Chapter 2 - Factors Impacting Water Flooding
Chapter 2 - Factors Impacting Water Flooding
Chapter 2 - Factors Impacting Water Flooding
N p Bo
Sox 1 1 S wc
N Boi
N= Original oil-in-place, STB
Np=primary oil production between initial and current reservoir pressure, STB
Bo= oil formation factor at prevailing pressure, RB/STB
Swc= Water saturation
Example 2---Calculate Oil Saturation at the start
of water flood
• A reservoir is a candidate for water flooding.
The primary oil recovery from initial pressure
to current pressure Np/N is 12%. The connate
water saturation is 36%, and the oil formation
volumetric factors at the initial (bubble-point)
pressure and at current pressure are 1.35 and
1.05 RVB/STB, respectively. Estimate the initial
oil saturation and the oil saturation at the
current pressure (start of the water flood).
Reservoir Factors to Consider
• Reservoir Pore Volume
• Reservoir Geometry
• Fluid Properties
• Lithology and Rock Properties
• Reservoir Depth
• Reservoir uniformity and pay continuity
• Injectivity
• Primary reservoir driving mechanisms
– Formation Wettability
– Capillary pressure
– Displacement efficiency
– Areal Sweep efficiency
– Vertical Sweep Efficiency
Reservoir Geometry
• The areal geometry of the reservoir will influence the location
of wells and, if offshore, will influence the location and
number of platforms required.
• The reservoir’s geometry will essentially dictate the methods
by which a reservoir can be produced through water-injection
• An analysis of reservoir geometry and past reservoir
performance is often important when defining the presence
and strength of a natural water drive and, thus, when defining
the need to supplement the natural injection.
Fluid properties
• The physical properties of the reservoir fluids have
pronounced effects on the suitability of a given reservoir for
further development by waterflooding.
• The viscosity of the crude oil is considered the most important
fluid property that affects the degree of success of a
waterflooding project.
• The oil viscosity has the important effect of determining the
mobility ratio that, in turn, controls the sweep efficiency.
• Formation water compositions
Reservoir Depth
• Reservoir depth has an important influence on both the technical and
economic aspects of a secondary or tertiary recovery project.
• Maximum injection pressure will increase with depth. A shallow reservoir
imposes a restraint on the injection pressure that can be used, because
this must be less than fracture pressure.
– There is a critical pressure (approximately 1 psi/ft of depth) that, if exceeded, permits
the injecting water to expand openings along fractures or to create fractures. This
results in the channeling of the injected water or the bypassing of large portions of the
reservoir matrix.
– An operational pressure gradient of 0.75 psi/ft of depth normally is allowed to provide a
sufficient margin of safety to prevent pressure parting.
• The costs of lifting oil from very deep wells will limit the maximum
economic water–oil ratios that can be tolerated, thereby reducing the
ultimate recovery factor and increasing the total project operating costs.
Lithology and Rock Properties
– Porosity
– Permeability
– Wettability
– Capillary pressure
– Relative permeability
– Clay content
– Net thickness
Fluid Saturations
• In determining the suitability of a reservoir for water
flooding, a high oil saturation that provides a
sufficient supply of recoverable oil is the primary
criterion for successful flooding operations.
• Note that higher oil saturation at the beginning of
flood operations increases the oil mobility that, in
turn, gives higher recovery efficiency.
Reservoir Uniformity and Pay Continuity
• Substantial reservoir uniformity is one of the major physical
criterions for successful water flooding.
• The lower depletion pressure that may exist in the highly
permeable zones will also aggravate the water-channeling tendency
due to the high-permeability variations.
• Areal continuity of the pay zone is also a prerequisite for a
successful waterflooding project. Isolated lenses may be effectively
depleted by a single well completion, but a flood mechanism
requires that both the injector and producer be present in the lens.
• Breaks in pay continuity and reservoir anisotropy caused by
depositional conditions, fractures, or faulting need to be identified
and described before determining the proper well spanning and the
suitable flood pattern orientation.
Primary Reservoir Driving Mechanisms
These calculation is approximate, and therefore, oil recovery may fall outside these ranges.
Water-drive Reservoirs
• Water-drive reservoirs that are classified as strong
water-drive reservoirs are not usually considered to be
good candidates for water flooding. However, in some
instances a natural water drive could be supplemented
by water injection in order to:
– Support a higher withdrawal rate
– Better distribute the water volume to different areas of the
field to achieve more uniform areal coverage
– Better balance voidage and influx volumes.
Gas-cap Reservoirs
• Not normally good waterflood prospects because the primary
mechanism may be quite efficient without water injection. In these
cases, gas injection may be considered in order to help maintain
• Smaller gas-cap drives may be considered as waterflood prospects,
but the existence of the gas cap will require greater care to prevent
migration of displaced oil into the gas cap.
• If a gas cap is repressured with water, a substantial volume may be
required for this purpose, thereby lengthening the project life and
requiring a higher volume of water.
• If the vertical communication between the gas cap and the oil zone
is considered poor due to low vertical permeability, a waterflood
may be appropriate in this case.
Solution gas-drive mechanisms
• Generally are considered the best candidates for waterfloods.
Because the primary recovery will usually be low, the
potential exists for substantial additional recovery by water
• The typical range of water-drive recovery is approximately
double that of solution gas drive. As a general guideline,
waterfloods in solution gas-drive reservoirs frequently will
recover an additional amount of oil equal to primary recovery.
Volumetric under-saturated oil reservoirs
Porosity is defined as the pore volume per unit volume of the rock formation
A strongly fractured chalk from an area of only mild deformation. Such fractures are
commonly late diagenetic, and postdate most other diagenetic features in the rock.
Vug Porosity
•Measure total porosity: If put the crushed grains in the cup
VGR----Grain Volume, Vb—Bulk volume
Vb Vunc----Isolated volume,
VHP—The volume measured by Helium Porosimeter
Helium Porosimeter to Measure Porosity (Cont)
k= Darcy's law
Velocities in Reservoir Engineering...
• Superficial velocity
u = flow rate / area normal to flow
• Interstitial velocity
v = superficial velocity / porosity
(Absolute) Permeability...
The Basic Flow Property of a Medium
• Depends on direction
kx 0 0
k 0 ky 0
0 0 kz
kz Vertical permeability
The Tensorial Nature of
Absolute Permeability Measurement
Method 2:
gas permeability
Klinkenberg Effect
Gas Permeability Calculation
2Qgsc m g L pb pm
p1 p2
Ap p 2
2 Qgscpb=qmpm