CRCC Asia Company Brochure 2018

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International work
experiences in the
world’s leading
Directors’ Welcome 1

Leaders in International Education 3

University Partnerships 5

Custom Programs & Types of Partnership 7

Testimonials & Media 9

Asia Experts 11

Advisory Board 13

China 15

Japan 17

South Korea 19

Vietnam 21

United Kingdom 23

Host Companies & Industry Sectors 25

5 Key Learning Objectives 27

What’s Included 29

Social Responsibility & Scholarships 31

Application process 33
1 CRCC Asia


CRCC Asia has provided

internship opportunities to
more than 8,000 students
from over 100 countries.
CRCC Asia 2

CRCC Asia specializes in organizing work experience

opportunities in dynamic international settings. Operating
programs in China, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam and the UK,
we are committed to fostering a community of global career-
ready graduates with tangible skill sets and international
competencies. We believe in a holistic program model that
encompasses extensive pre-departure training, on the
ground events and support, and re-entry programming.

Since our founding in 2006, CRCC Asia has worked diligently to refi ne our program model so as to
maximize cultural understanding of host countries and maximize professional development, creating
intentionally designed programs that deliver upon the five CRCC Asia Key Learning Objectives:



CRCC Asia remains committed to the international education sector and believes that an exchange
of young people helps to create more open, international citizens and a stronger global society.
CRCC Asia has provided internship opportunities for more than 8,000 students, coming from over
100 countries, completing internship placements in 14+ sectors. We hope to continue this trend of
growth through partnerships with universities, corporations, and governments across the world.

Daniel Nivern Edward Holroyd Pearce Tom Kirkwood

Co-Founder and CEO Co-Founder and CMO Director
3 CRCC Asia


Global Internship Selected as a British Council NAFSA: Association of

conference (GIC) Generation UK - China Campaign international educators

CRCC Asia is proud to be a sponsor CRCC Asia is a proud provider of NAFSA is the world’s largest
of the Global Internship Conference the British Council Generation UK nonprofit association dedicated
for 6 years running. We have -China scheme. This initiative aims to international education and
attended and presented on the to facilitate the outward mobility exchange. NAFSA advances public
current and future environment of 80,000 UK students through policies that promote international
for internships in Asia. This annual study abroad or internship programs education and is committed to
international conference mirrors our in China. The campaign provides supporting a broad public dialogue
vision; we are focused on bringing funding for the two-month CRCC about the value and importance
together all parties involved in the Asia China Internship Program. of international education. CRCC
growing field of work placements and Asia members frequently attend
experiential education. and have presented at the NAFSA
annual and regional conferences.

Prime Minister’s Scholarship for Asia (PMSA)

The Prime Minister’s Scholarship for Asia, overseen by Education New Zealand, encourages students to
undertake international experience in Asia. CRCC Asia works with University of Auckland in New Zealand to
conduct PMSA funded international internship programs in Shenzhen, China and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
CRCC Asia 4

Winners of Cathay
Pacifi c China Business
Awards and The British
Business awards

Australian Education International

Supporters of the US China Recipient of Australian New BUTEX

Strong Foundation Colombo Plan study abroad
CRCC Asia supports the US New Colombo Plan provides grant CRCC Asia has presented at the
China strong foundation in funding for around 3600 Australian BUTEX Conference, a British
increasing and diversifying students each year to participate universities transatlantic exchange
the number of Americans in a study experience in Asia. association that brings together
studying Mandarin and studying Students are able to undertake universities, colleges and other
abroad in China. The goal is short-term mobility for a variety of institutions across the UK that
to bridge the gap between experiences including practicums, have shared interest in learning
cultures and strengthen the US clinical placements, research trips, or abroad. They have a mission to
China economic and strategic volunteer projects. CRCC Asia have facilitate collaboration and regular
relationship. CRCC Asia has successfully partnered with a large exchange of information, develop
placed over 2000 American number of Australian universities in expertise and influence the future
students in internships in China, application for scholarship funds and of international education.
many of whom have joined this has helped over 1500 Australian
Project Pengyou, an initiative students to participate in the CRCC
which encourages program Asia China Internship Program.
alumni to remain involved and
engaged in China upon their Recipients of New Zealand’s
return to the US.
5 CRCC Asia


CRCC Asia’s university relations team is committed to providing a variety

of services and program models to our institutional partners.
Partnering with CRCC Asia allows universities to send students on CRCC Asia’s international programs with
additional benefits for both the university and participating students.


By forming a partnership with CRCC Asia, CRCC Asia also has regional support offi ces in
partner institutions and partnership students are the United Kingdom, United States, and Australia,
able to take advantage of increased oversight equipped with regional Admissions Advisors and
and various additional benefits to CRCC Asia’s university relations teams. University relations teams
programming. Partnerships are formed for are available to university partners throughout
any and multiple program models, including the year to assist in creating, recruiting for, and
standard, partial-services, and custom. overseeing all university partnership students.

CRCC Asia provides the advantage of partnership Building a program from the ground up requires
staff on the ground in each host country, with time, effort, planning and monitoring.
each program offi ce comprised of a variety of
positions in place throughout the year to ensure
highest quality strength of internship placement
and tasks, program events, program advising,
and other program logistics and services. CRCC “ It’s a great pleasure working with CRCC Asia and
Asia’s staff members on the ground include local over the years it has continued to be a terrific and
as well as international staff members, able to successful program for our students.”
provide local insight as well as international Richard Pettinger, principal teaching fellow in Management
context to programming events and advising. Education at the Department of Management Science and
Innovation University College London
CRCC Asia 6

CRCC Asia’s program staff

and local knowledge enhance
programming through guided
workshops, advising and
a range of social, cultural
and business events.

CRCC Asia partners with 65+ universities worldwide to provide best-in-class international internship
programs. Below, is a sample of our longest running partnerships in the UK, Europe, Asia-Pacifi c, and
North America.


Oversight of program development and Program discounts.
internship updates.
Increased access to program advisors before
Staff on the ground in each program and during the internship program.
location available 24/7.
Access to any custom program developed
Program discounts. with the partnership university.

Assistance with program recruitment and advising. Personal and professional development.

Take advantage of local expertise, contacts, and First-hand experience of international

staff members able to deliver a carefully created business and culture.
and intentionally designed internship program
in a variety of international destinations. Access to 24/7 support and guidance
by expert local staff.
Management of host company relationship,
conducted by dedicated CRCC Asia staff Employability differentiation in home
members located on-site throughout the year. country and internationally.

Program advising built to develop employability, Potential future employment with host company.
cultural agility, sector specifi c knowledge, country
Full support in visa processing for all locations
specifi c knowledge, and global connections.
with visa fees included in tuition.
7 CRCC Asia


CRCC Asia partners with universities to provide and develop internship

programs in China, Japan, South Koream, Vietnam, and United Kingdom
using a variety of program and partnership models.

CUSTOMIZED PROGRAMS Alongside this the University may work with CRCC Asia
to customize the program further as follows:
Customized programs allow universities to take our
standard program offerings and either tweak them slightly, ․ Unique start and end dates.
adding an event or custom dates, or transform them more ․ Duration of 4 weeks, 8 weeks or 12 weeks.
extensively into the model that suits the needs of each
institution. Custom programs can include: ․ Choice of locations including Beijing, Shanghai,
Shenzhen, Tokyo, Osaka, Seoul, Ho Chi Minh
․ CRCC Asia and University collaborate to City and Manchester or a combination.
develop a specifi c program for students. ․ Support for faculty-led and short
․ CRCC Asia will assign a dedicated member industry immersion programming.
of staff to the University for all liaisons. ․ Specifi c social and cultural events for students.
․ CRCC Asia and University will work together ․ Private group language lessons.
to devise joint marketing materials.
․ Additional coursework in a variety of fi elds,
․ A contract is signed between both parties conducted by attending faculty, local language
to establish each side’s responsibilities. center partners, or local universities.
․ All standard Program components can be included. ․ Networking event with University alumni
who are based in the program location.
․ Final Program Evaluation.

*Customized elements are designed for 10 or ․ Weekend excursions, and unique pre-
more students attending one CRCC Asia session. and post-program travel options.
CRCC Asia 8

“CRCC Asia is one of our current partners in delivering internships

for UK students in China. They have helped British students under
the Generation UK – China program gain valuable cross-cultural
business skills through placements across a range of industries and
locations. They have received very positive feedback from participants
with regard to both the internship placement itself and the pastoral
care they provide during the placement.” Steven Hutt, British Council, UK

Universities that are interested in internship only PARTIAL SERVICES PROGRAM

options, adding internship services onto an existing
program, or that want to offer standard programs This program is designed for institutions that have existing
to their students replete with all the benefits of an structures in Asia who wish to add additional services.
official partner, are recommended to consider a
CRCC Asia provides internship placements and
standard program or partial services partnership. services selected by the university at a pre-approved
cost. This may include accommodation, visas
processing, weekly events, or language lessons.


This program is designed for institutions that wish to Universities that are interested in our programs as an
offer the existing CRCC Asia Internship program as option for their students, but are not ready to move
part of their portfolio. This provides a flexible option forward with an offi cial partnership and the benefits
for institutions to easily offer an approved China, included, could consider working with CRCC Asia as an
Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, and/or United Kingdom approved provider. An approved provider is recognized by
Internship Program, with additional benefits including your institution as a reputable organization that you would
advanced oversight, planning, assistance recruiting, recommend to your students.
and program scholarships.
․ University advertises and recommends the CRCC Asia
․ CRCC Asia and University collaborate to develop Internship Programs to students through the Study
a specifi c program for students. Abroad Department, Careers Services, and faculty.
․ CRCC Asia will assign a specifi c member of staff ․ Strategies may include displaying CRCC
to the University for all liaisons. Asia materials, providing a link to CRCC
Asia website, and emailing students.
․ CRCC Asia and University will work together to
devise joint marketing materials. ․ CRCC Asia would be happy to provide
information sessions (on-campus, or virtually)
․ CRCC Asia university partnership managers
or attend study abroad/career fairs.
provide increased oversight before, during, and
after the program. Providing insight into the
student placement process and reporting on on- GOVERNMENTAL PARTNERSHIPS
site progress.
In addition to universities, CRCC Asia partners with a
․ A contract is signed between both parties to
number of governmental organizations worldwide to
establish the responsibilities of both CRCC Asia
and the University. provide a variety of partnership programs. CRCC Asia
currently partners with governmental bodies in the
․ All standard Program components will be United Kingdom, Israel, New Zealand and China to
included, as listed on page 29 under the section provide customized internship programs in China.
entitled ‘What’s Included’.
9 CRCC Asia


Many of our alumni have gone on to begin successful international

careers at companies such as KPMG, Baker & McKenzie, Accenture,
Google, Ernst & Young and British Airways.

CRCC ASIA HAS BEEN FEATURED IN “ Professionally, my confidence in dealing with

A VARIETY OF MEDIA SOURCES the unknown and being able to improvise in any
situation was improved. I also gained my first
experience working with international clients and
having to adapt quickly to different working styles
and cultures. Personally, my confidence was given
a huge boost by this adventure. After returning
home I was immediately more motivated to go out
and make things happen for myself, not as afraid
to put myself out there and take (calculated) risks.
I chose CRCC Asia due to the range and quality of
companies CRCC Asia could provide. I definitely feel
I was placed within a relevant company. Additionally,
the other activities CRCC Asia organised and offered
whilst out in Beijing sounded really good and would
give me the best chance to meet lots of people and
take part in amazing experiences.”

David Buchanan,
Beijing, Marketing Intern
CRCC Asia 10

30% of CRCC Asia

interns are offered a job
within their internship
company after they
complete the program

89% of CRCC Asia

alumni are employed
in a graduate level
job three months
upon return to their
home country

CRCC Asia has increased the

number of places it offers
in Beijing and Shanghai, in
areas including law and green
technology, fivefold in three years

“It was a real differentiator on my CV and a great talking point at interview. It shows employers that I am
comfortable with new experiences and new cultures which is extremely important to the global companies
that I was applying to. It was also a great personal experience. In terms of the CRCC Asia internship, I met
loads of people from many different countries, quite a few of whom I am still in contact with four years
on. A variety of people intern with CRCC Asia but they are all similar in that they take their careers very
seriously. It was a great personal experience to meet those people but also brilliant professionally as I have
built a strong network of people in business in Canada, Australia, the US and here in the UK.”

James Lennie,
Shanghai, Business Intern

“It’s definitely great on my CV – it’s something “The skills I picked up in China were very applicable
most others don’t have and it’s a great talking to Law. It’s important to understand different cultures
point. All the skills I learnt in Shanghai have been and why people from different backgrounds might
so transferable and I now have great evidence do things. It was useful being able to evidence my
for all the key skills that employers are looking interpersonal skills as well as gaining an understanding
for, as well as the fact that my skills were learnt of Chinese Law which is very different from UK Law.
overseas in a foreign working culture! It certainly Undoubtedly the internship set me apart.”
gives me an edge. It also speaks volumes to the
employer about me as a person.” Hazel Hobbs,
Shanghai, Law Intern

Emily Ferris,
Shanghai, Media Intern
11 CRCC Asia


CRCC Asia’s programs are predominantly focused on the Asian region,

in line with the continent’s increasing economic and global power, and
pivotal place in the world today.

CRCC Asia strives to help students to develop their professional and cultural skills, allowing them to be ready
for a career working in Asia or with Asian partners. CRCC Asia’s global teams and advisors combine expertise
in international education and Asia, passing that on to students on the ground. As a company with expertise
in Asia, CRCC Asia runs an annual China is Now event with businesses including Google and EY. CRCC Asia is
also the sponsor of the Manchester-China Forum, a partner of the Chinese Ministry of Education, partner of the
Intercultural Institute for Japan and offi cial partner providing Vietnam internships for the Prime Minister of New
Zealand’s offi ce.

Recipient of New Zealand’s Prime Minister’s

Scholarship for Asia for internship
CRCC Asia’s experience, programs in China and Vietnam.
expertise, extensive onsite
staff and established
relationships in Asia allow
students and partners to Board of directors with advanced degrees
participate in programs in in China and East Asian studies from
Asia with the assurance and Oxford and Cambridge and London
benefit of regional experts. School of Oriental and African Studies.
CRCC Asia 12

Our team of experts on the

ground in each location
have poured their passion
into running programs that
endeavor to provide guided
insight into the world’s most
fascinating, important,
and complex regions.

Board of directors and

CRCC Asia, in
advisors contribute 50+ years
partnership with the
of experience doing business CRCC Asia are co-founders
Kirkwood Family
and working in China. of the China is Now Event
Foundation, are proud
Series. China is Now is an
annual sponsors of the
event series run by CRCC Asia
‘China Goes Global’
and the China-Britain Business
lecture at Cambridge
Council (CBBC). The series is
University. This lecture
Each offi ce comprises of designed to enlighten those
brings together China
staff with English and local that are new to China and
experts and enthusiasts
language skills that have re-engage old China hands.
to discuss topics in
experienced living, working Previous events have been held
Chinese economics and
and travelling in Asia. at Google Campus and EY, and
politics. Each year, the
have included speakers from
Pembroke College China
Qumin, EY, People’s First and
Internship Scholarship
Manchester City Football Club.
is awarded at the China
Goes Global event to a
student demonstrating An offi cial government provider
academic excellence and of internships in China through
a passion for bridging the our partnership with China
gap between Western- Education Association for
China relations. International Exchange (CEAIE). Over a decade of running
internship programs in Asia.
13 CRCC Asia


The advisory board provide oversight of CRCC Asia internship

programming; providing advice that draws on professional experience
and training and includes recommendations for keeping up to standards
of best practice.


Symone D. Sanders is a strategist J. David Armstrong, Jr. is the sixth

who served as the youngest president of Broward College,
presidential press secretary on one of the largest and most
record for U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders’ diverse institutions in America,
presidential campaign. In recognition with 63,000 students across
of her outstanding achievements, Symone 11 campuses and centers in South
was featured on Rolling Stone Magazine’s list of 16 Florida. With more than 33 years of experience as
young Americans shaping the 2016 election. As a a state and national leader in higher education and
CRCC Asia Beijing Program Alumni, Symone has a economic development, President Armstrong recently
deep understanding of the intern experience, providing celebrated ten years leading the College.
key insight in her role as a Senior Adviser.
With a strong commitment to the community, a
A communicator with a passion for juvenile justice, business owner’s understanding of the evolving
Symone is the former chair of the Coalition of workforce landscape and the changing role of higher
Juvenile Justice Emerging Leaders Committee and education, President Armstrong has led a redesign
former member of the Federal Advisory Committee of the College to focus on new programs that better
on Juvenile Justice. While serving on the committees, address skills gaps for students and employers.
Symone worked to bring millennial perspectives to Several workforce bachelor’s degrees, for example,
policy conversations. Now, Symone draws from her have been added in the fi elds of information
experience on the national stage to provide perceptive technology, nursing, supply chain management,
analysis and results-oriented problem solving on education, and aerospace science.
political and social issues. Through her work, Symone
President Armstrong serves in a variety of positions
challenges the conventional wisdom that strong
with non-profit, workforce and educational
communities are only defi ned by what we have in
organizations. He is currently the co-chair for
common. Instead, she outlines the way our differences
the Greater Fort Lauderdale Alliance Six Pillars
contribute to effective social movements and impactful
Economic Program and serves on the Board of
media narratives.
Directors for the Broward Workshop, the Broward
Symone has been featured on NPR, Fox News, College Foundation, and the Council for International
MSNBC, NBC, BET, TV One and currently can be Exchange of Scholars (CIES), Fulbright Scholar
seen on CNN as a Political Commentator. She has Program. He is also past chairman of Leadership
been profi led in the Washington Post, the New Yorker, Florida and the Greater Fort Lauderdale Alliance.
ESSENCE Magazine and ELLE.
CRCC Asia 14

CRCC Asia’s advisory

board members are
available to speak to
institutions, organizations,
and governmental bodies
interested in learning
about our programs.

Rhys Palmer as Luise Schaefer is
Dr Criso director, strategic a senior international
graduated from the University institution relations (greater China) executive with 30 years professional
of Pennsylvania with a PhD at the University of Newcastle, experience of China. Her early career
in French Literature and Australia provided high-level included positions at American and
Language. She’s been working strategic advice on the university’s Japanese technology firms in Beijing,
at the University of Michigan relations with China including followed by a consultancy role
for 31 years, as a lecturer international partnerships, assisting British companies break into
in French and as the business development, industry the China market.
Assistant Director of Global and government relations,
A stint as first secretary, commercial
Opportunities within the and student mobility and
at the embassy in Beijing in the
lessons from study abroad recruitment. He was instrumental
1990s allowed Luise to lead on a
opportunity hub. In her in establishing the university’s
broad commercial portfolio, building
position, she connects first China representative office
UK-China partnerships across a
University of Michigan students and in initiating the universities
range of key industries and ministries.
when international internships partnership with CRCC Asia. Rhys
She successfully led on the visit of
in 20+ countries which include: also successfully led the Confucius
the British Deputy Prime Minister in
China, Japan, Argentina, Peru, Institute from 2011 to to 2017 and
1996 in the run up to Hong Kong’s
Ecuador, Morocco, Spain, the received global recognition when
handover and brought to signature
UK, Albania, France, Ireland, awarded the 2016 Confucius
and important bilateral maritime
Italy, Kosovo, Mexico, and Institute of the Year.
treaty opening up huge commercial
Poland. She engages them
Rhys has an extensive network opportunities to UK shipping.
with global programming that
of personal and professional
will complement and enhance Luise is the immediate past chairman
connections in the Private, public
their UM education. of the British Chamber of Commerce
and not-for-profit sectors both in
in Shanghai and has held a number
Australia and China. He actively
of other board positions, in the past,
commits time to mentoring and
including vice-chair 48 group. She
coaching others, including students
was honoured at the Chinese Embassy
of the Australia-China Youth
in London in 2010 with an award
Association. Rhys holds a bachelor
acknowledging her deep contribution
of education, Masters of marketing,
to Sino-British relations and was
Master of arts and has been an
honoured with an OBE in the 2012
executive member of the NSW
Queen’s Birthday Honours list of
Australia China business Council
services to British business in China.
since 2013.
15 CRCC Asia

Our programs are
available in a variety
of exciting locations:
Beijing, Shanghai
and Shenzhen.

China is a fascinating place in ․ The Chinese economy

has grown at nearly
which to work and live, culturally, 10% a year over the last
linguistically, and socially. three decades (British
Embassy Beijing)

CRCC Asia’s award winning China Internship Program ․ Average yearly

has been in operation for over a decade and has sent outward investment of
8,000+ students from 100+ countries to complete 120 billion dollars
internships in China. Internships take place in three
of China’s most dynamic cities: Beijing, Shanghai,
and Shenzhen. Students undertake project based ․ The Chinese economy
work experience in a host company across the most has overtaken the
exciting industry sectors in China including business, US in purchasing
fi nance, engineering, law, and many more. Our power (PwC)
comprehensive program includes Mandarin language
․ China holds the
classes, cultural training, business networking
largest foreign
opportunities, and social events as well as a variety
currency reserves
of other advising and logistical support services.

․ Over 1.9 billion Chinese

speakers worldwide

․ World’s most
populated country with
over 1.3 billion citizens
CRCC Asia 16

Beijing Shanghai Shenzhen

CRCC Asia offers internships, language programs and study abroad courses in three uniquely distinct
and exciting locations: the busy metropolis of Beijing and Shanghai and the vibrant city of Shenzhen.

Beijing is China’s capital city and Shanghai epitomizes East meets Shenzhen is a major city in the
is rich in culture, history and West as China’s most international south of China, and sits just
tradition. It has been China’s and cutting-edge city. The city north of Hong Kong. The area
center of art, culture and politics represents modern China, leading became China’s fi rst, and one
for centuries and has various the way in fashion, fi ne dining and of the most successful, Special
heritage sites including The trendy bars and clubs. Its distinctive Economic Zones. It is home to
Forbidden City, Tiananmen architecture and atmosphere mixes the Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Square, The Temple of Heaven modern day icons with the quaint and is the headquarters of
and one of the Seven Wonders and historic streets of the French numerous high-tech and fi nance
of the World - the Great Wall. Concession and old Shanghai. It companies from around the
The city has a vibrant youth remains Mainland China’s fi nancial world. Referred to as the “Silicon
scene with the ultra-modern center, with a strong presence of Valley” of China, Shenzhen’s rapid
Sanlitun shopping village as international companies and a growth in the technology sector
well as the 798 Art District. thriving expat scene. There is an has made it the top real estate
abundance of banks and investment, market in China and a hub of
trading and accounting companies. entrepreneurship and innovation.
In addition to its unique economic
opportunities, Shenzhen is also
in a beautiful location, near to
tropical beaches, and containing
a number of amusement parks
to explore on weekends.
17 CRCC Asia

Tokyo Osaka

Tokyo is arguably Japan’s most Osaka is known as “Japan’s

vibrant, diverse and fascinating Kitchen”, but the city has much
city. From ancient temples, to world more to offer than just its rich
famous sushi markets, to today’s history and delicious cuisine
most innovative technology, Tokyo specialties.
offers a variety of attractions both
ancient and modern.

Japan is the world’s 3rd largest national economy The city is an international port city as well as the
and Tokyo is the world’s largest metropolitan geographic and economic center of the Kansai region
area. The city has an enigmatic ability to exist of Japan which boasts an economy comparable to
simultaneously as both ancient and modern, many modern-industrialized countries and is Japan’s
culturally enticing and economically powerful. third largest city.

On this program, students are given the opportunity Osaka is home to companies ranging from
to gain work experience in one of the world’s most internationally renowned large corporations such as
important economies, learning essential skills in the Panasonic to SMEs with innovative businesses and
most exciting and important industry sectors including technology platforms working in sports, video games,
Business, Finance, Law, Marketing, Green Technology, technology, and green energy. Osaka is Tokyo’s less
IT and many more. Through program events and expensive and conservative foil rooted in its prosperity
advising, participants have the opportunity to learn about as an arts, theatre and cultural hub at one time. The
Japanese history, culture and business while establishing city boasts some of the most amazing traditional
personal and professional relationships with their fellow and contemporary architecture in the country.
program participants from all around the world. Shrines sit seamlessly along thriving commercial
gateways, which makes exploration exciting.
CRCC Asia 18

A fascinating history
and culture with a
deep reverence for
tradition, Japan offers
a unique opportunity to
experience a beautiful
ancient society.



This city houses the More than

headquarters of 20 percent of Osaka is located at
Tokyo is home to
several of the world’s the Japanese the convergence of
51 of the Global
largest investment population, a busy river and sea
Fortune 500
banks and insurance lives in and routes, it naturally
companies, more
companies and around Kansai grew into a flourishing
than any other city
serves as a hub for and it accounts economic center and
in the world and
Japan’s publishing, for nearly a became the gateway
almost twice that
transportation, fifth of Japan’s to Japan for travelers
of the second-
broadcasting, GDP with an and traders from all
place city.
and electronics economic output over Asia and World.
industries. of $600 billion.
19 CRCC Asia


Seoul is a city rooted in tradition while being extremely fashion and

technology forward. This dynamic city is riding high after successful
winter Olympics games, a thriving business scene and liberalizing
marketing place.

South Korea boasts an entrepreneurial, agile and

aggressive corporate culture that will embolden and give
crucial experience to students. Seoul offers cosmopolitan
living along with mash-ups of temples, technology, Seoul has been
outdoors and more. Seoul is the beating heart of South described as the
Korea and its high energy lifestyle mixed with its rich world’s “most wired
history combine for an enriching experience. city”, ranked first in
technology readiness
South Korea over the past four decades has by PwC’s Cities of
demonstrated incredible economic growth and global Opportunity report.
integration to become a high-tech industrialized
economy. In an effort to address the long term
challenges and sustain economic growth, the current
government has prioritized structural reforms,
deregulation, promotion of entrepreneurship and
creative industries, and the competitiveness of small- and
medium-sized enterprises. During the program students
will have an opportunity to work in IT, Engineering,
Fashion, Finance and Marketing.
CRCC Asia 20



This relatively small country has seen its

economy grow steadily since 2009 and currently
has the 11th largest GDP in the world.

Seoul’s population density is almost

twice that of New York City.

South Korea exported US$573.7 billion

Seoul’s economic strength is bolstered by the fact
worth of goods around the globe during
that 25 of the Fortune Global 500 companies have
2017. Highest-value Korean exports are
their headquarters located in the capital including
electronic integrated circuits, automobiles,
automakers Hyundai Motor and Kia Motors, metals
processed petroleum oils and mobile phones
fi rm POSCO, LG Electronics and Hanwa Financials.
according to the International Trade Centre
21 CRCC Asia

Ho Chi Minh City

Vietnam encompasses all the allure of a beautiful Southeast Asian nation,

whilst simultaneously providing access to a dynamic and flourishing
ASEAN economy. Vietnam’s importance in the 21st century looks certain
to grow at increasing speed.

CRCC Asia will guide students in understanding this

historic, regional powerhouse, and allow students
worldwide to build economic and cultural understanding
Southeast Asia is a
of Vietnam through our summer internship program in
beautiful, diverse,
Ho Chi Minh City.
welcoming region.
Ho Chi Minh City (formerly known as Saigon) is a HCMC offers a perfect
perfect blend of the old and the new. A fascinating launching point from
history mixed with a high-octane, modern economy that which to explore one of
has been growing annually. the world’s most sought
after travel destinations.
CRCC Asia 22

Ho Chi Minh City is

the main economic
and business hub
of Vietnam.

Ho Chi Minh City

Ho Chi Minh City Ho Chi Minh Ho Chi Minh City
alone contributes
lies in the heart of City’s economy has a unique start-
20% of Vietnam’s
Southeast Asia, has developed up culture with a
GDP. Currently, the
the fastest growing rapidly, outpacing great investment
growth rate is about
region in the world. other major cities environment
9% annually, which
It’s close to other key in Vietnam and and a strong
is much higher than
markets including attracting foreign entrepreneurial
Vietnam’s average
China and Japan. investors. community.
of 5.6% growth.
23 CRCC Asia


Manchester is one of the largest student cities in Europe, the city where
the first computer was invented and the atom first split, and the home of
Manchester United and the BBC. As an intern in Manchester, students
have the opportunity to immerse themselves in every aspect of British life
through a work placement suited to your interests, and a full schedule of
social, cultural and business events.

There is a vibe in Manchester that is unpretentious and The location of Manchester is perfectly suited for
authentic. Interns will immediately feel like locals but be Intra-UK and Inter-Europe travel. Manchester
surrounded by big city amenities. The Northern Quarter Piccadilly Rail Station has you in London or
is a hipster’s paradise. Deansgate is where one rubs Edinburgh in less than 4 hours; Liverpool or Leeds
elbows with young professionals - a networking dream. in less than 1 hour; and a flight from Manchester
Canal Street has a vibrant and creative LGBT scene. International Airport (also a CRCC Asia Host
The city is a roamer’s dream. Company) to Paris, Amsterdam or Brussels is just
over an hour in duration. Perfectly situated!
Originally, the birthplace of Reebok, Rolls Royce,
Umbro, The Co-Op, and Henri Lloyd - Manchester
is steeped in history and the entrepreneurial
spirit lives on. With scores of Fortune 500 firms
that once called London home - there is a shift
in corporate dynamics that makes Manchester
the perfect location to attract talent.
CRCC Asia 24


“ My internship in Manchester Airport

Based on its comparative affordability and
dynamic culture, Manchester has become a
Group (MAG) has exceeded my
hub for start-ups and entrepreneurial activity, expectation. In the shortness of 8
as well as home to more established companies weeks, I have had meetings with
like the BBC. It’s quickly becoming an essential several well known companies
city for many multinational companies
including AstraZeneca and BNY Mellon.
such as: Hainan Airlines, AOE
(a Germany based software
company), World Duty Free, and
Manchester has a London Stansted Airport, one of
vibrant music culture, Comparatively the branches under MAG. I feel
being home to Oasis, Manchester is much
The Smiths, The more affordable
like a part of the team, specifically
Stone Roses, The than other I feel comfortable to jump into a
Chemical Brothers European cities. discussion, to raise a question,
and The 1975. and to contribute to the strategy
Caroline Dai,
It is within easy Manchester, Marketing Intern
proximity to the Peak
District and Lake
District National parks MANCHESTER
as well as Liverpool
and London.
25 CRCC Asia



CRCC Asia runs a professional internship program that connects

companies with ambitious and hard working international graduates from
all over the world.


Below features a sample of our over 750 host companies: Develop unique soft Gain work experience
skills desired by by interning with
hiring managers such one of over 700
as independence, companies in a
adaptability, and variety of sectors
intercultural competence
Set yourself apart
Gain experience in your from your peers
fi eld in a global context
Develop technical skills
Build a professional through project based
network of friends and work experience
contacts all over the
world through CRCC Enhance your resume
Asia’s international with international
program participants experience

Develop key Gain Insight into

Language Skills & international business
Local Knowledge culture in the world’s
leading economies
CRCC Asia 26

“ CRCC has provided us with great interns who have been

instrumental in both helping expedite our workflow and working
with our team to create effective new marketing campaigns. I can
say with confidence that they’ve put us weeks ahead of schedule
on business development projects and given us the manpower to
take on some more experimental in-house projects we previously
had on the back burner.” Myles Lambert, CEO, THRE3D, CRCC Asia Host Company


Finance Architecture
& Accounting & Real Estate Business Engineering

Green Healthcare & Hospitality Information

Technology Pharmaceuticals Technology

Legal Logistics

CRCC Asia runs a

professional internship
Marketing, PR Media & Creative program that connects
& Advertising Industries companies with
ambitious and hard
working international
graduates from all
NGOs, Tourism
Charities & over the world.
& Travel
Not for Profit
27 CRCC Asia



Interns are given access to a unique, interactive, online CRCC Asia values a holistic program model that
portal carefully created by academic and international fosters student learning and development and allows
education professionals, built to prepare and enhance students to build international career capital. Our
student learning and career readiness before, during, and Internship programs centers around 5 Key Learning
after program participation. Objectives. Every student receives access to a
professional development toolkit which emphasizes
․ Short, insightful videos conducted by these objectives, and has access to an advisor
professionals; videos shed light into and make
that is able to assist students in achieving their
recommendations for immersion into our host
professional and personal goals.
countries, maximizing employability, navigating
the road to cultural agility, and more. Videos
feature experts, CRCC Asia staff, and alumni.

․ Professional skills assessment

․ E-portfolio; guide to building an online resume

CRCC Asia’s programs
․ Reflection and intention prompts offer interns a unique
․ Quizzes to test content retention opportunity to gain
insight and experience
․ Lifelong access to portal resources first-hand.
CRCC Asia 28

Expand personal and

Gain valuable
professional networks
professional skills for
with CRCC Asia’s
career development and
guidance to establish
enhanced Employability.
Global Connections.

Develop Country-Specifi c
Apply their Learn to be
Knowledge including cultural
academic expertise adaptable, sensitive
heritage, politics, history,
in a professional setting of others and resilient
country specifi c business
to give students hands-on through our focus
practice, language skills, and an
insight into their field and on Cultural Agility
understanding of China, Japan,
Sector-Specific and cross-cultural
Vietnam, or United Kingdom’s
Knowledge. communication.
place in the 21st Century.
29 CRCC Asia


CRCC Asia ensures that every aspect of the program, from the
internship to regular social and cultural activities, is managed in a
friendly and professional manner.


Pre-departure and cultural Community Language
assistance and immersion outreach lessons
visa processing training

Welcome pack 24 hour Networking Access to

with Sim card support opportunities exclusive alumni
and Travelcard network

Airport Social and Business CRCC Asia

pickup cultural seminar certifi cates
CRCC Asia 30

“My internship with CRCC Asia really set me up. In China I had to learn on my feet, build new relationships
in a new environment and tackle any struggles head on. All these skills have been indispensable particularly
since I have recently started my own business. I was grateful for the Generation UK scholarship that I
received from the British Council.”
Benjamin Black,
Beijing, Marketing Intern

Company drop-off,
High quality 24/7 support and an
serviced internship in one of
apartments your chosen sectors

CRCC Asia provides a

CRCC Asia A schedule of business,
cultural and community full program package to
toolkit outreach events create a comprehensive

Certifi cate of
for visa
31 CRCC Asia


One of CRCC Asia’s main goals is to devote time and resources to

encourage a positive impact on the community. CRCC Asia engages in
actions that further the social good and promote economic sustainability.


CRCC Asia Partners with a variety of charities in our host In the spirit of entrepreneurship and in recognition
countries and incorporates a community outreach into of Asia’s global prominence, CRCC Asia has
one monthly programs. CRCC Asia has also established launched an Entrepreneurship Fund for alumni.
a community day in which our employees and program The Entrepreneurship Fund supports CRCC Asia
participants visit various charities including underprivileged alumni by offering capital, access to our global
children, schools, retirement homes, and long-term-care offices and a Senior Management Team that has
centres. The charity day culminates in a variety of student- combined 50 years experience of successfully
run fundraising events with all money raised going directly doing business in Asia.
to the organisations.
CRCC Asia 32


Our commitment to making our program as accessible
CRCC Asia believes in the importance of as possible is shown through our numerous funding
supporting the wider community and in opportunities.
helping our alumni to continue to develop
personally and professionally. The Alumni social ․ The CRCC Asia annual scholarship program
offers a limited number of full and partial
responsibility foundation allows the alumni to
scholarships for selected program participants.
apply for sponsorship for support in undertaking
charitable or personal and professional ․ CRCC Asia partners with the British Council
development initiatives. to provide internship program scholarships
for students with disabilities.

․ CRCC Asia cooperates with various corporate sponsors

to offer selected scholarship recipients a travel subsidy.

․ A variety of CRCC Asia’s partner universities provide

funding for selected program participants.

․ CRCC Asia partners with the Dragon Trip to award

the Justin Shapiro Internship + Travel Scholarship
in China. The scholarship includes a month-long
internship, a 21-day adventure tour, and return
flights. The scholarship honors Justin Shapiro a
former colleague, friend and world traveller and
all applications are reviewed by Justin’s father.
33 CRCC Asia




CRCC Asia 34

All CRCC Asia programs

provide a full package
of support from the
moment interns join.

APPLICATION DEADLINES “ The marketing experience I gained in

We accept applications for all of our programs China helped me secure a position in
on an ongoing basis. Application interviews are advertising at one of Canada’s top
conducted by the nearest regional office. telecommunication companies upon
We recommend applying at least three months
before the start date any program. Visit our
my return. Having work experience in
website for a detailed list of monthly program China on my resume helped differentiate
start dates. me from other candidates and always
made for a great conversation starter
in the interview process. Personally, I
CONTACT DETAILS have also seen growth in myself because
If you would like to speak to a CRCC Asia advisor living abroad in a country where you
about our programs then please connect with us; do not speak the mother tongue helps
Philadelphia T | +1 (267) 534-2973
you become more independent and
London T | 44 (0) 207 193 7907 resourceful. Being able to experience
Brisbane T | +61 449 812 422 the booming economy in China first
hand has helped me develop my future business plans, which includes conducting
international business in China and India.”
Jessie Sidhu,
Beijing, PR & Advertising Intern
35 CRCC Asia
CRCC Asia 36
CRCC 2018/2019

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