HF 332
HF 332
HF 332
Product Information
KemaPox® HF 332
The information provided herein is considered to be representative of our production, and is to the best of our knowledge accurate and according
to our laboratory tests and data which we believe to be reliable. This does not construe in any way any liability or responsibility from our part for
any third party since the conditions of use are beyond our control and each user should perform sufficient investigation to establish the full
suitability of our products for its intended use .Furthermore no information provided here should be taken as a recommendation or advice for
infringement of third party intellectual property rights.
43,El Haram St. Giza P.O. Box 217 Tel: +202 33880640 / 41 Fax: +202 33860174 Cairo ,Egypt e-mail:info@ctpegypt.com