A Study Analysis of Student Attitude To Science Lessons
A Study Analysis of Student Attitude To Science Lessons
A Study Analysis of Student Attitude To Science Lessons
Corresponding Author:
Dwi Agus Kurniawan
Faculty of Teaching and Education
Universitas Jambi
Jalan. Lintas Jambi – Muaro Bulian. KM 15, Jambi, 36361, Indonesia
Email: dwiagus,k@unja.ac.id
Education is a way to gain knowledge. In junior high schools in Indonesia, one of the scopes of
science subjects is the Natural Sciences. According to Chandel, science education is not a separate and
detachable unit of education [1]. Natural Sciences is systematic and organized knowledge that is generally
accepted universal (universal), and in the form of a collection of data from observations and experiments.
Science is an organized knowledge i.e. a systematized body of knowledge, may play to any subject or field of
life [1]. According to Carin and Sund, the nature of science includes four main elements, namely attitudes,
processes, products and applications. The four elements are characteristic of intact science that cannot be
separated from one another and it is hoped that the four elements will emerge in science learning.
Science learning is fun learning because students can learn through nature [2]. However, not a few
students also consider that science is one of the difficult subjects. Student responses when studying science
are still low [3]. In accordance with the opinion of Topcu and Sahin-Pekmez, science education researchers
have presented the argument that students are still having difficulties in learning concepts of science [4]. The
concepts in Science will be difficult for students to accept if they rely on verbal communication carried out
by the teacher. The Study of Natural Sciences allows for many differences of opinion according to individual
observations so it requires direct practice. Science is a great human enterprise, not only endless and faceless
but also stable and fluid [1]. It is a self-accumulating, self-growing, self-pervading, self-accelerating, and
self-correcting enterprise which is originated in the collective curiosity of man since immemorial time.
Indirectly a concept in Science will be easily accepted by students if in the learning process students can see
the process of finding a concept or theory. The extent to which students accept and master a concept in
science is reviewed by the ability to understand the concept of science that is able to solve the problems
specified in the teaching and learning process that ability is shown by its achievement value [5].
In the learning process the teacher does not only focus on the cognitive aspects of students but also
the affective aspects of students namely attitudes. Attitude has often been described as "response tendencies"
or as state characterized by "readiness to respond" [6]. This means that attitude is often described as a
tendency for response or as a characteristic of the state of readiness to respond. The attitude of students
towards science subjects can be seen from how they respond to natural science subjects whether they are
interested in science or the difficulty of natural science subjects. One of the goals of science learning is to
cultivate students' positive attitudes towards science [7]. This positive attitude can be interpreted as an
attitude that supports students to learn, such as enjoying a lesson and a negative attitude is an attitude that
prevents students from learning. Perceptions or misperceptions about science mediate the link between
knowledge and attitudes (scientific knowledge → perceptions about science → attitudes toward science) [8].
After students complete the teaching and learning process, there is another more important result in
the form of evaluating students' abilities as individuals who receive the results of the learning process.
According to Thoha, there are several models of evaluation formulation, one of which is a mental process
approach in which the objectives of evaluation are more used to measure attitudes [9]. Attitude measurement
is very important because the teacher can know each student responds to science learning with an indication
that students reject or accept science learning in students. The school word 'attitude' is often used in the
academic life of students [10]. Attitude is an ability to evaluate something that is reflected by the attitude of
accepting, rejecting, or ignoring [11]. Students' attitudes towards learning science in heterogeneous groups
are not influenced by different cultures and backgrounds [12]. Attitudes toward science are important
because attitudes can enhance the educational achievements of students and affect their performance [13].
Students' attitudes toward science measured in this study can be seen through three indicators adopted from
Fraser [14], namely the social implications of science, attitudes towards investigation in science, and
enjoyment in learning science.
The social implications of science are the effects or impacts of learning science on social life. For
example it can be in the form of attitudes towards social benefits and the problem of progress and scientific
research [15]. The social implications of science alone have benefits for every student, because it will form
independence and cooperation in the learning process. The conception that understands someone as a self-
sufficient, independent, self-reliant, and self-realizing individual [16]. In school learning activities, the social
implications of science often occur, one example is when the division of learning groups. At that time
students are required to work together and communicate well between students in the study group. Group
work gives students a more accurate picture of how others see themselves and get a better understanding of
themselves so that they can help evaluate students' interpersonal behavior [17]. In addition, in group work
students are required to know each other personally. students and regulate the equal distribution of the work
distribution of each individual, both in terms of ability or expertise, doing it yourself can also be justified.
The form of independence of students can also be seen from the work done by the teacher or homework as
well as how students add insight through enrichment and others.
Attitudes towards investigations in physics contain students' perceptions of ways or actions in
solving problems or problems in physics. In studying physics, students usually conduct investigations, both
in class and laboratory learning. Although it encompasses traditional science processes, inquiry also refers to
combining these processes with scientific knowledge and reasoning and critical thinking [18-20]. Learners
develop a belief during school that to get conclusions they need step by step to be followed in a scientific
method, this is how scientists produce new knowledge [21]. The form of physics investigation in the
classroom can be seen from the steps of how students answer a problem, namely by observing illustrated
images of events, collecting and classifying known data, interpreting and analysing using appropriate
formulas for problem solving. When laboratories, physics investigations by students can be seen from how
students obtain experimental data, namely by observing and deciding the tools that need to be used, making
hypotheses, taking or collecting data based on appropriate procedures to prove hypotheses, measuring
objects, analysing experimental data later infer results and compare data with theory.
Enjoyment in learning is the emotion expression of students intrinsically linked to student
motivation to learn, with learning and school performance at school [22-24]. The pleasure of learning in
science can be defined that every student who has a positive attitude towards science must have comfort and
feel pleasure. "Students rate their 'pleasure' from activities (Hate, Dislike, don't care, Like, love), while the
teacher assesses the 'usefulness' of each activity" [25]. It can be concluded that students' enjoyment during
the process of learning science can be seen from students responding to the learning, in general the indicators
of pleasure in learning science are expressed happily or unhappily and like or dislike. The happy or like
attitude of each student will deduce the students' pleasure towards science, while the attitude of dislike or
dislike will conclude students have a dislike of science. Student's happy attitude towards science can be
shown how students are open and enthusiastic about science in and outside the classroom.
The purpose of this research is to find out how the attitude of junior high school students towards
science subjects and the constraints of 3 (three) indicators. In this research, the questions of research are: 1)
what is the attitude of students towards the social implications of science?; 2) what is the attitude of students
towards attitudes towards research in science?; 3) how do students enjoy the attitude of learning science?;
and 4) what are the constraints of social implications in science, attitudes toward inquiry in science, pleasure
in learning science?
This research uses survey research. Survey research examines large (or small) populations (or
universes) by selecting and reviewing selected samples from a population [25]. From this sample too,
researchers are able to generalize and make decisions about populations [26, 27]. The research subjects were
students of junior high school 2 Batanghari Regency, Jambi Province, Indonesia who were taken using a
simple random sampling technique. The number of junior high school students studied was 280 students
consisting of 7th grade, 8th grade, and 9th grade.
Data collection is done through the provision of instruments, namely questionnaires. This
questionnaire has 18 attitude valid statements. Dimensions of students' attitudes toward science subjects
studied based on predetermined indicators, namely the social implications of science (social implications of
science), attitudes towards investigation in science (an attitude toward science investigation), enjoyment in
learning science (enjoyment of science lessons). The attitude of students in science in this study using a
Likert scale. Likert scale with type of scale strongly agree (SA), agree (A), doubt (R), disagree (D), and
strongly disagree (DS). Each positive item on the instrument has a value: SS = 5, S = 4, R = 3, TS = 2, and
STS = 1. The score is reversed for negative items. This questionnaire data was given to students in grades 7,
8, and 9 of Junior High School 2 Batanghari Regency.
The categories of problem solving questions include, very good, good, not good, and very not good,
like Table 1.
This research data is in the form of quantitative data and analysed using descriptive statistics. i.e.
standard deviations, mean, mode, median, min, max, and category. The results of the questionnaire data were
processed with the help of a computer using the SPSS program version 21.0. This process aims to see
students' attitudes towards science subjects at junior high school 2 Batanghari District based on
predetermined attitude indicators.
J. Edu. & Learn. Vol. 14, No. 4, November 2020: 566 – 574
J. Edu. & Learn. ISSN: 2089-9823 569
From the Table 2, students' attitudes towards science are based on indicators. Social implications of
science in junior high school, the results of the data show that: the category of student attitudes is not very
good as much as 0.7% (2 out of 280), students categorized as bad as much as 2.1 % (6 out of 280 students),
students in the moderate category were 18.9% (53 out of 280 students), students in the good category were
57.9% (162 out of 280 students), and students with very good attitudes were 20.4 % (57 out of 280 students).
While based on the attitude scale shows the data obtained is a mean value of 20.85, mode is 20, other than
that from the data analysis obtained standard deviation (2.467) is smaller (<) than the mean (20.85), this
means the value The mean is a representation of all research data samples or shows valid research data.
These results indicate that students' attitudes toward science on the indicators of adoption of scientific
attitudes, students have a positive attitude and in the good category. This is supported from the results of the
data above which shows 57.9% of students or 162 students out of 280 total students are in good range and
supported by the mode score or dominant attitude scale is 4 "good".
The social implications of science describe how students apply what they learn from science in
social life. Table 2 reveals that students 'attitudes based on the social implications of Natural Sciences have
good categories with Mean 20.85 and Mode 20. From the results of these means and modes reveal that
students' attitudes towards indicators of social implications of Natural Sciences are included in both
categories. Furthermore, it is also supported from the results of data analysis in Table 2 showing that 57.9%
or 162 of the 280 students were in the good category and 20.4% or 57 of the 280 students were in the
excellent category. This is supported by the results of the interview below:
From the interview results the attitude of students about science is dominantly good, meaning that
students assume that science has a big influence on their daily lives. It shows that the Attitude towards
science teaching is a very significant outcome of the process of science education [29-33]. So it can be
concluded that the indicators of the social implications of Natural Sciences in this study indicate that
students' attitudes are more dominant in the good category, and students show a positive attitude towards
science in the good category. Good attitude categories from the results of data analysis are also supported by
the main factors, first students have a happy attitude to learn science and are able to apply what they learn in
everyday life. In line with Akpinar states a positive attitude towards science is associated with a positive
attitude about the usefulness of science [34-38].
the results of the data above shows the data obtained is a mean value of 19.18, mode is 20. Besides the
standard deviation (2.605) is smaller (<) than the mean (19.18), this means the value the mean is a
representation of all sample data that is examined or shows valid research data. These results indicate
students' attitudes towards science on the indicator of pleasure in learning in science show a positive attitude
to science and seen from the results of data analysis that 45.4% of students or 127 of a total of 280 students in
both categories. This is also supported by the results of the attitude scale on the questionnaire that most
students choose is scale 4 which is "good".
The results of interviews conducted showed the attitude of students towards natural science subjects
in both categories. That is, students think that science is one of the fun lessons. This positive attitude is
proven by the average student who agrees that science is fun and is also one of the most interesting subjects.
One example of students' enjoyment in science is that students are motivated to seek more knowledge in the
field of science. Enjoyment is considered the mechanism that encourages the concentration of learners, helps
the learning process, and builds the learning environment or is defined Fun is considered a mechanism that
encourages the concentration of students, helps the learning process, and builds a learning environment
J. Edu. & Learn. Vol. 14, No. 4, November 2020: 566 – 574
J. Edu. & Learn. ISSN: 2089-9823 571
The results of the questionnaire data analysis in Table 4 with the attitude indicators in the
investigation of physics in the Batanghari Regency High School showed that the dominant students were in
the good category. Based on the results of the interview, students who are categorized as good have an active
attitude in doing, if they find things that are contrary to the experimental results, students respond critically,
have high curiosity and never give up.
“Question: How do you feel when conducting experiments? Explain the reasons.
Answer: I like it. Conduct experiments / experiments. By doing experiments, physics lessons are not
boring. I also became aware of the application of physical laws.
Question: If you have trouble finding answers or certain things during your experiment, would you
rather find your own answers or ask a friend?
Answer: If I still can, I prefer to find out for myself and read in the book. But if I really don't know, I
just asked my teacher or friend.”
The results of interviews conducted, found that students like to do experiments, which indicates that
students like to think critically, discover new interesting things from physics through their investigations.
Physics is based on concepts so that learning these abstract things will have obstacles for students and
teachers [44-46]. By conducting experiments, abstract physics becomes easier to understand and interest of
students. Students who are still strong in finding answers to difficult problems in the investigation show
students' confidence in their abilities. The students' confidence in their ability to study natural sciences and
mathematics greatly determines their involvement in investigation activities [47-49]. The attitude of students
who like to ask questions after trying to find solutions or answers shows that the curiosity of students is very
large towards the investigation conducted. Appreciation forms and support for scientific inquiry from
students shows that they value the scientific way of collecting evidence, thinking creatively, thinking
rationally, responding critically, and communicating, conclusions, because they face life situations related to
science [50, 51].
Based on the Table 5, there are still obstacles to the three attitudes indicators measured. These
results indicate that the Social Implication indicator of Natural Sciences is a constraint of 2.8% (8 out of 280
students). The indicator of pleasure in learning science shows a constant value of 3.6% (10 out of 280
students). Whereas the Attitude towards Natural Sciences Investigation indicator shows the value of obstacles
is 8.6% (24 out of 280 students). From these results it can be seen that the biggest obstacle is the attitude
indicator towards the Natural Science inquiry.
The indicators of the Social Implications of Natural Sciences are good, the pleasure of learning
Natural Sciences is good, and the attitude towards natural science investigations is quite good. The overall
attitude of students towards science in Batanghari is quite good. Then it can be concluded the attitude of
junior high school students towards science in Batanghari Regency has a positive attitude. This illustrates that
the acceptance of science subjects in the eyes of students receives positive attention, which can affect science
learning outcomes more optimally.
Thanks to the whole school principal, who has permitted me to research his school. Moreover, all
the teachers who helped during the study and all the respondents who had been willing to help me be
sampled in this study, I thank you as much as possible.
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Tanti is an associate professor in the faculty of Science and Technology and Lecturer in Physics
Education at the Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Thaha Saifuddin, Jalan Raya Jambi – Ma.
Bulian, KM 17, Mendalo Indah, Jambi, 36361.
Dwi Agus Kurniawan is a lecturer and member of the ASPS Group Research (Attitude Towards
Science and Science Processing Skills) and Ethnoconstructivism. His research interest includes
E-Assessment, Evaluation specially in Attitude Towards Physics and Science Processing Skills
and Ethnoconstructivism. The age level of a child will experience very much difference, both in
the form of his mindset, his skills, his relationships, knowledge of local wisdom, knowledge of
indigenous science and his attitude as a student for science education. For teachers, it is very
useful to know the differences in the mindset of their students, and about their daily interactions,
and the behavior of their students. Benefits that can be obtained are: can create the right
classroom for students, can provide innovative and varied learning methods, can provide lessons
on deep moral aqidah, and explain the consequences for those who violate certain rules. He
works at Physics Education Program, Universitas Jambi, Indonesia.
Lika Anggraini is a postgraduate student in and member Group Research ASPS (Attitude
Towards Physics and Science Processing Skills). Science Education Program, Universitas Jambi,
Jalan Raya Jambi – Ma. Bulian, KM 15, Mendalo Indah, Jambi, 36361, Indonesia. His research
interest include E-Assessment and Evaluation specially in Attitude Towards Physics and Science
Processing Skills
Rahmat Perdana is a graduate student at universitas Jambi and member of the ASPS Group
Research (Attitude Towards Physics and Science Processing Skills). The current research is
Attitude Towards Physics E-Assessment. Student learning attitudes will manifest in the form of
feeling happy or not happy, agree or disagree, like or dislike those things. This attitude will
affect the process and learning outcomes achieved. In learning physics studies, good learning
outcomes will be obtained if in delivering subject matter, the teacher can apply learning methods
that are in accordance with the characteristics of students. Because the attitude towards science is
very important for life now, students who have the attitude of science are needed in the present
because modern society is very dependent on science
J. Edu. & Learn. Vol. 14, No. 4, November 2020: 566 – 574