Pentra ML Output Format: (Pentra DX 120/pentra DF 120) RAA026CA

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HORIBAABX Montpellier

Pentra ML Output format

(Pentra DX 120/Pentra DF 120)
ASTM Format description

ASTM Format description Table 1: Definitions

Term Definition
HORIBA ABX analyzers format responds to the ASTM specifications E-1381 & E-1394:
A specific location within a record for a piece of information, indicated by a field delimi-
• E-1381: Standard specification for Low Level protocol to transfer messages between Field
ter and position.
clinical and laboratory instruments and computer systems.
• E-1394: Standard specification for transferring Information between clinical and laboratory Frame A complete communications packet.
instruments and computer systems. LIS Laboratory Information System
A collection of related information; a group of records that begins with a «Header»
The ASTM LIS feature of the Pentra ML Data Management software allows an external LIS to Message record and ends with a «Terminator» record. A single record could theoretically consti-
communicate with one or more Pentra ML Data Management through one one LIS serial tute a message, but within this context, a message always contains multiple records.
line. This document is intended as a guide to LIS vendors developing interfaces that The device that responds to the sender. The receiver in this document is either the
communicate with the Pentra ML Data Management System. PentraDX Data Management System or the LIS.
<EOT> End of Transmission (ASCII decimal 4)
Table 1: Definitions
<CR> Carriage Return (ASCII decimal 13)
Term Definition In reference to the low level protocol, a record is the message data (shown as [DATA])
as described within the communications packet. If the data is longer than 240 charac-
<ACK> Acknowledgment (ASCII Decimal 6)
ters, then it must be split into two (or more) parts and sent in two (or more) communi-
[C1] The most significant character of Checksum Record cations packets. The intermediate packet uses the <ETB> character, and the ending
[C2] The least significant character of Checksum packet uses the <ETX> character. No single communications packet contains more
[DATA] The data contents of the record than one record. In reference to the message layer, a record can be one of the fol-
lowing codes: H (header), P (patient), O (order), R (result), L (terminator), C (comment).
<ENQ> Inquire (ASCII Decimal 5)
An additional field of the preceding type when indicated by a repeat delimiter. The
End of Transmission Block (ASCII Decimal 23). For use only when a single record is PentraDX Data Management System parses and may produce repeat fields in the Uni-
<ETB> Repeat Field
too large to fit into one frame. versal Test ID field of a Test Order Record or the Value field of the Result Record, but
<ETX> End of Text (ASCII Decimal 3). Required at the end of each record. ignores other occurrences of repeat fields.
[frame number] Single digit frame number “0” to “7”, starts with “1”. The device that has a message to send and initiate the transmission process, in this
<LF> Line Feed (ASCII Decimal 10). Sender case between the LIS and the PentraDX Data Management System. The sender in
this document is either the PentraDX Data Management System or the LIS.
<NAK> Negative Acknowledgment (ASCII Decimal 21).
A total unit of communication activity used in this standard to indicate the events star-
<STX> Start of Frame (ASCII Decimal 2). Session
ting with the Establishment phase and ending with the Termination phase.
Communications All framing required for transmission of data. This framing includes: <STX>[frame num- A determination of a single analyte or a combination of values from other determina-
packet ber][DATA] [<ETB> or <ETX>][C1][C2] <LF> Test
tions or observations from which a variable or gradable result is derived.
Component Field One of several related pieces of information within a field.
Upload The transmission of data from the PentraDX Data Management System to the LIS.
Download The transmission of data from the LIS to the PentraDX Data Management System.
< << >
ASTM Format description

1. Physical layer (Serial interface) 2. Connection specifications (ASTM E-1381)

All communications are expected to use the RS232 communication protocol, based upon GND
the Electronics Industries Association (EIA) standard RS232-C. As part of the conformance 5 5
to this standard, the Pentra ML Data Management System is configured as Data Terminal
9 9 P
Equipment (DTE). E
The Pentra ML Data Management System is cabled to the LIS via a DB-9 connector on the 4 4 N
octopus cable plugged into the computer workstation on the Pentra ML. H 8 8 T
Table 2: DB9 Connection O TXD TXD
3 3 R
Pin (DB9) Pentra
ML Data
LIS Port Configuration
LIS Cable Must Provide T 7 7
(Pentra ML) RXD RXD
Management 2 2
3 RXD TXD 6 6
7 Ground Ground
1 1

2.1. Output data characteristics

Allowed characters: Allowed are ASCII 10 (LF), 13 (CR), 32-126, 128-254. However, the
message data sent to the Pentra ML Data Management System must be restricted to ASCII
32-126 for proper operation of the Pentra ML Data Management System Software. Specific
fields may further restrict allowed characters.
Maximum message length: 240 characters.


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ASTM Format description

2.2. Communication protocol

Table 5: Typical discussion between Host and Instrument

Table 3: Standard control characters Instrument <> Host

< <ENQ>
Control String Hexadecimal value
<ACK> >
<ENQ> $05
< <STX>1...Data...<CR><ETX>xx<CR><LF>
<ACK> $06
<ACK> >
<NAK> $15
< <STX>2...Data...<CR><ETX>xx<CR><LF>
<STX> $02
<ACK> >
<ETX> $03
< <EOT>
<CR> $0D
<LF> $0A 2.2.2. Discussion with conflict between Instrument and Host
<EOT> $04 If negative answer (NACK): The instrument sends again the same frame, up to 6 times. If
there is no response to an ENQ, another ENQ is sent 18s after.
2.2.1. Instrument\Host connexion
In case of ENQ\ENQ conflict analyzer waits for 5s and sends <ACK>.

Table 4: Typical discussion between Instrument and Host Analyzer is master in case of conflict.
Instrument <> Host
2.2.3. Defect packet during discussion between Instrument and Host
<ENQ> >
< <ACK> Table 6: Defect packet during discussion between Instrument and Host
<STX>1...Data...<CR><ETX>xx<CR><LF> >
< <ACK>
Instrument <> Host

<STX>2...Data...<CR><ETX>xx<CR><LF> > <ENQ> >

< <ACK> < <ACK>
<EOT> > <STX>1...Data...<CR><ETX>xx<CR><LF> >
< <NAK>
<STX>1...Data...<CR><ETX>xx<CR><LF> >
< <ACK>


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ASTM Format description

Table 6: Defect packet during discussion between Instrument and Host defined as modulo 256 of ASCII values sum between <STX> not included and <ETX>
included characters: 1...Data...<CR><ETX>
Instrument <> Host
<STX>2...Data...<CR><ETX>xx<CR><LF> > 3. Records general format specifications (ASTM E-1394)
< <ACK>
<EOT> > Data frames encapsulate Records defined by ASTM E-1394 norm, Records themselves
encapsulate ATSM fields.
2.3. ASTM Data frame format Example of record inside Data frame: <STX>1...Data...<CR><ETX>xx<CR><LF>
A sequential number located after the <STX> character is inserted into each Data frame.
Frame number is set to 1 when transfer phase is initialized and is incremented by 1 for each <STX>1H|\^&|||HostSimulator|||||ABX||P|E1394-97|20020705144108<CR><ETX>D3<CR><LF>
frame up to 7 and then returns to 0. Table 8: ASTM Records
Frame number is to permit receiver to distinguish between new and retransmitted frame, in
case of retansmitted frame (after a <NACK> response from Host), frame number is not Record ID ASTM Definition
incremented: <STX>1...Data...<CR><ETX>xx<CR><LF>
H Header
Table 7: Frame format P Patient
O Order
ASTM Transmitted
Definition # of bytes Comments R Result
field data
C Comment
0 STX $02 1
Q Query (Request information order)
Frame number is set to 1 and incre-
1 Frame number 1 to 7, 0, ... 1 mented by 1 for each frame up to 7 L Terminator record
and then returns to 0
Header, Patient, Order, Result & Com- 3.1. Structure of Records
2 Data message 240 max.
ment messages
End of data message
3.1.1. Stucture of records for Order transmission
3 1
ETX if end frame • H (Header)
4 Checksum 2 • .. ..... P (Patient)
5 CRLF $0D $0A 2 • .. ..... C (Patient Comments) Optional
• ........ .....O (Order)
2.3.1. Frame cheksum • ........ .....C (Order Comments) Optional
According to ASTM E-1381 frame cheksum (<STX>1...Data...<CR><ETX>xx<CR><LF>) is • L (Terminator)


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ASTM Format description

The transmission of an Order without Patient record is not allowed, but Patient record can be • Delimiter must be used even if field is free.
empty. Example: <STX>2P|1<CR><ETX>BB<CR><LF> • Delimiters inside records are seperate by «|» (ASCII $7C).
• Delimiters inside fields are seperate by «^» (ASCII $5E).
3.1.2. Instrument Patient file modification by Host
3.2.1. Header record
• H (Header)
• .. ..... P (Patient)
• .. ..... C (Patient Comments) Optional Table 9: Header record fields
• L (Terminator)
Definition Transmitted data max.
3.1.3. Stucture of records for Result transmission field
Receive Send

• H (Header) 7.1.1 Record Type H 1 Required Required

• .. ..... P (Patient)
idem standard:
• .. ..... C (Patient Comments) Optional | Field delimiter
• ........ .....O (Order) 7.1.2 Delimiters definition \ Repeat delimiter 4 Required Required
• ........ .....C (Order Comments) Optional ^ Component delimiter
• ........ .....C (Run Alarms) Optional & Escape delimiter
• .............. .... R (Result) 7.1.3 Message Control ID Ignored No
• .............. .... C (Flag Result) Optional
7.1.4 Access Password Ignored No
• .............. .... R (Result)
7.1.5 Sender Name PML 3 Ignored Yes
• .............. .... C (Flag Result) Optional
• .............. .... .... 7.1.6 Sender Address Ignored No
• .............. .... .... 7.1.7 Reserved field Ignored No
• .............. .... R (Result) 7.1.8 Sender Telephone Nb Ignored No
• .............. .... C (Flag Result) Optional 7.1.9 Characteristics of Sender Ignored No
• L (Terminator)
7.1.10 Receiver ID Ignored No
Comments or Special Instruc-
3.2. Description of Records 7.1.11
Ignored No

• Only the fields described with their specified length, in further tables, are used by HORIBA Yes
7.1.12 Processing ID P 1 Ignored
Always ’P’
ABX instruments.
• Length of field can be less than maximum value but must not be more. 7.1.13 ASTM Version Nb 1394-97 12 Ignored Yes
• Only «Sample ID» and «Test» fields from Order record must be informed, all other fields are Yes
7.1.14 Date and Time of message YYYYMMDDHHMMSS 14 Ignored
optionals. current


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ASTM Format description

3.2.2. Patient record Table 10: Patient record fields

Table 10: Patient record fields ASTM PML PML
Definition Transmitted data max.
field Receive Send
Definition Transmitted data max. 8.1.20 Patient Active Medication Ignored No
field Receive Send
length 8.1.21 Patient’s Diet Ignored No
8.1.1 Record Type P 1 Required Required 8.1.22 Practice Field 1 Ignored No
8.1.2 Sequence Nb 1, 2, ... 3 Required Required 8.1.23 Practice Field 2 Ignored No
8.1.3 Practice Assigned Patient ID Ignored No 8.1.24 Admission and Discharge Dates Ignored No
8.1.4 Laboratory Assigned Patient ID Patient Id 25 Required Yes 8.1.25 Admission Status Ignored No
8.1.5 Patient ID No 3 Ignored No 8.1.26 Location Text 20 Yes Yes
8.1.6 Patient Name Lastname^Firstname 20^20 Yes Yes Nature of Alternative Diagnostic
8.1.27 Ignored No
8.1.7 Mother’s Maiden Name Ignored No Code and Classifiers

YYYYMMDD^NNN^A Alternative Diagnostic Code and

8.1.8 Birthdate 8^3^1 Yes Yes 8.1.28 Ignored no
(See Note 1) Classifiers

M: Male 8.1.29 Patient Religion Ignored No

F: Female 8.1.30 Martial status Ignored No
8.1.9 Patient Sex 1 Yes Yes
All other values are trea- 8.1.31 Isolation Status Ignored No
ted as Unspecified
8.1.32 Language Ignored No
8.1.10 Patient Race-Ethnic Origin Ignored No
8.1.33 Hospital Service Ignored No
8.1.11 Patient Address Ignored No
8.1.34 Hopital Institution Ignored No
8.1.12 Reserved field Ignored No
8.1.35 Dosage Category Ignored No
8.1.13 Patient Telephone Nb Ignored No
8.1.14 Attending Physician ID Text 20 Yes Yes • NOTE 1: 8.1.8 «Birthdate»: If the birthdate is sent by the LIS, the age and age unit
fields are ignored and recalculated at the Pentra ML Data Management.
8.1.15 Special Field 1 Ignored No
If no birthdate is sent, then the age and age unit fields are used:
8.1.16 Special Field 2 Ignored No Format sent is ^NNN^A
8.1.17 Patient Height Ignored No NNN: Age
8.1.18 Patient Weight Ignored No A: Age unit ’Y’: Year, ’M’: Month, ’D’: Day
Patient’s Known or Suspected
8.1.19 Ignored No


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ASTM Format description

3.2.3. Order record Table 11: Order record fields

Table 11: Order record fields ASTM PML PML
Definition Transmitted data max.
field Receive Send
Definition Transmitted data max. 9.4.16 Specimen Descriptor Text 8 Required No
field Receive Send
length 9.4.17 Ordering Physician Ignored No
9.4.1 Record Type O 1 Required Required 9.4.18 Physician Phone Nb Ignored No
9.4.2 Sequence Nb 1, 2, ... 3 Required Required 9.4.19 User Field 1 Ignored No
SampleID^Rack^Posi- 9.4.20 User Field 2 Ignored No
9.4.3 Sample ID tion 16^3^2 Required 9.4.21 Laboratory Field 1 Ignored No
See Note 2
9.4.22 Laboratory Field 2 Ignored No
9.4.4 Instrument Specimen ID Ignored No
Date and Time Results reported
^^^Test name 9.4.23 Ignored No
9.4.5 Universal Test ID x Required Yes or last modified
(See Note 3)
Instrument Charge to Computer
S: Stat mode (Priority) 9.4.24 Ignored No
All other priority code
9.4.6 Priority 1 Yes Yes 9.4.25 Instrument Section ID Ignored No
are treated as «Rou-
tine» mode 9.4.26 Report Types Ignored No
Requested/Ordered Date and 9.4.27 Reserved field Ignored No
9.4.7 Ignored No
Time Location or Ward of Specimen
9.4.28 Ignored No
Specimen Collection Date and No Collection
Time (See Note 4) 9.4.29 Nosocomial Infection Flag Ignored No
9.4.9 Collection End Time Ignored No 9.4.30 Specimen Service Ignored No
9.4.10 Collection Volume Ignored No 9.4.31 Specimen institution Ignored No
9.4.11 Collector ID Ignored No
• NOTE 2: Field 9.4.3 «Sample ID»: Alphanumeric characters are accepted (0-9, A-Z).
Ignored Spaces and punctuation are not allowed. Refer to Host specification document for each
A or N: Create order Yes, ’Q’ if
9.4.12 Action Code 1 (Except A or
Q: Control Control instrument connected for other limitations.
The information of «^Rack^Position» is only sent by the instrument.
9.4.13 Danger Code Ignored No
9.4.14 Relevant Clinical Informations Ignored No
9.4.15 Date/Time Specimen Received Ignored No


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ASTM Format description

• NOTE 3: Field 9.4.5 «Universal test ID»: Any Parameters or compatible Panels (See Table 12: Result record fields
Table 4, “Special caracteristics for HORIBA ABX datas”, page 11).
Example with Panels: «^^^DIF» (See Table 26, “Example of Order sent by Host”, Definition Transmitted data max.
field Receive Send
page 18). length
List of compatible Panels: CBC, DIF, RET, CBR, DIR, NRBC (ERB), CBE, SPSEC (Slide + Nature of Abnormality
10.1.8 No No
Stain). Testing
W: Suspicion
Example with Parameters (Mandatory when the LIS sends the previous anteriority): N: Rejeted result
10.1.9 Result Status 1 No Yes
«^^^WBC\^^^RBC\^^^HGB\^^^HCT\^^^MCV\^^^MCH\^^^MCHC\^^^RDW\^^^PL M: Value imput manually (V3.0 and
T\^^^MPV\^^^PCT\^^^PDW». See Table 27, “Example of last anteriority result sent by above)
host”, page 18. Date of Change in
10.1.10 Normative Values or No No
• NOTE 4: Do not send collection Date and Time to the workstation to avoid patient Units
anteriority calculation problem.
Operator Identifica-
10.1.11 40 No Yes
3.2.4. Result record
Date/Time Test Star-
10.1.12 No No
Table 12: Result record fields
Date/Time Test Com-
10.1.13 YYYYMMDDHHMMSS 14 Required No
ASTM PML PML Instrument Identifica-
Definition Transmitted data max. 10.1.14 1 No Yes
field Receive Send tion
10.1.1 Record Type R 1 Required Required • NOTE 5: Field 10.1.3 «Universal test ID» had no length limitation.
10.1.2 Sequence Nb 1, 2, ... 3 Required Required • NOTE 6 Field 10.1.5 «Units» Pentra ML sends the unit in DOS characters, example «µ»
10.1.3 Universel Test ID ^^^Parametername (See Note 5) x Required Required is sent «æ».
Test result (See “Special caracteris-
Data or Measurement yes • NOTE 7: Patient anteriority (Delta check) calculation. See Table 27, “Example of last
10.1.4 tics for HORIBA ABX datas”, yes
page 11)
(See Note 7) anteriority result sent by host”, page 18 (Not validated for V1.0.0 software).
10.1.5 Unit See Note 6 15 No Yes • NOTE 8: Field 10.1.7 «Result Abnormal Flag»
10.1.6 Reference Range No No L,H,LL,HH: Result above normal or panic ranges.
Analytical flag (See Note
>: Result over instrument capacity (Dilution must be done).
10.1.7 Result Abnormal Flag 2 No Yes


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ASTM Format description

3.2.5. Comment record Table 14: Example of Query for one tube
Table 13: Comments record fields <ACK>
Field <STX>3L|1<CR><ETX>3C<CR><LF>
Definition Transmitted data max. <ACK>
field Receive Send
length <EOT>
11.1.1 Record Type C 1 Yes Required
11.1.2 Sequence Nb 1, 2, ... 3 Yes Required Table 15: Request information record fields
11.1.3 Comment Source No Yes
11.1.4 Comment Text 200 Yes yes Definition Transmitted data max.
See Note 9 field Receive Send
'I': comment is an alarm or a pathologic
11.1.5 Comment Type message. No Yes 12.1.1 Record Type Q 1 No Required
'G' comment is a rule comment message. 12.1.2 Sequence Nb 1 3 No Required
• NOTE 9: Field 11.1.4 «Comment text» If the comment record is received after the 12.1.3 Identifier ^Sample Id 16 No Yes
patient record, then the comment is associated to the demographic.If the comment 12.1.4 End of identifier list No No
record is received after the order record, then the comment is associated to the report. 12.1.5 Universal Test ID No No
12.1.6 Time limits No No
3.2.6. Request information record (Query mode)
12.1.7 Time max. limit No No
Instrument request informations for only one tube at the time: 1 Request information record 12.1.8 Time min. limit No No
for each tube. 12.1.9 Physician name No No
For example:
12.1.10 Telephone number No No
Table 14: Example of Query for one tube 12.1.11 Reserve for user No No
12.1.12 Reserve for user No No
Yes Always
Host 12.1.13 Status code O: Query for test informations 1 No


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ASTM Format description

3.2.7. Terminator record Table 17: CBC Data presentation

English Standard mmol Japanese

Table 16: Terminator record Parameter S.I. Units
code Units Units Units
ASTM Field max. PML PML Mean Platelet Volume MPV µm3 fL fL µm3
Definition Transmitted data
field length Receive Send -2 -2
Plateletcrit PCT % 10 /L 10 /L %
13.1.1 Record type L 1 Required Required
Platelet Distribution Width PDW % % % %
13.1.2 Sequence number 1 3 Required Required
13.1.3 Termination code Ignored No 4.2. DIF Data presentation

4. Special caracteristics for HORIBA ABX datas

Table 18: DIF Data presentation

4.1. CBC Data presentation English Standard mmol Japanese

Parameter S.I. Units
code Units Units Units
Table 17: CBC Data presentation White Blood Cell WBC 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3
6 3 12 12
English Standard mmol Japanese Red Blood Cell RBC 10 /mm 10 /L 10 /L 104/mm3
Parameter S.I. Units
code Units Units Units Hemoglobin HGB g/dL g/L mmol/L g/dL
Hematocrit HCT % L/L L/L %
White Blood Cell WBC 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3
Mean Corpuscular Volume MCV µm3 fL fL µm3
Red Blood Cell RBC 106/mm3 1012/L 1012/L 104/mm3
Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin MCH pg pg fmol pg
Hemoglobin HGB g/dL g/L mmol/L g/dL
Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Con-
Hematocrit HCT % L/L L/L % MCHC g/dL g/L mmol/L g/dL
Mean Corpuscular Volume MCV µm3 fL fL µm3 Red Distribution Width RDW % % % %
Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin MCH pg pg fmol pg
Platelets PLT 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 104/mm3
Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Con-
MCHC g/dL g/L mmol/L g/dL Mean Platelet Volume MPV µm3 fL fL µm3
Red Distribution Width RDW % % % % Plateletcrit PCT % 10-2/L 10-2/L %
Platelets PLT 3
10 /mm 3 9
10 /L 9
10 /L 4
10 /mm 3 Platelet Distribution Width PDW % % % %
3 3 9 9
Lymphocytes # LYM# 10 /mm 10 /L 10 /L 10 /mm3

Lymphocytes % LYM% % % % %


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ASTM Format description

Table 18: DIF Data presentation 4.3. DIR Data presentation

English Standard mmol Japanese
Parameter S.I. Units Table 19: DIR Data presentation
code Units Units Units
Monocytes # MON# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3 English Standard Japanese
Parameter S.I. Units mmol Units
Monocytes % MON% % % % % code Units Units
Neutrophils # NEU# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3 White Blood Cell WBC 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3
Neutrophils % NEU% % % % % Red Blood Cell RBC 106/mm3 1012/L 1012/L 104/mm3
Eosinophils # EOS# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3 Hemoglobin HGB g/dL g/L mmol/L g/dL
Eosinophils % EOS% % % % % Hematocrit HCT % L/L L/L %
Basophils # BAS# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3 Mean Corpuscular Volume MCV µm3 fL fL µm3
Basophils % BAS% % % % % Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin MCH pg pg fmol pg
Atypical Lymphocytes # ALY# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3 Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin
MCHC g/dL g/L mmol/L g/dL
Atypical Lymphocytes % ALY% % % % %
Red Distribution Width RDW % % % %
Large Immature Cell # LIC# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3
Platelets PLT 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 104/mm3
Large Immature Cell % LIC% % % % %
Lymphocyte Immature cell % IML% % % % %
Mean Platelet Volume MPV µm3 fL fL µm3

Lymphocyte Immature cell # IML# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3

Plateletcrit PCT % 10-2/L 10-2/L %

Monocyte Immature cell % IMM% % % % % Platelet Distribution Width PDW % % % %

Monocyte Immature cell # IMM# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3

Lymphocytes # LYM# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3

Granulocyte Immature cell % IMG% % % % % Lymphocytes % LYM% % % % %

Granulocyte Immature cell # IMG# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3

Monocytes # MON# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3
Monocytes % MON% % % % %
Neutrophils # NEU# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3
Neutrophils % NEU% % % % %
Eosinophils # EOS# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3
Eosinophils % EOS% % % % %
Basophils # BAS# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3


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ASTM Format description

Table 19: DIR Data presentation 4.4. RET Data presentation

English Standard Japanese
Parameter S.I. Units mmol Units Table 20: RET Data presentation
code Units Units
Basophils % BAS% % % % % English Standard mmol Japanese
Parameter S.I. Units
Atypical Lymphocytes # ALY# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3 code Units Units Units
Atypical Lymphocytes % ALY% % % % % Red Blood Cell RBC 106/mm3 1012/L 1012/L 104/mm3
Large Immature Cell # LIC# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3 Reticulocytes # RET# 106/mm3 1012/L 1012/L 104/mm3
Large Immature Cell % LIC% % % % % Reticulocytes % RET% % % % %
Lymphocyte Immature cell % IML% % % % % Reticulocytes (Low) RETL% % % % %
Lymphocyte Immature cell # IML# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3 Reticulocytes (Medium) RETM% % % % %
Monocyte Immature cell % IMM% % % % % Reticulocytes (High) RETH% % % % %
Monocyte Immature cell # IMM# 3
10 /mm 3 9
10 /L 9
10 /L 2
10 /mm 3 Mean Reticulocyte Volume MRV µm fL fL µm3
Granulocyte Immature cell % IMG% % % % % Mean Fluorescence Index MFI % % % %
Granulocyte Immature cell # IMG# 3
10 /mm 3 9
10 /L 9
10 /L 2
10 /mm 3 Corrected Reticulocyte Concentration CRC % % % %
Immature Reticulocytes RETIMM % % % %
Reticulocytes # RET# 106/mm3 1012/L 1012/L 104/mm3
Immature Reticulocyte Fraction IRF
Reticulocytes % RET% % % % %
Corrected Reticulocyte Concen-
CRC % % % %
Reticulocytes (Low) RETL% % % % %
4.5. CBR Data presentation
Reticulocytes (Medium) RETM% % % % %
Reticulocytes (High) RETH% % % % % Table 21: CBR Data presentation
Immature Reticulocytes RETIMM % % % % English Standard mmol Japanese
3 Parameter S.I. Units
Mean Reticulocyte Volume MRV µm fL fL µm3 code Units Units Units
Mean Fluorescence Index MFI % % % % White Blood Cell WBC 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3
Immature Reticulocyte Fraction IRF
Red Blood Cell RBC 106/mm3 1012/L 1012/L 104/mm3
Hemoglobin HGB g/dL g/L mmol/L g/dL
Hematocrit HCT % L/L L/L %


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ASTM Format description

Table 21: CBR Data presentation 4.6. ERB Data presentation

English Standard mmol Japanese
Parameter S.I. Units Table 22: ERB Data presentation
code Units Units Units
Mean Corpuscular Volume MCV µm3 fL fL µm3 English Standard mmol Japanese
Parameter S.I. Units
Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin MCH pg pg fmol pg code Units Units Units
Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Con-
MCHC g/dL g/L mmol/L g/dL
White Blood Cell WBC 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3
Erythroblast % ERB% % % % %
Red Distribution Width RDW % % % %
Erythroblast # ERB# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3
Reticulocytes # RET# 106/mm3 1012/L 1012/L 104/mm3
Corrected white blood cell CWBC 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3
Reticulocytes % RET% % % % %
Reticulocytes (Low) RETL% % % % %
4.7. CBE Data presentation
Reticulocytes (Medium) RETM% % % % %
Reticulocytes (High) RETH% % % % %
Table 23: CBE Data presentation
Mean Fluorescence Index MFI % % % %
Mean Reticulocyte Volume MRV µm3 fL fL µm3 English Standard Japanese
Parameter S.I. Units mmol Units
code Units Units
Corrected Reticulocyte Concentration CRC % % % %
Immature Reticulocytes RETIMM % % % % White Blood Cell WBC 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3
Immature Reticulocyte Fraction IRF Red Blood Cell RBC 106/mm3 1012/L 1012/L 104/mm3
Platelets PLT 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 104/mm3 Hemoglobin HGB g/dL g/L mmol/L g/dL
Mean Platelet Volume MPV µm 3 fL fL µm 3 Hematocrit HCT % L/L L/L %
Plateletcrit PCT % 10-2/L 10-2/L % Mean Corpuscular Volume MCV µm fL fL µm3

Platelet Distribution Width PDW % % % % Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin MCH pg pg fmol pg

PIC PIC Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Con-

MCHC g/dL g/L mmol/L g/dL
Red Distribution Width RDW % % % %
3 3 9 9
Platelets PLT 10 /mm 10 /L 10 /L 10 /mm3

Mean Platelet Volume MPV µm3 fL fL µm3

Plateletcrit PCT % 10-2/L 10-2/L %


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ASTM Format description

Table 23: CBE Data presentation Table 24: Extended Diff & Cellcount list of parameters Data presentation

English Standard Japanese English Standard Japanese

Parameter S.I. Units mmol Units Parameter S.I. Units mmol Units
code Units Units code Units Units
Platelet Distribution Width PDW % % % % Promyelocytes % PROMY% % % % %
Erythroblast % ERB% % % % % Promyelocytes # PROMY# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3
Erythroblast # ERB# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3 Atypical Lymphocytes % ALY% % % % %
Corrected white blood cell CWBC 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3 Atypical Lymphocytes # ALY# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3
Blasts % BLA% % % % %
4.8. Manual Input of parameters Blasts # BLA# 3
10 /mm 3 9
10 /L 9
10 /L 10 /mm3

Promonocyte % PROMO% % % % %
Table 24: Extended Diff & Cellcount list of parameters Data presentation Promonocyte # PROMO# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3

English Standard Japanese Prolymphocyte % PROLY% % % % %

Parameter S.I. Units mmol Units
code Units Units Prolymphocyte # PROLY# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3
Neutrophils % NEU% % % % % Hyper Baso Lymphocyte % LHYP% % % % %
3 3 9 9
Neutrophils # NEU# 3
10 /mm 3 9
10 /L 9
10 /L 2
10 /mm 3 Hyper Baso Lymphocyte # LHYP# 10 /mm 10 /L 10 /L 10 /mm3

Lymphocytes % LYM% % % % % Plasmocyte % PLAS% % % % %

3 3 9 9
Lymphocytes # LYM# 3
10 /mm 3 9
10 /L 9
10 /L 2
10 /mm 3 Plasmocyte # PLAS# 10 /mm 10 /L 10 /L 10 /mm3

Monocytes % MON% % % % % Immature lymphocyte % LYMAT% % % % %

3 3 9 9
Monocytes # MON# 3
10 /mm 3 9
10 /L 9
10 /L 2
10 /mm 3 Immature lymphocyte # LYMAT# 10 /mm 10 /L 10 /L 10 /mm3

Eosinophils % EOS% % % % % Sezary cell % SEZ% % % % %

Eosinophils # EOS# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3 Sezary cell # SEZ# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3
Basophils % BAS% % % % % Others % OTH% % % % %
Basophils # BAS# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3 Others # OTH# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3
Metamyelocytes % MET% % % % % Bands % BND% % % % %
Metamyelocytes # MET# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3 Bands # BND# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3
Myelocytes % MYE% % % % % Erythroblast % ERB# % % % %
Myelocytes # MYE# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3 Erythroblast # ERB# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3
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ASTM Format description

Table 25: Manual input of parameters Data presentation

Table 25: Manual input of parameters Data presentation
English Standard Japanese
English Standard Japanese Parameter S.I. Units mmol Units
Parameter S.I. Units mmol Units code Units Units
code Units Units
Pelger Hüet % PHUT% % % % %
Neutrophil # NEU# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3 Hyper segmented Neutrophil # HESN# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3
Neutrophil % NEU% % % % %
Hyper segmented Neutrophil % HESN% % % % %
Lymphocyte # LYM# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3 Hypo segmented Neutrophil # HOSN# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3
Lymphocyte % LYM% % % % %
Hypo segmented Neutrophil % HOSN% % % % %
Monocyte # MON# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3 3 3 9 9
Hyper granular Neutrophil # HEGN# 10 /mm 10 /L 10 /L 10 /mm3
Monocyte % MON% % % % %
Hyper granular Neutrophil % HEGN% % % % %
Eosinophil # EOS# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3 Hypo granular Neutrophil # HOGN# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3
Eosinophil % EOS% % % % %
Hypo granular Neutrophil % HOGN% % % % %
Basophil # BAS# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3 Promonocyte # PROMO# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3
Basophil % BAS% % % % %
Promonocyte % PROMO% % % % %
Band Cell # BND# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3 3 3 9 9
Monoblast # MONB# 10 /mm 10 /L 10 /L 10 /mm3
Band Cell % BND% % % % %
Monoblast % MONB% % % % %
Metamyelocyte # MET# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3 3 3 9 9
Macrophage # MACP# 10 /mm 10 /L 10 /L 10 /mm3
Metamyelocyte % MET% % % % %
Macrophage % MACP% % % % %
Myelocyte # MYE# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3 3 3 9 9
Atypical Lymphocyte # ALY# 10 /mm 10 /L 10 /L 10 /mm3
Myelocyte % MYE% % % % %
Atypical Lymphocyte % ALY% % % % %
Promyelocyte # PROMY# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3 Plasmocyte # PLAS# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3
Promyelocyte % PROMY% % % % %
Plasmocyte % PLAS% % % % %
Myeloblast # MYEB# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3 Plasma cell # PLAC# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3
Myeloblast % MYEB% % % % %
Plasma cell % PLAC% % % % %
Blast # BLA# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3 Hyper basophil Lymphocyte # HEBL# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3
Blast % BLA% % % % %
Hyper basophil Lymphocyte % HEBL% % % % %
Pelger Hüet # PHUT# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3 Reactive Lymphocyte # RLYM# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3
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ASTM Format description

Table 25: Manual input of parameters Data presentation Table 25: Manual input of parameters Data presentation

English Standard Japanese English Standard Japanese

Parameter S.I. Units mmol Units Parameter S.I. Units mmol Units
code Units Units code Units Units
Reactive Lymphocyte % RLYM% % % % % Mantle Cell % MANC% % % % %
Prolymphocyte # PROLY# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3 MicromegaKaryoblast # MIKB# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3
Prolymphocyte % PROLY% % % % % MicromegaKaryoblast % MIKB% % % % %
Large Granular Lymphocyte # LGL# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3
Large Granular Lymphocyte % LGL% % % % % 4.9. Alarms and Pathologies
Lymphoblast # LYMB# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3
4.9.1. Analyzer & Analytical alarms
Lymphoblast % LYMB% % % % %
Analyzer and analytical alarms are transmitted through the Comment record located after
Lymphoblast 1 # LYMB1# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3
the Order record. If several alarms are detected they will be seperate by the component
Lymphoblast 1 % LYMB1% % % % % delimiter.
Lymphoblast 2 # LYMB2# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3
Lymphoblast 2 % LYMB2% % % % %
4.9.2. Suspected pathologies
Lymphoblast 3 # LYMB3# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3 Suspected pathologies are transmitted through one Comment record located after the
Lymphoblast 3 % LYMB3% % % % % corresponding Result record. If several patholgies are suspected they will be seperate by the
component delimiter.
3 3 9 9
Burkitt Cell # BURC# 10 /mm 10 /L 10 /L 10 /mm3

Burkitt Cell % BURC% % % % % 4.9.3. Suspicion and Reject

Lymphoma Cell # LYMAT# 3 3 9 9 2 3
10 /mm 10 /L 10 /L 10 /mm When one result is suspected abnormal or false, that means result is not reliable, the
Lymphoma Cell % LYMAT% % % % % instrument returns a flag in field 10.1.9 (See Table 12, “Result record fields”, page 9).
Hairy Cell # HARC# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3
4.9.4. Normal and Panic ranges
Hairy Cell % HARC% % % % %
Sezary Cell # SEZ# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3 Flags when result exceeds Normal or Panic ranges are transmitted through field 10.1.7 (See
Table 12, “Result record fields”, page 9).
Sezary Cell % SEZ% % % % %
Mantle Cell # MANC# 103/mm3 109/L 109/L 102/mm3


< << >
ASTM Format description

5. Management of errors
Table 26: Example of Order sent by Host
5.1. During Instrument transmission Host
During result transmission by the instrument, if the host lost the transmission (Time-Out or
EOT) the full message will be transmitted again. <ENQ>

5.2. During Host transmission <STX>1H|\^&|||ABX|||||||P|1394-97|20031202102713<CR><ETX>06<CR><LF>

According to E-1381 protocol, error management of Time-out, Checksum and frame <STX>2P|1||PID12345||LASTNAME^FIRSTNAME||19641223|M|||||Prescriptor||||||||||||Loca-
number, in case of none respect of these norms, will return NACK (or communication will be tion<CR><ETX>D6<CR><LF>
halted). <ACK>
<STX>3C|1|I|Patient Comment<CR><ETX>3C<CR><LF>
According to E-1394 protocol, all Orders without «Sample ID» will not be interpreted by the
instrument. <ACK>
All too long fields will be cut to fit to ASTM field specified length. <ACK>
<STX>5C|1|I|Order Comment<CR><ETX>65<CR><LF>
6. Example of data frame <ACK>
6.1. Example of Order sent by Host <ACK>
• Patient ID: PID12345
• Birthdate: 23/12/1964 6.2. Example of last anteriority result sent by host
• Prescriptor: Prescriptor
• Department: Location Table 27: Example of last anteriority result sent by host
• Sample ID (mandatory field): SID007
• Test (mandatory field): CBC Host


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ASTM Format description

Table 27: Example of last anteriority result sent by host Table 27: Example of last anteriority result sent by host
<STX>2P|1||PID001||NAME^FIRSTNAME||19641223|M|||||PRESCRIPTOR||||||||||||LOCATION<CR><ETX>1 <STX>7R|11|^^^PCT|0.194|%||||||PentraDX||20040322100222|0<CR><ETX>53<CR><LF>
4<CR><LF> <ACK>
<ACK> <STX>0R|12|^^^PDW|18.8|%||H||||ABX||20040322100222|0<CR><ETX>41<CR><LF>
<ACK> <STX>1L|1<CR><ETX>3A<CR><LF>
<STX>4O|1|2312001||^^^WBC\^^^RBC\^^^HGB\^^^HCT\^^^MCV\^^^MCH\^^^MCHC\^^^R DW\ <ACK>
6.3. Example of Result sent by instrument
Table 28: Example of Result sent by instrument
<STX>7R|3|^^^HGB|13.8|g/dL||||||PentraDX||20040322100222|0<CR><ETX>FD<CR><LF> Instrument
<ACK> Host
<STX>0R|4|^^^HCT|41.8|%||||||PentraDX||20040322100222|0<CR><ETX>E5<CR><LF> <ENQ>
<STX>1R|5|^^^MCV|91|æm3||||||PentraDX||20040322100222|0<CR><ETX>EE<CR><LF> <STX>1H|\^&|||PDX|||||||P|1394-97|20031202123751<CR><ETX>1C<CR><LF>
<STX>2R|6|^^^MCH|30.0|pg||||||PentraDX||20040322100222|0<CR><ETX>8A<CR><LF> <STX>2P|1||PID12345||LASTNAME^FIRSTNAME||19641223|M|||||Prescriptor||||||||||||Location<CR><ETX>
<STX>4C|1|P|Order Comment|G<CR><ETX>2E<CR><LF>
<STX>5C|2|P|Slide PLT abnormal morphology|G<CR><ETX>1E<CR><LF>
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ASTM Format description

Table 28: Example of Result sent by instrument

<STX>7C|1|I|Macro Platelets|I<CR><ETX>FD<CR><LF>


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