Fabrication and Design of Multi-Layered Radar Absorbing Structures of MWNT-filled Glass/epoxy Plain-Weave Composites
Fabrication and Design of Multi-Layered Radar Absorbing Structures of MWNT-filled Glass/epoxy Plain-Weave Composites
Fabrication and Design of Multi-Layered Radar Absorbing Structures of MWNT-filled Glass/epoxy Plain-Weave Composites
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Division of Aerospace Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST),
373-1 Guseong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-701, Republic of Korea
The object of this study is to design radar absorbing structures (RAS) with load-bearing ability in the X-band. Glass/epoxy plain-
weave composites of excellent specific stiffness and strength, containing multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNT) to induce dielectric
loss, were fabricated. Observations of the microstructure and the permittivity of the composites confirmed that the fabrics are suitable
for use as RASs. A genetic algorithm and a theory of the reflection/transmission of electromagnetic waves in a multi-layered RAS were
applied to design an optimal RAS composed of MWNT-filled composites. The thickness per ply was observed to vary, depending on the
number of plies and the MWNT contents. A fabrication process was proposed that considered the variation. The proposed process was
in the fabrication of a designed RAS, and the theoretical and measured reflection losses of the RAS were found to be in good agreement.
2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: X-band frequency; Permittivity; Radar absorbing structure; Multi-walled carbon nanotube
0263-8223/$ - see front matter 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
398 S.-E. Lee et al. / Composite Structures 76 (2006) 397–405
Table 1
Denotation of MWNT-filled glass/epoxy plain-weave composites
MWNT 0.0 MWNT 0.4 MWNT 0.7 MWNT 1.0 MWNT 1.3 MWNT 1.6 MWNT 3.0 MWNT 5.0
MWNT content (wt.%) 0.0 0.4 0.7 1.0 1.3 1.6 3.0 5.0
S.-E. Lee et al. / Composite Structures 76 (2006) 397–405 399
3.1. Measurement
Table 2
Thickness of specimen used for permittivity measurement
MWNT 0.0 MWNT 0.4 MWNT 0.7 MWNT 1.0 MWNT 1.3 MWNT 1.6
Thickness (mm) 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 5.0 3.0
400 S.-E. Lee et al. / Composite Structures 76 (2006) 397–405
Region 1 μ 1, ε 1
–d 1
0 Region 2 μ 2, ε 2
0.0 0.4 0.7 1.0 1.3 1.6 –d 2
Wt% of MWNT Region 3 μ 3, ε 3
–d 3
Fig. 6. Relative permittivity of MWNT-filled composites with weight Region 4 μ 4, ε 4
fraction of MWNT at 10.3 GHz.
Assign constraints
- maximum thickness Calculate fitness
- the n umber of la yer -10
- stand ard of abso rp tio n
Reflection loss (dB)
Fig. 8. Flow chart of genetic algorithm linked with calculation program of Fig. 9. Reflection loss of the optimal RAS of MWNT 0.4 (1.9 mm) and
reflection loss. MWNT 1.6 (1.4 mm).
402 S.-E. Lee et al. / Composite Structures 76 (2006) 397–405
Optimal design was performed for a two-layered RAS. The fabrication method of RAS is categorized into; the
The maximum thickness to be simulated was limited to co-curing method and secondary bonding method. The lat-
3.5 mm. The back surface of the RAS was assumed to be ter method requires an additional process to bond together
a perfect conductor. Table 4 shows the design results. Of the materials with different filler contents by using an adhe-
10 simulated cases, the RAS with the largest absorption sive film. Thus, the co-curing process is more advantageous
bandwidth was composed of MWNT 0.4, with a thickness in terms of cost, and so it was used to fabricate the multi-
of 1.9 mm, and MWNT 1.6, with a thickness of 1.4 mm. layered RAS.
The reflection loss of this RAS is shown in Fig. 9. It had A number of fabrications of MWNT-filled composites
a 10 dB absorbing bandwidth over the entire X-band, with various thicknesses revealed that the thickness per
and had a 20 dB absorbing bandwidth of 1.0 GHz (9.1– ply (TPP) decreased with an increase in the number of plies
10.1 GHz). and that the TPP increased with the weight fraction of
MWNT; the dependence of the TPP on the number of plies
is due to the increase in compaction of composites with the
5. Fabrication of a multi-layered RAS and
number of plies, and the dependence of the TPP on the
measurement of reflection loss
MWNT concentration results from the support of curing
pressure by MWNTs. This nonlinear behavior of TPP,
5.1. Free space measurement system
shown in Table 5, makes the precise thickness of a designed
RAS difficult to be achieved. Therefore, the fabrication
The free space technique system used in this study for
process in this study was established, based on the assump-
measuring the reflection loss of transverse electromagnetic
tion that the TPP of each material in a designed multi-lay-
(TEM) waves is shown in Fig. 10. The system consists of a
ered RAS is similar to that of the material with the same
pair of spot-focusing horn lens antennas, a sample holder,
thickness of the RAS. Fig. 11 shows a schematic of fabrica-
an HP 8510C network analyzer and a computer for data
tion process that considers the nonlinearity of TPP. For a
acquisition. The width and length of the aluminum table
case in which a RAS, tRAS in thickness, was designed com-
are 1.83 m and 1.83 m, respectively, and the standard size
posed of MWNT 0.4, with a thickness of t1, and MWNT
of the sample specimens for holder is 150 mm · 150 mm.
1.6, with a thickness of t2, it is difficult to determine the
This system used the spot-focusing horn lens antennas
number of plies of each material (STEP 1). First, the sin-
for minimizing diffraction effects, the TRL (through-
gle-layered RAS of each material is fabricated tRAS in
reflect-line) calibration technique and the time-domain gat-
thickness before its TPP is calculated (STEP 2). Then, the
ing of the HP 8510C network analyzer for minimizing mul-
number of plies of each material, n1 and n2, is obtained
tiple reflection [13].
by dividing the designed thickness, t1 and t2, by the
TPP calculated in the previous step, TPP3 and TPP4
(STEP 3).
The above process was applied to the two-layered RAS
of Section 4. First, MWNT 0.4 and MWNT 1.6 was fab-
ricated with a thickness of 3.3 mm, respectively. The
MWNT 0.4 with 21 plies was 0.149 mm in TPP and
3.28 mm in total thickness. The MWNT 1.6 with 20 plies
was 0.169 mm in TPP and 3.38 mm in total thickness
(STEP 2). As the designed thicknesses of MWNT 0.4
and MWNT 1.6 was 1.9 mm and 1.4 mm, respectively,
Table 5
Ply thickness according to the number of plies and MWNT contents
Material No. of plies Thickness (mm) Thickness/ply (mm)
MWNT 0.4 13 2.17 0.167
21 3.28 0.149
MWNT 1.6 9 1.47 0.184
20 3.38 0.169
Table 6
Comparison between analysis and experiment for the RAS of MWNT 0.4 and MWNT 1.6
Thickness (mm) fr (GHz) 10 dB BW (GHz) 20 dB BW (GHz)
Simulation (using designed thickness) 3.30 9.5 4.2 (8.2–12.4) 1.0 (9.1–10.1)
Simulation (considering fabrication process) 3.29 9.5 4.2 (8.2–12.4) 1.0 (9.1–10.1)
Experiment 3.27 9.8 4.1 (8.3–11.6) 1.2 (9.2–10.4)
404 S.-E. Lee et al. / Composite Structures 76 (2006) 397–405
Fig. 13. Cutting planes of the RAS of MWNT 1.3 and MWNT 0.0: (a) sinusoidal function-like interface and (b) distinct interface.
0 6. Conclusion
Table 7
Comparison between analysis and experiment for the RAS of MWNT 1.3 and MWNT 0.0
Material Thickness (mm) fr (GHz) 10 dB BW (GHz) 20 dB BW (GHz)
Simulation (using designed thickness) 2.40 10.2 3.1 (8.9–12.0) 0.9 (9.7–10.6)
Simulation (considering fabrication process) 2.49 9.6 2.8 (8.4–11.2) 0.8 (9.2–10.0)
Experiment 2.55 9.9 3.1 (8.5–11.6) 0.9 (9.5–10.4)
S.-E. Lee et al. / Composite Structures 76 (2006) 397–405 405