Students Intractive Spaces in College Campus
Students Intractive Spaces in College Campus
Students Intractive Spaces in College Campus
Research Documents
1.Informal Space
Author: Gaurav Raheja and Smita Suryavanshi
Source: Inclusive Informal Campus Spaces through Universal Design India
May 2012, Pg.2-4
They have done studies for the informal spaces where each and every person
with disability can move easily around the campus not only for education B
campus in almost all types of campus. For this they have used the Universal E
Design Indian Principals (UDIP) as an applied concepts for accessibility for the F
educational campuses for Indian context. They have done case study's on O
Jawahar Lal Nehru University, New Delhi R
What are informal spaces ?
The open spaces between various institutional built forms or
deliberately created semi open environments in natural settings A
form a typical characteristic of interactive campus spaces in F
India. T
This spaces are an approach for the students therefore there should be a contextual understanding before attempting any strategy to make
campuses inclusive. This spaces are as a theory facilitates and empowers the processes of creating access beyond the common notion of
barrier free environments and intending to create spaces that could be used by all with convenience including persons with disabilities (PwDs).
The five guiding principles as laid by the UDIP interdisciplinary team (corresponding author included) are :-
1. Equitable 2. Usable
The design is fair and non-discriminating. The design is operable by all users in Indian context.
to diverse users in Indian context
3. Economy 4. Aesthetics
The design respects affordability and The design employs aesthetic to promote
cost considerations for diverse users in Indian context. social integration among users in Indian context.
5. Cultural
The design respects the cultural past and the
changing present assist all users in Indian context.
2.Physical Space and Social Interaction
Editor: Muhammad Hilmy Bin
Source: The use of informal learning space by students
May 2011, Pg. 57-63
The campus design concept
1.Campus Models
c. Centralised-Core Structure
• Comfortability
• Contextual reinforcement
iii. UDIP
Five principals laid by UPID
• Equitable
• Economy
• Aesthetics
• Usable
• Food readiness
• Cultural
iii. Spatial perspective
A conducive informal learning space should be adaptable,
reliable, sustainable and easily learnable.
• Usability
• Reliability
• Adaptability
iv. Enhance the type of interactive spaces • Dining spaces