Foundations - Theory and Design: Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur

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Foundations - Theory
and Design
Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur
Design of Foundations
Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur
Instructional Objectives:
At the end of this lesson, the student should be able to:

• understand and apply the design considerations to satisfy the major and
other requirements of the design of foundations,

• design the plain concrete footings, isolated footings for square and
rectangular columns subjected to axial loads with or without the moments,
wall footings and combined footings, as per the stipulations of IS code.

11.29.1 Introduction
The two major and some other requirements of foundation structures are
explained in Lesson 28. Different types of shallow and deep foundations are
illustrated in that lesson. The design considerations and different codal provisions
of foundation structures are also explained. However, designs of all types of
foundations are beyond the scope of this course. Only shallow footings are taken
up for the design in this lesson. Several numerical problems are illustrated
applying the theoretical considerations discussed in Lesson 28. Problems are
solved explaining the different steps of the design.

11.29.2 Numerical Problems

Problem 1:

Design a plain concrete footing for a column of 400 mm x 400 mm

carrying an axial load of 400 kN under service loads. Assume safe bearing
capacity of soil as 300 kN/m2 at a depth of 1 m below the ground level. Use M 20
and Fe 415 for the design.

Solution 1:

Plain concrete footing is given in secs.11.28.2(A)1 and 11.28.5(b).

Step 1: Transfer of axial force at the base of column

It is essential that the total factored loads must be transferred at the base
of column without any reinforcement. For that the bearing resistance should be
greater than the total factored load Pu.

Here, the factored load Pu = 400(1.5) = 600 kN.

Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur

The bearing stress, as per cl.34.4 of IS 456 and given in Eqs.11.7 and 8 of
sec.11.28.5(g) of Lesson 28, is

σ br = 0.45 fck (A1/A2)1/2


with a condition that

(A1/A2)1/2 ≤ 2.0

Since the bearing stress σ br at the column-footing interface will be governed by

the column face, we have A1 = A2 = 400(400) = 160000 mm2. Using A1 = A2, in
Eq.11.7, we have

Pbr = Bearing force = 0.45 fck A1 = 0.45(20)(160000)(10-3) = 1440 kN > Pu (=

600 kN).

Thus, the full transfer of load Pu is possible without any reinforcement.

Step 2: Size of the footing

Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur

Let us assume the weight of footing and back fill soil as 15 per cent of Pu.
Then, the base area required = 400(1.15)/300 = 1.533 m2. Provide 1250 x 1250
mm (= 1.5625 m2) as shown in Fig.11.29.1. The bearing pressure qa =
400(1.15)/(1.25)(1.25) = 294.4 kN/m2.

Step 3: Thickness of footing

The thickness of the footing h is governed by Eq.11.3 of sec.11.28.5 of

Lesson 28. From Eq.11.3, we have

tan α ≤ 0.9{(100qa/fck) + 1}1/2 …. (11.3)

≤ 0.9[{100(0.2944)/20} + 1]1/2

≤ 1.415

We have from Fig.11.29.1a:

h = {(1250 - 400)/2}(tan α ) = 601.375 mm

Provide 1250 x 1250 x 670 mm block of plain concrete.

Step 4: Minimum reinforcement

The plain concrete block 1250 x 1250 x 670 shall be provided with the
minimum reinforcement 0.12 per cent for temperature, shrinkage and tie action.

Minimum Ast = 0.0012(1250)(670) = 1005.0 mm2.

Provide 9 bars of 12 mm diameter (= 1018 mm2) both ways as shown in

Fig.11.29.1b. The spacing of bars = (1250 - 50 - 12)/8 = 148.5 mm c/c. Provide
the bars @ 140 mm c/c.

Step 5: Check for the gross base pressure

Assuming unit weights of concrete and soil as 24 kN/m3 and 20 kN/m3

Service load = 400.00 kN

Weight of footing = (0.67)(1.25)(1.25)(24) = 25.125 kN

Weight of soil = (0.33)(1.25)(1.25)(20) = 10.3125 kN

Total = 435.4375 kN

qa = 435.4375/(1.25)(1.25) = 278.68 kN/m2 < 300 kN/m2

Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur

Hence, o.k.

Problem 2:

Design an isolated footing for a square column, 400 mm x 400 mm with

12-20 mm diameter longitudinal bars carrying service loads of 1500 kN with M 20
and Fe 415. The safe bearing capacity of soil is 250 kN/m2 at a depth of 1 m
below the ground level. Use M 20 and Fe 415.

Solution 2:

Step 1: Size of the footing

Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur

Given P = 1500 kN, qc = 250 kN/m2 at a depth of 1 m below the ground
level. Assuming the weight of the footing and backfill as 10 per cent of the load,
the base area required = 1500(1.1)/250 = 6.6 m2. Provide 2.6 m x 2.6 m, area =
6.76 m2 (Fig.11.29.2b).

Step 2: Thickness of footing slab based on one-way shear

Factored soil pressure = 1500(1.5)/(2.6)(2.6) = 0.3328 N/mm2, say, 0.333

N/mm .

Assuming p = 0.25% in the footing slab, for M 20 concrete τ c = 0.36

N/mm (Table 19 of IS 456). Vu = 0.36(2600)d and Vu (actual) =
0.333(2600)(1100 - d). From the condition that Vu should be more than or equal
to the actual Vu, we have (see Fig.11.29.2a, sec.11):

0.36(2600)d ≥ 0.333(2600) (1100 – d)

So, d ≥ 528.57 mm.

Provide d = 536 mm. The total depth becomes 536 + 50 + 16 + 8 (with 50 mm

cover and diameter of reinforcing bars = 16 mm) = 610 mm.

Step 3: Checking for two-way shear

The critical section is at a distance of d/2 from the periphery of the column.
The factored shear force (Fig.11.29.2b, sec. 2222) = 0.333{(2600)2 – (400 +
d)2}(10)-3 = 1959.34 kN. Shear resistance is calculated with the shear strength =
ks τ c = ks(0.25) (fck)1/2; where ks = 0.5 + β c (cl. 31.6.3 of IS 456). Here β c = 1.0,
ks = 1.5 >/ 1; so ks = 1.0. This gives shear strength of concrete = 0.25 (fck)1/2 =
1.118 N/mm2. So, the shear resistance = (1.118) 4 (936)(536) = 2243.58 kN >
1959.34 kN. Hence, ok.

Thus, the depth of the footing is governed by one-way shear.

Step 4: Gross bearing capacity

Assuming unit weights of concrete and soil as 24 kN/m3 and 20 kN/m3,


Given, the service load = 1500 kN

Weight of the footing = 2.6(2.6)(0.61)(24) = 98.967 kN

Weight of soil = 2.6(2.6)(1.0-0.61)(20) = 52.728 kN (Assuming the depth of

the footing as 1.0 m).
Total = 1635.2 kN

Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur

Gross bearing pressure = 1635.2/(2.6)(2.6) = 241.893 kN/m2 < 250 kN/m2.
Hence, ok.

Step 5: Bending moment

The critical section (Fig.11.29.2b, sec.3.3), is at the face of the column.

Mu = 0.333(2600)(1100)(550) Nmm = 523.809 kNm

Moment of resistance of the footing = Rbd2 where R = 2.76 (Table 3.3 of Lesson

Moment of resistance = 2.76(2600)(536)(536) = 2061.636 kNm > 523.809 kNm.

Area of steel shall be determined from Eq.3.23 of Lesson 5, which is:

Mu = 0.87 fy Ast d {1 – (Ast fy/fck bd)} …. (3.23)

Substituting Mu = 523.809 kNm, fy = 415 N/mm2, fck = 20 N/mm2, d = 536 mm,

b = 2600 mm, we have:

Ast2 - 67161.44578 Ast + 181.7861758 (105) = 6

Solving, we get Ast = 2825.5805 mm2.

Alternatively, we can use Table 2 of SP-16 to get the Ast as explained below:

Mu/bd2 = 523.809(106)/(2600)(536)(536) = 0.7013 N/mm2. Table 2 of

SP-16 gives p = 0.2034.

Ast = 0.2034(2600)(536)/100 = 2834.58 mm2.

This area is close to the other value = 2825.5805 mm2.

However, one-way shear has been checked assuming p = 0.25%. So, use
p = 0.25%. Accordingly, Ast = 0.0025(2600)(536) = 3484 mm2.

Provide 18 bars of 16 mm diameter (= 3619 mm2) both ways. The spacing of

bars = {2600 – 2(50) – 16}/17 = 146.117 mm. The spacing is 140 mm c/c

The bending moment in the other direction is also the same as it is a

square footing. The effective depth, however, is 16 mm more than 536 mm. But,
the area of steel is not needed to be determined with d = 552 mm as we are
providing 0.25 per cent reinforcement based on one-way shear checking.

Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur

Step 6: Development length

Ld = fs φ /4( τ bd ) = 0.87(415)(16)/4(1.6)(1.2) = 47(16) = 752 mm (cl.26.2.1 of IS


Length available = 1100 – 50 = 1050 mm > 752 mm.

Step 7: Transfer of force at the base of the column

Pu = 1500(1.5) = 2250 kN

Compressive bearing resistance = 0.45 fck(A1/A2)1/2. For the column face A1/A2 =
1 and for the other face A1/A2 > 2 but should be taken as 2. In any case, the
column face governs.

Force transferred to the base through column at the interface =

0.45(20)(400)(400) = 1440 kN < 2250 kN. The balance force 2250 – 1440 = 810
kN has to be transferred by the longitudinal reinforcements, dowels or
mechanical connectors. As it is convenient, we propose to continue the
longitudinal bars (12-20 mm diameter) into the footing. The required development
length of 12-20 mm diameter bars, assuming a stress level of 0.87fy(810/2250) =
129.978 N/mm2, is 129.978(20)/4(1.6)(1.2)(1.25) = 270.8 mm. Here τ bd for M 20
= 1.2 N/mm2, increased factor of 1.6 is due to deformed bars and increased
factor of 1.25 is for the compression.

Length available = 610 – 50 – 16 – 16 – 16 = 512 mm > 270.8 mm

(Fig.11.29.2a). Hence, o.k. The arrangement is shown in Fig.11.29.2c.

Alternatively: Design of dowels

Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur

For the balance force 810 kN, the area of dowels = 810000/0.67(415) =
2913.15 mm2. Minimum area = 0.5(400)(400)/100 = 800 mm2 < 2913.15 mm2
(cl.34.4.3 of IS 456). Therefore, number of 16 mm dowels = 2913.15/201 = 15.
The development length of 16 mm dowels in compression =
0.87(415)(16)/4(1.6)(1.2)(1.25) = 601.76 mm. Available vertical embedment
length = 610 – 50 – 16 – 16 – 16 = 512 mm. So, the dowels will be extended by
another 100 mm horizontally, as shown in Fig.11.29.2c.

Problem 3:

Design a sloped footing for a square column of 400 mm x 400 mm with 16

longitudinal bars of 16 mm diameter carrying a service load of 1400 kN. Use M
20 and Fe 415 both for column and footing slab. The safe bearing capacity of soil
is 150 kN/m2.

Solution 3:

Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur

Step 1: Size of the footing

Given P = 1400 kN and qc = 150 kN/m2. Assuming the weight of the

footing and the back file as 10 per cent of the load, the required base area is:
1400(1.1)/150 = 10.27 m2. Provide 3400 x 3400 mm giving 11.56 m2

Step 2: Thickness of footing slab based on one-way shear

Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur

Factored bearing pressure = 1400(1.5)/(3.4)(3.4) = 181.66 kN/m2 =
0.18166 N/mm2. Assuming 0.15 per cent reinforcement in the footing slab, Table
19 of IS 456 gives τ c for M 20 = 0.28 N/mm2. From the condition that the one-
way shear resistance ≥ one-way shear force, we have at a distance d from the
face of the column (sec.1-1of Figs.11.29.3a and b).

0.28(3400)d ≥ 0.18166(1500 – d)(3400)

or d ≥ 590.24 mm.

Provide total depth of footing as 670 mm, so that the effective depth = 670 – 50 –
16 – 8 = 596 mm. (The total depth is, however, increased to 750 mm in Step 7.)

Step 3: Checking for two-way shear (See sec.11.28.5.d-2)

At the critical section 2222 (Figs.11.29.3a and b), the shear resistance =
4(400 + 596)(596)(0.25)(fck)1/2 = 2654.73 kN.

The shear force = {(3.4)(3.4) – (0.996)(0.996)}0.18166 = 1919.78 kN <

2654.73 kN. Hence, o.k.

Step 4: Gross bearing capacity

Assuming unit weights of concrete and soil as 25 kN/m3 and 18 kN/m3,

respectively, we have:

Load on footing = 1400.00 kN

Weight of footing = (3.4)(3.4)(0.67)(25) = 193.63 kN

Weight of soil = (3.4)(3.4)(1.25 - 0.67)(18) = 120.69 kN (Assuming the

depth of the footing as 1.25 m).

Total = 1714.32 kN

Gross bearing capacity = 1714.32 / (3.4)(3.4) = 148.30 kN/m2 < 150

kN/m . Hence o.k.

Step 5: Bending moment

We have to determine the area of steel in one direction as it is a square

footing. So, we consider the lower effective depth which is 596 mm. The critical
section is sec.33 (Figs.11.29.3a and b), where we have

Mu = 3400(1500)(0.18166)(1500)/2 = 694.8495 kNm

Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur

Mu/bd2 = 694.8495(106)/(3400)(596)(596) = 0.575 N/mm2

Table 2 of SP-16 gives, p = 0.165%. Accordingly, area of steel =

0.165(3400)(596)/100 = 3343.56 mm2. Provide 30 bars of 12 mm diameter (=
3393 mm2), both ways.

Step 6: Development length

Development length of 12 mm diameter bars = 0.87(415)(12)/4(1.6)(1.2) =

564.14 mm. Hence, o.k.

Step 7: Providing slope in the footing slab

Since the three critical sections (.i.e., of bending moment, two-way shear
and one-way shear) are within a distance of 596 mm from the face of the column,
the full depth of the footing slab is provided up to a distance of 700 mm from the
face of the column. However, by providing slope the available section now is a
truncated rectangle giving some less area for the one-way shear. Accordingly,
the depth of the footing is increased from 670 mm to 750 mm. With a cover of 50
mm and bar diameter of 12 mm in both directions, the revised effective depth =
750 – 50 – 12 – 6 = 682 mm. Providing the minimum depth of 350 mm at the
edge, as shown in Figs.11.29.3a and b, we check the one-way shear again,
taking into account of the truncated rectangular cross-section at a distance of
682 mm from the face of the column.

One-way shear force = 0.18166(1500 – 682)(3400) = 505232.792 N

Area of truncated rectangle = 1800(682) + 1600(282) + 1600(682 – 282)/2

= 1998800 mm2

The shear stress = 505232.792/1998800 = 0.2527 N/mm2 < 0.28 N/mm2.

Hence, o.k.

Step 8: Revised area of steel

The bending moment in step 5 is 694.8495 kNm at the face of the column.
With d = 682 mm now, we have

Mu/bd2 = 694.8495(106)/(3400)(682)(682) = 0.4394 N/mm2

Table 2 of SP-16 gives, p is less than 0.15 per cent. Provide p = 0.15 per cent
due to the one-way shear. So, Ast = 0.15(3400)(682)/100 = 3478.2 mm2. Provide
31 bars of 12 mm (Ast = 3506 mm2), both ways. Effectively, the number of bars
has increased from 30 to 31 now.

Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur

Step 9: Transfer of force at the base of the column

Pu = 1400(1.5) = 2100 kN. Compressive bearing resistance = 0.45

fck(A1/A2)1/2 = 0.45(20)(1) = 9 N/mm2.

Force transferred at the base through the column = 9(400)(400)(10-3) =

1440 kN < 2100 kN.

Provide dowels for the excess (2100 – 1440) = 660 kN. The area of
dowels = 660(103)/(0.67)(415) = 2373.67 mm2. Minimum area of dowels =
0.5(400)(400)/100 = 800 mm2. Provide 12 dowels of 16 mm diameter (area =
2412 mm2).

The development length of 16 mm dowels =

0.87(415)(16)/4(1.6)(1.2)(1.25) = 601.76 mm.

The vertical length available 750 – 50 – 12 – 12 – 16 = 660 mm > 601.76

mm. Hence, o.k. The arrangement of reinforcement and dowels is shown in
Fig.11.29.3a and b.

Problem 4:

Design one isolated footing for a column 300 mm x 450 mm, having 20
bars of 20 mm diameter (Ast = 4021 mm2) of Problem 1 of sec.10.25.6 of Lesson
25 carrying Pu = 1620 kN and Mu = 170 kNm using M 25 and Fe 415. Assume
that the moment is reversible. The safe bearing capacity of the soil is 200 kN/m2
at a depth of 1 metre from ground level. Use M 25 and Fe 415 for the footing.

Solution 4:

Step 1: Size of the footing

Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur

Given Pu = 1620 kN and Mu = 170 kNm. The footing should be symmetric
with respect to the column as the moment is reversible. Assuming the weights of
footing and backfill as 15 per cent of Pu, the eccentricity of load Pu at the base is
e = Mu/P(1.15) = 170(106)/1620(1.15)(103) = 91.25 mm. This eccentricity may be
taken as < L/6 of the footing.

Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur

The factored bearing pressure is 200(1.5) = 300 kN/m2. For the footing of
length L and width B, we, therefore, have:

Pu/BL + 6M/BL2 ≤ 300

or, 1620(1.15)/BL + 6(170)/BL2 ≤ 300

or, BL2 – 6.21L – 3.4 ≤ 0


For the economic proportion, let us keep equal projection beyond the face
of the column in the two directions. This gives

(L – 0.45)/2 = (B – 0.3)/2

or, B = L – 0.15

Using Eq.(2) in Eq.(1), we have

(L – 0.15) L2 – 6.212 – 3.4 ≤ 0

or L3 – 0.15 L2 – 6.21 L – 3.4 ≤ 0

We have L = 2.8 m and B = 2.65 m. Let us provide L = 2.85 m and B =

2.70 m (Fig.11.29.4b). We get the maximum and minimum pressures as

1620(1.15)/(2.85)(2.70) ± 170(6)/(2.7)(2.85)(2.85) = 242.105 ± 46.51 = 288.615

kN/m2 and 195.595 kN/m2, respectively (Fig.11.29.4c). Both the values are less
than 300 kN/m2. Hence, o.k.

Step 2: Thickness of footing slab based on one-way shear

The critical section (sec.11 of Figs.11.29.4a and b) is at a distance d from

the face of the column. The average soil pressure at sec.11 is {288.615 –
(288.615 – 195.595)(1200 – d)/2850} = 249.449 + 0.0326d.

The one-way shear force at sec.11 = (2.7)(1.2 – 0.001d((249.449 +

0.0326d) kN. Assuming 0.15 per cent reinforcement in the footing slab, the shear
strength of M 25 concrete = 0.29 N/mm2. Hence, the shear strength of the
section = 2700(d)(0.29)(103) kN. From the condition that shear strength has to be
≥ shear force, we have

2700(d)(0.29)(10-3) = (2.7)(1.2 – 0.001d)(249.449 + 0.0326d)

This gives,

Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur

d2 + 15347.51534d – 9182171.779 = 0

Solving, we get d = 576.6198. Let us assume d = 600 mm

Step 3: Checking for two-way shear

At the critical section 2222 (Figs.11.29.4a and b), the shear resistance is
obtained cl.31.6.31 of IS 456, which gives τ c = (0.5 + 450/300)(0.25)(25)1/2 but
the multiplying factor (0.5 + 450/300) >/ 1.0. So, we have τ c = 0.25(25)1/2 = 1.25
N/mm2. Hence, the shear resistance = (1.25)(2){(300 + 600) + (450 + 600)}(600)
= 2925 kN.

Actual shear force is determined on the basis of average soil pressure at

the centre line of the cross-section which is (195.595 + 288.615)/2 = 242.105
kN/m2 (Fig.11.29.4c). So, the actual shear force = Vu = (242.105){(2.7)(2.85) –
(0.3 + 0.6)(0.45 + 0.6)} = 1634.209 kN < shear resistance (= 2925 kN). Hence,
the depth of the footing is governed by one-way shear. With effective depth = 600
mm, the total depth of footing = 600 + 50 (cover) + 16 (bar dia) + 8 (half bar dia)
= 674 mm.

Step 4: Gross bearing capacity

Assuming the unit weights of concrete and soil as 25 kN/m3 and 18 kN/m3,
respectively, we have the bearing pressure for (i) Pu = 1620 kN, (ii) Mu = 170
kNm and (iii) self weight of footing and backfill soil.

(i) Due to Pu = 1620 kN: pressure = 1620/(2.7)(2.85) = 210.53 kN/m2

(ii) Due to Mu = 170 kNm: pressure = ± 170(6)/(2.7)(2.85)(2.85) = ± 46.51


(iii) Self weight of footing of depth 674 mm and soil of (1000 – 674) = 326 mm:
pressure = 0.674(25) + 0.326(18) = 22.718 kN/m2

Thus, the maximum and minimum pressures are = 210.53 + 22.718 ± 46.51 =
279.758 kN/m2 and 186.738 kN/m2 < 300 kN/m2. Hence, o.k.

Step 5: Bending moment

(i) In the long direction (along the length = 2850 mm)

Bending moment at the face of column (sec.33 of Figs.11.29.4a and b) is

determined where the soil pressure = 288.615 – (288.615 – 195.595)(1200)/2850
= 249.45 kN/m2. So, the bending moment = 249.45(2.7)(1.2)(0.6) + (288.615 –
249.45)(2.7)(1.2)(2)/(2)(3) = 527.23 kNm.

Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur

M/Bd2 = 527.23(106)/(2700)(616)(616) = 0.515 N/mm2 < 3.45 N/mm2 for M 25

Table 3 of SP-16 gives p = 0.1462 < 0.15 per cent as required for one-way

Thus, Ast = 0.15(2700)(616)/100 = 2494.8 mm2. Provide 13 bars of 16 mm

diameter (area = 2613 mm2), spacing = (2700 – 100 – 16)/12 = 215.33 mm, say
210 mm c/c.

(ii) In the short direction (B = 2700 mm)

The average pressure on soil between the edge and centre of the footing
= (288.615 + 242.105)/2 = 265.36 kN/m2. The bending moment is determined
with this pressure as an approximation.

Bending moment = (265.36)(1.2)(0.6)(2.85) kNm = 544.519 kNm

M/Ld2 = 544.519(106)/(2850)(600)(600) = 0.531

Table 3 of SP-16 gives p = 0.15068, which gives area of steel =

0.15068(2850)(600)/100 = 2576.628 mm2. Provide 13 bars of 16 mm diameter
(area = 2613 mm2) @ 210 mm c/c; i.e. the same arrangement in both directions.

Step 6: Development length

Development length of 16 mm diameter bars (M 25 concrete) =

0.87(415)(16)/4(1.6)(1.4) = 644.73 mm.

Length available = 1200 – 50 – 8 = 1142 mm > 644.73 mm. Hence, o.k.

Step 7: Transfer of force at the base of the column

Since the column is having moment along with the axial force, some of the
bars are in tension. The transfer of tensile force is not possible through the
column-footing interface. So, the longitudinal bars of columns are to be extended
to the footing. The required development length of 20 mm bars =
0.87(415)/4(1.4)(1.6) = 805.92 mm. Length available = 600 mm < 805.92 mm.
The bars shall be given 90o bend and then shall be extended by 200 mm
horizontally to give a total length of 600 + 8(20) (bend value) + 200 = 960 mm >
805.92 mm (Figs.11.29.4 a and b).

The arrangement of reinforcement is shown in Figs.11.29.4a and b.

Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur

Problem 5:

Design a combined footing for two columns C1, 400 mm x 400 mm with 8
bars of 16 mm diameter carrying a service load of 800 kN and C2, 300 mm x 500
mm with 8 bars of 20 mm diameter carrying a service load of 1200 kN
(Figs.11.29.5a and b). The column C1 is flushed with the property line. The
columns are at 3.0 m c/c distance. The safe bearing capacity of soil is 200 kN/m2
at a depth of 1.5 m below the ground level. Use M 20 and Fe 415 for columns
and footing.

Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur

Solution :

Step 1: Size of the footing

Assuming the weight of combined footing and backfill as 15 per cent of the
total loads of the columns, we have the required base area, considering qc = 200

Area of the base = (800 + 1200)(1.15)/200 = 11.5 m2.

It is necessary that the resultant of the loads of two columns and the
centroid of the footing coincide so that a uniform distribution of soil pressure is
obtained. Thus, the distance of the centroid of the footing y from column C1
(Fig.11.29.5b) is:

y = 800(0) + 1200(3)/2000 = 1.8 m (Fig.11.29.5b). Since y is greater

than half the c/c distance of column, a rectangular footing has to be designed.
Let us provide 4 m x 3 m and the dimensions are shown in Fig.11.29.5b
coinciding the centroid of the footing and the resultant line of action of the two
loads, i.e. at a distance of 2 m from the left edge.

Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur

Step 2: Thickness of footing slab based on one-way shear

Considering the footing as a wide beam of B = 3 m in the longitudinal

direction, the uniformly distributed factored load = (800 + 1200)(1.5)/4 = 750
kN/m. Figures 11.29.6a, b and c present the column loads, soil pressure, shear
force and bending moment diagrams.

The critical section of one-way shear is sec.11 (at point K) of

Figs.11.29.5a and 11.29.6a, at a distance of d + 250 mm from G (the location of
column C2). The one-way shear force is

Shear force = (1600 – d – 250)1200/1600 = (1012.5 – 0.75d) kN

Assuming p = 0.15 per cent reinforcement in the footing slab, the shear strength
of M 20 concrete = 0.28 N/mm2. Hence, the shear strength of section 11 =
(3000)d(0.28)(10-3) kN. From the condition that shear strength ≥ shear force, we

(3000)d(0.28)(10-3) ≥ 1012.5 – 0.75d, which gives d ≥ 636.79 mm.

Provide d = 650 mm and the total depth = 650 + 50 + 16 + 8 = 724 mm
(assuming cover = 50 mm and the diameter of bars = 16 mm).

Step 3: Checking for two-way shear

(i) Around column C2

The effective depth along 4.0 m is 650 + 16 = 666 mm. The critical section
for the two-way shear around column C2 is at a distance of 666/2 = 333 mm from
the face of the column and marked by 2222 line in Fig.11.29.5b. The two-way
punching shear force, considering the soil pressure = 750/3 = 250 kN/m2, is

Vu = 1800 – (1.166)(0.966)(250) = 1518.411 kN

As per cl. of IS 456, here ks = 0.5 + (500/300) but >/ 1.0; so, ks = 1.0.
Therefore, shear strength of concrete = 0.25(20)1/2 (2){(300 + 666) + (500 +
666)}(666) = 3174.92 kN > 1518.411 kN. Hence, o.k.

(ii) Around column C1

The effective depth of footing is 666 mm. The critical section is marked by
3333 in Fig.11.29.5b. The two-way punching shear = 1200 – (1.066)(0.733)(250)
= 1004.65 kN. The resistance to two-way shear = 0.25(20)1/2 (2){(1066 +
733)}(666) = 2679.1 kN > 1004.65 kN. Hence, o.k.

Thus, the depth of the footing is governed by one-way shear.

Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur

Step 4: Gross bearing capacity

Assuming unit weights of concrete and soil as 25 kN/m3 and 18 kN/m3,

respectively, the gross bearing capacity under service load is determined below.

(i) Due to two loads: (800 + 1200)/(3)(4) = 166.67 kN/m2

(ii) Due to weight of the footing: With a total depth of the footing = 724 mm, the
pressure = 0.724(25) = 18.1 kN/m2.

(iii) Due to backfill of 1500 – 724 = 776 mm, the pressure = 0.776(18) = 13.968

The total pressure = 166.67 + 18.1 + 13.968 = 198.738 kN/m2 < 200 kN/m2.
Hence, o.k.

Step 5: Bending moments (longitudinal direction)

(i) Maximum positive moment

Figure 11.29.6c shows the maximum positive bending moment = 720 kNm
at a distance of 1.4 m from the column C1 (at point J). With effective depth d =
666 mm, we have

M/Bd2 = 720(106)/(3000)(666)(666) = 0.541 N/mm2

Table 2 of SP-16 gives p = 0.1553 per cent.

Ast = 0.1553(3000)(666)/100 = 3102.894 mm2

Provide 16 bars of 16 mm diameter (area = 3217 mm2), spacing = (3000 – 50 –

16)/15 = 195.6 mm c/c, say 190 mm c/c.

Development length of 16 mm bars = 47.01(16) = 752.16 mm

Length available = 1600 – 50 – 16 = 1534 mm > 752.16 mm

Hence, o.k.

(ii) Maximum negative moment

Figure 11.29.6c shows the maximum negative moment = 240 kNm at a

distance of 800 mm from the right edge. With the effective depth = 666 mm, we

M/Bd2 = 240(106)/(3000)(666)(666) = 0.018 N/mm2

Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur

It is very nominal. So, provide 0.15 per cent steel, which gives Ast =
0.15(3000)(666)/100 = 2997 mm2. Provide 27 bars of 12 mm (area = 3053 mm2)
at spacing = (3000 – 50 – 12)/26 = 113 mm c/c; say 110 mm c/c.

Development length = 47.01(12) = 564 mm

Length available = 800 – 50 – 12 = 738 mm > 564 mm

Hence, o.k.

Step 6: Design of column strip as transverse beam

Figure 11.29.7 shows the two column strips under columns C1 and C2.

Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur

(i) Transverse beam under column C1

The width of the transverse beam is 0.75d from the face of column C1. The
effective depth is 666 – 6 – 8 = 652 mm, as the effective depth in the longitudinal
direction = 666 mm, bottom bar diameter in longitudinal direction = 12 mm and
assuming the bar diameter in the transverse direction as 16 mm. We have to
check the depth and reinforcement in the transverse direction considering one-
way shear and bending moment.

(A) One-way shear

The factored load for this transverse strip = 1200/3 = 400 kN/m. The
section of the one-way shear in sec.44 (Fig.11.29.7) at a distance of d = 652 mm
from the face of column C1. The width of the transverse strip = 400 + 0.75(652) =
889 mm.

One-way shear force in sec.44 = (1500 – 652 – 200)(400)(10-3) = 259.2


Shear stress developed = 259.2(103)/(889)(652) = 0.447 N/mm2

To have the shear strength of concrete ≥ 0.447 N/mm2, the percentage of

reinforcement is determined by linear interpolation from Table 19 of IS 456, so
that the depth of footing may remain unchanged. Table 19 of IS 456 gives p =
0.43125. Accordingly, Ast = 0.43125(889)(652)/100 = 2499.65 mm2. Provide 13
bars of 16 mm (area = 2613 mm2), spacing = 889/12 = 74.08 mm c/c, say 70 mm
c/c. However, this area of steel shall be checked for bending moment
consideration also.

(B) Bending moment at the face of column C1 in the transverse strip under column

Bending moment = (1.3)(1.3)(400)/2 = 338 kNm. We, therefore, have

M/(width of strip)d2 = 338(106)/(889)(652)(652) = 0.89 N/mm2

Table 2 of SP-16 gives p = 0.2608 < 0.43125. Hence, the area of steel as
determine for one-way shear consideration is to be provided. Provide 13 bars of
16 mm @ 70 mm c/c in the column strip of width 889 mm under the column C1.

Development length of 16 mm bars = 47.01(16) = 752.16 mm

Length available = 1300 – 50 – 16 = 1234 mm > 752.16 mm

Hence, o.k.

(ii) Transverse beam under column C2

Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur

Figure 11.29.7 shows the strip of width = 500 + 0.75d + 0.75 d = 500 +
1.5(652) = 1478 mm, considering the effective depth of footing = 652 mm.

(A) One-way shear

The factored load for this transverse strip = 1800/3 = 600 kN/m. The one-
way shear section is marked by sec.5.5 in Fig.11.29.7 at a distance of d = 652
mm from the face of the column C2.

One-way shear in sec.55 (of width = 1478 mm) = (1500 – 652 –


= 418.8 kN

The shear stress developed = 418.8(103)/(1478)(652) = 0.434 N/mm2

The corresponding percentage of area of steel, as obtained from Table 19

of IS 456 is, p = 0.404 per cent. Accordingly, Ast = 0.404(1478)(652)/100 =
3893.17 mm2. Provide 20 bars of 16 mm (area = 4021 mm2), spacing = 1478/19
= 77.78 mm c/c, say 75 mm c/c. However, this area of steel shall be checked for
bending moment consideration also.

(B) Bending moment at the face of column C2 in the transverse strip under column C2

The bending moment = (1.35)(1.35)(600)/2 = 546.75 kNm. We, therefore,


M/(width of strip)d2 = 546.75(106)/(1478)(652)(652) = 0.87 N/mm2

Table 2 of SP-16 gives: p = 0.2544 < 0.404 per cent as required for one-way
shear. So, provide 20 bars of 16 mm diameter @ 75 mm c/c in the column strip
of width 1478 under column C2.

Development length as calculated in Step (B) of col strip C1 = 752.16 mm

The length available = 1350 – 50 – 16 = 1284 mm > 752.16 mm

Hence, o.k.

Step 7: Transfer of forces at the base of the columns

(A) For column C1

The limiting bearing stress at the column face governs where the bearing
stress = 0.45fck = 9 N/mm2, since the column C1 is at the edge of the footing.

Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur

The force that can be transferred = 9(400)(400)(10-3) = 1440 kN > 1200
kN, load of column C1. Hence full transfer of force is possible without the need of
any dowels. However, four 16 mm nominal dowels are provided as shown in
Figs.11.29.5a and b.

(B) For column C2

Figure 11.29.8 shows the dimensions to determine A1 and A2 for the

column C2 and the footing. Accordingly,

A1 = (1600)(1400) mm2, and

A2 = (300)(500) mm2

(A1/A2)1/2 = {(16)(14)/(3)(5)}1/2 = 3.86 but limited to 2

Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur

The bearing stress at the column face = 0.45fck = 9 N/mm2, and the
bearing stress at the footing face = 0.45fck(2) = 18 N/mm2. However, the bearing
stress of 9 N/mm2 governs.

The force that can be transferred through the column C2 = 9(300)(500) =

1350 kN < 1800 kN. For the excess force (1800 – 1350) = 450 kN, dowels shall
be provided. The area of dowels = 450(103)/0.67(415) = 1618.414 mm2. The
minimum area of dowels = 0.5(300)(500)/100 = 750 mm2. Provide 6 dowels of 20
mm diameter (area = 1885 mm2).

The development length required in compression

= 0.97(415)(20)/4(1.6)(1.2)(1.25) = 752.2 mm.

The length available = 652 – 20 = 632 mm

Therefore, the dowels shall be given a 90o bend and shall be extended
horizontally by 100 mm to have a total length of 632 + 8(20) + 100 = 892 mm >
752.2 mm (Figs.11.29.5a and b).

Step 8: Distribution reinforcement

Nominal distribution reinforcement shall be provided at top and bottom

where the main reinforcement bars are not provided. The amount @ 0.12 per
cent comes to 0.12(1000)(652)/100 = 782.4 mm2/metre. Provide 12 mm diameter
bars @ 140 mm c/c (area = 808 mm2/m).

All the reinforcing bars and dowels are shown in Figs.11.29.5a and b.

Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur

11.29.3 Practice Questions and Problems with Answers

Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur

Q.1: Design an isolated footing for a rectangular column, 300 mm x 500 mm
with 16-20 mm diameter longitudinal bars carrying a service load of 3000
kN (Figs.11.29.9a and b). Assume safe bearing capacity of soil as 260
kN/m2 at a depth of 1 m below ground level. Use M 20 and Fe 415.


Step 1: Size of the footing

Given P = 3000 kN and qc = 260 kN/m2. Assuming the weight of the

footing and backfill as 25 per cent of the load, the base area required =
3000(1.25)/260 = 14.42 m2. Provide 3 m x 5 m giving 15 m2 area.

Step 2: Thickness of footing slab based on one-way shear

(i) Along 5 m direction

The critical section of one-way shear is marked by sec.11 in Fig.11.29.9b.

Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur

Factored soil pressure = 3000(1.5)/15 = 300 kN/m2 = 0.3 N/mm2

Assuming 0.2 per cent reinforcement in the footing slab, Table 19 of IS

456 gives τ c for M 20 = 0.32 N/mm2. From the condition that the shear
resistance ≥ shear force, we have:

0.32(3000)d ≥ 0.3(2250 – d)(3000)

or d ≥ 1088.71 mm

Using 16 mm diameter bars with 50 mm cover the total depth = 1088.71 +

50 + 16 + 8 = 1162.71 mm. Provide total depth of 1165 mm, so that d = 1091

(ii) Along 3 m direction

The critical section of one-way shear is marked by sec.2-2 in Fig.11.29.9b.

Resistance shear force = 0.32(5000)(1091) = 1745.6 kN

Actual shear force = 0.3(259)(5000) = 388.5 kN < 1745.6 kN

Hence, o.k.

Step 3: Checking for two-way shear

The critical section is marked by 3-3-3-3 in Fig. 11.29.9b.

The permissible shear strength of concrete M 20

= (0.5 + β ) 0.25(fck)1/2 = 0.25(20)1/2 = 1.118 N/mm2

Total perimeter of section 3-3-3-3 = 2(500 + 1091 + 300 + 1091) = 5964

mm giving area = 5964(1091) = 6506724 mm2.

Actual shear force = {15 – (1.591)(1.391)}(300) = 3836.0757 kN

Shear stress = 3836.0757(103)/6506724 = 0.5896 N/mm2 < 1.118 N/mm2

Hence, o.k.

The depth of the footing slab is governed by one-way shear here.

Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur

Step 4: Gross bearing capacity

Assuming unit weights of concrete and soil as 25 kN/m3 and 20 kN/m3,

respectively, we have

Service load = 3000 kN

Weight of footing slab = 3(5)(1.165)(25) = 436.875 kN

Weight of backfill = 3(5)(1.165)(20) = 349.5

Total loads = 3786.375 kN

Gross bearing capacity = 3786.375/15 = 252.425 kN/m2 < 260 kN/m2

Hence, o.k.

Step 5: Bending moments

(i) In the long direction

The critical section of the bending moment in the long direction is marked
by sec.4-4, (at the face of column) in Fig.11.29.9b. With factored soil pressure q
= 0.3 N/mm2, the bending moment is 0.3(3000)(2250)(2250)/2 = 2278.125 kNm.

Moment of resistance of the section = RBd2 = 2.76(3000)(1091)(1091)(10-

) = 9855.53 kNm > 2278.125 kNm. Hence, o.k.

The area of steel is determined from Eq.3.23 of Lesson 5, which is,

Mu = 0.87 fy Ast d {1 – Ast fy/fck b d}

or 2278.125(106) = 0.87(415)(Ast)(1091) – 0.87(Ast2)(415)2/(20)(3000)

or Ast2 – 157734.9398 Ast + 912.249313(106) = 0,

which gives Ast = 6012.6245, i.e., p = 0.1837 per cent. However, we have to
provide 0.2 per cent, as required for the one-way shear. So, Ast =
0.2(3000)(1091)/100 = 6546 mm2. Provide 33 bars of 16 mm diameter (area =
6634 mm2, shown in Fig. 11.29.9c). The uniform spacing = (3000 – 50 – 16)/32 =
91.69 mm c/c, say @ 90 mm c/c. Alternatively,

Mu/Bd2 = 2278.125(106)/(3000)(1091)(1091) = 0.638

Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur

Table 2 of SP-16 gives p = 0.1834 per cent, which is very close to the computed
p = 0.1837 per cent. So, provide 33 bars of 16 mm diameter @ 90 mm c/c in the
long direction.

The development length of 16 mm bar is 47.01(16) = 752.16 mm

Length available = 2250 – 50 – 16 = 2184 mm > 752.16 mm

Hence, o.k.

(ii) In the short direction

The critical section is marked by sec.5-5 in Fig.11.29.9b, (at the face of

column) where the bending moment is:

0.3(5000)(1350)(1350)/2 = 1366.875 kNm

We get

Mu/Ld2 = 1366.875(106)/(5000)(1091)(1091) = 0.2296

This is a low value, which is not included in SP-16. So, provide 0.15 per cent to

Ast = 0.15(5000)(1091)/100 = 8182.5 mm2

However, we have to check for one-way shear as the p provided 0.15 per
cent is less than 0.2 per cent, required for the one-way shear and for which τ c =
0.28 N/mm2 (Table 19 of IS 456). The one-way shear force, as calculated in step
2(ii) is 388.5 kN. The resistance force of shear at this section = 0.28(5000)(1091)
= 1527.4 kN > 388.5 kN. Hence, o.k.

Further, the total area of steel 8182.5 mm2 has to be distributed in the
central band of width 3 m and two outer bands of width 0.75 m each as stipulated
in cl.34.3.1c of IS 456. The reinforcement in the central band is obtained as given

Ast for central band = (2/ β + 1) (total area of steel)

where β = 5/3 = 1.67. Thus,

Area of steel in the central band = (2/2.67)(8182.5) = 6129.21 mm2

Provide 55 bars of 12 mm (area = 6220 mm2) at the spacing of 3000/54 = 55.55

mm c/c, say, @ 55 mm c/c. Each of two outer band needs (8182.5 – 6129.21)/2
= 1026.65 mm2. Provide 10 bars of 12 mm diameter (area = 1131 mm2). The

Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur

spacing = (1000 – 50)/10 = 95 mm c/c, say @ 90 mm c/c. Thus, the total area of
steel provided = 6220 + 1131 + 1131 = 8482 mm2 > 8182 mm2 (Fig. 11.29.9c).

The development length required for 12 mm bars = (47.01)(12) = 564.12


Length available = 1350 – 50 – 16 = 1284 mm > 564.12 mm

Hence, o.k.

Step 6: Transfer of force at the base of the column

Factored load = 3000(1.5) = 4500 kN. From the limiting bearing stress at
the column-footing interface 0.45 fck(A1/A2)1/2, we have

(i) At the column face, where A1 = A2; bearing stress = 0.45 fck = 9.0 N/mm2

(ii) At the footing face, A1 = 15 m2 and A2 = (0.3)(0.5) = 0.15 m2. But, (A1/A2)1/2 >/ 2.
So, the bearing stress = 2(9) = 18 N/mm2.

Therefore, the column face governs. The force that can be transferred through
bearing = 9(500)(300) = 1350 kN. The excess force to be transferred by dowels =
4500 – 1350 = 3150 kN.

Area of dowels = 3150(103)/0.67(415) = 11328.9 mm2. Minimum area of

dowels = 0.5(300)(500)/100 = 750 mm2. So, the number of 20 mm dowels = 36.
Instead of providing 36 dowels, it is convenient to extend the sixteen column bars
of 20 mm diameter to the footing.

The development length required = 0.87(415)(20)/4(1.6)(1.25)(1.2) =

752.2 mm

Length available = 1091 – 74 = 1017 mm > 752.2 mm

Step 7: Nominal reinforcement

Clause 34.5.2 stipulates to provide @ 360 mm2 per metre length in each
direction on each force, when the thickness of footing slab is greater than one
metre. So, the minimum reinforcement is 8 mm bars @ 130 mm c/c (area = 387
mm2/m), wherever there is no other reinforcement.

The reinforcement bars are shown in Figs.11.29.9a and c.

Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur

Q.2: Design a reinforced concrete footing for a wall of 400 mm thickness
transmitting a load of 200 kN/m (Fig.11.29.10) under service condition. Assume
the safe bearing capacity of soil as 100 kN/m2 at a depth of 1 m below the
ground level. Use M 20 and Fe 415.


Step 1: Size of the footing

Given axial load = 200 kN/m and safe bearing capacity of soil qc = 100
kN/m at a depth of 1 m below the ground level. Assuming the self weight of
footing and backfill as 10 per cent, the area of the base required = 200(1.1)/100 =
2.2 m2. Provide width of 2.2 m for every one metre to get the required area of 2.2
m 2.

Step 2: Thickness of footing slab based on shear

The critical section of shear is marked as sec.1-1 in Fig.11.29.10, at a

distance of effective depth d of the footing.

Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur

Factored soil pressure = 200(1.5)/2.2 = 136.36 kN/m2 = 0.13636 N/mm2.

Assuming 0.15 per cent reinforcement in the footing slab, the shear
strength of M 20 τ c = 0.28 N/mm2. From the condition that the shear strength of
the section ≥ actual shear force in sec.11, we have:

0.28(1000)d ≥ (0.13636)(1000)(900 – d)

This gives d ≥ 294.755 mm. Using cover of 50 mm and diameter of

reinforcing bar as 10 mm, the total depth of footing = 295 + 50 + 10 + 5 = 360
mm. This gives effective depth = 295 mm.

Step 3: Checking for the moment

The critical section for the bending moment is marked marked as sec.2-2
in Fig.11.29.10, where the bending moment (factored) is,

Mu = (1)(0.13636)(1000)(1000)/2 = 68.18 kNm/m

The capacity of the section = (2.76)(1000)(295)(295) = 240.189 kNm/m

> 68.18 kNm/m. Hence, o.k.

M/bd2 = 68.18(106)/1000(295)(295) = 0.784 N/mm2

Table 2 of SP-16 gives p = 0.2282 per cent. Accordingly, Ast =

0.2282(1000)(295)/100 = 673.19 mm /m. Provide 10 mm diameter bars @ 110
mm c/c which gives 714 mm2/m > 673.19 mm2/m.

Step 4: Development length

The development length of 10 mm bars = 47.01(10) = 470.1 mm

Length available = 900 – 50 = 850 > 542.88

Step 5: Distribution reinforcement

Minimum reinforcement @ 0.12 per cent should be provided longitudinally.

Ast = 0.12(2200)(360)/100 950.4 mm2

Provide 13 bars of 10 mm diameter (area = 1021 mm2). The spacing = (2200 –

50 – 10)/12 = 178.33 mm c/c, say @ 175 mm c/c.

Step 6: Transfer of loads at wall-footing base

Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur

Bearing stress = 0.45 fck (A1/A2)1/2 = 0.45(20)(1) = 9 N/mm2

The forces that can be transferred = 9(1000)(2200)(10-3) kN = 19800 kN

>> factored load of 200(1.5) = 300 kN. Hence, o.k.

11.29.4 References
1. Reinforced Concrete Limit State Design, 6th Edition, by Ashok K. Jain,
Nem Chand & Bros, Roorkee, 2002.
2. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete, 2nd Edition, by P.C.Varghese,
Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.
3. Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design, by P.C.Varghese, Prentice-Hall of
India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2001.
4. Reinforced Concrete Design, 2nd Edition, by S.Unnikrishna Pillai and
Devdas Menon, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New
Delhi, 2003.
5. Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures, by P.Dayaratnam,
Oxford & I.B.H. Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2004.
6. Reinforced Concrete Design, 1st Revised Edition, by S.N.Sinha, Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. New Delhi, 1990.
7. Reinforced Concrete, 6th Edition, by S.K.Mallick and A.P.Gupta, Oxford &
IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 1996.
8. Behaviour, Analysis & Design of Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements,
by I.C.Syal and R.K.Ummat, A.H.Wheeler & Co. Ltd., Allahabad, 1989.
9. Reinforced Concrete Structures, 3rd Edition, by I.C.Syal and A.K.Goel,
A.H.Wheeler & Co. Ltd., Allahabad, 1992.
10. Textbook of R.C.C, by G.S.Birdie and J.S.Birdie, Wiley Eastern Limited,
New Delhi, 1993.
11. Design of Concrete Structures, 13th Edition, by Arthur H. Nilson, David
Darwin and Charles W. Dolan, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company
Limited, New Delhi, 2004.
12. Concrete Technology, by A.M.Neville and J.J.Brooks, ELBS with
Longman, 1994.
13. Properties of Concrete, 4th Edition, 1st Indian reprint, by A.M.Neville,
Longman, 2000.
14. Reinforced Concrete Designer’s Handbook, 10th Edition, by C.E.Reynolds
and J.C.Steedman, E & FN SPON, London, 1997.
15. Indian Standard Plain and Reinforced Concrete – Code of Practice (4th
Revision), IS 456: 2000, BIS, New Delhi.
16. Design Aids for Reinforced Concrete to IS: 456 – 1978, BIS, New
Reinforced Concrete Limit State Design, 5th Edition, by Ashok K. Jain,
Nem Chand & Bros, Roorkee, 1999.

Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur

11.29.5 Test 29 with Solutions
Maximum Marks = 50, Maximum Time = 30 minutes

Answer all questions.

Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur

TQ.1: Redesign the footing of Problem 4 of section 11.29.2 (Fig.11.29.4) to have
uniform base pressure considering that moments are due to dead load
and hence irreversible (Fig.11.29.11). Other data of Prolem 4 are: column
size = 300 mm x 450 mm, longitudinal bars of column = 20 bars of 20 mm
(Ast = 4021 mm2), Pu = 1620 kN, Mu = 170 kNm, safe bearing capacity of
soil = 200 kN/m2 at a depth of 1 metre below the ground level, grade of
concrete = M 25 and grade of steel = Fe 415.


Step 1: Size of the footing

The required eccentricity between the centroids of column and footing =

Mu/Pu = 170(106)/1620(103) = 104.938 mm, say 105 mm.

Assuming the weight of the footing and backfill as 15 per cent, the
required base area = 1620(1.15)/200(1.5) = 6.21 m2.

It is desirable that the cantilever projections in the two direction from the
respective column face should be equal. Accordingly, the footing is selected as
2.7 m x 2.64 m where the centre line of column is located at a distance of 105
mm left from the centre line of footing, as shown in Fig.11.29.11c. The
arrangement shows that the cantilever projections are equal (1200 mm).

Step 2: Thickness of footing based on one-way shear

Factored soil pressure = 1620/(2.7)(2.64) = 227.27 kN/m2 (Fig.11.29.11b).

The critical section of one-way shear is marked by sec.1-1 in Figs.11.29.11a and
c, at a distance of d from the face of the column, where the factored shear Vu is,

Vu = 0.22727(2700)(1200 – d) = (736354.8 – 613.629 d) N

Assuming 0.15 per cent reinforcement in the footing slab, Table 19 of IS 456
gives τ c = 0.29 for M 25 concrete. Accordingly, the resistance shear of the
section is 0.29(2700)d = 783d. From the condition that the resistance shear ≥
actual shear, we have

783 d ≥ 736354.8 – 613.629 d, which gives d ≥ 527.237. Let us use

full depth = 527.237 + 50 + 16 + 8 = 601.237 mm, say 605 mm, so that d = 605
– 50 – 8 = 547 mm in the long direction and 605 – 50 – 16 – 8 = 531 mm in the
short direction.

Step 3: Checking for two-way shear

Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur

The shear strength of concrete for two-way shear = 0.25(fck)1/2 (cl.31.6.3 of
IS 456) = 1.25 N/mm2. The resistance shear of the section is (sec.2222 of

(1.25)(2){(450 + 547) + (300 + 547)}(547) = 2521.67 kN

The actual shear force in sec.2222 (Fig. 11.29.11c) is

{(2.7)(2.64) – (0.997)(0.847)}(227.27) = 1428.06 kN < 2521.67 kN

Hence, o.k.

Step 4: Gross bearing capacity

Assuming unit weights of concrete and soil as 25 kN/m3 and 18 kN/m3, we

have the factored gross bearing capacity as

q = (1620)/(2.7)(2.64) + {0.605(25) + 0.395(18)}

= 249.509 kN/m2 < 300 kN/m2

Step 5: Bending moment

(i) In the short direction

The critical section is marked by sec.33 in Fig.11.29.11c, at the face of

column, where the bending moment is:

Mu = (2.7){(1.2)(1.2)/2}227.27 = 441.82 kNm

Mu/Ld2 = 441.82(106)/(2.7)(103)(547)(547) = 0.546 N/mm2 < 3.45 N/mm2

for M 25 and Fe 415.

Hence, the section has the capacity to resist Mu = 441.82 kNm.

Table 3 of SP-16 gives p = 0.15488 per cent. Accordingly,

Ast = 0.15488(2700)(547)/100 = 2287.42 mm2

Provide 12 bars of 16 mm diameter (area = 2412 mm2). The spacing = (2700 –

50 – 16)/11 = 239.45 mm c/c, say 220 mm c/c. Provide 12 bars of 16 mm
diameter @ 220 mm c/c.

Development length of 16 mm diameter bars

= 0.87(415)(16)/4(1.4)(1.6) = 644.73 mm

Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur

Length available = 1200 – 50 – 16 = 1134 mm > 644.73 mm

Hence, o.k.

(ii) In the long direction

The critical section is marked by sec.4-4 in Fig.11.29.11c, at the face of

column, where the moment Mu is,

Mu = (2.64){(1.2)(1.2)/2}(227.27) = 431.994 kNm

Mu/Bd2 = 431.994(106)/(2640)(531)(531) = 0.5803 N/mm2 < 3.45 N/mm2

Hence, the section can carry this moment. Table 3 of SP-16 gives p = 0.16509
per cent. Accordingly,

Ast = 0.16509(2640)(531)/100 = 2314.2976 mm2

Provide 12 bars of 16 mm diameter (area = 2412 mm2). The spacing = (2640 –

50 – 16)/11 = 234 mm c/c, say 220 mm c/c. Provide 12 bars of 16 mm diameter
@ 220 mm c/c.

Development length as calculated in (i) for 16 mm diameter = 644.73 mm

Length available = 1200 – 50 – 16 = 1134 mm > 644.73 mm

Hence, o.k.

Step 6: Transfer of force at the base of column

Since the column is having moment along with the axial force, some of the
bars are in tension. The transfer of tensile force is not possible through the
column-footing interface. So, the longitudinal bars of column are to extended to
the footing. The required development length of 20 mm bars =
0.87(415)/4(1.4)(1.6) = 805.92 mm. Length available = 531 mm < 805.92 mm.
The bars shall be given 90o bend and then shall be extended by 200 mm
horizontally to give a total length of 531 + 8(20) (bend value) + 200 = 891 mm >
805.92 mm.

The arrangement of reinforcing bars is shown in Fig.11.29.11a.

Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur

11.29.6 Summary of this Lesson
This lesson illustrates the applications of the requirements for the
design of foundations, explained in Lesson 28. Five illustrative examples, two
practice problems and one test problem include plain concrete footings, isolated
footings of square and rectangular columns transferring axial loads with or
without moments to the footings, wall footings and combined footings. The
solutions of illustrative problems and practice of the practice and test problems
will give a clear understanding of the design of footings under different
circumstances and soil conditions. All the designs are done following the
stipulations of IS codes. It is, however, worth mentioning that all the footings
explained in this lesson are shallow foundations. The design of deep foundations
is beyond the scope of this course.

Version 2 CE IIT, Kharagpur

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