Name: Tuan Mohamad Firdaus Bin Tuan Cob Matric Number: S21A0082 Group: Jfbkt1
Name: Tuan Mohamad Firdaus Bin Tuan Cob Matric Number: S21A0082 Group: Jfbkt1
Name: Tuan Mohamad Firdaus Bin Tuan Cob Matric Number: S21A0082 Group: Jfbkt1
The pandemic has impacted almost every corner of life, causing global
economies to stall, changing the way we work and interact with our loved
ones, and stretching healthcare systems to the limit. Governments around the
world have been forced to implement harsh restrictions on human activity to
curb the spread of the virus. One of the steps taken to reduce the spread of
the Covid-19 is to make sure that the community is immune to that virus. But,
there are some of the community refuse to take Covid-19 vaccination. Some
believe that people who refused to be vaccinated should not be allowed to
participate in social activities. I partially agree to this statement because every
single things happened have their own pros and cons. From my points of view,
the benefits of the government restricted anti-vaccines to participate in any
occasions are it risks the health of the surrounding community and it
encourages anti-vaccine to be vaccinated. Apart from that, I also disagree to
the statement because it restricts human rights and freedoms.
First and foremost, I agree with the statement that people who refused
to be vaccinated should not be allowed to participate in social activities
because it risks the health of the surrounding community. Based on my
opinion, this is because by letting unvaccinated people participating in social
activities, it risks the health of the surrounding community. Through a general
study, we found that a large proportion of vaccine intake greatly helped
prevent the spread of the virus more aggressively in 2021 than in the previous
year but that does not mean that vaccine could give 100% protection against
the virus. Unvaccinated people are prone to be infected easier than vaccinated
people. If such a thing is allowed to happen, perhaps it could threaten
universal health and restore increased Covid-19 statistics. Absolutely we
cannot underestimate the SOP in curbing the spread of Covid-19 virus in our
country. So, it is clear that unvaccinated people should not be allowed to take
part in social activities.
Next, I also agree to the statement people who refused to be vaccinated
should not be allowed to participate in social activities because it encourages
anti-vaccine to be vaccinated. In my point of view, due to high hesitation and
refusal against Covid-19 vaccination, the government has mandating the intake
of Covid-19 vaccine. If the individual still refuse to take the vaccine, their daily
activities might be limited. For example, dining at the restaurant, go to the gym
or shopping mall, going abroad and many more. Plus, the government has
stated the preference about whoever wants to pass the state border to meet
their family in the hometown, they have to get vaccine in the first place. All of
the requirement stated from the government to the community has
encouraged them to get the vaccination in order to fulfil their daily activities or
to spend times with the loved ones. In conclusion, I agree to the statement
because it encourage anti-vaccine to be vaccinated.
Even though there are many benefits that people who refused to be
vaccinated should not be allowed to participate in social activities I also
disagree to this statement because it restricts human rights and freedoms. In
my opinion, although they do not consent to vaccination but they also have
the right to carry out their daily routines and obligations. However, it is also
not a freedom that can be given without monitoring from certain parties. As
such, initiatives can be taken by implementing segregation systems such as
giving their own space for anti-vaccines and also restricting movement for
them. This is because, it can balance human needs as well as national laws and
at the same time create a good image for the national administration that can
show how efficient our country is in dealing with the problem of anti -vaccine
in this pandemic. In a nutshell, I also disagree to the statement because it
restricts human rights and freedoms.
To sum up, there were pros and cons of restricting unvaccinated people
from participating their social activities such as the surrounding community
could be affected and anti-vaccines will be encouraged to get vaccinated. One
of the cons of this statement is human rights and freedoms are violated. We as
a human being deserve to make the best decision in our own life. But, we also
have to make sure that whatever decision we make does not affect people
surrounding especially our loved ones. For example, we have the right for not
getting any vaccines but we have to think other people especially elders
because their immunity is not as strong as youngsters. I hope more people will
open their mind to get vaccinated as the days goes on.