Nta l5 Assessment Plan - Semester II New 18.7.17
Nta l5 Assessment Plan - Semester II New 18.7.17
Nta l5 Assessment Plan - Semester II New 18.7.17
(NTA Level 5)
Semester II
July, 2017
Published by the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Elderly and
Children, Department of Human Resource Development
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronically, including photocopying, recording or any information
storage or retrieval system, without either prior permission in writing from the publisher.
Permission may be sought directly from the Ministry of Health, Community Development,
Gender, Elderly and Children, Department of Human Resource Development, University of
Dodoma, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, P.O. Box 743, Block number 11, Dodoma-
Notice: The advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the
date going to press, but neither the authors nor the publisher can accept any legal
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Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................... iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................................................... v
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................................................................................... vi
CMT 05206: Counselling ........................................................................................................... 1
CMT 05207: Reproductive and Child Health ............................................................................. 7
CMT 05208: Obstetrics and Gynaecology II ............................................................................ 17
CMT 05209: Surgery ................................................................................................................ 23
CMT 05210: Internal Medicine ................................................................................................ 29
CMT 05211: Paediatrics and Child Health II ........................................................................... 39
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
POP - Progesterone Only Pill
TB - Tuberculosis
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
The development of these Assessment Plans for the Basic Technician Certificate in Clinical
Medicine (NTA level 4) programme is an outcome of collaborative efforts of the Ministry of
Health, Community development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MOHCDGEC, International
Training and Education Centre for Health (I-TECH), under the support of the Health
Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services (HHS) under Cooperative Agreement No.U91HA06801; and tutors and
lecturers from various from Health Training Institutions.
I would like to appreciate in particular, the hard work of Dr. Violet Kiango, Dr. Ndimila
Mabula, Mr. Innocent Chinguile and Mr. Dennis Busuguli, the Training Coordinators, Allied
Health Sciences, for their collaboration in thought and process to organize, coordinate and
guide the development of these assessment plans.
The MoHCDGEC is also grateful to Dr. Fabian P. Mghanga of SZHRC, Mtwara; Dr. Juma
Mkamba of Mafinga COTC; and Ms. Mary A. Lyimo, nurse tutor, Bagamoyo NTC, for their
excellent work in editing and fine tuning this work, and to Dr. Amos Mwakigonja, Senior
Lecturer and Consultant Pathologist, MUHAS; Dr. Aubrey Maonga, tutor, SAMIHAS,
Muheza; Dr. Cosmas Chacha, tutor, Mbeya AMOTC; Dr. Emmanuel P. Mwilonga, tutor,
Sumbawanga COTC; Dr. George Martin, tutor, Kolandoto CHS; Dr. Joseph M. Mapunda,
tutor, Songea CATC; Dr. John P. Kaswija, tutor, Bugando AMOTC, Mwanza; Dr. Peter M.
Karoli, tutor, Kilosa COTC; Dr. Robert Rweyemamu, tutor, Mbeya AMOTC; Dr. Saitore L.
Laizer, Director, Machame Health Institute; Dr. Yohana Masumbuko, tutor, Mafinga COTC;
Mr. John Mpiluka, Principal, School of Medical Laboratory Sciences – Mvumi; Ms. Lukresia
A. Issara, tutor, COHAS – Kibaha; Ms. Pamela H. Meena, tutor and nutritionist, Tumbi
Special Hospital, Kibaha; and Mr. Ramadhani Chibwana, Information Technology Officer
and tutor, Mtwara COTC; Dr. Fadhili Lyimo, principal Kilosa COTC; Dr. Joseph Mwabusila,
principal Masasi COTC; Dr. Hangwa E. Hangwa, tutor Mafinga COTC, Dr. Keneth
Lihokolelo, tutor Mafinga COTC, Dr. Lucheri Kweka, principal AMOTC-Tanga; Dr. Erick
Kimbe, tutor Kilosa COTC, Ms. Ruth N. Alex, tutor KAM College; Dr. Melkzedeck Mansi,
principal Kigoma COTC and Dr. Bernard Mutayoba, tutor PHCI-Iringa for their
commendable work towards development of these assessment plans.
I also wish to acknowledge the contributions of Dr. Andrew Makoi and Mr. Octavian
Leonard of I-TECH - Tanzania for their commitment and technical support during the
development of these assessment plans.
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
The assessment plans, included in this document, have been prepared by the Ministry of
Health, Community Development, Gender, the Elderly and Children in collaboration with
International Training and Education Centre for Health (I-TECH) to assist and guide the
implementation of the curriculum for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine, a
competency-based curriculum approved by NACTE.
This document contains assessment plans for six (6) modules of semester II which were
developed in July, 2017 to be implemented from the academic year 2017/2018 until the next
review of the curriculum.
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
Module Code and Name: CMT 05206 Counselling
This assessment plan has been prepared by the Ministry of Health, Community Development,
Gender, Elderly and Children (MOHCDGEC) under the guidance of National Council for
Technical Education (NACTE) in collaboration with the International Training and Education
Centre for Health (I-TECH-Tanzania) for the module CMT 05206 Counselling.
The assessment plan is one of the tools for implementing competence-based education and
training (CBET) curricula. The assessor therefore, should assess learning outcomes stipulated
within the NTA level 5 curriculum flexibly based on the student’s ability to show competence
involving application of skills and knowledge in a broad range of clinical practice in
medicine some of which are non-routine and be able to assume operational responsibilities.
This assessment plan was developed in July 2017 from an NTA level 5 curriculum which was
revised in May 2017 to align with the emerged changes of the revised curriculum. It has two
components of the module to be assessed. These components are continuous assessment (CA)
which will carry 40% of the module weight; and semester examination (SE) which will carry
the remaining 60% of the module weight.
This assessment plan contains sub-enabling outcomes with related tasks that shall be tested in
both continuous assessment (CA) and semester examination (SE). A tick (√) which appears in
either CA or SE column indicates, the time when the task shall be assessed. Where a tick (√)
appears in both CA and SE columns, the task shall be assessed in both. Tasks requiring long
term accomplishment shall be assessed during the continuous assessment (CA). Other tasks
require short time to accomplish; therefore, they shall be assessed during the semester
examination (SE). Some tasks, which are common and cover daily clinical practice of the
clinical assistant/clinical officer after completion of this module, shall be assessed in both CA
and SE. The assessor shall focus on those core areas of competences as stipulated in the
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
The following table will clarify how the sub-enabling outcomes and their related tasks will be
assessed in both continuous and semester examinations.
Competence to
be Assessed
No. of tasks provided
under Continuous
S/N Sub-enabling Outcomes and Associated Assessment and
Task Semester Exams
Related Tasks TH CL TH CL
a) Define terms used in counseling √ √
b) Identify types of counseling √ √ √
c) Identify guiding principles used in counseling √ √ √
d) Explain Characteristics of a good counselor √ √ √
e) State general approach to counseling √ √ √
f) Explain barriers to counseling √ √ √
g) Explain stages of counseling √ √ √
h) Explain the two types of communication √ √ √
i) Recognize and interpret non-verbal √ √ √
Sub-Enabling Outcome
2.3.2 Describe various types of HIV counselling
to general and Key Population
Related Tasks
a) Describe voluntary counseling and testing √ √ √
b) Describe provider initiated testing and √ √ √
counseling (PITC)
c) Describe family counseling √ √ √
d) Describe couples counseling √ √ √
e) Describe crisis counseling √ √ √
Sub-Enabling Outcome
2.3.3 Demonstrate counselling skills in providing
health care services to HIV clients
Related Tasks
a) Prepare environment for counseling √ √ √
b) Establish rapport for counseling √ √ √
c) Assess client’s knowledge on HIV, STI and √ √ √
d) Identify risk behaviours √ √ √ √ √
e) Describe risk reduction plan √ √ √ √ √
f) Assess knowledge of clients on HIV testing √ √ √
g) Explain HIV test, possible outcomes and √ √ √ √ √
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
Competence to
be Assessed
No. of tasks provided
under Continuous
S/N Sub-enabling Outcomes and Associated Assessment and
Task Semester Exams
Sub-Enabling Outcome
2.3.4 Demonstrate HIV counseling and testing skills
Related Tasks
a) Identify equipment and supplies required for √ √ √ √ √
HIV testing
b) Perform HIV testing procedure √ √ √ √ √
c) Provide post-testing counseling √ √ √ √ √
d) Share the HIV results √ √ √
e) Provide health education to a client (Nutrition, √ √ √ √ √
drug adherence, disclosure, positive living)
f) Refer the client accordingly √ √ √
g) Conduct follow up √ √ √
Sub-Enabling Outcome
2.3.5 Provide counselling to patients with other
chronic illnesses
Related Tasks
a) Identify other common chronic illnesses √ √ √
b) Outline services that can be offered to patients √ √ √
with other chronic illnesses
c) Prepare conducive environment √ √ √
d) Establish rapport √ √ √
e) Identify client’s needs and collect relevant √ √ √
information from the client
f) Assess knowledge of the client √ √ √
g) Assist the client to set and reach the goal √ √ √
h) Provide supportive information and possible √ √ √
care (drug adherence, nutrition, life style
modification, side effects of drugs)
i) Refer the client accordingly √ √ √
Sub-Enabling Outcome
2.3.6 Provide counselling to PWUD and PWIDs
Related Tasks
a) Define drug abuse and substance use √ √
b) List drugs commonly abused by PWIDs and √ √
c) Explain WHO assessment tool (ASSIST V3.0) √ √ √
d) Assess the client using the ASSIST V.3.0 tool √ √ √ √ √
e) Counsel the client to stop drugs abuse or √ √ √
substance use
f) Refer accordingly √ √ √
CA Continuous Assessment
SE Semester Examination
TH Theory
CL Clinical
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
This rubric describes number of examinations in a module for both CA and SE, duration,
number of questions, marks distribution and sections for each component of assessment.
This rubric will consist of two assessments; Continuous Assessment and Semester
Examination. Continuous assessment will be conducted throughout the semester and shall
contribute 40% of the module weight and Semester Examination will be conducted at the end
of a module and shall contribute 60% of the module weight.
b) Clinical test
There shall be AT LEAST one clinical test. Each student shall be assessed for 60 minutes.
The first 50 minutes shall be for counseling session with the client, 10 minutes for evaluation
and feedback. The examination shall be conducted in the hospital setting or any other health
care facility setting
c) Assignments
Students shall be required to submit at least two individual assignments.
b) Clinical examination
There shall be AT LEAST one clinical test. Each student shall be assessed for 60 minutes.
The first 50 minutes shall be for counseling session with the client, 10 minutes for
evaluation and feedback. The examination shall be conducted in the hospital setting or
any other health care facility setting
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
JULY, 2017
1. Read all instructions carefully.
2. Write your examination number on each page of the answer sheet you use.
3. Attempt all questions.
4. Cellular phones are NOT allowed in the examination room.
5. Each essay question to be answered on not more than 3 hand written papers.
6. This paper consists of five (5) sections.
7. The table below is for OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
Module Code and Name: CMT 05207Reproductive and Child Health
This assessment plan has been prepared by the Ministry of Health, Community Development,
Gender, Elderly and Children (MOHCDGEC) under the guidance of National Council for
Technical Education (NACTE) in collaboration with the International Training and Education
Centre for Health (I-TECH-Tanzania) for the module CMT 05207 Reproductive and Child
The assessment plan is one of the tools for implementing competence-based education and
training (CBET) curricula. The assessor therefore, should assess learning outcomes stipulated
within the NTA level 5 curriculum flexibly based on the student’s ability to show competence
involving application of skills and knowledge in a broad range of clinical practice in
medicine some of which are non-routine and be able to assume operational responsibilities.
This assessment plan was developed in July 2017 from an NTA level 5 curriculum which was
revised in May 2017 to align with the emerged changes of the revised curriculum. It has two
components of the module to be assessed. These components are continuous assessment (CA)
which will carry 40% of the module weight; and semester examination (SE) which will carry
the remaining 60% of the module weight.
This assessment plan contains sub-enabling outcomes with related tasks that shall be tested in
both continuous assessment (CA) and semester examination (SE). A tick (√) which appears in
either CA or SE column indicates, the time when the task shall be assessed. Where a tick (√)
appears in both CA and SE columns, the task shall be assessed in both. Tasks requiring long
term accomplishment shall be assessed during the continuous assessment (CA). Other tasks
require short time to accomplish; therefore, they shall be assessed during the semester
examination (SE). Some tasks, which are common and cover daily clinical practice of the
clinical assistant/clinical officer after completion of this module, shall be assessed in both CA
and SE. The assessor shall focus on those core areas of competences as stipulated in the
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
3.1 Apply basic principles of public health 3.1.1 Describe RCH services in the health facility
to promote reproductive health 3.1.2 Describe the concept of safe motherhood initiatives
3.1.3 Provide focused ante-natal care (FANC)
3.1.4 Provide postpartum care to mother and infant
3.1.5 Provide family planning services
3.1.6 Provide Comprehensive Prevention of Mother to
Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV services
3.1.7 Provide Adolescent Sexual and
Reproductive Health Services (ASRHS)
3.1.8 Provide immunization and vaccination services at
primary health care level
3.2 Apply basic principles of public health 3.2.2 Provide new-born and child health services
to promote gender, newborn and child 3.2.3 Describe Gender Based Violence and Violence
health Against Children (GBV and VAC)
3.2.4 Describe management of GBV and VAC survivors
3.2.5 Describe policy, laws and human rights of public
health concern for GBV and VAC
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
The following table will clarify how the sub-enabling outcomes and their related tasks will be
assessed in both continuous and semester examinations.
Competence To
Be Assessed
No. of tasks provided
Wider attributes
under Continuous
S/N Sub-enabling Outcomes and Associated Assessment and
Task Semester Exams
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
Sub Enabling Outcome
3.1.4 Provide postpartum care to mother and
Related Tasks
a) Define post-partum care √ √
b) Outline routine post-partum services for √ √ √
mother and infant according to guideline
c) Perform clinical assessment to mother and √ √ √
d) Assess infant for correct breast feeding √ √ √
positioning and attachment
e) Counsel on importance of postpartum care, √ √ √
family planning, hygiene and nutrition
f) Counsel on newborn care √ √ √
g) Provide routine health promotion services to √ √ √
mother and infant (supplements, HIV
preventive services, immunization, infant
growth and development monitoring &
h) Educate on danger signs to mother and infant √ √ √
i) Provide follow-up care for mother and infant √ √ √
j) Document findings on appropriate tool(s) √ √ √
Sub Enabling Outcome
3.1.5 Provide family planning services
Related Tasks
a) Define Family Planning and related terms √ √
b) Explain methods of Family Planning √ √ √
c) Provide family planning counseling for √ √ √
informed choice
d) Identify possible side effects and √ √ √
complications of Family Planning methods
e) Provide oral contraceptive (POP and COC) √ √ √
f) Provide and demonstrate condom use √ √ √
g) Administer injectable contraceptive (Depo- √ √ √
h) Insert and remove implant contraceptive √ √ √
i) Counsel for natural family planning methods √ √ √
j) Insert and remove IUCD √ √ √
k) Fill in and interpret RCH card no 5 √ √ √
l) Refer clients with complication √ √ √
m) Refer clients for permanent contraception √ √ √
Sub Enabling Outcome
3.1.6 Provide Comprehensive Prevention of
Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) of
HIV services
Related Tasks
a) Describe risk factors for MTCT and the core √ √ √
elements for provision of comprehensive
PMTCT services
b) Provide HIV testing and counseling to √ √ √
pregnant and breast feeding mother
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
c) Screen for Tuberculosis to HIV positive √ √ √
pregnant woman
d) Provide ART to HIV positive pregnant and √ √ √
breast feeding mother
e) Provide counseling to HIV positive mother √ √ √
on care& treatment, family planning and
f) Conduct follow up services to HIV positive √ √ √
mother and exposed infant
g) Identify and report adverse medicine reactions √ √ √
h) Register HIV positive pregnant woman and √ √
breast feeding mother in PMTCT care using
HIV Recording & Reporting tools
i) Refer patients with complications √ √ √
Sub Enabling Outcome
3.1.7 Provide Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive
Health Services (ASRHS)
Related Tasks
a) Define adolescence and youth √ √
b) Describe physiological changes in adolescents √ √ √
c) Explain the key standards for provision of quality √ √ √
adolescent reproductive health in Tanzania
d) Identify sexual and reproductive health √ √ √
services for adolescent and youth
e) Recognise sexual and reproductive health √ √ √
problems in adolescents and youths
f) Identify rights, laws and policy that support √ √ √
provision of reproductive health services to
g) Provide contraceptive, screen and treat STI √ √ √
(including HIV) and screen for substance abuse
h) Conduct follow up, counselling and √ √
continuum of care for linkage to appropriate
Sub Enabling Outcome
3.1.8 Provide immunization and vaccination
services at primary health care level
Related Tasks
a) Describe key terms used in vaccination and √ √ √
b) Describe adverse effects of vaccines √ √ √
c) Outline target diseases for vaccination √ √
d) Identify target group for vaccination √ √
e) Identify tools used in vaccination √ √
f) Manage vaccines according to cold chain √ √ √ √ √
g) Determine requirements for vaccines √ √ √
h) Administer vaccines according to national √ √ √
i) Maintain records of vaccines √ √
3.2 Sub –Enabling Outcome
3.2.2 Provide new-born and child health services
Related Tasks
a) Define child growth and development √ √
b) Identify service(s) to be provided √ √ √
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
c) Explain child growth and development √ √ √
monitoring and promotion
d) Identify tools for monitoring newborn and √ √
child growth and development
e) Take and interpret anthropometric √ √ √
f) Fill and interpret Child health Chart √ √ √
booklet/RCH card No.1
g) Perform clinical assessment √ √ √
h) Refer as appropriate √ √ √
i) Link for continuum of care √ √ √
Sub Enabling Outcome
3.2.3 Describe Gender Based Violence and
Violence Against Children (GBV and VAC)
Related Tasks
a) Define common terms related to GBV and √ √
b) Explain types of GBV √ √ √
c) Explain types of VAC √ √ √
d) Identify causes of GBV and VAC √ √ √
e) Identify contributing factors for GBV and VAC √ √ √
f) Explain consequences of GBV and VAC √ √ √
g) Explain values governing decision making in √ √ √
provision of GBV and VAC services
Sub Enabling Outcome
3.2.4 Describe management of GBV and VAC
Related Tasks
a) Describe screening tool to identify GBV and √ √ √
VAC survivors
b) Take GBV and VAC history √ √ √
c) Describe assessment of GBV and VAC survivor √ √ √
d) Identify basic investigations √ √ √
e) Identify treatment to survivors of GBV and VAC √ √ √
f) Identify preventive treatment according to √ √ √
g) Describe trauma counseling and preservation √ √ √
of forensic evidence
h) Explain safety plan according to condition √ √ √
i) Describe continuum of care for GBV and √ √ √
VAC survivors including clear referral and
networking flow pattern
j) Identify tools used in documentation of GBV √ √ √
and VAC services
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
Sub Enabling Outcome
3.2.5 Describe policy, laws and human rights of
public health concern for GBV and VAC
Related Tasks
a) Describe national and international policy and √ √ √
laws and their relation in GBV and VAC
b) Describe human rights in relation to GBV and √ √ √
c) Explain sexual and reproductive health rights √ √ √
in relation to GBV and VAC
d) Explain GBV and VAC as public health √ √ √
CA Continuous Assessment
SE Semester Examination
TH Theory
CL Clinical
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
This rubric describes number of examinations in a module for both CA and SE, duration,
number of questions, marks distribution and sections for each component of assessment.
This rubric will consist of two assessments; Continuous Assessment and Semester
Examination. Continuous assessment will be conducted throughout the semester and shall
contribute 40% of the module weight and Semester Examination will be conducted at the end
of a module and shall contribute 60% of the module weight.
b) Clinical test
There shall be AT LEAST one clinical test. Each student shall be assessed for 60 minutes.
The first 40 minutes shall be for clerking and examining the client, 10 minutes for
presentation of the case and 10 minutes for discussion. The examination shall be conducted in
the hospital setting or any other health care facility setting.
c) Assignments
Students shall be required to submit at least two individual assignments.
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
4.2.2 Duration of assessments
The duration of each written examination shall be 2 hours and for Clinical examination shall
be 60 minutes.
b) Clinical examination
Each clinical examination shall take 60 minutes. The first 40 minutes shall be for clerking
and examining the client, 10 minutes for presentation of the case and 10 minutes for
discussion. The examination shall be conducted in the hospital setting or any other health
care facility setting.
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
JULY, 2017
1. Read all instructions carefully.
2. Write your examination number on each page of the answer sheet you use.
3. Attempt all questions.
4. Cellular phones are NOT allowed in the examination room.
5. Each essay question to be answered on not more than 3 hand written papers.
6. This paper consists of five (5) sections.
7. The table below is for OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
Module Code and Name: CMT 05208 Obstetrics and Gynaecology II
This assessment plan has been prepared by the Ministry of Health, Community Development,
Gender, Elderly and Children (MOHCDGEC) under the guidance of National Council for
Technical Education (NACTE) in collaboration with the International Training and Education
Centre for Health (I-TECH-Tanzania) for the module CMT 05208 Obstetrics and
Gynaecology II.
The assessment plan is one of the tools for implementing competence-based education and
training (CBET) curricula. The assessor therefore, should assess learning outcomes stipulated
within the NTA level 5 curriculum flexibly based on the student’s ability to show competence
involving application of skills and knowledge in a broad range of clinical practice in
medicine some of which are non-routine and be able to assume operational responsibilities.
This assessment plan was developed in July 2017 from an NTA level 5 curriculum which was
revised in May 2017 to align with the emerged changes of the revised curriculum. It has two
components of the module to be assessed. These components are continuous assessment (CA)
which will carry 40% of the module weight; and semester examination (SE) which will carry
the remaining 60% of the module weight.
This assessment plan contains sub-enabling outcomes with related tasks that shall be tested in
both continuous assessment (CA) and semester examination (SE). A tick (√) which appears in
either CA or SE column indicates, the time when the task shall be assessed. Where a tick (√)
appears in both CA and SE columns, the task shall be assessed in both. Tasks requiring long
term accomplishment shall be assessed during the continuous assessment (CA). Other tasks
require short time to accomplish; therefore, they shall be assessed during the semester
examination (SE). Some tasks, which are common and cover daily clinical practice of the
clinical assistant/clinical officer after completion of this module, shall be assessed in both CA
and SE. The assessor shall focus on those core areas of competences as stipulated in the
1.2 Apply knowledge and skills of Clinical 1.2.4 Manage patients with obstetric
Medicine to manage patients with emergencies
emergency conditions 1.2.5 Manage patients with gynaecological emergencies
1.5 Apply knowledge and skills of Clinical 1.5.3 Manage patients with gynaecological conditions
Medicine to manage patients with non-
emergency conditions
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
The following table will clarify how the sub-enabling outcomes and their related tasks will be
assessed in both continuous and semester examinations.
Competence To
Be Assessed
No. of tasks provided
under Continuous
S/N Sub-enabling Outcomes and Associated Assessment and
Task Semester Exams
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
Competence To
Be Assessed
No. of tasks provided
under Continuous
S/N Sub-enabling Outcomes and Associated Assessment and
Task Semester Exams
CA Continuous Assessment
SE Semester Examination
TH Theory
CL Clinical
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
This rubric describes number of examinations in a module for both CA and SE, duration,
number of questions, marks distribution and sections for each component of assessment.
This rubric will consist of two assessments; Continuous Assessment and Semester
Examination. Continuous assessment will be conducted throughout the semester and shall
contribute 40% of the module weight and Semester Examination will be conducted at the end
of a module and shall contribute 60% of the module weight.
b) Clinical test
There shall be AT LEAST one clinical test. Each student shall be assessed for 60 minutes.
The first 40 minutes shall be for clerking and examining the client, 10 minutes for
presentation of the case and 10 minutes for discussion and feedback. The examination shall
be conducted in the hospital setting or any other health care facility setting.
c) Assignments
Students shall be required to submit at least two individual written assignment reports.
b) Clinical examination
Each clinical examination shall take 60 minutes. The first 40 minutes shall be for clerking
and examining the client, 10 minutes for presentation of the case and 10 minutes for
discussion and feedback. The examination shall be conducted in the hospital setting or any
other health care facility setting.
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
JULY, 2017
1. Read all instructions carefully.
2. Write your examination number on each page of the answer sheet you use.
3. Attempt all questions.
4. Cellular phones are NOT allowed in the examination room.
5. Each essay question to be answered on not more than 3 hand written papers.
6. This paper consists of five (5) sections.
7. The table below is for OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
Module Code and Name: CMT 05209 Surgery
This assessment plan has been prepared by the Ministry of Health, Community Development,
Gender, Elderly and Children (MOHCDGEC) under the guidance of National Council for
Technical Education (NACTE) in collaboration with the International Training and Education
Centre for Health (I-TECH-Tanzania) for the module CMT 05209 Surgery.
The assessment plan is one of the tools for implementing competence-based education and
training (CBET) curricula. The assessor therefore, should assess learning outcomes stipulated
within the NTA level 5 curriculum flexibly based on the student’s ability to show competence
involving application of skills and knowledge in a broad range of clinical practice in
medicine some of which are non-routine and be able to assume operational responsibilities.
This assessment plan was developed in July 2017 from an NTA level 5 curriculum which was
revised in May 2017 to align with the emerged changes of the revised curriculum. It has two
components of the module to be assessed. These components are continuous assessment (CA)
which will carry 40% of the module weight; and semester examination (SE) which will carry
the remaining 60% of the module weight.
This assessment plan contains sub-enabling outcomes with related tasks that shall be tested in
both continuous assessment (CA) and semester examination (SE). A tick (√) which appears in
either CA or SE column indicates, the time when the task shall be assessed. Where a tick (√)
appears in both CA and SE columns, the task shall be assessed in both. Tasks requiring long
term accomplishment shall be assessed during the continuous assessment (CA). Other tasks
require short time to accomplish; therefore, they shall be assessed during the semester
examination (SE). Some tasks, which are common and cover daily clinical practice of the
clinical assistant/clinical officer after completion of this module, shall be assessed in both CA
and SE. The assessor shall focus on those core areas of competences as stipulated in the
2.1 Apply knowledge and skills of Clinical 2.1.4 Assess patients with surgical conditions
Medicine to diagnose patients and
provide medical care
1.2 Apply knowledge and skills of Clinical 1.2.3 Manage patients with surgical emergencies
Medicine to manage patients with
emergency conditions
1.5 Apply knowledge and skills of Clinical 1.5.6 Manage patients with surgical conditions
Medicine to manage patients with non-
emergency conditions
2.2 Apply knowledge and skills of Clinical 2.2.4 Perform clinical surgical procedures
Medicine to perform clinical
procedures in managing clients
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
The following table will clarify how the sub-enabling outcomes and their related tasks will be
assessed in both continuous and semester examinations.
Competence To
Be Assessed
No. of tasks provided
Wider attributes
under Continuous
S/N Sub-enabling Outcomes and Associated Assessment and
Tasks Semester Exams
Wider attributes
under Continuous
S/N Sub-enabling Outcomes and Associated Assessment and
Tasks Semester Exams
CA Continuous Assessment
SE Semester Examination
TH Theory
CL Clinical
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
This rubric describes number of examinations in a module for both CA and SE, duration,
number of questions, marks distribution and sections for each component of assessment.
This rubric will consist of two assessments; Continuous Assessment and Semester
Examination. Continuous assessment will be conducted throughout the semester and shall
contribute 40% of the module weight and Semester Examination will be conducted at the end
of a module and shall contribute 60% of the module weight.
b) Clinical test
There shall be AT LEAST one clinical test. Each student shall be assessed for 60 minutes.
The first 40 minutes shall be for clerking and examining the client, 10 minutes for
presentation of the case and 10 minutes for discussion and feedback. The examination shall
be conducted in the hospital setting or any other health care facility setting.
c) Assignments
Students shall be required to submit at least two individual written assignment reports.
b) Clinical examination
Each clinical examination shall take 60 minutes. The first 40 minutes shall be for clerking
and examining the client, 10 minutes for presentation of the case and 10 minutes for
discussion and feedback. The examination shall be conducted in the hospital setting or any
other health care facility setting.
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
JULY, 2017
1. Read all instructions carefully.
2. Write your examination number on each page of the answer sheet you use.
3. Attempt all questions.
4. Cellular phones are NOT allowed in the examination room.
5. Each essay question to be answered on not more than 3 hand written papers.
6. This paper consists of five (5) sections.
7. The table below is for OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
Module Code and Name: CMT 05210 Internal Medicine
This assessment plan has been prepared by the Ministry of Health, Community Development,
Gender, Elderly and Children (MOHCDGEC) under the guidance of National Council for
Technical Education (NACTE) in collaboration with the International Training and Education
Centre for Health (I-TECH-Tanzania) for the module CMT 05210 Internal Medicine.
The assessment plan is one of the tools for implementing competence-based education and
training (CBET) curricula. The assessor therefore, should assess learning outcomes stipulated
within the NTA level 5 curriculum flexibly based on the student’s ability to show competence
involving application of skills and knowledge in a broad range of clinical practice in
medicine some of which are non-routine and be able to assume operational responsibilities.
This assessment plan was developed in July 2017 from an NTA level 5 curriculum which was
revised in May 2017 to align with the emerged changes of the revised curriculum. It has two
components of the module to be assessed. These components are continuous assessment (CA)
which will carry 40% of the module weight; and semester examination (SE) which will carry
the remaining 60% of the module weight.
This assessment plan contains sub-enabling outcomes with related tasks that shall be tested in
both continuous assessment (CA) and semester examination (SE). A tick (√) which appears in
either CA or SE column indicates, the time when the task shall be assessed. Where a tick (√)
appears in both CA and SE columns, the task shall be assessed in both. Tasks requiring long
term accomplishment shall be assessed during the continuous assessment (CA). Other tasks
require short time to accomplish; therefore, they shall be assessed during the semester
examination (SE). Some tasks, which are common and cover daily clinical practice of the
clinical assistant/clinical officer after completion of this module, shall be assessed in both CA
and SE. The assessor shall focus on those core areas of competences as stipulated in the
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
2.1 Apply knowledge and skills of Clinical 2.1.1 Assess patients with medical conditions
Medicine to diagnose patients and
provide medical care
1.2 Apply knowledge and skills of Clinical 1.2.1 Manage patients with medical emergencies
Medicine to manage patients with
emergency conditions
1.5 Apply knowledge and skills of Clinical 1.5.4 Manage patients with non-communicable diseases
Medicine to manage patients with
non-emergency conditions
1.6 Apply knowledge and skills of Clinical 1.6.1 Manage patients with Tuberculosis
Medicine to manage TB, HIV and 1.6.2 Describe WHO clinical staging of patients with HIV
1.6.3 Provide Anti-retroviral therapy to patient with HIV
and AIDS
1.6.4 Manage opportunistic infections in a patient with HIV
and AIDS
1.6.5 Manage patients with TB/HIV co-infection
1.6.6 Describe concepts of stigma in managing HIV
1.6.7 Apply different strategies to prevent HIV and
TB infections
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
The following table will clarify how the sub-enabling outcomes and their related tasks will be
assessed in both continuous and semester examinations.
Competence To
Be Assessed
No. of tasks provided
Wider attributes
under Continuous
S/N Sub-enabling Outcomes and Associated Assessment and
Task Semester Exams
Wider attributes
under Continuous
S/N Sub-enabling Outcomes and Associated Assessment and
Task Semester Exams
Wider attributes
under Continuous
S/N Sub-enabling Outcomes and Associated Assessment and
Task Semester Exams
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
Competence To
Be Assessed
No. of tasks provided
Wider attributes
under Continuous
S/N Sub-enabling Outcomes and Associated Assessment and
Task Semester Exams
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
Competence To
Be Assessed
No. of tasks provided
Wider attributes
under Continuous
S/N Sub-enabling Outcomes and Associated Assessment and
Task Semester Exams
CA Continuous Assessment
SE Semester Examination
TH Theory
CL Clinical
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
This rubric describes number of examinations in a module for both CA and SE, duration,
number of questions, marks distribution and sections for each component of assessment.
This rubric will consist of two assessments; Continuous Assessment and Semester
Examination. Continuous assessment will be conducted throughout the semester and shall
contribute 40% of the module weight and Semester Examination will be conducted at the end
of a module and shall contribute 60% of the module weight.
b) Clinical test
There shall be AT LEAST one clinical test. Each student shall be assessed for 60 minutes.
The first 40 minutes shall be for clerking and examining the client, 10 minutes for
presentation of the case and 10 minutes for discussion and feedback. The examination shall
be conducted in the hospital setting or any other health care facility setting
c) Assignments
Students shall be required to submit at least two individual assignments.
b) Clinical examination
Each clinical examination shall take 60 minutes. The first 40 minutes shall be for clerking
and examining the client, 10 minutes for presentation of the case and 10 minutes for
discussion and feedback. The examination shall be conducted in the hospital setting or any
other health care facility setting
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
JULY, 2017
1. Read all instructions carefully.
2. Write your examination number on each page of the answer sheet you use.
3. Attempt all questions.
4. Cellular phones are NOT allowed in the examination room.
5. Each essay question to be answered on not more than 3 hand written papers.
6. This paper consists of five (5) sections.
7. The table below is for OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
Module Code and Name: CMT 05211 Paediatrics and Child Health II
This assessment plan has been prepared by the Ministry of Health, Community Development,
Gender, Elderly and Children (MOHCDGEC) under the guidance of National Council for
Technical Education (NACTE) in collaboration with the International Training and Education
Centre for Health (I-TECH-Tanzania) for the module CMT 05211 Paediatrics and Child
The assessment plan is one of the tools for implementing competence-based education and
training (CBET) curricula. The assessor therefore, should assess learning outcomes stipulated
within the NTA level 5 curriculum flexibly based on the student’s ability to show competence
involving application of skills and knowledge in a broad range of clinical practice in
medicine some of which are non-routine and be able to assume operational responsibilities.
This assessment plan was developed in July 2017 from an NTA level 5 curriculum which was
revised in May 2017 to align with the emerged changes of the revised curriculum. It has two
components of the module to be assessed. These components are continuous assessment (CA)
which will carry 40% of the module weight; and semester examination (SE) which will carry
the remaining 60% of the module weight.
This assessment plan contains sub-enabling outcomes with related tasks that shall be tested in
both continuous assessment (CA) and semester examination (SE). A tick (√) which appears in
either CA or SE column indicates, the time when the task shall be assessed. Where a tick (√)
appears in both CA and SE columns, the task shall be assessed in both. Tasks requiring long
term accomplishment shall be assessed during the continuous assessment (CA). Other tasks
require short time to accomplish; therefore, they shall be assessed during the semester
examination (SE). Some tasks, which are common and cover daily clinical practice of the
clinical assistant/clinical officer after completion of this module, shall be assessed in both CA
and SE. The assessor shall focus on those core areas of competences as stipulated in the
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
2.1 Apply knowledge and skills of Clinical 2.1.2 Assess children with paediatric conditions
Medicine to diagnose patients and
provide medical care
1.2 Apply knowledge and skills of Clinical 1.2.2 Manage children with pediatric emergencies
Medicine to manage patients with
emergency conditions
1.3 Apply knowledge and skills of Clinical 1.3.4 Describe clinical staging of a child with HIV and
Medicine to manage children with AIDS
paediatric conditions 1.3.5 Manage HIV exposed child and a child with HIV
1.3.6 Manage opportunistic infections in a child with HIV
and AIDS
1.4 Apply knowledge and skills of Clinical 1.4.1 Perform new-born screening
Medicine to manage newborn babies 1.4.2 Perform resuscitation to a newborn
1.4.3 Manage a sick newborn
1.4.4 Coach a mother to provide Kangaroo Mother Care
1.5 Apply knowledge and skills of Clinical 1.5.5 Manage children with non communicable paediatric
Medicine to manage patients with conditions
non-emergency conditions
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
The following table will clarify how the sub-enabling outcomes and their related tasks will be
assessed in both continuous and semester examinations.
Competence To
Be Assessed
No. of tasks provided
Wider attributes
under Continuous
S/N Sub-enabling Outcomes and Associated Assessment and
Task Semester Exams
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
Competence To
Be Assessed
No. of tasks provided
Wider attributes
under Continuous
S/N Sub-enabling Outcomes and Associated Assessment and
Task Semester Exams
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
Competence To
Be Assessed
No. of tasks provided
Wider attributes
under Continuous
S/N Sub-enabling Outcomes and Associated Assessment and
Task Semester Exams
Wider attributes
under Continuous
S/N Sub-enabling Outcomes and Associated Assessment and
Task Semester Exams
Wider attributes
under Continuous
S/N Sub-enabling Outcomes and Associated Assessment and
Task Semester Exams
CA Continuous Assessment
SE Semester Examination
TH Theory
CL Clinical
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
This rubric describes number of examinations in a module for both CA and SE, duration,
number of questions, marks distribution and sections for each component of assessment.
This rubric will consist of two assessments; Continuous Assessment and Semester
Examination. Continuous assessment will be conducted throughout the semester and shall
contribute 40% of the module weight and Semester Examination will be conducted at the end
of a module and shall contribute 60% of the module weight.
b) Clinical test
There shall be AT LEAST one clinical test. Each student shall be assessed for 60 minutes.
The first 40 minutes shall be for clerking and examining the client, 10 minutes for
presentation of the case and 10 minutes for discussion and feedback. The examination shall
be conducted in the hospital setting or any other health care facility setting
c) Assignments
Students shall be required to submit at least two individual assignments.
b) Clinical examination
Each clinical examination shall take 60 minutes. The first 40 minutes shall be for clerking
and examining the client, 10 minutes for presentation of the case and 10 minutes for
discussion and feedback. The examination shall be conducted in the hospital setting or any
other health care facility setting
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
JULY, 2017
1. Read all instructions carefully.
2. Write your examination number on each page of the answer sheet you use.
3. Attempt all questions.
4. Cellular phones are NOT allowed in the examination room.
5. Each essay question to be answered on not more than 3 hand written papers.
6. This paper consists of five (5) sections.
7. The table below is for OFFICIAL USE ONLY
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II
The development of these Assessment Plans was supported with technical and financial
assistance by the International Training and Education Centre for Health (I-TECH), under the
support of the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services (HHS) under Cooperative Agreement No.U91HA06801,
International AIDS Education & Training Center. The information and conclusions are those
of the author(s) and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should
any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.
Assessment Plans for Technician Certificate in Clinical Medicine NTA LEVEL 5 Semester II