Glass Group 10
Glass Group 10
Glass Group 10
Glass is an amorphous hard, bittle, transparent or translucent super cooled liquid of infinite
viscosity. The term of glass signifies an amorphous solid substance that has been formed by
super cooling, a liquid solution containing chiefly silica and some other selected component.
Glass has been made into practical and decorative objects since ancient times, and it is still
very important in applications as disparate as building construction, housewares and
2.1.1 Density
The density of glass is 2, 5, which gives flat glass a mass of 2, 5 kg per m2 per mm of
thickness, or 2500 kg per m3.
The compressive strength of glass is extremely high: 1000 N/mm2 = 1000 MPa. This means
that to shatter a 1 cm cube of glass, it requires a load of some 10 tonnes.
When glass is deflected, it has one face under compression and the other in tension. Whilst
the resistance of glass to compressive stress is extremely high, its resistance to tensile stress is
significantly lower.
II. 120 MPa for toughened glass (depending on thickness, edgework, holes, notches etc).
The increased strength of toughened glass is the result of the toughening process putting both
faces under high compression. Dual Seal Glass can advise on appropriate working stresses for
different glass types and can calculate suitable thicknesses for architectural applications.
2.1.5 Elasticity
Glass is a perfectly elastic material: it does not exhibit permanent deformation, until
breakage. However it is fragile, and will break without warning if subjected to excessive
This modulus expresses the tensile force thatwould theoretically have to be applied to a glass
sample to stretch it by an amount equal to its original length. It is expressed as a force per
unit area. For glass, in accordance with European standards: E = 70 GPa.
Although several glass making processes have been used for many years, most glass today is
produced by the float process. The first production of glass by this method was in 1959 by the
English firm, Pilkington Brothers, Ltd. This process is now used worldwide.
The float process involves producing the molten glass in a furnace from which it is conveyed
to a float bath. Here the molten glass is floated across a bath molten tin (Fig. 1). The molten
tin gives a very flat surface that supports the glass as it is polished by the application of heat
from above. The heat melts out any irregularities in the glass. The ribbon of glass moves on
to a cooling zone where heat is reduced, permitting the glass to solidify enough to be
conveyed on to the annealing lehr. After the glass has been annealed, it is moved to a section
where it is cut into lengths, inspected, and packed. The sheets of glass produced by this
method have parallel surfaces, a smooth=, clear finish, and high optical clarity.
Float glass is a flat glass that is available as regular float glass or heavy float glass.
Thicknesses range from 3/32 to 1/2 in. (2.5 to 12mm). Regular float glass is made in three
qualities: silvering, which is used for selected high-quality pieces for optical uses and
mirrors; mirror glazing, which is for general-purpose mirrors; and glazing, which is for door
and window glazing. Heavy float glass is available in glazed type. Float glass is used when
clarity and visual transparency with a minimum of distortion are desired. Float glass is used
for many many products, such as reflective glass, mirrors, tinted glass, laminated glass, and
insulating glass. Selected data are in Table 1.1.
Thickness In mm
3/32 2.5
3.0.2 Sheet Glass
Sheet glass is a type of flat glass that is less expensive than float glass. It is made by older
methods than involve drawing a ribbon of molten glass along a series rollers where its
thickness is established and it is annealed, cooled, and cut to size. Sheet glass has more
distortion than float glass and is not as widely used as in the past. It is available in single
strength, 3/32 in. (2.3 mm) thick; double strength, 1/8 in. (3.1 mm) thick; and heavy sheet,
3/16 in. (4.7 mm) and 7/32 in. (5.6 mm) thick. Picture glass is a thinner version, 3/64, 1/16,
and 5/64 in. (1.2, 1.6, and 2.0 mm) thick, that is used for covering pictures and charts, and for
other purpose for which strength is not a factor. Sheet glass is available in three grades, AA
(best), A (good), and B (general glazed) and as clear, tinted, reflective, tempered or heat-
treated products.
Glass product involves two main methods which is the float glass process that produces sheet
glass, and glassblowing that produces bottles and other containers. It has been done in a
variety of ways during the history of glass.
Glass blowing is a glass forming technique that humans have used to shape glass since the 1 st
century B.C. The technique consists of inflating molten glass with a blow pipe to form a sort
of glass bubble, that can be molded into glassware for practical or artistic purposes.
Thanks to the glass blowing glass process, glass has been one of the most useful materials in
human society for centuries.
There are two types of glass made by the float process, clear glass and tinted glass. Most of
the flat glass made by the float process is clear glass. As its name implies, clear glass is
transparent and colorless. Depending upon its thickness, clear glass allows about 75 to 92
percent of the visible light to pass through.
Tinted glass (also called heat absorbing glass) is made by adding coloring agents to the batch
mix. These agents include bronze, gray, green and blue. As the glass gets thicker, the density
of the color also increases. This causes the glass to transmit less visible light. The light
transmittance of tinted glass varies from 14 to 83 percent depending upon its color and
In order to make clear glass, the right set of raw materials is required. This consists of silica
sand (SiO2), sodium oxide (Na2O) from soda ash, calcium oxide (CaO) from
limestone/dolomite, dolomite (MgO), and feldspar (Al2O3). These ingredients are mixed in
the right proportion, and the entire batch is flown into a furnace heated to 1500 degree
In order to impart colour to the glass, certain metal oxides are also mixed in the batch.
The molten material from the furnace flows into the float bath which consists of a mirror-like
surface made from molten tin. This material enters the bath at 1500 degree Celsius and leaves
the bath at around 650 degree Celsius. Its shape at the exit is like a solid ribbon.
Figure 1.2 Float bath
4.1.4 Annealing
Next, in order to remove the internal stresses built up in glass, a process called annealing is
done. This process allows the glass ribbon to pass through a layer which eliminates any
stresses on the glass surface and gradually cools it to give it its final hardened form. This
makes it easier to cut the glass and shape it accordingly.
4.1.5 Inspecting
Through acute and advanced inspection technology, more than a 100 million inspections can
be made throughout the glass manufacturing procedure to identify air bubbles, stresses or
grains of sand that refuse to melt. This is essential in quality-proofing the final form of glass.
Finally, diamond steels are used to trim and cut the glass ribbons into square shapes.
An art glass studio is filled with hot stuff. There is a furnace in which clear glass is melted.
The glass is held inside a crucible, pictured at the right. There is a Glory Hole where the glass
blower forms or her work, an oven that keeps pipes and punties hot, and an annealing oven to
slowly cool down finished work.
A piece begins when the glass blower reaches inside the furnace and into the crucible that is
filled with clear, melted glass and gathers a layer of molten glass on a steel blow pipe. The
artist then rolls the molten glass on a steel table called a marver to give it a cylindrical shape.
The glass is then heated in the glory hole-all the while the artist is turning the blow pipe and
keeping it in constant motion. There will be many trips back and forth to the Glory Hole
because the glass needs to be kept above 1000° F.
Next, it’s time to add color to the piece. Various forms of colored glass such as powders, frits
and bars are used to create varied patterns and designs in the piece. The artist takes the heated
glass on the blow pipe and rolls it over the color, picking up pieces with each roll. Then, it’s
back to the Glory Hole where the colored glass is heated to melt into the clear. Again, the
glass blower keeps turning the pipe to keep the shape at the end of the pole.
4.2.3 Constant motion
The glass blower sits and rests the pipe on the steel arms of the bench and turns it with one
hand. With the other hand the artist uses tools such as cherry wood blocks, wet newspaper,
wooden paddles and tools made of stainless steel. This process requires perfect coordination
between right and left hands. The artist may be shaping a round piece, an oval, or intend to
make a wide open plate or bowl. Sitting at the bench is where she determines the shape.The
artist may decide to add more clear glass or color. The process of heating and turning in the
Glory Hole and shaping at the bench will be repeated many times.
The actual blowing begins. It starts with a puff on the end of the blow pipe to create a bubble.
Then it's back to the Glory Hole for more heating and turning. And back to the bench for
more shaping. This cycle gets repeated many times, depending on the size and shape desired
by the artist. Once the shape is satisfactory, the piece has to be transferred to a punty another
steel pipe that's been heating over flames. Moving the piece from the blow pipe to the punty
will make it possible for the artist to create the opening of the vase or the bowl. The punty
will be attached to what will become the bottom of the piece.
The artist- or an assistant - takes a small gather of clear glass from the furnace. As the glass
blower seated at the bench briefly stops turning the piece, the punty with the molten glass is
attached to the other end. At the right moment, the artist wraps the blow pipe and it breaks
away, leaving the piece attached to the Punty. This is a tricky step in the process and the
transfer sometimes results in a dropped piece. Since glass is hard to rescue, that usually
means starting all over.
The piece on the punty is again heated in the Glory Hole. Then the blower returns to the
bench and uses a variety of tools to create the mouth of a vase or to open up a vessel. He or
she will use the heat in the Glory Hole to to make changes in the shape of the piece using
other tools at the bench. When the glass blower is satisfied, it's time to remove the plece from
the punty. The blower then takes the punty and hits it firmly so that the piece drops off into a
box that is filled with thick layers of fire blanket. The blower then takes the punty and hits it
firmly so that the piece drops off into a box that is filled with thick layers of fire blanket.
Using Kevlar gloves, the artist picks up the scorching-hot piece and quickly transfers it to an
annealing oven. This oven is kept at 960ºF and then cooled down over a period of 14 hours to
room temperature. This slow cooling down is to prevent the piece from cracking or breaking -
although glass blowers sometimes get a few unhappy surprises when they open the oven the
next day.Finally, if needed, the artist grinds down the bottom of the piece to eliminate the
sharp edges that were left when the piece was knocked off the punty.Glass blowing requires
extreme patience, tenacity and dexterity. That said, people of all ages and many physical
abilities have learned to blow glass and delight in its magic.
We know that things have advantage and disadvantage, so for advantage in this topic is glass
does not rust, so chemical and environmental effects do not gradually damage it. Besides that,
glass has a smooth glossy surface and easily to cleaned because it is dust proof. Thirdly, glass
allows natural light to reach the house even though doors or windows are closed, so it saves
energy and also decrease electricity bills, brightens the space and most importantly, brings
out the nature of the homeland, improving the occupant’s mood.
Next we go trough disadvantage for glass is the glass is very rigid and brittle materials so
when it is subjected to stress, it breaks without significant (strain). Lastly, broken glass pieces
can be sharp, and there is a very high risk of injury.
Glass is commonly used in the building industries. It is most typically used as transparent
glazing material in the building envelope, including windows in the external walls. Glass is
also used for internal partitions and as an architectural feature. When used in buildings, glass
is often of a safety type, which include reinforced, toughened and laminated glasses. That is
because, glass can absorb, refract or transmit light. It has the ability to make any building
look more stunning and modern. Using glass in building facades and interiors enhances the
ambience. Interiors appear larger and more open, with abundant natural lighting. In addition,
glass is much safer from electric hazards. The glass is a very excellent insulator. It is thus
impossible for it to conduct electric current. Glass is also rust resistant. Unlike any other, it
won’t degrade by chemical and the surrounding environmental effects.
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