A Phase-Field Model For Fracture in Biological Tissues: Arun Raina Christian Miehe
A Phase-Field Model For Fracture in Biological Tissues: Arun Raina Christian Miehe
A Phase-Field Model For Fracture in Biological Tissues: Arun Raina Christian Miehe
DOI 10.1007/s10237-015-0702-0
Received: 28 March 2015 / Accepted: 1 July 2015 / Published online: 14 July 2015
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015
Abstract This work presents a recently developed phas- Keywords Soft biological tissues · Phase-field fracture ·
e-field model of fracture equipped with anisotropic crack Anisotropic failure criterion · Coupled multi-field
driving force to model failure phenomena in soft biolog- problems
ical tissues at finite deformations. The phase-field models
present a promising and innovative approach to thermody-
namically consistent modeling of fracture, applicable to both 1 Introduction
rate-dependent or rate-independent brittle and ductile failure
modes. One key advantage of diffusive crack modeling lies Computational modeling of fracture in soft biological tis-
in predicting the complex crack topologies where methods sues presents a promising research area due to its scope
with sharp crack discontinuities are known to suffer. The to help improve the understanding behind surgical treat-
starting point is the derivation of a regularized crack sur- ments or injuries involving mechanical stresses, e.g., balloon
face functional that Γ -converges to a sharp crack topology angioplasty, ruptured aneurysm or ligament tear. An extra-
for vanishing length-scale parameter. A constitutive balance cellular matrix consisting of networks of elastin and collagen
equation of this functional governs the crack phase-field fibers surrounded by smooth muscle cells and fluids consti-
evolution in a modular format in terms of a crack driving tutes a major part of a tissue; see, e.g., Humphrey (2002).
state function. This allows flexibility to introduce alterna- Elastin networks bear long-range reversible small deforma-
tive stress-based failure criteria, e.g., isotropic or anisotropic, tions and can endure several million deformation cycles
whose maximum value from the deformation history drives without undergoing fatigue as shown in Gundiah et al.
the irreversible crack phase field. The resulting multi-field (2007). The triple-stranded helical structure of collagen fibers
problem is solved by a robust operator split scheme that endows structural integrity to soft tissues at finite deforma-
successively updates a history field, the crack phase field tions due to unraveling of its wavy form (Gelsea et al. 2003).
and finally the displacement field in a typical time step. Due to this microstructural composition, soft biological tis-
For the representative numerical simulations, a hyperelastic sues are nearly incompressible with highly nonlinear and
anisotropic free energy, typical to incompressible soft bio- anisotropic response to mechanical stimulus where more
logical tissues, is used which degrades with evolving phase details can be found in Rhodin (1980) and Chuong and
field as a result of coupled constitutive setup. A quantitative Fung (1984). The constitutive material modeling of bio-
comparison with experimental data is provided for verifica- logical tissues is a constantly evolving research area. See,
tion of the proposed methodology. e.g., Demiray (1972) and Delfino et al. (1997) where an
isotropic strain energy density for soft biological tissues is
formulated or Vaishnav et al. (1973), Lanir (1979), Fung
B Christian Miehe et al. (1979) and Billiar and Sacks (2000) which addi-
cm@mechbau.uni-stuttgart.de tionally account for material anisotropy. Another set of
1 Institute of Applied Mechanics (CE), Chair I,
approaches are based on the structural tensors for incorporat-
University of Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 7, ing anisotropy into polyconvex free energy functions. See,
70569 Stuttgart, Germany e.g., Holzapfel et al. (2000), Menzel and Steinmann (2001)
480 A. Raina, C. Miehe
and Gasser et al. (2006) where the latter also accounts for parameters and confirmed the role of different collagen
fiber dispersion obtained from the orientation distribution fiber orientations in different layers yielding anisotropic
function. The conditions of polyconvexity for constructing behavior. Sommer et al. (2008) performed peeling tests on
transversely isotropic or orthotropic free energy functions medial layers of abdominal aortas to investigate phenom-
are shown in Balzani et al. (2006). These material models ena of artery dissection during surgical treatment. Given the
for soft biological tissues represent a class of phenomeno- complexity of material composition and associated deforma-
logical macroscopic constitutive theories. Another class of tion mechanisms at hand, the numerical simulations of soft
models, presumably more physical, takes into account the biological tissues in the post-critical range due to fracture
entropic elasticity of collagen fibers arising due to their are rare. Gasser and Holzapfel (2006) performed numeri-
nanoscale dimensions. These models are based on the well- cal simulations of arterial dissection combining transversely
known theory of network models for rubber elasticity (see isotropic energy density with extended finite element method
James and Guth (1943), Flory and Rehner (1943), Arruda (Belytschko and Black 1999; Moës et al. 1999) where frac-
and Boyce (1993), Miehe et al. (2004)) where a randomly ture is modeled by incorporating strong discontinuities via
connected network of polymer chains is found cross-linked nodal enrichment strategies. Ferrara and Pandolfi (2008,
at the microstructure. The micromechanically motivated net- 2010) used the cohesive damage model (Xu and Needle-
work models for soft biological tissues treat the collagen man 1994) by incorporating cohesive interface elements
fibers as wormlike chains from the statistical point of view; along the edges of bulk finite elements to model tissue
see Flory (1969) for a detailed description. Some notable failure due to balloon angioplasty and medial dissection
applications of network models to soft matter such as bio- under supra-physiological loading conditions. Balzani et al.
logical tissues and fabrics can be found in Bischoff et al. (2012) resorted to continuum damage mechanics formulation
(2002), Kuhl et al. (2005), Alastrué et al. (2009) and Raina (Govindjee and Simo 1991) by introducing internal damage
and Linder (2014). variables along each fiber direction to simulate angioplasty-
The mechanical behavior of soft biological tissues under induced rupture.
normal physiological loading conditions can be qualitatively In this paper, our recent advances in the phase-field model-
simulated with the aforementioned modeling approaches. ing of fracture (see, e.g., Miehe et al. (2010a, b, 2014), Miehe
The successful applications of the same, particularly with and Schänzel (2014)) are used to simulate the complex frac-
respect to human arterial walls, have been demonstrated ture phenomena in soft biological tissues described above.
in the references mentioned above. However, under cer- The usual shortcomings of the classical Griffith-type theory
tain pathological conditions, the soft biological tissues may of brittle fracture, such as inability to determine branching
undergo fracture which is beyond the scope of modeling cracks, can be overcome by variational methods based on
capability of those methods. One such disease is atheroscle- energy minimization as suggested by Francfort and Marigo
rosis which affects the flow of oxygen-carrying blood through (1998); see also Bourdin et al. (2008), Dal Maso and Toader
the arteries due to narrowing of the lumen (stenosis). This (2002), Buliga (1999). The regularized setting of their frame-
is caused by accumulation of the extracellular lipids, cal- work considered in Bourdin et al. (2000, 2008) is obtained
cium, foam cells and necrotic tissue forming a plaque-like by convergence inspired by the work of image segmenta-
substance inside the artery wall as shown in Lendon et al. tion by Mumford and Shah (1989). We refer to Ambrosio
(1991) and Loree et al. (1992). When undiagnosed, it can and Tortorelli (1990) and the reviews of Dal Maso (1993)
lead to myocardial infarction, angina or smoker’s leg due to and Braides (1998, 2002) for details on convergent approx-
plaque rupture which releases thrombogenic materials into imations of free discontinuity problems. The approximation
blood stream (Gertz and Roberts 1990; Loree et al. 1991). regularizes a sharp crack surface topology in the solid by
Upon diagnosis, the treatment of advanced atherosclerosis diffusive crack zones governed by a scalar auxiliary vari-
is generally followed by a stent implantation in the affected able. This variable can be considered as a phase field that
artery with the balloon angioplasty procedure. The mecha- interpolates between the unbroken and the broken states
nism of balloon angioplasty requires the concerned artery of the material. Conceptually similar are recently outlined
to be subjected to supra-physiological loading which can phase-field approaches to brittle fracture based on the clas-
possibly lead to tissue degeneration and fracture (Castaneda- sical Ginzburg–Landau-type evolution equation as reviewed
Zuniga et al. 1980; Gasser and Holzapfel 2007). One refers in Hakim and Karma (2009). These models may be con-
to the reviews by Rhodin (1980) and Silver et al. (1989) sidered as time-dependent viscous regularizations of the
for a detailed description of the histological and biomechan- above-mentioned rate-independent theories of energy min-
ical features of an artery. The experimental investigations imization. The phase-field approach is embedded into the
in Schulze-bauer et al. (2002) and Holzapfel et al. (2004) theory of gradient-type materials with a characteristic length
tested layer-specific mechanical properties of the human scale, as outlined in Capriz (1989), Mariano (2001), Frémond
stenotic iliac arteries up to rupture to identify their strength (2002) and Miehe (2011) and conceptually follows the mod-
A phase-field model for fracture in biological tissues 481
2.1 Regularization of sharp crack topology 2.2 Evolution of the regularized crack surface
Let B0 ⊂ Rδ be the reference configuration of a material Based on the global constitutive equation for the evolution of
body with dimension δ ∈ [2, 3] in space and ∂B0 ⊂ Rδ−1 the regularized crack surface functional postulated in Miehe
its surface as depicted in Fig. 1. We consider the crack phase et al. (2014), a local evolution of the phase field is given
field d : B0 × T → [0, 1] characterizing for d(X, t) = 0 the as
482 A. Raina, C. Miehe
1 obtained in the full process history s ∈ [0, t]. This func-
tion must be a monotonous function that depends on state
variables state of the mechanical bulk response, satisfying
(b) x
l l
D| state
= 0 and D| state = ∞ . (5)
x := (x + |x|)/2 is the Macauley bracket.1 Hence,
ηḋ = (1 − d)H − [ d − l 2 d ] (2)
a non-smooth evolution of the crack phase field takes place
evolution driving force geometric resistance when the driving force exceeds the geometric crack resis-
tance δd γl . For the rate-independent limit η → 0, the
in the domain B0 , along with the homogeneous Neumann associated local evolution equation is
condition ∇d · n0 = 0 on ∂B0 for the crack phase field. The
˙ = d/dt (·) refers to the time derivative of the
notation (·)
1 Generalized Ginzburg–Landau Equation. Equation (6) was
underlying field. Here, (1 − d)H is the local crack driving
defined in Miehe et al. (2010b) as a generalized Ginzburg–Landau equa-
force and is further assumed to be governed by the constitu- tion for the phase-field evolution, when it is represented
tive function
ḋ = − δd ψ (7)
A phase-field model for fracture in biological tissues 483
ḋ ≥ 0, [(1 − d) D
− lδd γl ] ≤ 0, An incremental quadratic potential is introduced in Miehe
− lδd γl ] = 0
ḋ [(1 − d) D et al. (2014) as
Πdτ (d) = πdτ (cd )d V = 0 (11)
2.4 Time integration and operator split B0
The integration of (2) in the time interval [tn , tn+1 ] with incre- in terms of the quadratic potential density per unit of the
ment τ = tn+1 − tn > 0 gives an update for the regularized reference volume
crack surface. In what follows, all variables without a sub-
script are time discrete values at the current solution time πdτ (cd ) = (d − dn )2 + lγl (d, ∇d) − lγl (dn , ∇dn )
tn+1 . A robust algorithm for the update of the phase field is 2τ
obtained by an operator splitting, keeping the driving force 1
− [ (d − dn ) − (d 2 − dn2 ) ]H (12)
H = Hn constant in the time step [tn , t]. Note that this driving 2
force provides the impact from the bulk response to the crack
evolution. that depends on current phase field and its gradient cd :=
The above assumption covers for the one-path algorithm, a {d, ∇d}. The potential Πdτ (d) must be stationary, attaining
semi-implicit time integration of the phase field, for the multi- the minimum value zero for the current phase field d. Hence,
path algorithm, where H is corrected, an implicit update the phase field is determined by the minimization principle
scheme with Gauss–Seidel-type iterations between the phase
field d(X, t) and the state variables state(X, t) of the bulk d = Arg{inf Π τd (d)}. (13)
response. In both cases, H = Hn induces an algorith- d
mic decoupling of updates for the phase field and the bulk
response in the time interval under consideration, and is the The corresponding Euler equation of this minimization prin-
key ingredient of a modular implementation of phase-field ciple is the linear update equation for the crack phase field
fracture. The algorithm in Table 1 provides a crack update
module applicable to a wide spectrum of problems. The one-
η(d − dn )/τ = (1 − d)H − [ d − l 2 d ] (14)
path algorithm for H = Hn adopted here is in line with the
treatment of Miehe et al. (2010a). crack update driving force geometric resistance
2. Finite element update of crack surface. Space discretization of The finite element implementation of the potential Πdτ in (11)
phase-field state cdh := {d h , ∇d h } = B d d d and optimization
of the incremental potential is straightforward, yielding the space-discrete formulation
Πdτ h (d d ) = Bh πdτ (B d d d )d V
with the potential density function Πdτ h (d d ) = πdτ (B d d d )d V = 0 (15)
πdτ = η
(d − dn )2 + lγl (d, ∇d) − lγl (dn , ∇dn ) B0h
−[ (d − dn ) − 21 (d 2 − dn2 ) ]H
results in linear update of nodal degrees of the phase field in based on the discretization cdh (X, t) = B d (X)d d (t) in terms
[tn , t]
of the finite element interpolation matrix B d and the nodal
values d d of the phase field in a typical finite element mesh.
The nodal values follow from the optimization problem
d d = −[ Πdτ h ]−1 τh
,d d d d [ Πd ],d d
484 A. Raina, C. Miehe
for the quadratic space-discrete potential, yielding the closed- driving force function. Note that this criterion is characterized
form update of the nodal values for the phase field by a threshold, that guarantees the existence of non-damaged
zones where the crack phase field is zero. To model the fail-
ure response in anisotropic biological tissues, the criterion
dd = − B dT [∂c2d cd πdτ (B d d d n )B d d V
Bh (19) needs to account for the inherent tissue morphology,
giving rise to an orthotropic behavior, for accurate predic-
B dT [∂cd πdτ (B d d d n )] d V . (17) tion of the failure response as presented in the following
Reader is referred to Miehe et al. (2010b) for more details
on the finite element implementation of the phase-field frac-
3.2 Alignment of principal orthotropy axes in soft
ture. Note again that this solution is independent from the
finite element updates of bulk response due to the algorith-
mic decoupling within the time step under consideration. The
The histology of biological tissues makes them ideally an
only interface to the bulk response is provided by the driving
orthotropic material due to the presence of two identical fiber
force Hn that enters the potential πdτ in (12); see Table 1.
families with different directions a(1) and a(2) inclined at a
certain angle as discussed in detail in Sect. 4.2. To incorporate
an orthotropic failure criterion, local orthotropy axes g i are
3 Driving force for brittle failure and transition defined in addition to the global Cartesian coordinate axes ei
rules for i = 1, . . . , 3 as follows,
The impact from the bulk response on the crack propagation
is governed by the crack driving force H that is linked to a(1) + a(2) a(2) − a(1)
g 1 = (1) , g 2 = (2) and
e3 , g 3 e1
where {σa } are the principal stresses and {na } the eigenvec- 2γ
tors. The crack driving state function considered is
σa 2
iso = ζ
D −1 (19)
σcrit Fig. 3 Illustration of the global Cartesian coordinate system spanned
by the orthonormal unit vectors {ei }i=1,3 with a local orthotropic axes
spanned by the orthogonal unit vectors {g i }i=1,3 . The unit tangents a(1)
and models an isotropic failure surface in the principal stress and a(2) to the two fiber families are inclined at an angle of 2γ to each
state. σcrit > 0 is a critical fracture tensile stress and ζ > 0 other. The 1and2 directions span the plane of fiber families (plane of
a material parameter that enforces the slope of the quadratic paper) and 3 direction points into the plane of the paper
A phase-field model for fracture in biological tissues 485
where the coefficients {ai }i=1,3 are the scaling factors along 1
Φ= 2
(σ + : I A : σ + ) with
the orthotropy axes {g i }i=1,3 , respectively. The tensor A in 2σcrit
(21) automatically satisfies the conditions of invariance as 1
I A = (Aik A jl + Ail A jk )ei ⊗ e j ⊗ ek ⊗ el , (25)
imposed in (24). For the plane problems of interest here, the 2
components of the anisotropy tensor A for an arbitrary coun-
terclockwise rotation by angle θ of orthogonal axes {g i }i=1,2 where σcrit is the reference uniaxial critical fracture ten-
along e3 axis are given as sile stress and Ai j are the components of the second-order
anisotropy tensor A for i, j = 1, . . . , 3 introduced in (21).
⎡ ⎤
a1 cos2 θ + a2 sin2 θ (a1 − a2 ) cos θ sin θ 0 The symmetry of fourth-order tensor I A with coefficients
Ai j = ⎣ (a1 − a2 ) cos θ sin θ a1 sin2 θ + a2 cos2 θ 0⎦ . {ai }i=1,3 > 0 ensures its positive semi-definite form and
0 0 1 thereby a convex failure surface resulting from (25). Expan-
(22) sion of the first equation in (25), simplified to the case when
orthotropy axes {g i }i=1,3 and the principal axes {ni }i=1,3
It needs to be emphasized here that the above representation coincide with the global axes {ei }i=1,3 , reduces to
recovers the case of transverse isotropy and isotropy by the 2 2 2
Φ= + + . (26)
σcrit /a1 σcrit /a2 σcrit /a3
– Transverse isotropy: By setting a1 = a2 .
– Isotropy: By setting a1 = a2 = a3 . Substitution of (26) in (23) yields an expression for an
orthotropic crack driving state function, similar to (19), as
The coefficients {ai }i=1,3 enter as the material parameters in 3
the model. However, only two independent coefficients need
ani = ζ
σi 2
D −1 . (27)
to be prescribed for a three-dimensional problem and only σcrit /ai
one for a two-dimensional problem. The remaining coeffi-
cient is set to unity for the given direction of the critical An illustration of the failure loci is shown in Fig. 4 where
fracture tensile stress σcrit . as the corresponding surface of crack driving state function
is shown in Fig. 5. Notice that for ai = 1 for i = 1, . . . , 3,
3.3 Anisotropic tensile stress-based driving force the criterion for isotropic failure surface (19) is retrieved.
criterion The simulations presented in Sect. 5 employ the general
orthotropic failure criterion (25).
In this section, we derive a general orthotropic failure crite-
rion based on the tensile part of the symmetric Cauchy stress 3.4 Transition rules from unbroken to fully broken
tensor σ . The crack driving state function in (4), alternative to response
(19), with a threshold is obtained from a scalar-valued tensor
function Φ(σ + ) as Depending on the crack phase field d ∈ [0, 1], constitutive
functions in the bulk undergo a phase transition from the
f s (state) + g c (d)
f c (state) (28)
ance condition
that depends on the phase-field and a non-specified set
Φ(σ + ) = Φ(R σ + R T ) ∀ R ∈ RO(3). (24) (state) of constitutive state variables for the bulk response.
f s (state) and
486 A. Raina, C. Miehe
σ2 σ2
σcrit /a2
a1 = 2, a2 = 1 a1 = 1, a2 = 2
(a) (b)
Fig. 4 Failure surfaces for orthotropic tensile stress failure criterion second-order anisotropy tensor (21) for the case when orthotropy axes
(27) in principal plane stress space for different degrees of anisotropies g i are coincident with the global axes ei for i = 1, . . . , 3
with coefficients a a1 = 2, a2 = 1 and b a1 = 1, a2 = 2 used in
A phase-field model for fracture in biological tissues 487
X ∈ B0 n0 n0 X ∈ B0
ϕt d H
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 6 A schematic of primary fields in body B0 undergoing fracture. b The fracture phase field is constrained by the possible Dirichlet-type
The deformation field ϕ, the fracture phase field d and the history boundary condition d = 1 on Γ and the Neumann condition ∇d ·n0 = 0
field H are defined on the solid domain B0 . a The deformation field on the full surface ∂ B0 . c The history field H defined in Eq. (4) is based
is constrained by the Dirichlet- and Neumann-type boundary condi- on the maximum of stress-based criterion in the deformation history. It
ϕ ϕ
tions ϕ = ϕ̄ on ∂ B0 and P · n0 = T̄ on ∂ B0T with ∂ B0 = ∂ B0 ∪ ∂ B0T . drives the evolution of the fracture phase field d via Eqs. (19) or (23)
= [g s (d) + k]Ψ
(F, M (1,2) ) (33) Table 2 Coupled governing equations of finite elasticity with fracture
488 A. Raina, C. Miehe
the isotropic matrix assures the weak compressibility of the
γ material in terms of low shear modulus μ ≥ 0 and parame-
ter β = 2ν/(1 − 2ν) given in terms of the Poisson ratio ν.
c i rc u m f .
(a) (F, M (a) ) =
Ψ (a)
exp {k2 (C : M − 1)} − 1
dle of the three aforementioned layers. In the media too, the aniso
collagen fibers form a double helix structure, however, with
− k1 (C : M (a) − 1). (37)
a smaller pitch as compared to the adventitia, and also con-
tributes significantly to the arterial strength. The intima is the
innermost layer and mostly consists of endothelial cells. It is The scalar product C : M (a) of the right Cauchy-Green
observed that intima thickens and stiffens with age and these tensor C = F T F and structural tensor M (a) is the fourth
pathological changes are often associated with the arterial invariant which represents the square of the stretch along
disease called atherosclerosis. It involves deposition of fatty the fiber directions a(a) for a = 1, 2. The additional mate-
substances, calcium, collagen fibers, cellular waste products rial parameters k1 > 0 and k2 > 0 are introduced in
and fibrin, generally referred to as atherosclerotic plaque. (37) where the former represents fiber stiffness and latter
This changes geometrical and mechanical properties of the a dimensionless constant. The key difference of anisotropic
arterial wall and affects blood-carrying function by partial potential in (37) to the potentials introduced in Holzapfel
blockage of the lumen. A simulation of balloon angioplasty, et al. (2000) and Gasser et al. (2006) lies in the energy
which is a surgical intervention to treat atherosclerosis, is storage in compression of collagen fibers. Here, a very
performed in Sect. 5.3 with a real arterial cross section from small compressive stiffness is made available to collagen
Holzapfel et al. (2004) to model tissue rupture. fibers for better stability of numerical simulations at certain
deformations. The convexity of the anisotropic free energy
contribution in (37) can be easily established for any general
4.3 Free energy functions for soft biological tissues case by simply evaluating its Hessian to be positive semi-
The microstructure of arterial walls is composed of wavy The construction of the overall free energy function
collagen fibers embedded in a soft isotropic matrix. These (36) automatically fulfills the requirements of polyconvex-
fiber families are predominantly identified by two unit fiber ity, whose results of surface plots and convex contours are
directions a(1) and a(2) aligned at an angle γ with respect to shown in Figs. 8 and 9, respectively. A deformation gradient
circumferential direction as illustrated in Fig. 7. An undam- F = diag(λ1 , λ2 , 1) for 0.5 ≤ λ1,2 ≤ 1.5 is used with mate-
aged hyperelastic constitutive storage function for arterial rial parameters μ = 10 kPa, ν = 0.3, k1 = 20 kPa, k2 = 2
walls is postulated with the following split and γ = 40◦ . The derivate of the storage function (36) with
respect to the deformation gradient F gives the undamaged
(F, M (1,2) ) =
Ψ [(det F)−β − 1] + (F : F − 3)
β 2
isotropic matrix
P = −μ(det F)−β F −T + μF
(a) (F, M (a) )
Ψ (36) + 2 k1 exp {k2 (C : M (a) −1)}−1 (Fa(a) ⊗ a(a) ).
a=1 a=1
anisotropic fibers (38)
A phase-field model for fracture in biological tissues 489
1.25 Table 3 Material properties for uniaxial tensile tests in adventitial strips
No. Parameter Dimension Name Value
Fig. 9 The locally convex contours of the anisotropic free energy func- (a) (b)
tion (36) in the stretch space {λ1 , λ2 } is shown u u u
4 mm
shown in Sects. 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3. γ
490 A. Raina, C. Miehe
Load [N]
15 15.5 16 16.5 17 37 37.5 38 38.5 39
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 10 20 30 40 50
Nominal Strain [%] Nominal Strain [%]
Fig. 11 Uniaxial tension test: plots of the load at top surface of the the respective mean experimental load–strain curves from Holzapfel
specimen against the applied strain for a axial direction and b circumfer- et al. (2004) is provided
ential direction, with different values of viscosity η. A comparison with
(a) (b)
Fig. 12 Uniaxial tensile test: Simulation results of loading in the axial direction are shown with a contours of crack phase field d and b contours
of principal Cauchy stress σ2 , at different loading stages
left as soon as the stresses reach the failure surface. The snapshots are captured at different applied nominal strains to
abrupt loss of stiffness or load-bearing capacity is shown in show the evolution of crack phase field and stresses. Starting
the numerical load-displacement curves which is in accord as a small crack, the failure immediately propagates through
with the experimental observation. The influence of viscos- the tissue with a similar behavior observed in circumferential
ity parameter can be seen from the plots in Fig. 11 where direction.
the higher viscosity slightly delays crack propagation as
expected. The resulting failure contours of crack phase field d
and maximum principal Cauchy stress σ2 are shown in Fig. 12 5.2 Peeling test of iliac artery medial strips
for axial direction on the left and right, respectively, where
the elements with d > 0.9 are blanked for visualization. The Study of arterial dissection has enormous relevance of sur-
gical interest which involves tear of delicate internal lining
A phase-field model for fracture in biological tissues 491
of arterial wall. In this section, the experimental investiga- quadrilateral elements with the plane strain assumption and
tions of Sommer et al. (2008) are modeled where the strips viscosity η = 10−5 kNs/mm2 with length scale l = 0.06
of medial aorta are peeled in the circumferential direction to mm. The transversely isotropic form of anisotropic stress
study their dissection properties. See Fig. 7 for an illustra- driving force criterion (23) is employed for the evolution of
tion of tissue morphology. In the numerical simulations of crack phase field as the peeling predominantly takes place in
phase-field fracture presented in this section, a medial strip a single radial plane.
of dimensions 4 × 1.2 mm2 is used with an initial verti- The corresponding material parameters used for the peel-
cal notch of size 0.4 mm at the top surface as illustrated on ing simulation are given in Table 4 which agree closely with
the right of Fig. 10. The bottom surface is fixed, whereas the parameters in Gasser and Holzapfel (2006). The load per
a horizontal displacement u = 4.5 mm is applied at the unit width of one of the arms is plotted against the applied
two arms on the top surface in 103 solution steps. Contrary displacement and shown on the right of Fig. 14 with a quanti-
to the morphology in Sect. 5.1, the medial strip along the tative comparison with experimental data from Sommer et al.
radial direction of the artery in this section possesses a sin- (2008). Before the crack starts to propagate from the tip of
gle fiber family a aligned perpendicular to the direction of notch, almost linear response is observed till load per unit
applied displacement u. The spatial discretization consists width of approximately 23 mN/mm, which agrees well with
of approximately 7000 displacement-based (Q1) four-noded the experimental results of Sommer et al. (2008) and numer-
ical results from Gasser and Holzapfel (2006) and Ferrara
and Pandolfi (2010). At this nearly constant load, the crack
Table 4 Material properties for peeling test of medial strips continues to develop downwards vertically till the end of
No. Parameter Dimension Value simulation. The contours of the crack phase field and the
maximum principal Cauchy stress from peeling simulation
1. μ kPa 16.2
are shown in Fig. 13a, b, respectively, in the deformed con-
2. ν – 0.4
figuration at different stages of loading.
3. k1 kPa 45.1
4. k2 – 2.1
5. ζ – 10.0 5.3 Inflation test of atherosclerotic iliac artery
6. σcrit kPa 100
7. a1 – 1.0 The final example of phase-field modeling of fracture in soft
biological tissues is presented in this section where the pro-
0 d [-] 1.0
0 σ2 [kPa] 80
Fig. 13 Peeling test: contours of a crack phase field d and b maximum principal Cauchy stress σ2 , shown at different dissection lengths in the
deformed configuration
492 A. Raina, C. Miehe
problem is solved in Sect. 5.3.1 to interpolate fiber orienta-
tions in fibrous layers m 1 , . . . , m 4 . Based on the computed
orientations, a mechanical boundary value problem of angio-
plasty is solved next in Sect. 5.3.2 to allow for the realistic
development of phase-field fracture.
A phase-field model for fracture in biological tissues 493
∂1 B
∂2 B
∂3 B
Fig. 16 Inflation test: a boundary ∂ B = ∂1 B ∪ ∂2 B ∪ ∂3 B of fibrous representing fiber directions, c zoom of expected zone of failure with
materials used in thermal problem where tangents (39) are applied, b finer mesh/fiber density from encircled part in (b)
solution of thermal problem (40) in the form of tangents at all nodes
finite element with material tags m 1 , . . . , m 4 using the Table 5 Material properties for inflation test of atherosclerotic artery
isoparametric projection as Layer μ (kPa) ν (−) k1 (kPa) k2 (−) σcrit (kPa)
494 A. Raina, C. Miehe
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 17 Inflation test: contours of crack phase field d are shown at different inflation pressures (zoom in the inset) with the maximum damage
obtained in fibrous cap at p = 15 kPa shown in (d). Elements with d > 0.9 are blanked out for visualization
as a qualitative measure of actual fracture during angioplasty, crack surface functional, governed by a crack phase field,
which can be compared with the simulation results of Fer- which converges to sharp crack topology for vanishing
rara and Pandolfi (2010) and Balzani et al. (2012). It is to length-scale parameter. A rate-dependent incremental vari-
be emphasized here that the analysis presented here is only ational framework for the evolution of crack phase field is
a mechanical simulation of the actual balloon angioplasty employed, which is driven by the maximum stress-based
procedure and ignores the associated biochemical stimuli, driving force from the deformation history. In addition, a
mass transport phenomena and three-dimensional geometri- general orthotropic failure criterion is developed and used
cal constraints. to compute the driving forces for phase-field growth in soft
biological tissues. The construction of constitutive relations
allows the degradation of full anisotropic energy storage
6 Conclusion function, which takes into account the contribution of col-
lagen fibers embedded in a soft surrounding matrix, with
We presented an application of recently developed ther- evolving crack phase field. Representative numerical simu-
modynamically consistent continuum phase-field models lations of fracture in soft biological tissues are run which
for fracture to soft biological tissues with specific focus provide quantitative comparisons with experimental data to
on human iliac arteries. One of the key characteristics of confirm the accuracy and applicability of phase-field models
the phase-field model is the derivation of the regularized of fracture.
A phase-field model for fracture in biological tissues 495
Acknowledgments Support for this research was provided by the Ferrara A, Pandolfi A (2010) A numerical study of arterial media dis-
German Research Foundation (DFG) for the Cluster of Excellence Exc section processes. Int J Fract 166:21–33
310 Simulation Technology at the University of Stuttgart. Flory PJ (1969) Statistical mechanics of chain molecules. Wiley,
Chichester-New York
Flory PJ, Rehner J (1943) Statistical mechanics of cross-linked polymer
networks: I. rubberlike elasticity. J Chem Phys 11:512–520
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