Physics Practical Viva Questions

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1 What is meant by Error in a measurement? How error can be minimised?

2 What is Least Count (LC)? How is it found for Vernier scale and Screw Gauge?
3 What is the advantage of using Vernier Caliper and Screw Gauge for the
measurement of length?
4 What Are the smallest and largest unit of length? How many meters are there in
1 micron and 1 angstrom?
5 What is the radius of curvature ?Define Sagitta.
6 What are the factors on which time period of a simple pendulum depends? How
time period changes from the equator to poles ?
7 What is the amplitude of the oscillation? Why it is kept small for the measurement
of time period of simple pendulum?
8 How will the time period of simple pendulum change when the bob is replaced by
another bob of
(i) Same mass and larger size
(ii) Same size and of larger mass
9 What is spring constant or force constant of a spring? What is its SI unit?
10 How do we measure extension in a spring? What is the purpose of measuring
extension on increasing and decreasing load?
11 What is elastic limit? Why large load shouldn’t be suspended for the measurement
of spring constant?
12 If load is 50 gm,then what is deforming force in newton(N) ?
13 What does the cooling curve represent ?Why it becomes nearly parallel to the time
axis?What does it imply?
14 What are free and forced oscillations? Define resonance in a forced oscillation?
15 How can you change the frequency of vibration of a stretched string? What is the
formula for frequency of this vibration ?
16 Define Pitch of Screw Gauge ( OR ) Spherometer.
If the pitch is 1 mm and no of divisions on the circular scale is 200 ,thern what is
the Least Count?
17 What are positive and negative errors?
How do we measure the zero error of (i) Vernier Caliper and (ii) Screw Gauge ?
18 What is the condition of equilibrium if a number of forced are acting at a point ?
19 How you can produce free vibration and forced vibration in the string of a
20 What is the purpose of sliding bridges, in the sonometer experiment?

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