Warlock - Accursed Archive Patron: Intelligence-Based Warlock (Optional)
Warlock - Accursed Archive Patron: Intelligence-Based Warlock (Optional)
Warlock - Accursed Archive Patron: Intelligence-Based Warlock (Optional)
In every library there is a book that has never been opened, a corridor that leads to
nowhere or a section that has never been seen. Yet few mortals have managed to
read the forbidden tome of nightmare writings and stepped beyond the dead-end
corridors. The Accursed Archive collects souls to do its work, to share the truths of
the dark and bring the law and chaos of forbidden knowledge and secrets.
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom instead of Charisma and Wisdom when you
choose this class.
You can use an action to open a gateway to enter the Accursed Archive along with
ten willing creatures of your choosing. Time does not pass outside while you are in
the Archive. You cannot rest or regain HP while in the Archive. When you leave
the Archive you are returned back to the same point when you entered it.
Once you use this feature you must complete a long rest to do it again.
Index Incarnatus
At 6th level, you are able to understand the Index Incarnatus with not as much
difficulty as other mortal beings. You gain advantage on skill checks and saving
throws while reading the Index Incarnatus to locate obscure, dark, and disturbing
secrets. Additionally whenever you are required to make an Intelligence saving
throw you have advantage on the roll.
Vile Knowledge
At 10th level, you uncover secrets that could alter the laws of magic, time and space
itself. Choose a spell of 4th level or lower from any class’s spell list. You can cast
this spell once using a warlock spell slot. Once you cast the spell, you cannot do so
again until you finish a long rest.
Whenever you are within the Archive, you can exchange this spell for another, but
cannot use it until you finish a long rest. Additionally, whenever you cast your
chosen spell, you gain immunity to the frightened condition due to the darkness
that has conditioned you. This immunity lasts until your next rest.
Unspeakable Truths
At 14th level, you discover the real purpose of the Accursed Archive, to spread the
information that will bring law and chaos to the world of Lunitar. When you spend
1 minute talking or communicating to another creature, you can attempt to share an
Unspeakable Truth with them.
All creatures who can hear you and understand your words must make a Wis
saving throw. If they fail, they are driven mad and suffer confusion as though
affected by the *Confusion spell indefinitely. They can repeat the save with
disadvantage each time they take damage, ending the effect. However, if they
succeed the first saving throw, they can cast a single spell of your choosing of 3rd
level or lower without using a spell slot. All creatures receive the use of that spell,
and you choose the spell each time you use this feature. Charisma is their
spellcasting modifier for this spell. A creature can only be affected by this feature
once every 24 hours.
Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.
Eldritch Invocations
You gain advantage on saving throws while within the Archive. Whenever you cast a spell of 1st
level or higher that deals damage, you can use your bonus action to cause one target of the spell
to become vulnerable to a single damage type until the start of your next turn, rolled randomly on
a 1d4. 1-Fire 2-Cold 3-Poison 4-Necrotic
Using your Pact of the Blade feature, you can create a whip made of raven feathers and hide of
abominations that always bleed black ink. Whenever you hit a creature with this weapon, you
can cast the *Hex spell without expending a spell slot. One you use this feature you must
complete a short or long rest to do it again.
Your flesh is imbued with terrible might, while you are not wearing armor, you can choose to
have your AC equal to 11+Int modifier
You may have the record-hunter familiar, it gains additional max HP equal to your warlock level
and gain the ability to cast the *Mending cantrip.
When you cast *Eldritch blast, you can use your bonus action to convert it into an Archivist
Blast. Each beam deals 3d4 psychic damage, and one target struck of your choosing cannot take
reactions until the start of its next turn.