also cited.
1. Jeevaneeya - Vitaliser
eg. Jivaka (Microstylis wallichii)
3. Lekhaneeya - Emaciating
eg. Musta (Cyperus rotundus)
3. Rodhraadi - reduces kapha meda; uterine disorders, Bael tree Vilvah Aegle marmelos
astringent, anti-poison, promotive of complexion Barley Jav, Jau Hordeum vulgare
(Rodhra - Symplocos racemosa)
Belleric myrobalan Vibhitakah Terminalia bellerica
4. Arkaadi - reduces kapha, meda; worms, skin diseases,
Black catechu - -
ulcers (Arka - Calatropis gigantea)
Castor Eranda Ricinus communis
5. Surasaadi - reduces kapha; worms, respiratory diseases,
anorexia (Surasa - Ocimum sanctum). Chebulic myrobalan Haritaki Terminalia chebula
Five leaved chaste tree Nirgundi Vitex negundo Rodhra (S) - Symplocos racemosa
Gigantic swallow work Arkah Calotropis gigantea Rohituka tree Rohitaka Aphanamixis polystachya
Greater galangal Rasna Alpinia galanga Rosha grass/Rusa grass Dhyamakah Cymbopogon martinii
Ground nut Bhucanakah Arachis hypogea Sacred Basil Surasa Ocimum sanctum
Indian bdellium tree Guggulu Commiphora mukul Sahacara (S) - Barleria prionitis
Indian beech Karajah Pongamia pinnata Sandal wood Chandana Santalum album
Indian Gooseberry Amlaki Phyllanthus emblica Seasame, Gingelly Til Sesamum indicum
Indian Laburnum Aragvadha Cassia fistula Shoe flower Japa Hibscus rosa-sinensis
Indian mustard Sarsapah Brassica juncea Sweet flag Vacha Acorus calamus
Indian trumpet tree Syonakah Oroxylum indicum Sweet liquorice Yastimadhuh Glycyrrhiza glabra
Jeevak Jivaka Microstylis wallichii Trumpet flower tree Patala Stereospermum colais
Long pepper Pippali Piper longum Winter cherry Ashvagandha Withania somnifera
46 References Vrkshayurveda 47