Kinetic Theory of Gasses

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Q1. What is Equa on of State? ● L is length of each side of box
● Equa on of State : For a gas, its state is specified by a ∴volume of box (V) = L³
number of physical quan es such as pressure P, ● The gas molecules are moving con nuously and
temperature T, volume V, internal energy E, etc. Hence, randomly in various direc ons.
the equa on rela ng these quan es is known as the ● Pressure is Adjusted so that, the molecules do
equa on of state. not collide with each other, and collide only with
● For a fixed mass m of an enclosed gas. the walls.
1) Boyle's law : V ∝ 1/P at constant T ● Fig. Shows a molecule moving towards shaded
2) Charle's law : V ∝ T at constant P wall with velocity v.
3) Gay-Lussac's law : P ∝ T at constant V ● The collision between molecule and wallis
● Combining the three laws into a single rela on yields elas c.
ideal gas equa on. ● During collision, the X- component of velocity (vX)
PV ∝ T get reversed to (-vX)
● For n moles of gas, ● Here the y and z components of velocity remains
PV ∝ n T unchanged.
∴P V = n R T ● Hence the change in momentum of the par cle is
R is propor onality constant, known as 'universal gas given by
constant. ∆ pX = final momentum - ini al momentum
● Note that ∆ pX = (-mvX) - (mvX)
n = M / MO = N / NA ∆ pX = - 2 mvX
Where, ●Thus, the momentum transferred to the wall during
M- mass of the gas. one collision is + 2 m vX
MO- molar mass ie mass of 1 mole of gas. ●A er colliding with the shaded wall, the rebounced
N - number of molecules in the gas. molecule travels towards opposite wall and reflected
NA -Avogadro number i.e. number of molecules in one back, again to collide with the shaded wall.
mole of gas. ∴ molecule travels a distance of 2L in between two
∴PV=(N/NA)RT collisions.
∴PV=N(R/NA)T ●Hence me between two successive collisions of
∴PV=NkBT molecule with shaded wallis 2 L / vX
● Where kB is the Boltznann constant. (kB=R/NA) ∴ Average force exerted on the shaded wall by molecule
1 is given as
Q2. Explain, what is an ideal gas. Average force = Average rate of change of momentum
●The gas laws are strictly valid for real gases, only if = +2 m v X1 / ( 2L / vX1)
the pressure of the gas is not too high and the = m vX1 ² / L
temperature is not close to the liquefac on where vX1 is the x component of the velocity of
temperature of the gas. molecule1
●A gas obeying the equa on of state (PV = nRT) at ●Considering other molecules 2, 3, 4 ... with the
all pressures, and temperatures is Called as an respec ve x components of veloci es vX2, vX3, vX4,... the
ideal gas. total average force on ]the wall from is
2 2 2
= m (vX1 + vX2 + vX3 +... + vXN²) / L
Q3. Derive the equa on for pressure exerted by a ∴The average pressure P is given by
gas enclosed in a container. P = (Average force) / (Area of shaded wall)
P = m (vX12 + vX22 + vX32 +... + vXN2) / L × L2
P = m (vX1² + vX2² + vX32 +...+ vXN2 ) / v
But vX2 = (vX12 + vX2² + vX3² +.....+ vXN2) / N
∴ P = m N vX2 / V
Now, v 2= vX² + v Y2+ vZ2
By symmetry,
vX2 = vY2 = vZ2
∴ v 2 = 3vX2 ∴ vX2 = v 2/3
∴P=Nmv /3V
●Fig. shows, N molecules of an ideal gas enclosed Above equa on for pressure exerted by gas on the walls
in a cubical box. 01 of container is valid for containers of any shape.
Note: Q6. Explain why gases have two specific heat
1) We have assumed that there are no inter- capacity?
molecular collisions. The number of molecules in ● When the temperature of a gas is increased, even
the container is so large (of the order of 10²³) that a small rise causes considerable change in volume
even if molecular collisions are taken into account, and pressure.
the above expression does not change. ● Therefore two specific heats are defined for
2)If a molecule acquires a velocity with gases, namely specific heat at constant volume CV
components different than vX,vY, vZ a er collision, and specific heat at constant pressure CP.
some other molecule having different ini al
velocity will acquiring the velocity with the Q7. Derive Mayer's rela on connec ng two
components vX, vY, vZ. As the gas is steady (in specific heats of gas.
equilibrium). ● Consider one mole of an ideal gas enclosed in a
cylinder by light, fric onless air ght piston.
Q 4. Derive equa on for root Mean Square (rms) ● Let P, V and T be the pressure, volume and
Speed of gas molecules. temperature of the gas.
● Equa on for pressure exerted by gas molecules ● When gas is heated at constant volume, so that
enclosed in a container is given by, its temperature rises by dT.
P = N m v² / 3 V Then all the heat supplied to the gas (dQ₁) is used to
∴ v² = 3 P V / N m increase the internal energy of the gas (dE).
● For ideal gas, ●In this case volume of the gas is constant, so no
PV = n R T work is done in moving the piston.
∴ v² = 3 n R T / N m ∴ dQ₁ = CV dT = dE .................. (1)
● We have, n = N / NA where CV is the molar specific heat of the gas at
∴ v² = 3NRT / NAN m constant volume.
∴ v² = 3RT / NAm ● When gas is heated at constant pressure, so that
∴ v² = 3RT/M0 its temperature rises by dT. Volume of the gas
where increases by an amount dV.
M0 = NAm = molar mass of the gas. ● In this case heat supplied to the gas (dQ₂) is used
● Vr.m.s.= √ v² to increse the internal energy of the gas by (dE), as
∴ Vr.m.s.= √ 3 RT/M0 well as to perform work (dW) during expansion of
●Note: gas i.e. moving the piston.
At 300 K, ∴ dQ₂ ₌ CP dT ₌ dE + dW ............... (2)
1) For nitrogen gas, the rms speed is 517 m/s. where CP is the molar specific heat of the gas at
2)For oxygen gas rms speed is 483 m/s. constant pressure.
● The work done to move the piston
Q5. Derive equa on for average kine c energy dW = P dV ..................... (3)
per molecule of a gas and show that it is ● Using eq'n (1) and eq'n (3) in eq'n (2)
propor onal to absolute temp. (T) of the gas. CP dT = CV dT + P dV
●Equa on for pressure exerted by gas molecules ∴(CP - CV ) dT = P dV .............. (4)
enclosed in a container is given by P = Nmv²/3V ● For 1 mole of gas, PV = RT
∴ PV = Nmv²/3 ∴ PV = (2/3) N (1/2) mv² ∴P dV = R dT ................... (5)
● The internal energy of an ideal gas is purely Since pressure is constant
kine c, because the molecules are non ● Using eq'n (5) in eq'n (4)
interac ng, and poten al energy is zero. (CP - CV ) dT = R dT
∴ N (1/2) mv²= (3/2) PV ∴CP - CV = R
●Where (1/2) mv² is the average transla onal This is Mayer's rela on between CP and CV
kine c energy of a molecule, and N (1/2) mv² is the ● As supplied heat is measured in calories and
average total energy (E) ∴ E = (3/2) PV workdone is measured in Joules, Mayer's rela on
●From Ideal gas equa on PV = n RT is modified as
∴ E = (3/2) nRT ∴ E = (3/2)(N/N₀) RT CP - CV = R / J
∴ E = (3/2) NkBT Where J is mechanical equivalent of heat
Where, kB = R/N₀ =Boltzmann constant. ● Also CP = MO SP and CV = MO SV
∴ E/N = (3/2) kBT Where MO - molar mass of the gas
●From above equa on, the average energy per SP and SV - respec ve principle specific heats
molecule is propor onal to the absolute ∴MO (SP - SV) = R / J
temperature T of the gas. ∴(SP - SV) = R / MO J
Q.8 Use the law of equipar on of energy and ●Therefore, average energy per atom is
calculate the specific heat of gases, for (3/2) kB T + (3/2) kB T + f kB T
monoatomic, diatomic, and polyatomic gases. = 3 kB T + f kB T = (3+f) kB T
(a) For a monatomic gas enclosed in a container, ∴ total internal energy per mole will be,
held at a constant temperature T and containing NA E = (3+f)NA kB T
atoms, each atom has only 3 transla onal degrees = (3+f) R T
of freedom (dof). ●Molar specific heat at constant volume is given as
●Therefore, average energy per atom is CV = (dE/dT) = (3+f)R
(3/2) kB T ●For one mole of gas we have CP - CV = R
∴ total internal energy per mole will be, ∴ CP = R + (3+f) R
E = (3/2)NAkB T ∴ Cp = (4+f)R
= (3/2)R T ●we have γ = CP /CV
●Molar specific heat at constant volume is given as ∴ γ = (4+f)/(3+f)
CV = (dE/dT) = (3/2)R
●For one mole of gas we have CP - CV = R Q.9 Explain the term 'radia on'.
∴ CP = R + (3/2)R ∴ CP = (5/2) R ●'radia on' is the fastest mode of transfer of heat,
●we have γ = CP/CV in the form of electromagne c waves.
∴ γ = (5/3) ●Radia on does not require any material medium
(b) For a diatomic gas (rigid rotator) enclosed in a since electromagne c waves travel through
container, held at a constant temperature T and vacuum.
containing N A atoms, each molecule has 3 ●Due to radia on two bodies can exchange heat
transla onal, and 2 rota onal dof. without physical contact.
●Therefore, average energy per atom is ●The con nuous emission of energy from the
(3/2) kB T + (2/2) kB T = (5/2) kB T surface of any body is because of thermal energy of
∴ total internal energy per mole will be, that body.
E = (5/2) NA kB T ●This emi ed energy is termed as radiant energy.
= (5/2) R T ●Radia on get absorbed, When falls on a body,
● Molar specific heat at const. volume is given as which is not transparent to it, (floor or our hands),
CV = (dE/dT) = (5/2)R and heats that body.
●For one mole of gas we have CP - CV = R ●Thus, electromagne c radia on emi ed by the
∴ CP = R + (5/2)R bodies, which are at higher temperature with
∴ CP = (7/2)R respect to the surroundings, is known as thermal
●we have γ = CP / CV radia on.
∴ γ = (7/5)
(c) For a diatomic gas (containing non rigid Q.10 Define.
vibra ng molecules) enclosed in a container, held 1) Coefficient of absorp on or absorp ve power
at a constant temperature T and containing NA or absorp vity (a) : "The ra o of amount of heat
atoms, each molecule has 3 transla onal, 2 absorbed to total quan ty of heat incident is called
rota onal and 1 vibra onal dof. the coefficient of absorp on."
●Therefore, average energy per atom is a = Q a /Q
(3/2) kB T + (2/2) kB T + (2/2) kB T = (7/2) kB T 2) Coefficient of reflec on or reflectance(r): "The
∴ total internal energy per mole will be, ra o of amount of radiant energy reflected to the
E = (7/2) NA kB T total energy incident is called the coefficient of
= (7/2)R T reflec on."
●Molar specific heat at constant volume is given as r = Qr/Q
CV = (dE/dT) 3) Coefficient of transmission or transmi ance (t):
= (7/2)R "The ra o of amount of radiant energy transmi ed
●For one mole of gas we have CP - CV = R to total energy incident is called the coefficient of
∴ CP = R + (7/2)R ∴ CP = (9/2)R transmission."
●we have, γ = CP /CV t = Qt/Q
∴ γ = (9/7) Note:
(d) For a polyatomic gas (containing non linear Since all the three quan es a, r and tare ra os of
vibra ng molecules) enclosed in a container, held thermal energies, they are dimensionless
at a constant temperature T and containing NA quan es.
atoms, each molecule has 3 transla onal, 3
rota onal and f vibra onal dof.
Q.11 Derive the rela on between a,r and t. Q.13 Is it possible that the same object can be
OR athermanous, diathermanous as well as a good
Show that, a + r + t =1 absorber ?
Let ● Values of coefficient of absorp on, reflec on,
Q - Total amount of radient heat energy incident on and transmission (a, r and t) depend on
the surface of an object. 1)Material of the object on which heat radia on is
Qa - Part of heat radient heat energy absorbed. incident.
Qr - Part of radient heat energy reflected. 2)wavelength of the incident heat radia on.
Qt - part of radient heat energy transmi ed. ●Hence, it is possible that the same object may be
∴ Qa + Qr + Qt = Q athermanous, diathermanous or a good absorber
∴ (Qa + Qr + Qt)/Q = Q/Q for incident heat radia ons of different
∴ (Qa/Q) + (Qr/Q) + (Qt/Q) = 1 wavelengths.
∴ a + r + t =1
Q.14 Are good absorbers also good emi ers?
Where a, r, t are the coefficients of absorp on,
reflec on and transmission, respec vely. OR
Explain why the walls of vacuum bo les or
thermos flasks are silvered.
Q.12 Explain the terms. ●Consider two objects, which are opaque to
1) Perfect transmi er : "A substance through thermal radia on, having the same temperature
which en re incident radiant energy is transmi ed and same surface area.
is called as perfect transmi er, or completely
transparent object." ●The surface of one object is well-polished and the
● For perfect transmi er r = 0 and a = 0, ∴ t= 1, surface of the other object is painted black.
2)Diathermanous substance: "A substance ●The well-polished object reflects most of the
through which incident radiant energy can pass energy falling on it and absorbs li le.
(transmit) is called as a diathermanous substance." ●On the other hand, the black painted object
●For a diathermanous body, t≠ 0. absorbs most of the radia on falling on it and
●A diathermanous body is neither a good absorber reflects li le.
nor a good reflector. ●But the rate of emission of thermal radia on
eg. glass, quartz, sodium chloride, hydrogen, must be equal to rate of absorp on
oxygen, dry air etc.
3)Athermanous substances: "The substance for both the objects, so that temperature is
through which incident radiant energy can not maintained.
pass (transmit), is called as an athermanous ●Black painted object absorbs more, hence it must
substance or an opaque body. radiate more to maintain
● For athermanous substance. t = 0 ∴ a + r = 1, the temperature.
eg. water, wood, iron, copper, moist air, benzene ●Therefore, good absorbers are always good
etc. emi ers and poor absorbers are poor emi ers.
4) Perfect reflector: "The substance which reflects
●Since each object must either absorb or reflect
en re radiant energy incident on it is called as
the radia on incident on it, a
perfect reflector"
● For a perfect reflector t= 0 and a = 0 ∴ r = 1 poor absorber should be a good reflector and vice
● A good reflector is a poor absorber and a poor versa.
transmi er. ●Hence, a good reflector is also a poor emi er. This
5) perfect blackbody : "The body which absorbs is the reason for silvering the walls of vacuum
en re radiant energy incident on it is called as ideal bo les or thermos flasks.
or perfect blackbody"
● For perfect blackbody r = 0 and t= 0 ∴ a = 1 Q.15 Explain construc on and working of Ferry's
●Surface of perfect blackbody absorbs all the Blackbody.
radient energy incident on it, and does not reflect OR
any energy, therefore, appears black (unless its What is a perfect blackbody ? How can it be
temperature is very high to be self-luminous). realized in prac ce?
● Lamp black or pla num black absorb nearly 97% perfect blackbody : "The body which absorbs
of incident radiant heat, resemble a perfect en re radiant energy incident on it is called as ideal
blackbody. or perfect blackbody"
Q.17 Explain Prevost's theory of heat exchange.
According to Prevost's theory of heat exchange,
●All bodies at all temperatures (above the absolute
zero temp. 0 K) emits thermal radia on.
●Rate of emission of thermal radia on depends on
1)Temperature of body.
2)Nature of emi ng surface.
construc on : 3)Area of body.
● It consists of a double walled hollow sphere ●At the same me, all bodies absorb radia on coming
having a ny hole or aperture. from the surroundings, so that
● The space between the walls is evacuated. 1)If rate of emission is more than rate of absorp on,
● Outer surface of the sphere is silvered. temperature of body decreases.
● Inner surface of sphere is coated with lamp- e.g. cup of hot tea.
● There is a conical projec on on the inner surface 2)If rate of absorp on is more than rate of emission,
of sphere opposite the aperture. temperature of body increases.
Working : e.g. plate containing ice kept on a table,
● Due to conical projec on, radia on arriving 3)If rate of absorp on is equal to rate of emission, the
along the axis of the aperture do not incident temperature of the body remains constant and the
normally on the inner surface. body is said to be in thermal equilibrium with its
● Therefore any radia on entering through the surroundings.
small hole can not reflected back along the same e.g. any body at room temperature.
path and can not escape.
Note :
● Radia on suffers mul ple reflec ons inside the
sphere and get completely absorbed. 1)Ho er bodies emits heat radia on at higher rate than
● Thus, the aperture behaves like a perfect the cooler bodies.
blackbody. 2)Light coloured bodies reflect most of the incident
Note : radia on where as dark coloured bodies absorb most of
● For construc on of perfect black body, Wien the incident radia on.
used a double walled hollow cylinder with a
ver cal slit as the aperture. Q.18 Explain the rise in temperature of a body,
when it absorb incident radia on.
● This gives greater effec ve area as a perfect
blackbody. ● When a body, absorb incident radia on
● Being energy, radia on increases kine c energy
Q.16 Write a short note on cavity radiator. of the atoms of body oscilla ng about their mean
● Cavity radiator consists of a block of material posi ons.
with internal cavity. ● We know that, average transla onal kine c
● The inner and outer surfaces are connected by a energy determines temperature of the body.
small hole. ● Therefore absorbed radia on causes a rise in
● The radia on falling on the block enters through temperature of the body.
the hole, and cannot escape back. Note :
● Hence, the cavity acts as a blackbody. ● A body at room temperature emits thermal
● When the block is heated to high temperature, radia on having wavelengths longer than
thermal radia on is emi ed, called as 'cavity wavelengths of visible light. So we do not see
radia ons' them.
● Cavity radia ons are similar to radia on emi ed ● A hot body of temperature around 800 ºC, emits
by a blackbody. thermal radia on having shorter wavelengths, in
● Its nature depends only on the temperature of the visible range and body appears red.
the cavity walls and not on the shape and size of ● At around 3000 ºC, body looks white hot. e.g.
the cavity or the material of the cavity walls. The filament of a tungsten lamp.
Q.19 What is emissive power of a body? ●Now Kirchhoff's law of thermal radia on can also
●Amount of heat radia ons emi ed by a body be stated as follows
depends on "for a body in thermal equilibrium, the emissivity is
1) The absolute temperature of the body (T) equal to its absorp vity."
2) The nature of the body (the material and nature (e = a)
of surface) ●Thus, if a body has high emissive power, it also
3) Surface area of the body (A) has high absorp ve power and vice versa.
4) Time dura on for which body emits radia on (t) ∴ Good emi ers are good absorbers.
● For given body at a given temperature the
amount of heat radiated (Q ) is directly Q.22 State Kirchhoff's law of thermal radia on
propor onal to the surface area (A) and me and give it's theore cal proof.
dura on (t). ● Kirchhoff's law of thermal radia on : "For a
∴Q∝At body in thermal equilibrium, the emissivity is
∴Q=RAt equal to its absorp vity."
∴ R = Q/ A t (a = e)
● Where R is constant called as emissive power of
given body at given temperature. ● Consider an ordinary body A and a perfect
● Emissive power(R) : " The quan ty of heat blackbody B having iden cal shapes, placed in an
radia on emi ed per unit me per unit area of a enclosure.
body is called as emissive power (OR radiant ● Both bodies are In thermal equilibrium with
power) of that body at given temperature." enclosure i.e. temperature of A, B and enclosure is
● SI unit - J/ m² s or W/m² same.
● Dimensions [L⁰M¹T-³] ● Let
●At a given temperature, a perfect blackbody has R - Emissive power of A.
maximum emissive power.
RB - Emissive power of B
Q.20 State and explain Coefficient of Emission or a - Coefficient of absorp on of A.
Emissivity. ● If Q is quan ty of radiant heat incident on each
● Coefficient of emission or emissivity : "The ra o body per unit me per unit area.
of the emissive power R of the surface to the 1) Quan ty of radiant heat absorbed by the body
emissive power RB of a perfect black surface, at the A, per unit area per unit me is (aQ)
same temperature is called as Coefficient of
emission or emissivity (e)" 2) Quan ty of radiant heat absorbed by the body B,
e = R/RB per unit area per unit me is (Q)
● For a perfect blackbody e = 1 ● Since emissive power is the quan ty of radient
● For a perfect reflector e = 0 . heat emi ed from unit area in unit me.
● For an ordinary body, 1) Quan ty of radiant heat emi ed by the body A,
0 < e < 1 depending on the nature of the surface per unit area per unit me is (R)
(colour and composi on). 2) Quan ty of radiant heat emi ed by the body B,
e.g. emissivity of copper is 0.3 per unit area per unit me is (RB)
● Emissivity is larger for rough surfaces and smaller
for smooth and polished surfaces. ● For a body In thermal equilibrium, radiant heat
● Emissivity also varies with temperature and emi ed in unit me, is equal to radiant heat
wavelength of radia on to some extent. absorbed in in unit me.
Q.21 State Kirchhoff's Law of Heat Radia on and 1) For body O
show that Good emi ers are good absorbers. a Q = R ------(1)
●Kirchhoff's law of thermal radia on: At a given 2) For body B
temperature, the ra o of emissive power to
coefficient of absorp on of a body is equal to the Q = RB ------(2)
emissive power of a perfect blackbody at the same ●Dividing Eq.(1) by Eq.(2), we get
temperature." a =R/RB
∴ (R/a) = RB ∴a=e
∴ (R/RB) = a
∴ e=a (As e = R/RB)
Hence, Kirchhoff's law is theore cally proved.
Q.23 Explain spectral distribu on of blackbody Q.24 State and explain Wien's Displacement Law.
radia on. ● Wien's displacement law : "The wavelength
(λmax), for which emissive power of a blackbody is
maximum, is inversely propor onal to the absolute
temperature of the blackbody (T)."
∴ λmax ∝ 1 / T
∴ λmax = b / T
where b is called the Wien's constant and its value
is 2.897 × 10-3 m K.
Note :
● Wien's displacement law is useful to determine
temperatures of distant stars, Sun, moon etc. as
●Lummer and Pringsheim studied the energy ●λmax indicates the dominant wavelength at which
distribu on of blackbody radia on as a func on of blackbody radiates, so it corresponds to the
wavelength. dominant colour and temperature of the radia ng
●They kept a black body at different constant body.
temperatures and measured the radiant power ●e.g.
per unit area (RB) for different wavelengths(λ). 1) White dwarfs are hot stars with surface
●It gives spectral distribu on of blackbody temperature ~ 10000 K
radia on. Different curves in fig. shows that, 2) Red giants are cooler corresponding to
1) At a given temperature, the energy is not surface temperature ~ 3000 K.
uniformly distributed as a func on of wavelength.
Q.25 State and explain Stefan-Boltzmann Law of
2) At a any given temperature, ini ally the radiant Radia on.
power(RB) increases with increase of wavelength,
● Stefan-Boltzmann Law of Radia on : “The
reaches it's maximum value and then decreases.
energy radiated by a perfect blackbody per unit
(λmax) is the emi ed wavelength for which radiant area per unit me is directly propor onal to the
power(RB) is maximum. fourth power of its absolute temperature”.
3) Value of λ max decreases with increase in RB ∝ T4
∴ RB = σ T

4) Area under each curve represents total radiant

where σ is Stefan's constant.
power(RB) for all wavelengths.
σ = 5.67 × 10−8 J / m2 s K4 or W / m2 K4
5) At higher temperatures, area under the curve
increases. dimensions: [L0M1T-3K-4].
6) At room temperature (300 K) radiant power is ● Note :
maximum for waves having wavelength about 5 × 1) Emissive power of a perfect blackbody depends
10-6 m. only on its temperature
For other waves radiant power is very small. and not on any other characteris cs such as colour,
So all the radiant energy have wavelength longer materials, nature of surface etc.
than wavelength of red light (i.e.infrared 2)For perfect blackbody we have
radia ons). RB=Q/At
Note : Where
For theore cal explana on of spectral distribu on Q - Amount of radiant energy emi ed in me t
of black body radia on. A - Surface area.
1) Wien gave an expression from laws of ∴ Q / A t = σ T4
thermodynamics. which can explain experimental ∴ Q = A t σ T4
observa ons only for short wavelengths. 3)For ordinary (non black) body, eqn. of emissivity
2) Lord Rayleigh and Sir James Jeans gave a formula is,
from the equipar on of energy, which can e = R/RB
explain experimental observa ons only for long ∴ R = e RB
wavelength regions. ∴R=eσT

3) Therefore Planck propose a new model (which is As, R = Q /A t

combina on of the two models) and gives an Q /A t = e σ T4
empirical formula to explain the behaviour of ∴Q = A t e σ T4
blackbody. 07
Q.26 Using Stefan-Boltzmann Law of Radia on
Q.29 If surfaces of all bodies are con nuously
derive the equa on for net loss of radient energy
emi ng radiant energy, why do they not cool
per unit area per unit me for a perfect black
down to 0 K?
●According to Prevost's theory of heat exchange,
●Consider a perfect blackbody kept in a
all the bodies emit as well as absorb the heat
surrounding at a lower temperature.
radia on con nuously.
● E m i s s i o n o f h e at ra d i a o n d e c re a s e s
T - Absolute temperature of body.
temperature of body, at the same me absorp on
T0 - Absolute temperature of surrounding.
of heat radia on from surroundings increases
temperature of body.
1)Energy radiated by body per unit area per unit
●Therefore any body do not cool down to 0 K.
2) Energy absorbed from surroundings per unit Q.30 The wavelength corresponding to maximum
area per unit me = σ T04 intensity for the Sun (λmax) is in the blue-green
● Therefore net loss of energy by perfect region of visible spectrum. Why does the Sun then
blackbody per unit area per unit me = σT4 - σ T04 appear yellow to us?
= σ(T4 - T04) ●In Sunlight the wavelength corresponding to
Note : maximum intensity, (λmax) is in the blue to green
1) For an ordinary body, net loss of energy per unit region of visible spectrum.
area per unit me = e σ (T4 - T04) ●When sunlight travels through Earth's
e is emissivity of ordinary body. atmosphere blue to green colours get sca ered
2) If the body is at a temperature lower than the due to their short wavelength.
4 4
surrounding i.e., T< T0 , then e σ (T0 - T ) will be the ●So only longer wavelengths of sunlight can reach
net gain in thermal energy of the body per unit to our eyes.
area per unit me. ●As a result, sun appears yellow to us.

Q.27 Why are the bo oms of cooking utensils

blackened and tops polished?
● Bo oms of cooking utensils are blackened to
absorb maximum heat from the flame, as dark
coloured rough surface absorbs most of incident
radia ons.
● Tops of cooking utensils are polished to reduce
heat loss due to radia on, as emissive power of
light coloured polished surface is small.

Q.28 A car is le in sunlight with all its windows

closed on a hot day. A er some me it is observed
that the inside of the car is warmer than outside
air. Why?
●Glass is diathermanous for radia ons having
small wavelengths.
●So high frequency radia ons coming from hot
sun get transmi ed inside car through glass
●It increases the inside temperature of car.
●But glass is athermanous for radia ons having
long wavelengths.
● Therefore low frequency heat radia ons from
inside the car can not escape through glass
● That's why A er some me it is observed that
the inside of the car is warmer than outside air.

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