Seismic Analysis Asce 7 and IBC
Seismic Analysis Asce 7 and IBC
Seismic Analysis Asce 7 and IBC
As mentioned in the previous article, Seismic Analysis: UBC 97 provisions, the seismic
analysis in the design of buildings especially high rise towers is a very important factor to
consider. Because earthquake loads together with the wind loads have a huge impact on
the design result. In fact, most of the building design results were govern with the seismic
loads. Calculating the seismic forces can be determined using the seismic parameters
specified by the code. These parameters can be found on the seismic design codes
available such as ASCE 7, IBC and UBC-97. Although these codes are recommended code
to use in seismic, the use of these codes is still depending on the local authorities from
where the project is located.
This article is a comparison with the previous article Seismic Analysis: UBC 97 provisions,
we will tackle the Seismic Analysis provisions as specified in ASCE-7 and IBC. We will
summarize the different seismic parameters that we often use in the Seismic Analysis
according to ASCE and IBC. These parameters are specified below; most of the images
here are an excerpt from the ASCE-7 and IBC-12.
Determination of SMS, SM1, SDS, SD1
SMS is the mapped maximum considered earthquake spectral response acceleration for
short periods adjusted for site class effect. It can be determined according to Equation 16-
37 of the International Building Code (IBC) 2012, which is equal to the site coefficient, F a,
multiplied by the mapped maximum considered earthquake spectral response acceleration
for short periods, SS.
SM1 is the mapped maximum considered earthquake spectral response acceleration for 1-
second period adjusted for site class effect. According to Equation 16-38 of the International
Building Code (IBC) 2012, it is equal to the site coefficient, F v, multiplied by the mapped
maximum considered earthquake spectral response acceleration for the 1-second period,
SDS is the design spectral response acceleration coefficient for short period. It can be
calculated according to Equation 16-39 of the International Building Code (IBC) 2012, which
is equal to two-thirds multiplied by the mapped maximum considered earthquake spectral
response acceleration for short periods adjusted for site class effect, S MS.
SD1 is the design spectral response acceleration coefficient for the 1-second period.
Equation 16-40 of the International Building Code (IBC) 2012 tells us that it is equal to two-
thirds multiplied by the mapped maximum considered earthquake spectral response
acceleration for the 1-second period adjusted for site class effect, S M1
We need also to calculate a parameter for each building story equal to the weight of each
story multiplied by the height from the base to the story to the power of the distribution
Overturning Moment, MX
Overturning Moment is also required to be calculated.
Find Deflection Amplification Factor, Cd
The amplification factor, Cd, is according to Table 12.2-1 of ASCE 7-10 below.
Based on Equation 12.8-15 of ASCE 7-10, it is equal to the deflection amplification factor
times the elastic lateral deflection at each level under seismic lateral forces divided by the
seismic importance factor.
Stability Coefficient
Evaluate the stability coefficient for each level per Equation 12.8-16 of ASCE 7-10. It is
equal to the total un-factored vertical design load at and above each level times the design
story shift times the seismic importance factor divided by the product of design story shear,
story height below the level in consideration, and deflection amplitude factor. The maximum
value for stability coefficient is found using Equation 12.8-17 of ASCE 7-10. According to
Section 12.8.7 of ASCE 7-10, if the stability coefficient is less than 0.1 for all floor levels,
then P-delta effects don’t have to be considered.
Further calculation checks should be performed on the following accordingly:
1. Design Story Drift: Calculate the design story drift which is equal to the difference in
deflections of the centers of mass of any two adjacent stories.
2. Un-factored vertical design load, Px: The total un-factored vertical design load at and
above each level should be calculated.
3. Check Design Story Drift: The allowable story drift can be found from Table 12.12-1 of
ASCE 7-10 as shown on the figure below. The allowable story drift should be greater than or
equal to the design story drifts for each floor level.
The author strongly suggests to have you a full copy of ASCE-7 and IBC 2012 design codes
when doing a seismic analysis. The above are guidelines only for the reader to easily
locate the parameters needed in the seismic analysis using ASCE and IBC codes.