Egyptian Mummies and Modern Science by Rosalie Ann David
Egyptian Mummies and Modern Science by Rosalie Ann David
Egyptian Mummies and Modern Science by Rosalie Ann David
9780521865791pre CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 18:50
9780521865791pre CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 18:50
9780521865791pre CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 18:50
Edited by
a. rosalie david
University of Manchester
Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo
Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of urls
for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not
guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate.
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vi Contents
References 263
Index 297
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List of Plates
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List of Figures
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List of Figures ix
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The following contributors to this book are actively engaged in the research
performed by the Manchester Egyptian Mummy Project, and in the teach-
ing programmes of the KNH Centre for Biomedical Egyptology, University
of Manchester (UK).
Professor A. Rosalie David, OBE
KNH Professor of Biomedical Egyptology and Director of the KNH Centre
for Biomedical Egyptology, University of Manchester (UK). Director of the
Manchester Mummy Research Project since 1973.
Professor Judith E. Adams
Professor of Diagnostic Radiology, Clinical Radiology, Imaging Science and
Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Medicine, University of Manchester
(UK). Member of the Manchester Mummy Project since 1998.
Chrissie W. Alsop
Manager of Clinical and Research Imaging Facilities, Clinical Radiology,
Imaging Science and Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Medicine, Uni-
versity of Manchester (UK). Member of the Manchester Mummy Project
for more than twenty years.
Jacqueline M. Campbell
Research Associate, KNH Centre for Biomedical Egyptology, University of
Manchester (UK). Specialising in the history of pharmacy in ancient Egypt,
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xii Contributors
Dr David J. Counsell
Consultant Anaesthetist, NHS Trust, Wrexham (UK). His research focuses
on drug history in ancient Egypt.
Antony E. David
Formerly Manager of Support Services, Lancashire County Museums Ser-
vice (UK). A forty-year career in conservation, specialising in artefacts and
Egyptian mummified remains.
John Denton
Pathology Research Fellow, Division of Laboratory and Regenerative
Medicine, University of Manchester (UK). He has nearly forty years of expe-
rience of the histological investigation of biological tissues in diagnostic and
research environments.
Dr Andrew P. Giże
Senior Lecturer, School of Earth Atmospheric and Environmental Sci-
ences, University of Manchester (UK). He runs the organic analytical facility
(gas chromatography–mass spectrometry and microscopy), and uses micro-
probe techniques for research on Egyptology and Late Minoan projects.
Dr Maria Jeziorska
Lecturer in Molecular Pathology, Division of Laboratory and Regenerative
Medicine, University of Manchester (UK). She is engaged in research and
teaching on the use of immunohistochemical methods in contemporary
and ancient human remains.
Dr Judith Miller
Orthodontist, Research Affiliate at the Wellcome Trust for the History
of Medicine, London, and Honorary Fellow in the KNH Centre for
Biomedical Egyptology, University of Manchester. Her specialist study is
the history of dentistry in ancient Egypt.
Dr Patricia Rutherford
Research Associate (until 2006), KNH Centre for Biomedical Egyptol-
ogy, University of Manchester (UK). Pioneered and developed the use of
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Contributors xiii
Roger Speak
Experimental Officer, Department of Chemistry, University of Manchester
(UK). In addition to mass spectrometry, he provides infrared microscopy (a
unique facility) for archaeological projects.
Ken Wildsmith
With a background in engineering, and a career in sales for major companies
manufacturing industrial endoscopes, optical measuring equipment and
microscopes, he has pioneered and developed the application of endoscopic
techniques for Egyptian mummies since he joined the Manchester Mummy
Project in the 1980s.
Dr Caroline M. Wilkinson
Formerly Head of the Unit for Art in Medicine, University of Manchester
(UK), and now Senior Lecturer, Wellcome Unit, University of Dundee
(UK). Her pioneering work on techniques of scientific facial reconstruction
for both forensic and archaeological purposes has received wide media
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The diverse and complex nature of the research we undertake is only made
possible by the generous support we have received over the past four decades
from many individuals and organisations. Although it is not possible to thank
them all here, we wish particularly to acknowledge those who have provided
the opportunities and facilities for our most recent studies.
First, we are indebted to the support we receive from ‘KNH’ whose gen-
erosity enabled a unique centre (which carries her initials) to be set up
in 2003 at the University of Manchester, and to the two Deans, Profes-
sor Alan North, FRS (Dean and Vice-President, Faculty of Life Sciences,
2004–present), and Professor Maynard Case (Dean, School of Biological
Sciences, 2001–2004), who have both played crucial roles in the centre’s
establishment and development.
We wish to record our gratitude to The Leverhulme Trust (UK) for its
support of the interdisciplinary, international projects we undertake. The
Leverhulme Trust has provided significant funding towards our research
in the form of two Research Grants. The first (1996–1999) facilitated the
establishment of the International Ancient Egyptian Mummy Tissue Bank,
and the current grant (2006–2009) was awarded for the Pharmacy in Ancient
Egypt Project.
We should also like to express our gratitude to Dr Keith Hall, the founder
and Managing Director of Hall Analytical Laboratories, Manchester (UK),
one of the premier organic mass spectrometry facilities in the United King-
dom, which is involved in both analysis and development. Dr Hall has
played a key role in providing additional, essential facilities for our work,
and he and his colleagues have been actively involved in the research and
interpretation associated with many of the archaeological projects under-
taken at the KNH Centre.
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xvi Acknowledgments
Acknowledgments xvii
A. Rosalie David
Manchester, December 2006
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A. Rosalie David
The main aims of this book are to show how biomedical and scientific
techniques have led to a new understanding of some aspects of ancient
Egyptian society, and to demonstrate how the focused, multidisciplinary
research of one team, working continuously in this area for more than thirty
years, has been able to contribute to this field.
There has been a remarkable and significant increase in the number and
range of scientific studies undertaken on mummies over the past couple of
decades, and people are now aware of the information that can be derived
from such investigations, in terms of explaining the cultural context of
human remains and in adding to knowledge of how disease has evolved
and developed from ancient to modern times. Much of this work, however,
is published in scientific journals or conference papers, and is not readily
accessible to the reader who has a general interest in the field.
The Manchester Egyptian Mummy Research Project, established at the
University of Manchester in 1973, has conducted pioneering research on the
methodology of using scientific techniques to investigate ancient Egyptian
mummified remains. It has run the longest continuous research programme
in the field of biomedical Egyptology, and this has led to the establishment
(in 2003) of a university specialisation and a dedicated facility – the KNH
Centre for Biomedical Egyptology in the Faculty of Life Sciences at the
University of Manchester (UK).
The earliest phase of this project was published in A. R. David (ed.), The
Manchester Museum Mummy Project (1979). The team has made major
advances since then, and mummy studies in general have progressed and
taken advantage of the many new techniques that can contribute to this field.
This book provides the first opportunity to present the complete picture
of the Manchester team’s more recent studies. The contributors have not
adopted a uniform approach: some chapters provide detailed descriptions
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xx Preface
Preface xxi
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part 1
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chapter 1
A. Rosalie David
Early investigations
From the Renaissance, Egyptian mummies have attracted the interest of
antiquarian collectors, who brought them from Egypt to enhance the col-
lections of museums, learned societies, and wealthy individuals in Britain,
Europe, and later the United States of America. From the sixteenth century
onwards, some of these mummies were ‘unrolled’ (unwrapped) at frivolous
social events in front of invited audiences. Most of these unwrappings had
little scientific value; however, some were performed by serious investigators
whose detailed publications still provide valuable evidence.
These researchers include Thomas Pettigrew (1791–1865), a London sur-
geon who unwrapped a series of mummies in London (Pettigrew 1834);
Augustus Bozzi Granville (1783–1872), another London doctor who reported
evidence of ovarian disease in an Egyptian mummy (Granville 1825); and
members of the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society, who undertook
an interdisciplinary study on a mummy in 1825 (Osburn 1828).
In the early twentieth century, various pioneering projects laid the basis
for mummy research. Armand Ruffer, Professor of Bacteriology in Cairo,
developed methods of rehydrating ancient tissues (Ruffer 1921), and invented
the term palaeopathology for the study of disease in ancient populations.
Grafton Elliot Smith, Professor of Anatomy in Cairo, performed extensive
examinations of the mummies of the rulers of the New Kingdom, discovered
at Thebes in 1871 and 1898 (Smith 1912). With his co-workers W. R. Dawson
and F. W. Jones, Smith also undertook an important study on some 6,000
ancient bodies retrieved during the Archaeological Survey of Nubia, a her-
itage rescue operation that was established when the first dam was built at
Aswan in the early twentieth century (Smith and Wood Jones 1910). A third
scientist, Alfred Lucas (1867–1945), also based in Cairo, performed analyses
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4 A. Rosalie David
of many ancient materials and substances, and was the first to demonstrate
that Herodotus’ account of mummification was accurate.
Mummy research has progressed steadily throughout the twentieth cen-
tury, although this development has not shown any continuous or regular
pattern. Nevertheless, the route has been highlighted by many important
studies which are too extensive to list here, but the following provide just
some examples.
Continuing research on royal mummies has included a radiological sur-
vey (Harris and Wente 1980), an interdisciplinary study of the mummy of
Ramesses II (Balout and Roubet 1985), and various investigations of the
mummies of Tutankhamun and the body found in Tomb 55 in the Valley
of the Kings. An extensive radiological survey of nonroyal human remains
in other major collections (Dawson and Gray 1968) has formed the basis
for many subsequent studies, and much information has been derived from
the series of autopsies and scientific studies undertaken in the 1970s on
several mummies in the Detroit Institute of Art, Pennsylvania University
Museum, and the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto (Cockburn and Cock-
burn 1980).
The role of the Manchester researchers can now be considered within
the context of these earlier and contemporary projects.
6 A. Rosalie David
8 A. Rosalie David
method was used by Ruffer, who first identified the disease in mummies in
1910. More recent studies show the effectiveness of immunological analy-
sis of tissue or bone samples by using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent
assay (ELISA). This can detect the presence of circulating anodic antigen (a
glycoprotein regurgitated from the gut of the schistosome) in the mummy,
which will confirm if the infection was active at the time of the person’s
To attempt to trace the pattern of schistosomiasis over the millennia, it was
necessary for the Manchester researchers to gather data from a large num-
ber of mummies, drawn from different locations and chronological periods
(see Chapter 15). For this project, it was decided not to use radiography or
histology, because the former would be expensive and dependent on access
to specialised x-ray equipment, and the latter would be successful only if
tissue could be obtained from specific areas of a mummy.
The Manchester researcher, Dr Patricia Rutherford, therefore decided
to adopt an immunological approach: she pioneered the use of immunocy-
tochemistry to detect this disease in mummies (see Chapter 8; Pain 2001),
and then confirmed the results by means of ELISA and DNA (Chapter
9). Further success was achieved when, for the first time, the DNA of the
causative parasite was identified in one of the samples.
Instrumental methods
In addition to existing techniques, the Manchester group now has access to
a range of instrumental methods, involving organic and inorganic analyses,
which are available to forensic scientists who wish to investigate ancient
and conserved remains and residues (see Chapters 10 and 13).
For example, these mass spectrometric and other protocols are being
applied in a unique study to determine if narcotics and pain-relieving agents
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were used in religious, medical, and social contexts in ancient Egypt. This
study is also investigating the problem of false results produced by contam-
ination, which may arise from mummification methods, environmental
conditions, or diagenesis.
chapter 2
A. Rosalie David
Historical background
Mummification (the artificial preservation of the body after death) may have
been practised in Egypt for more than 4,000 years, and perhaps developed
as early as c. 4500 b.c., when Neolithic communities lived in scattered set-
tlements in the Egyptian Delta and along the banks of the Nile. Gradually,
these villages merged into larger groups, drawn together by the common
need to develop irrigation systems, and eventually, the north and south
were ruled as two separate kingdoms. Egyptologists describe this whole era
(c. 5000 b.c.–3100 b.c.) as the Predynastic Period.
In c. 3100 b.c., a southern ruler conquered the northern kingdom, unified
the two lands, and founded dynastic Egypt. Thousands of years later, an
Egyptian priest, Manetho (323–245 b.c.), composed a chronicle of kings
who ruled Egypt between c. 3100 b.c. and 332 b.c., and this king-list has
survived in the writings of later historians. It divides the reigns of Egyptian
kings into thirty dynasties and these, plus a thirty-first dynasty added by a
later chronographer, form the basis for the modern chronology of ancient
Contemporary historians arrange these dynasties into a series of major
periods: the Archaic Period (c. 3100–c. 2686 b.c.), the Old Kingdom (c.
2686–c. 2181 b.c.), the First Intermediate Period (c. 2181–1991 b.c.), the Mid-
dle Kingdom (1991–1786 b.c.), the Second Intermediate Period (1786–1567
b.c.), the New Kingdom (1567–1085 b.c.), the Third Intermediate Period
(1085–668 b.c.), and the Late Period (664–332 b.c.).
The conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great of Macedon in 332 b.c.
ushered in the Ptolemaic Period. On Alexander’s death, Egypt passed to his
general who became King Ptolemy I, and his descendants (the Ptolemies)
ruled until the death of Cleopatra VII, the last of the dynasty. The next stage
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of Egypt’s history, when the country was ruled as a province of the Roman
Empire, is known as the Roman Period (30 b.c.–641 a.d.).
Source material
Apart from the mummified remains themselves, sources relating to mummi-
fication include inscriptions and funerary illustrations, but these generally
concentrate on methods of anointing and wrapping. The earliest detailed
descriptions of mummification were written by Classical authors who vis-
ited Egypt: Herodotus in the fifth century b.c. (Histories: vol.2, 86–88; see de
Selincourt 1976), and Diodorus Siculus in the first century b.c. (Universal
History: vol. 1, 7; see Geer 1954).
12 A. Rosalie David
Although this method of burial continued in use for the poorer classes
throughout the historical period (c. 3100–332 b.c.), intentional preservation
of the corpse (mummification) was introduced first for the elite burials, and
eventually for all who could afford this method.
The reasons for artificial mummification, and the date when it was first
introduced in Egypt, cannot yet be confirmed. Until recently, Egyptologists
associated this development with a new type of grave built for the kings and
wealthier classes in the Archaic Period. Their bodies now rapidly decom-
posed because they were interred in an underground burial chamber lined
with mudbrick or wood, rather than being in direct contact with the sand.
Even at this date, the Egyptians probably believed that preservation of the
body was essential to enable the deceased owner’s immortal spirit to return
to the corpse and use it to derive spiritual sustenance from food offerings
regularly placed at the tomb. Thus, Egyptologists have speculated that arti-
ficial preservation was possibly introduced now to provide an alternative
method of preserving the lifelike form and features of the deceased.
New evidence indicates, however, that features that may be associated
with early artificial mummification (i.e., enclosing parts of the corpse in
tight-fitting linen wrappings and impregnating this material with resinous
substances) were already present in the Badarian Period (c. 4500–4100 b.c.),
at Badari and Mostagedda.
Elsewhere, in predynastic cemeteries (Naqada IIa-b) at Hieraconpolis
(Davies and Friedman 1998: 206–208) and Adaima (c. 3500 b.c.), some
stages of intentional mummification have also been observed (wrapping
the body and applying resin to the bandages and to selective areas of the
body). This is not, however, conclusive evidence of intentional preservation;
it may simply represent aspects of the funerary ritual (Jones 2002: 7).
There is new confirmatory evidence from Abydos that some features asso-
ciated with intentional mummification were already in use in the earliest
dynasties. A photograph taken by Petrie during excavations of the royal
tombs at Umm el-Qaab, Abydos, during 1899–1900 (Petrie 1901: vol. 2, 16,
pl. ii) shows a wrapped forearm, complete with four bracelets, which was
concealed in a hole in the wall of the tomb of King Djer (first Dynasty). This
arm may have belonged to his queen. Recent studies have demonstrated
that textiles associated with this arm appear to have been impregnated with
a substance that may be resin (Jones 2002: 5–6).
Another early attempt at mummification was noted by Quibell in the sec-
ond Dynasty necropolis at Saqqara (Quibell 1923: 11, 19, 28, 32. Pl.XXIX(3)).
The body of a woman had been wrapped in many layers of bandaging, and
between the bandages and bones, there was a large mass of very corroded
9780521865791c02 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 17:3
linen, suggesting that crude natron or some other substance may have been
applied to the surface of the body as a preservative.
Natron is a natural deposit that occurs at El-Kab and in a desert valley
known today as the Wadi en-Natrun; it consists of sodium carbonate and
bicarbonate, and sometimes includes small amounts of sodium chloride
and sulphate. When artificial mummification was practised in later periods,
natron was used as the main dehydrating agent (Nicholson and Shaw 2002:
Even in the Old Kingdom, the evidence for artificial mummification is
scant. A mummy discovered by Petrie at Medum (and later presented to
the Royal College of Surgeons in London where it was destroyed during an
air raid in 1941) probably dates to the fifth Dynasty, and demonstrates that
the embalmers had moulded the outer bandages, saturated with resin, to
attempt to recreate the body contours and facial features (Petrie 1892: 17–18).
In 1913, Reisner’s excavations at Giza revealed a similar mummy (Reisner
1913: vol. 11, 58, fig. 9).
14 A. Rosalie David
16 A. Rosalie David
accurate or lifelike image of the deceased, and this may have led them to
experiment with new techniques.
These innovations were first discovered when nine royal and more than
forty priests’ mummies from the twenty-first Dynasty were examined (Smith
1912: 94–111). Later studies on other mummies of this period supported these
findings; however, the new techniques were apparently first introduced in
the eighteenth Dynasty for the mummy of the obese pharaoh, Amenhotep III
(1417–1379 b.c.). Subcutaneous packing (stuffing inserted under the skin of
the legs, arms, and neck) was used to simulate the king’s ample form when
he was alive.
During the Old Kingdom, the embalmers had added external padding
to the body surface to reproduce the bodily contours. In the twenty-first
Dynasty, subcutaneous packing was widely used to achieve the desired
result. Small incisions made in the skin’s surface allowed the embalmer to
insert sawdust, butter, linen, and mud; these materials were also used to fill
the thoracic and abdominal cavities and to pack out the neck and cheeks.
An interesting transitional example from this period is the mummy of
Queen Nodjme, in which the older method of external packing had been
used, but there is no evidence of subcutaneous packing, although the face
was stuffed with sawdust, introduced through the mouth.
In the twenty-first Dynasty, the viscera, instead of being placed in Canopic
jars, were wrapped in four parcels, each containing a wax figure of one of the
protective Four Sons of Horus, and returned to the body cavities. Further
realism was achieved by inserting artificial eyes in the orbits, using false hair
extensions, and painting the faces (and sometimes the entire body) of men
and women with red and yellow ochre, respectively.
18 A. Rosalie David
part 2
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chapter 3
Historical background
The application of radiography to the study of Egyptian mummies followed
soon after the discovery of x-rays by Wilhelm Roentgen in December 1895
(Boni et al. 2004). Four months later, in March 1896, Walter Koenig obtained
radiographs of a mummified child and a cat from the Senckenberg Museum
in Frankfurt, Germany (Koenig 1896). In the same year, Thurston Holland
obtained a radiograph of a mummified bird in Liverpool, United Kingdom
(UK) (Holland 1937).
At this time, the radiographic equipment was mobile and used on site
but was quite primitive, with limited tube rating (exposure limited, and
so it may have been impossible for the x-ray beam to penetrate through
very thick and dense material of the sarcophagus/cartonnage) and exposure
times were long (3 minutes or more).
In 1898, William Flinders Petrie, Professor of Egyptology at University
College London, and a major figure in the history of mummies and archae-
ological sciences, applied x-rays to the examination of mummified human
remains from Deshasheh, south of Cairo (Petrie 1898). In 1904, the anatomist
and anthropologist in Cairo, Sir Grafton Elliot Smith, assisted by Howard
Carter, applied x-ray examination to the mummy of Tuthmosis IV, deter-
mining the age of the king at death (Smith 1912).
In 1931, Moodie surveyed the Egyptian and Peruvian mummies in the
Chicago Field Museum in one of the earliest comprehensive radiographic
studies of such collections (Moodie 1931). In 1960, Gray and collaborators
documented the radiographic findings of some 193 ancient Egyptian mum-
mies housed in various museums in the UK and Europe (Gray 1973), includ-
ing the British Museum (Dawson and Gray 1968), the City of Liverpool
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Museum (Gray and Slow 1968), and the Rijksmuseum in Leiden, Nether-
lands (Gray 1966).
Head computed tomography (CT) scanning was introduced in 1972 and
body CT in 1975 (Hounsfield 1973, 1976). The first applications of CT to
the study of Egyptian mummies were made in Canada by Harwood-Nash
and by Isherwood and colleagues in the UK who examined the Manchester
Museum mummy collection by using radiography and CT (Harwood-Nash
1979; Isherwood et al. 1979). Radiography and CT have now been applied
to study most of the major collections of Egyptian mummies throughout
the world (Chhem and Ruhli 2004).
Imaging methods
X-rays are produced when electrons are accelerated in a vacuum tube to an
anode, and from which a cone beam of x-rays is then emitted. The energy of
the x-ray beam can be altered according to the thickness and density of the
object being radiographed. Some x-rays will be absorbed (attenuated) in the
object, and some will pass through the object and reach the radiographic
film, changing the silver crystals to form the latent image; the radiograph is
then processed to develop the image on it. The attenuation of x-ray photons
is determined by the x-ray beam energy and the atomic number and electron
density of the structures though which the beam passes.
High atomic number materials (e.g. calcium in bones and metal) atten-
uate the x-ray beam and so few photons reach the film and the area is white
(radiodense) on a radiograph (see Figure 1). In areas of the object of low
x-ray attenuation (e.g. air) through which most of the photons pass to the film
the region will be black (radiolucent) (see Figure 1). Soft tissues of the body
are various levels of gray scale between these extremes of black and white
(Curry et al. 1990; Farr and Allisy-Roberts 1997; Dendy and Heaton 1999).
Because of the cone beam shape of the x-ray beam, the further an object is
from the film the greater the magnification of the object. To minimise such
magnification the object needs to be as close as possible to the film (contact
radiograph), and a long Film-Focus Distance (FFD – the distance between
the x-ray tube and the radiographic film) of 100 to 180 cm is required. To
minimise geometric lack of sharpness in the radiographic image, a focal spot
of 1 mm or less (0.6 mm) is required. Although contact radiographs can be
made of bone specimens, this is impossible for mummies in cartonnage
and wrappings. If accurate measurements are required to be made from
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(a) (b)
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Radiographic tomography
If a patient moves during x-ray exposure, the moving structures are blurred
and consequently not clearly seen, as they are not in the same position during
the x-ray exposure. Tomography (from the Greek word ‘tomos’ meaning
slice) uses such movement to blur out structures that overlay the item of
interest. This blurring out is achieved by the x-ray tube and the radiographic
film moving simultaneously in equal but opposite directions.
The fulcrum around which this movement takes place can be varied
from its distance from the tabletop and provides the ‘in focus’ plane, with
everything above and below this fulcrum plane being blurred out by the
movement. The larger the angle of movement of the x-ray tube, the thinner is
the section of the in focus plane. Tomography had to be widely used before
the introduction of CT, but is now not so necessary in clinical practice.
Current radiographic tomographic equipment uses linear movement of
approximately 20◦ and provides a slice thickness of 10 mm.
In this method, the x-ray photons transmitted reach a phosphor screen
and are intensified by electronic or geometric means. The image can be
recorded photographically by a ‘spot’ camera for static images or on a tele-
vision monitor which allows real time imaging. This may be relevant in
imaging mummies when endoscopy is being performed, and it is important
to identify the anatomical position of the end of the endoscope (e.g. when
a biopsy is being taken) (Notman et al. 1986).
and air), there will be partial volume averaging and the HU will be a mean
value and not representative of the individual components.
The original head scanners used a pencil beam of x-rays and a single
detector that rotated around the head to obtain the transmitted radiation
readings from different angles around the head. With the introduction of
body scanners in 1975, the pencil x-ray beam was replaced by a fan beam
and the single detector was replaced with a curvilinear bank of detectors.
This allowed faster scanning of the larger volume of tissue; each slice still
took 20 seconds to acquire and was 10 mm in thickness.
Over the past decade, there have continued to be remarkable technical
developments in CT, with the x-ray tube rotating continuously to acquire the
images (spiral CT), and multiple rows of detectors (initially four, then six-
teen, thirty-two, and currently sixty-four rows) (multidetector CT – MDCT)
to record the transmitted radiation at different angles around the body. This
enables very fast acquisition (20 seconds for the whole torso) of a large
number of images (100 s), thinner sections (approximately 1 mm), three-
dimensional (3D) volume imaging, and a spatial resolution in the longitu-
dinal plane that is the same as that for the cross-sectional plane, which was
not the case for individual slices of the rotate/translate scanners (Kalender
2000, 2006; Hoffman et al. 2002). CT is now widely used to image mum-
mies and has also been used to guide biopsy sampling in palaeopathological
research (Ruhli et al. 2002).
Ultrasound (US)
The technique of US imaging was introduced in the early 1970s, origi-
nally for the scanning of the foetus in utero, as it does not involve ionising
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figure 2. Resin and mud in the thoracic region of a mummy. (a) AP radiograph of the
thoracic (chest) region of a mummy showing radiodense resin in both the left and right
hemithoraces; the resin is very extensive and dense on the left. Credit: Judith Adams.
(b) CT through the thorax of the same mummy showing cross-sectional anatomy with-
out overlap, and the layering of resin and other materials (perhaps mud, which is less
radiodense) posteriorly, confirming that the body was supine during the mummification
process. Credit: Judith Adams.
9780521865791c03 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:29
radiation. It is now applied widely for scanning in all body sites. Ultrasound
waves are emitted from a transducer; some are reflected off surfaces within
the body and some are transmitted, particularly through fluid. The differen-
tial reflection of the US waves is received by the transducer and the image
is formed. This technique also depends on water within tissue, and so has
no application to desiccated mummified tissue.
(a) (b)
figure 3. CT scan of the head of a mummy. (a) CT scan through the head showing
layering of resin posteriorly in the skull vault. More anteriorly, there is a round structure
(arrow) that was identifiable on all sections below and extended into the body through
the foramen magnum, indicating that it is a rod used by the embalmers to stabilise
the position of the body. Credit: Judith Adams. (b) From CT sections such as in 3a, a
3D volume image can either be reconstructed or acquired directly with MDCT, and
with appropriate thresholding can depict either bone, as in this illustration, or soft tissue
features of the mummy. Credit: Judith Adams.
across joints [e.g. sacroiliac joints] to break under sheer forces) the skeleton
becomes disrupted (see Figure 4).
Mummification process
As most of the organs were removed prior to wrapping, the cranium, thorax,
and abdomen of the mummy will be largely filled with air, packages (see
below), resin, the skeletal remains, and desiccated soft tissue. The latter
will attenuate x-rays to a greater extent than they do in the living human.
The radiographic contrast between this desiccated soft tissue and air will be
greater than under normal clinical conditions, and it is important that the
appearances are not misinterpreted as disease (e.g. ankylosing spondylitis).
Resin residue can be identified in the dependent part of the body (pos-
terior of skull vault, spinal canal, abdomen, and thorax), confirming that
the body was supine when the mummification process was undertaken.
Sometimes, more dense mud may also be mixed with the resin (Figures 2
and 3).
(a) (b)
material used, but are more clearly seen on CT scans (see Figure 8). The
desiccated native orbital tissue structures can be identified on CT posterior
to the artificial eyes. As the phallus also shrivelled on desiccation on some
male mummies, an artificial phallus may be identified. To keep the body in
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
figure 6. Packages in right thorax of a mummy. The organs were removed before mum-
mification and placed in Canopic jars or in packages, which were placed into the body
cavities. These packages can be identified in the right thorax on this AP radiograph (a),
as the package is of soft tissue attenuation and surrounded by air. The package is better
visualised to the right of the spine on the CT scan (b). There are also two packages/fabric
rolls lying anteriorly between the chest and the wrappings. Credit: Judith Adams.
(a) (b)
figure 7. Packing in the mouth of a mummy. The embalmers attempted to make the
mummified body appear as it had in life. To achieve this, packing was placed in the
mouth (area of the mandible appears more dense) and neck (arrow), as seen on this
lateral radiograph (a) of the skull and neck. The CT scan (b) shows the packing in the
oropharynx. Credit: Judith Adams.
9780521865791c03 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:29
(a) (b)
figure 8. False eyes in a mummy. As the native tissues of the orbit became desiccated
during the mummification process, the embalmers often placed false eyes into the orbital
cavities. These were made of a variety of materials; if radiopaque, these can be visualised
on radiographs as on this frontal skull projection (a), but would not be evident if made of
fabric. The false eyes and their construction are better visualised on b) CT scans in which
the desiccated native orbital structures (optic nerve and rectus muscles) (arrows) can be
seen deep within the orbital cavity, posterior to the false eyes. Credit: Judith Adams.
figure 9. Brain removal during mummification. The brain was removed either through
the foramen magnum or the anterior approach through the ethmoid and cribriform
plate. There will be radiographic evidence of the anterior approach with absence of
the ethmoid bones and air cells, (a) which would normally be seen through the nose
on the frontal radiograph of the skull (with cranial angle of the x-ray tube) with no
bone structures being present (arrows). Credit: Judith Adams. (b) coronal radiographic
tomography showing absence of the right ethmoid bone and cribriform plate (arrow).
Credit: Judith Adams. (c) CT scan showing destruction of the right and left ethmoid air
cells (arrow). Note that anterior to this bone destruction there is material packing in the
nasal cavities (arrowheads). Credit: Judith Adams.
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the straight disposition it held in life, rods were inserted that may be visible
on CT (Figure 3).
Some mummies have been found to have artificial limbs. These were
usually added after mummification (restoration limbs), in persons who had
lost a limb before death, to make the body whole in the afterlife. Some,
however, were intended to be functional limbs during life (prosthesis) (Gray
1967; Finch 2005).
Organ removal
The intestinal organs were generally removed through an incision in the
left side of the abdomen, the position of which may be indicated by a metal
cover, or through the perineum, which can be demonstrated to be deficient
on CT.
The brain was surgically removed before mummification via an anterior
approach through the ethmoid air cells and cribriform plate (Leek 1969) on
either side (Hoffman and Hudgins 2002). The consequent bone destruction
can be demonstrated on both radiographs and CT scans (see Figure 9).
Sometimes the surgical instruments would be forced so far into the brain
that the dorsum sellae (posterior bone margin of the pituitary fossa) would
be displaced (Isherwood et al. 1979).
The brain was also sometimes removed through the foramen magnum,
at the junction between the skull and the spinal canal in the posterior aspect
of the skull, but no radiological evidence of this will be seen on imaging.
Mostly, the skulls of mummies are filled with air; sometimes there is resin
layered posteriorly within the skull vault (Figure 3); only occasionally can
the gyri of remnants of brain be identified on imaging (Lewin and Harwood-
Nash 1977).
Often there will be information on the cartonnage/wrappings of the mummy
as to the details of the individual contained within. Imaging (radiographs)
9780521865791c03 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:29
(a) (b)
figure 10. Radiographic evidence indicating gender in a mummy. The gender of the
mummified body can be determined from certain skeletal features, one of which is the
shape of the pelvis. The pelvis of a female is more oval (a), whereas in a male it is
more pear shaped (b), where there is also evidence of the construction of a false phallus
overlying the symphysis pubis. The pelvis may be distorted in shape if the wrappings are
very tight. Credit: Judith Adams.
Age at death
It is easy to differentiate the skeleton of a child from that of an adult because
the growth plates, where enchondral ossification enables growth to take
place up to the time of skeletal maturity, and the epiphyses will be evident
(see Figure 11). Females reach skeletal maturity at between 16 and 18 years
in modern times and males later, at between 18 and 20 years.
In modern times, an assessment of skeletal ageing is made from a radio-
graph of the nondominant hand, using either the method of Greulich and
Pyle (gathered from American Caucasian children) or that of Tanner and
Whitehouse, both of which assess the size and shape of the carpal bones and
epiphyses (Greulich and Pyle 1971; Tanner and Whitehouse 1975). It can
9780521865791c03 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:29
State of body
Mummies may be in a good condition and wholly intact, which reflects
a high-quality mummification process and maintenance in an ideal envi-
ronment since mummification. Poor mummification may be associated
with some putrefaction of tissue and postmortem fractures of bones and
dislocation at joints. Alternatively, a poor environment and storage since
mummification could result in disruption of the mummy.
Because most of the organs have been removed and placed into packages,
only the teeth and skeleton are left to provide an indication of disease. Harris
growth arrest lines (thin horizontal sclerotic lines in the ends of long bones)
indicate that some episode (illness or malnutrition) at that stage of skeletal
development caused cessation of enchondral ossification; the provisional
zone of cartilage calcified is not resorbed as is normal, and remains as an
indicator of disease (Harris 1933; Schwager 1969; Ashby 2001) (Figure 12).
Premortem trauma may be seen in long bones as fractures that have
evidence of healing (callus formation). Osteomyelitis may be evident by
9780521865791c03 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:29
figure 11. Age determination in mummies. The age of the mummified person at death
can be determined by the dentition and skeleton. In children there will be evidence of
epiphyses, as seen here in the AP radiograph of the knees (a) and in the bones of the feet
(b), and unerupted teeth (c), depending on the age. Credit: Judith Adams.
Degenerative changes may indicate that the individual was involved in
heavy manual work rather than a sedentary way of life. Harris growth arrest
lines could indicate periods of malnutrition (Figure 12). Because food con-
tained quite a lot of sand, the cusps of the teeth became eroded (attrition),
giving a flat upper surface, which is best visualised on radiographs (Leek
9780521865791c03 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:29
1979). If this erosion was severe, the dental canal became open and infec-
tion could pass from the mouth through the tooth (caries) to the mandible
where there may be radiographic evidence of dental abscess (Figure 12) (see
Chapter 5).
The process of mummification can cause changes on images that may
mimic disease processes. The cartilage in joints and intervertebral discs
may appear more radiodense, through dessication, than is the case in living
humans and may be adjacent to air in mummies, resulting in greater con-
trast difference. Joints may appear narrowed as a consequence; the absence
of associated erosive (juxtaarticular erosions) or degenerative (osteophytes,
subchondral cyst, and sclerosis) arthritic changes help to distinguish when
the narrowed joint is the result of the mummification process rather than
premorbid disease. Intervertebral discs may also be calcified (Figure 12).
This was initially considered to be due to onchronosis (alkaptonuria), an
inborn error of tyrosine metabolism, but has now been confirmed to be
artefactual and due to the process of mummification, with the deposition
of natron in the disc (Gray 1967; Wells and Maxwell 1962; Walgren et al.
1986; Baunstein et al. 1989; Phomphutkui et al. 2003).
The paravertebral ligaments may also appear more dense, through
dessication, and more prominent because of increased contrast difference
between ligaments and adjacent air in mummies. These features must not
be misinterpreted as paravertebral ossification of ankylosing spondylitis;
normal sacroiliac joint excludes this pathological diagnosis. Forestier’s
(senile) hyperostosis (diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis [DISH]) also
causes paravertebral ossification, and has been misinterpreted as ankylosing
spondylitis in the mummy of Ramesses II (Chhem et al.), although there
are distinct radiographic appearances that distinguish these two conditions
(Resnick and Niwayama 1976).
Animal mummies
The mummification of animals was closely linked to the desire to preserve
bodily remains for eternity. The reasons for animals being mummified can
be attributed to the following:
Certain animals were regarded as godlike, and so were worshipped as cult
animals. Others were mummified as they had been beloved pets during life
9780521865791c03 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:29
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
figure 12. Disease processes in mummies. (a) AP radiograph of the ankles showing the
dense horizontal Harris lines in the distal tibiae, which indicate some episode (e.g. illness,
malnutrition) at that stage of skeletal development that caused enchondral ossification to
cease for a period, leaving this line of the zone of provisional calcification. Credit: Judith
Adams. (b) CT scan of the pelvis showing calcification in residual tissue in the anatom-
ical region of the bladder. Through image-guided (fluoroscopy) endoscopic biopsy this
bladder calcification was confirmed to be due to bilharzia. Credit: Judith Adams. (c)
Food contained sand, which caused abrasion of the cusps of the teeth and predisposed
to dental infection. The teeth have flat superior surfaces on this lateral radiograph of the
mandible and maxilla, with evidence of caries and some apical bone resorption. Credit:
Judith Adams. (d) Sagittal tomography of the thoracic spine showing the intervertebral
discs to be increased in density. This may, in part, be related to the desiccated cartilage
of the disc being adjacent to air (increased contrast difference compared with that in
living humans). Calcification of the intervertebral disc also occurs, which is now known
to be related to the process of mummification and not due to alkaptonuria, as initially
surmised. Credit: Judith Adams.
9780521865791c03 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:29
Animal types
A wide variety of animals fulfilled the various categories for animal mum-
mification (Armitage and Clutton-Brock 1981; Owen 2001). These included
cats, dogs, predatory birds (kestrels, sparrow hawks), other birds (ibis), insec-
tivores, Nile crocodiles, and fish. Radiography can noninvasively confirm
an animal skeleton within the wrapped mummy and, from the skeletal char-
acteristics, can confirm the type of animal mummy it contains (Figure 13).
It has still to be determined whether CT will add further to knowledge of
these animal mummies and the mummification process.
In some mummies where the external wrappings indicate the shape and
features of a specific animal, imaging reveals that no skeleton is present
(see Figure 13). Presumably the embalmers ran out of the supply of certain
animal types and so created these artificial animal mummies, or if the cost
of high-quality mummification was not affordable, then less expensive fake
copies of animals may have been provided to accompany the owner into
Imaging is an important tool that provides information about the contents
of a mummy, human or animal, without damage to the mummy or its wrap-
pings (Chhem and Ruhli 2004). The most widely applied imaging method
is radiography, which has been feasible in the field for many decades, and
so is the easiest to perform with the items in the place where they have
been found. Radiographs have advantages (least expensive, most widely
available, high spatial resolution), but also some limitations (superimpo-
sition of structures on 2D images; magnification of objects some distance
from the film; limited contrast resolution; difficult sometimes to position
the mummy ideally for the best projection to be obtained; if the wrapping
9780521865791c03 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:29
figure 13. Animal mummies. (a) Photograph showing a beautifully wrapped and deco-
rated animal mummy. Credit: Judith Adams. (b) The radiograph of an animal mummy
confirms that the wrappings contain the skeleton of a bird. Credit: Judith Adams. (c) Pho-
tograph of a mummy purporting to contain a bird. Credit: Judith Adams. (d) Radiograph
showing that there are no bones in the wrappings and that the mummy consists simply
of material and reeds (vertical linear structures). Credit: Judith Adams.
is very dense, then the energy of the x-ray beam obtainable may not be
adequate to penetrate to visualise the mummy structure adequately). The
quality of images will generally be higher if the radiography is performed in
a modern, well-equipped clinical radiology department with experienced
radiographic staff performing the radiography.
CT has been increasingly applied to the examination of Egyptian remains
since the mid-1970s. The advantages of CT over radiographs are that there
is no overlap of anatomical structures on cross-sectional images, greater
contrast resolution, and quantisation is feasible (contents of voxel can be
based on its attenuation characteristics), but this cannot be exploited to the
same extent as in the living human because of the mummification process
and desiccation of tissues. There are some limitations (expense, limited
availability in some parts of the world, not generally available in the field
[although recently a mobile CT unit has been made available for imaging
of the mummy of Tutankhamun in the Valley of the Kings], partial volume
effect, and less good spatial resolution than radiographs). The quality (spatial
resolution, 3D volume imaging) of CT images and the speed of acquisition
9780521865791c03 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:29
have improved greatly over the past decade or more (MDCT), but huge
numbers of images (approximately 1,200 for an entire human mummy) are
For all such imaging, high-quality equipment and skilled technical radio-
graphic staff are important, as is having radiological, in addition to Egypto-
logical expertise for the interpretation of imaging features and differentiat-
ing among premortem disease, postmortem changes, and artefact (technical
and due to mummification process).
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chapter 4
Ken Wildsmith
9780521865791c04 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:22
44 Ken Wildsmith
46 Ken Wildsmith
(removed from the body during mummification) lay between her legs. In
the team’s previous research, histological examination of tissue from this
package had demonstrated that, when alive, this woman had suffered from
a parasitic infestation, caused by a worm of the genus Strongyloides.
There was no evidence of an incision in the abdominal wall and the
embalmers appeared to have removed the intestine and other internal
organs through the pelvic floor. The anatomy of the anus and vagina could
not be established with certainty but in the dried state, there appeared to
be a common orifice through which the organs had been extracted. X-ray
films of the chest showed radiopaque tissue, which, it was thought, probably
represented collapsed lung or the heart in the central part of the chest, but
the thoracic cavities appeared to be empty.
The skin and subcutaneous tissue on the chest wall were of a hard leathery
consistency but two holes each less than 1 cm in diameter were bored
through the chest wall from the back on either side and a variety of rigid
industrial endoscopes were used to examine the thoracic cavity. An excellent
view of the inside of the thorax was obtained and, as suspected from the
x-rays, the lungs were collapsed down to the midline.
There was no evidence of resin within the chest. The thin membrane
(pleura) lining the inside of the cavity and the underlying ribs could be seen
quite clearly, and appeared to be free from disease. The backbone could be
seen and showed no evidence of disease. Part of the diaphragm, the thin
layer of muscle separating the chest and abdominal cavities, was evident
and appeared to have been damaged at one point, presumably when the
embalmers removed the contents of the abdomen.
Radiographs of the collapsed lung tissue showed peculiar striped mark-
ings, and the researchers attempted to find out what these were, while look-
ing for evidence of lung disease. To take the investigation a step further,
small retrieval forceps attached to the endoscope and manipulated from
outside the chest were used to take samples of the presumed lung tissue.
Direct visualisation of the tip of the endoscope on a radiographic screen was
used to position the endoscope within the chest so that the biopsy could be
taken more exactly from the desired site.
The histological examination of this tissue showed scarring of the pleura
and the lung tissue. It also revealed that not only did Asru suffer from a
Strongyloides infestation but also that a hydatid cyst, caused by another para-
sitic worm, Echinococcus, was present within the lung. Further examination
included introduction of the endoscope through the common anal/vaginal
orifice, but unfortunately, the absence of air within the cavity limited the
view within the abdomen. The embalmers had cleared out this area, and
9780521865791c04 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:22
48 Ken Wildsmith
as a result, the abdominal wall had collapsed backwards and obliterated the
cavity. Biopsies were taken of muscle and blood vessels from the wall of the
pelvic cavity, but histological examination of these specimens did not reveal
any significant abnormalities.
Finally, attempts were made to examine the inside of the skull. In some
mummies, successful access to the skull can be gained by passing the endo-
scope up the nose and through the defect made by the embalmers in the base
of the skull. Unfortunately, in this instance, the soft tissue in the nose had
collapsed and so it was not possible to use this route; however, the eye sockets
were empty and the hole in the back of the socket through which the optic
nerve enters the brain was open, enabling a narrow-bore rigid industrial
instrument to be passed through this hole, which provided a satisfactory
view of the inside of the skull. There appeared to be some brain tissue in
the skull, but due to the small size of the access hole, it was impossible to
retrieve tissue for a biopsy.
It was necessary to make a burr hole in the skull to allow any remaining
brain tissue to be removed for histological examination. Several intact larval
skins were seen lying free within the skull and these were photographed
through the endoscope and then removed with fine retrieval forceps. They
appeared to be very similar to those examined previously from the intestines
of this mummy, which were identified as Chrysomyia albiceps.
50 Ken Wildsmith
(c. 300 b.c.), the radiological evidence indicated that this may have
occurred, resulting in displacement of the bone that was embedded in
either resin or brain tissue at the back of the skull where it had been pushed
by the embalmers some 2,000 years before.
In detached mummy heads, it is sometimes possible to introduce flexible
endoscopes through the space within the bones of the neck, which normally
contains the spinal cord (vertebral canal). Passing an endoscope upwards
through this passage allows access to the cranial cavity through the foramen
magnum where, during life, the brain merges with the spinal cord.
It should be pointed out that the endoscope has been of particular value in
investigating the ‘fluid’ levels seen radiologically in several skulls. Through
the endoscope, it is possible to observe that in some instances these ‘fluid’
levels have a smooth flat surface, and when a biopsy of the material forming
these surfaces is taken, it is found to consist of resin. The position of these
resin levels indicates that the body lay prone for some time after the resin
was poured in, and indeed, there was time for it to set hard before the
body was moved. In the case of one detached head (No. 1981/575), the resin
level showed that the body was propped up at an angle from the horizontal
position during the mummification procedure.
Endoscopic examination also provided further information about the
fluid levels observed on the x-rays. For example, in some instances, where
the surface of the fluid level was irregular and fissured, endoscopic biopsies
showed that the fluid forming the fluid level was indeed decomposing brain.
It was evident that the brain had been incompletely removed, and as it
liquefied, it sank to the back of the skull, forming the fluid level. The body
must have been left prone for a considerable time, as the brain must have
dried out and rehardened in this position for the fluid level to have persisted
after the body had been moved.
Finally, in one head (No. 22940) where none of the aforementioned routes
into the skull was available, a burr hole was made using tools employed
routinely in neurosurgical operations. These tools consist of a brace and
bit very similar to those used in carpentry. The normal size of a drill hole
made by a neurosurgeon is approximately 1 cm in diameter, and during an
operation, the surgeon may make several of these around an area of the
skull that is to be removed to operate on the brain below.
It was sufficient, in this detached mummy head, to make one burr hole
through an area of the skull that was shown radiologically to be away from
brain tissue. An endoscope introduced through the hole gave an excellent
view of the interior of the skull and also allowed a brain biopsy to be taken.
The histological examination of this biopsy specimen showed evidence of a
9780521865791c04 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:22
hydatid cyst, and it is evident that this was another example of Echinococcus
worm infestation.
Endoscopy continues to play a major role in providing a minimally inva-
sive means of obtaining mummified tissue. Additionally, tissue samples
obtained in this manner over many years now form the basis of the Inter-
national Ancient Egyptian Mummy Tissue Bank (see Chapter 15), which
provides material for current studies undertaken by the Manchester team
and other researchers.
9780521865791c05 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:21
chapter 5
Judith Miller
This survey of ancient Egyptian palaeodontology draws not only on all
available sources and previous studies (e.g. Harris et al. 1980; Bennike and
Fredebo 1986; Harris et al. 1980; Smith 1986), but is also based on research
conducted by the author on more than 500 ancient Egyptian skulls from the
Duckworth Collection in Cambridge and the Natural History Museum,
London. These collections contain more than 5,000 skulls from sites in
Upper and Lower Egypt dating from the Predynastic to Ptolemaic Periods, a
time span of almost 5,000 years. Many skulls display severe dental pathology,
which varies over the millennia and can be explained by the influence of
the diet.
In addition to considering the incidence of dental disease, this chapter
examines the diet of the ancient Egyptians, the role of medical practitioners
who had the title of dentist, and the prescriptions of dental relevance found
in the medical papyri. Finally, there is an assessment of the evidence that
researchers have proposed in support of the theory that dental treatment
was practised in ancient Egypt.
separate groups. Where possible, more than one site from each period has
been investigated, and the findings have been related to known differences
in diet in the various geographical regions and time periods.
During the Palaeolithic Period, the Predynastic populations lived on
the edge of the desert because the Nile Valley was under water and the
vegetation abounded with wildlife. These people, whose weapons have been
found, were hunters. More information is available from the Mesolithic
Period: for example, near the village of Sebil in the Kom Ombo plain, there
is evidence of three different periods of occupation known as the Sebilian
culture (Saffiro 1969). The plain had originally been under water and, as
this dried up, the population settled at successively lower levels to be near
the water.
The second and third period excavations have yielded millstones and
stone pestles. In the refuse heaps, archaeologists discovered the remains of
molluscs, fish bones, and herbivore bones, which had been opened to extract
the marrow. Butchered hippopotamus skeletons have also been found: the
flesh of these would yield as much meat as forty or more sheep; the bones
were used to fashion fishhooks and other implements (Midant-Reynes 1992).
At the site of El Omari, which may even predate the Predynastic com-
munity at El Badari (Midant-Reynes 1992), the remains of granaries and
dwellings lined with matting, cakes made of wheat, fragments of wheat and
barley, bread, sycamore figs and dates, and stalks of wild sugarcane (Saccha-
rum spontaneum L) (the earliest examples recorded in Egypt) have been
discovered. Among the animal remains found were pig, hippopotamus,
crocodile, snail, ostrich, antelope, goat, and fish bones (Hayes 1964).
A major change in nutrition occurred around 4,000 b.c. when the inhab-
itants of the Nile Valley evolved from hunter-gatherers to settled agricultur-
ists and pastoralists. The cultivation of grain as a main source of food and
the concomitant reduction in hunting for animals resulted in an increased
intake of carbohydrates and a decrease in proteins. Because of the settled
lifestyle, the population rapidly increased, and at times, this would result in
54 Judith Miller
was harvest failure. Other cultural modifications arose within the Dynastic
Period as the result of invasions from neighbouring countries, the capture
of prisoners, and expanding trade, which brought the addition of imported
crops. A reduction in the average stature in communities who ate a mainly
cereal diet has been noted, and even today, the height of the hunter-gatherers
has not been regained (Brewer et al. 1994).
As the water level began to fall after the annual inundation, crops were
sown in November, and harvested in April before the next inundation. Bar-
ley (Hordeum vulgare) and emmer, a species of wheat (Triticum dicoccum),
were the cereals most frequently produced. There was an abundant supply
of vegetables such as lentils, beans, cucumbers, leeks, garlic, radishes, and,
in particular, onions. Fruits were also plentiful, and there is evidence of
grapes, dates, figs, and pomegranates (Gardiner 1961).
Much of the information about the diet has come from the contents
of tombs (Darby et al. 1977), including tomb models, stelae, wall reliefs,
and paintings that depict a variety of consumables, and well-preserved food
offerings, deposited for the afterlife, such as mummified meat and fowl, and
bread. Analyses of the viscera contained in Canopic jars have identified
food particles. Literary sources include texts on papyri listing the rations
given to soldiers and workmen, and inscriptions on temple walls that detail
the food offerings presented to the gods.
References also occur to oil produced from the fruit of the b3q tree,
which is now thought to be ben-oil from the moringa tree (Gardiner 1961).
Although there is no evidence of oil palms in predynastic Egypt, a fragment
of the pericarp of an oil palm was found in a Mesolithic site in the Sudan,
which may mean that food substances were moved between regions.
Fruit and vegetables, the main components of the diet, were enjoyed and
eaten in abundance. In discussing the pyramid builders, Herodotus (Book II:
para.125) (Selincourt 1972: 151–52) reported that an inscription on the Great
Pyramid at Giza recorded the substantial payments spent on food for the
labourers, which included radishes, onions, and leeks. In addition, they
would have been supplied with bread, the staple of the ancient Egyptian
diet. Nowadays the diet would be considered very healthy but the effect on
the teeth was often devastating, mainly because of the wear. The causes of
these problems can be explained by the geography of Egypt, the diet, and
the social conditions that continued for some 4,000 years.
56 Judith Miller
figure 14. Severe wear with pulp exposure of 2/12. The main reason for this condition is
the contamination of the bread, which was so important to the Egyptians’ diet that they
were known as ‘eaters of bread’ (‘artophagi’). Credit: Judith Miller.
the pulp. The site of this attack varied at different time periods because of
changes in the diet. In the Predynastic Period, there were many examples
of root caries but later periods showed a distribution of interstitial caries,
similar to the present day, which is caused by an increase of sucrose in the
The cause of caries was thought to be a ‘worm.’ In the Legend of the
Tooth-worm, a Babylonian magical text, toothache is attributed to a demon,
represented by a worm, which must be destroyed to cure the pain. Maggots
found in figs were analogous to the tooth-worm (Weinberger 1948). An even
earlier example occurs in Papyrus Anastasii IV (1200 b.c.) in which an
Egyptian official describes the physical afflictions of a scribal companion,
and states that a fnt-worm (translated as a real or metaphorical intestinal
worm) has invaded his tooth.
Periapical lesions. Both severe wear and caries could have led to the
high incidence of bone lesions thought to have been caused by periapi-
cal abscesses. Some of the periapical lesions that the ancient Egyptian
9780521865791c05 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:21
58 Judith Miller
figure 15. Caries in the cervical area plus a large interproximal cavity in an ancient
Egyptian dentition. One interesting finding was that the buccal cavities, which arose in
the fissures of the lower molars, did not occur very often. Before a large cavity could form,
the wear would reduce the height of the tooth below the level of the developing cavity.
Credit: Judith Miller.
figure 16. Periapical destruction. This resulted from the wear shown in Figure 14, caused
by the pulp exposure. Credit: Judith Miller.
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60 Judith Miller
figure 17. Dentition showing periodontal disease – both horizontal and vertical. Vertical
bone loss is very different in appearance and is the result of an acute periodontal infection,
which has resorbed the alveolar bone unevenly. Credit: Judith Miller.
62 Judith Miller
64 Judith Miller
The Rylands Greek Papyrus. This later medical document is in the John
Rylands University of Manchester Library, Manchester (Hunt 1911). Case
No. 29a is a prescription for a tooth powder (translated by Murphy 1998,
personal communication). Unfortunately, many words are missing from the
fragment, but it is evidently a treatment for scabs in the mouth that involved
rinsing out the mouth and using various ingredients, including stavesacre
(staphisagria or wild dry grapes, usually known as larkspur, which may
have an antiseptic effect) and smooth Egyptian beans (a remedy for skin
and musculoskeletal disorders [Estes 1993]). For diseased uvulas, the text
prescribes: ‘wheaten flower – smooth like granules – having rubbed in.’
Acacia, which has astringent properties, is also recommended.
These channels were called metu (see Chapter 12), and a set of efferent
metu carried the waste products from these organs to the surface. The sunu
(physician) did not distinguish arteries from veins or nerves.
The whdw (waste products) were of great concern to the ancient Egyptian.
In the Ebers Papyrus, there is a chapter about ‘expelling the whdw.’ The
physician thought that the whdw were putrefying faeces, which would enter
the metu and infect the heart and organs, thus causing disease. One of its
manifestations was considered to be dental disease. The term ‘Blood-Eater’
appears in the medical texts and was thought to be the effect of whdw (pus)
on the blood, resulting in the clotting of blood. In Chapter 89 of the Ebers
Papyrus there is a prescription to treat ‘blood-eating in a tooth.’ This clotting
was understood to be pathological and not part of the healing process, and
the physician tried to prevent the formation of a scab so that the whdw could
66 Judith Miller
examined. He also stated that ‘tartar’ on the wire proved that the procedure
had been performed in the mouth of a living person.
The photographs show the teeth wide apart; however, Weinberger (1947)
wrote that, in Junker’s report, both teeth were said to be close together, as
is usually found in the mouth. Ghalioungui (1973) also cites the ‘bridge’
as evidence of dental treatment. Leek (1967a) was sceptical about Euler’s
conclusions. He had, however, only examined the photograph and had
not seen the appliance. Leek reported that the only method by which the
concretions on the wire, which were called ‘tartar,’ could be verified was if
the sample were to be examined microscopically.
He explained that there was often an accumulation of material, resem-
bling calculus, on bones that had been buried over a long period. The
prosthesis must have been interred separately as there was no evidence of a
skull present in the mastaba tomb and so the ‘bridge’ was unlikely to have
been in its owner’s mouth at death. The wire is tied between the teeth;
however, the most convenient position to tie the wire in the oral cavity
would have been mesial to the second molar. The wear is much greater
on the third molar than on the second molar. This would be unlikely in
the mouth as the third molar would have erupted approximately six years
after the second molar and would not have been subjected to as much wear
because of its age and anatomical position.
Another bridge is discussed by Harris et al. (1975). This bridge was found
in 1952 by Farid in a mastaba that dated to the fourth Dynasty. The bones
of the skeleton were almost completely crushed by a fall of stone. The
specimen consisted of the upper right canine, with an intact root, which
has a double wire wound around its neck and tied at the distal aspect. The
authors considered this to be the abutment.
Adjacent to the abutment is a lateral incisor with a groove cut into the
labial surface to accommodate the wire, which was then tied around the
tooth. The root appears to have been modified intentionally as it is both
shortened and narrowed. The central incisor also has a labial groove with a
hole drilled mesiodistally to accommodate the wire. The root of this tooth
also appears to have been altered. It is suggested that this was attached,
in vivo, to the left, central incisor, which was the second abutment to the
Again, Harris et al. found calculus on the canine and lateral teeth that they
considered confirmed that the bridge had been worn for a long period of
time. Weeks (1980) alleged that the cemetery had been reused in Ptolemaic
times and so the date of the bridge was speculative, possibly advancing the
date of the construction of the bridge by 2,000 years.
9780521865791c05 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:21
figure 18. Example of teeth that could be removed by digital manipulation. Credit: Judith
68 Judith Miller
resulting from pulp death due to attrition, there are many examples of teeth
that would have been so mobile that they could have been removed by
digital manipulation. These have been left in situ.
Dawson (1929) quoted from the Coptic medical papyrus of Meshaikh
from the ninth century a.d. (during the Roman era in Egypt): ‘A tooth to
be extracted with instruments. Hellebore of good quality and gall; apply to
the region of the cheek where the molar is that you wish to extract, and you
will be astonished.’
Leek (1967b) stated that he had never identified any interruption of the
pathological sequence, and he reached the conclusion that only magical
spells were used to treat dental disease. Nevertheless, he accepted that the
existence of a method of removing teeth could not be entirely discounted.
This very dismissive conclusion about possible historical dental interven-
tion has to be assessed in the light of the evidence provided by the dental
prescriptions in the medical papyri. These were not exclusively magical
incantations; some may have been effective as antiseptics and others may
have supported mobile teeth when the medicaments set to form a splint.
Evidence for the drainage of abscesses has also been considered. In the
foreword to his facsimile of the Edwin Smith Papyrus, Breasted (1930) said
that the treatise mentioned the use of the ‘fire-drill’ for cauterisation. He
suggested that this might have been used in a fourth Dynasty mandible to
drain an abscess under a molar tooth. He identified what he thought was a
drill hole in the mental foramen that he surmised had been made with a
bronze drill.
Although this technique was not mentioned in the papyrus, Breasted sug-
gested that the technique must have been taken for granted by the author of
the papyrus! Weinberger consulted Thoma and Hooton (who had originally
examined the mandible), and they affirmed their original opinion, leading
him to claim (1947) that this ‘evidence’ proved that this operation had been
performed in ancient Egypt.
Ghalioungui (1973) agreed with Breasted that holes were drilled to relieve
abscesses. Leek (1967b), however, attested that it was not necessary to drill a
hole in the bone to drain an abscess because the expansion of the pus, under
pressure, forms a sinus and perforates the compact bone of the alveolus.
Some studies have sought evidence that the ancient Egyptians filled teeth.
Ghalioungui (1973) suggested that teeth were filled, and he quoted trans-
lations of the Ebers Papyrus in which he said that resin, Nubian earth and
chrysocoll, or Nubian earth and honey were used. In his unpublished work
(1987), he translated these as substances to be used to ‘consolidate a tooth.’
9780521865791c05 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:21
figure 19. The only example of a possible dental extraction found in Miller’s survey (1997).
There is no indication of periodontal disease in the second and third molars and the site
of the missing first molar shows bone regeneration and no evidence that this tooth had
exfoliated because of disease. Credit: Judith Miller.
figure 20. Maxilla showing two nonphysiological defects. This shows the typical sinuses
found penetrating the cortical bone at the apex of the roots. In the past, these have been
interpreted as surgical interventions but they are the result of periapical infection. There
are many examples of these holes, but no evidence has ever been found of any suitable
instrument, such as a right-angled drill, which would be necessary to make the hole
surgically. Credit: Judith Miller.
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70 Judith Miller
chapter 6
John Denton
The technique of histology has been used for more than a century through-
out the world. It is still the basis of modern day pathology for the diagnosis of
plant, animal, and human diseases. Histology is also known as microscopic
anatomy. The word ‘anatomy’ comes from the Greek ana- meaning ‘up’ or
‘through’ plus tome meaning ‘a cutting.’ Thus, at first, the term ‘anatomy’
meant a ‘cutting up’ procedure because the structure of the body was orig-
inally learned through dissecting it with knives.
The word ‘histology’ comes from the Greek histo- meaning ‘tissue’ plus
logos meaning ‘treatise.’ Therefore ‘histology’ is a treatise about the tissues
and cells of the body. When applied to mummified tissues, it is generally
known as ‘palaeohistology,’ a term first used by Moodie (1920). Whereas
modern day histology is a diagnostic tool, very different information is sought
from the histological examination of the ancient tissues. For example, it is
always necessary to identify the type of tissue and its state of preservation.
In addition, it is sometimes possible to diagnose diseases and assess the
nutritional status of the individual from whom the tissue was taken.
9780521865791c06 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:19
72 John Denton
organisms that would lead to putrefaction of the mummy tissues during the
Following rehydration, it is necessary to fix the tissue. Fixation involves
a complex series of chemical changes that stabilise the tissue, retaining
the tissue architecture in as lifelike a state as possible; it must also allow
subsequent processing. It is interesting to note that the ancient Egyptians
accidentally discovered fixation many years before the modern histological
techniques were described, as they used natron as a fixative to preserve the
body as part of the mummification process.
Usually, the rehydration and fixation steps are performed in the same
solution, as in the case of formalin and detergent. The rehydration and
fixation steps are used for both soft tissues and bone, but in the case of bone,
further decisions have to be made about the subsequent processing steps.
Trabecular bone (found, for example, in the vertebra and the ends of the
long bones) is very difficult to section without first removing its mineral
content. Cortical bone (which, for example, forms the shafts of the long
bones such as the femur) is impossible to section unless a decalcification
step to remove the mineral hydroxyapatite is first performed.
There are two main types of decalcification, acid and chelation, but the
most common is the use of an acidic solution to breakdown the hydrox-
yapatite into the soluble salt of the acid that then diffuses from the bone
into solution. The mode of action of chelation is different from acidic pro-
cesses as it takes place at neutral pH. The most common chelating agent
is a solution of ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA). The crystal of
hydroxyapatite is made unstable by the irreversible capture of a calcium
atom from the surface of the hydroxyapatite crystal by the chelating agent,
which destabilises the crystal, resulting in the subsequent release of a phos-
phorus atom; the consequence of this is the dissolution of the crystal.
Many different solutions have been used but it was not until recently that
Williams (2006) comparatively determined the optimum mode of decal-
cification when applied to ancient bone. Through a comparison of the
controllability, damage, effectiveness, and subsequent staining of the bone
tissues with decalcification by nitric, formic, acetic, and hydrochloric acids
and EDTA, she came to the conclusion that a 12 per cent formic acid/sodium
citrate solution at room temperature with constant slow agitation was the
optimum solution for ancient bone.
74 John Denton
76 John Denton
Tissue identification
The identification of tissue can be problematic. For example, visual inspec-
tion of this specimen from a Canopic jar tentatively indicated that it was a
sample of liver (Plate I). To the surprise of the researcher, however, when the
specimen was examined by histological techniques and stained, it was iden-
tified as a leaf. This finding illustrates the point that it cannot be assumed
that visual identification is conclusive. Without correct identification, this
material may have been used for more sophisticated analytical or molecu-
lar techniques, which would have given erroneous results and wasted the
78 John Denton
and bacteria, but unfortunately, dry rot fungus is adept at circumventing this
measure by producing its own water as a metabolic byproduct, thus allowing
further growth. So even if the mummy is placed in a dry environment, this
does not inhibit the growth of the fungus, which proceeds to use the bone
as a food source.
In addition to water, the fungus produces oxalic acid as another metabolic
byproduct, which can be a problem, particularly for bony structures. The
acid acts in a similar way to the acids in the decalcification process but
in this case, instead of producing a soluble salt, the oxalic acid produces
an insoluble calcium oxalate compound that forms clusters of crystals in
the tissues. These crystals are best viewed by the technique of polarising
microscopy in which the birefringent properties of the crystal give bright
white or coloured crystals on a black or magenta background (Plate III).
Polarising microscopy
Polarising microscopy can also be used to visualise crystals that were
deposited during the individual’s life as a result of pollution in ancient
Egypt. This can be seen in Plate IV in which crystals and soot have been
deposited in the pleura, the sac surrounding the lungs. Deposits of this
type are accumulated throughout life when the individual is inhaling air
containing sand and other particles.
The contents of the deposit are a reflection of the pattern of particulate
inhalation throughout the person’s life and are nearly always a mixture. It
is common to find sand in lungs from the inhabitants of these desert areas,
and this type of soot is often the result of burning fats used for illumination
in a confined space such as a tomb, mine, or even the home. Mixed particles
are sometimes seen in the lungs of smelters and potters, reflecting the dust
and smoke that they have inhaled in the course of their daily working lives.
Cartilage of this thickness would give the ears a great degree of stiffness,
and from this it can be assumed that the ears of the cat were quite stiff and
erect. Cats of this type are described and pictured in wall scenes in Egyptian
80 John Denton
structure of the bone, similar to the way in which the annual rings in a tree
are indicative of time and seasons.
82 John Denton
demands for calcium. During pregnancy, the demands for calcium are
approximately 300 mg per day, but during lactation, the demand is in the
region of 3,000 mg per day, most of which comes from the maternal skele-
ton. If this is compounded by a poor diet, which was probably common in
ancient Egypt, then this can produce the episodic removal, healing, and
subsequent removal observed in this woman.
Thus, the abnormalities in the section of bone shown in Plate VIII can
be explained by piecing together a timeline of events: a normal woman
with normal healthy bone (HB) becomes pregnant and delivers a healthy
child whom she breast-feeds. This leads to massive calcium demands that
result in bone removal (evidenced by the old resorbtion line [OR]). She
then stops breast-feeding and has a period of normal health that allows her
bone to heal by formation of new bone on the surface of the old bone (NB).
The woman then re-enters the cycle of pregnancy and lactation, which
again results in bone removal by osteoclasts, but this now occurs through
the bone laid down between the two pregnancies and into the original
old healthy bone (NOC). This cycle then stops suddenly, demonstrated
by the resorbtion and lack of new bone formation. This abrupt halt was
almost certainly due to the woman’s death. This example demonstrates how
histological examination of a small sample of bone can produce detailed
information about the months or years of the person’s life prior to death.
Textile studies
Egyptian mummies are often wrapped with cloth bandages, as are some-
times the individual organs in the Canopic jars. It is therefore not unusual
to have pieces of bandage included with the tissue to be examined histolog-
At the microscopic level, it is usually possible to provide a positive iden-
tification of the structure of the cloth and the type of fibre of which it is
composed (Plate IX).
In conclusion, histology was one of the earliest scientific techniques to
be used for the investigation of ancient human, animal, and plant remains.
It is still the only technique that can identify specific tissues at a cellular
level and allow the pathological diagnosis of disease states.
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chapter 7
Maria Jeziorska
The attempt to study the significance of disease in prehistoric and early
historic people is challenging and somewhat analogous to reconstructing
the plot of a feature length motion picture from a few frames. – Miller
et al. (1996)
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84 Maria Jeziorska
human remains with a rarely occurring variant of disease or when the indi-
vidual suffered from concurrent diseases that caused superimposed tissue
changes. Such situations can easily lead to misdiagnosis.
Nevertheless, the scientific investigation of mummies and skeletons pro-
vides considerable data for the reconstruction of the living conditions and
diseases of past populations (Nerlich 2002). Ancient human remains occur
either in skeletal form or with soft tissues preserved due to natural or artificial
mummification. The most crucial factor for any kind of scientific assessment
is the state of preservation. It is now understood that both soft tissues and
bone are affected by the mummification process, and the quality and type
of information gained from studying ancient remains depend greatly on the
substances used.
Weser and Kaup (2002) assayed mummification salts and mummified bones
for borate and the reactivity of this compound on bone alkaline phosphatase,
which is known to survive mummification for more than 4,000 years. Further
investigation showed the elevated borate contents in both mummification
salts and ancient bone samples. The experimental work showed that borate
stabilises alkaline phosphatase molecules (Kaup et al. 2003).
Arriazza (2005) recently offered an interesting hypothesis on the origin of the
earliest form of mummification. He proposed that a natural phenomenon of
highly toxic water from a local river that contained a hundred times the con-
temporary level of arsenic caused an extremely high spontaneous abortion
and preterm birth rate in an ancient population of the Chincorro people
who were also apparently the first people in the world to practise intentional
mummification. This author proposed that the Chinchorro mortuary prac-
tice began as a cultural response to an environmental phenomenon.
In much more recent times, c. early 1600 a.d., arsenic was introduced
in Europe for the preservation of birds used as decoys or exhibits (Schulze-
Hagen et al. 2003). In 1835, Giuseppe Tranchina described a method of
injecting the blood vessels of a corpse with an arsenic–mercury solution.
This method was used in 1836 a.d. on the corpse of a prisoner who died of
pleurisy. His mummified body remained in an excellent state of preservation
and was recently examined by computed tomography (CT), with which the
historic case notes indicating pleurisy were confirmed; the pleurisy was most
probably caused by tuberculosis (Ciranni et al. 2005).
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86 Maria Jeziorska
Sodium sulphate
Not all the salts detected in the Egyptian mummies enhanced the preserva-
tion of all tissue components. Sodium sulphate was found in areas where the
degradation of lipid and protein seemed to be higher (Petersen et al. 2003).
Experimental mummification
Each example of human remains that is examined is unique. Even if they are
of a similar age and the mummification process and burial circumstances
were alike, the subsequent fate of each body is unique. Experimental stud-
ies help to explain on a molecular level what happens to the tissue during
mummification and shortly after mummification (Jeziorska et al. 2005a).
Experiments on animal carcasses shed some light on the influence of dif-
ferent conditions of burial on decomposition and the rate of water loss.
Koller et al. (2003) used four selected embalming compounds that were
found in resins and wood tars used for embalming in Egypt to experimen-
tally embalm porcine ribs before air-drying them. The level of alkaline
phosphatase present was used as a measure of preservation of the bone
tissue. Guaiacol was the most effective in retaining alkaline phosphatase
activity. Experimental desiccation of mice showed that even DNA mate-
rial that is highly susceptible to degradation can be identified in the tissues
(Terra et al. 2004).
Methods of rehydration
Desiccated, mummified, or embalmed tissues need to be rehydrated to
resemble contemporary material (see Chapter 6). Each sample changes its
9780521865791c07 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:17
Methods of investigation
There are some well-established methods used for the investigation of
ancient human remains.
Gross examination
A thorough macroscopic description of the mummy or its fragments is an
essential part of the scientific assessment. Much valuable medical infor-
mation may be gained from this process. Great care must be taken not to
damage the mummified remains for both ethical and scientific reasons. For
a long time, mummies were treated as ‘curios,’ unwrapped for entertain-
ment, or used for medicinal purposes, following a bizarre belief spreading
in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries a.d. that powderised mummy
tissue could cure various ailments.
Recently, complex ethical, cultural, and legal issues have been raised (see
Chapter 15) and now great care is taken to use minimally invasive and least-
damaging methods of investigation and sampling. In cases in which the
mummified body is partially dismembered or if an endoscopic procedure
can be performed (see Chapter 4), this may often give valuable informa-
tion about the state of the body cavities, enabling some diagnoses to be
made, similar to contemporary postmortem examination. Removing small
fragments of tissue from carefully targeted areas that are anatomically well
defined and in which the tissue looks best preserved can often form the
basis for good histological study.
Light microscopy
Light microscopy of the histochemically stained sections is the oldest
method of investigating mummified tissues. It remains a very important
Light microscopy using polarised light has an exceptionally high value
for the differential diagnosis of changes found in dry bones. Using
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88 Maria Jeziorska
Infrared microscopy
The state of conservation/degradation of mummified remains can be
inferred from their biochemical composition, as well as from the secondary
structures of proteins (see Chapter 16). Examination of the skin of an Egyp-
tian mummy by using synchrotron infrared microscopy enabled the main
degradation products to be identified as adipocere and calcium oxalate
(Cotte et al. 2005).
Electron microscopy
This technique was quite often applied to mummified tissues in the past,
but in the last few years it has been used very rarely. Transmission electron
microscopy (TEM) facilitates the study of subcellular details of the tissues,
and therefore is rarely successful in heavily damaged mummified tissues.
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is more promising, especially for
bodies that are not desiccated (Shin et al. 2003).
Molecular pathology
Molecular pathological methods used in contemporary research were
recently successfully applied to the investigation of mummified tissues.
They produce particularly good results in palaeomicrobiology (see below,
Infectious diseases
Tuberculosis is a re-emerging threat in the contemporary world, which
is why studies of evolution of the disease are being actively pursued. In
recent years, there has been a rapidly growing number of publications about
tuberculosis, especially in the field of molecular pathology, so it is possible
to mention only a few.
Previous macroscopic reports on tuberculosis in pre-Columbian skele-
tal remains from South America causing severe destruction, collapse, and
9780521865791c07 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:17
This entity is a chronic infectious disease that affects peripheral nerves, skin,
and in later stages, the skeleton. The disease is not fatal and if there are no
other concomitant diseases worsening the prognosis, the sufferers have a
long life expectancy. Disfiguring and mutilating aspects of the disease led
to ostracism and segregation of the affected individuals from the rest of
the society. Mark (2002) offered a new suggestion as to how leprosy spread
around the Mediterranean. He pointed out that ancient ships are seldom
mentioned in the literature as conveyors of disease, but they undoubtedly
were. He proposed that cargo ships with slaves being taken from India to
Egypt could have easily spread the disease.
A skeleton dated fourth to third century b.c. from a Celtic necropolis in
Italy shows probable lepromatous changes and if the planned DNA inves-
tigation is successful, it might prove to be the earliest case of leprosy in
Europe (Mariotti et al. 2005). The presence of Mycobacterium leprae DNA
was successfully confirmed in a tenth century Hungarian skull (Haas and
Zink, 2000). There are only a few reports that concentrate on the health
status of ancient populations from Central Asia, but the investigation of one
of the kurghans from Uzbekistan showed lesions that were probably due to
lepromatous leprosy (Blau and Yagodin 2005).
Finally, an interesting work by Bolsden (2001) goes beyond descriptive
approaches and uses modern epidemiological methods to address the preva-
lence of leprosy in medieval Denmark. In this study, the author set out to
define the osteological scoring system for leprosy and assess the sensitiv-
ity and specificity of seven leprosy-related osteological changes and the
frequency of leprosy at death in three different medieval burial sites (lep-
rosy institution and urban and rural cemeteries). The statistical approach
and methodology used in this paper show a new critical approach to
There are four treponemal pathogens that affect humans: Treponema
pallidum subspecies pallidum (causing syphilis), T. pallidum subspecies
9780521865791c07 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:17
90 Maria Jeziorska
The epidemics of plague were estimated to have killed millions of people,
but obtaining irrefutable evidence of the presence of Yersinia pestis was
very difficult. Drancourt et al. (1998) used unerupted teeth from skeletons
excavated from sixteenth and eighteenth century French graves of individ-
uals thought to have died of plague, thus obtaining sterile samples of dental
pulp. They were able to show a nucleotide sequence indistinguishable from
modern day bacteria, and later they demonstrated that Yersinia pestis was
the aetiological agent of the European Black Death in 1347 a.d. and the two
additional outbreaks in 1590 a.d. and 1722 a.d. in southern France (Dran-
court et al. 2002).
9780521865791c07 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:17
Many researchers doubted the possibility that confirmation of viral infec-
tions in historic material could ever be obtained. Simmonds (2000) dis-
cussed virus archaeology and evolution and stated that the direct evidence
for virus infection by isolation or by polymerase chain reaction is very rare
in material older than thirty years, but the archaeological evidence for virus
infection has been found. He recalled the discovery by Wells (1964) of skele-
tons from the Neolithic and Bronze Age periods with deformities similar
to present day poliomyelitis indirectly implicating viral infection. The best
example of a virus whose existence can be determined from descriptions of
epidemics is smallpox (Simmonds 2000).
The artificially mummified body of a sixteenth century Neapolitan noble-
woman showed the presence of a large papillary skin lesion in the paravul-
var region. The DNA was extracted from the lesion, amplified, cloned,
and sequenced. The diagnosis of condyloma acuminatum, a lesion caused
by human papilloma virus (HPV) was established (Fornaciari 2003). This
report followed an earlier discovery by the same group of the presence of a
smallpox virus in a sample of mummy skin (Fornaciari 1989). These find-
ings are very encouraging for renewed efforts for direct confirmation of viral
infections in ancient material.
Palaeoparasitology is the study of parasites in archaeological material. Para-
site remains in archaeological sites were sporadically reported for many years
and almost all known human parasites have been found in ancient faeces.
An excellent and comprehensive review of the topic was recently published
(Goncalvez et al. 2003). The authors also present their new data confirm-
ing human ancylostomids, Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichura, in
pre-Columbian times.
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92 Maria Jeziorska
Fasciola hepatica
Liver fluke eggs are a rare finding in palaeopathological material (Araujo
et al. 2000), but one such case reported recently describes both human and
cattle hosts involved in the infection cycle (Dittmar 2003).
Trichinellosis (oxyuriasis)
Trichinellosis in an Egyptian mummy was described in the early nineteenth
century a.d., but it has been occasionally reported in Europe, resulting in
outbreaks that have a deadly outcome. For example, a very serious infesta-
tion was reported in Germany (1860–1880 a.d.) that resulted in more than
500 deaths (Blancou 2001).
It is a rare but increasingly frequent occurrence that findings about past
diseases can have a bearing on understanding the contemporary manifesta-
tions of particular ailments. This is particularly true in relation to parasitic
diseases (Araujo 2000).
Cancer/neoplastic diseases
There is no evidence of true neoplastic diseases other than in vertebrate
animals (Capasso et al. 2005), but humans are by no means the first to
suffer from cancer. Rothschild et al. (2003) have recently published their
findings from the examination of a staggering number of over 10,000 speci-
mens of dinosaur vertebrae by using fluoroscopy as a screening technique.
They found evidence of hemangioma, desmoplastic fibroma, osteoblas-
toma, and metastatic cancer but only in Cretaceous hadrosaurs (duck-
billed dinosaurs), leading them to the conclusion that the predilection of
hadrosaurs to tumours is unprecedented and unique.
The prevailing opinion in the literature is that the occurrence of malig-
nant neoplastic diseases in humans is greatly influenced by environmen-
tal factors and blamed on worsening living conditions caused by pollu-
tion. Over the years, there have been numerous examples of neoplastic
9780521865791c07 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:17
diseases found in the ancient human remains but the frequency of malig-
nant tumours in ancient populations cannot be inferred from the reports of
single cases.
The examination of a large necropolis gives much better insight into
the frequency of cancer in ancient populations, even though there is a
large time-span between the earliest and latest burials, and the investigation
is mainly limited to the skeletal remains. Zink et al. (1999) examined 415
mummified individuals from the necropolis of Thebes-West in Upper Egypt
and found that among 325 adults there were at least four cases of malignant
tumours with osseous manifestation.
The attempted age and sex adjustment and comparison to contemporary
populations showed an astonishing result: namely, that the frequency, albeit
lower than in a comparable present day population, was higher than in an
English population from 1901 to 1905 a.d. This finding led the authors to
conclude that important factors affecting malignant tumours were effective
even in historic populations.
A recent review on the antiquity of cancer (Capasso 2005) summarised
the complexity of palaeooncology and the difficulties in diagnosis and inter-
pretation. The author also offers a critical analysis of the fossil record of
neoplasms and a detailed review of the literature on cancer in human pop-
ulations, as well as his views on why cancer in ancient human populations is
rare. The problem of differential diagnosis between primary and metastatic
bone tumours encountered in contemporary material is even more accen-
tuated in the ancient remains (Rothschild 1998). For further reading on the
subject, there is an excellent review by Halperin (2004).
Diet/palaeonutrition/vitamin deficiency
Danforth (1999) touched on a philosophical question relating to the interre-
lationship of diet, nutrition, and political organization by using the examples
of prehistoric North American and Mesoamerican societies. Although nutri-
tion is only indirectly reflected through the osteological record, it neverthe-
less reveals certain patterns, showing that from egalitarian to chiefdom-level
groups there was little difference between members of the same society. This
suggested that to remain in power, the elite still had to share resources.
In state-level societies, the gap in health status between high- and low-
status individuals is readily apparent, and it widens over time. Recently, it
has been suggested that a low-diversity diet consumed by Neanderthals put
them at a disadvantage and eventually caused the demographic shift towards
the anatomically modern Homo sapiens who consumed a slightly more
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94 Maria Jeziorska
Cribra orbitalia is a lesion in the bone forming the roof of the orbit; for a
long time, this was generally accepted as a proof that the individual suffered
from anaemia. It is true that the lesion is seen in cases of hypertrophy of
the red bone marrow, which may occur as a result of anaemia, but there
are other conditions, such as inflammation or osteoporosis that result in
formation of cribra orbitalia.
Wapler et al. (2004) examined 333 skulls from a Nubian population and
found that there were histological features indicating anaemia in less than 50
per cent of cases with evident cribra orbitalia, proving that cribra orbitalia is
not synonymous with anaemia. Nevertheless, such findings do not diminish
the value of numerous previous reports on the prevalence of cribra orbitalia
in ancient populations, as discovery of this feature indicated a pathological
condition, even if not necessarily anaemia. It is probable that cribra orbitalia
found in children is more likely to be a reflection of anaemia.
Childhood mortality in individuals with cribra orbitalia was higher
when tuberculosis or tuberculosis-like conditions were present (Blom et al.
2005). Recent advances in multislice computed tomography, with three-
dimensional reconstruction used to image rare cases of cribra orbitalia in
contemporary population, may offer some help in assessment of historic
skulls (Exner et al. 2004).
This entity is caused by the lack of ascorbic acid in the diet. Brickley and Ives
(2006) pointed out that the diagnosis of infantile scurvy based on changes
in the sphenoid bone may be misleading and result in false-negative reports
of the occurrence of this condition. Taking into account changes in cranial
bones and scapulae gives a more realistic reflection of the incidence of
infantile scurvy, which can be linked to recorded periods of potato blight
in the investigated region of Birmingham.
Occupational diseases
Heavy metals
Mercury was mined in Peru in pre-colonial times on a relatively small scale
as cinnabar (mercuric sulfide) and used mostly in cosmetics. In colonial
9780521865791c07 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:17
times, it was used to amalgamate and refine silver ores, so there was a
great demand for it. The toxic nature of mercury combined with respiratory
diseases, mining accidents (mostly broken limbs), and work at high altitude
made those mines exceptionally dangerous places with a high mortality
rate and constant demand for new workers, which could only be achieved
by forced labour, causing depopulation of surrounding provinces (Brown
96 Maria Jeziorska
in most reports on material from ossuaries. Bone tumours have been men-
tioned in the section on Cancer/Neoplastic Diseases.
Circulatory system
Atherosclerosis has been quite frequently diagnosed in Egyptian and South
American mummies. In the last decade, Fornaciari (1999) found evidence of
atherosclerotic lesions when studying Italian Renaissance mummies. Miller
et al. (2000) described the astonishing discovery of molecular evidence,
obtained using a sensitive and specific assay for cardiac troponin, of cardiac
infarction in mummified tissue.
The most recent report on congenital cardiovascular disease was that of
aortic coarctation in a skeleton (sixth to fifth century b.c., Etruscan popula-
tion), which showed typical indentations on the surface of the ribs, charac-
teristic for collateral circulation caused by narrowing of the aorta (Ciranni
et al. 2006). A very famous case of hyperlipidemia (or only a suspicion of it)
is quoted below in the section on Palaeopathology in Art.
tissue was performed on the contents of fifteen skulls excavated from the
Atacama Desert in Chile (1000 b.c.–1500 a.d.) (Gerztein et al. 1995).
There has been even less investigation of the peripheral nervous system,
but an interesting approach was used by Appenzeller et al. (2001) who stud-
ied about 200 mummy portraits from the beginning of the first millennium.
The portraits and several skulls were measured and their right/left ratio was
assessed. In four cases, clinical diagnoses of neurological disorders were
proposed (e.g. progressive facial hemiatrophy), from which it is possible to
predict the symptoms with which those individuals presented during life.
Skin is easily damaged during the mummification process when natron is
used: the epidermis, especially on large flat surfaces, is easily undermined
with escaping moisture and sloughed off, exposing underlying connective
tissue. The places where some patches of undamaged epidermis may survive
are in the natural creases of the skin, such as behind the ears and at the
flexor side of the joints. Infrared spectroscopy is another new method which
can help in the investigation of the skin, hair, and various soft tissues (see
Chapter 10; Kupper et al. 2001; Petersen et al. 2003).
98 Maria Jeziorska
distal lower hypotrophy of the lower limbs). The authors have also suggested
that this disease might have caused the end of the eighteen Dynasty.
Palaeopathology makes a very valuable contribution to our general knowl-
edge of disease, both in antiquity and the modern day. The introduction of a
more systematic approach and the use of new technologies and techniques
allow an insight into the nature and epidemiology of diseases in ancient
We find evidence that some of the diseases thought to be a scourge
of the modern industrialised world were in fact encountered in the past,
proving that their underlying causes are much more complex than origi-
nally thought. Examination of demographics, the anatomical distribution
of changes, the spectrum of manifestations for each disease, and their dis-
criminating characteristics in ancient populations may offer a multilayered
and much needed perspective for the understanding our heritage.
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chapter 8
Patricia Rutherford
An epidemiological study of schistosomiasis at the University of Manch-
ester in the United Kingdom (see Chapter 1) indicated a need for diagnostic
tools that could be applied to large numbers of ancient Egyptian tissues.
This chapter discusses the successful application of immunocytochemistry
to both modern and ancient tissues. This was acheved in an initial investi-
gation in which tissue samples from fifty Egyptian mummies were studied
with a view to establishing protocols that are now being applied to a larger
epidemiology research project.
Using an indirect fluorescence staining protocol with antisera directed
against Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma haematobium antigens, pos-
itive staining to S. mansoni and S. haematobium antigens in modern tis-
sues, a fifty-year-old tissue sample from an Egyptian cadaver, and ancient
Egyptian tissues has been achieved. Immunocytochemistry has proven to
be cost effective and easy to perform, and is now a preliminary to other
Although the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and other
tests such as histology, enzyme immunotransfer blots (EITB), and DNA
analysis have also been explored to reinforce the initial immunostaining
results, this chapter will focus on the use of immunocytochemistry to diag-
nose ancient disease. The definition of an immunoassay and the principles
of immunocytochemistry are briefly outlined, followed by details of the
development of immunocytochemistry as a diagnostic tool for schistosomi-
asis in ancient tissues. This chapter highlights how experimental principles
have been adapted when working with ancient dehydrated samples.
9780521865791c08 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:15
‘Immunoassay’ describes a technique that measures the presence of a sub-
stance by using an immunological reaction that would naturally occur in
the body. When the immune system detects a foreign substance within the
body, commonly known as an antigen, it responds with a proliferation of
cells; some directly attack the invading organism (T cells), and others pro-
duce specialised molecules called antibodies (B cells). The molecules on
the surfaces of viruses, bacteria and other pathogens such as parasitic eggs
stimulate such an immune response. Antigens are usually large molecules
and the majority are proteins or large polysaccharides that are present as
outer components of the invading pathogen.
The antibodies that are stimulated are specific and bind to antigenic
determinants of the invading pathogen to mark them for destruction by
other cells such as macrophages and T cells. Antibodies do not recognise
antigens as a whole but only localised regions on the actual antigen sur-
face, consisting of seven to fifteen amino acids and sugar residues, com-
monly known as epitopes. Antibodies are so specific that, if only one amino
acid is changed, it does not bind as well, or not at all. If an antigen is
large, many different antibodies are produced, each type binding to specific
antigenic determinants. An immunoassay exploits this reaction between
antibodies and antigens, especially as antibodies raised by infecting labora-
tory animals with the disease of interest can easily be isolated and conju-
gated to a tag that can be visualised directly or under a certain ultraviolet
Immunocytochemistry is a laboratory technique that has been utilised for
nearly fifty years to perform research and diagnosis. It unites the use of
microscopy and immunology and can be easily performed with routine
microscopy equipment. Immunocytochemistry demonstrates antigens in
tissue sections or smears by using antigen/antibody interactions. As smears
are not available for analysis from ancient samples, this chapter will focus
on immunostaining of dehydrated tissue samples.
Any biological macromolecule, such as proteins, carbohydrates, DNA,
lipids and even cell constituents such as collagen, is capable of stimulat-
ing antibody production. Antigens can be anything of interest, not just
9780521865791c08 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:15
Reagents used
There are two types of antiserum, polyclonal and monoclonal, and each
has negative and positive characteristics when used for immunostaining.
Polyclonal antiserum is a mix of high-affinity antibodies that have been
stimulated by all antigenic sites (epitopes) present on the surface of an invad-
ing pathogen. The antiserum will also contain antibodies to any impurities
present with the immunogen and these may bind nonspecifically to tissue
components, causing background staining. These often have a low titre
and affinity, and can be diluted out through columns to zero activity before
use. In contrast, monoclonal antiserum only targets a single epitope on an
antigen and is so specific that nonspecific background staining is often elim-
inated. Monoclonal antisera are produced using a more time-consuming
procedure, thus making them a lot more expensive to produce. Also, apart
from the added expense, the epitope in question may be lost during tis-
sue preparation, as antigens are susceptible to destruction during tissue
fixation. This can occur, as fixation may be used to stabilise cells against
dehydration, embedding, sectioning, and staining, but unfortunately it also
denatures proteins.
An array of polyclonal antisera have been used in this study but they are
monospecific and thus very specific towards schistosome epitopes.
Schistosomiasis is endemic today, infecting more than 300 million people,
mainly in the developing world. The disease is caused by a trematode of
the genus Schistosoma, which lives and feeds on the cells, blood, mucus,
and tissue fluids of its primary host. Although most Schistosoma only infect
animals, humans are also infected, the three main species responsible being
S. mansoni, S. haematobium, and S. japonicum.
The S. mansoni and S. japonicum live primarily within the veins of the
hepatic portal system, which drains the intestines, whereas S. haematobium
mainly occupies the veins draining the bladder. Schistosomes can live in
humans for more than twenty years, continually breeding and producing
thousands of ova. Half of these are released back into the water via faeces or
urine, depending on the worm’s location in the body, while the other half
9780521865791c08 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:15
procedures were established with the modern material, these positive and
negative samples then served as controls, which could be directly compared
with the ancient samples also being tested. To limit unnecessary sampling
of ancient tissues, an interim step ascertained whether antisera would react
with infected tissues that had been blocked in wax, and then badly stored.
Bladder tissue taken from an Egyptian cadaver more than fifty years ago
was used for this purpose. If positive results could not be achieved with this
sample, then it would be unlikely that antigens would be present in the
ancient samples.
The following methods are as already outlined by Rutherford (1997, 2000,
2002, 2005).
Tissues impregnated with sand and resin proved difficult to section unless
the conditioning solution was replaced with a dilute solution (2.5 per cent)
of hydrofluoric acid (Sigma, UK). The samples were left to soak at room
temperature for four weeks. Once removed from the acid, the samples were
washed carefully with distilled water, and then placed into 50 per cent
alcohol. The remainder of the aforementioned protocol was followed from
this point.
using the aqueous mountant, gelvatol, and placed between light protective
wooden trays. The slides were then left to dry at – 20◦ C for at least twenty-
four hours. Once dry, they were viewed on the fluorescent microscope and
the results were photographed and noted.
Although positive results have been seen in the provenanced samples col-
lected from the Sudanese Desert and the Dakhleh Oasis, the results pre-
sented below represent the initial sample group used to establish ideal pro-
schistosomiasis. Of these, six (25 per cent) have displayed positive results
for schistosome antigens. The DNA-specific stain (Hoechst) also bound in
the same areas as the antiserum, which warrants DNA analysis.
(1) Manchester mummy 7700/1766, c. 1800 b.c., Fayoum Oasis (Middle
Egypt), Bladder tissue. Immunostaining of the calcified bladder tissue has
shown discrete staining to both ova and worms. The fluorescent shell and
lateral spike can clearly be seen, with the green fluorescence mainly bound
to the inside of the ovum in Plate XIII.
In contrast, the ova seen in Plate XIV do not display spines and resemble
distorted S. haematobium ova seen in Plate XII. Positive immunostaining
of worms has also been achieved, and although most are distorted in shape,
some of the features could clearly be seen, and show clear similarities to the
modern schistosome worms. Experts at the Egyptian Organization for Vac-
cine and Biological Production (VACSERA), Cairo, assessed these results
and confirmed them to be S. haematobium ova and worms (Al Sherbiny
1999, personal correspondence). The ELISA supports these results, indicat-
ing a positive result for CAA (80 ng/ml).
(2) Leicester Museum 528/1981.1885, mummy 1, c. 2700 b.c., Akhmim (Middle
Egypt), Pelvic tissue. Positive staining to small clusters of ova was seen. As
with the 7700/1766 bladder samples, the staining was more prominent to
the inside of the ova; however, the chitin shell can clearly be seen. DNA
analysis has amplified a small fragment of the S. haematobium cytochrome
oxidase C subunit 1 (COI) from this sample (see Chapter 9).
(3) Leicester Museum 528/1980.1882, mummy 2, c. 2700 b.c., Akhmim (Middle
Egypt), Pelvic tissue. Positive staining to clusters of ova was achieved. This
is unlike the solitary ova and worms found in other mummy samples. The
pattern of ova distribution resembles the 1950s S. haematobium infected
(4) Manchester Museum 7700/1777, Asru, c. 2750 b.c., Luxor (Upper Egypt),
Bladder tissue. Discrete immunostaining was found in these bladder sec-
tions. Again, the immunostaining is precise to oval bodies thought to be
ova, with very little background staining. No positive results were found in
the intestinal material, even though Tapp (1979) had shown the presence of
some type of ova. The ELISA showed that the intestinal tissue was positive
for CAA (455 ng/ml) and the (EITB) showed a pale positive reaction for S.
haematobium antibodies.
(5) Manchester Museum 7700/13010/5, no provenance, Bladder tissue. Dis-
crete staining to several oval shapes, with little or no background staining,
9780521865791c08 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:15
was seen. Although oval shapes are present, no worms have been found. In
this study, all sections taken from the bladder of this mummy have been con-
sistently positive, suggesting that the bladder had a high yield of deposited
Schistosoma ova.
(6) Manchester Museum 7700/9430, no provenance, Canopic jar material.
Positive staining to clusters of oval shapes, resembling ova, was achieved.
These results were positive to varying degrees, as there was variation in
the quality of the sections from this sample because degradation was not
uniform throughout the sample. This inconsistency has been noted for
future studies. ELISA results supported this by showing a positive result for
CAA (22 ng/ml).
A marked difference was noticed between preparations of modern and
ancient samples for immunocytochemistry. Unfortunately, only a few
ancient samples were prepared with the same ease as the modern tissues. In
samples from the early dynasties, such as the liver tissue from the Canopic jar
associated with the mummy of Nekht Ankh (twelfth Dynasty), no debris or
resins were present. This easily sectioned tissue showed good tissue integrity,
and supported other researchers’ results (Tapp 1979).
The remaining ancient samples contained varying amounts of mummi-
fication resins and gritty silica particles. A dilute solution of hydrofluoric
acid was used to remove the particles, enabling very thin (2 µm), flat, intact
sections to be cut with ease. Although this pretreatment is now an option,
because of its hazardous nature, tissues without resin or sand are sought
first, but if they are not available, any samples with sand present can be
soaked in an acid solution.
The fragile state of the ancient samples benefited from the use of
immunoresin as it provided a more supportive medium than wax, and can
also be prepared and kept at 4◦ C, thus preserving epitopes of interest. Such
epitopes were visualised by precise staining on both the modern and ancient
samples, thus showing that the antisera used throughout this study are very
specific and are of the highest quality.
As one of the aims of this study is to identify ancient schistosome ova
and worms in ancient Egyptian tissues, their morphology was studied in
modern samples. Cut at different orientations, the ova and worms did not
always display the classic shapes. Such distorted images served as excel-
lent comparisons when analysing the ancient samples. Although the ova
and worms present in the ancient samples were often distorted in shape,
9780521865791c08 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:15
this is not surprising, as most of the samples were more than a thousand
years old.
Positive reactions, however, still occurred, suggesting that Schistosoma
antigens are present after many centuries. The DNA-specific Hoechst stain
indicated that DNA was still present to some degree in the ancient tissues,
particularly within the immunostained ova. Further research is being pur-
sued to investigate the hypothesis that the chitin shell had played some role
in protecting the DNA within the ova.
Although the results reported in this chapter confirm the presence of
schistosome parasites in both Upper and Middle Egypt, no real pattern
can be seen (Rutherford 2005:82). So far, the only conclusion that can be
drawn is that the S. haematobium parasite was present in Middle Egypt
more than 2,700 years ago at Akhmim, as demonstrated in the pelvic tissue
samples taken from the Leicester Museum mummies. Leicester mummy
1, known as Bes-en-Mut, was a priest in the Temple of Min, whereas
Leicester 2, named Ta-Bes, was a teenage girl. There was a considerable
divergence between the amount of ova found in these two mummies: the
teenage girl had a high distribution whereas the priest had only small clus-
ters. This mirrors the patterns seen in patients today, where children and
teenagers are heavily infected because their activities often entail more
contact with water, and acquired immunity is thought to occur with adult-
The S. haematobium species was also present in the Fayoum Oasis 1,800
years ago, as seen in the bladder tissue of 7700/1766, and the mummy of
Asru (No. 1777) confirms the presence of S. haematobium in Luxor (Upper
Egypt) some 2,700 years ago. Today, S. haematobium is still prevalent in both
Middle and Upper Egypt, whereas S. mansoni is almost absent in the upper
region. As the EITB results display only a pale band for S. haematobium
antibodies, further tests at the DNA level are needed to reinforce which
species is present in Asru’s bladder.
The positive results seen in mummy 7700/13010/5 and in the Canopic
jar material (7700/9430) have limited impact regarding the epidemiology
study, because the only historical information we have about each sample
is that mummy 7700/13010/5 may have been a scribe, and an inscription
on the Canopic jar confirms that its owner was a priest. Overall, the results
highlight the fact that, in contrast to today when schistosomiasis mainly
affects poorer, rural village communities, in antiquity, there was probably
no marked difference in the incidence of the disease between the various
social classes, as everyone would have bathed in the river or in garden pools
fed with infected water from the canals.
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Now that standard procedures have been established, the context of sam-
ple collection has moved to provenanced-only samples that can be mapped
to a certain place and time (Chapter 15). Such samples form the basis of
the author’s continuing work: medieval samples collected from Sudanese
Nubia (c. 1500 b.c.) have been immunoassayed, and two samples that have
shown positive results are being investigated further.
In addition, preparations are in hand for immunocytochemistry tests to
be performed on a large group of samples from forty-eight Graeco-Roman
mummies found in the Dakhleh Oasis. This particular group is an excellent
source of material as many of the samples have been taken from the liver,
colon, intestines, and coprolites, all of which harbour both the schistosome
worms and ova. Once a substantial number of provenanced samples have
been tested, a distribution pattern should emerge, which will contribute
valid information to the field of anthropology (Rutherford, 2005:82).
From an immunological point of view, the detection of antigens rather
than antibodies would appear to be the preferred method for diagnosing dis-
ease in ancient samples, as antigens seem to be hardier than antibodies and
may therefore still be present in samples more than a thousand years old.
Because of the weak reactions seen in the EITB tests performed on a
few samples, the detection of Schistosoma antibodies rather than antigens
is no longer regarded as a diagnostic option in this continuing study. This
decision has also been reached because the presence of antibodies does not
always indicate an active infection, and the total destruction of the sample
necessitated by this technique conflicts with an ethical approach which
attempts to keep destruction of material to a minimum.
Combining results from several tests can provide an overall picture of
the state of health in the case of each mummy. An excellent example of
this is the bladder samples taken from mummy 7700/1766. Here, immuno-
cytochemistry has clearly demonstrated the presence of schistosomiasis,
especially as the (EITB) dipstick test for GP23 antibodies and the ELISA
test for CAA were positive, and calcification of the bladder was also evident,
suggesting that chronic schistosomiasis may have been present for several
Although DNA-specific Hoechst staining also showed that DNA was still
present for analysis, amplification of Schistosoma DNA was unsuccessful,
perhaps because the DNA of interest was only present as a minute quantity or
because there were no worms or eggs present in the selected tissue sample.
After these initial attempts had been unsuccessful, it was eventually decided
not to use a second sample of bladder because of ethical considerations
about destroying further samples. The overall results obtained for mummy
9780521865791c08 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:15
Combining the contributions of science and Egyptology can provide
researchers with insight into a particular disease; however, they must always
be aware of ethical considerations surrounding the destruction of finite
mummy tissue, and any destructive methods they use should be performed
conservatively. Studies on the distribution patterns of any infection such
as schistosomiasis require access to provenanced samples, but this infor-
mation is not available for many mummies or body parts held in museum
collections. Nevertheless, the collection of provenanced samples will be
an essential factor in any future, large-scale epidemiology studies, as it is
pointless to destroy ancient tissues that can provide scientific results which
cannot be placed within particular chronological, geographical, or socio-
logical contexts (see Chapters 15, 17).
In this study, testing the initial fifty samples has provided many answers
and highlighted several problems that may occur in a wider context. For
example, some tests initially considered to be appropriate for this study
(the use of EITB dip sticks for targeting antibodies) have now been dis-
carded or limited. Positive samples will continue to be analysed at the
DNA level, as it is thought that DNA can yield more information than
the detection of an antibody, such as, for example, which species has
infected the host. Ultimately, this should provide the means of mapping the
occurrence of both S. mansoni and S. haematobium infections in ancient
With the current study, results have been obtained using several meth-
ods of investigation rather than relying on one line of enquiry (Rutherford
2002). Immunocytochemistry has made a major contribution to this work,
and will undoubtedly provide a valuable diagnostic tool for other projects.
The techniques used to investigate schistosomiasis can be easily adapted
for research on other diseases present in antiquity. For example, under
the author’s supervision, master’s students at the University of Manchester
(UK) (see Chapter 17) have mirrored the outlined procedures with respect
to diagnosing malaria (Marmion 2003; Bratcher 2006), and several of the
liver samples tested from the Dakhleh Oasis group have shown positive
9780521865791c08 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:15
results. These positive samples are now being investigated at the genetic
level (Bratcher 2006).
The Tissue Bank was originally developed to collect tissues for the schisto-
somiasis research project (see Chapter 15), but it now facilitates other studies
which, in due course, will produce data that can be used to reconstruct the
living conditions and diseases of the past.
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chapter 9
Patricia Rutherford
Molecular analysis such as serological tests were conducted by Boyd and
Boyd (1934) when they tested the blood groups of 300 Indian and Egyptian
mummies, and by Candela (1936) who used a modified version of this
procedure to test eleven mummies. Initially, it was hoped that such tests
would show not only evidence of migration on a large scale but also family
relationships and diseases.
Serological tests were, however, soon discarded as a valid test. One of the
main problems was degeneration, because the A and B antigens targeted
in such blood tests are made up of simple sugars that can degrade over
time (Harrison and Connolly 1969). Contamination is also a major prob-
lem when working with ancient samples, especially mummies that have
been subjected to various herbs and spices during embalming (Flaherty and
Haigh 1984, 1986). Such degradation and contamination hindered Harrison
and Connolly’s (1969) study when they attempted to show kinship between
Smenkhkare and Tutankhamun.
Today, population and sibship studies follow the mitochondrial DNA line,
which is inherited maternally, as studying the ancient DNA molecule can
yield far more information than serology tests as it codes for all proteins in
the body. To date, ancient DNA has been successfully extracted from teeth
(Drancourt et al. 1998; Merriwether et al. 1994), bone (Cipollaro et al. 1998),
soft tissues (Rutherford 2002), hair (Wilson et al. 1995), faeces (Loreille et al.
2001; Pioner et al. 2003), plant material (Brown et al. 1994; Harper 2003;
Bzdega 2006), insects (Cano et al. 1993), and fossils (Goldenberg et al. 1990)
that are seventeen to twenty million years old, although it has still not been
proven how long a DNA molecule can survive. The targets have been both
organellar (chloroplast and mitochondria) and nuclear DNA.
9780521865791c09 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:6
DNA analysis has its own limits. This chapter discusses the possibilities
and limitations of working with ancient DNA and describes the methods the
author has adapted to amplify and sequence ancient Schistosoma DNA frag-
ments. Several other projects that have been successfully conducted using
these established protocols are presented, and future possibilities within this
field, and the potential contribution to Egyptology and palaeopathology, are
also considered.
ancient DNA into bacteria to amplify the extract. This had many problems;
for example, a large part of the extracted DNA was heavily modified (Pääbo
1989), which meant that cloning artefacts were introduced during replica-
tion of the DNA in bacteria. In contrast, the polymerase chain reaction
(PCR) protocols devised by Mullis and Faloona (1987) for modern DNA
amplification means that small intact copies of DNA can be amplified
alongside the badly degraded molecules, and this eliminates the modifica-
tion problem.
The principle of the PCR is quite simple: it mimics DNA replication in
vivo. As DNA is a double-stranded molecule, and each strand complements
the other (i.e. the adenine [A] residue binds to the thymine [T] residue, and
guanine [G] binds to the cytosine [C]), if one sequence is known, then the
complementary strands sequence can be worked out. The bonds between
these residues are easily broken using heat, which separates the strands.
Once cooled, these complementary strands anneal to each other again. The
structure of the DNA molecule allows for it to be amplified using different
temperatures, adding small primers and the nucleotide residues A, T, C,
and G and an enzyme, to read the template and make a complementary
strand with the free nucleotides. Today, molecular biologists use this method
routinely, as it can now be reproduced in vitro.
The PCR method selectively and repeatedly replicates defined DNA
sequences from a whole DNA mixture. A pair of oligonucleotide primers
some 20 bp long flank the DNA sequence of interest as they complement
the template sequence. Information about the DNA code is needed before
a complementary primer can be synthesized synthetically. Today, millions
of DNA sequences are accessible from the Internet; for example, the Schis-
tosoma mitochondria sequences targeted in the schistosomiasis study were
accessed from GenBank, National Center for Biotechnology Information
(Rutherford 2002).
Polymerase chain reaction has, therefore, given ancient DNA work
more momentum, as it has enabled the specific targeting of informative
sequences. These are often no longer than 200 bp in length, however, and
such targets should be chosen carefully to ensure that the optimum yield of
information is gained. Although the PCR method combined with sequenc-
ing is routinely used for diagnosis of diseases, genetic screening, and popu-
lation analysis in modern humans, it has received more media coverage for
its potential use in the study of ancient DNA molecules.
Nearly twenty years after extracting DNA from mummified Egyptian
remains, a recent review by Pääbo et al. (2004) shows that serious con-
cerns still remain regarding degradation, contamination, and authentica-
tion. In particular, degradation is constantly being reviewed in detail (Pääbo
et al. 2004: Hofreiter et al. 2001; Handt et al. 1994; Lindahl 1993). Although
the structure of DNA makes it a stable molecule, postmortem diagenetic
changes occur over time, thus damaging both the double helix and the
nucleotide chains (Poinar et al. 2003). Examples of such damage are denat-
uration, in which two DNA strands separate and the single strands degrade
Hydrolysis and oxidative damage are the two main degradative processes
(Lindahl 1993; Pääbo et al. 2004). Oxidation, which is often due to ionising
radiation producing free radicals, leads to modification (oxidised pyrim-
idines and sugar residues), distortion of the helix, and even the loss of bases.
Furthermore, the C and T are oxidised to hydantoins, which are PCR
inhibitors (Pääbo 1989; Hoss et al. 1996). Hydrolysis also breaks the phos-
phodiester bonds between sugars and phosphates due to the breakdown of
the N-glycosyl bond in the presence of water (Hoss et al. 1996). Although
such degradation occurs continuously in vivo, it is constantly repaired, but
such repair mechanisms cease postmortem and damage accumulates.
9780521865791c09 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:6
Degradation and modifications of ancient DNA are not the only prob-
lem to consider when trying to amplify the DNA of interest by means of
PCR. Unfortunately, PCR is so sensitive that other components extracted
along with the DNA often inhibit the reaction. Such contamination is
derived from soil components, which several researchers have reported
when extracting DNA from bone and tissue (Krebs et al. 2000).
A variety of organic and inorganic substances may be extracted, such as
salts, heavy metals, and even DNA from soil-dwelling bacteria and fungi.
Krebs et al. (2000) and Tuross (1994) have reported the presence of fulvic
and humic acids and these phelonic products inhibit the polymerase (Taq)
enzymes used in the PCR reactions because they are similar to DNA. It is
therefore important to remove such contaminants before PCR is attempted.
Krebs et al. (2000) have reportedly overcome this by using high-performance
liquid chromatography.
Different innovations have been introduced in individual laboratories,
although many are derived from the protocols developed by Pääbo et al.
(1989). Many researchers have tried different solutions to enhance ancient
DNA extraction, for example, Chelex (Woodward et al. 1994) and guanidine
thiocyanate (Boom et al. 1990; Hoss and Pääbo 1993; Pääbo 1994). Chelex
and guanidine thiocyanate were explored along with the standard phenol
extraction methods by Rutherford (2002). The standard phenol extraction,
repeated twice, seems to clean the extract enough for amplification to be
achieved. Many researchers have used silica beads to clean preparations
(Hoss and Pääbo 1993). If dealing with a very low yield of DNA at the
outset, the extract may be totally lost, and for this reason, the author does
not use silica beads.
Inhibitors are always present to some degree and, as it is not always possi-
ble to eliminate these totally, several strategies are often used to decrease the
chances of inhibiting contaminants. One option is to dilute extracts with
deionised, distilled water as this reduces the concentration of contaminants,
making the primers more specific to the ancient DNA than to the contam-
inants. An increase in the ratio of the polymerase enzyme to the sample
DNA may also be helpful, or the additions of bovine serum albumin to the
PCR mix (Pääbo 1989).
can preserve DNA, and research performed by Hoss et al. (1996) showed
that a 20◦ C decrease in temperature reduces DNA degradation by ten- to
twentyfold. Although low temperatures alone are not sufficient to preserve
all specimens (Smith et al. 2001), postmortem degradation is significantly
slowed by cooling.
Humidity provides moistness that aids the action of nucleases. Desiccated
mummies are therefore often well preserved because of the lack of moisture.
An alkaline environment, such as the one provided by mummification in
alkaline natron, is also beneficial to the survival of the acidic DNA molecule.
Desiccation, freezing, or high salt concentrations inactivate the nucleases
before significant damage is done. Therefore, rapid desiccation, particularly
of the skin of a mummy, may result in consistently good preservation.
Research conducted by Bibby (2005) under the author’s supervision
showed good preservation of mummified skin samples, thus supporting
Pääbo’s (1986) hypothesis that overall preservation is directly related to the
rate at which water is removed. Thus, because the skin is dehydrated first,
it could be expected to have a better DNA yield than the internal organs.
The airtight tombs in which many Egyptian mummies are found will
inhibit aerobic conditions where oxygen enables chemical reactions and
decomposition by microorganisms to occur. Researchers often speculate
about DNA survival in ancient mummified tissue, but not all sources of
DNA are equal: muscle tissue contains innumerable mitochondria and
is therefore likely to provide more mtDNA than other tissues. Conditions
inside the tombs need to be considered rather than the outside environment,
as these differ substantially. Low temperatures and dry air in the tomb and
desiccation and alkalinity of the natron used in mummification provide ideal
preservation conditions for the DNA molecule. Therefore, some researchers
have claimed that ‘a DNA investigation in pharaonic mummy tissue samples
is indeed not senseless’ (Zink and Nerlick 2003: 109).
Marota and Rollo (2002) disagree that such conditions are beneficial
and argue that ancient DNA cannot be recovered from ancient Egyptian
mummies. Their study was based on degradation rates in papyri, combined
with racemisation data, and not on tissue samples; thus, it is more theo-
retical than practical. Interestingly, Professor Cooper at the University of
Adelaide, Australia, has recently targeted piles of dung in Australia for his
next ancient genetic project on the basis that because the dung is so dry, it
does not decompose, and a hot dry climate is one of the best environments
for ancient DNA (Salleh 2005). Some studies can benefit from other types of
environment. For example, at Windover, Hauswirth et al. (1994) were able
to analyse samples from bodies that had been in an aqueous environment.
9780521865791c09 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:6
Sibship studies
In the study by Hauswirth et al. (1994), although mtDNA is often the chosen
target, nuclear DNA was also targeted here to establish family relationships.
Research undertaken at Windover is important because it was possible to
determine that a variety of genetic markers (i.e. nuclear human leucocyte
antigens (HLAs), nuclear microsatellites, and mtDNA) could be examined.
Hauswirth et al. argued that although the samples spanned a thousand years,
DNA analysis showed results that indicated a homogeneous population.
Such results suggest that the same type of analysis could be conducted
on any large number of ancient bodies, particularly Egyptian mummies
found within one burial site, thus providing the opportunity to confirm
Other sibship studies have been performed by Evison et al. (1998) and
Elles et al. (1993) by using analysis of HLAs. The HLA genes are found on the
short arm of chromosome 6 and they are the most variable (polymorphic)
gene cluster in humans. The genes code for the proteins that span cell
membranes, and these proteins enable humans to make the distinction
between self and foreign.
Therefore, the proteins are an integral part of the immune system and
must match when a transplant organ is received from a donor. Matches are
invariably found within a family unit, but only rarely in unrelated individu-
als. Allelic variants of the HLA are also associated with disease and resistance
to disease. The HLA differences are now well documented and differences
across the world are known (Charron 1997). When combined with sexing
analysis, the results may provide information about biological relationships
in burials, population movements, evolution of disease, and immunity.
One study by Elles et al. (1993) analysed tissue samples from five bodies
found in a previously undisturbed, communal tomb at El-Hagarsa, Middle
Egypt, to attempt to sex the mummies and match the findings to the evi-
dence on the coffins and face masks (see Chapter 1). The archaeologists also
questioned whether the mummies all came from the same family, as indi-
cated by the inscriptions. Primers were designed for both the HLA DRB1
and the repetitive sequence (DYZ1) found only on the Y chromosome.
The sexing experiments produced contradictory results: for example, the
genetic evidence showed that one of the mummies was male, although its
associated face mask and inscriptional evidence indicated that it belonged
to a female. The HLA results demonstrated that two of the mummies had
a DRB1-1001 allele, which is rare in Caucasians (2.1 per cent) and more
prevalent in Middle Eastern populations. Although the remaining results
9780521865791c09 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:6
suggested that this was a family group, this could not be clarified because
the researchers were unable to gain access to more tissue samples for further
There have been many reports of human, animal, and plant DNA being
extracted and amplified. There are fewer reports of extracting DNA from
disease-causing parasites, bacteria, and viruses, although such studies are
important as they can have an impact on modern studies of disease (see
Chapter 7). Work in this field includes the report by Sallares et al. (2000) that
they had amplified part of the 18s ribosomal DNA specific for Plasmodium
falciparum, which causes the disease malaria. Here, the DNA of interest,
amplified from skeletal human remains excavated from a fifth-century a.d.
Roman cemetery in Italy, was more than 1,500 years old.
Another report by Guhl (1997) states that 330 bp of Trypanosoma cruzi
DNA were amplified to confirm the presence of Chagas’ disease. In tests on
a total of twenty-seven samples from skeletal remains that included viscera,
heart, and oesophagus, he found that seven had the target DNA. These
results correlate to the 10–15 per cent of people who are infected today.
More recently I have amplified 236 bp of the Schistosoma haematobium
cytochrome oxidase C fragment from the bladder tissue of an Egyptian
mummy in the Leicester Museum (UK) (see Methods and Materials and
also Chapter 8). Modern genetic techniques have also identified other
ancient diseases such as plague (Drancourt et al. 1998), leprosy (Haas et al.
2000; Montiel et al. 2003), and tuberculosis (Donoghue et al. 1998). In
addition, Ascaris DNA found in coprolites by Loreille et al. (2001) has been
Limited research into viral DNA has also been conducted. Li et al. (1999)
have identified the DNA of the human T cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV)-1
in an Andean mummy. HTLV causes T cell leukemia and may have orig-
inated from paleomongoloids who migrated to Japan and South America
more than 10,000 years ago. The researchers studied 100 Andean mummies
excavated from the Atamaca Desert. Because of the salty, arid conditions
in this rainless plateau, the mummies buried there more than 1,000 years
ago were well preserved. The group extracted DNA from bone marrow and
successfully isolated the viral DNA from one mummy.
Ancient bacterial DNA has also been found in the digestive tract of human
remains. For example, Cano et al. (2000) demonstrated the presence of
Vibrio from the gut flora of the Tyrolean Ice Man, and Escherichia coli has
9780521865791c09 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:6
been genetically identified in the Lindow Man (c. 300 b.c.) by Fricker et al.
Research has been undertaken on various types of archaeological
remains, and many genetic results have been achieved. The ethics regard-
ing total destruction of samples should always be addressed, as there is often
no material left for replication of results. To simply destroy a sample for a
meagre 200–300 bp of DNA seems extreme. The author (Rutherford 2002)
and other researchers believe that alternative methods should always be
considered first, and for this reason, only a select few of the mummy tis-
sue samples available for testing in the Manchester schistosomiasis study
have been investigated for the Schistosoma parasite at the DNA level (see
Chapter 8).
cercaria and egg DNA were obtained from Christies Hospital, Manchester
(UK) to use as positive controls. Negative controls were also incorporated
into the study, that is distilled water and reagents only.
The usual guidelines for ancient molecular work were followed. Pos-
itive controls were amplified and extracted in a separate area from the
ancient samples. The ancient samples were studied in a separate labora-
tory where PCR was not performed. All steps were conducted under ster-
ile conditions. If possible, experiments were also repeated to confirm the
2. S. mansoni 2 5 CATACCACAACTATTCAAC, 3
3. S. haematobium 1 5 GATAAGTAATAATGATTCATC 3
4. S. haematobium 2 5 GACCCACAGCTTTTAAG 3 .
Primers 1 and 2 were designed from Accession No: SHU22162 (Bowles
et al. 1995).
Primers 3 and 4 were designed from Accession No: SHU82266 (Blair
et al. 1997).
for each sample was set up as follows: To a 1-ml Eppendorf tube, 1 µl (10 ng)
of DNA template was added, plus 4 µl of terminator ready reaction mix,
1 µl (5 pmol) of primer 1 or primer 2 to ensure that both forward and
reverse sequences were obtained. Fourteen microliters of deionized water
was also added to make the total reaction up to 20 µl. After gentle mixing,
the tubes were placed into a thermal cycler (Cyclone, Techne). Twenty-
five cycles were run at the following temperatures and times: 96◦ C for
10 seconds, 50 ◦ C for 5 seconds, and 60◦ C for 4 minutes. Precipitation
of the DNA followed the methods outlined by the manufacturer (ABI,
UK). The precipitated DNA was then passed to the ‘in house’ sequencing
as the mummification resin, dirt, and salts present are released into the
solutions being used.
Working with dark brown solutions hinders the preparation markedly,
and therefore, several centrifugation steps were sometimes necessary. Even
after this, the preparation was often still slightly brown. This colour often
obscured spectrometry readings and, therefore, before assessment could be
performed, the sample had to be relatively clear in colour. The use of silica
beads was considered, but there is often a loss of DNA with such beads
(Hoss and Pääbo 1993); therefore, as only 1 to 2 per cent of DNA may still
be present, it was decided not to pursue this option.
After extraction from modern samples, the DNA is often visible as small
strands; however, it is often not visible in ancient extracts because of the
discoloration of extraction solutions. Therefore, caution was always taken
when separating the organic and inorganic phases with pipettes. The only
sample in which the ancient DNA was visible after extraction had been
taken from the liver of a twelfth Dynasty (c. 1900 b.c.) mummy, Nekht
Ankh. This was not surprising, because, once treated with conditioning
solution, this sample resembled modern liver.
Other studies
The Manchester research has added to knowledge about the practicalities
of ancient DNA work. Several protocols commonly used in molecular work
have proved to be impractical, whereas others have proved to be effective.
More recently, this knowledge has been successfully applied to several other
ancient DNA projects (see Chapters 15 and 17) performed by Master of
Science students at Manchester, under the author’s supervision (Harper
2003; Parker 2003; Bibby 2005; Schrieber-Goshe 2005; Smyth 2005; Bratcher
2006; Bzdega 2006).
Harper’s study involved the extraction, amplification, and sequencing of
DNA from ancient barley and wheat seeds. Attempts to amplify 822 and 162
bp of chloroplast DNA were only partly successful. The amplification of
the 822 bp would have supported the theory of Goldenberg et al. (1990) that
ancient DNA can be present in excess of 500 bp, but unfortunately, only 162
bp were amplified. Interestingly, when one seed was sterilized and placed
onto plant growth media, a callus formed for a limited period, suggesting
that part or all of the DNA responsible for cell division was still intact.
Eventually, the callus collapsed and the seed was sectioned and plated onto
several separate growth media.
The collapsed seed and callus have now been analysed by Bzdega (2006),
using a comparative study of Rutherford’s established protocols and com-
mercial kits. It was hoped to amplify the larger fragment (822 bp), which may
have indicated new cell and DNA generation, but unfortunately, only 162
bp have been amplified. The addition of the enzyme Restorase (Sigma, UK)
was also explored, but no extended DNA fragments were amplified, suggest-
ing that the template is beyond repair. This particular seed is approximately
9780521865791c09 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:6
4,000 years old and may therefore be too degraded for Restorase to have
any effect. The commercial kit for general PCR made the experiments less
time-consuming, as it entailed a one-step preparation, but apart from this
advantage, the final results were not improved.
Another project (Parker 2003) addressed the issue of identifying ancient
remains. A collection of mummified cats and cat remains in the Manchester
Museum has been catalogued as specific breeds. For example, one partic-
ularly large detached cat head, covered with black fur, was recorded as the
head of a Felis Silvestris, on the basis that this is a large breed. Successful
DNA amplification and sequencing has now confirmed this visual identifi-
cation; this conclusion is based on the amplification of a small sequence of
301 bp, which has a 97 per cent match to modern Felis Silvestris.
These established protocols were utilized in three further studies. One
project established the gender of a mummy (Bibby 2005), another focused
on sibship studies relating to the mummies of the ‘Two Brothers,’ Nekht
Ankh and Khnum Nakht, in the Manchester Museum collection (Smyth
2005), and the third analysed samples from the mummy Asru for the pres-
ence of the cancer-causing gene BRCA1, as previous research by Tapp
(1984) had suggested the presence of a cancerous growth (Schrieber-Goshe
Apart from the sibship study, both nuclear and mtDNA were targeted.
Not surprisingly, the nuclear DNA was not successfully amplified, but all
three mummies yielded mtDNA fragments from the hyper variable region
1 (HVR1), which enabled Smyth (2005) to conduct a genetic statistical
analysis on the sequenced results by using a forensic population database.
The results suggest that it is 185 times more likely that they are related than
Finally, molecular analysis has been performed on liver samples taken
from mummies from the Dakhleh Oasis to identify the presence of P. falci-
parum. Because an immunostaining method (Rutherford 1997, 1999, 2000,
2002, 2005) performed by Marmion (2003) had already yielded tentative
positive results, Bratcher (2006) undertook further immunoassaying and
genetic analysis to reinforce this work
Many of the above-noted projects were repeated more than once, and
were independently amplified and sequenced by the separate sequencing
laboratory at the University of Manchester. To reinforce such results, the
findings should also be replicated at independent laboratories, but unfortu-
nately, because of the scarcity of tissue samples, it is not always possible to
repeat the tests. Nevertheless, there is a significant difference between this
current research and the first schistosomiasis study, in that the amount of
9780521865791c09 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:6
tissue now required is as little as 20 mg. Thus, it is more likely that it will be
possible to repeat tests in future work.
Scientists in this field have faced many challenges, but innovations have
been introduced as the number of investigations has increased. For example,
the extracted inhibitors once common in amplification experiments are
now often eliminated by the use of GuScn and silica beads (Hoss and Pääbo
1993). Also, coextractions of bacterial and fungal genomes are now no longer
amplified, as the great care taken in designing primers that are species
specific (i.e. human or schistosome) eliminates the mispriming of these
exogenous DNA templates which may yield small spurious PCR products.
The problems relating to contamination with contemporary DNA
have also inspired the establishment of facilities such as the Ancient
Biomolecules Centre, housed in the Museum of Natural History, Oxford
University (www1). This enables sterile studies to be undertaken, as the
environment is reportedly free from contaminants such as skin flakes and
exhaled cells. To eliminate these contaminants, the building is provided
with positive air pressure and HEPA filtering systems, and the researchers
are required to remove clothing and to be cleansed by means of air-showers,
before entering the centre.
Although future research undoubtedly holds many answers, there will
always be limits. One of the main limiting factors is the natural degradation
of the DNA molecule, and researchers are now resigned to the fact that
most ancient DNA is preserved in fragments no longer than 300 bp (Pääbo
et al. 1989; Kaestle and Horsburgh 2002; Rutherford 2002). This problem
is now being addressed by designing primers that amplify small fragments
of the genome and specific regions that are connected to family traits and
As mitochondrial DNA is inherited exclusively from the mother, targeting
the mtDNA can follow the maternal line. In contrast, targeting nuclear DNA
fragments that are inherited within family groups, such as short tandem
repeats (STRs), variable number tandem repeats (VNTRs) and human leo-
cocyte antigens (HLAs), can show family relationships and perhaps migra-
tion patterns. Nuclear point mutations such as a single base pair change may
also highlight the presence of diseases such as cystic fibrosis and sickle cell
anaemia. However, the majority of primers that are designed to highlight
the presence of disease target mitochondrial DNA for reasons already dis-
cussed. Primers have been successfully designed for detecting diseases such
9780521865791c09 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:6
chapter 10
Andrew P. Giże
9780521865791c10 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 17:26
figure 21. Isomers of C4 H10 . a: butane. b: methyl propane. Credit: Andrew Gize.
Sample preparation
Sample preservation should be considered at the site, with immediate pro-
tection from contamination sources, including suntan protection and vehi-
cle exhausts. Museum samples may already be irreversibly contaminated,
for example, from nicotine from cigarettes. Samples should be wrapped
in aluminium foil (previously baked at >300◦ C to remove manufacturing
oils) or sealed in Teflon or laminated polycarbonate-polyethylene (Kapak)
bags. Printer inks in newspaper can cause contamination. Other plastics
The crude extract can be analysed directly, but further separations are usu-
ally advisable to maximise the information available using the analytical
methods available. Simplifying a complex mixture into compound classes,
for example, focusses interpretation directly on a compound class, without
ambiguities resulting from peak overlaps. Chromatography is the standard
separation technique, being based on different partitioning of compounds
in a complex mixture between two phases (solid-liquid, solid-gas, and liquid-
Column chromatography (liquid chromatography) is a routine technique
for separating organic compounds into compound classes by polarity, typ-
ically using a burette as the column. Using, for example, Al2 O3 /SiO2 as
the column stationary phase, the crude extract is separated into compound
classes (e.g. saturated and aromatic hydrocarbons, and polars) by eluting
with a series of mobile solvents with increasing polarity (e.g. hexane to
9780521865791c10 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 17:26
Some samples (e.g. ambers and hair) may not readily dissolve using solvent
extraction, and have to be rendered into smaller fragments before chro-
matography. Pyrolysis is the nonoxidative thermal breakdown of a sample.
A large molecule (a polymer), which cannot be analysed directly, is ther-
mally broken into smaller fragments (pyrolysates) that are facile to analyse.
From the pyrolysates, a conceptual image of the original macromolecule is
A simple pyrolysis system comprises a vertical quartz tube within a heater
set at a determined temperature (e.g. 50–1,000◦ C), with an inert gas (e.g.
helium) passed through the tube. The sample (≈1 mg) is injected on a
needle, or falls through the furnace, and is pyrolysed. The pyrolysis time
is of the order of seconds, with ≈600◦ C a suitable temperature for many
applications. An alternative pyrolysis system is to pass a current, using an
inductive coil, through a ferromagnetic material (wire or foil). When the
Curie point temperature of that material is reached, its temperature will
not increase further.
Curie point pyrolysis is advantageous in the temperature control, but a
furnace provides a complete range of temperatures in contrast to those fixed
by Curie points. In both cases, the pyrolysates are flushed in the inert gas
to a capillary column in a gas chromatograph, where they are cold trapped
with liquid nitrogen prior to analysis (Wampler 1999).
Microscale sealed vessel is a mild pyrolysis method (Hall et al. 1999). In
both furnace and Curie point pyrolysis, the thermal fragmentation results
9780521865791plate CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 August 22, 2007 12:38
plate i. Histological section of the underside of a leaf. This section of ancient material
shows the underside of a leaf with the lip-like shapes of the stomata through which the
leaf respires. They are surrounded by areas of pigmentation indicating the variegation of
the leaf colour. Credit: John Denton.
9780521865791plate CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 August 22, 2007 12:38
plate ii. Bacteria in gram-stained histological section. The invasive nature of bacteria
can be seen in this gram-stained section of mummified tissue in which the gram-positive
bacteria are dark blue and are in tracks and columns along the run of the fibres. Credit:
John Denton.
9780521865791plate CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 August 22, 2007 12:38
plate iii. Histological section of Serpula lacrymans fungus. This shows the invasive
nature of Serpula lacrymans fungus. The pink bone (ancient Egyptian) at the top of the
picture (A) is being eroded and eaten away by the fungus. In (B) the bone is stained blue,
between which is the area that was previously occupied by the bone marrow. Occupying
this space is a cluster of crystals of calcium oxalate. The crystals are difficult to define
unless examined by polarised light where the birefringence of the crystal is clearly seen
as yellow and blue against a magenta background (C). Credit: John Denton.
plate iv. Histological section through the fibrous pleura of lung tissue taken from a
mummy. Image A is a section through the fibrous pleura of the lung and it contains
a cavity that has been filled with a deposit of black material, most of which is carbon,
from breathing in a sooty atmosphere. When the section is examined using polarising
microscopy (B), some of the material is shown to be birefrengent and crystalline as
indicated by the white glow against a dark background. The soot is not birefrengent and
remains black. Birefrengent material of this type in a mummy is usually fine deposits of
sand that have been inhaled throughout life. In modern day man, this density of deposit,
which causes pneumoconiosis, is only seen in long term industrial exposure to dusts.
Credit: John Denton.
9780521865791plate CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 August 22, 2007 12:38
plate v. Histological section of the ear of a mummified cat. This shows a trachoma-stained
section of the ear of a mummified cat, approximately 2,000 years old. The epidermis (skin
surface) is stained red (E) and the dermis is stained blue. The central orange area is the
cartilage that gives the ear its rigidity. There is excellent preservation of the chondrocyte
cell nuclei within the cartilage. Credit: John Denton.
plate vi. Histological section of wheat from an Egyptian tomb. The toluidine blue–
stained section of 2,500-year-old wheat from a tomb shows almost perfect preservation
of the surface layers (S) and the endosperm that contains the starch (E). Credit: John
9780521865791plate CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 August 22, 2007 12:38
plate vii. Histological section of ancient decalcified bone. This section of trichrome-
stained, decalcified bone demonstrates the edge effect of putrefaction and oxidation.
Where the edge of the bone has been degraded, it is red, whereas the normal green stain
is evident in the bulk of the bone. This edge effect is particularly noticeable in bone, as
the soft tissues commonly show the reversal throughout the tissue. Credit: John Denton.
plate viii. Histological section of bone providing a timeline of events. An explanation for
the abnormalities in this section of bone can be explained by piecing together a timeline
of events. Credit: John Denton.
9780521865791plate CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 August 22, 2007 12:38
plate ix. Histological section of Egyptian bandage. This section of bandage from a
mummy shows the twisted bundled of flax forming the warp and weft of the linen. At
the microscopic level, positive identification of the structure of the cloth, and the type of
fibre of which it is composed can be made with a great degree of certainty. Credit: John
9780521865791plate CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 August 22, 2007 12:38
plate x. Positive staining of S. mansoni ova within infected mouse liver. ×100. If cut in
the correct orientation, the lateral spike can be clearly seen. Credit: Patricia Rutherford.
9780521865791plate CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 August 22, 2007 12:38
plate xi. Positive staining of S. mansoni ova within infected mouse liver. ×100. The
classic oval shapes are not always seen. Credit: Patricia Rutherford.
9780521865791plate CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 August 22, 2007 12:38
plate xii. Positive staining of S. haematobium within infected hamster liver. ×100.
Credit: Patricia Rutherford.
9780521865791plate CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 August 22, 2007 12:38
plate xiii. Positive staining of bladder tissue from a mummy. ×100. Tissue from the
bladder of Mummy 7700.1766 (Manchester Museum). The distorted shape of the ova
means that species identification is often difficult. Credit: Patricia Rutherford.
9780521865791plate CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 August 22, 2007 12:38
plate xiv. Positive staining of bladder tissue from a mummy. ×100. The ova in this
2,000-year-old, dehydrated, mummified tissue from the bladder of Mummy 7700.1766
(Manchester Museum) still resemble the modern S. haematobium seen in Plate XII.
Credit: Patricia Rutherford.
9780521865791plate CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 August 22, 2007 12:38
plate xv. Ultraviolet fluorescence microscopy of hair taken from the scalp of a mummy.
The hairs are coated with an orange fluorescing material, which developed droplets at
the hair ends. The observation is that the hair was cut before the coating was applied.
The interpretation is that the coating was not applied as part of a daily cosmetic routine,
but is probably connected to mummification rituals. Width of view: 0.8 mm. Credit:
N. McCreesh, University of Manchester, unpublished data.
9780521865791plate CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 August 22, 2007 12:38
plate xvi. Visible light and infrared images of a hair from the mummy of Asru. Top left:
hair (colourless) with darker coating. Bottom left: Infrared image over entire infrared
spectrum, showing organic material unevenly coating the hair (red colour indicates
highest infrared activity). Top right: infrared image over the range 1,600–1,700 cm -1
only, indicative of the concentration of C = O on the hair. Bottom right: Anticipated
infrared absorbtion area if hair was coated with plant oils. Credit: Andrew Gize.
9780521865791plate CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 August 22, 2007 12:38
plate xvii. Facial reconstruction of ancient Egyptians. Top left: Nesperennub – Twenty-
Second Dynasty priest (British Museum). Top right: Lady X – unknown mummy found
in the tomb of Seti II (Egyptian Museum, Cairo). Bottom left: Janus – mummy of a
man (Groningen Museum, The Netherlands). Bottom right: A 3,800-year-old female
mummy (Georges-Labit Museum Toulouse, France). Facial reconstructions by Caro-
line Wilkinson, Dundee University (UK). Credit: Caroline Wilkinson and University of
9780521865791plate CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 August 22, 2007 12:38
plate xviii. Mummy covered with efflorescence and mould growth. Due to inept environ-
mental storage conditions over many years, the partially unwrapped mummy has suffered
physical damage. Credit: Antony E. David.
9780521865791plate CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 August 22, 2007 12:38
plate xix. Hand and torso of the mummy after conservation treatment. The wet ster-
ilization method has been used to successfully treat this mummy. Credit: Antony E.
9780521865791c10 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 17:26
Archaeological material is irreplaceable and consequently nondestructive
methods are preferable. Analytical approaches to screen samples should be
undertaken before deciding which have the potential to offer the most infor-
mation by destructive methods. Spectroscopy offers nondestructive methods
to provide detailed information on the structure of polymers and individual
compounds. Even without detailed interpretation, spectroscopy can ‘fin-
gerprint’ samples into groups, enabling a preliminary classification. Spec-
troscopy, however, does not yield molecular weight. Additional introductory
sources include Banwell (1983) and Smith and March (2000).
Electromagnetic spectrum
The electromagnetic spectrum is a continuum, but is analytically divided
into several regions (Figure 23; Banwell 1983), with each region involving
a different electronic or magnetic response of the sample to the incident
Ultraviolet spectroscopy
Molecular absorption in the UV (and visible) regions of the spectrum affects
the electronic structure of the molecule. The absorption of energy is quan-
tised, resulting in the elevation, or excitation, of electrons from ground state
orbitals to excited states in higher energy orbitals. Consequently, two mea-
surements may be made. The intensity of absorption (or transmittance) can
be measured versus the frequency of irradiation. Alternatively, the energy
emitted in the visible range can be measured as the excited electrons drop
back to the ground state.
UV spectroscopy is limited to analysis of conjugate bonds, which are dou-
ble bonds in sequence stabilised by additional -bonding as, for example, in
benzene. One aspect of UV spectroscopy is that characteristic UV-absorbing
bonds can be recognised in molecules with very different structures. The
UV spectra of pure compounds usually show some detail or fine struc-
ture. Mixtures of compounds yield spectra in which fine structure is lost or
reduced as a result of peak overlap. Consequently, UV spectroscopy is best
used in conjunction with other analytical methods, such as GC/MS.
Visible spectroscopy
The visible region of the spectrum can also be used in two ways. One
method is the use of colour. The second is the absorbance in the visible
spectrum by certain molecular compounds. The visible part of the electro-
magnetic spectrum can be used for the identification and quantification of
ring compounds such as the porphyrins, and pigments such as henna.
Infrared spectroscopy
The IR region is one of the most useful for the organic analyst because
it is where changes in dipole moment resulting from bond vibrations are
figure 23. The electromagnetic spectrum. (after Banwell, C. N. 1983. Fundamentals of molecular spectroscopy. 3rd edn. London: McGraw-Hill.)
Credit: Andrew Gize.
978 0 521 86579 1
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The advantage of microscopy is that an immediate visual image is obtained.
Spectroscopy offers nondestructive analytical methods to the analyst. When
combined with microscopy, a pinhead sample or a few hairs can be removed
and returned to an artefact. One key piece of information from microscopy
is the extent to which a sample is homogeneous or heterogeneous. Gas chro-
matography/mass spectrometry, for example, can provide detailed molecu-
lar information on a few hair strands, but microscopy alone will give infor-
mation on whether the analyses apply to unaltered hairs, fungally degraded
hairs, or hairs which have been henna coated.
hits and is reflected back from the sample, the image colour seen is usually
diagnostic of the material, and is termed ‘internal reflections.’
Molecular analysis
Stereochemistry refers to the three-dimensional shape of molecules. An
understanding of stereochemistry is required to appreciate not only GC
9780521865791c10 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 17:26
and MS data, but also every aspect of natural product organic chemistry,
including biological sources for archaeological and geological materials,
reaction mechanisms, and the thermodynamic stability of organic mat-
ter. Using GC/MS, information is obtained not only on molecular struc-
ture, which supplements spectroscopic interpretations, but the molecular
weight is obtained. With this information, highly specific questions can
be answered, such as the source of bitumens in mummy wrappings, and
agricultural practices.
To appreciate especially the power of coupled GC/MS as an analyti-
cal method, a brief introduction to stereochemistry and some terminol-
ogy is essential. Stereochemical terminology can be initially daunting, as
it is partly the result of a need to communicate three-dimensional infor-
mation on the two dimensions of a book page. It is the author’s view
that the best method of appreciating stereochemistry is to use commer-
cially available stick-and-ball chemical model kits. Such models immedi-
ately teach understanding of bond rotation and symmetry, in addition to
providing therapeutic pleasure and office decorations. Stereochemistry is
reviewed in most organic chemistry textbooks, including Smith and March
The electronic structure of carbon can be represented initially as 1s2 , 2s2 ,
with the remaining two unpaired electrons in two of the three 2p shells. One
arrangement of the 2s and 2p electrons in bonding is by hybridisation to sp3 .
In this instance, the carbon valency is 4, with bonds forming a tetrahedral
arrangement with bond angles of 109◦ 28 . If two or more carbons are linked
by sp3 hybridised bonds, then the molecule (or section of a molecule) is
commonly termed saturated. The nomenclature of saturated hydrocarbons
is an ending in –ane (e.g. methane). A second arrangement in bonding of
the 2s and 2p electrons is by sp2 hybridisation. The resultant carbon has
three bonds in a plane, with an ideal bond angle of 120◦ .
Bonds formed by sp2 hybridisation are commonly termed unsaturated,
or double. Such bonds are relatively unstable and are prone to addition of
an atom to form a saturated bond. The special exception are the aromatic
hydrocarbons, in which carbons linked by conjugate sp2 hybridised bonds
are rendered very stable (and therefore persistent in the natural environ-
ment) by electron delocalisation. Unsaturated hydrocarbons end in –ene
(e.g. ethylene, benzene). One other possible arrangement of the 2s and 2p
electrons in bonding is by sp hybridisation to form triple bonds. Compounds
with sp hybridised bonds end in –yne. In natural environments, sp bonds
are usually extremely unstable, and thus can be neglected in the context of
this introduction.
9780521865791c10 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 17:26
figure 24. Depictions of cyclohexane. a: planar view. b: chair conformer. c: boat con-
former. The chair and boat conformers are interchangeable by C – C bond rotation.
Credit: Andrew Gize.
Isomers are compounds with the same empirical formula, but with dif-
ferent three-dimensional structures. When a molecule contains carbons
linked by sp3 bonds, then rotation can occur on those bonds. Rotation can-
not occur between two sp2 -bonded carbons, or in ring compounds formed
by conjugate sp2 carbon bonds (aromatic hydrocarbons). When two differ-
ent arrangements in three dimensions of a molecule are possible by bond
rotation, then the stereoisomers are referred to as conformational isomers
(conformers). In Figure 24, cyclohexane is depicted as a planar molecule
(A), and then as the chair and boat conformers (B and C, respectively).
figure 25. The structure of glycine and alanine. a, b: The structure of glycine, in which
two mirror images are superimposable. c, d: the structure of alanine, in which the two
mirror images are not superimposable. c and d are enantiomers, but a and b are not
enantiomers. Credit: Andrew Gize.
9780521865791c10 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 17:26
If two molecules have the same empirical formula, contain the same
atoms linked by the same bonds, but have two or more three-dimensional
shapes that cannot be obtained by carbon–carbon bond rotation, then they
are configurational isomers. Further terminology is then based on the sym-
metry and asymmetry of the groups attached to each of the carbons in the
The property resulting in molecular rotation of the plane of polarized
light is exhibited by the reader’s hands. Held palm to palm together, the left
and right hands are mirror images. Placing one hand on top of the other
should result in the thumbs sticking out in opposite directions, indicating
that one hand cannot be superimposed on its mirror image. The property of
nonsuperimposability of a hand or molecule on its mirror image is termed
chirality. A molecule that rotates the plane of plane-polarized light is termed
optically active and cannot be superimposed on its mirror image.
The majority of amino acids are optically active and are based on one
amino group, one carboxyl group, and one hydrogen bonded to a single
carbon. The difference between all amino acids lies in the fourth group.
In glycine, the fourth group is a hydrogen. In Figure 25, the structure of
glycine (A) and its mirror image (B) are shown. Structure (A) can be rotated
180◦ and superimposed on its mirror image. Consequently, glycine is not
optically active.
The structure of alanine, where the fourth bond is to a methyl group, can
have two forms (and only two isomers), which are mirror images of each
other but which cannot be superimposed on each other (Figure 25). The
two isomers are termed enantiomers. The central carbon is the source of
chirality, and is termed a chiral carbon (C∗ ). The properties of the two enan-
tiomers of alanine, and any other enantiomeric pair, are identical except
for the following two properties.
First, each enantiomer will rotate the plane of plane-polarized light in
opposite and equal directions. Consequently, the enantiomer that rotates
the plane to the left is the levo-isomer (designated –), and the other is the
dextro-isomer (designated +). Second, each enantiomer will react at the
same rate with achiral compounds, but at different rates with other chiral
compounds. This latter property forms the basis of analytical separation
techniques. It is noteworthy that chirality in molecules may have been rec-
ognized only because humans consist of chiral compounds such as amino
A molecule can contain more than one chiral carbon, and in extracts
derived from geological sources, such molecules are usually ubiquitous.
Although there are several isomers for a given compound with several
9780521865791c10a CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 17:36
chiral carbons, only two can be enantiomers. The other isomers based
on chiral carbons, which are not enantiomers, are termed diastereomers.
Diastereomers have very similar chemical and physical properties, but com-
monly, these properties are sufficiently different for immediate analytical
The two isomers of cholestane (5α(H)-cholestane and 5β(H)-cholestane)
are diastereomers, with 5β(H)-cholestane being diagnostic of carnivores.
Identifying the 5β(H) in cholesterol derivatives provided Bull et al. (1999,
2000) with evidence for human and porcine manure in historical sites.
Gas chromatography
Gas chromatography (GC) is a very active aspect of analytical chemistry,
with extensive application in natural product chemistry (including archae-
ology), especially when coupled with MS.
GC is the separation of a complex volatile mixture using an inert gas
and a column which can contain a stationary phase (e.g. a solid packing),
or a high boiling point polymer or liquid. The sample is introduced to the
gas chromatograph through a heated injector (typically ≈300◦ C), using a
syringe, probe, or pyrolyser. A relatively new introduction method, which
can also eliminate solvent use, is a needle coated with an organophilic
polymer (solid phase microextraction, SPME).
The sample is vaporised and swept in an inert gas (e.g. H2 , He, or N2 ) to
the head of a column in an oven, which is held at a lower temperature than
the injector (e.g. 40◦ C, or with a liquid nitrogen cold trap). The sample
condenses in as sharp a band as possible at the column head. The gas
chromatograph oven is then heated at a standard rate (e.g. 4◦ C min−1 ) to a
final temperature (e.g. 300◦ C).
As the boiling point of a compound is reached, it will enter the gas phase
and be transported through the column to a detector. As in a complex
mixture several compounds will vaporise at the same temperature, further
separation occurs between the compounds in the gas phase and the station-
ary phase. Following separation in the column, the compounds leave the
column (elute) to a suitable detector.
The GC column is crucial in analysis. The stationary phase in the col-
umn coating should be tailored to the specific analytical problem (Gruschka
1974). For rapid gas chromatographic analyses and separations of high
molecular weight compounds, shorter columns (e.g. 15 m) are useful, but
these lack the resolution of longer columns (e.g. 30 m). Flexible fused-
silica capillaries with bonded phases are now in virtually exclusive use. To
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Mass spectrometry
MS is unique in terms of both the principle on which it is based and the
instrumentation required. In the mass spectrometer, molecules are ionised
and it is these ions which are analysed in detail. This is an irreversible process
and thus MS is a destructive analytical method. The fundamental stages
in a mass spectrometer are sample introduction, ionisation to form positive
9780521865791c10a CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 17:36
or negative ions from the organic molecules, which are then separated as a
function of mass to charge, and a detector for mass analysis. MS has been
extensively described (e.g. Biemann 1962; McLafferty 1963; Budzikiewicz et
al. 1967; Burlingame and Schnoes 1969; Silverstein et al. 1974; McLafferty
and Turecek 1993).
Sample introduction methods include direct insertion using a probe,
high-pressure liquid chromatography, and GC. Ionisation methods include
thermionic electrons from a filament (electron impact, EI), or softer indi-
rect ionisation using a reagent gas (chemical ionisation, CI). The ions are
separated by a variety of ‘mass filters’, such as magnetic field, quadrupole,
ion trap, and time-of-flight (TOF). Additional resolution of the ions can be
obtained by tandem MS (MS-MS).
Low-resolution (nominal-mass) mass spectrometric requirements for
most organic compounds can be satisfied with magnetic, quadrupole, or
time-of-flight mass spectrometers. Electron impact (El) is the commonest
method used for sample ionisation. The usual 70 eV ionisation energy is
chosen as it provides a balance between extensive molecular fragmenta-
tion with a high yield of ions (designated by mass to charge, m/z or m/e)
and the detection of parent ions (molecular weight, M+ ), and the best
The mass spectrum is a plot of ion intensity versus the mass-charge ratio
(m/z or m/e). If the molecule is not fragmented, and has only one charge,
then the molecular weight of the compound is the parent (or mother) peak
(M+ ) in the mass spectrum. When the molecule is fragmented, the original
molecular structure results in some fragments being more frequent than
others. These more frequent fragmentations will be recorded as higher
intensities than the more infrequent fragmentations. Knowledge of the
fragmentations a molecule produces can be used to deduce molecular
Mass spectral databases (e.g. the National Institute of Science and Tech-
nology [NIST] and the Wiley Registry) are available to facilitate inter-
pretation, but should not be used as the ultimate tool for identification.
Mismatches are common in molecules which fragment to produce many
ions and a molecular ion (parent ion) of relatively low intensity. Identifica-
tion should be based on the user first interpreting the mass spectrum using
known fragmentation rules, determining the parent ion, and using the mass
spectrum and chromatographic behaviour to suggest a molecular struc-
ture, facilitated by a mass spectral interpretation program (e.g. AMDIS).
The mass spectral databases can then be used to support the user inter-
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X-ray techniques
In 1895, Roëntgen discovered mysterious rays, or x-rays (see Chapter 3). X-
rays are short wavelength electromagnetic radiation, with wavelengths (λ)
between 10−8 and 10−11 m. At the same time, it was also realized that crystals
had periodic groups of atoms and ions, and were a 3D grating.
9780521865791c10a CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 17:36
100 a C25 C27
100 C27
C25 C31
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
figure 26. Total ion chromatograms of wax coating a pillow (a) and beeswax (b). The
very different molecular compositions indicate that the pillow wax was not derived from
beeswax, but a geological source. Credit: Reproduced from Seath, J., Gize, A., David, A. R.,
Hall, K., Lythgoe, P., Speak, R., Caldwell, S. 2006. ‘An atypical ancient Egyptian pillow
from Sedment el-Gebel: evidence for migrant worker trading and technology’. Journal of
Archaeological Science 33: 549.
X-ray generation
X-ray radiation is generated when a charged particle is decelerated. When
an electron (e) is accelerated through a high potential difference (V), and
then stopped, released energy (E) will be in the x-ray wavelength (λ) range.
E = eV = hv =
hc 12398
λ= = Å.
eV V
A filament generates thermionic electrons in a sealed low-pressure x-ray
tube which are accelerated through an applied potential difference and to
9780521865791c10a CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 17:36
hit a metal target. The x-ray wavelength generated depends on the metal
used in the target. Much of the energy released by the metal target is
heat, and it must be water cooled (an advantage of Cu as the target). The
generated x-rays pass through a window in the x-ray tube to the crystal.
If the target stops the electron in one step, then the maximum energy,
shortest λ, x-ray energy will be obtained. Energy transferred to the target
atoms will cause them to oscillate, and lower energy, longer λ x-rays will be
generated. Consequently an x-ray wavelength continuum is generated. To
filter the required x-ray wavelength from the continuum, a metal foil (e.g.
Ni) can be used, or a diffraction beam monochromator.
where n is the order of reflection (frequently 1) (See Reed 1993: 59, fig. 6.1).
Much research has been undertaken on single crystals, but it is recog-
nised that archaeological applications tend to be identification of mineral
mixtures in pot fragments, geological samples (e.g. natron), or residues in
pots. Consequently, only powder XRD will be discussed further.
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Analysis. The glass slide is placed in the x-ray diffractometer and kept sta-
tionary. The x-ray source is moved in an arc around the sample to ensure as
many lattice planes are used in the analysis. The reflections are detected.
Historically, photographic film was used as the detector. Alternative detec-
tors are now used with computerised systems.
Electron microprobe
The main use of an electron microprobe (see Reed 1993: 14, fig. 2.1) is the
qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis of small volumes of solids
(≤5 µm). A scanning electron microscope is often incorporated as part
of the electron microprobe. The Periodic Table can be analyzed except
for elements lighter than carbon. The minimum detectability is typically
100 ppm, although this is dependent on the sample. Maps of elemental
concentrations can be obtained over a sample.
Advantages of the electron microprobe over other methods include the
following. Sample preparation is relatively simple, requiring a polished sur-
face on a block or glass section. Small volumes are needed, limited to 5 µm
diameter and depth. The analysis is nondestructive. The sample can be
viewed, ensuring that the analysis location is known. The disadvantages
are that the technique cannot generally identify the oxidation state of the
elements (exceptions are potentially Fe and S), groups such as –OH can-
not be identified, and quantitative analysis is poor for elements lighter
than carbon. A good polish is required which may be difficult for soft
iii. The ejection of secondary electrons from atomic orbitals by the elec-
tron beam (the basis of SEM)
iv. The reflection of beam electrons as backscattered electrons (also used
in SEM)
v. Cathodoluminescence
The diagnostic x-rays are emitted from electrons around the atomic
nucleus, provided the incident beam energy is sufficient (the critical exci-
tation energy or ‘binding’ energy). The incident beam electron can ‘hit’ an
orbital electron and be scattered (see Potts et al. 1995: 5, fig. 1.3: Schematic
representation of processes resulting from electron bombardment). The orbital
electron is also ejected.
The empty electron level is filled by an electron from an outer orbital
shell, and the energy lost emitted as a photon. The photon may emit another
electron from the same atom, termed auger electron emission (the basis of
auger spectroscopy), or the photon may be emitted as an x-ray photon. The
x-rays generated from the elements in the sample contain the following
information: the wavelength (λ), which is dependent on the emitting ele-
ment, and intensity, which is dependent on the concentration of elements
in the sample.
If the electron is ejected from the K orbital, it is termed K radiation
(Potts et al. 1995). If the replacing electron comes from the L shell, it emits
Kα radiation, and if from the M orbital, it emits Kβ radiation. An electron
ejected from the L orbital generates L radiation, and if ejected from the
M orbital it generates M radiation. A background radiation continuum is
produced by deceleration of the incident beam electrons as they pass the
atomic nuclei. The loss of energy generates the background radiation (also
termed the braking radiation or Brehmstrahlung).
The generated x-rays hit a curved crystal in which the atomic planes
are physically bent, and are reflected to a detector for amplification and
recording. The angle of the crystal can be set at a specified angle (θ) to
the incident x-rays. From Braggs Law (above), at a specific θ, only x-rays of
a fixed wavelength will be detected. The intensity of the diagnostic peak,
which is proportional to the concentration of the element in the sample,
is subtracted from the background radiation continuum either side of the
diagnostic peak.
This is the basis of wavelength dispersive spectrometry (WDS), in which
detection and quantification is based by ‘sitting’ on a fixed wavelength. WDS
is relatively time consuming, but is best suited to high quality quantitation
and elemental mapping. A representative WDS analysis of brass is shown
9780521865791c10a CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 17:36
in a diagram in Reed (1993: 143; fig. 11.1), with the emission lines of Cu and
Quantitation acknowledges three factors which have to be considered in
obtaining the best quantitative analyses: the ZAF correction. The Z factor
(or generation factor) acknowledges that the incident beam not only inter-
acts with the sample surface, but can interact to depths of approximately 5
µm. The depth to which the beam interacts depends on the atomic num-
bers (Z) of the elements in the sample and their atomic weights. Correction
is needed for absorption (A) or generated x-rays will occur in the sample.
The generated x-rays will cause fluorescence (F) by ionizing elements in
the sample and generating further x-rays. The ZAF correction is now com-
The faster alternative to WDS is energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS).
The detector registers the x-ray photon energy and its intensity, and the
detector output is managed by a pulses height analyser. The data are pre-
sented as a plot of pulse height (corresponding to elemental concentrations
in the sample) versus x-ray energy (diagnostic of the elements in the sam-
ple). Although quantitation is not of as high a calibre as WDS, data are
often adequate to identify a material.
figure 27. SEM image of natron crystals (based on morphology) in a desiccation crack
in the bladder of the mummy of Asru, Manchester Museum. Credit: Andrew Gize.
figure 28. ESEM image of crystalline wax coating an ancient Egyptian pillow. Note
the absence of any burning or charging of the wax by the electron beam. Field of view
90 µm. Credit: Reproduced from Seath, J., Gize, A., David, A. R., Hall, K., Lythgoe, P.,
Speak, R., Caldwell, S. 2006. ‘An atypical ancient Egyptian pillow from Sedment el-Gebel:
evidence for migrant worker trading and technology’. Journal of Archaeological Science
33: 548.
9780521865791c10a CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 17:36
is too high, ‘burn off ’ of lighter elements can occur (e.g. Na), or the sample
itself can show signs of damage. A key requirement is that the electrons
from the incident electron beam can flow from the sample to an electrical
ground. If the concentration of electrons builds up in the sample through
‘charging,’ the incident electron beam will become unstable, resulting in
poor analytical data and images.
A variety of sample holders are available in scanning electron microprobes
and scanning electron microscopes. Samples can be in resin, on glass slides,
or attached by an adhesive pad to an aluminium stub. In all cases, to prevent
charging, the sample is either coated in gold (best) or carbon, prior to
To illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of SEM, Figure 27 shows
an SEM image of presumed natron crystals along a desiccation crack in the
bladder of the mummy Asru (Manchester Museum). The crystals can only
be presumed to be natron on the basis of their morphology, as the elements
in natron are too light to be easily detected and quantified. The conductive
coating of the specimen, however, has ensured that these fragile crystals can
be recorded.
chapter 11
Caroline M. Wilkinson
Facial reconstruction (otherwise known as facial approximation) is the pro-
cess utilised to reproduce the facial appearance of an individual by relating
the skeletal structure to the overlying soft tissue (Gerasimov 1971; Prag and
Neave 1997; Taylor 2001; Wilkinson 2004). Facial reconstruction has been
used to provoke recognition in forensic identification investigations world-
wide, and is a powerful forensic tool that significantly enhances the chances
of identification of the deceased.
The Manchester mummy team has been at the forefront of research into
the facial depiction of ancient Egyptians since its conception in 1973 (David
1986; David and Tapp 1992). Initial forensic investigations of Egyptian mum-
mies housed at The Manchester Museum involved Richard Neave, a med-
ical artist from the University of Manchester (Neave 1979). In 1973, Neave
reconstructed the faces of the Two Brothers, a pair of twelfth Dynasty (c.
1900 b.c.) Egyptians. This early work followed a rather simple, undeveloped
method and Neave stated that ‘whilst a great deal of attention was paid to
the areas of muscle insertion and their probable effect upon the face, we
put very little effort into developing the muscle groups themselves’ (Prag
and Neave 1997).
Neave used the tissue depth data produced by Kollman and Buchly (1898)
from cadavers of White Europeans for these reconstructions and worked
exclusively with skull casts and sculptors’ clay and often built the neck
structure onto the facial reconstructions to give the finished head a more
balanced appearance. Guidelines set up by Krogman (Krogman and Iscan
1962) and Gerasimov (1971) were also used to interpret the facial features.
Although this early work was heavily based upon the work of Gerasi-
mov (1971), Neave and his successors have developed and refined the facial
9780521865791c11 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:2
figure 29. Facial reconstruction procedures. Top row: Manual two dimensional – the
musculature and facial morphology are drawn over a photograph of the skull. Skin colour
and texture are then added in Adobe Photoshop or with paint. Middle row: Manual three
dimensional – the musculature and skin layer are modelled in clay onto a replica skull.
The finished cast of the head can be painted and a wig, plastic eyes and facial hair
added. Bottom row: Computerised three dimensional – the musculature is added from
a database of premodelled muscles and distorted to fit the skull. A skin layer is then
added in virtual clay, followed by colours and textures that are mapped onto the three-
dimensional model. Facial reconstructions by Caroline Wilkinson, Dundee University.
Credits: Caroline Wilkinson, University of Manchester, and Image Foundry Ltd.
The results of these studies suggest that this method of facial reconstruc-
tion will produce a better than approximate resemblance to the individual
and therefore justifies the use of this method to recreate the faces of ancient
Egyptians from mummified remains.
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figure 30. The preserved remains of an ancient Egyptian priest (A) and facial recon-
struction (B). The replica of the mummified face was produced from CT scan data
by using stereolithography, courtesy of The National Museums of Scotland and PDR,
Cardiff. The facial reconstruction was produced by Caroline Wilkinson. Credits: Caroline
Wilkinson and University of Manchester.
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skull will be. As these methods include a certain degree of estimation and
loss of detail on the surface of the bone, any resulting facial reconstruction
would require photographic records of the skull and/or an appreciation of
the decrease in accuracy of any resulting face.
This same procedure has also been applied to the reconstruction of mum-
mified soft tissue (see Figure 32). One of the more interesting challenges
was the depiction of Ramesses II. Ramesses II was an Egyptian pharaoh
from the nineteenth Dynasty. He is believed to have taken the throne in
his early twenties and to have ruled Egypt from 1304 b.c. to 1237 b.c. His
unwrapped mummified remains are housed at the Egyptian Museum of
Cairo and there are a small number of existing craniographs taken in 1976.
Sadly, the craniographs are of poor quality and of limited views and it was
impossible to recreate an accurate three-dimensional model of the skull of
Ramesses II from this material.
The mummified soft tissues of the face of Ramesses II were visible and had
been photographed from multiple angles and views. It was therefore possible
to recreate the mummified face of Ramesses II by using virtual sculpture.
The craniographs were used to establish the facial proportions and profile
and the photographs were then utilised to model the feature detail and those
areas not visible on the radiographs. The mummified face of Ramesses II
was then ‘dehydrated’ to recreate his living appearance. Because Ramesses
II was estimated to have been between 87 and 93 years of age when he
died, he was given a rather emaciated facial appearance, consistent with
an elderly statesman. Finally the three-dimensional computer model was
given a coloured skin texture, eye colour and hair to realistically depict
Ramesses II in his later years (see Figure 32).
Facial reconstruction has also been utilised in an attempt to investi-
gate cultural, social, medical, genetic and environmental aspects of ancient
Egyptian life.
figure 32. The facial reconstruction of Ramesses II from the mummified soft tissues. Radiographs
showing the soft tissue outlines (A) were used as templates to create a three-dimensional model (B)
of the mummified face, and the photographs (C) were used as reference for detail and accuracy.
The soft tissues in life were produced by ‘rehydrating’ the mummified remains (D) to establish facial
appearance prior to mummification (E). Skin tone and texture were estimated (F). Reconstruction
by Caroline Wilkinson, Dundee University. Credit: University of Manchester.
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more than a thousand mummy portraits, but fewer than a hundred are still
bound into their mummies. Thus the number of candidates for a study of
the realism of the portraits was relatively small.
Over the last ten years, facial anthropologists from the Manchester
mummy team have studied five of these mummies with portraits (Wilkin-
son 2003; Brier and Wilkinson 2005). In all cases the reconstructions were
produced blind and then compared to the attached portraits (see Figure
33). Three of the reconstructions were created using actual skulls and two
reconstructions were created on skull replicas produced from the CT data.
9780521865791c11 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:2
Two examples were from the British Museum: a fifty-year-old male and a
twenty- to twenty-five-year-old female; and another, a twenty-nine- to thirty-
year-old male, was from the Polish Centre for Egyptology in Cairo. All three
of these reconstructions showed high consistency with the facial features on
the portraits, although the portrait of the young male was in poor condition
and showed a fatter face than the reconstruction. These reconstructions
were similar enough to the portraits to suggest that they were indeed painted
during the lifetime of the individuals and were not idealised images (see
Figure 33).
The other two cases produced differing results. The skull of a thirty-year-
old male was provided by the Glyptotek Museum. The portrait and the
reconstruction were very different and appeared to show individuals from
different racial origins. The portrait revealed the face of an older man with
a longer narrower face and longer nose. Superimposition of the skull and
the portrait showed that the proportions of the face did not match those of
the skull, and, therefore, it was suggested that the skull and the portrait may
not be of the same individual (see Figure 33).
9780521865791c11 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 16:2
figure 34. Depictions of disease and trauma in facial reconstruction work. (A) Iron Age
woman with haemangioma, a fleshy growth to one side of the face. (B) Soldier from
the Battle of Towton with healed wound to jaw. (C) Medieval woman with meningioma
hyperostosis and related soft tissue changes. Credit: Caroline Wilkinson.
figure 35. Facial reconstructions of the skulls from Tomb KV5. Top row: skull of middle-
aged man in good condition and resulting two-dimensional facial reconstruction. Middle
row: skull of middle-aged male partially excavated and resulting two-dimensional facial
reconstruction. Bottom row: fragmented and partially reassembled skull of middle-aged
male and resulting two-dimensional facial reconstruction. Reconstructions by Caroline
Wilkinson and Caroline Needham. Credit: University of Manchester.
figure 36. Comparison of the facial reconstructions from Tomb KV5 and Ramesses II.
The horizontal lines intersect the face of Ramesses II at the top of the head, outer canthus,
base of the nose, mouth slit and base of the chin. Faces 2 and 3 show consistent proportions
with those of Ramesses II. The horizontal proportions of face 3 are significantly different
from all the other faces. Credit: Caroline Wilkinson.
assessment: one was intact and clean, one was still partially buried and one
was fragmented.
Due to the condition of the skulls and limited access, only photographic
evidence was possible and two-dimensional reconstructions were attempted.
The fragmented skull could only be assessed in profile, as many pieces were
missing and full reassembly was not possible; however, enough of the skull
was intact to allow reassembly of the vertical proportions and the left profile.
The remaining two skulls were reconstructed in frontal and profile views
(see Figure 35) by two practitioners.
The facial reconstructions were then compared with the mummified face
of Ramesses II and the facial reconstruction that had been produced from
his mummified soft tissues (see Figure 32). All the faces had similar features,
such as a long narrow face shape, long noses and prominent cheek bones,
and two of the skulls had very similar vertical proportions to Ramesses II (see
Figure 36). The face of Ramesses II exhibits long vertical distances between
the nose and the mouth and the mouth and the chin. It could be said
that this is one of the most striking features of Ramesses II. These vertical
proportions were consistent in two of the faces from KV5; however, one of
the skulls had very different vertical proportions to Ramesses II, exhibiting
a very short nasolabial distance and chin (see Figure 36).
Wilkinson concluded that although two of the skulls were consistent with
Ramesses II in facial proportions and morphology, one was not. Therefore,
these results shed some doubt on this individual being directly related to
Ramesses II.
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part 3
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chapter 12
A. Rosalie David
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All the sources therefore provide limited information about the medi-
cal system, and sometimes, as with the principles of idealising the human
figure in the tomb art, the ‘evidence’ can falsify the reality of everyday
third Dynasty, whom the Greeks later identified with their god of medicine,
Some medical practitioners were closely associated with the temples. The
Egyptian temple, never a place of congregational worship, was known as
the ‘House of the God.’ The main function of the priesthood, which played
a significant and influential role in society, was to perform temple rituals
that fulfilled the needs of the resident deity whose spirit was believed to be
present in the cult statue in the sanctuary.
During the Old and Middle Kingdoms, there was some overlap between
priesthood and laity, as many held positions as priests on a part-time basis,
combining it with a career as a lawyer, doctor, teacher, or scribe (Sauneron
1960). In the New Kingdom, this balance was changed when revised tem-
ple organisation resulted in many priestly offices becoming full-time, profes-
sional posts. Some priests continued to play a major role in medical practice,
providing an important link between the temples and the external world.
Because the treatment of illness combined rational and magical meth-
ods, priest-doctors, doctors, and practitioners of magic were all involved in
the healing processes. There is no reference to any rivalry among these
practitioners, and the Ebers Papyrus (854a) indicates that they held parallel
roles in treating the sick (Nunn 1996: 113).
One group of physicians, the ‘Priests of Sekhmet’ (von Kanel 1984), was
attached to the temples. Many probably had specialist skills for treating
specific illnesses, and these appear to have combined rational and magical
methods; some also held titles associated with magic. They shared many
practices with the sunu, another category of doctors sometimes connected
to large communities such as the army, royal palaces and work sites; they
also performed public hygiene duties in the cemeteries. Again, some of the
sunu were attached to temples, whereas others were professional magicians.
There were apparently various groups to which professional magicians
might belong. As well as the sunu, some held the title of sau (from the verb
‘to protect’); these probably included midwives and women who practised
community magic, particularly on behalf of pregnant women and children.
Other magicians were priests of Heka (the goddess of magic) or Serqet (the
scorpion goddess). By placating Serqet, the latter sought to acquire power
against venomous reptiles and insects, and the Brooklyn Papyrus (Sauneron
1989) confirms that they used both magic and rational medicine to treat
Although many magicians, who probably specialised in ritual magic and
healing, appear to have been closely associated with the temples during
pharaonic times, some may have functioned independently, perhaps even
9780521865791c12 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 15:59
parallels in the Ebers and Berlin Papyri), Papyrus VII contains spells for
treating scorpion stings, and Papyrus V includes magical treatments for
Papyrus Vindob
Despite its late date (c. 150 a.d.), this papyrus, D.6257, from Crocodilopolis
(now in the Vienna collection) does not include any magical remedies but
provides rational treatments for many conditions (Reymond 1976).
chapter 13
David J. Counsell
Anthropologists recognise that all societies use intoxicants in aspects of their
cultural lives (Lewin 1964; Rudgley 1993). Modern analysis of plants that
early peoples believed to have intoxicating or healing properties has, in many
cases, demonstrated the presence of pharmacologically active chemicals
such as alkaloids and flavonoids that account for these effects.
In his work on drugs in ancient and primitive societies Emboden (1979),
improving on previous work by Lewin (1964), classified intoxicants into
the different groups summarised in Figure 37. Clearly, some well-known
intoxicants do not fit easily into one category, opium, for example, being
both narcotising and hallucinogenic, depending upon the circumstances
of its use.
Although the use of animal- and mineral-derived drugs is well described
in Egyptian medical practice (Nunn 1996), these do not tend to act as
intoxicants, and thus, for this study, the subject materials of interest tend to
be derived from plants.
Little is known about the use of intoxicants in ancient Egypt beyond the
widespread consumption of beer, as part of the staple diet, and wine, by the
elite. The cultural use of alcohol by the Egyptians is well documented and
will not be considered here. This chapter will focus on a small number of
intoxicants that may or may not have contributed to Egyptian society as a
medicine, recreational drug or in sacred rituals.
Following the controversial TV documentary ‘Mystery of the Cocaine
Mummies,’ first broadcast in 1994 (Schaffer Library 2005), I was invited to
join the Manchester mummy team, to set up a project to look at cocaine
and other intoxicants in Egyptian society.
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1975). All these finds are, however, from religious contexts, suggesting that
the use of opium was sacred rather than secular, and there is no indica-
tion of any medicinal application at this time. Artefacts and writings from
these neighbouring societies in Cyprus and Crete have proved useful in
investigating the use of intoxicants in Egypt.
Bil-bil juglets
None of the above evidence supports the use of opium or the cultivation of
the opium poppy in Egypt during the New Kingdom, but does Merrillees’
theory provide a different perspective?
Opium could have arrived in Egypt during the New Kingdom from
Cyprus, given the spread of its use to the central Mediterranean islands by
that time. The shape of the Bil-Bil juglets is very reminiscent of an upturned
poppy, and Merrillees suggests that some juglets are even decorated with
striated markings similar to the parallel incisions used in modern day opium
There are problems with this theory however. The contents of the juglets
must have been liquid to pass through such a long narrow neck. Some
juglets even have a pouring spout that clearly confirms the liquid nature of
the contents. During the harvesting of opium, extruded sap is allowed to
partially dry on the capsule before being scraped off with the resulting resin
being packed into blocks after drying out further (White 1989).
For centuries, in European medicine, opium was administered by cut-
ting a weighed amount from a solid block of material and then dissolv-
ing it in alcohol to make laudanum or as a constituent of Dover’s powder
(Scott 1969). Why then would the Cypriots come up with such an elabo-
rate method of exportation when transporting the material in its solid form
would be much less complicated? It is entirely possible that some as yet
untested block of opium resin lies in a museum collection somewhere,
awaiting identification.
Also, Cypriot Base II Ring Ware comes in forms other than Bil-Bil juglets;
because these display the same type of markings as Bil-Bil juglets, it is
evident that this decoration is not exclusive to Bil-Bils, and must surely
indicate a decorative style rather than representing opium-harvesting scars.
Nevertheless, despite these concerns, it seemed appropriate to investigate
further Merrillees’ theory by analysing the residues from these vessels for
the presence of opium alkaloids.
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pots, and broken pots were scraped on the inside surface to remove any
dried-on residues. In some cases the pottery surface itself was removed with
a surgical bur, thus increasing the chance of detection of opium even if that
pot had been reused.
The treatment of each juglet and its provenance are summarised in Fig-
ure 40. At the laboratory, the samples were extracted with methanol and
tested using high- pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC), GCMS and
then derivatised to increase the detection of morphine, using further GCMS
analysis. The results were disappointing because no evidence of opium
alkaloids was detected in any of the samples. Five pots were then subjected
to more extensive GCMS analysis, and in two of these, palmitic acid was
The maximum morphine yield in modern opium is approximately 10 per
cent. Thus, given that the actual samples weighed between 0.25 and 0.5 g, a
maximum content of 25–50 mg per sample might be expected. Speculating
that the likely content would be much lower than this, given the age and
inevitable degradation of any residual alkaloids over time, possibly to a
residual factor of 0.1 per cent of the original, it would be expected that the
remaining morphine content would be between 25 and 50 µg, well within
the 2–5 µg per sample reference sensitivity assured by the laboratory.
Despite this, it was decided that further, more sensitive and in-depth
analysis was required, and subsequent analytical work was performed at
Hall Laboratories in Manchester. Reevaluation of a number of pots from the
collection, using GCMS capable of a sensitivity of 0.2–0.5 µg, equivalent
to 0.2–0.5 parts per million in a 1 ml resuspension, detected no opium
In the 1990s, Nunn and Evans took samples from Bil-Bil pots in The
Manchester Museum collection. Subsequent analysis of this material
involved the use of HPLC with ultraviolet detection and RIA (techniques
that paralleled our own work). They informed us that morphine had been
detected in two of three pots (Manchester No. 744 and Manchester No.
6946A), confirmed by both techniques. Review of our own results on these
pots using GCMS could not confirm the presence of morphine or other
opium alkaloids.
To address these conflicting results, Evans brought the extracts they had
obtained from the ‘positive’ pots to Hall Laboratories, where they were tested
further, using a system linking LCMS against a known sample of opium.
Although morphine, codeine and noscapine were all easily detected from
the opium sample, it again proved impossible to demonstrate the presence
of these alkaloids in the pot extracts. Thus, it had to be accepted that the
978 0 521 86579 1
figure 38. Total ion chromatogram for juglet number 744 (Manchester Museum). This is one of the jugs that tested positive for morphine when using RIA
and HPLC. Above are selected ion chromatograms for molecular weights 220 (noscapine), 299 (codeine) and 285 (morphine), which are the major alkaloids
in opium. The lack of any peaks confirms that this sample is devoid of these compounds. If any of the compounds seen in the total ion chromatogram (TIC)
have certain key functionalities present, for example, primary binding sites such as hydroxyl and amino groups on an aromatic framework, it could explain
the positive result obtained with RIA. This will be explored in further work. Credit: David Counsell.
October 31, 2007
9780521865791c13 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 18:57
previous positive results were unreliable and that LCMS, being both highly
sensitive and highly specific, now provided the definitive answer.
8.63 9.33 30.36
23.52 24.75 25.92 36.79
FLASK 1 (2978) Scan El+
30.37 TIC
6.40 e6
% Nonanal
11.77 33.62
LC26794 (6946B) Scan El+
30.28 TIC
100 33.07
29.55 38.44 2.75 e8
6.05 32.56 35.76
% 6.49 Nonanal 35.45
31.35 37.87
11.60 23.37 25.46 28.85
8.17 8.92 21.13 40.92 48.98
LC26793 (6946A) Scan El+
27.96 TIC
4.82 e8
27.63 30.99
6.64 7.36
LC 26792 (744) Scan El+
100 27.49 TIC
3.20 e6
% 7.65 9.14 9.98
10.77 20.80 21.53 30.68
0 Time
10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00 50.00 55.00
figure 39. Total ion chromatograms for four Bil-Bil juglets. The main peaks in all samples are fatty acids, principally palmitic acid (C16). Juglet 6946B
978 0 521 86579 1
shows an extended series of fatty acids not seen in the other samples from C16 through to C22. Note the presence of nonanal in two of the juglets and the
different profiles in 6946A and 6946B. Credit: David Counsell.
October 31, 2007
9780521865791c13 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 18:57
figure 41. Summary of botanical features of ancient Egyptian ‘lotuses.’ Credit: David
Counsell. Adapted from Bailey, H. L. and Bailey, E. Z. 1976. Hortus Third: A concise
dictionary of plants cultivated in the United States and Canada. New York: Macmillan.
whether they made any distinction between the white and blue lotus, or
indeed with the pink lotus after its introduction in the Persian Period. It
is evident, however, that any mention of seshen before this time refer to
Nymphaea spp.
The medical texts contain a number of early references to seshen. In many
examples, the plant appears to have been consumed as a constituent of a
remedy (Manniche 1989), although any untoward effects are not recorded.
figure 42. Phytosterol profile of ancient sample (from Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew) and modern petal of Nymphaea caerulea compared with a petal of
Impatiens walleriana (Busy Lizzie). Note the preservation of the profile of the two samples of Nymphaea caerulea and the difference in comparison with a
different species. The structure of the major phytosterol component for each sample is shown alongside. Credit: David Counsell.
October 31, 2007
9780521865791c13 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 18:57
is now a rare plant, seldom found in the wild and only occasionally in
botanical collections. For our research, blue lotus flowers were generously
provided by Stapeley Water Gardens in Staffordshire, UK.
Extraction of these flowers was performed using three techniques, each
performed on fresh blooms. Head space analysis allowed evaluation of the
plant’s scent for intoxicating possibilities. A freon-based supercritical extrac-
tion technique was used to extract the essential oils of the flowers, and finally
a methanol solvent extraction was performed. The extracts were subjected
to analysis by GCMS and LCMS.
Later, the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, Richmond (UK), provided a
small sample for the project: this was a Nymphaea caerulea petal, previously
identified by Dr Nigel Hepper (1990), which had been taken from funerary
garlands from Hawara (first century a.d.). This small petal sample and an
equivalent modern sample from the Stapeley flowers were subjected to
micro-scale sealed vessel pyrolysis GCMS, and the results obtained from
the ancient and modern plant were then compared.
Generally, the results were disappointing, as no alkaloids were identified
in any of the analyses performed on the blue lotus; however, in agreement
with other published material (Fossen et al. 1999), high levels of bioflavonoid
were found. Comparison with an extract of Ginkgo biloba showed the level
of these compounds was higher in the fresh blue lotus flowers. Bioflavonoids
are known to have beneficial effects, being oxygen free radical scavengers
and vasodilators that enhance tissue blood flow, so it is likely that like ginkgo,
ginseng and other herbal remedies rich in bioflavonoids, blue lotus has
health promoting properties.
The micro-scale sealed vessel studies on the blue lotus demonstrated
preservation of the phytosterol profile of the two samples, despite the time
gap of some 2,000 years. These compounds are found predominately in the
cell walls of the plant, and their demonstrable stability over time opens up
the possibility that this method might be useful in identifying ancient plant
remains, if consistent species differences in these profiles can be demon-
strated and catalogued.
The general conclusion, however, is that consumption of blue lotus flow-
ers, either by eating or as a wine-based infusion, would not give any addi-
tional intoxicating effect.
and similar drugs, which produce a specific vasodilator effect to help pro-
duce and sustain the male erection. Research has suggested a benefit may
be derived from the use of Ginkgo biloba in male impotence although
this research is limited and it is unclear whether the effect is due to the
bioflavonoid or ginkgolide content (Sikora et al. 1989).
Certainly, bioflavonoids produce vasodilation but this is a non-specific
effect that is not proven to influence the male erection; therefore, no aphro-
disiac properties can be ascribed to plants that contain them. It is tempting
to interpret the blue lotus as an aphrodisiac on the grounds of its appear-
ance in scenes in the Turin Erotic Papyrus, but this association cannot
be supported by any scientific evidence. Many substances used today are
believed to have aphrodisiac properties although they contain no active
ingredients, so perhaps the same pertained to the blue lotus in ancient
The Persian lotus, Nelumbo nucifera, is more interesting. Differing from
Viagra® in action, certain compounds are now known to act centrally to
increase libido (the desire for sex), rather than enhancing the ability to per-
form. In this regard, small doses of apomorphine have been demonstrated
to be effective (Dula et al. 2001; Montorsi et al. 2003), although in large
doses, it is a profound emetic that causes prolonged and uncontrolled vom-
iting. This presents the possibility that the Persian lotus might act in this
way, although there is no evidence that the ancient Egyptians used it in this
figure 43. Comparison of hair analysis for cocaine and nicotine in Egypt and South Amer-
ica. Data given in papers corrected to nanogrammes/milligrammes of sample. Credit:
David Counsell.
and Homoki 1987). She obviously has expertise in this area in the context
of modern forensic analysis.
Her papers reporting the discovery of cocaine in hair from Egyptian mum-
mies are lacking in detail with regard to the methodology used. It can only be
speculated that the method used was similar to that reported in her original
work, but this does not provide important detail, particularly relating to the
GCMS analysis, in terms of retention times in the chromatography phase,
use of control samples and whether identification was based on detection
of a molecular ion or the full mass-spectrometric profile.
Parsche reports using samples weighing 1 g, which is acceptable for tissue
samples but represents a significant amount of hair (the norm being 100 mg)
to remove from a mummy. Without proven experimental rigour, it is difficult
to accept Balabanova’s findings, particularly as the concentrations are so low
in the presence of heavy contamination when such small quantities of a drug
can be difficult to detect against the background contamination, even when
modern computer programmes are used to facilitate interpretation.
Our own experience with the analysis of Base II Ring Ware, considering
the conflicting results obtained, has highlighted the potential problems
encountered when conclusions are based on the application of modern
tests to ancient materials. Analytical methods that have proven accurate and
reliable in modern uncontaminated samples must be used and interpreted
with caution when applied to ancient samples, particularly mummified
material, which frequently contains many unidentified materials.
Even hair samples from a typical Egyptian mummy are often contami-
nated by the gums and resins used to coat the hair or glue it to the skull, as
compounds from the decaying embalming materials inevitably penetrate
the hair shaft as they do the rest of the body. For example, work in progress
has demonstrated the penetration of camphor and naphthalene, as markers
of embalming material, even into the marrow of intact longbones.
Historically, the coca leaf has been a gift of nature, fuelling the extraordi-
nary high-altitude achievements of the Inca Empire. It is only as a result of
its identification and extraction into the pure form by Gaedcke in the 1850s
and Niemann’s later improvement of the earlier technique, that cocaine
became available in its powdered and highly concentrated form. In the late
nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, cocaine, devoid of its modern
social stigma, was widely used by members of the upper social classes across
Europe and America, eventually finding its way into popular ‘pick me up’
products such as ‘Coca Cola’ and ‘Forced March.’
According to the Cocaine Mummies documentary and notes from the
Munich Museum where Balabanova’s team obtained their samples, the
mummies were once in the private ownership of the King of Bavaria. The
habits of the king are unknown, but given the fashions of the time, it is not
implausible that the mummies were contaminated with cocaine whilst in
his possession or subsequently.
In summary, Merrillees’ proposal that opium was imported into Egypt from
Cyprus during the New Kingdom cannot be confirmed. Reevaluation of
Cypriot Base II Ring Ware seems unlikely to implicate Bil-Bil juglets, which
more probably contained a perfume product, possibly civetone based. As
for the blue lotus, scientific evidence does not support the use of Nymphaea
caerulea as a narcotic or aphrodisiac, although it may have health benefits
due to its high bioflavonoid content.
Nicotine has been found in Egyptian mummies in small quantities con-
sistent with a trace dietary source, possibly derived from celery, but not at
the levels expected from tobacco use.
The levels of cocaine reported in South American mummies are consis-
tent with the habit of coca leaf chewing. The levels reported in Egyptian
mummies are very low, below the level agreed upon for a positive result by
some laboratories and at the limit of detection by the technical standards
for GCMS in the early 1990s. The results are therefore unreliable. The
possibility of modern contamination cannot be ruled out, but either way, it
seems highly unlikely that the ancient Egyptians were exposed to cocaine
during their lifetimes.
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chapter 14
Jacqueline M. Campbell
Pharmacy is the practice of sourcing, preparing and dispensing pharmaceu-
tical preparations to treat ailments. The use of medicinal plants as remedies,
from ancient to current times, precedes any formal medical record knowl-
edge being transmitted from generation to generation. This is manifested in
traditional medicine today, in which treatments are characteristic of a local
This century has witnessed a revived interest in natural drug resources and
the reestablishment of sustainable species to satisfy demand (Demerdash
2001). Herbal remedies are now regulated (British Herbal Pharmacopoeia),
whereas scientific interest focuses on pharmacognosy and pharmacology
(Evans 2002).
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Translational uncertainties
Loret (1892) translated m3tt as celery, Dawson (1933) proposing man-
drake, herbs considerably different in pharmacological application. Daw-
son (1926) translated snj-t3 as fenugreek, yet Ebbell (1937: 30) determined
it to be colocynth. Manniche (1999: 122) proposes that b3k is moringer oil,
whereas Ebbell (1937: 33) and Jonckheere (1947: 32) suggest Balanites. To
Ebbell (1937: 32), s’m remains unknown and Manniche (1999: 80) proposes
absinthe. The Grundriss (1954–1973) and Ghalioungui (1987) offer differ-
ent translations, whereas Charpentier (1981) reviewed many in the context
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Forensic evaluation
The undigested remains of the cereal-based diet in ancient Egypt provide
essential forensic evidence. The last meal eaten, including medication,
may be identified by analysing stomach contents in mummified remains
(Ogell 2005). Additionally, the nutrition and diet of a population may be
determined by studying faecal remains (Aufderheide 2003). Humans have
always taken supplementary food to improve health, and hence it is dif-
ficult to distinguish between food and drug. Hair analysis (Cartmel et al.
2005; Watson 2005) affords longer term evidence of food and toxins while
indicating famine, disease and stress.
Archaeologists have determined the flora available in ancient Egypt (de
Vartavan and Asensi Amorós 1997) but provenance is uncertain in nine-
teenth century museum collections (Germer 1998: 84; Quirke 1998). More-
over, tomb finds do not necessarily indicate the burial cache. Seeds, carried
on the feet of excavators, or burrowing animals can contaminate archae-
ological sites, as can animal dung residues. Surface finds are neither rep-
resentative nor reliable. Unless present in the abundance of a granary or
bouquet, the only reliable plant evidence is in a sealed container, as in
the Tutankhamun collection (Newberry 1927: 189–196) or the Tomb of Kha
(Egyptian Museum, Turin).
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outer coats of the pollen grain, each with a uniquely patterned surface, afford
qualitative and quantitative estimates of species that occurred thousands of
years previously. A typical pollen grain is 30 µm in diameter; it is visible
under the light microscope and reveals even more detail under scanning
electron microscopy (Ayyad and Moore 1995).
Archaeobotany indicates when plants were harvested. Constant availabil-
ity requires storage and this is confirmed archaeologically (Caton Thomp-
son and Gardner 1934; Fahmy 2003: 20). Archaeobotanical remains, how-
ever, do not necessarily indicate function. The purpose of inclusion may
be agricultural, nutritional, medical, decorative, symbolic or ritual. Cli-
mate and environment influence active principles within plants and, sub-
sequently, in their evolution.
Mass spectrometry (Chapter 10) provides the chemical fingerprint of the
plant, which may be compared with contemporary samples. Gas chro-
matography/mass spectrometry isolates the individual components, typi-
cally essential oils, alkaloids and glycosides that are significant pharmaceu-
tically. Only molecular investigation will afford comparison of species. The
DNA data bank at RBGK is a vital resource to this infant area of interest.
The biodiversity present in pharaonic times may have subsequently dimin-
ished, and thus species once prolific (Balanites and juniper) may be scarce
Pharmacy, one of the few ancient Egyptian technologies which pro-
vides the recipe for formulation, is disadvantaged because there is no
known ancient pharmaceutical preparation. The raw materials, however,
are described and many are identified. Furthermore, Egyptian remedies
may be evaluated for pharmaceutical merit against modern protocols. These
include drug source (habitat, origin, harvesting and storage), pharmacog-
nosy (active principles, extraction and phytochemistry), formulation, prepa-
ration, administration, dosing regime, clinical properties and therapeu-
tic value. Applied with archaeobotany, these can be used to authenticate
species in ancient Egyptian remedies, and to propose plants as candidates
for previously untranslated words in the Egyptian texts (Campbell 2007).
Formulation of remedies
Ingredients in ancient Egyptian remedies indicate the character of the fin-
ished preparation. Oils used 4,000 years ago remain oils today; similarly,
honey has changed little, and the description ‘powder’ dictates the char-
acter, behaviour and nature of a formulation. Raw materials are relatively
unchanged: frankincense and terebinth trees are still cut to permit the flow
of resin, ricinus seed is pressed for castor oil, aloe leaves are tapped, fruits
are picked, and seeds are harvested and stored. Ancient Egyptian formula-
tions can therefore be directly compared with standard formulations cited
in The British Pharmaceutical Codex (1973), at a time when much was still
formulated within the dispensary.
The ancient Egyptians used creams, draughts, enemata, extracts, eye
lotions, drops, ointments, infusions, inhalations and insufflations. Juices
and linctuses soothed coughs, while liniments, lotions and mixtures soothed
skin and muscles. They used mouthwashes, ointments and pastes, pes-
saries, poultices, powders, solutions, suppositories and tablets (Campbell
and David 2005; Campbell 2006).
Formulations include the active ingredient, ancillary drugs to alleviate the
side effects of the principal drug, flavourings to disguise a bitter or unpleasant
taste, and a vehicle to carry the ingredients in even distribution and permit
measurement of a suitable volume. Nonconforming preparations include
excrement or wholesome, nutritious foodstuffs.
Raw materials
Drugs from plant sources would have been harvested from their agricultural
industry or the wild. Cereals, barley, emmer and flax, which dominated in
antiquity, were sown in November when the Nile waters receded (Murray
2003: 506–536); from these, alcohol, fibre, oils, demulcents and emollients
were sourced. Dates, carob pods, figs and pomegranate were harvested,
yielding stabilisers, laxatives, antiseptics, astringents and anthelminthics.
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The acacia flowered from October, followed by the pod, which is use-
ful in medicine. In January, gum is scraped from acacia main stems and
stored as hard chips to be used as stabilisers and demulcents, which are
useful in respiratory and skin problems. In January, beans and peas would
be sown. In April, sycamore figs, vegetables and cereals were harvested, and
melons, cucumbers and colocynth would ripen, each with potent phar-
maceutical constituents. Flax was harvested whilst young, to produce fine
cloth (Vogelsang-Eastwood 2003: 269–274), and the seed heads, the source
of pharmaceutically active linseed oil, were removed in May.
Cumin and dill seed, yielding essential oils, were harvested in June, as
well as garlic, so that its bulb could be readily stored for six months. July
brought a second harvest of sycamore figs. By August, the abundant water
lily flower was harvested and dried, and its centre was ground and made into
bread (Herodotus 2:92) (see Chapter 13); it was also used pharmaceutically.
Grapes were gathered in August and, although less commonly available
than beer, wine was used as an extraction medium, or for its acidic and
antiseptic properties, when soured.
Onions, plums and juniper berries were gathered, each with its own
medicinal use. Herodotus (2:94) describes the Egyptian marsh dwellers,
pressing castor seeds for oil, and the medicinal uses of castor oil is recorded in
the Ebers Papyrus (Ebell 1937: 59). In October, the agricultural cycle would
recommence when olives, Ziziphus fruit, and a third crop of sycamore
fig were collected; these were pharmaceutically useful as laxatives, diuret-
ics and astringents. Frankincense, cedar and coriander were obtained
through trade with the Near East, Nubia, Libya and the southern Mediter-
ranean. Animal sources originated from husbandry or hunting, and inor-
ganic sources were the products of mining, smelting, building or jewellery
industries. Drug availability probably parallelled food availability and was
subject to the same threats.
Medicinal plants available at the onset of the New Kingdom – typically
the dom palm, garlic and safflower – although not knowingly cited in any
papyri, can possibly be identified with some of the untranslated drug names.
If evidence for the onset of botanical appearance occurs later, this does
not conclusively exclude the plant’s medicinal use, but the likelihood is
reduced, although its introduction through trade must always be considered.
Preparation of remedies
Method of preparation influences the availability of the drug and hence
its ultimate efficacy. Ancient Egyptian preparations show remarkable
9780521865791c14 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 15:55
Measurement affords reproducibility and may indicate value, potency, and
the vehicle in which the medication is mixed, as well as any secondary
drugs or flavourings. It greatly influences efficacy, and is significant to the
formulation of remedies.
The papyri cite capacity, based on a standard volume, the units following
a binary halving of the previous subdivision:
/2 , 1/4 , 1/8 , 1/16 , 1/32 and 1/64 , the whole equalling 63/64 .
This dyadic system of notation was based on the Horus Eye fractions
(Nunn 2000: 142–143). Believed to equate to the standard unit of measure,
one heqat estimated to be 4.5–4.8 L (Robins and Shute 1998). The smallest
and medicinally used unit, the ro, had a value of 1 /320 th heqat, c. 15 ml.
Pommerenering (2003, 2004, 2005) proposes that the Horus Eye fractions
were a quadruple heqat, corresponding to the dja, first used in the New
Kingdom. This impacted on the efficacy of some remedies, quadrupling
the ro. Ebbell (1937) adopts the numerical notation throughout whereas
Jonckheere (1947) used the fractional representation subsequently detailed
in The Grundriss (1973: 5).
When measurements are not detailed, the pattern previously established
affords nomination of the quantity. The smallest quantity measured is 0.5 ro,
9780521865791c14 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 15:55
the largest 160 ro. Characteristic of the varying drug levels in any plant, this
means that no two recipes would have had the same efficacy, even if equal
quantities were used. Indeed, this was the motivation for the development
of synthetic substitutes that revolutionised the twentieth century a.d. Mea-
surements are detailed in 230 remedies; 450 can be estimated by precedent,
leaving 320 in doubt. Those without measurement are generally used top-
ically, where quantities are not critical. When quantities are omitted from
a suppository or enema, volumes were presumably small to accommodate
the rectal capacity.
Prescription format
The format of remedies consistently commences ‘a treatment for’ or, if
in successive order, the term ‘another’ is used. Instructions accompany
remedies: ‘swallow with beer;’ ‘take for four, eight or sixteen days;’ ‘introduce
into anus, nostril, ear, nose or vagina;’ ‘take in one day;’ ‘take at night;’
‘bandage in place;’ and ‘place on wound.’ Prescriptions were detailed for
the ailment, with the dose, quantity and frequency usually specified. There
is no evidence that drugs were considered in relation to the risk involved
but they knew when not to treat ‘a case with which I will contend.’ They
amended remedies for neonates, children and adults.
Ebers Papyrus 273 stipulates an amendment for an infant, ‘to put right
the urine of a child,’ with instructions to the woman to take the remedy
and issue to the infant. This technique of maternal administration is used
to wean the infants of drug addicts off methadone. Palliative care (Edwin
Smith Papyrus 29) was practised, maintaining wound treatment, rest and
nutrition. A number of their prescriptions would satisfy geriatric care today,
including remedies for the cardia, rheumatism, frequent micturition and
constipation. There is no evidence of the holistic approach characteristic
of homeopathy and traditional medicine (WHO 1991).
Administration of remedies
Nunn (2000: 143) describes the administration of drugs from a medical
aspect. Pharmaceutically, to be effective, the drug must arrive at the site
of action, having survived the route of administration, with hazards includ-
ing gastric acid, rectal motility or vomiting reflex. Absinth, acacia, aloe,
ammi, Balanites oil, barley, beer, bayberry, bryony, carob, castor oil, cel-
ery, cumin, coriander, colocynth, dill, dates, figs, grapes, honey, henbane,
9780521865791c14 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 15:55
lettuce, milk, myrtle, oils, wheat and wine were all taken orally in extracts,
mixtures, solutions, infusions, pills, draughts or linctuses. Demulcent or
palatable ingredients were incorporated in most remedies to counter bitter
or unpleasant tastes. Rarely (crocodile dung: Ebers Papyrus 334) was any
toxin prescribed orally.
Topical applications include rubefacient pine resin and turpentine or lin-
iments based on alcohol and resins. Emollients included animal fat or plant
oils expressed from ricinus, Balanite or moringer fruit. Insufflations to treat
wounds included copper, malachite or limestone. Others were ointments,
creams and honey. Poultices of high specific heat were used to relieve pain
or bring infection to a focus, utilising, clay, dung, barley or wheat. Seldom
used today, they were popular until the twentieth century, and deployed
similar materials. Pharmaceutically, all topical ingredients were conveyed
in a medium affording even distribution of the medicament to maintain it
in intimate contact with the skin.
Rectal administrations include enemata based on drugs dispersed in a
liquid base of oil, milk or water. Others were demulcent ointments of veg-
etable oils or animal fats incorporating mildly antiseptic honey or antibac-
terial resins. Suppositories were administered to deliver a drug, demulcent
or stimulate defecation, containing finely powdered medicament incorpo-
rated into a fat or mucilage basis, which melted or rehydrated with body
fluids at body temperature.
Inhalation utilises the vapour of pine resins or bitumen, heated on hot
stones and inhaled through a hollow reed or resin inserted directly into the
nostril. Inhalations remain for respiratory problems, although inhalers are
used now rather than hot vapours, which were common only fifty years ago.
Fumigation with mercury, although no longer applied, was used in the
late nineteenth century to treat syphilis, and frankincense was utilised as a
powerful antiseptic. In the Kahun Papyrus (c. 1900 b.c.), frankincense was
cited as a fumigant for the womb.
Vaginal drugs were administered in ancient Egypt as ointments, douches,
pessaries or fumigants, bringing the drug in close contact with the mucous
Aural, nasal and ophthalmic preparations are now invariably ointments or
solutions, with ophthalmic preparations being sterile and isotonic. Ancient
Egyptians had no concept of sterility but their remedies were site specific,
consisting of antibacterial agents such as copper, malachite and resins, and
additionally, biocides of antimony and lead, mixed in any vehicle that would
afford application.
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for the drug, the intensity of effect increasing as absorption continues. This
peaks at a specific time, after which elimination dominates, resulting in a
decreased effect.
Once the drug level falls below the MEC, a second dose is normally
administered, its lag phase overlapping the declining phase of the previous
dose. Dose frequency is designed to maintain drug concentration between
the MEC and toxic concentration – the ‘therapeutic window.’ The ancient
Egyptian dosing regimes, probably based on empirical observation that a
single dose rarely works (save for laxatives), satisfies this pharmacokinetic
pattern. Using knowledge of pharmacognosy, pharmacokinetics, formula-
tion, preparation and drug administration, ancient Egyptian remedies may
be pharmaceutically assessed against early twentieth century a.d. pharmacy
protocols (Campbell 2006).
Efficacy must be evaluated against a medical indication: Ricinus com-
munis, the castor oil plant, has a physiological action as a laxative, but acts
physically as an emollient or demulcent. Acacia gum is a physical skin emol-
lient, and physiologically a respiratory demulcent. Pharmacy today utilises
food substances, but this does not preclude its primary nutrient role nor
diminish its pharmaceutical function. Fig (Ficus caricus), a nutritious fruit,
has bulk laxative properties; Balanite nut, a high calorific famine food, has
antidiabetic and anthelminthic properties, its oil being a lubricant.
Egyptians used bitumen, available from the neighbouring Near East; their
alcohol was provided by beer or fermented wine; and their acid came from
soured wine. Copper bases, safflower and indigo dyes were commonplace
and used in painting and textiles. Oil excludes air, preventing bacterial
growth. Heavy metals are astringent, and in particular, copper salts, with
their germicidal and fungicidal properties, were frequently used in ancient
Egyptian medicine.
Honey was widely used bacteriocidally, inhibiting bacterial growth and
extracting water from wounds by osmosis, thereby providing a dry envi-
ronment that was hostile to bacteria. Today, Mesitran, a new hydroactive
range of dressings, delivers the therapeutic benefits of honey for all stages of
wound healing (Medlock Medical 2005: 10–11). Zinc and aluminium, cited
in the papyri, are locally applied primary astringents, possessing germicidal
properties, that damage the surface protein of the bacterial cell.
Ear, nose and oropharynx. Antibiotics are currently used to alleviate ear
infections although ribbon gauze soaked in astringent aluminium acetate
was formerly prescribed. The therapeutic equivalent in Egypt was mala-
chite, oil and honey on seed wool (Ebers Papyrus 766). Wax, which causes
pain and deafness, requires removal if it is impacted, and today, olive oil is
prescribed to soften the wax. In the Ebers Papyrus (764 and 765), the equally
efficacious goose fat and Balanites oil were utilised.
Today, sodium chloride drops relieve nasal congestion by liquefying the
mucous secretions, and the Ebers Papyrus (761) prescribes the equally
9780521865791c14 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 15:55
with biocides such as malachite, copper, zinc and antimony, each of which
has an infinite therapeutic window.
Although the ancient Egyptian pharmacopoeia was unsophisticated, there
is compelling evidence of recognisable formulation, preparation, adminis-
tration, dosing regime and efficacy. Principal, secondary drug, vehicle and
flavouring are recognisable in 70 per cent of remedies, with only 30 per cent
of remedies characterised by polypharmacy.
The first scientific estimate of pharmaceutical merit demonstrates
that 64 per cent of remedies have therapeutic value, equally divided
between physiological and physical action. Of these 3 per cent are toxic,
1.5 per cent subtherapeutic and 20 per cent undetermined, the remainder
having no known therapeutic activity. If the ro is 60 ml, there is evidence
that colocynth, in some recipes, was occasionally prescribed at a toxic dose.
The placebo effect cannot be overlooked (Nunn 2000: 97 and 137–138).
There is consensus on the translation of 45 per cent of drug sources,
supported by archaeobotany and pharmacognosy. Plants of uncertain iden-
tification can be verified by applying these techniques, which supports the
translation of d3rt as carob, snj-t3 as colocynth, pšd as hyoscyamus, š3w as
coriander, m3tt as celery, b3k as Balanite and s’m as artemisia; however, this
does not support innk as thyme, inst as aniseed, š3š3 as valerian or ims.t
as dill, although there is significant archaeobotanical evidence of dill in
predynastic times (Fahmy 2003).
A single reference confirms that Balanites, an anthelminthic, was used to
treat schistosomiasis (Ebers Papyrus 265), and there is artistic and archaeob-
otanical evidence that mandrake, a potent soporific, existed, although it is
not apparently cited in the texts. The medicinal worth of other plants used in
ancient Egypt is now recognised: for example, saffron, safflower and celery
are antirheumatic and juniper is abortifacient.
There is compelling information to indicate that the food which sustained
their good health in times of plenty was also used selectively in potent
amounts to cure them in sickness. Preliminary research (Campbell 2006)
has demonstrated that prescriptions originated in distinct areas of Egypt or
abroad, closely reflecting the phytogeography of the species.
Finally, the role of the ancient Egyptian pharmacist should be consid-
ered. Prescriptions begin ‘thou shalt prepare for him,’ indicating the exis-
tence of the pharmacist, although this role was synonymous with that of the
physician. The Ebers Papyrus (Ebbell 1937: 75) describes an ointment to be
9780521865791c14 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 15:55
made by Chui the venerable, the high priest of Heliopolis. This man did
not have the title of pharmacist, but he was probably the first to be named
as a preparer of drugs.
The pharmaceutical foundations established in early dynastic Egypt were
adopted by the developing Greek and Persian civilisations, particularly from
650 b.c. onwards, and their subsequent political stability, military domina-
tion and communication skills provided the historical context and conti-
nuity in which pharmacy could flourish and develop. Consequently, the
Greeks were recognised as the fathers of pharmacy, but credit for this most
certainly belongs to the ancient Egyptians who practised a credible form of
pharmacy and pharmacotherapy a thousand years previously.
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part 4
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chapter 15
A. Rosalie David
The late twentieth century saw various initiatives to address issues surround-
ing the ethics and treatment of the dead in museum and other collections
(e.g. in papers produced by the World Archaeological Congress [1989] and
the Museum Ethnographers Group [1994]). By the early twenty-first cen-
tury, these matters warranted even greater attention, and in May 2001, Britain
established a Working Group on Human Remains, with the remit ‘to exam-
ine the current status of human remains within the collections of publicly-
funded Museums and Galleries in the United Kingdom, and consider the
desirability and possible form of legislative change in this area’ (DCMS
Report 2005:5).
This Working Group produced a report (DCMS 2003), and there was
subsequent consultation on this document (DCMS 2004). Together, these
formed the basis for the DCMS Report (2005), which sets out nonstatutory
guidance for museums in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, who own
permanent collections of human remains, and other organisations where
human remains form part of their teaching, research, or display functions.
The DCMS Report (2005) provides information relating to a legal and
ethical framework for the treatment of human remains; the curation, care
and use of remains; and a framework for handling claims, where appropriate,
for the repatriation of human remains to indigenous communities.
This report recognises the contribution to the modern world that research,
teaching and, where appropriate, display of human remains can make, but
also acknowledges that, because of their ‘personal, cultural, symbolic, spiri-
tual or religious significance to individuals and, or, groups’ (DCMS 2005:7),
human remains have a unique status in museum and other collections, and
therefore require special attention.
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disease diagnosis and treatment. For example, some banks store tissues for
transplant surgery, whereas others hold blood and blood products. There
has also been a historical tradition to create institutional resources in muse-
ums, and in some university departments, research institutes, and learned
societies, where many types of artefacts are held and made available for
research. In some cases, these have included ‘libraries’ of samples taken
from ancient and modern material, which include, for example, animal tis-
sues, groups of insects and plants, stone artefacts, and textiles. In many cases,
the holding institutions also compile and store information about these col-
lections. Researchers who work in these institutions or elsewhere can gain
access to this material and associated documentation, which provides them
with the opportunity to add new knowledge to the subject area. Some of
these collections also present excellent opportunities for interdisciplinary
Although tissue banking had already been introduced elsewhere for sam-
ples obtained from South American mummies, the establishment of the
Ancient Egyptian Mummy Tissue Bank at Manchester was the first formal
project, on an international scale, to seek material from Egyptian mum-
mies held in collections outside Egypt. This initiative posed the challenge
of trying to combine the concept of tissue banking with the creation of an
institutional resource of samples, with its associated documentation.
performed a partial autopsy on the mummy. When the remains were first
found, teachers and pupils from the school brought them to the KNH Cen-
tre for Biomedical Egyptology at the University of Manchester.
Here, samples were removed for the tissue bank, and the mummy pro-
vided the basis for various scientific projects undertaken by students pursu-
ing the Master of Science Degree in Biomedical Egyptology. The mummy,
which has now been returned to the school where it is housed in appro-
priate conditions, and all the new information derived from the studies
undertaken at Manchester, are providing a unique and fascinating resource
for the school’s ongoing science, history, and art projects.
In the past, Egyptian mummified remains have been put to some unex-
pected uses: for centuries, mumia was acclaimed as a medicinal and phar-
maceutical ingredient (see Chapter 16; Dawson 1926–1927), and ‘mummy
brown,’ made from pulverised mummy tissue, was popular as an artists’
pigment (Woodcock 1996). For the tissue bank, it was thought likely that
the main sources of samples (which include mainly tissue but also some
bone and hair) would be full-body mummies, mummified parts, the visceral
contents of Canopic jars, and samples of mumia.
To identify the presence and location of these potential sources, the
Manchester researchers approached more than 8,000 possible owners and
holders of this material. An excellent response brought confirmation of
material in many countries, including Australia, Brazil, Chile, Canada,
Iceland, India, Germany, Italy, Portugal, South Africa, and the United States
of America, as well as collections in institutions throughout Britain. The
types of collection varied considerably, ranging from a single body part,
such as a mummified finger, to human remains representing hundreds
of individuals that were excavated in Nubia as part of a rescue operation
associated with the construction of modern dams on the Nile.
Acquisition of samples for the tissue bank involves several stages. Once
the mummified remains have been identified and located, permission to
undertake tissue sampling is sought from the owner/holder of the material.
If this is granted, then deposits are requested of approximately 1 to 2 g of
dried soft tissue (which can include skin, brain, muscle, or viscera) from
each mummy or mummified part. Also, the bank will receive samples of
hair, bone, and teeth.
These samples can either be collected by the owner/holder (in which
case, the bank administrators will provide advice and detailed instructions),
or, if requested and it is feasible, an experienced member of the Manchester
Mummy Project will undertake this procedure.
During this process, the researchers should ensure that the mummies are
treated ethically and handled with respect at all times, and tissue should
only be collected from sites where this would not be detrimental to the over-
all physical condition of the mummy. Recommended routes for sampling
include any area of the body that has already been opened up through dam-
age or previous investigation, the severed area of a separate limb or head,
or the use of endoscopy to gain access to internal areas of the body (see
Chapter 4).
At the University of Manchester, the tissue bank samples are held in a
metal fireproof cabinet that provides a physically secure store, and this is
housed in a dedicated area that provides the correct environmental condi-
tions for fragile organic material.
When a sample enters the bank, it is allocated a unique identification
code that remains with it throughout its subsequent history. The sample is
always left intact, because preserving its integrity in this way ensures that
it can be used for as many studies as possible; also, a single sample will
often include various tissue types and the macroscopic appearance of an
intact sample can help a researcher to identify and decide which area of
the sample may be most suitable for any proposed research.
projects. Under the terms of this agreement, reports will be issued to each
depositor on any research conducted on their samples.
Researchers who borrow samples from the tissue bank are asked to sign
a ‘Researcher’s Agreement,’ which allows them to retain the material for
one year, in the first instance. The agreement requires that they report their
results to the tissue bank administrators, and that, in any publications, they
record the reference code of the sample(s) and acknowledge its depositor.
Other documentation kept by the bank includes a central listing of the
location of all mummies and mummified parts that are identified through
the bank’s searches and studies, whether or not these institutions contribute
samples to the bank. Sometimes, for example, biopsy sampling cannot be
performed on the human remains, either because of existing general agree-
ments regarding ethical issues over human remains, or because the remains
are physically inaccessible due to thick or tight wrappings.
Nevertheless, the existence of the remains can still be recorded, and it
may be possible to photograph or radiograph them, thus providing valuable
information for the tissue bank records. The tissue bank documentation,
continually updated, is believed to represent the largest centralised record
of ancient Egyptian human remains held in collections outside Egypt.
and mitochondrial DNA (see Chapter 9), and the genetic relationships
between individual mummies or family groups.
In two other specified areas, ‘disease and causes of death’ and ‘history of
disease and of medicine’ (DCMS 2005: 8), there have been disease stud-
ies on sickle cell anaemia, parasitic infestations including schistosomiasis,
tuberculosis, parvoviral infections, malaria, thoracic bacteria, and therapeu-
tic treatments. New knowledge about ‘burial practices, beliefs and attitudes’
(DCMS 2005: 8) has been contributed by forensic studies on the materials
used in mummification such as resin and natron, analyses of the preserva-
tion state of mummified tissue (see Chapter 6), and a scientific investigation
of the mummification process itself.
In relation to ‘diet, growth and activity patterns’ (DCMS 2005: 8), studies
have been undertaken on the drug content in modern and ancient hair, and
ancient Egyptian hair and its treatment with henna have been the subject
of analysis. Other projects have addressed conservation issues, such as bone
decomposition or the identification of fungi in human remains.
Techniques used in these projects include histology, histochemistry, DNA
identification, immunology, mass spectrometry, and micro-scale sealed-
vessel pyrolysis coupled with gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy. Sam-
ples from the tissue bank have also been used for studies on problems that
can occur when radiocarbon dating techniques are applied to Egyptian
In addition to the tissue bank, museums preserve a wealth of other evi-
dence from ancient Egypt. The Manchester students have had access to
ancient plant remains and tissue from mummified animals, and this has
facilitated some very interesting projects. These include a molecular analy-
sis of ancient cereal crops (see Chapter 9), a mass spectrometric analysis of
ancient Egyptian plant remains (see Chapter 10), a histological examination
of tissue from an ancient Egyptian cat (see Chapter 6), and a comparative
study of DNA extracted from modern domestic and ancient Egyptian cats
(see Chapter 9).
Chapter 17) will also help to shape the direction this development may take
in the future.
The bank, which currently holds some 1,400 samples, has plans to expand
in several ways. A key issue will be the acquisition of more tissue samples with
a specific provenance to facilitate epidemiological research. Also, it is hoped
that the bank can extend its remit to include more samples of bone, hair,
and resin, and the establishment of a complementary palaeopharmacognosy
bank is also planned.
It is envisaged that this will preserve fragile plant samples, and also
include digital records of plant specimens known to have been used in
ancient Egyptian medicine (see Chapter 14). Future studies on plant devel-
opment and ancient therapeutic treatments will be able to access this data.
The tissue bank and the palaeopharmacognosy bank will provide a unique,
joint resource for studies in palaeopathology, palaeoepidemiology, genetic
research, mummification techniques, archaeobotany, and pharmacognosy.
Another major step, already in progress, is the computerisation of all the
records and documentation associated with the tissue bank and the Interna-
tional Egyptian Mummy Database, which will improve the administrators’
facility to handle, retrieve, and manage information. This development
will be accompanied by the introduction of a system to establish a specific,
appropriate schedule of analytical study for each full or part sample, so that
the maximum amount of information can be retrieved from examining each
fragment (see Chapter 17).
Workers in this field of research are always aware that mummy tissue is a
valuable and irreplaceable scientific resource. Continuing efforts to build
up the International Ancient Egyptian Mummy Tissue Bank will hopefully
ensure that, in the twenty-first century, this unique collection can effectively
support and enhance the research of scientists and Egyptologists.
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chapter 16
Antony E. David
Conservation issues relating to Egyptian mummies are discussed in detail
in David and David (1995) and David (1986: 87–89); a survey of the subject
is provided in Aufderheide (2003: 502–514).
Some human remains have survived in skeletal form whereas others
consist of the skeleton and soft tissues. The latter occur in many areas of the
world (Aufderheide 2003) and are often described as ‘mummies,’ although,
originally, the word ‘mummy’ was used exclusively for the preserved bodies
of the ancient Egyptians. The term mummy is reputedly derived from the
word mumia, meaning ‘bitumen’ or ‘pitch.’ The word mumia was apparently
first applied to a black, bituminous substance that coagulated with the
water that brought it down from mountain tops (particularly the ‘Mummy
Mountain’ in Persia).
For centuries, it was claimed that this mumia had medicinal properties,
and it was an increasingly popular ingredient in medieval and later pre-
scriptions. When demand outstripped supply, another source of mumia was
sought, and the preserved bodies of the ancient Egyptians, which often had
a blackened, bituminous appearance, came to be credited with the same
properties as mumia. Consequently, tissue from these bodies began to be
used as a medicinal ingredient, and they became known as ‘mummies.’
In various countries around the world, some mummies (defined as bodies
consisting of the skeleton and soft tissues) are preserved unintentionally, as
the result of the natural circumstances of the burial site or place of death.
Here, the most important factors (which can occur singly or in combi-
nation) are environmental conditions: dryness of the sand in which the
body is interred, heat and coldness of the climate, and an airtight burial
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Deterioration of mummies
The various factors involved in the deterioration of mummies can occur
singly or in combination, but the deterioration will be due to environ-
mental conditions (Meier 1997; Carter and Walker 1999); physical damage
which can be the result of inept handling, or attack by rodents, insects, or
microbiological agents (bacteria and fungi); or damage caused by previous
conservation attempts.
General deterioration in mummies is discussed more fully in David and
David (1995: 77–80) and Aufderheide (2003: 502–505), and an extensive
literature considers the various causative agents involved in this process.
These causes include the environmental factors that have an impact on the
condition of a mummy, such as light and temperature levels (Paine 1992),
and relative humidity; and various studies that deal with the occurrence
and destructive effects of insects found in mummies, such as Curry (1979),
Strong (1981), Stefan (1982), Parsche and Seifert (1992), Pinniger (1994), Rae
(1996), and Pinniger and Harmon (1999). Also, the role of microbiological
agents in the destruction of mummified remains has been quite extensively
recorded (see Chapter 6; Hino et al. 1982; Arene et al. 1992; Subert et al.
1993; Horne 1995; Daniels 1996; Ridgway et al. 1996; English et al. 2002).
In most cases, deterioration and damage can either be avoided or rectified
to some extent, but in some mummies, it is not possible to arrest or remedy
these processes. Any damage or deterioration usually occurred in antiquity –
during the mummification or burial processes and the subsequent period in
the burial context; however, in some cases, the problems have arisen after
9780521865791c16 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 15:41
Environmental control
Mummified remains are most effectively kept in an environment with a
relative humidity of 35–50 per cent and a constant temperature of 10–15◦ C.
When mummies are stored as part of reserve collections in museums, this
control can be achieved by providing storage areas which meet these opti-
mum conditions (Horie 1988), or when exhibited on public galleries, they
can be housed in specially designed display cases that will provide the appro-
priate environmental control (Pope 1992).
shape; in the stores, the mummies, supported on these beds, were then
placed on specially constructed ‘mortuary-type’ trolleys (Horie 1988).
part 5
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9780521865791c17 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 15:39
chapter 17
A. Rosalie David
It is hoped that the research outlined in this book has demonstrated how
the subdiscipline of Biomedical Egyptology, based on the analytical inves-
tigation of mummies and associated material, has added a new dimension
to the study of ancient Egypt. Effectively, each mummy can be regarded
as a ‘museum of disease,’ preserving unbiased evidence about its owner’s
lifestyle, diet, illnesses, and sometimes, the cause of death. There may
be additional information about medical or pharmaceutical treatment,
mummification techniques, religious practices, and familial connections.
Increasingly, the use of sophisticated analytical techniques enables us to
extract this information and, provided that investigators interpret their data
correctly, this type of research can provide evidence that cannot be gained
from archaeology, art history, or ancient literature.
This information can add fascinating insights into other aspects of Egyp-
tian society. For example, the author is currently researching dietary links
between the incidence of atherosclerosis identified in mummies belonging
to priests and temple chantresses, and the access these groups had to the
food offered daily in the temple rituals and then divided up amongst
the clergy. Although most of the population ate a mainly vegetarian diet,
the gods’ food included large quantities of meat supplied from the animals
specially slaughtered in the temple precinct. Ultimately, it may be possi-
ble to demonstrate that these dietary variations had a direct impact on the
disease patterns observed in different social groups.
Sometimes, biomedical and scientific analyses will challenge or over-
throw theories that archaeologists, historians, and other scientists have pro-
posed. In our own work, for example, pharmacological studies are ques-
tioning previous suggestions about the use of narcotics in ancient Egypt
9780521865791c17 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 15:39
those who wish to pursue a career in this field. In his excellent survey
of scientific studies on mummies, Aufderheide (2003: xiii) stated that this
was still an ‘orphan discipline,’ and, in the United States of America, for
example, there were ‘no committed academic training programs, standing
university faculty positions, students, dedicated funding sources or journals.’
The situation in Europe was little better.
The KNH Centre for Biomedical Egyptology, recently established at the
University of Manchester, now provides a unique facility devoted specifi-
cally to biomedical and scientific studies in Egyptology. The centre, which
carries the initials of its patroness, was opened by His Royal Highness The
Earl of Wessex in 2003 and is located in the Faculty of Life Sciences.
The KNH Centre, recently designated as one of the University’s ‘cen-
tres of excellence,’ has developed rapidly. Directed by the KNH Professor
of Biomedical Egyptology, the centre has two lecturers (one also holding a
Fellowship in The Manchester Museum), a Teaching Fellow, and a postdoc-
toral research group. With its new laboratories and access to the extensive
facilities of a leading science faculty, the centre provides a base for the con-
tinuing work of the Manchester Mummy Research Project, as well as a new
location for the International Ancient Egyptian Mummy Tissue Bank. One
of the centre’s main purposes is to provide training in biomedical and scien-
tific studies in Egyptology. At the undergraduate level, the centre currently
offers a very popular final year option on ‘ancient Egyptian mummies,’ for
students pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Biological Sciences, but
currently, postgraduate studies are the centre’s main training focus.
At present, there are twelve students in the Doctor of Philosophy pro-
gramme, and since 1995, Manchester has run a unique Master of Science
degree course in Biomedical and Forensic Studies in Egyptology, which
is now a mainstay of the centre’s work. The main aim of this course is to
demonstrate how a range of scientific techniques can be applied to ancient
Egyptian mummified remains and associated material.
The students (who come from various countries) pursue units in both
Egyptology and scientific and analytical techniques, which are taught by
members of the Manchester Mummy Project; each student also produces a
research dissertation which presents them with the opportunity to undertake
original research on ancient material (examples are given in Chapters 6
and 9). This course, which is available to students with either a science or
an Egyptology/archaeology background, provides specific training to ensure
that students can relate to and work in either aspect of the subject.
The opportunities that Manchester can offer for study in this field include
not only excellent science facilities, but also the extensive resources of the
tissue bank and the university’s major Egyptology collection, held in The
9780521865791c17 CUFX196/David 978 0 521 86579 1 October 31, 2007 15:39
preserved and developed. This will involve the expansion of the tissue bank,
and close cooperation amongst scientists, Egyptologists, and conservators,
so that there can be an urgent dialogue about the possible effects that some
conservation treatments may have on future scientific studies, and how these
problems can be addressed.
With the new training opportunities that are now being established, and
the career possibilities that should result from this, we can perhaps hope
that, in the twenty-first century, Biomedical Egyptology will start to fulfil its
true potential.
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298 Index
Index 299
300 Index
Index 301
magic, use of, 182, 183, 184, 187, 189 panel portrait, 17, 97, 170, 174, 249
metu. See metu priests’, 16
midwives, 184 royal, 4, 14, 15, 16, 250
practice, 182, 184, 187, 189, 195 unrolled, 3
prescription, 188, 224, 232 mummification
sanatorium, 185 artificial (intentional), 11, 12, 13, 14, 84, 85,
sau. See sau 212, 248, 249, 260
sunu. See sunu artificial (intentional), natural, 248
surgery, 181, 186, 188, 193 experimental, 86
temple association, 181, 184, 185, 187 inscriptions, 11
House of the God, 184 natural (unintentional), 11, 247, 260
House of Life, 185, 186 packages, 30
therapeutic dream therapy, 185 process, 5, 9, 12, 15, 16, 17, 30, 36, 38, 49,
training, 181 50, 84, 168, 211, 239, 245, 246
Mediterranean, 89, 196, 198, 222 stucco, 13
Medum, 13 Mummy, individual
Merrillees, R., 197, 198, 215 detached heads, 49, 50
Mesolithic Period, 53, 54 Asru, 46, 110, 112, 130, 145, 160, 213
Metropolitan Museum, New York, 174 Bes-en-Mut. See Leicester (1)
metu, 65, 186, 190, 191, 192 528/1981/1885
microscale sealed vessel. See pyrolysis Khary, 48
microscopy, 100, 144 Leeds, 7, 241
electron, 5, 88, 155, 158 Leicester (1) 528/1981.1885, 110, 112, 127,
transmission electron microscopy, 88 128, 129
scanning electron microscopy, 88, 156, 158 Leicester (2) 528/1980.1882, 110
environmental scanning electron, 160 Manchester 1770, 5, 6, 213
fluorescent (ultraviolet), 109, 144 Manchester 7700/1766, 110, 113, 114, 213
infrared, 88, 144–145 Manchester 7700/1981.575(3p), 212
light, 5, 87 Manchester 7700/13010/5, 99–110, 112
polarising (visible light), 78, 87, 144–145 Manchester 7700/9430, 111
ultraviolet light, See microscopy, Manchester 7700/ES6(4p), 212
fluorescent Manchester 7700/ES8(10p), 212
Middle Kingdom, 10, 14, 52, 61, 184 Two Brothers, 4, 130, 162, 164
migraine, 183, 192 Khnum-Nakht, 130
Min, 112 Nekht-Ankh, 49, 111, 128, 130, 213
Moodie, R. L., 21 Uplands College, 242
Mostagedda, 12 Munich Museum, 214, 215
MRI, See magnetic resonance imaging Murray, M. A., 4, 5, 14
MS-MS, See spectrometry, tandem mass museums 3
MSSV. See pyrolysis, microscale sealed Mycenae, 176
vessel myotonic dystrophy, 97
mumia, 87, 242, 247
mummies Naqada, 12
animal, 38, 40, 78, 130, 245 narcotics, 8
as cult animal, 38 National Research Centre, Cairo, 260
as pet, 38 natron, 13, 14, 17, 58, 73, 84, 97, 104, 154, 160,
as victuals, 40 229, 245
as votive offering, 40 Natural History Museum, London, 52, 56
examination techniques, 45, 178 Naville, E., 14
fake, 40 Neave, R., 162, 164, 168, 174, 175
methodology, 5, 6 necropolis, 89, 93
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302 Index
Index 303
304 Index