Larson Davis CAL200 Manual: Appendix
Larson Davis CAL200 Manual: Appendix
Larson Davis CAL200 Manual: Appendix
Larson Davis
CAL200 Manual
I200.1 Rev J
Copyright 2021 by PCB Piezotronics, Inc. This manual is copyrighted, with all rights reserved. The
manual may not be copied in whole or in part for any use without prior written consent of PCB
Piezotronics, Inc.
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Although PCB Piezotronics, Inc. has reviewed this documentation, PCB Piezotronics Inc. makes no
warranty or representation, either expressed or implied, with respect to this instrument and
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Product Warranty
For warranty information, please navigate to the Larson Davis Product Warranty web page.
Table of Contents
Microphone Calibration
WARNING! Do not remove the Step 1 Place the instrument so that you can perform the
microphone grid cap while calibration vertically, as shown in Figure 2-1.
calibrating as this may lead to
microphone damage. Step 2 Insert the proper microphone adapter fully into the
calibrator. Make sure it fits snugly.
Bottom: mounted
fixed vertically
Each time the ON button is pressed, As the battery becomes weaker, the calibration tone will not
the CAL200 calibrator will run deteriorate, but the operating time will decrease until the
approximately 60 seconds on a fresh time is too short to accomplish an adequate calibration.
battery. In order for the calibrator to
turn off, do not press the ON button When making a sequence of measurements, a calibration
again. Wait until the calibrator times check and an adjustment (if necessary) of the instrument
out. It is not an ON/OFF button. should be made at the beginning. At the end of the
measurement sequence, the calibration should be checked
again. The inaccuracy of the measurements will be at least
as large as the difference between the level measured for the
initial calibration (or calibration check) and the level
measured for the final calibration check.
Calibration History
A CAL200 Specifications
Standards Met
• ANSI S1.40-2006, Specifications and Verification Proce-
dures for Sound Calibrators, Class1
• IEC 60942-2017, Class 1, Sound Calibrators
• IEC 61010-1:2001, Safety requirements for electrical
equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use
- Part 1 General Requirements
• IEC 61326-1:2005, Electrical equipment for measure-
ment, control, and laboratory use - EMC requirements
Technical Specifications
Measurement uncertainty and coverage factor information
is shown on test reports that ship with the calibrator.
Equivalent free-field level 93.88 dB and 113.88 dB for 1/2” free-field microphones,
including 377B02 and other WS2F-compliant free-field
Frequency 1 kHz ± 1%
Static pressure range 65 kPa to 108 kPa, SPL variation will be < ± 0.3 dB
Humidity range SPL variation < ± 0.3 dB over the range 10% to 90%
relative humidity (non-condensing)
Frequency variation < ± 2 Hz over the range 10% to
90% relative humidity (non-condensing)
Effective volume of calibrator 4.15 cm3 (0.253 in.3) with LD Model 2559 Microphone
Microphone Types