Types of Agriculture

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Guided Notes: Types of Agriculture

Types of Agriculture
Type of How does it work
 Form of subsistence agriculture based on raising of
domesticated animals
o Farming animals

Nomadic Herding  Found in dry Areas: Practical way of surviving on land

(Pastoral that receives too little rain for crops
 Animals:
o Camel, cattle and goats (North Africa)
o Horse (Central Asia)

 Commercial animal grazing of livestock over a large area

 SW United States – Cattle

 Argentina, S. Brazil, and Uruguay – Cattle
 Australia – sheep

 Also known as “slash-and-burn”

Two Steps:
1. Farmers clear land for planting by cutting(Slashing) vegetation
and burning the debris
2. Farmers grow cops on a cleared field for only a few years,
Shifting Cultivation
until soil nutrients are gone, and then leave it empty so the soil
can recover

 Practiced in tropical forests of Latin America, Sub-Sahara

Africa, and SE Asia (Wet Climate)

Plantation  Large _______________ farm in a developing country

that specializes in one or two crops (Most businesses are
owned by Europeans and North Americans)

 “_________ Crops”
o Examples: Cotton, Sugarcane, Coffee, Rubber,
 Located in Tropics: Especially Latin America, ________,
and Asia

 Mixing of crops and ______________

o Most of the crops are fed to animals
o Livestock supply manure to improve soil fertility
Mixed  More than ¾ of the income comes from the sale of
Crop/Livestock __________ products (Beef, milk, eggs)
 Most common crop in U.S.: _______ and Soybeans

 Dairy products
o Milk, _________, Yogurt, etc.
 Dairy farms have to be closer to market than other types
of farms because their products are highly
 Milk Shed: Ring surrounding a city from which milk can
be supplied without ____________

 Growing of fruits and vegetables for human consumption

 Horticulture: Growing of fruits, vegetables, and

 Mediterranean Climate: “Goldilocks” climate . . . not too

hot not too ________

 Areas around the Mediterranean Sea (Europe)

Mediterranean o Olives – Olive Oil
o Grapes – ________

 California
o ________ and Vegetables

 Some of the fresh fruits and vegetables are sold to

consumers but more are sold to large ___________ for
canning or freezing
Crop Rotation  Usually exists with __________ crop and livestock

 Farm is divided into a __________ of fields, and each

field is planted on a planned cycles (usually over several

 Crops planted are changed from ______ year to the next

 (Makes the field more productive because various crops
deplete the soil of certain nutrients but restores others)

 Creates “steps” that are built into a _________ or hill that

Terrance Farming
can be used as farm land

 CAFOs (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations)

Cattle Feed Lots  Holds animals in lots to _______ and ________ before

 Small-scale production of fruits, vegetables, and flowers

as cash crops, often sold _________ to consumers and
Market Gardening o Sometimes if this occurs on a larger scale it is
called “truck farming”
 Many _________ crops and varieties are grown
 Manual labor and gardening techniques are used.

Guided Notes: Agricultural Revolutions and Diffusion

Agriculture Diffusion
Case Study: Chocolate
Plant: Cacao Bean
600 AD: Cacao bean first domesticated by Mayans in ____________
 How was it used? Crushed, added to water and spices (______ sugar, very

1300 AD: Aztecs move into Mexico

 Adopt ________

1500 AD: Spanish Conquistadors Arrive and Bring Chocolate to ________

 Added __________ to the drink
 Spread to other European Countries
o England – Adds _______
o Switzerland – Prepare chocolate into ________ form (Beginning of
Chocolate Bar)

1700 AD: Spread to North America

 Why? U.S. was a ____________ Colony

Spread of Farming
Netherlands: Sri Lanka
Belgium: Congo
Germany: Cameroon Why these areas? _________
France: Madagascar
England: West Indies

Chocolate Today
 Farmed in W. Africa and _________ Latin America
 Mexico only grows _____% of chocolate today

Revolution: _________ Change

 Before the invention of farming, all humans obtained their food through ________ and
gathering of plants
 Lived in _______ groups (usually few than 50) because a larger number would exhaust
resources within walking distance
 Group would travel _______________

1st Agricultural Revolution

Humans started to __________ plants and animals and no longer relied entirely on hunting and
 Human beings created larger and more ___________ sources of food, so more people
could survive
o Where did it start?
 Latin America
 Southwest Asia
 Sub-Saharan Africa
 East Asia
 Southeast Asia

2nd Agricultural Revolution

 Occurred 1700-1900 in _____________ countries
o Many ____________ countries are in this stage TODAY

 Combine farming with ______________

o Increases productivity (the ability to grow more crops) with the same or less effort
o Farms begin to increase in ____________
o Food increases dramatically . . . . leading to _________ increases

Connection to Demographic Transition


Green Revolution
 Dr. Norman Borlaug
 Begins in early _______
 Introduction of new higher-yield seed (Mixing of science and genetics)
 Expansion use of ______________

Agricultural at a global scale has increased father than population growth

Connection with Thomas Malthus

Categorization of Agriculture
Commercial v. Subsistence Farming

Subsistence Farming:
o Farmers focus on growing enough food to feed
themselves and their ________.
o The farm different crops and animals needed by
the family to feed and clothe ___________ during
the year.
o Little ___________
o Found in __________ countries

Commercial Farming:
o Large-scale production of crops for
_______, intended for widespread
o Landowners are often _________
o Heavy use of ___________
o Found in __________ countries
Intensive –
 Often requires a lot of ______ and capital ($ necessary to purchase and maintain
necessary machinery)
o Example: Might require fertilizing, herbicides, irrigation equipment to maintain
the crops
 In theory, a farm using intensive agriculture will require ______ land than an extensive
agriculture farm to produce a similar profit

Extensive –
 Often requires less “hands-on” labor and less __________ and maintenance (capital)
 Usually leads to a ________ production of food and so greater amount of land is needed

Developed v. Developing in Agriculture

Developed Developing
o _________% are farmers (2% of Americans o ________ are farmers
are farmers) (Most only growing
o Declining numbers until 1980 (Pushed off enough for themselves)
farms and moved to __________ centers) o Home to 97% of farmers
o Most practice ___________ farming o Most practice __________

o __________ performs the work rather than o Work with hand tools and
people or animals _________ power
o Reliance on ___________
o Incorporation of ___________ advances
o Commercial farming is _______ (Average o Most large scale farming
farm size is 418 acres) is from ____________
o Most commercial farms are family-owned companies

Guided Notes: Issues with Agriculture in Developing Countries

Agricultural Land Use Patterns – Developing Countries
o A lot of movement to _________ animals
o Transhumance: Seasonal _____________ of livestock
Pastoral Nomadism

Shifting Cultivation
o Requires a _______ of land
o (1/4 of world’s land is used for this but less than
_______% of the world’s population use this farming)

o Located in _________ population locations so the

business must bring workers and provide them with
food, housing, and social services (such as doctors)
o Most food is ___________ on-site (Less perishable)

Problem: Farmers need to make enough money off of farming to __________ farming (Make a

Subsistence Farming and Population Growth

Review of Population Growth Patterns

Demographic Transition Model & Population Pyramids

Review: Population Patterns

Developed Developing
Connection: What problems would occur with subsistence farming and high levels of population

Commercial Farming and Developing Countries

Subsistence farming
only feeds a
Extra money is
spent on buying ________________
food to ______Population

How do I make
money sell Need to change to
____________crops ________________
Example: Coffee, Tea,

Need to make Need Machinery

____________ (_______________)

Emerging Problem in Developing Countries:

Drug Crops: ___________ but greater profit
 Cocaine: Grown in ____________
o Main Buyer: _________
 Heroin: Grown in ____________
o Main Buyer ____________ and Russia
Role of Women in Developing Countries’ Agriculture

 In developing countries, families often ____________ responsibilities by gender

o Women: _______________ Agriculture
 Earn cash by creating products or crops for local markets
o Men: Leave to work for wagers (Either in ______________ farming or jobs in
distant cities)
 Women are backbone of agriculture economy but do not have ___________ access to
o Limited rights in securing land _________ rights or owning land
o Limited in _____________ livestock, accessing financial services

Note: Gender Division also exists in Developed Countries: Agriculture Dominantly

Guided Notes: Land Use in Developed Countries

Von Thunen Theory: Agricultural Use Surrounding a City

Ring One: Market
garderns and milk
production Ring One: Expensive to
deliver and _________
Ring two: Wood lots

Ring Two: Expensive to

Ring Three: Rotating
_________ (heavy)

Ring Four: Animal Ring Three: Need large

amounts of _________

Ring Four: Animal grazing is

an ___________ activity

Modern Day Land Use

How is the land organized? Where are the farms located?
Influence #1: Transportation
 Farms need to be located near
Land Ordinance Act of 1785 __________________ systems.
 Divided up new Northwest (Most food shipped by trucks,
territories of U.S. in square lots ships, planes, and trains)
 Some crops such as fruit, must get
to the market quickly, or else they
will rot
o Crops like these are often
shipped _________
distances or are sold in the
regions where they are
Influence #2: Climate
 Soil and climate (temperature and
rainfall) determine what
___________ will be grown or
whether the land can support
o For example, oranges must
be grown in a warm climate.

Influence #3: Access to Raw

Materials and Labor
 A commercial farm depends on
_______ material.
o Seeds and animals are two
Influence of Agricultural Technology examples of raw materials
 Irrigation used in _____________
 Importance of shipping agriculture.
 Labor is needed to plant crops, as
well as to harvest them

Guided Notes: Alternatives to Commercial Farming

Organic Farming:
 Uses techniques such as crop rotation, ________ manure and compost (old plants) to help
plants grown
o Doesn’t use any _________-made products (such as synthetic fertilizers,
hormones, antibiotics, gmos)

Value-Added Specialty Food

 Occurs when a farmers increases their product by creating a “_____________” food item
o They grow and produce the product (no middle man)

 Example
o Goat milk – Goat milk soap
o Strawberries – ________
o Tomato – Salsa

Fair Trade
 Social movement that tries to _________ trade between small and large farmers
 Help promote sustainability in __________ countries
 Equalize worker’s rights

Eat-local-food movements
 A “community” works together to keep as many elements of the food system (See below)
more ____________ based
o Compared with global business models where producers and consumers are
separated across many businesses and distance

Guided Notes: Access of Food

Diet of Food
Everyone needs food to survive
So why differences?

1. Level of Development
 In developed countries, largest amount of protein comes from ________
 In developing countries, largest amount of protein comes from _________
2. Physical Conditions (Climate)

Wheat Rice Corn (Maize) Others (Casava,

Sorghum, Millet,
Platains, Sweet
Potatoes, Yams)
____________, N. South, East, and __________ Sub-Sahara Africa
America, Middle Southeast America & Sub-
East ____________ Saharan Africa

U.S. - - - Used
mostly for

3. Cultural Preferences
 Food Taboo: a social or religious custom prohibiting or ___________type of food

Example: Jewish “Kosher”

Religious Text Food Prohibited

These shall ye eat of all that are in the waters:
whatsoever hath fins and scales in the waters, in the
seas, and in the rivers, them shall ye eat..

Whatsoever hath no fins nor scales in the waters,
that shall be an abomination unto you.
Shellfish: ____________, Oysters, Shrimp,
Leviticus 11:9
Clams, and Crabs

Whatsoever parteth the hoof, and is clovenfooted, ______________
and cheweth the cud, among the beasts, that shall
ye eat.

Nevertheless these shall ye not eat of them that
chew the cud, or of them that divide the hoof:

And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be
clovenfooted, yet he cheweth not the cud; he is
unclean to you.
Leviticus 11:4
You are not to boil a young goat in the milk of its
Cannot combine meat and dairy
Deuteronomy 14:21 Example: ____________

Other Religion’s Taboos

 LDS (Mormons)
o Prohibit __________, ______________, and ______________.

 Muslims
o Prohibit __________ & _____________

 Hindus
o Prohibit ___________ & ____________
Global Comparison

Food Security: Physical, social, and ___________ access at all times to safe and
_____________ food that meets dietary needs and food preferences for an _________ and
healthy life style
 1/8 of the world’s inhabitants do _________ have food security

Undernourishment: Eating food that is _________________ below the minimum requirement

for maintaining a healthy life

Food Desert:
 Areas lacking fresh fruit, vegetables, and other healthful whole foods.
 Largely due to a lack of grocery stores, farmers’ markets, and healthy food providers.

Relationship: Diets likely to be lacking in countries where people have to spend a

______Large_________ percentage of their income to obtain food

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