CS40003 (Data Analytics) : Term Project

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( Data Analytics )

Term Project
Group ID - 14
Project ID - 14

Topic - Unsupervised learning technique with

hierarchical clustering using DIANA algorithm

Team Members :
Aryan Singh 17MT10010
Saikat Mondal 17MT3FP04
Introduction :
Clustering is defined as the method used for grouping of the data in such a way
that the data belonging to a particular cluster has more similar properties or
features to the points in that cluster in comparison to the points in different
Clustering is a type of unsupervised learning where we try to find information
from the input data without labels.

There are several types of clustering which are mentioned below :

1. Density Based Methods - DBSCAN, STING
2. Partitioning Methods - k-Means, k-Medoids
3. Hierarchical Based Methods - Divisive (DIANA), Agglomerative (AGNES),
4. Graph Based Methods - MST Clustering, SSN Similarity Clustering
5. Model Based Methods - Autoclass, ANN Clustering, EM Algorithm

Here we will discuss Hierarchical Clustering and in particular Divisive Analysis


In any type of hierarchical clustering method, our main goal is to create the
clusters that have predominant ordering from top to bottom or vice versa
which is accomplished by splitting down a large cluster into small clusters or
merging the small clusters into one single large cluster.


Divisive Analysis Clustering is a top-down clustering method in which all the

observations initially is considered as a single cluster and then it is partitioned
into two least similar clusters. Then the clusters are further split recursively
until there is one single cluster for each observation or any other termination
condition is achieved. For example, the algorithm terminates after getting
desired number of clusters, achieving particular size of cluster etc.
Let’s say we have dataset, G={g1, g2, g3, …, gn} having n points/examples on
which we want to do clustering. By definition, G is a single large cluster. We
calculate the distance matrix for the dataset using some similarity

The similarity measures which we have used for the calculation of distance
matrix are L2 norm (Euclidean Norm) and Cosine similarity. Some other
similarity metrics are Manhattan distance, Mahalanobis distance, Hamming
The distance matrix a symmetric matrix whose elements C(i,j) represents the
distance or similarity between the ith and jth points.

After getting the distance matrix, we find the average distance between di and
the rest of the points in the cluster. The point having the greatest average
distance is then moved from the cluster G and added to a new cluster initially
empty cluster, G1. This new cluster is also referred as “Splinter Group”. After
the first split, we now have 2 clusters. The object in G1 has the highest order of
dissimilarity with G which is the main aim of clustering.

After obtaining two entirely different cluster, we have to check for other points
in the bigger cluster whether to move them to a different cluster or not. For
this, we have to calculate the d(G1) where d(G1) is the average distance
between the point and the splinter cluster, H where the distance is measured
according to a particular metric and similarity of the point with the remaining
objects, say di, in the cluster other than splinter cluster is measured. The
difference of di and d(G1) is then calculated. If this quantity is positive then the
point is shifted to the splinter cluster else it remains in that cluster.
The process of removing the points from the larger cluster terminates when no
single point is left which has to be moved i.e it halts when every point
remaining has negative difference and at the end we obtain two different
Further splitting of the 2 clusters obtained is done on the basis of diameter.
Diameter of a cluster is defined as the maximum distance between any 2
points in a cluster.
The one having the larger is selected first for splitting and the process which
was done for a single large cluster is repeated for this cluster until any of the
convergence criteria is satisfied.

Pseudo Code for the algorithm :

1. Given a dataset G(g1, g2, g3…, gn) of size n. The dataset is initialized as a
single cluster.
2. Distance matrix is calculated for a similarity metric.
3. The cluster split on the basis of the largest average distance into 2
clusters and the remaining points are moved if the difference between
average distance and the distance with other cluster is positive.
4. The diameter of individual clusters are calculated. The one with
maximum diameter is selected for the further splitting.
5. The above steps are repeated for every cluster until singleton clusters
are not obtained or the convergence is reached.

Exponential number of ways are possible to split a cluster, (2^(n-1) - 1) to be

particular. Since the method follows a set of rules to determine the split, it is
not exhaustive and hence the running time is polynomial instead of
exponential. The running time of this algorithm is O(n^2).

DIANA gives more accurate results in comparison to AGNES. The reason behind
it is that the global distribution of the dataset is considered in case of DIANA
while local patterns are identified initially by AGNES. Due to these reasons,
AGNES identifies small clusters and DIANA identifies larger accurately.
However, in DIANA once a cluster is formed, we can not improve the cluster
quality by backtracking.

DIANA is not preferred for large dataset due to being computationally

Implementation of Similarity Measures -
# L2 and Cosine similarity measurement
import math

def l2_norm(x): #function to calculate L2 norm of a vector

''' x - the vector
returns - L2 norm of the vector '''

sum = 0
for i in range(len(x)):
sum += x[i]**2
return math.sqrt(sum)

def SimilarityMeasure(data1, data2, type):

''' data1, data2 - vectors, between which we are going to calculate
returns - distance between the two vectors '''

if type=='L2':
# for L2 norm or pythagorean distance
dist = 0
for i in range(4):
dist += (data1[i] - data2[i] )**2
dist = math.sqrt(dist)
return dist

if type=='Cosine':
# form cosine similarity = a.b/|a|.|b|
dot_prod = 0
data1_mod = l2_norm(data1)
data2_mod = l2_norm(data2)
for x in range(4):
dot_prod += data1[x]*data2[x]
return (dot_prod/(data1_mod*data2_mod))

print('Please provide proper similarity measurement type')
return 0
Implementation of Distance/Similarity Matrix -
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
import pandas as pd
import pickle

#this function calculates Distance Matrix or Similarity matrix

def DistanceMatrix(data =None):

''' data - the dataset whose Similarity matrix we are going to
returns - the distance matrix by loading the pickle file '''
pickleFilePath = Path('SimMat.pkl') #checking if the distance matrix
was saved from last run to save processing

Data_list = []
for index, rows in data.iterrows():
my_data = [rows.Hobby, rows.Age, rows.Educational_Level,

if pickleFilePath.is_file():
temp_file=open(pickleFilePath, 'rb')
return pickle.load(temp_file)

N = len(data)
similarity_mat = np.zeros([N, N]) #for cosine np.ones
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):

with open('SimMat.pkl', 'wb') as file:
pickle.dump(similarity_mat, file)

temp_file=open(pickleFilePath, 'rb')
return pickle.load(temp_file)

Implementation of DIANA -
import numpy as np
import copy
import pandas as pd

#this is the main class that computes the clusters using diana

class DianaClustering:
def __init__(self,data):
''' constructor of the class, it takes the main data frame as input'''
self.data = data
self.n_samples, self.n_features = data.shape

def fit(self,n_clusters):
''' this method uses the main Divisive Analysis algorithm to do the
Arguments - n_clusters - number of clusters we want (integer)
returns -
cluster_labels - numpy array
an array where cluster number of a sample corresponding to
the same index is stored
similarity_matrix = DistanceMatrix(self.data) # similarity matrix
of the data

clusters = [list(range(self.n_samples))] # list of clusters,

initially the whole dataset is a single cluster

while True:
c_diameters = [np.max(similarity_matrix[cluster][:, cluster]) for
cluster in clusters] #cluster diameters

max_cluster_dia = np.argmax(c_diameters) #maximum cluster

max_difference_index =
clusters[max_cluster_dia]], axis=1))
splinters = [clusters[max_cluster_dia][max_difference_index]]
#sprinter group
last_clusters = clusters[max_cluster_dia]
del last_clusters[max_difference_index]
while True:
split = False
for j in range(len(last_clusters))[::-1]:
splinter_distances = similarity_matrix[last_clusters[j],
last_distances = similarity_matrix[last_clusters[j],
np.delete(last_clusters, j, axis=0)]
if np.mean(splinter_distances) <= np.mean(last_distances):
del last_clusters[j]
split = True
if split == False:
del clusters[max_cluster_dia]
if len(clusters) == n_clusters:

cluster_labels = np.zeros(self.n_samples)
for i in range(len(clusters)):
cluster_labels[clusters[i]] = i

return cluster_labels

if __name__ == '__main__':
data = pd.read_csv('HAYES_ROTH.csv') #reading the dataset csv file
data = data.drop(columns="Name") # dropping the unnecessary features
data = data.drop(columns="Class")

diana = DianaClustering(data) #applying the Diana Clustering


clusters = diana.fit(3) #as there are 3 classes we chose to divide

the dataset in 3 clusters


*** The libraries such as numpy, pandas, pickle and math have NOT been used
in building DIANA, instead they have been used for manipulating data and ease
calculation steps. For clustering purpose, applied algorithm is written from
scratch and libraries like ScikitLearn, Scipy have NOT been used. ***
Experimental Results :

We applied DIANA to HAYES_ROTH dataset. The dataset consists of 132 objects

and 5 different attributes. All the attributes are nominal other than ‘Name’ and
these attributes are Hobby(1-3), Age(1-4), Educational Level(1-4), Marital

Our task was to form the clusters on the basis of given attributes.

Original Clusters in the dataset are

C1 : [36, 105, 81, 94, 20, 50, 68, 89, 19, 118, 16, 91, 30, 57, 114, 66, 74, 106,
130, 54, 67, 69, 127, 96, 121, 123, 42, 5, 95, 119, 93, 132, 108, 120, 35, 112, 59,
1, 28, 97, 51, 103, 7, 15, 126, 45, 131, 17, 40, 9, 92]

C2 : [10, 113, 80, 60, 85, 52, 79, 23, 25, 37, 116, 88, 77, 82, 84, 86, 6, 115, 33,
39, 53, 70, 78, 129, 73, 26, 104, 2, 41, 62, 98, 109, 31, 34, 63, 65, 117, 56, 76,
29, 111, 49, 58, 32, 99, 24, 124, 14, 71, 90, 21]

C3 : [83, 61, 107, 125, 122, 8, 3, 110, 64, 11, 128, 4, 48, 102, 75, 47, 46, 18, 27,
22, 87, 72, 55, 101, 100, 13, 38, 43, 12, 44]
Clusters identified by DIANA are

G1 : [10, 83, 61, 113, 80, 36, 105, 81, 94, 60, 85, 50, 68, 89, 52, 118, 91, 79, 25,
30, 57, 3, 66, 110, 116, 88, 77, 82, 64, 84, 86, 74, 106, 130, 54, 67, 69, 39, 53,
127, 96, 121, 70, 123, 78, 11, 129, 5, 4, 95, 73, 26, 104, 102, 2, 41, 119, 47, 93,
132, 108, 62, 120, 27, 98, 31, 34, 63, 117, 56, 59, 76, 1, 28, 29, 111, 97, 49, 51,
87, 58, 32, 103, 7, 99, 15, 126, 45, 100, 124, 13, 14, 71, 17, 40, 90, 21, 9, 92]

G2 : [107, 122, 20, 33, 128, 75, 18, 22, 24, 44]

G3 : [125, 8, 19, 16, 23, 114, 37, 6, 115, 42, 48, 46, 35, 109, 112, 65, 72, 55,
101, 38, 43, 131, 12]

The list contains the Names which are most similar.


For measuring the quality of clusters obtained from the algorithm, we use
‘Divisive Coefficient’. It is defined as the average of the diameter of previous
clusters to which the point once belonged. It is a measure of the amount of
clustering structure found.

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