Kubernetes: Fabiana Rossi

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Sistemi Distribuiti e Cloud Computing A.A. 2020/21

Laurea Magistrale Ingegneria Informatica

Fabiana Rossi


Fabiana Rossi, SDCC 20/21 2

• What is container orchestration?

• Container orchestration is the automation of much of the operational effort

required to run containerized workloads and services.
• This includes a wide range of things software teams need to manage a container’s
lifecycle, including provisioning, deployment, scaling (up and down), networking, load
balancing and more.

• Container orchestration versus Docker

• Docker is a specific platform for building containers, including the Docker Engine container
runtime, whereas container orchestration is a broader term referring to automation of any
container’s lifecycle. Docker also includes Docker Swarm, which is the platform’s own
container orchestration tool that can automatically start Docker containers.

Fabiana Rossi, SDCC 20/21 3


* Jawarneh, I.M.A., Bellavista, P., Bosi, F., Foschini, L., Martuscelli, G., Montanari, R., Palopoli, A.:
Container orchestration engines: A thorough functional and performance comparison.
Fabiana Rossi, SDCC 20/21 4
In Proc. of IEEE ICC 2019. pp. 1–6 (2019)
What Kubernetes is
• Kubernetes is an open source container orchestration engine for
automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized
• Originally an open source project launched by Google and now part of
the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).
• Kubernetes is highly extensible and portable
• it can run in a wide range of environments and be used in conjunction with
other technologies, such as service meshes.
• Kubernetes is considered highly declarative
• Developers and administrators use it to describe how they want a system to
behave, and then Kubernetes executes that desired state in dynamic fashion.

Fabiana Rossi, SDCC 20/21 5

What Kubernetes is
Kubernetes provides you with:
• Service discovery and load balancing: Kubernetes can expose a container
using the DNS name or using their own IP address. If traffic to a container is
high, Kubernetes is able to load balance and distribute the network traffic
so that the deployment is stable.
• Storage orchestration: Kubernetes allows you to automatically mount a
storage system of your choice, such as local storages, public cloud
providers, and more.
• Automated rollouts and rollbacks: You can describe the desired state for
your deployed containers using Kubernetes, and it can change the actual
state to the desired state at a controlled rate.

Fabiana Rossi, SDCC 20/21 6

What Kubernetes is
• Scheduling: You provide Kubernetes with a cluster of nodes that it
can use to run containerized tasks.
• Self-healing: Kubernetes restarts containers that fail, replaces
containers, kills containers that don't respond to your user-defined
health check, and doesn't advertise them to clients until they are
ready to serve.
• Secret and configuration management: Kubernetes lets you store
and manage sensitive information, such as passwords, OAuth tokens,
and SSH keys. You can deploy and update secrets and application
configuration without rebuilding your container images, and without
exposing secrets in your stack configuration.

Fabiana Rossi, SDCC 20/21 7

What Kubernetes is not
• Does not limit the types of applications supported.
• Kubernetes aims to support an extremely diverse variety of workloads, including
stateless, stateful, and data-processing workloads. If an application can run in a
container, it can run on Kubernetes.
• Does not deploy source code and does not build your application.
• Does not provide application-level services, such as middleware (e.g.,
message buses), data-processing frameworks (e.g., Spark), databases (e.g.,
MySQL), caches, nor cluster storage systems (e.g., Ceph) as built-in services.
• Does not dictate logging, monitoring, or alerting solutions.
• It provides some integrations as proof of concept, and mechanisms to collect and
export metrics.

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Kubernetes Architecture

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Kubernetes Components
• When you deploy Kubernetes, you get a cluster.
• A Kubernetes cluster consists of a set of worker machines,
called nodes, that run containerized applications.
• Every cluster has at least one worker node;
• The worker node(s) host the Pods that are the components of the
• The master manages the worker nodes and the Pods in the cluster

Fabiana Rossi, SDCC 20/21 10

Kubernetes Architecture
• The master is responsible for:
• exposing the Kubernetes (REST) API,
• scheduling the applications,
• managing the cluster,
• directing communications across the entire system,
• monitoring the containers running in each node as well as the health of all the
registered nodes.
• The nodes that are responsible for scheduling and running the
containerized applications
• Container images, which act as the deployable artifacts, must be available to
the Kubernetes cluster through a private or public image registry.

Fabiana Rossi, SDCC 20/21 11

Kubernetes Master
The Kubernetes master runs the following components that form the control plane:
• API server: the front-end for the Kubernetes control plane that
exposes the Kubernetes API
• kube-apiserver
• designed to scale horizontally

• etcd: is a persistent, lightweight, distributed key-value data store

that maintains the entire state of the cluster at any given point of

• scheduler: watches for newly created Pods with no assigned node,

and selects a node for them to run on
• kube-scheduler

• controller: control loop that watches the shared state of the

cluster through the apiserver and makes changes attempting to
move the current cluster state to the desired cluster state
Fabiana Rossi, SDCC 20/21 12
Kubernetes Nodes
• Node components run on every node, maintaining running pods and
providing the Kubernetes runtime environment.

• Kubernetes Nodes components:

• kubelet: agent that makes sure that containers are running in a Pod.
• kube-proxy: implemented as a network proxy and a load balancer.
• It routes traffic to the appropriate container based on its IP address and the port number of the
incoming request.
• Part of the Kubernetes Service concept.
• container runtime: the software that is responsible for running containers.
• Kubernetes supports several container runtimes:
• Docker,
• containerd,
• CRI-O,
• any implementation of the Kubernetes CRI (Container Runtime Interface).
Fabiana Rossi, SDCC 20/21 13
Kubernetes Object
• Kubernetes objects are persistent entities provided by Kubernetes for
deploying, maintaining, and scaling applications.
• Kubernetes uses these entities to represent the state of your cluster.
• The objects can describe:
• What containerized applications are running (and on which nodes)
• The resources available to those applications
• The policies around how those applications behave, such as restart policies,
upgrades, and fault-tolerance

To work with Kubernetes objects (i.e., to create, modify, or delete them)

you'll need to use the Kubernetes API.
When you use the kubectl command-line interface, for example, the CLI
makes the necessary Kubernetes API calls for you.
Fabiana Rossi, SDCC 20/21 14
Label and Selector
• Any object in Kubernetes may have key-value pairs associated with it
— additional metadata for identifying and grouping objects sharing a
common attribute or property.
• Kubernetes refers to these key-value pairs as labels.
• Labels do not provide uniqueness
• In general, we expect many objects to carry the same label(s).
• Via a label selector, the client/user can identify a set of objects.
• The label selector is the core grouping primitive in Kubernetes.

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Which version of the Kubernetes API you're using to create this object

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What kind of object you want to create

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Data that helps uniquely identify the object, including
a name string, UID etc

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• spec: What state you
desire for the object.

• The precise format of

the object spec is
different for every
Kubernetes object, and
contains nested fields
specific to that object

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Pod label «app: nginx»

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The Deployment selects Pods with the label «app:nginx»

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Basic Kubernetes Objects
• Pod
• Deployment, ReplicaSet
• DaemonSet
• StatefulSet
• Service
• Secret

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• Pods are the smallest deployable units of computing that you can
create and manage in Kubernetes.
• A Pod is a group of one or more containers, with shared
storage/network resources, and a specification for how to run the
• A Pod's contents are always co-located and co-scheduled.

Fabiana Rossi, SDCC 20/21 24

Pod Management
• To create and manage multiple Pods, Kubernetes defines multiple
resource types:
• Deployment
• StatefulSet
• DaemonSet

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• Deployment: represents a set of multiple, identical Pods with no unique identities.
• It runs multiple replicas Pods and automatically replaces any instances that fail or become unresponsive.
• In this way, Deployments ensure that one or more instances of Pods are available to serve user requests.

• To create the Deployment: kubectl apply –f nginx-deployment.yaml

• Run kubectl get deployments to check if the Deployment was created

• To see the pods: kubectl get pods

Fabiana Rossi, SDCC 20/21 26

• PodTemplates are specifications for creating Pods, and are included in
resource objects such as Deployment object.

The PodTemplate is part of

the object desired state


Fabiana Rossi, SDCC 20/21 27

• A ReplicaSet is the next-generation of ReplicationControllers
• It ensures that a specified number of pod replicas are running at any
given time.
• It fulfills its purpose by creating and deleting Pods as needed to reach the
desired number. When a ReplicaSet needs to create new Pods, it uses its Pod

• To see the ReplicaSet run kubectl get rs

• A Deployment is a higher-level concept that manages ReplicaSets and

provides declarative updates to Pods
Fabiana Rossi, SDCC 20/21 28
Pod Management
• StatefulSet: manages deployment and scaling of a set of Pods, with
durable storage and persistent identifiers for each pod.
• Unlike a Deployment, a StatefulSet maintains a sticky identity for each of
its Pods.

• DaemonSet: ensures that all (or some) nodes run a copy of a Pod.
• As nodes are added to the cluster, Pods are added to them.
• As nodes are removed from the cluster, those Pods are garbage collected.
• Deleting a DaemonSet will clean up the Pods it created.

Fabiana Rossi, SDCC 20/21 29

• In Kubernetes, controllers are control loops that watch the state of
the cluster, then make or request changes where needed.
• A controller tracks at least one Kubernetes resource object.
• The controller(s) for that resource are responsible for making the
current state come closer to that desired state (specified in the spec
• Kubernetes comes with a set of controllers that run inside the kube-
• The Deployment controller is an example of controller that come as
part of Kubernetes itself ("built-in" controllers).

Fabiana Rossi, SDCC 20/21 30

• The services model in Kubernetes relies upon the most basic, though most
important, aspect of services: discovery.
• In Kubernetes, a Service is an abstraction which defines a logical set of
Pods and a policy by which to access them.
• The set of Pods targeted by a Service is usually determined by a selector.
• Services ensure that traffic is always routed to the appropriate Pod within
the cluster, regardless of the node on which it is scheduled.
• Each service exposes an IP address, and may also expose a DNS endpoint,
both of which will never change.
• Internal or external consumers that need to communicate with a set of pods will use
the service’s IP address, or its more generally known DNS endpoint.

Fabiana Rossi, SDCC 20/21 31

Fabiana Rossi, SDCC 20/21 32
• Services may be configured to expose pods
to internal and external consumers.

• Different Service Types:

• ClusterIP: Exposes the Service on a cluster-internal IP.
• Choosing this value makes the Service only reachable from within the cluster. This is the
default ServiceType.

• NodePort: Exposes the Service on each Node's IP at a static port (the NodePort).
• A ClusterIP Service, to which the NodePort Service routes, is automatically created.
• To contact the NodePort Service from outside the cluster: <NodeIP>:<NodePort>.

Fabiana Rossi, SDCC 20/21 33

• nodePort: This setting makes the service
Service visible outside the Kubernetes cluster by
the node’s IP address and the port
number declared in this property.
• The service also has to be of type

• port: Expose the service on the specified

port internally within the cluster. That is,
the service becomes visible on this port,
and will send requests made to this port
to the pods selected by the service.

• targetPort: This is the port on

the pod that the request gets sent to. Your
application needs to be listening for
network requests on this port for the
Fabiana Rossi, SDCC 20/21 service to work. 34
• Secrets are secure objects which store sensitive data, such as
passwords, OAuth tokens, and SSH keys, in your clusters.
• Storing sensitive data in Secrets is more secure than plaintext in Pod
• Using Secrets gives you control over how sensitive data is used, and
reduces the risk of exposing the data to unauthorized users.

Fabiana Rossi, SDCC 20/21 35

• Kubernetes includes a default scheduler, named kube-scheduler,
which allocates pods on worker nodes according to an extensible
• The default scheduling strategy is spread
• For each pod, Kube-scheduler chooses a destination node through
• filtering step
• Scoring step

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• Filtering step: Kube-scheduler identifies those worker nodes that can
run the pod by applying a set of filters (i.e., predicates).
• The first step discards the nodes that cannot satisfy the required resources
and the label matching defined in the pod configuration file.

• Scoring step: the Kube-scheduler ranks the remaining nodes through

a set of priority functions.
• Each priority function assigns a score to each node and the final score of each
node is calculated by adding up all the given weighted scores.
• The one having the highest score is chosen to run the pod.
• If multiple nodes achieve the same score, one of them is randomly selected.

Fabiana Rossi, SDCC 20/21 37

Kubernetes and a Geo-distributed Environment
Case study*:
• Deployment of a Redis Cluster (3 master nodes)
• Redis is a popular key–value data store often included in web applications to implement in-
memory distributed caching.
• Computing infrastructure: 12 VMs in 4 Cloud regions

* Source: F. Rossi, V. Cardellini, F. Lo Presti, M. Nardelli,

"Geo-distributed efficient deployment of containers withFabiana Rossi, SDCCComputer
Kubernetes", 20/21 38
Communications, Vol. 159, pp. 161-174, June 2020

• Cloud computing provides resources on demand

• Dynamism of working conditions

• Calling for development of elastic applications

• to change application deployment at run-time
• to meet Quality of Service requirements

Fabiana Rossi, SDCC 20/21 39


Horizontal Elasticity
To react to workload

scale-in scale-out

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Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)
• The Horizontal Pod Autoscaler automatically scales the number of
Pods in a deployment, replica set or stateful set based on observed
CPU utilization (or, with custom metrics support, on some other
application-provided metrics).
• Note that Horizontal Pod Autoscaling does not apply to objects that
can't be scaled, for example, DaemonSets.

Fabiana Rossi, SDCC 20/21 41

Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)
• The Horizontal Pod Autoscaler is implemented
as a Kubernetes API resource and a controller.

• The resource determines the behavior of the


• The controller periodically adjusts the number

of replicas in a deployment to match the
observed average CPU utilization to the target
specified by user.
kubectl autoscale deployment FILENAME --cpu-percent=50 --min=1 --max=10

Fabiana Rossi, SDCC 20/21 42

HPA: Algorithm Details

• If currentMetricValue = 200m and desiredMetricValue = 100m, the number of
replicas will be double.
• If currentMetricValue = 50m and desiredMetricValue = 100m, we’ll halve the
number of replicas.

Fabiana Rossi, SDCC 20/21 43

HPA: Algorithms Details (1)
• Tuning the (static) scaling threshold is a cumbersome task!

Source: F. Rossi, V. Cardellini, F. Lo Presti,

"Hierarchical scaling of microservices in Kubernetes", Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing
and Self- Organizing Systems (ACSOS 2020), Washington,Fabiana Rossi, SDCC 20/21
DC, Washington, USA, August 17-21 2020. 44
HPA: Algorithms Details (2)
…but we can use more sophisticated approaches (e.g., queuing-based
elasticity policy)

Source: F. Rossi, V. Cardellini, F. Lo Presti,

"Hierarchical scaling of microservices in Kubernetes", Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing
and Self- Organizing Systems (ACSOS 2020), Washington,Fabiana Rossi, SDCC 20/21
DC, Washington, USA, August 17-21 2020. 45
Kubernetes 1.6 and HPA
• Recently, the HPA adds support for
• multiple metrics
• HPA controller will evaluate each metric and propose a new scale based on that metric.
• The largest of the proposed scales will be used as the new scale.
• making use of custom metrics
• configurable scaling behavior
• Behaviors are specified separately for scaling up and down
• The stabilization window is used to restrict the flapping of replicas when the metrics
used for scaling keep fluctuating

The current stable version, which only includes support for CPU autoscaling, can be found in the autoscaling/v1 API version.
The beta version, which includes support for scaling on memory and custom metrics, can be found in autoscaling/v2beta2.

Fabiana Rossi, SDCC 20/21 46

• https://kubernetes.io/docs/home/
• https://linuxacademy.com/site-content/uploads/2019/04/Kubernetes-Cheat-
• Jawarneh, I.M.A., Bellavista, P., Bosi, F., Foschini, L., Martuscelli, G., Montanari, R.,
Palopoli, A.: Container orchestration engines: A thorough functional and
performance comparison. In Proc. of IEEE ICC 2019. pp. 1–6 (2019)

Fabiana Rossi, SDCC 20/21 47

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