A Practical Guide To Pricing: E-Books
A Practical Guide To Pricing: E-Books
A Practical Guide To Pricing: E-Books
e-books www.simon-kucher.com
and a harder approach toward your customers! Get plementing it. But even the best pricing strategies
control over your rebates and discounts out there in will fail without strong leadership and enforcement:
the market. Guide your sales team towards healthy Make pricing a regular boardroom topic! Yes, you
price levels rather than making the deal at any cost. can identify your product’s value, but even harder is
ensuring your sales people defend that value, espe-
cially if for decades they have always set prices
based on gut-feeling. Internal incentives need to be
adapted, target achievement monitored and con-
trolled, roles and responsibilities redefined. Pricing
can become a very emotive topic, and it requires
clear initiation and communication from the top.
Striving for pricing power requires your entire com- Dr. Andrea Maessen
pany to embark on a challenging transformation Global Head of Chemicals
journey. Draw up a price roadmap to ensure a clear and Construction
and common internal understanding of where Cologne, Germany
prices should be, outline target prices, and align
Email andrea.maessen@
your pricing strategy and tactics. A price roadmap
is typically driven by profitability requirements,
Dr. Christoph Bauer
The left-digit effect is one of the oldest and simplest examples to explain customer behavior. However, the
potential of psychological pricing extends much further beyond price tags set at 99. Companies can
use many advantages of psychological pricing to make prices more attractive to customers – which
mechanisms to use often depend on your product and business. Here are some more examples:
$500 Author
90 $1 Dr. Christoph Bauer
Hamburg, Germany
Email christoph.bauer@
Franck Brault
Get it right, and a value-based pricing approach can 4. Train your team to sell the value, not the price!
lead to maximized and sustainable profitability. It not Value selling and value communication are just as
only ensures that your customers accept paying for important as value delivery – if the customer doesn’t
the value they receive, it also creates new norms and understand or perceive the value, you can’t capture
practices associated with your offer. It creates a it. But it isn’t always the customer who is hardest to
situation where everyone can win – your company convince. Bring your salesforce up to speed on the
and your customer. Value-based pricing can com- value of your offers and then prepare them to prop-
pletely transform your erly sell and defend
company, and even that value!
change the rules of the
game for your entire Instead of focusing on costs, Ask each of your de-
business. partments individually
ask what savings and benefits and they will probably
1. Map the key value the customer gains tell you they are focused
drivers on value. R&D strive to
Are there direct com- create a valuable prod-
petitors, or alternative solutions? Are you faster, uct and aim at reaching the most advanced perfor-
more efficient, reliable? Start by asking your cus- mance levels, Quality Assurance maintain the value,
tomers. Rather than just a quick phone call, really Marketing think about how to package it, etc. But
dig deep and conduct extensive customer inter- do each of these departments know what the
views to understand their business. In a complex customer truly values? And where are the efforts to
value chain, you might even create value for your monetize the added value that the product, service,
customers’ customers. or solution provides? True value pricing needs to
be the golden thread within your company that
2. Calculate the monetary benefits unites every department and function. All efforts
Now you know the perceived value, the next ques- need to be aligned to focus on how to identify,
tion is what the customer is willing to “sacrifice” in create, and monetize value – this often involves a
exchange. Instead of focusing on costs, ask what drastic mindset change that extends far beyond
savings and benefits the customer gains. What price alone.
costs would be generated on the customer side if
particular services did not exist? This is the starting
point of value you can monetize.
3. Adapt revenue models
It’s tempting to profit entirely from created value, but Franck Brault
products still need to be appealing. Challenge exis- Senior Partner
ting revenue models, cut out undervalued features, Paris, France
rebuild service packages, and create new value- Email franck.brault@
based offers to accommodate customer needs. simon-kucher.com
Successful value pricing creates a win-win situation
for both company and customer.
Lisa Jaeger
Digitalization can destroy, preserve, or enhance rev- B2B context, many existing players are in pursuit of
enues. It can mean you win or lose customers. To new business models, tapping into new revenue
remain competitive, you need to keep up with the sources or even abandoning their original core
accelerating pace at which technologies are chang- business completely.
ing society. Transform or face extinction? Easier
said than done. What’s required is an all-encom- Modern ecosystems
passing transformation strategy that fully taps into Alongside modern technology, the modern chan-
the opportunities that digitalization has to offer. nel, and the modern customer, there is another
important strand in the maze: modern ecosystems.
Impact of innovations To best serve demanding customers via multiple
Artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things channels and with state-of-the-art technologies,
display major transformation potential. Physical prod- companies with diverse backgrounds are joining
ucts are turning digital. In today’s world, customers forces, moving away from outdated processes, and
can own their music and revolutionizing their busi-
films without ever holding ness models as they try to
a physical copy in their keep up with this rapid
hands. Other physical
Enhancing customer pace of digital change.
products are being digi- experience and value pricing
tally enhanced, such as Information becomes
smart appliances and
are top goals of many digital the product
wearables. From online transformation strategies. Modern technologies also
banking to app-placed enable more efficient and
orders in restaurants, even effective processes within
services are receiving a digital layer! the business itself, from recruitment and adminis-
tration to marketing and customer service. Most
New technologies, new needs transformation activities involve the innovative use
The modern customer has greater expectations of of data, such as analytics and machine learning.
products and services – simple, convenient, easy Plus, “reading” the data and drawing the right
to use, personalized. Everywhere and at the touch conclusions leads to new business assets: it’s
of a button. All of this radically changes how com- becoming increasingly possible to profit from the
panies deliver value to customers and requires a “intangible”.
customer-centric view like never before. That’s why
enhancing customer experience and value pricing
are top goals of many digital transformation strate- Author
Lisa Jaeger
New channels and revenue models Partner
Online agents and brokers are entering the scene, Frankfurt, Germany
and webstores that sell directly to the customer are
Email lisa.jaeger@
pushing out the middlemen. Producers of daily
goods are starting to use Amazon to sell their
goods, many in subscription models. Also in the
Nina Scharwenka
Unable to increase your prices? It is easy to blame price pressure. Take a closer look and you might find
you are standing in your own way. Don’t let poor preparation and compromises in negotiations derail your
efforts. Our checklist makes sure you are ready to implement a price increase:
Have price increases been successfully executed Don’t leave success to chance. One of the biggest
in the past? What were the typical challenges and increase fails is that no specific reasons are given
what can you learn from them? Your current to the customer. That might fly with a 2% increase,
relationship with the customer will play a role in the but higher increases definitely need justification.
success of the planned price increase. Consider Understand your customer’s supply chain to
when your contract allows for a price increase and create a powerful story around price increases.
keep an eye on T&Cs! Your conditions system may Start with the main benefits you deliver and focus
need adjusting to prevent high discounts from can- on value, not cost. Refer to factors surrounding
celing out the effect of your price increases. Increas- the upcoming increases in all calls, letters, and
ing price could even open up an opportunity to customer visits. Be concise, customer-specific,
save on discounts. and consistent!
Conduct an impact analysis to understand where Sales should not be scared to lose customers or
customers accept increases, and where they are business through price increases. Communication
price-sensitive. Differentiating on a brand, category, from the top is essential to avoid conflict between
or product level can make increases appear more price and volume targets. Modify the compensation
acceptable. Prices for services and surcharges model to reward price increases, and hold reps
often fall below the radar and are typically accepted accountable for deviations. It’s about switching the
without discussion. mindset from volume to value.
Price wars sound dangerous, and they are – for Okay, so you’ve gotten yourself in trouble and are
everyone involved. So why do companies find stuck in a price war. What now? These steps will
themselves participating in price wars time and enable you to make it out of the danger zone in one
time again? “It’s always the other companies that piece:
initiate the combative behavior. They are price
aggressive. We are just reacting rationally to their 1 Change your mindset
competitors’ actions”. The problem? Your competi-
tors have the exact same mindset. Always be on the lookout for competitors trying to
halt the price war and respond accordingly. The
A price war is particularly likely to occur when con- most beneficial outcome for everyone is to end the
sumers’ price awareness is high and switching price war.
costs are low, or when product differentiation is
minimal causing consumers to consider price a key 2 Develop a backup plan
decision criterion.
Determine what your fair share is and decide which
Companies vulnerable to price wars: concessions on market share you’re willing to
Offer commodity products make. Then prepare a detailed roadmap for com-
Experience excess capacity munication and product launches.
Face new market entrants following penetration
pricing strategies 3 End price aggression
Need to keep sales volumes high to reduce
average fixed costs per unit You have to stop retaliating and start communicat-
ing a clear and consistent value story to the market.
Companies that believe the following common myths Focus on value, not price when launching new
about price wars can end up in a disastrous situation: products.
“A price war can be won”: Price wars are highly Following these guidelines will lead you back to
effective profit killers, where nobody ever truly wins. healthy market development and competition. A
All they do is destroy huge amounts of profits in the much better and easier option is, of course, to never
process. get into a price war in the first place. Just don’t do it.
It’s tempting to compete on price when increasing transparency is making the market more
attractive for aggressive sellers. But remember: every market has a top end and a bottom end,
and there will always be someone who does it cheaper. How low are you willing to go?
Real pricing pioneers are true to their topline. They avoid price wars and one-size-fits-all
pricing. Instead, they pick a winning strategy from the beginning, focus on tapping into the
new opportunities brought about by digitalization, and use psychological aspects of pricing
to design a well differentiated offering.
Gaining an in-depth understanding of the importance of pricing is what makes you best
equipped to guide your sales teams toward healthy price levels, prepare thoroughly for price
increases, and ultimately lead your company to higher revenues and profits. It’s about building
a consistent storyline around price, the value you deliver, and the premium you deserve for
your products and services. Think of an investment in pricing as an investment in the future.
Simon-Kucher & Partners is a global consulting firm with around 1,300 professionals in 38 offices world-
wide focusing on TopLine Power®. Founded in 1985, the company has 35 years of experience providing
strategy, marketing, and sales consulting and is regarded as the world’s leading pricing advisor.
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Publisher Simon-Kucher & Partners Strategy & Marketing Consultants GmbH, Bonn
Creation Annette Ehrhardt (responsible), Joanne Fitzgerald, Birte Jung, Katrin Pfaff
Authors Dr. Rainer Meckes, Dr. Andrea Maessen, Dr. Christoph Bauer, Franck Brault, Lisa Jaeger,
Nina Scharwenka, Dr. Kajetan Zwirglmaier, Jan Haemer
Photos istock, colourbox
May 2019