German Armoured Cars

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B. GERMAN ASNOURED GARG The following data covers the most commonly used German Armoured Cars. It mist be noted, however, that the €-Wheeler has not beon encountered during the fighting 4n the Western Desert. On the other hand the 4-Wneeler Horch and the 8-Wheeler Bussing N.A.G. have been extensively used since the Germans entered operations in North Africa. SECTION 3, SAN fOURED CARS IN (C) HORCH 4-WIBELERs (Model Sd.Kfe. 222). The following is a full report from MeEs, G.H«Qe, on a captured vehicle. This car ha (See deta: en produced in 5 different models, from a captured German book, infra.) Nane 1 Sd,Kfz. 222 Dimensions + Length .. overall 15) oe wheel base 1¢ 9" 3" Width ., overall . gr yh track 5 H +» top of hula si ae top of turret 5+ ate top of cage 7 age Clearance.. ae teu $ Complete’ car empty 37 tons. Wt, lade 4.7 tons. Load, laden, front axle 6. 1.75 tons. rear axle <4 2.95 tons. Armament 1 One 2,0 on, (0-787 in,) automatic cannon and One 7491 ums MsGe 34 Comaxial in turret with belt feed, Zuo spare barrels are carried for the M.G. 34. Signal pistol, Ammunition + 100 rounds A.P. and 120 rounde H.B. for 2 cm, cannon. 8 belts (probably 250 rounds each) for MeGs 34. 8 smoke candles, 8 hand grenades. Red, white and green signal cartridges, Arnour 1 8 nm. wolded throughout with the exception of the visors which are 15 mm, As with the tanks, the welding has split e1ig the sean on being hit. The average angle of the plates 1s sone 55° to normal. ‘Turret/ The turret is nine sided and connected to the gun mounting. There is no revolving floor but the segts and foot rests for the gunner and loader/operator revolve with the mounting. This mounting consists of a truncated cone of approx. 20-25 cm. (@" - 10") diameter fixed to the floor of the car, on which the guns, seats and turret traverse. Control of elevation and traverse is by one hand wheel of the steering whool type operated by the gunner. Rotation of this wheel gives the traversing motion (10 tums to 360°) end backwards ~ forwards movement controls the elevation. A simall gear lever ready to the gunner's left hand has three positicne for use with the elevating movement of the wheel; forwara - low gear, centre, neutral, back - high gear for A.A, Elevation ds from - 50 to + 90° and excellent control of Simultencous elevation and traverse is possible. - Bach gun is fired by a pedal, left foot for tho iG. and right foot for the 2,0 cm. gun. There is m lever ty the driver's left hand Yor locking the gun in the 0° elevation position and ancthar at the back cf che pedeatal for locking the traverse with the guns pointing forward. An inverted V-shaped turret ring protector is -fitted round the forward edge of hull, The genner/comd, Has beth a telescopic and an « AeA. sighs The telesccpe is made by B. LELTZ cimety cate ates oe Us 8 , Hole tle'tiawect_genstoufen ine conttw oe anne: e fonas phe aeie pected ox 3. ae sus ik eae capacity are eds rod z - iereheo be aeow! 92 mpgs on dover j U>pyge on road, givitg « range ane U56*aitos redpoctivery. The ongino is water-cocled ang tae forms the rear ‘wal2i of the fight con= partunt, Ths svoling fen:3 sitaated at the rear cf the ongins, drawing aiz from the righting conpartuent through the radiator, over tho engins ard cut tkrangh the bottom by tho rear hatch, In between the fan and the engine is ax oil cooler; There 4s an o: HEED eee end in adittion, tor use ta tho LOLE ZAST, an oll fitter: of e shonlé be carried oub every 1,2 Gen onan slestrical eats, Including plugs, are braid sorsened- Plugs are 14 mm, BOSCH and ignition is BOscH coil, Controls for Uhe engine ere rod oparatode No detailed cxanination of the cluteh ana has been carrisd cut yet, but the ax nas Sour forward specds and ong the drive may be shiftec from two ech ty Juve: on the left of she ériver: Normal road spocd of cho veaicle is believed to he shout 4m. o.h,, bub 1b can reach 30 aepike hn Se ‘Ths four oe ave etch independently . , a a 3 AQ HORCH 4-WHBELER. (5 Models). ; (the following dotaiis have been taken-froma captured GERMAN book). " : ‘This armoured car has been produced in f4\ (a) Leichtar Penzerspfihvagen (Sdkfz 221). (1.P2.SpeWe, (Sdkfz 221). HORCH 4~wheeled armoured caz (Special Vehicle 221). This type mounts one M.G» 34 in a rcofless turret and carries a crew of tw. : types t- (>) leichter PanzerspA.sagen (Sckf2 222). (1.P2.Sp.We. (sakr2 222). HORGH 4-wheeled armoured car (Special Vehicle 222). This type uoants a 2~cn. automatic (2 cme Kyle 30) and one MG. 34 ona pedestal. It is also believed to be fitted with a small wireless receiver, ‘he guns pro~ trude through the front of a roofless turret and may 0 be elevated to ah AeA» position, Hinged wire grids are provided to prevent grenades being thrown into the car, The turret is slightly larger than that of the Sdkfz. 221 types (ce) leichter ea (Fu) (Sake2 223). i (1.PzeSpellge (Fu) (Sak2z 223), HORCH d-yheeled armoured car with special wireless fit- tings (Special Vehicle 223). This typo is fitted with wirel is Hh typetts stu iah wiselees end a s09 wepiejerdl Gees adeerncs tl hinged at the top 1 resembles a ra! a 1c top of the turret is fisted snd the armament is one PEGG +2 Sieg. the car is covered oo a waterproof covers is four: In all fe Lue nT periealiy the samec it 1s believed tha ha: oa 8 eyed that tho ct ssis UNION AcGe 411 vohieiés SUileved to carry one Machine Fistol. : : : 5 HP. + Petrol. Satz 221 0 kee Sate 222 27780 het 3)! kgs Bake 5 268 1 Xi Sakre 261) 3655 Mes (atets eG 08 eae 2 3a} 4,800 i 260 ky ano ie, ae a ee 4,400 i; (Sains 38: ee ara y ‘Ee 2) 500 i Gage 122) cee ities : (Saete, 1,850 ke. ys Turn: circle (outside) . Trot wheel steering + ay es us Ete All wheel steering Puel capacity 110 litres. 2h gallons. ‘Theoretical Fuel 9 consumption, (Sdkfz. 221) Roads Cross-country (saktz, 222) Roads 3.8 kp. 8.20 mpg 1.6 kep. le 495 ite Ds Be 2,8 KD.1l. 77 MeDeB Cross-country of 1.7 kKep.l. AL 7 mp. g. Sakfz, 223 Sdkfz. 260) Roads $269 Keppel. 8 mDeBe Sdkfz. 261 Cross-comtry :1.8k.p.l. 4.95 mp.g. Theoretical radius of - action, (Sdkfz. 221) Roads + 320 kms, 200 miles. Cross-country + 200 ims, 124 miles, (Sdkefx, 222) Ronde + 300 Ime. 178 miles. Cross-country + 180 kms, 112 miles. Sdktz, 225 Sdkfz. 260. Ronde + 310 Ima. 194 miles. Sdkfz 261) oO Cross~comtry + 200 kms. 12h miles. A captured GERMAN General Orier dated.March 1942 lists ehenges of equipment necessitated by the following alterations to these armoured cars, (S4.Kfz, 221) ~ A Model 42 Gun (s,Pz.B.41) is Pitt “tHe IG 34 being eee A Machine tat iaet 36. is also carried in place of the former Machine Pistol Model 18. The ii.G. 34 has been altered to take belt feed. The following ammunition is carried Sdkfz 222). 7) I aii: see VULNERABILITY ‘or GERMAN AR. ERMAN ARN RED CAR WI AWAY 97SY CloN WYUIVIO PY II oN FLY 7d 2 ljyw wer) 2 Fe , aR, NOTE 18. (Horch 36 or Sd, Kfz, 221, 222 ana 22, (a) This car has good cross-countzy performance. ‘The top ta open and protected by wire gauze grids. (>) Further particulars of thie car are given below:- wediy Turret: The turret is nire-sided and connected to the 4) gun mounting. There is no revolving floor but the seats and foot ——— Teste for the gunner and loader/opsretor revolve with the mounting. This mounting consists of « truncated cond of approx. 20-25 ams (8 in, ~ 10 in.) diameter fixed to she floor of the car, on which the guns, seats and turret traverse. Control of elevation and traverse is by one hand wheel’of the steering wheel type opereted by the gunner. Rotation of this wheel gives the tra versing motion (10 turns to 360°) and backwards - forwards movement controls the elevation. A‘snall gear lever‘ready to the gunner's left hand has three positions for yse with the elevating movement of the wheel; forward - low gésP, centre ~ neuzral, back - figh gear for A.A, Elevation ie from - 5° to * 90° and excellent con- qsrol of simultaneous slevation and traverse is possible. "Bach gun in fired by « pedal, left foot for the li.G.e and right foot for the 2.0 om. gun. There is a lever by the dbiver's left hand for locking the gun in the 0° elevation position anc another at the back of the pedestal for locking the traverse vith the gune pointing forward. . An invorted V-shaped turret ring protector 1s ritted round the forvard edge of hull. Sun! ts The gunner/commander hae both a telescope und and A.A. of gh HR, telescope is made by #,[EITZ of WETZIAR, type T2F. 3u., magnifies very slightly end is sighted up to 1200 metres, There are eim-off graticules in the centre of the sight; it ie cally detachable and has focussing adjustment. The A.A. sight is of the reflector type but instead of the reflections, marks are painted on the glase itself, There is an A.A. foresight for use with this re~ @figctor Blass which consists of a small bar with two lugs projectitig, 0° to the right one above the other. On the example exeminsd, ‘ there appeers to be a connection by Bowden cable between the Loaders gest ond the A.A. sight; this appsra+us Was disconnected, but the loader apperently cperated a knob graduated from 1-12 which rotated the foresight and cansed anguiar mevenent of the ber and at the sane time, longitudinal movement of tho reflester. He, 3492 c.c. V-8 Auto Union side valve engine, about 75: ‘2s, mounted in rear of car, made by HORSCH factory at awickaw in 19}0.' The car was issued 19.3,/)1. ; Garburstion is by single GOIEX; fuel feed is by machanisod.” pump» but en electric pump is 139° Gi then ~ either or both can be TS" vo petrol tanks each 50/241 > ar fittod, ” Potrel consumption ss beaters sobs) S oe ‘ Speer eT Bare on road, giving a range of 120 miles and 155 miles uel aie aoeagrae e ; ms RG) 2, 23. @ engine is water-cooled end the radiator forms the rear “wall” ‘of the fighting compartment. The eooling fan is situated at the rear of the engine, drawing alr from the £1gh compartment through tho radiator, over the engine and out throu, the bottom of thé roar hatch, in between tho fan and the engine ig an oil cooler. ‘There is an ordinary air filter and in addition, for use in the iifddle Bast, an oil filter. Engine of] change should be carried out every 1200 miles, Ali electrical leads, including plugs, are braid sereened, y Plugs ere: 14 mm, BOSCH and ignition is BOSCH cotl. | Con trola for the engine are rod operated. @ransmigsion. No detailed oxamination of the cluteh and gearbox hes boon carried out yet, but the gearbox has four forward Speeds and one reverse; the drive may be shifted from two to four- wheel by @ lever on thé left of the driver. Normal road speed on the vehicle 1s believed to be about 25 mpsh., but it can reach about 30 mpsh. Steering end Suspension. The four wheels ane ouch in- dependently sprung by two large coil compresoion springs and two double action Luvac-type shock absorbers, A control on the dashboard enables two- or four-wheel _ stocring to be employed. ‘This is not connected with the arive ao that any combination of drive/stocring my be used. ‘The tyros are ae oes OONTINENTAL. “ The tread marking is shown on the sketch attached, - e 5. The @itver's instrunonts consist of = a tum’ sndtdetor memsteh on tinlelewine Gee pecdoneten wi th milosge tadcaiey, and © feel gauge See ae Gee ‘tenes a Lo. > Pitted; VULNERABILITY . GERMAN ARMOURED CAR Sd. Kfg. 221. \ T)8N WYE9VIO PYO)sN 2LV 7d 8 = a 5 xs, Rx v§ 2 ny a8 s S > a = 2 = S Deawn by the Staff of the DOM! of DHQ Preto Dec 199 SRF eye G and zmahoel om either aring 1 cial gripper hosts an of a tracks side the existing f the car as they i) (Sdkfs 232). & syectel wireless fittings. position by tyo coupling on the top the rear-to two thin and is curved dom turret sc: the y at the rear and fronts The through 360° but ds Limited in that i avay whoa fring over the roar iroraft mounting is not fitted. This type has a fixed turret with one M,0. firing Eguward ana carrica q tireless, a grid arial 43 fitted mounted tmuts, ne rotatable soupling belag necossary above the tuvrst; death che anetnatmopatt gun mounting te net fitted/. ow Se reed not fitted, 4 crew of five 4s carried. 1 Engine 1 Capacity’: 5500 ec, Develops 1 ““40 HAP. Fuel 1 Petrol. Wosgnt a Sdietz 231) $300 ke. 5 tone 4 Uniaten tates Ba Be i pm es ti 203) 5250 kg, 5 tons 3 ewe In actiont (Se 8 a $o00 i: : EES Wot (Saktz, On axles + (Sdifz 231) in action Ala 1 Axle 2 axle 3 (Satz 232) Axle 1 1900 kg. 1 ton 17 ort Axle 2 ae Kgs 2 tons 3 cnt. Axle 3 2175 ke. 2 tons (Saetz 263) Axle 1 1800 kg. 1 ton 15 ext Axle 2 2000 ke. 1 ton 19 owt dxie 3 2000 kg. 1 ton 19 ewt Dimensions +: Length + {suze ee) ze De a ft. § ins, Skee 8) $57 ms 18 fer 2 ins: Width + cause 2 ft. 1 in. Sdktz 3 2 ee + lin, Sdkfz m Height 4 {eats 2 a8 SHEE 3633.3 Ground clearance ts 8 MS) i (Comander's Car fitted with WT serial). a . ae 7 | sey 206 Gas) gman S-yissue anwoureD can. Report on a captured Vehicle. WOYS! This Armoured Car is Imown to have been pro- ueed in three models. See report, infra). Genera): This ¢ armoured, with a 8 cylinder, BU: clutch and’ roarh: + vadeh was built in 1937, 1s 14, of threr or four. Tee dxtves by one engine, driving through a nornad t wheels. Independent wheel ight wheel steering. The steer : irection at full speed. ‘The hull is of welded construction built =p on a chassis frame consist- ing of two channel side roils. The artament consists of a 2 cn, automatic eannon 6 go-axtally nowived vith a light machine-gun (missing), hose ds a container fcr a stall winless set, but this 12 also missing. TO! The main dimensions are as follows t= Overali length oe 21! Oe Overall height 2 Gn Overall width ee 7) 0% Distance between axles 41 oh Total wheel base ++ 135 6" a ' Ground clearance |: gu & ott a at front exle shield) * ces BUSSING-"AS V.8 potrol engine with the following __ Specifications :~ = - 5S r aon tunsis ff the armature spindle carries a pulley for {ao V belt dsivec, those ative the two ccoline fans, a singte belt running to cache ‘The Bosch magnoto and the petrol pump are situated at the taro: the on bask to bask, aad appear to be driven 6 from an exsensicn ef gan~shatt, Goo! Systens The en 48 water-cooled. Iwo radiators of the i “io? Me bye45 between the Flag ty we tet he fighting compartuent with a fen for each, iz ds Grav: through louvres on top of the vehicle, a (these can be controlicd irom inside) through the radiators, over the engine anc out through an armoured grille at the rear. Ade can also be dravm through a shattor separating the engine conpariuient from the fighting compartnent. 2 4n air cooler is fitted across the radfators on the side remote from the fans. Plates, above anc et the sides of the engine, can be opened from the inside of the nuil for cooling purposes, Transmission? The drive is taken through a dry single plate elutch to the 4 spoof gearbox . ‘This ‘9 — the centre of the vehicle, and from a transfor — ee is plese eo eeiae shafts run fore | Cee nec’ up the four differentials fron i arive the road wheolse sake _ There is a high and low speed be: ‘ dritere eed by two inter eteg - WROD: of the original tyre in the manner of a spare tyro. ‘This tyre was punctured by flying metal whon tho armoured car was shot up. Suspension: Bach whool is indopondently eprung, end is supported thus t= Two parallel erms, one above tho other, aro pivoted to a bracket underneath the main fore and aft Eure, Their outer ends support the universal Joint and stuD axle, For each pair of wheels thero is a loaf ieee (4 ft, 10" x 4" main leaf with a total of 7 leaves 5/8" af run~ ning fore and aft, tho ends of which bear on the top suspension arns. A rubber flock between tho spring and arms eliminates the nood for’ chacklos, hic opring 4s cupported at its centre in a trunnion on a tubular beam running across the axis of the vehicle, There arc thus two beams, supporting four springs, which baar or eight suspension arnt, Sbeoring: The two steering columns aro connected through goar- bexes te a shaft which runs the whole Longth of the vehicle on the port side, At coach ond of the shaft is a steering box which actuates the steering arns oa grank levers an¢ push=pnl1 ro¢s through which eight wheels are steered, ols. 2 tana sur sneee 87° dupticatea tnvoushen ty a0 that es pee: J sage Roding: Pinnine betwee te eet oa eee respective petals and Levers at toe arate Electrical System: ! Ignition ds by one Bosch magneto. Two 12 yolt battor= dos are feted. The Yeghtine syston 18 a 12 volt cireuit, in- eluding batteries and dynamo, Brakes: ere are rod and cable prorated, expending, seat Thi n all eight wheels, Those are applied sithes bps tint anata oF tho hana’ brake Toversy thre doing °: one of each at eithor ond. Hull_and Turrott Tt appears that there is a crew of fours 2 arivors, 2 gunnor. 2 Commander and wiroless operator. C The following are the thicknesses of the armour Plato t= Sidos Front Rear To Biles cr Turret 4.6 Front cf Turret (gun gantle: Top of turret tee Pee. se ; 4y extra V shield, 10 mm. thick, has been fate ny foot in front of the hull? “This appears. to bee inodiiga tion to increase protection, ‘dees topes # peenpacnemezee ee Pfs uminiun alley ir Out» @ turrot rotates. \v round \ with the gameste and eonnanter!s sate ousponden tron ite? . Bend traverse wochanien 48 ttod, there or the commander Ce s engaged) wi hand the gunner, The lattor can an mon or can engaged and ae fn nee Armament: One 2 cn. automatic and a 7.92 Me mac oe (pissing) are fitted) co-asiaily mounted ih « flat mintiots The guns are fired by separate pedals on the gunner's foot~ rest. The 2 cm. gun fires magazines of 10 rounds and the machine gun magazines of 75 r Sa Thgre, are stowage brackets for eightoen 2 my magezines and fifteen 7.92 magazines. The following marks were on the 2 cm. piece t= Cn top 2 om Rohz Nre 2 Underneath s- R,677 366 se BAe B67 Petrol Tank: Rete There is a small tank of al ity side vehic: sic on the oe partmont. Thi seceaaie nected | Ee ae S-WHEELED ARMOURED CAR, (3 Models), This type of vehicle is known to have been produced in three models t- ay (Sdkfz 231) (8 Rad), . Co) ater ee ter taaene asi te nad), B-wheeled heavy armoured car (Special Vehicle 231). This model mounts a 2 cm, Automatic cannon and a M.G. 34 coaxially in the turret capable of a 360° traverse, and is oquippod with wireless having an aerial of the rod type. The erew is four, two drivers, gunner and commander/W/T operator. (b) Schwerér Panzerspahwagen (Fu) (Sdkfz 232) (8 Ret). (se Pze Sp. We. (Sdkfz 231) (8 Rad). Bwheeled heavy armoured car with special wireless ® fittings (Special Vehicle 232), E This model mounts a 2 cm. automatic cannon and a M.G. 34 coaxially in tho turret capable of a 360° traverse and 1s equipped with wireless having an aerial of the grid or frame types This aerial lies in a horizontal plane along the length - of the vehicle and is mounted on a pivot above the turret at the front and on two stays at the rear of the vehicle. Due to the pivot on the front mountings the turret is able to traverse. However when tho turret is traversed to the rear of the vehicle there would be a denger of shooting away the supporting stays at low elevation, and the rear of the aerial at high elevation, The aerial is ourved down at each ends The crew is four, two drivers, gunner and commander¥/? operator (ce) PF funkwagen (Sdkfz 263) (8 Rad). a (Pen Boe Wes (adler 363) Beate S-wheeied armoured wireless vehicle (Speciel Vehicle “> 263), This consists of a normal. 8-wheeled ar a chassis with a fixed turret sl. rae oe two models mentioned oe aa ; nd an aerial of th ae i (b) aboves flee ie . at the front on tl Sop tyo at tho rear of the vende) ; Se AD I. adegiec aes Tn action (Sikfz 231] 8300 ke. tons 30 cwt. (SHE Ba 8500 kg. ee 7 owes (akfz 263) 8100 kg. 8 tons owt. on axles (Sdkfz 231) in action axle 1 2050 ke. 2 tons ba 2 2050 keg. 2 tons " 2100 ke. 2 tons 1 ewt. * % Bloo ke, 2 tons 1 ents (Sikfz 232) Axle 1 2100 kge 2 tons 1 ct. W 2 2100 ke. 2 tors 1 ent. 0 2100 ks, Been 2 ont * 2150 kg. 2 tons 2 cwte (Sakfz 263) “sce 1 1 ton 18 ewt. Ng 1 ton 18 owt. #3 2 tons 1 owt. Bad 2 tons 1 cut. © pemee teek 1g ft. 2 Ins. Width, Ha dtl Height Sikes Zt. 5 ins. Sdktz 2: + 10 ins, Sdiefz 7 St. 10 dns. Ground clearance to axles AvmEETED ARMOURED CiR + suUSPENSTON BoMMERLED ARMOURED OAR (Note extra arnour plate at trent of vehicle) -R- IED ARNON oN Laas WR (iert aide view) e Pk an SwERIAD ARNOT (Si. Kra. 52 (Aerial Mounting of top o° turret) Purther ae M, voi GORE heated” chee ate ed in YO) i RTH boon ee it ch ta amuntel in tee tesanl Mane a Cane ee eure tho front of the superstructure, Bite to "the r: Tovel mith the viser, The nounring app. aioli: rt | 3 on, Sturcgoschutz, Ceaverae one 1088: Ea i achino gun is also nountos { This, teken tn conjunction mith provigus confi | ation of tha ‘Giastones See apy eee ie ae | tho 5 en Kyk 39, 05 mounted in tho Merk 3 Speci Tenk indicates a ardereial ene of armoured cors towards rly considored’ sloguate fox tho There is no B oeesee® Sen that Sha tags sells oe ae production, MIRGI AR f to information on the 8-wheoled Armoured Car with a 7, Sia crore gun, given in M.IeR. (Techs) Issue Nosl9 Pago 13,'a drawirg of this equipment has come to hand and is reproduced below. f M+ R.G)83 Gge BA. Hie BORE ouERRTERS_on Lserece samen Farther © tho proeeding paragraph, 1¢ would seex trom an examination that two smoke dischargor caps fitted to tha turret of an S-whealed ured Caz rocentiy examined tn NORTH AFRICA are probabjy based cn the design of the British 4i gmoka Discharger. The discherger cups are Zitted to the sides of tho turret, one cach side, vy means of brackets, snd point forward, outwards and upwards, Tho breech bolt o?’tha standard Garman farbine is fixed to the cotton of the cup. The smoke gonorates is projected by a bisnk cartridge, ocntrol boing by a bowden cable and trigger methanisn fron the inside of the care The dizansione of the dicchargor eup (internal diameter 94 may ora loogth 193 amis) suggest Liat the momen oaks gensrators NbK 29 ars usod, ai Meronlced! ‘by te SlelF of Ls). ae proton, Lone, #8 C-Bens Gel

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