Term 2 Als Project
Term 2 Als Project
Term 2 Als Project
ENGLISH CORE 2021-2022
Points to remember:
• This is an ALS project for Term-II for English.
• The subject teacher of the respective section will assess the project on the basis of the
Rubrics given and their relevance.
• All the given guidelines are to be incorporated into the project.
• Viva-voce will be conducted by the teacher based on the theme of the project.
Note: Any ONE out of two suggested below:
1.Interview Based Research:
• Students can choose a topic on which to do their research/ interview. e.g., a student
can choose the topic: ‘Evolving Food Tastes in my Neighbourhood’ or "Corona
pandemic and the fallout on families."
• The student then conducts interviews with a few immediate
neighbors/friends/relatives on the topic.
• The student will then write an essay/ write up / report etc. up to 1000 words essay on
his/her research and submit it. He / She will then take a viva on the research project.
• This project can be done individually or in pairs/groups of five-six students.
Suggested Topics/Themes
The students may choose from any one of the following topics
1. Linguistic Chauvinism and the Relation of Native Language to
One’s Identity
2. Feminism and its Challenges in the 21st Century
3. Successful Aging/Perspectives of Older Adults on Aging Well
4. The Connection between Art and Healing
5. Cultivating Self-Love and Acceptance
6. Fantasy as a Coping Mechanism
7. The Perils of Forced Child Labour
8. Imbibing Mindfulness through Self- reflection and Introspection
2. Listen to podcasts/ interviews/radio or a TV documentary
• Student can listen to any podcast/ interview/ radio/ T.V documentary,
• Student will prepare a report countering or agreeing with the speakers. Write an
essay/report in about 800 - 1000 words essay and submit.
• Take a viva on the report.
• The class will be divided into groups of five-six students/ Pair/Individual
The Project/Portfolio will include the following:
1) Cover page-The cover page must be creatively designed by the student with
the following particulars in bold like the title of the project, name(each group
member if in group/pairs), class, section/stream, schools’ name and session.
2) Acknowledgement
3) Certificate
4) Learning objectives
5) Introduction
6) Content - Research-based report (800-1000 words essay/report) to be written,
supported with pictorial and graphical evidence, newspaper clippings and
relevant data to support the theme of the project.
7) Learning outcomes/conclusion
8) Bibliography /List of resources
Project work will be awarded 5 marks based on the following parameters
1. Quality or content of the project
2. Relevance and accuracy of information
3. Clarity of thoughts and ideas
4. Creativity
5. Expression(Grammar & spelling)
6. Research Work
Viva Voce will be conducted based on the theme of the project and the students will be
assessed on the following parameters. It carries 5 Marks.
1. Pronunciation
2. Vocabulary
3. Fluency
4. Relevance
5. Accuracy