Deploying Reactive Ddos Protection Using A10 Agalaxy System: Deployment Guide
Deploying Reactive Ddos Protection Using A10 Agalaxy System: Deployment Guide
Deploying Reactive Ddos Protection Using A10 Agalaxy System: Deployment Guide
system in a reactive mode
What is the solution? A step-by-step guide for
configuring aGalaxy and Thunder TPS
WITH A10 What is the goal? To educate IT administrators
on how to set up DDoS defense with aGalaxy
OVERVIEW............................................................................................................................................................................. 2
ASYMMETRIC REACTIVE DEPLOYMENT MODE................................................................................................................ 4
DEPLOYMENT DEPENDENCIES........................................................................................................................................... 5
NETWORK CONFIGURATION............................................................................................................................................... 5
NETWORK TOPOLOGY.......................................................................................................................................................... 6
HIGH-LEVEL DEPLOYMENT PROCEDURE.......................................................................................................................... 6
INITIAL DEVICE SETUP........................................................................................................................................................ 6
Thunder TPS Mitigator (Thunder TPS 4435) .........................................................................................................................................................................................6
Thunder TPS Detector (virtual Thunder TPS) .........................................................................................................................................................................................7
Edge Router (Thunder CFW running ACOS 4.1.0-P2)..............................................................................................................................................................................7
Internal Router (Thunder ADC running ACOS 4.1.4-P3)..........................................................................................................................................................................8
Flow Sampling Setting Examples for the Edge Router ..........................................................................................................................................................................8
SUMMARY........................................................................................................................................................................... 37
ABOUT A10 NETWORKS.................................................................................................................................................... 37
This document does not create any express or implied warranty about A10 Networks or about its products or services, including but not limited to fitness for a particular use and
noninfringement. A10 Networks has made reasonable efforts to verify that the information contained herein is accurate, but A10 Networks assumes no responsibility for its use. All
information is provided “as-is.” The product specifications and features described in this publication are based on the latest information available; however, specifications are subject
to change without notice, and certain features may not be available upon initial product release. Contact A10 Networks for current information regarding its products or services. A10
Networks’ products and services are subject to A10 Networks’ standard terms and conditions.
At asymmetric reactive deployment, inbound traffic follows the same “native” path as the return traffic during peacetime. When
an attack is detected, wartime action is initiated, and the inbound traffic is diverted along the “modified” path while the return
traffic still follows the “native” path.
With this deployment mode, a DDoS detection system is required in the network to gain the insight of the inbound traffic from
the exported flow data records and alerts the DDoS mitigation system to divert the inbound traffic to itself and apply on-demand
mitigation countermeasures. A centralized DDoS security incident and event management system can work in concert with a
DDoS detection system and DDoS mitigation system for effective automated DDoS monitoring, detection, alerting, orchestration,
protection, and reporting.
Thunder TPS
Traffic reactively (Mitigator)
routed through TPS Clean Traffic
As shown in Figure1, the asymmetric reactive deployment dictates that the Thunder TPS Detector goes through a learning period
to build a peacetime traffic baseline and behavior profiles as per Static Baseline design. When an attack is detected, the Thunder
TPS Detector sends a DDoS attack alert to the aGalaxy management system, then the aGalaxy management system instructs the
Thunder TPS Mitigator to initiate BPG route redirection (reactive) and applies mitigation countermeasures only on the client-to-
server direction of traffic (asymmetric).
This deployment guide provides comprehensive information about the topology and the reactive DDoS protection mode.
To expedite the deployment of reactive DDoS protection on A10 Thunder TPS systems using the A10 aGalaxy management
system, you need the following:
• One detector
- Hardware appliance: Thunder TPS 3040, 4435, 5845, or 7445 running ACOS 3.2.4-P2 or higher and its license
- Virtual appliance: Virtual Thunder TPS (hypervisor: ESXi or Hyper-V) running ACOS 3.2.4-P2 or higher and its license
NOTE: In this guide, virtual Thunder TPS is used as the detector device (Thunder TPS Detector).
• One aGalaxy
- Hardware appliance: aGalaxy 5000 running aGalaxy 5.0.2 or higher and its device management license
- Virtual appliance: virtual aGalaxy (hypervisor: ESXi or KVM) running aGalaxy 5.0.2 or higher and its device management
NOTE: In this guide, virtual aGalaxy is used to manage both Thunder TPS systems.
• Management Network connectivity between both Thunder TPS systems and the aGalaxy system
• sFlow Control Network connectivity between both Thunder TPS systems and the aGalaxy system
• Data Network connectivity among Thunder TPS Mitigator, Edge Router (on Thunder CFW), clients (simulating DDoS
attackers), Internal Router (on Thunder ADC), and servers (simulating DDoS targets)
Management Network Device management
NOTE: IP addresses and network configurations vary depending on the network environment. Please update and use these settings based on your environment.
vThunder TPS aGalaxy
Detector Management
sFlow/Control eth1
eth1 eth5
Thunder TPS
Data (Mitigator) Data
1. Complete the initial network and device configuration in the target deployment environment.
2. Set up the aGalaxy management system and the Thunder TPS systems under its management.
3. Create a protected zone in reactive mode using the built-in protection profiles on all protected services.
4. Create a protected zone in reactive mode using the customized protection profiles on selected protected services.
5. Validate both protected zones with DDoS attack test traffic.
• Management Network
• sFlow Control Network
• Data Network (OSPF, eBGP Neighboring)
• DDoS Protection
• DDoS Pattern Recognition
interface management router ospf 1
ip address network area 0
ip default-gateway network area 0
interface ethernet 1 router-id
name to_ExtRT_clients
ip address router bgp 65000
interface ethernet 2 neighbor remote-as 64512
name to_IntRT_servers route-map A10-SET-NEXT-HOP permit 1
ip address
interface ethernet 5 ddos protection enable
name to_xFlowNW ddos protection rate-interval 1sec
ip address ddos pattern-recognition dedicated-cpus 2
ddos pattern-recognition enable
• Management Network
• sFlow Control Network
• Management Network
• sFlow Control Network
• Data Network (OSPF, eBGP Neighboring)
• sFlow Settings
interface management router ospf 1
ip address network area 0
ip default-gateway network area 0
interface ethernet 2 router-id
name To_TPS redistribute connected
ip address
interface ethernet 3 router bgp 64512
name To_Int-Rt neighbor remote-as 65000
ip address
interface ethernet 4 sflow setting packet-sampling-rate 100
name CLT-NW-15 sflow collector ip 6343
ip address sflow agent address
interface ethernet 5 sflow source-address ip
name xFlow-NW sflow sampling ethernet 3 to 4
ip address
The following NetFlow examples for Cisco routers are included for reference.
This section describes the prerequisite configurations on each device used in this deployment guide, including interface, network,
and routing settings for a reference.
NOTE: aGalaxy installation on a VM requires assigning its Management IP and Gateway via its VM Console. More details can be found in the aGalaxy-TPS
Installation Guide.
2. Navigate to the Devices >> Device Settings >> sFlow page on the dropdown menu to review its sFlow settings, which should
use its IP address on Control Network with other Thunder TPS systems.
1. Navigate to the Devices >> Device List page on the dropdown menu, and click the + Add Devices button to both Thunder 4435
TPS (Mitigator) and virtual Thunder TPS (Detector) to be under aGalaxy-TPS management.
2. Confirm that both Thunder TPS systems have been added to the Device List.
NOTE: Thunder TPS (Detector) will show its Type as TPS Detector after it has completed its Configure Detection (Static Baseline) in the next step.
3. On the same Devices >> Device List page, at the virtual Thunder TPS entry, select Configure Detection action from its Action >
Details dropdown menu. On the Configure Detection page, use the following example:
NOTE: Changing the virtual Thunder TPS to Detector type requires a system reboot to take effect. Click the Proceed button on the next popup window.
4. Navigate to the Devices >> Device Groups page, create a device group (Demo_Mitigators as an example), and add the Thunder
4435 TPS system to this group.
NOTE: Device Group is used by aGalaxy-TPS to ease the DDoS operation on multiple Mitigators including populating protected zone configuration and instructing
wartime operations.
Figure 9: Updating the default zone operational policy
NOTE: This zone basis Rate Limit, also known as GLID, protects this protected zone from being saturated by any service traffic when under attack. More rate-limit
definitions can be created and customized on the Configurations >> Templates >> General >> GLID page.
f. Services: Add and/or delete the protected services from the default list to meet the DDoS protection needs, and select the
built-in Protection Profiles as shown below.
• UDP port 53 and port Other: A10_UDP_Default
• HTTP port 80 and TCP port Other: A10_HTTP_Default and A10_TCP_Default
• ICMPv4: A10_ICMP_v4_Default
NOTE: This default protected service list and the built-in zone service protection profiles and their service templates are curated by A10 Networks based on
customer feedback and field engineer input on what common services should be protected, what conditions should be detected and considered as
DDoS attacks, and what best countermeasures to apply to mitigate the attack. These built-in protection profiles and templates can be found on the
Configurations >> Templates >> Zone Service Protection Profile page and >> Zone Templates page on the dropdown menu.
NOTE: TCP:Other and UDP:Other are the “catch-all” service definitions that match any service traffic other than the explicitly defined ones. These two “catch-all”
services are quite useful when it comes to dealing with TCP and UDP reflection attacks.
g. Click Save & Exit at the bottom to complete this reactive203 zone creation. Upon clicking, aGalaxy starts to push this new
zone to the Thunder TPS Mitigator and Thunder TPS Detector as selected.
1. Change the Oper. Mode (Operational Mode) of this new protected zone to Learn to allow the Thunder TPS Detector to learn the
traffic thresholds of each protected service port and build a precise traffic profile in peacetime.
2. Upon clicking Learn, a Configure Zone Learning window pops up. Select 7 days at the Learning Duration as the best practice
recommended by A10 Networks, or select Until Stopped (Default). Use pre-defined values on remaining fields, and click Start
Learning to allow the Thunder TPS Detector to learn the traffic thresholds of each protected service port in this new protected
NOTE: Upon clicking Start Learning, a traffic threshold page shows up with dynamic threshold updates on the Thunder TPS Detector. Click Exit to allow the
detector to complete its learning.
1. After the learning period, change the Oper. Mode (Operational Mode) of this protected zone to Protect to activate DDoS
2. Upon clicking Protect, the traffic thresholds of each protected service port in this Protected Zone are displayed. Click each
service to examine its traffic thresholds learned by the Thunder TPS Detector. Activate DDoS protection using these learned
thresholds for detection and mitigation as shown below.
NOTE: Upon clicking Start Protection, these learned thresholds will be populated to the Thunder TPS Detector to monitor for traffic anomalies and to the Thunder
TPS Mitigator to activate mitigation countermeasures.
3. This new protected zone now shows its Oper. Mode (Operational Mode) as Protected.
4. To review the applied Learnt Thresholds, go back to the Configurations >> Protected Objects >> Zones page, and click Edit
action at this protected zone to access and review its Learnt Thresholds.
After you’re done, click Cancel at the bottom.
5. To review the active traffic indicators of each service in this protected zone on an ongoing basis, go to the Monitoring &
Reporting >> Charts >> Zone Charts Objects >> Zones page, select this specific reactive203 zone, pick the desired service,
and click the IP address of the Thunder TPS Detector.
Figure 17: Active traffic indicators shown on zone charts
These steps demonstrate a simple way to expedite the creation of one new protected zone by using the built-in default zone
service protection profiles and activate its DDoS protection with Static Baseline.
NOTE: ZAP-ZAPR Filtering is the newly introduced signature-based mitigation countermeasure against volumetric DDoS attacks. ZAPR filtering stands for Zero-
day Attack Pattern Recognition filtering, which is powered by machine learning. It can help increase mitigation accuracy against the volumetric attacks by
inspecting and learning attack traffic patterns and automatically creating BPF filters to match and drop the volumetric attacks. ZAPR filtering is applicable to
TCP, UDP, and DNS services ports, and its configuration is pushed by aGalaxy to Thunder TPS Mitigator upon receiving a DDoS attack and level escalation alert.
NOTE: This rate limit is the service-level rate limit that protects this TCP service from failing when under attack. This rate limit selection, A10-3Kpps, is the packet-
rate basis for allowing up to 3,000 packets per rate interval (one second) at the Thunder TPS Mitigator. It is an essential threshold to gauge the severity of
the volumetric DDoS packets and to trigger ZAP-ZAPR filtering along with the Drop action. More rate limit definitions can be found, revised, and created on
the Configurations >> Templates >> General >> GLID page on the dropdown menu.
NOTE: The current rate limit selection, A10-3Kpps, can be updated with a rate limit closer to the actual traffic threshold after the target protected zone has gone
through its learning mode and has been moved into protected mode.
c. Pattern Recognition: Use Level 1 at Start Pattern Recognition and Apply Extracted Filters to enable ZAP-ZAPR Filtering.
NOTE: In order to allow the Thunder TPS Mitigator to capture excessive DDoS attack packets for ZAP-ZAPR Filtering (starting pattern recognition), a packet-rate
basis rate limit is required along with Drop action.
d. Use pre-defined level escalation configurations at Level 0 and Level 1 in case you duplicate from the A10_TCP_Default
profile; otherwise, add Level 0 and Level 1 to this new profile, use 10 as the Zone Escalation Score at Level 0, add a pkt-rate
indicator with 20 as its Score and 2000 as its Threshold Per Zone, and use A10_TCP_Intermediate as the TCP Template at
Level 1.
NOTE: This built-in A10_TCP_Intermediate template contains the best practices for protecting TCP service with SYN Authentication, SYN Cookie, ACK
Authentication, and Connection rate limit etc. countermeasures. More zone templates can be found on the Configurations >> Templates >> Zone Templates
page on the dropdown menu.
Figure 20: TCP service protection profile creation—Level 1
3. Take a similar step to customize a new profile, reactive213_UDP, in this example, for UDP service based on the A10_UDP_Default
f. Services: Add and/or delete the protected services to meet the DDoS protection needs, select the built-in Protection
Profiles for common service ports, and use the customized profiles for TCP:Other and UDP:Other as shown below.
• HTTP port 80: A10_HTTP_Default.
• ICMPv4: A10_ICMP_v4_Default.
• TCP port Other: reactive213_TCP.
• UDP port 53: A10_UDP_Default.
• UDP port Other: reactive213_UDP.
g. Click Save & Exit at the bottom to complete this reactive213 zone creation. Upon clicking, aGalaxy starts to push this new
zone to the Thunder TPS Mitigator and Thunder TPS Detector as selected.
NOTE: In case of duplicating from the existing reactive203 zone, its Oper. Mode will be duplicated to this new zone. Use the next two steps to move this new zone
through its Learning mode then Protected mode to establish its own traffic baseline.
1. Change the Oper. Mode of this new protected zone to Learn to allow the Thunder TPS Detector to learn the traffic thresholds
of each protected service port, and build a precise traffic profile in peacetime.
NOTE: As shown below, this new reactive213 zone is duplicated from the existing reactive203 zone and its Oper. Mode is also duplicated.
2. Upon clicking Learn, a Configure Zone Learning window pops up. Select 7 days at the Learning Duration as the best practice
recommended by A10 Networks, or select Until Stopped (Default). Use pre-defined values on remaining fields, and click Start
Learning to allow the Thunder TPS Detector to learn the traffic thresholds of each protected service port in this new protected zone.
NOTE: Upon clicking Restart Learning, a traffic threshold page shows up with dynamic threshold updates on the Thunder TPS Detector. Click Exit to allow the
detector to complete its learning.
1. After the learning period, change the Oper. Mode (Operational Mode) of this protected zone to Protect to activate DDoS protection.
2. Upon clicking Protect, the traffic thresholds of each protected service port in this Protected Zone is displayed. Click each
service to examine its traffic thresholds learned by the Thunder TPS Detector. Activate DDoS protection using these learned
thresholds for detection and mitigation as shown below.
3. As captured above, TCP:Other shows 9000 at its pkt-rate. This learned packet rate is above the A10-3Kpps rate limit used in
the customized reactive213_TCP protection profile. Consider updating this reactive213_TCP profile with a higher rate limit
on the Configurations >> Protected Objects >> Zone Service Protection Profile page and letting aGalaxy push this update
to Thunder TPS Mitigator. Note that this rate limit update will not affect the learned thresholds used by the Thunder TPS
Detector and Thunder TPS Mitigator.
In the case of UDP:Other (not shown), its pkt-rate learned by the detector is 2400, which is still below the A10-3Kpps rate limit
in the customized reactive213_UDP profile. Therefore, no update is required.
Figure 27: Updating the zone protection profile with a higher rate limit
4. To review the applied Learnt Thresholds, go back to the Configurations >> Protected Objects >> Zones page, and click Edit
action at this protected zone to access and review its Learnt Thresholds.
5. To review the active traffic indicators of each service in this protected zone on an ongoing basis, go to the Monitoring &
Reporting >> Charts >> Zone Charts Objects >> Zones page and select this specific reactive213 zone, pick the desired service,
and click the IP address of the Thunder TPS Detector.
These steps demonstrate a way to customize the service protection profiles and use these customized profiles along with the
built-in profiles at the creation of one new protected zone with Static Baseline.
NOTE: The following lab validation simulates a DDoS attack in an enclosed environment. Please use any attack simulator or tools
to test your deployment.
2. On aGalaxy, DDoS attack alerts similar to below should have popped up multiple times—when this attack was detected by
the Thunder TPS Detector (not shown), when the incident event was created and mitigation operations were initiated by the
aGalaxy automatically, and when this attack was going through level escalation and mitigated by the Thunder TPS Mitigator.
Figure 32: DDoS attack alert pop-up on aGalaxy—level escalation on the mitigator
3. Click Active Zone Incidents on the Dashboard or go to the Mitigation >> Zone Incidents page on the dropdown menu. Confirm
that aGalaxy shows an overview of this ongoing attack with its Incident Name made up by the names of the zone, the service
under attack, and the timestamp of the attack. Note that, as shown in Attack Type, previously undetected POST Flood,
Malformed attack, and SlowLoris attacks have been caught by this mitigation.
4. Click Mitigation Console on the Actions dropdown menu of this incident or go to the Mitigation >> Zone Mitigation Console
page on the dropdown menu. Confirm that the reactive203 zone and its HTTP:80 is under attack and that this attack has been
mitigated as shown in the traffic chart. The countermeasure used in this mitigation is TCP Authentication as defined in the
A10_TCP_Intermediate template of the built-in A10_HTTP_Default service profile.
5. On the same Mitigation >> Zone Mitigation Console page, click the Countermeasure tab of the traffic chart to examine the per-
countermeasure packet drop over time—TCP Auth Drop in this case. Click the Zone Alerts tab to review the DDoS attack alerts
raised by the Thunder TPS Detector, aGalaxy, and Thunder TPS Mitigator.
6. As shown on the upper right corner of the Mitigation Console, the Packet Debugger can be used to capture the live traffic
passing through this reactive203 zone (forward) from the Thunder TPS Mitigator for closer examination or debugging
7. Once the DDoS attack is stopped, aGalaxy shows the status of this corresponding incident as Stopped, and an incident report
is automatically generated and accessible on the same Zone Incident view.
Figure 37: DDoS Zone Incident overview—Stopped attack and shortcut to incident report
Figure 38: Incident report accessed via DDoS Zone Incident
8. The automatically generated incident report and other reports can also be accessed and downloaded on the Monitoring &
Reporting >> Reports page on the dropdown menu.
Figure 39: Incident report and other reports under the Monitoring & Reporting page
This sequence of events demonstrates the automation of DDoS protection, provided by the aGalaxy management system and
Thunder TPS Detector as well as Thunder TPS Mitigator, throughout the entire DDoS incident lifecycle. No intervention by the
SecOps team is required in response to the DDoS flood attack.
1. Starting UDP flood attack against the reactive213 zone by replaying a captured live traffic from a script against the UDP:Other
service on server
2. On aGalaxy, DDoS attack alerts similar to the one below should have popped up multiple times—when this attack was
detected by the Thunder TPS Detector, when the incident event was created and mitigation operations were initiated by the
aGalaxy automatically, and when this attack was going through level escalation and mitigated by the Thunder TPS Mitigator
(not shown).
Figure 41: DDoS attack alert pop-up on aGalaxy—the attack is detected by the detector
3. On aGalaxy, navigate to the Mitigation >> Zone Mitigation Console page on the dropdown menu. Confirm that the protected
zone reactive213 and its UDP:Other is under the UDP flood attack. The countermeasures used in this mitigation are mostly
Pattern Recognition Filter (ZAP- ZAPR Filtering), Service Limits, and UDP Authentication as defined in the customized reactive213_
UDP template and its A10_UDP_Intermediate template.
4. On the same Mitigation >> Zone Mitigation Console page, click the Countermeasure tab of the ongoing attack traffic chart to
examine the per-countermeasure packet drop over time. ZAPR Filter Drop plays a primary mitigation role in this case.
5. On the same Mitigation Console view, click the Incident Logs tab to review the related log messages captured by aGalaxy.
Figure 45: DDoS Mitigation Console—Incident Logs and More button for ZAP-ZAPR Filtering detail
6. As indicated on the Mitigation Console view above, click the More button below Pattern Recognition Filters statistics to display
the ZAPR filter that has been extracted and applied in this mitigation. In this case, the ZAPR filter has clearly identified that
this UDP flood is a UDP reflection attack against server with source ports at 1900,137, and 53.
7. Based on the ZAP-ZAPR Filtering detail above, this UDP:Other is clearly under the UDP reflection attack with source ports
at 1900,137, and 53. Consider using Source Ports-based mitigation to stop these reflected attack packets from hitting this
reactive213 zone by adding these source ports to the reactive213 zone configuration on the Configurations >> Protected
Objects >> Zones page as shown below. Note that this zone configuration update will not affect the ongoing incident and
mitigation operations on the Thunder TPS Mitigator and Thunder TPS Detector.
Figure 47: Reactive213 zone configuration update with Source Ports rules
8. Once the DDoS attack is stopped, aGalaxy automatically generates an incident report and other reports that can be accessed
and downloaded on the Monitoring & Reporting >> Reports page on the dropdown menu.
Figure 48: Incident report and other reports under the Monitoring & Reporting page
This sequence of events not only demonstrates the automation of DDoS protection provided by aGalaxy and Thunder TPS
systems, but also showcases the use of ZAP-ZAPR filtering countering the UDP reflection attack with accuracy. Again, no
intervention by the SecOps team is required in response to the DDoS reflection attack.
This guide describes how to expedite the deployment of DDoS protection in L3 asymmetric reactive mode on A10 Thunder TPS
Detector and A10 Thunder TPS Mitigator using the A10 aGalaxy management system. This guide uses two protected zones as
examples to show how to use the built-in default DDoS Protection Profiles at the aGalaxy system to help expedite the deployment
as well as how to use them as the reference to customize a Zone Config Profile to repetitively deploy the DDoS protection in a
couple of clicks. Contact your local A10 sales team to help you design your DDoS protection strategies and deployment process.
For more information about A10 Thunder TPS Series products, see the following documents:
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