IAFF Radiation Student Guide

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Developed by


Alfred K. Whitehead Vincent J. Bollon

General President General Secretary-Treasurer

Copyright © 1998
International Association of Fire Fighters
1750 New York Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20006

Alfred K. Whitehead Vincent J. Bollon

General President General Secretary-Treasurer

Bradley M. Sant, Director

Hazardous Materials Training

The IAFF acknowledges the Hazardous Materials Training staff:

Kimberly Lockhart, Michael Lucey, Diane Dix Massa, A. Christopher Miklovis, Carol Mintz,
Michael Schaitberger, Scott Solomon, Linda Voelpel Casey, and consultants Jo Griffith, Eric Lamar, and
Margaret Veroneau for their work in developing this manual.

In addition, the IAFF thanks Paul Deane,Tommy Erickson, and Charlie Wright for
their contributions to this project.

This manual was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States
Government. Neither the United States government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees,
nor any of their contractors, subcontractors nor their employees, make any warranty, expressed or
implied, or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any
information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represent that its use would not infringe upon
privately-owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade
name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement,
recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and
opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States
Government or any agency thereof.

Preface v

1 Hazardous Materials Review

Introduction 1-5
Types of Alarms 1-7
Health and Safety 1-11
General Precautions 1-21
Medical Surveillance 1-23

Appendix 1-27

2 Recognition, Identification and Detection

Recognition and Identification 2-5
Occupancy and Location 2-7
Placards, Labels, and Markings 2-9
Container Shapes and Designs 2-17
Shipping Papers and Facility Documents 2-29

Appendix 2-39

3 Chemical Properties
States of Matter 3-5
Chemical Properties 3-7

Appendix 3-15

4 Introduction to Radioactive Materials

Introduction 4-5
Radiological Terms 4-9
Exposures 4-15
Protecting Your Health and Safety 4-21

5 Packaging, Transportation, and Storage

Packaging 5-5
Transportation 5-13
Storage 5-19

Appendix 5-23

6 Radiation Emergencies
Initial Response 6-5
Detecting Radiation Hazards 6-7
Treating Patients 6-13
Controlling and Reporting Hazards 6-17

7 Personal Protective Equipment

Types of Protective Equipment 7-5
Respiratory Equipment 7-9
Decontamination 7-13

8 Scene Management
Incident Management Systems 8-5
Establishing a Hazard Area 8-13
The Media 8-15
Termination 8-17

9 Pre-Incident Planning
Introduction 9-5
Hazard Identification 9-7
Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment 9-13
Analysis of Resources 9-15

Appendix 9-17

Case Studies


Mission Statement

The Hazardous Materials Department of the International Association of Fire Fighters,

(IAFF) in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy and Fluor Daniel Fernald,
has produced this training program for fire fighters working in communities along DOE
transportation routes. Our intent is to teach fire fighters the skills they need to protect
their health and safety when responding to hazardous materials emergencies and
specifically, to incidents involving radioactive materials.

Course Objective

The purpose of this program is to provide refresher operations training, as well as in-
depth training in radiation, to fire fighters who are currently trained to the National Fire
Protection Association (NFPA) Standard for Professional Competence of Responders
to Hazardous Materials (NFPA 472).

While we believe all of the information contained herein to be accurate and timely, we
are in no way prescribing this information as the final authority. Where there are
discrepancies between the material presented in this program and local policies and
proce-dures, those of your own jurisdiction will take precedence. The U.S. Department
of Energy, Fluor Daniel Fernald and the IAFF assume no responsibility based on any
representations made in these materials.

Individual copies of the Student Text cannot be supplied by the IAFF. However, the
IAFF authorizes qualified fire instructors to duplicate the Student Text exactly and
completely so that each student will have a copy. In addition, exact and complete
copies of this training package can be made for the purpose of increasing distribution of
the materials. Copies of the Student Text or the training package cannot be sold. These
materials have been copyrighted under the copyright laws of the United States.
Permission to duplicate these materials is conditional upon meeting the criteria listed
above and may be rescinded by the IAFF for failure to comply.

As with any skill or knowledge area, refresher training and regular practice are
necessary in order to maintain your level of proficiency. Refresher training on an annual
basis, at a minimum, should be conducted and drills are needed more frequently. Keep
in mind that requirements from federal and state occupational safety and health
agencies, as well as industry standards, should always be incorporated into
departmental training.


Student Text Unit 1: Hazardous Materials Review 1-1

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
1-2 Unit 1: Hazardous Materials Review Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
By the end of this unit, participants will be able to:

C Explain why the ability to recognize and identify hazards is important to First Responders
C Explain how the location of an incident may indicate the type and quantity of hazards present
C Distinguish between contamination and exposure
C Describe the difference between acute exposure and chronic exposure
C Describe the four major routes of entry
C Describe the toxic effects that may result from chemical exposure
C Define medical surveillance
C Identify the elements of medical surveillance

Student Text Unit 1: Hazardous Materials Review 1-3

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
1-4 Unit 1: Hazardous Materials Review Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
This course is designed as a refresher program to reinforce
previous training in hazardous materials response. “Hazardous
materials” are defined as substances that have the potential to
cause harm. They include the Department of Transportation
(DOT) hazardous materials (sometimes referred to as
“dangerous goods”), and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
hazardous substances and wastes.

Your rights and responsibilities as a First Responder to

hazardous materials incidents are identified by the Occupational
Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in Regulation 29 CFR
1910.120 or EPA 40 CFR 311.

Course Reference Materials

Throughout this course you will be asked to look up various
chemicals in two reference books, the North American
Emergency Response Guidebook and the NIOSH Pocket Guide
to Chemical Hazards. Your instructor will distribute copies of
these resources for your use during class and show you how to
use them. As a First Responder, you should obtain your own
copies of these books as a permanent reference.

Student Text Unit 1: Hazardous Materials Review 1-5

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
1-6 Unit 1: Hazardous Materials Review Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Hazardous materials can be found in virtually any type of setting.
You may find them at non-structural emergencies, such as gas
leaks, fires at open waste disposal sites, brush fires, and other
“suspicious odor” calls that occur outside.

Structural Fires
Structural fires often involve hazardous materials.
For example, medical facilities contain dangerous substances
such as liquid oxygen, formaldehyde, mercury and ether. Other
industries use and process millions of tons of hazardous
materials every year and the amount is growing five to ten
percent annually. Even residences are not exempt from
hazardous materials. Pool chemicals, compressed propane for a
gas barbecue grill, pesticides, paints and solvents all can be
extremely dangerous if they are present in sufficient quantities.

Howell, New York, August, 1994

After reports of unusual activity, police discovered a bomb

factory in this residential subdivision. The bomb maker was a
15-year old high school freshman. For over a year he had
been making C4 explosives – the type used by terrorists.
Hazardous materials specialists were able to remove all the
chemicals without evacuating the neighborhood, but about 20
specially-equipped vehicles were needed to haul them away.
Authorities speculated that had the house exploded, it would
have taken part of the subdivision with it. — “Hazardous
Materials Emergencies,” John R. Cashman, 1995

Student Text Unit 1: Hazardous Materials Review 1-7

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations


Hospitals, medical labs or clinics Biological waste

Infectious patients or lab animals
Radioactive materials
Compressed and anesthetic gases
Cryogenic liquid oxygen
Syringes, sharp instruments
Ethylene oxide
Nitrous oxides

Manufacturing and processing Resins (alkyds, vinyls)

Pigments (dry metallic powders)
Compressed gases
Ammonia refrigerant
Lubricating and cooking oils
Dusts and nitrocellulose (cotton fibers)
Radioisotopes and radioactive materials

Retail and commercial Flammable gases and liquids


Business offices Cleaning products

Copy chemicals (anhydrous ammonia)

Residences and hotels Gasoline and solvents

Pesticides and fertilizers
Pool products
Cleaning supplies
Illegal drug labs

Schools Pool products

Cleaning products
Lab chemicals such as:
Acids and bases
Peroxides and ethers
Alcohols and solvents

Farms Pesticides
Anhydrous ammonia

Construction Ammonium nitrate fuel oil mixture (ANFO)

Compressed gases

Mining Methane
Coal dust and metal sulfide ores
Radioactive materials (uranium)

Semiconductor manufacturing Organic liquids (butyl acetone, toluene)

Cyanide, carbon monoxide
Arsine gas

1-8 Unit 1: Hazardous Materials Review Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Transportation Alarms
Identifying hazardous materials is more difficult at transportation
incidents than at fixed sites, simply because there is less control
over the situation. You may have little information about the
amount and type of cargo, particularly with highway shipments.
Because of this, the Department of Transportation (DOT)
regulates the shipment of dangerous substances by public
highway, rail, aircraft, and waterway. All DOT regulations are
detailed in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Title 49.
The table below shows a breakdown of hazardous materials
involved in accidents during the 1980s.

Incident Reports Involving Hazardous Materials

Flammable Liquids 39.9%

Corrosive Materials 37.9%

Combustible Liquids 6.4%

Poisons (B) 4.3%

Compressed Gas (flammable) 1.9%

Oxidizing Materials 2.7%

Compressed Gas (non-flammable) 2.1%

Radioactive Materials 0.3%

Other 4.5%

Student Text Unit 1: Hazardous Materials Review 1-9

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations


Construction materials Explosion hazards

Gas leaks
Pressurized containers
Temporary electrical equipment

Trenches, tanks, or other confined spaces Asphyxiants

Oxygen-deficient atmospheres
Other toxic gases

LP tanks Containers under pressure

Butane, propane
Other flammable gases

Unidentified odors Gas leaks

Toxic chemicals

Victims down; no apparent reasons Asphyxiants

Toxic gases
Biological hazards

Trash, garbage, or other wastes, Solvents

as well as unknown materials Aerosols
Flammable liquids
Medical waste
Radioactive materials
Biological hazards
All other dangerous materials

Electrical transformers Mineral oil

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)

Cargo Tanks Corrosives

Gasoline and fuels
Ethyl alcohol
Crude oil
Propane, butane, and LP gases
Anhydrous ammonia
Liquid oxygen
Bulk flowable commodities
Containers under pressure
Multiple products
Radioactive materials

Rail cars Chlorine

Propane, butane
Anhydrous ammonia
Flammable liquids
Containers under pressure
Multiple products
Radioactive materials

Adjacent chemical, manufacturing, or utilities All types of hazardous materials

1-10 Unit 1: Hazardous Materials Review Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
The term “hazardous materials” covers a broad range of
substances with a wide variety of effects. Some materials are
highly toxic to humans. Others are dangerous primarily because
they are flammable, though many can cause health
effects as well. Exposure to various hazardous materials may
have immediate effects, delayed effects, or no detectable
effects at all. Although no standard operating procedures can
protect you against all hazards, your department should establish
and follow operating procedures that minimize your exposure
to hazardous materials. To help protect yourself, you must
become familiar with the health effects of various chemicals so
that you can recognize early signs and symptoms of exposure,
provide effective first aid to victims, and give complete
information to your health care provider about exposures.

This section discusses how hazardous materials exposures can

occur, the different ways that toxic substances can affect the
body, and where you can turn for additional information.

Exposures and Effects

You can often prevent exposure to hazardous materials even if
you must work in close proximity to a hazardous substance.
For example, your positive-pressure self-contained breathing
apparatus prevents your exposure to carbon monoxide during
fire fighting. In some cases, however, your equipment cannot
adequately protect you from the hazards at the scene; many
gases and vapors can easily penetrate turnout clothing. To
prevent exposure, you need to become familiar with the
limitations of your turnout clothing.

Contamination vs. Exposure

It is sometimes difficult to distinguish between exposure and
contamination. You might think of yourself as “exposed”
whenever you are in the vicinity of a hazard. However, for the
purposes of this program, we will assume that you are exposed
when you contact a harmful substance and your body reacts in
some way. The material may or may not remain on or in your
body. We will assume that you are contaminated when you
contact a harmful substance and the material remains on or in
your body. Your body may or may not react to the substance.

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IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Acute vs. Chronic Effects
Acute and chronic “effects” are often confused with acute and
chronic “exposures.” These are best defined in 29 CFR
1910.1200, Appendix A. This regulation states that:

Generally, the terms “acute” and “chronic” are used to delineate

between effects on the basis of severity or duration. Acute
effects usually occur rapidly as a result of short-term exposures,
and are of short duration. Chronic effects generally occur as a
result of long-term exposure, and are of long duration.

For many agents, the effects following different types of

exposures are very different.

For example, the primary toxic acute effect of a short-term

exposure to benzene is central nervous system depression
causing confusion, a “high” feeling, and possibly some difficulty
breathing. On the other hand, a chronic effect of long-term
exposure to benzene is cancer.

Routes of Entry
There are four routes through which hazardous materials can
enter your body:

C Direct contact via skin and mucous membranes

C Inhalation
C Ingestion
C Penetration

Direct contact and inhalation, which are discussed below, are the
two most common routes of exposure for fire fighters.

Direct Contact
Intact skin provides a barrier that varies in its protective
effectiveness depending on its condition, the site of contact, and
the properties of the hazardous material. Your body will absorb
more if:

C The entry site has an abundance of hair follicles, such as the

scalp, forehead, jaw area, and underarm (for example, the
potential for exposure is twelve times greater in the groin
area than the forearm)
C You are in contact with the substance over a longer period of
C The chemical is concentrated
C Skin temperature is relatively high and blood supply heavy at
the entry site. Usually, the more chemical absorbed, the
more severe the health effects.

1-12 Unit 1: Hazardous Materials Review Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Certain categories of substances, such as fat-soluble chemicals,
are more easily absorbed by the skin. For example, paint thinner
and other solvents can be absorbed through the skin during
direct contact.

Hair follicles and pores are the entry points for chemicals. These
openings on the epidermis allow chemicals to penetrate deep
into the dermis and subcutaneous tissue.

Intact skin is normally a good barrier to foreign substances.

However, skin can be damaged by mechanical injury (trauma),
thermal injury (heat or cold), or chemical exposure. Damaged
skin is more susceptible to further damage from hazardous
materials and may allow more chemicals to be absorbed.
Absorption may also be enhanced if the substance and skin are
covered, for example, by a bandage or clothing that traps a
chemical. Moisture on the skin, especially sweat, also increases

Skin may be directly affected by exposure, as in the case of

corrosives. Or, it may provide a route of entry for hazardous
materials, and not be affected by the absorbed material.

Student Text Unit 1: Hazardous Materials Review 1-13

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
The lungs act as a transfer point in the human body. Oxygen
and other substances pass from the atmosphere to the
bloodstream, and carbon dioxide passes from the bloodstream to
the atmosphere. Many chemicals are absorbed through the
respiratory system after they have been inhaled. The respiratory
system does have some protective features. Cilia (hair-like
projections) line the main airway and trap foreign particles,
pushing them toward the throat where they can be swallowed.
However, most small particles and gases can penetrate deep
into the lungs and bronchial tree. Bronchioles at the end of the
bronchial tree can pass chemicals into the bloodstream.

Like the skin, the lungs may serve as a route of entry and may
not be affected by the inhaled hazardous material. For example,
carbon monoxide easily enters the bloodstream when inhaled.
There it binds with red blood cells and prevents oxygen from
entering the body’s tissues. Solvent vapors are also absorbed
after inhalation, and may affect only the nervous system. With
any inhalation exposure, absorption is increased when the rate
and depth of respiration is increased.

1-14 Unit 1: Hazardous Materials Review Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
The gastrointestinal system includes the mouth, pharynx,
esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine.
Collectively, these organs are responsible for the absorption,
digestion, and storage of nutrients.

Like all routes of exposure, the gastrointestinal system can be

directly affected by hazardous materials, or may serve as the
point of entry for a chemical that affects other organs in the body.

Student Text Unit 1: Hazardous Materials Review 1-15

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Although hazardous materials exposure through ingestion is
common in cases of suicide and childhood poisoning, it is less
common in work and environmental exposures.

However, ingestion can occur when hazardous substances come

in direct contact with the mouth or when contaminated hands or
clothing come into contact with the mouth. It is also possible to
consume toxic materials by eating or smoking in an environment
where food and cigarettes are contaminated.

Penetration can also be considered a route of entry for toxic
chemicals. Penetration can be intradermal (into the skin),
subcutaneous (under the skin), intravenous (into a vein), or
intramuscular (into a muscle). First Responders are not as
commonly exposed via penetration as by the other three routes.

Generally, penetrations are the result of contact with a physical

agent, such as:

C Syringes
C High pressure devices (e.g., pressurized steam lines or
C pneumatic lines)
C Sharp objects such as jagged pieces of glass or metal

1-16 Unit 1: Hazardous Materials Review Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Types of Toxic Effects
Different chemicals have different effects on the body. Some
effects are acute; others are chronic depending on the length of
exposure. A single chemical may produce a range of effects.
The effects of chemicals are not always well-researched, so you
should document all significant exposures and be alert for any
changes in normal body functions.

References often provide information about toxic substances

based on their toxic effects. There are several categories of
toxic chemicals.

Asphyxiants are gases that deprive the body tissue of oxygen.
There are two types of asphyxiants: simple asphyxiants and
chemical asphyxiants.

Simple asphyxiants displace oxygen. Examples include methane

and nitrogen. If the oxygen concentration in the atmosphere
drops too low, it cannot support life.

The normal concentration of oxygen in air is 20.9 percent.

Atmospheres with lower concentrations are considered oxygen-
deficient, especially if the concentration of oxygen is less than
19.5 percent. Oxygen deficiencies typically occur in confined
spaces such as tanks, underground spaces, or enclosed rooms.
Even if oxygen levels are between the acceptable range of 19.5
to 23.5 percent there can still be a toxic atmosphere.

Chemical asphyxiants are gases that prevent oxygen use by the

body’s tissues, even though enough oxygen is inhaled. Carbon
monoxide is probably the chemical asphyxiant with which most
fire fighters are familiar.

Corrosives can cause irreversible tissue damage. Caustic soda
and sulfuric acid are common examples. Mild tissue damage
from a corrosive may resemble a burn from heat. Acids and
alkalis (bases) are corrosives. Their effects depend on the
concentration of the chemical and the strength of the acid or
base. Hydrochloric acid, for instance, is a stronger acid than
acetic acid, which is found in vinegar. Many radioactive materials
are also corrosive. For example, the corrosive properties of
uranium hexafluoride are much more dangerous than the
radioactive properties.

Student Text Unit 1: Hazardous Materials Review 1-17

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Irritants can cause effects ranging from uncomfortable to fatal.
Some irritants can cause chronic damage to other organs and
systems. For example, sulfur dioxide (SO2) is a colorless gas
with a sharp irritating odor commonly used for disinfecting,
bleaching, and preservation. The primary organs affected by
exposure to sulfur dioxide are the skin, eyes and respiratory
system. Continued or very heavy exposures can affect the
central nervous system, the cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and
renal systems, and metabolism. Extremely high or long-term
doses can lead to pulmonary edema and anaphylaxis.

Sensitizers can cause allergic reactions after repeated
exposures. Gasoline and many pesticides are examples. A
reaction may appear several hours after exposure to the
sensitizing chemical. Reactions vary, depending on the route of
exposure. Also, reactions may be different because some
people are more susceptible to the effects of sensitizers.
Repeated exposure may cause a rash on skin, or an asthma-like
reaction if the sensitizer is inhaled.

Substances that cause cancer are called carcinogens. Benzene
and some polyaromatic hydrocarbons are suspected
carcinogens. Some carcinogens are known to cause cancer in
humans; others are known to cause cancer in laboratory animals
and are suspected of causing cancer in humans. It is difficult to
study the cancer-causing potential of chemicals among humans
for several reasons. Cancers may take up to 20 years to develop
following exposure. Asbestos is one example. Levels of exposure
to a particular chemical may be difficult to document. Also, very
little is known about the effects of exposure to multiple

Neurotoxic chemicals cause damage—either permanent or
reversible—to the central nervous system (the brain and the
spinal cord) or the peripheral nervous system (the nerves
responsible for movement and sensation in the arms, hands,
legs, and feet). Neurotoxins can affect the central or peripheral
nervous systems by blocking the electrical signals that the brain
sends and receives, or by exciting the systems to send false
signals. Symptoms range from uncomfortable to life-threatening,
depending on the chemical and the dose. Solvents such as
gasoline and benzene are examples of neurotoxins.

1-18 Unit 1: Hazardous Materials Review Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Biological Hazards
Like chemicals, biological agents can enter your body through
inhalation, ingestion, skin contact, or injection. Biological agents
can also enter the bloodstream directly through breaks in the

Infectious agents include viruses, such as hepatitis A, hepatitis

B, hepatitis C, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and the
herpes virus.

Bacteria are also infectious organisms that can cause disease in

humans. In general, bacteria are better adapted than viruses to
live outside of the body. Different types of bacteria cause
tuberculosis, strep throat, and most wound infections.
Tuberculosis infections are currently increasing and are of
concern to responders who have direct patient contact.

Any container that carries a biohazard symbol (as shown below)

carries an infectious material. Also, keep in mind that laboratory
specimens, particularly “red bag” waste from hospitals or
laboratories may be infectious. By pre-planning your area,
especially laboratories and health care facilities, you can become
familiar with the infectious agents you are likely to encounter in
an emergency.

Student Text Unit 1: Hazardous Materials Review 1-19

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
1-20 Unit 1: Hazardous Materials Review Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
The best way to protect yourself against health risks is, of
course, to avoid exposure in the first place.

You can avoid exposure by:

C Being alert to the possible presence of hazardous materials

and remaining at a safe distance
C Protecting the four routes of entry by wearing the proper
protective equipment and positive-pressure self-contained
breathing apparatus
C Avoiding secondary contamination by making sure that
contaminated patients and equipment are decontaminated
before you have contact with them
C Avoiding ongoing exposure by making sure that you and your
clothing are fully decontaminated as soon as possible

In addition, you can prevent health effects from infectious

organisms by obtaining all vaccinations that are necessary for
your area and your likely exposures. And, finally, you can also
increase your resistance to disease and infections by maintaining
good health habits.

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1-22 Unit 1: Hazardous Materials Review Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Medical surveillance is the collection and interpretation of data
from monitoring programs and other available sources for the
purpose of detecting changes in health status. The focus of
medical surveillance is on identifying changes that have already
taken place and providing a means of addressing potential
medical problems. Ideally, surveillance should be performed on
First Responders throughout their working lifetimes.

A medical surveillance program must be reviewed periodically.

Information on specific exposures, working conditions, and use
of protective equipment must be incorporated into the review.

Elements of Medical Surveillance

The health status information required for a medical surveillance
program is gathered from several different sources:

C Baseline physical examinations

C Annual/biannual examinations
C Exposure-specific or injury examinations
C Exit examinations
C Personal exposure records

Baseline Physical Examinations

Your baseline, or entry examination should be a comprehensive
study of all body systems, especially vision, hearing,
cardiovascular, pulmonary, liver function, blood testing, and
musculoskeletal systems. The purpose of this exam is to
establish a baseline against which later tests can be measured.
Differences between baseline results and subsequent testing
may indicate a change in your health status. Baseline exams
should also include questionnaire data about your medical
history, occupation, family, and background. Be sure to discuss
with your doctor any current symptoms that might be related to
exposure to hazardous substances.

Annual Examinations
Like your baseline exam, an annual or biannual exam should
include a comprehensive study of all body systems. The results
of these studies should be compared to your baseline exam.
Your doctor should then assess your health status, note any
changes, and discuss them with you. During these exams be
sure to tell your doctor of any possible exposures, changes in
your medical history or background, symptoms of illness, or
other conditions that might affect your overall health picture.

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IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Exposure-Specific Examinations
You should have an exposure-specific examination whenever
you think you may have been exposed to a hazardous
substance. These exams usually include biological monitoring to
measure the amount of a substance in your body fluid, or its

Ordinarily, biological monitoring is not included in a general

medical surveillance program because of the lack of knowledge
about the chemicals involved and the lack of specific tests to
evaluate exposure. However, if you are exposed to an agent for
which specific tests are available, you should have those tests

Exit Examinations
When you leave your job or are transferred to another type of
work, you should have an exit exam. This physical exam should
include the same tests that your physician conducted during your
baseline exam. Any changes from your baseline should be
discussed with you.

You should also let your physician know of any changes in your
health status that have occurred since your last annual exam.

Personal Exposure Records

Although your work record will contain most of your medical
history, you should keep your own records as well. Note the
results of tests, dates and conditions of possible or known
exposures, and any treatments you received. These records are
important because you may not always realize you were
exposed, particularly if you have no symptoms. In addition, some
symptoms may appear long after exposure. Having these
records on hand will help refresh your memory about an incident
if you need later treatment for an exposure.

1-24 Unit 1: Hazardous Materials Review Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Medical Surveillance for
First Responders
The federal regulations pertaining to hazardous materials
emergency response operations are found in Title 29 of the Code
of Federal Regulations, Part 1910.120 (29 CFR 1910.120). This
law is duplicated by the EPA in 40 CFR 311 for First Responders
not covered by OSHA in their state.

In addition, the National Fire Protection Association developed a

standard for fire department occupational safety and health
programs (NFPA 1500). This standard addresses the need for a
comprehensive approach to the health and safety of fire fighters
and emergency medical care providers. For your own protection,
you should be familiar with these laws and guidelines.

The OSHA regulation has specific requirements regarding

medical surveillance. These are minimum requirements; state
and local laws may exceed these requirements. Under 29 CFR
1910.120, fire fighters who operate as members of hazardous
materials teams must be provided with a medical surveillance
program. Information from questionnaires, medical exams, and
diagnostic medical testing must be collected every one to two
years for hazardous materials team members.

First Responders who are not members of hazardous materials

teams are required to participate in medical surveillance
programs if they are exposed to hazardous substances for thirty
or more days per year at or above exposure limits set by OSHA.
Medical surveillance is also required if you are injured at an
emergency incident involving hazardous substances.

Records from medical surveillance must be kept confidential for

30 years. Records on radiological exposures must be kept for
50 years. You must be informed of the results of any
examinations and tests. Your physician will provide a written
report. However, your employer should be informed only of any
work restrictions, not of the specific condition that results in the

If you are exposed to a hazardous material, a health professional

trained in toxicology or occupational medicine can help you
determine possible effects and any appropriate treatment if you

C The identity of the material involved

C The concentration of the material when the exposure
C The duration of exposure

Student Text Unit 1: Hazardous Materials Review 1-25

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
1-26 Unit 1: Hazardous Materials Review Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations

Student Text Unit 1: Hazardous Materials Review 1-27

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
1-28 Unit 1: Hazardous Materials Review Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
29 CFR 1910.120
Hazardous Waste Operations
and Emergency Response
(a) Scope, application, and definitions.

(1) Scope. This section covers the following operations, unless the employer can demonstrate that the
operation does not involve employee exposure or the reasonable possibility for employee exposure to
safety or health hazards: (I) Clean-up operations required by a governmental body, whether Federal, state
local or other involving hazardous substances that are conducted at uncontrolled hazardous waste sites
(including, but not limited to, the EPA’s National Priority Site List (NPL), state priority site lists, sites
recommended for the EPA NPL, and initial investigations of government identified sites which are
conducted before the presence or absence of hazardous substances has been ascertained; (ii) Corrective
actions involving clean-up operations at sites covered by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of
1976 (RCRA) as amended (42 U.S.C. 6901 et seq); (iii) Voluntary clean-up operations at sites recognized
by Federal, state, local or other governmental bodies as uncontrolled hazardous waste sites; (iv)
Operations involving hazardous waste that are conducted at treatment, storage, disposal (TSD) facilities
regulated by 40 CFR Parts 264 and 265 pursuant to RCRA; or by agencies under agreement with
U.S.E.P.A. to implement RCRA regulations; and (v) Emergency response operations for releases of, or
substantial threats of releases of, hazardous substances without regard to the location of the hazard.

(2) Application. (I) All requirements of Part 1910 and Part 1926 of Title 29 of the Code of Federal
Regulations apply pursuant to their terms to hazardous waste and emergency response operations
whether covered by this section or not. If there is a conflict or overlap, the provision more protective of
employee safety and health shall apply without regard to 29 CFR 1910.5(c)(1). (ii) Hazardous substance
clean-up operations within the scope of paragraphs (a)(1)(I) through (a)(1)(iii) of this section must comply
with all paragraphs of this section except paragraphs (p) and (q). (iii) Operations within the scope of
paragraph (a)(1)(I) of this section must comply only with the requirements of paragraph (p) of this section.

Notes and Exceptions:(A) All provisions of paragraph (p) of this section cover any treatment, storage or
disposal (TSD) operation regulated by 40 CFR parts 264 and 265 or by state law authorized under RCRA,
and required to have a permit or interim status from EPA pursuant to 40 CFR 270.1 or from a state
agency pursuant to RCRA. (B) Employers who are not required to have a permit or interim status because
they are conditionally exempt small quantity generators under 40 CFR 261.5 or are generators who qualify
under 40 CFR 262.34 for exemptions from regulation under 40 CFR 262.34 for exemptions from
regulation under 40 CFR parts 264, 265, and 270 (“excepted employers”) are not covered by paragraphs
(p)(1) through (p)(7) of this section. Excepted employers who are required by the EPA or state agency to
have their employees engage in emergency response or who direct their employees to engage in
emergency response are covered by paragraph (p)(8) of this section, and cannot be exempted by (p)(8)(I)
of this section. (C) If an area is used primarily for treatment, storage or disposal, any emergency response
operations in that area shall comply with paragraph (p) (8) of this section. In other areas not used primarily
for treatment, storage, or disposal, any emergency response operations shall comply with paragraph (q) of
this section. Compliance with the requirements of paragraph (q) of this section shall be deemed to be in
compliance with the requirements of paragraph (p)(8) of this section.

(iv) Emergency response operations for releases of, or substantial threats of releases of, hazardous
substances which are not covered by paragraphs (a)(1)(I) through (a)(1)(iv) of this section must only
comply with the requirements of paragraph (q) of this section.

(3) Definitions - “Buddy system” means a system of organizing employees into work groups in such a
manner that each employee of the work group is designated to be observed by at least one other
employee in the work group. The purpose of the buddy system is to provide rapid assistance to
employees in the event of an emergency. “Clean-up operation” means an operation where hazardous
substances are removed, contained, incinerated, neutralized, destabilized, cleared-up, or in any other

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IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
manner processed or handled with the ultimate goal of making the site safer for people or the
environment. “Decontamination” means the removal of hazardous substances from employees and their
equipment to the extent necessary to preclude the occurrence of foreseeable adverse health effects.
“Emergency response” or “responding to emergencies” means a response effort by employees from
outside the immediate release area or by other designated responders (i.e., mutual aid groups, local fire
departments, etc.) to an occurrence which results, or is likely to result, in an uncontrolled release of a
hazardous substance. Responses to incidental releases of hazardous substances where the substance
can be absorbed, neutralized, or otherwise controlled at the time of release by employees in the
immediate release area, or by maintenance personnel are not considered to be emergency responses
within the scope of this standard. Responses to releases of hazardous substances where there is no
potential safety or health hazard (i.e., fire, explosion, or chemical exposure) are not considered to be
emergency responses. “Facility” means (A) any building, structure, installation, equipment, pipe or pipeline
(including any pipe into a sewer or publicly owned treatment works), well, pit, pond, lagoon, impoundment,
ditch, storage container, motor vehicle, rolling stock, or aircraft, or (B) any site or area where a hazardous
substance has been deposited, stored, disposed of, or placed, or otherwise come to be located; but does
not include any consumer product in consumer use or any water-borne vessel. “Hazardous materials
response (HAZMAT) team” means an organized group of employees, designated by the employer, who
are expected to perform work to handle and control actual or potential leaks or spills of hazardous
substances requiring possible close approach to the substance. The team members perform responses to
releases or potential releases of hazardous substances for the purpose of control or stabilization of the
incident. A HAZMAT team is not a fire brigade nor is a typical fire brigade a HAZMAT team. A HAZMAT
team, however, may be a separate component of a fire brigade or fire department. “Hazardous substance”
means any substance designated or listed under (A) through (D) of this definition, exposure to which
results or may result in adverse effects on the health or safety of employees: [A] Any substance defined
under section 101(14) of CERCLA; [B] Any biologic agent and other disease causing agent which after
release into the environment and upon exposure, ingestion, inhalation, or assimilation into any person,
either directly from the environment or indirectly by ingestion through food chains, will or may reasonably
be anticipated to cause death, disease, behavioral abnormalities, cancer, genetic mutation, physiological
malfunctions (including malfunctions in reproduction) or physical deformations in such persons or their
offspring. [C] Any substance listed by the U.S. Department of Transportation as hazardous materials
under 49 CFR 172.101 ; and [D] Hazardous waste as herein defined. “Hazardous waste” means - A] A
waste or combination of wastes as defined in 40 CFR 261.3, or [B] Those substances defined as
hazardous wastes in 49 CFR 171.8. “Hazardous waste operation” means any operation conducted within
the scope of this standard. “Hazardous waste site” or “Site” means any facility or location within the scope
of this standard at which hazardous waste operations take place. “Health hazard” means a chemical,
mixture of chemicals or a pathogen for which there is statistically significant evidence based on at least
one study conducted in accordance with established scientific principles that acute or chronic health
effects may occur in exposed employees. The term “health hazard” includes chemicals which are
carcinogens, toxic or highly toxic agents, reproductive toxins, irritants, corrosives, sensitizers,
hepatotoxins, nephrotoxins, neurotoxins, agents which act on the hematopoietic system, and agents which
damage the lungs, skin, eyes, or mucous membranes. It also includes stress due to temperature
extremes. Further definition of the terms used above can be found in Appendix A to 29 CFR 1910.1200.
“IDLH” or “Immediately dangerous to life or health” means an atmospheric concentration of any toxic,
corrosive or asphyxiant substance that poses an immediate threat to life or would interfere with an
individual’s ability to escape from a dangerous atmosphere. “Oxygen deficiency” means that concentration
of oxygen by volume below which atmosphere supplying respiratory protection must be provided. It exists
in atmospheres where the percentage of oxygen by volume is less than 19.5 percent oxygen. “Permissible
exposure limit” means the exposure, inhalation or dermal permissible exposure limit specifiedin 29 CFR
Part 1910, Subparts G and Z. “Published exposure level” means the exposure limits published in
“NIOSH Recommendations for Occupational Health Standards” dated 1986, which is incorporated by
reference as specified in Sec. 1910.6, or if none is specified, the exposure limits published in the
standards specified by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists in their publication
“Threshold Limit Values and Biological Exposure Indices for 1987 - 88” dated 1987, which is incorporated
by reference as specified in Sec. 1910.6. “Post emergency response” means that portion of an emergency
response performed after the immediate threat of a release has been stabilized or eliminated and clean-
up of the site has begun. If post emergency response is performed by an employer’s own employees who

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IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
were part of the initial emergency response, it is considered to be part of the initial response and not post
emergency response. However, if a group of an employer’s own employees, separate from the group
providing initial response, performs the clean-up operation, then the separate group of employees would
be considered to be performing post-emergency response and subject to paragraph (q)(11) of this
section. “Qualified person” means a person with specific training, knowledge and experience in the area
for which the person has the responsibility and the authority to control. “Site safety and health supervisor
(or official” means the individual located on a hazardous waste site who is responsible to the employer and
has the authority and knowledge necessary to implement the site safety and health plan and verify
compliance with applicable safety and health requirements. “Small quantity generator” means a generator
of hazardous wastes who in any calendar month generates no more than 1,000 kilograms (2,205) pounds
of hazardous waste in that month. “Uncontrolled hazardous waste site” means an area identified as an
uncontrolled hazardous waste site by a governmental body, whether Federal, state, local or other where
an accumulation of hazardous substances creates a threat to the health and safety of individuals or the
environment or both. Some sites are found on public lands such as those created by former municipal,
county or state landfills where illegal or poorly managed waste disposal has taken place. Other sites are
found on private property, often belonging to generators or former generators of hazardous substance
wastes. Examples of such sites include, but are not limited to, surface impoundments, landfills, dumps,
and tank or drum farms. Normal operations at TSD sites are not covered by this definition.

(b) Safety and health program.

NOTE TO (b): Safety and health programs developed and implemented to meet other federal, state, or
local regulations are considered acceptable in meeting this requirement if they cover or are modified to
cover the topics required in this paragraph. An additional or separate safety and health program is not
required by this paragraph.

(1) General. (I) Employers shall develop and implement a written safety and health program for their
employees involved in hazardous waste operations. The program shall be designed to identify, evaluate,
and control safety and health hazards, and provide for emergency response for hazardous waste
operations. (ii) The written safety and health program shall incorporate the following: (A) An organizational
structure; (B) A comprehensive workplan; (C) A site-specific safety and health plan which need not repeat
the employer’s standard operating procedures required in paragraph (b)(1)(ii)(F) of this section; (D) The
safety and health training program; (E) The medical surveillance program; (F) The employer’s standard
operating procedures for safety and health; and (G) Any necessary interface between general program
and site specific activities. (iii) Site excavation. Site excavations created during initial site preparation or
during hazardous waste operations shall be shored or sloped as appropriate to prevent accidental
collapse in accordance with Subpart P of 29 CFR Part 1926. (iv) Contractors and sub-contractors. An
employer who retains contractor or sub-contractor services for work in hazardous waste operations shall
inform those contractors, sub-contractors, or their representatives of the site emergency response
procedures and any potential fire, explosion, health, safety or other hazards of the hazardous waste
operation that have been identified by the employer’s information program. (v) Program availability. The
written safety and health program shall be made available to any contractor or subcontractor or their
representative who will be involved with the hazardous waste operation; to employees; to employee
designated representatives; to OSHA personnel, and to personnel of other Federal, state, or local
agencies with regulatory authority over the site.

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IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
(2) Organizational structure part of the site program. (I) The organizational structure part of the program
shall establish the specific chain of command and specify the overall responsibilities of supervisors and
employees. It shall include, at a minimum, the following elements: (A) A general supervisor who has the
responsibility and authority to direct all hazardous waste operations. (B) A site safety and health
supervisor who has the responsibility and authority to develop and implement the site safety and health
plan and verify compliance. (C) All other personnel needed for hazardous waste site operations and
emergency response and their general functions and responsibilities. (D) The lines of authority,
responsibility, and communication. (ii) The organizational structure shall be reviewed and updated as
necessary to reflect the current status of waste site operations.

(3) Comprehensive workplan part of the site program. The comprehensive workplan part of the program
shall address the tasks and objectives of the site operations and the logistics and resources required to
reach those tasks and objectives. (I) The comprehensive workplan shall define anticipated clean-up
activities as well as normal operating procedures which need not repeat the employer’s procedures
available elsewhere. (ii) The comprehensive workplan shall define work tasks and objectives and identify
the methods for accomplishing those tasks and objectives. (iii) The comprehensive workplan shall
establish personnel requirements for implementing the plan. (iv) The comprehensive workplan shall
provide for the implementation of the training required in paragraph (e) of this section. (v) The
comprehensive workplan shall provide for the implementation of the required informational programs
required in paragraph (I) of this section. (vi) The comprehensive workplan shall provide for the
implementation of the medical surveillance program described in paragraph (f) if this section.

(4) Site-specific safety and health plan part of the program. (I) General. The site safety and health plan,
which must be kept on site, shall address the safety and health hazards of each phase of site operation
and include the requirements and procedures for employee protection. (ii) Elements. The site safety and
health plan, as a minimum, shall address the following: (A) A safety and health risk or hazard analysis for
each site task and operation found in the workplan. (B) Employee training assignments to assure
compliance with paragraph (e) of this section. (C) Personal protective equipment to be used by employees
for each of the site tasks and operations being conducted as required by the personal protective
equipment program in paragraph (g)(5) of this section. (D) Medical surveillance requirements in
accordance with the program in paragraph (f) of this section. (E) Frequency and types of air monitoring,
personnel monitoring, and environmental sampling techniques and instrumentation to be used, including
methods of maintenance and calibration of monitoring and sampling equipment to be used. (F) Site
control measures in accordance with the site control program required in paragraph (d) of this section. (G)
Decontamination procedures in accordance with paragraph (k) of this section. (H) An emergency
response plan meeting the requirements of paragraph (l) of this section for safe and effective responses
to emergencies, including the necessary PPE and other equipment. (I) Confined space entry procedures.
(J) A spill containment program meeting the requirements of paragraph (j) of this section. (iii) Pre-entry
briefing. The site specific safety and health plan shall provide for pre-entry briefings to be held prior to
initiating any site activity, and at such other times as necessary to ensure that employees are apprised of
the site safety and health plan and that this plan is being followed. The information and data obtained from
site characterization and analysis work required in paragraph (C) of this section shall be used to prepare
and update the site safety and health plan. (iv) Effectiveness of site safety an health plan. Inspections
shall be conducted by the site safety and health supervisor or, in the absence of that individual, another
individual who is knowledgeable in occupational safety and health, acting on behalf of the employer as
necessary to determine the effectiveness of the site safety and health plan. Any deficiencies in the
effectiveness of the site safety and health plan shall be corrected by the employer.

(c) Site characterization and analysis.

(1) General. Hazardous waste sites shall be evaluated in accordance with this paragraph to identify
specific site hazards and to determine the appropriate safety and health control procedures needed to
protect employees from the identified hazards.

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IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
(2) Preliminary evaluation. A preliminary evaluation of a site’s characteristics shall be performed prior to
site entry by a qualified person in order to aid in the selection of appropriate employee protection methods
prior to site entry. Immediately after initial site entry, a more detailed evaluation of the site’s specific
characteristics shall be performed by a qualified person in order to further identify existing site hazards
and to further aid in the selection of the appropriate engineering controls and personal protective
equipment for the tasks to be performed.

(3) Hazard identification. All suspected conditions that may pose inhalation or skin absorption hazards that
are immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH) or other conditions that may cause death or serious
harm shall be identified during the preliminary survey and evaluated during the detailed survey. Examples
of such hazards include, but are not limited to, confined space entry, potentially explosive or flammable
situations, visible vapor clouds, or areas where biological indicators such as dead animals or vegetation
are located.

(4) Required information. The following information to the extent available shall be obtained by the
employer prior to allowing employees to enter a site: (I) Location and approximate size of the site. ii)
Description of the response activity and/or the job task to be performed. (iii) Duration of the planned
employee activity. (iv) Site topography and accessibility by air and roads. (v) Safety and health hazards
expected at the site. (vi) Pathways for hazardous substance dispersion. (vii) Present status and
capabilities of emergency response teams that would provide assistance to on-site employees at the time
of an emergency. (viii) Hazardous substances and health hazards involved or expected at the site and
their chemical and physical properties.

(5) Personal protective equipment (PPE) shall be provided and used during initial site entry in accordance
with the following requirements: (I) Based upon the results of the preliminary site evaluation, an ensemble
of PPE shall be selected and used during initial site entry which will provide protection to a level of
exposure below permissible exposure limits and published exposure levels for known or suspected
hazardous substances and health hazards and which will provide protection against other known and
suspected hazards identified during the preliminary site evaluation. If there is no permissible exposure
limit or published exposure level, the employer may use other published studies and information as a
guide to appropriate personal protective equipment. (ii) If positive-pressure self-contained breathing
apparatus is not used as part of the entry ensemble, and if respiratory protection is warranted by the
potential hazards identified during the preliminary site evaluation, an escape self-contained breathing
apparatus of at least five minute’s duration shall be carried by employees during initial site entry. (iii) If the
preliminary site evaluation does not produce sufficient information to identify the hazards or suspected
hazards of the site an ensemble providing equivalent to Level B PPE shall be provided as minimum
protection, and direct reading instruments shall be used as appropriate for identifying IDLH conditions.
(See Appendix B for guidelines on Level B protective equipment.) (iv) Once the hazards of the site have
been identified, the appropriate PPE shall be selected and used in accordance with paragraph (g) of this

(6) Monitoring. The following monitoring shall be conducted during initial site entry when the site evaluation
produces information which shows the potential for ionizing radiation or IDLH conditions, or when the site
information is not sufficient reasonably to eliminate these possible conditions: (I) Monitoring with direct
reading instruments for hazardous levels of ionizing radiation. (ii) Monitoring the air with appropriate direct
reading test equipment for (i.e., combustible gas meters, detector tubes) for IDLH and other conditions
that may cause death or serious harm (combustible or explosive atmospheres, oxygen deficiency, toxic
substances.) (iii) Visually observing for signs of actual or potential IDLH or other dangerous conditions. (iv)
An ongoing air monitoring program in accordance with paragraph (h) of this section shall be implemented
after site characterization has determined the site is safe for the
start-up of operations.

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IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
(7) Risk identification. Once the presence and concentrations of specific hazardous substances and health
hazards have been established, the risks associated with these substances shall be identified. Employees
who will be working on the site shall be informed of any risks that have been identified. In situations
covered by the Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200, training required by that standard
need not be duplicated. NOTE TO (c)(7). - Risks to consider include, but are not limited to: [a] Exposures
exceeding the permissible exposure limits and published exposure levels. [b] IDLH Concentrations. [c]
Potential Skin Absorption and Irritation Sources. [d] Potential Eye Irritation Sources. [e] Explosion
Sensitivity and Flammability Ranges. [f] Oxygen deficiency.

(8) Employee notification. Any information concerning the chemical, physical, and toxicologic properties of
each substance known or expected to be present on site that is available to the employer and relevant to
the duties an employee is expected to perform shall be made available to the affected employees prior to
the commencement of their work activities. The employer may utilize information developed for the hazard
communication standard for this purpose.

(d) Site control.

(1) General. Appropriate site control procedures shall be implemented to control employee exposure to
hazardous substances before clean-up work begins.

(2) Site control program. A site control program for protecting employees which is part of the employer’s
site safety and health program required in paragraph (b) of this section shall be developed during the
planning stages of a hazardous waste clean-up operation and modified as necessary as new information
becomes available.

(3) Elements of the site control program. The site control program shall, as a minimum, include: A site
map; site work zones; the use of a “buddy system”; site communications including alerting means for
emergencies; the standard operating procedures or safe work practices; and, identification of the nearest
medical assistance. Where these requirements are covered elsewhere they need not be repeated.

(e) Training.

(1) General. (I) All employees working on site (such as but not limited to equipment operators, general
laborers and others) exposed to hazardous substances, health hazards, or safety hazards and their
supervisors and management responsible for the site shall receive training meeting the requirements of
this paragraph before they are permitted to engage in hazardous waste operations that could expose them
to hazardous substances, safety, or health hazards, and they shall receive review training as specified in
this paragraph. (ii) Employees shall not be permitted to participate in or supervise field activities until they
have been trained to a level required by their job function and responsibility.

(2) Elements to be covered. The training shall thoroughly cover the following: (I) Names of personnel and
alternates responsible for site safety and health; (ii) Safety, health and other hazards present on the site;
(iii) Use of PPE; (iv) Work practices by which the employee can minimize risks from hazards; (v) Safe use
of engineering controls and equipment on the site; (vi) Medical surveillance requirements including
recognition of symptoms and signs which might indicate over exposure to hazards; and (vii) The contents
of paragraphs (G) through (J) of the site safety and health plan set forth in paragraph (b)(4)(ii) of this

(3) Initial training. (I) General site workers (such as equipment operators, general laborers and supervisory
personnel) engaged in hazardous substance removal or other activities which expose or potentially
expose workers to hazardous substances and health hazards shall receive a minimum of 40 hours of
instruction off the site, and a minimum of three days actual field experience under the direct supervision of
a trained experienced supervisor. (ii) Workers on site only occasionally for a specific limited task (such as,
but not limited to, ground water monitoring, land surveying, or geophysical surveying) and who are unlikely
to be exposed over permissible exposure limits and published exposure limits shall receive a minimum of
24 hours of instruction off the site, and the minimum of one day actual field experience under the direct

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IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
supervision of a trained, experienced supervisor. (iii) Workers regularly on site who work in areas which
have been monitored and fully characterized indicating that exposures are under permissible exposure
limits and published exposure limits where respirators are not necessary, and the characterization
indicates that there are no health hazards or the possibility of an emergency developing, shall receive a
minimum of 24 hours of instruction off the site, and the minimum of one day actual field experience under
the direct supervision of a trained, experienced supervisor. (iv) Workers with 24 hours of training who are
covered by para-graphs (e)(3)(ii) and (e)(3)(iii) of this section, and who become general site workers or
who are required to wear respirators, shall have the additional 16 hours and two days of training
necessary to total the training specified in paragraph (e)(3)(I).

(4) Management and supervisor training. On-site management and supervisors directly responsible for or
who supervise employees engaged in hazardous waste operations shall receive 40 hours initial and three
days of supervised field experience (the training may be reduced to 24 hours and one day if the only area
of their responsibility is employees covered by paragraphs (e)(3)(ii) and (e)(3)(iii) and at least eight
additional hours of specialized training at the time of job assignment on such topics as, but no limited to,
the employer’s safety and health program, personal protective equipment program, spill containment
program, and health hazard monitoring procedure and techniques.

(5) Qualifications for trainers. Trainers shall be qualified to instruct employees about the subject matter
that is being presented in training. Such trainers shall have satisfactorily completed a training program for
teaching the subjects they are expected to teach, or they shall have the academic credentials and
instructional experience necessary for teaching the subjects. Instructors shall demonstrate competent
instructional skills and knowledge of the applicable subject matter.

(6) Training certification. Employees and supervisors that have received and successfully completed the
training and field experience specified in paragraphs (e)(1) through (e)(4) of this section shall be certified
by their instructor or the head instructor and trained supervisor as having completed the necessary
training. A written certificate shall be given to each person so certified. Any person who has not been so
certified or who does not meet the requirements of paragraph (e)(9) of this section shall be prohibited from
engaging in hazardous waste operations.

(7) Emergency response. Employees who are engaged in responding to hazardous emergency situations
at hazardous waste clean-up sites that may expose them to hazardous substances shall be trained in how
to respond to such expected emergencies.

(8) Refresher training. Employees specified in paragraph (e)(1) of this section, and managers and
supervisors specified in paragraph (e)(4) of this section, shall receive eight hours of refresher training
annually on the items specified in paragraph (e)(2) and/or (e)(4) of this section, any critique of incidents
that have occurred in the past year that can serve as training examples of related work, and other relevant

(9) Equivalent training. Employers who can show by documentation or certification that an employee’s
work experience and/or training has resulted in training equivalent to that training required in paragraphs
(e)(1) through (e)(4) of this section shall not be required to provide the initial training requirements of those
paragraphs to such employees and shall provide a copy of the certification or documentation to the
employee upon request. However, certified employees or employees with equivalent training new to a site
shall receive appropriate, site specific training before site entry and have appropriate supervised field
experience at the new site. Equivalent training includes any academic training or the training that existing
employees might have already received from actual hazardous waste site experience.

(f) Medical surveillance.

(1) General. Employees engaged in operations specified in paragraphs (a)(1)(I) through (a)(1)(iv) of this
section and not covered by (a)(2)(iii) exceptions and employers of employees specified in paragraph (q)(9)
shall institute a medical surveillance program in accordance with this paragraph.

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(2) Employees covered. The medical surveillance program shall be instituted by the employer for the
following employees: (I) All employees who are or may be exposed to hazardous substances or health
hazards at or above the established permissible exposure limit, above the published exposure levels for
these substances, without regard to the use of respirators, for 30 days or more a year; (ii) All employees
who wear a respirator for 30 days or more a year or as required by 1910.134; (iii) All employees who are
injured, become ill or develop signs or symptoms due to possible overexposure involving hazardous
substances or health hazards from an emergency response or hazardous waste operation; and (iv)
Members of HAZMAT teams.

(3) Frequency of medical examinations and consultations. Medical examinations and consultations shall
be made available by the employer to each employee covered under paragraph (f)(2) of this section on the
following schedules: (I) For employees covered under paragraphs (f)(2)(I), (f)(2)(ii), and (f)(2)(iv); (A) Prior
to assignment; (B) At least once every twelve months for each employee covered unless the attending
physician believes a longer interval (not greater than biennially) is appropriate; (C) At termination of
employment or reassignment to an area where the employee would not be covered if the employee has
not had an examination within the last six months. (D) As soon as possible upon notification by an
employee that the employee has developed signs or symptoms indicating possible overexposure to
hazardous substances or health hazards, or that the employee has been injured or exposed above the
permissible exposure limits or published exposure levels in an emergency situation; (E) At more frequent
times, if the examining physician determines that an increased frequency of examination is medically
necessary. (ii) For employees covered under paragraph (f)(2)(iii) and for all employees including of
employers covered by paragraph (a)(1)(iv) who may have been injured, received a health impairment,
developed signs or symptoms which may have resulted from exposure to hazardous substances resulting
from an emergency incident, or exposed during an emergency incident to hazardous substances at
concentrations above the permissible exposure limits or the published exposure levels without the
necessary personal protective equipment being used: (A) As soon as possible following the emergency
incident or development of signs or symptoms; (B) At additional times, if the examining physician
determines that follow-up examinations or consultations are medically necessary.

(4) Content of medical examinations and consultations. (I) Medical examinations required by paragraph
(f)(3) of this section shall include a medical and work history (or updated history if one is in the employee’s
file) with special emphasis on symptoms related to the handling of hazardous substances and health
hazards, and to fitness for duty including the ability to wear any required PPE under conditions (i.e.,
temperature extremes) that may be expected at the work site. (ii) The content of medical examinations or
consultations made available to employees pursuant to paragraph (f) shall be determined by the attending
physician. The guidelines in the Occupational Safety and Health Guidance Manual for Hazardous Waste
Site Activities (See Appendix D, reference # 10) should be consulted.

(5) Examination by a physician and costs. All medical examinations and procedures shall be performed by
or under the supervision of a licensed physician, preferably one knowledgeable in occupational medicine,
and shall be provided without cost to the employee, without loss of pay, and at a reasonable time and

(6) Information provided to the physician. The employer shall provide one copy of this standard and its
appendices to the attending physician and in addition the following for each employee: (I) A description of
the employee’s duties as they relate to the employee’s exposures, (ii) The employee’s exposure levels or
anticipated exposure levels. (iii) A description of any personal protective equipment used or to be used.
(iv) Information from previous medical examinations of the employee which is not readily available to the
examining physician. (v) Information required by 1910.134.

(7) Physician’s written opinion. (I) The employer shall obtain and furnish the employee with a copy of a
written opinion from the examining physician containing the following: (A) The physician’s opinion as to
whether the employee has any detected medical conditions which would place the employee at increased
risk of material impairment of the employee’s health from work in hazardous waste operations or
emergency response, or from respirator use. (B) The physician’s recommended limitations upon the
employees assigned work. (C) The results of the medical examination and tests if requested by the

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employee. (D) A statement that the employee has been informed by the physician of the results of the
medical examination and any medical conditions which require further examination or treatment. (ii) The
written opinion obtained by the employer shall not reveal specific findings or diagnoses unrelated to
occupational exposure.

(8) Recordkeeping. (I) An accurate record of the medical surveillance required by paragraph (f) of this
section shall be retained. This record shall be retained for the period specified and meet the criteria of 29
CFR 1910.20. (ii) The record required in paragraph (f)(8)(I) of this section shall include at least the
following information: (A) The name and social security number of the employee; (B) Physicians’ written
opinions, recommended limitations and results of examinations and tests; (C) Any employee medical
complaints related to exposure to hazardous substances; (D) A copy of the information provided to the
examining physician by the employer, with the exception of the standard and its appendices.

(g) Engineering controls, work practices, and personal protective equipment for employee

Engineering controls, work practices and PPE for substances regulated in Subpart Z.

(I) Engineering controls, work practices, personal protective equipment, or a combination of these shall be
implemented in accordance with this paragraph to protect employees from exposure to hazardous
substances and safety and health hazards. (1) Engineering controls, work practices and PPE for
substances regulated in Subparts G and Z. (I) Engineering controls and work practices shall be instituted
to reduce and maintain employee exposure to or below the permissible exposure limits for substances
regulated by 29 CFR Part 1910, to the extent required by Subpart Z, except to the extent that such
controls and practices are not feasible. NOTE TO (g)(1)(I): Engineering controls which may be feasible
include the use of pressurized cabs or control booths on equipment, and/or the use of remotely operated
material handling equipment. Work practices which may be feasible are removing all non-essential
employees from potential exposure during opening of drums, wetting down dusty operations and locating
employees upwind of possible hazards. (ii) Whenever engineering controls and work practices are not
feasible, or not required, any reasonable combination of engineering controls, work practices and PPE
shall be used to reduce and maintain to or below the permissible exposure limits or dose limits for
substances regulated by 29 CFR Part 1910, Subpart Z. (iii) The employer shall not implement a schedule
of employee rotation as a means of compliance with permissible exposure limits or dose limits except
when there is no other feasible way of complying with the airborne or dermal dose limits for ionizing

(2) Engineering controls, work practices, and PPE for substances not regulated in Subparts G and Z. An
appropriate combination of engineering controls, work practices, and personal protective equipment shall
be used to reduce and maintain employee exposure to or below published exposure levels for hazardous
substances and health hazards not regulated by 29 CFR Part 1910, Subparts G and Z. The employer may
use the published literature and MSDS as a guide in making the employer’s determination as to what level
of protection the employer believes is appropriate for hazardous substances and health hazards for which
there is no permissible exposure limit or published exposure limit.

(3) Personal protective equipment selection. (I) Personal protective equipment (PPE) shall be selected
and used which will protect employees from the hazards and potential hazards they are likely to encounter
as identified during the site characterization and analysis. (ii) Personal protective equipment selection shall
be based on an evaluation of the performance characteristics of the PPE relative to the requirements and
limitations of the site, the task-specific conditions and duration, and the hazards and potential hazards
identified at the site. (iii) Positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus, or positive pressure air-line
respirators equipped with an escape air supply shall be used when chemical exposure levels present will
create a substantial possibility of immediate death, immediate serious illness or injury, or impair the ability
to escape. (iv) Totally-encapsulating chemical protective suits (protection equivalent to Level A protection
as recommended in Appendix B) shall be used in conditions where skin absorption of a hazardous
substance may result in a substantial possibility of immediate death, immediate serious illness or injury, or
impair the ability to escape. (v) The level of protection provided by PPE selection shall be increased when

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additional information or site conditions show that increased protection is necessary to reduce employee
exposures below permissible exposure limits and published exposure levels for hazardous substances
and health hazards. (See Appendix B for guidance on selecting PPE ensembles.)

NOTE TO (g)(3): The level of employee protection provided may be decreased when additional
information or site conditions show that decreased protection will not result in hazardous exposures to

(vi) Personal protective equipment shall be selected and used to meet the requirements of 29 CFR Part
1910, Subpart I, and additional requirements specified in this section.

(4) Totally-encapsulating chemical protective suits. (I) Totally-encapsulating suits shall protect employees
from the particular hazards which are identified during site characterization and analysis. (ii) Totally-
encapsulating suits shall be capable of maintaining positive air pressure. (See Appendix A for a test
method which may be used to evaluate this requirement.) (iii) Totally-encapsulating suits shall be capable
of preventing inward test gas leakage of more than 0.5 percent. (See Appendix A for a test method which
may be used to evaluate this requirement.)

(5) Personal protective equipment (PPE) program. A personal protective equipment program, which is part
of the employer’s safety and health program required in paragraph (b) of this section or required in
paragraph (p)(1) of this section and which is also a part of the site-specific safety and health plan shall be
established. The PPE program shall address the elements listed below. When elements, such as donning
and doffing procedures, are provided by the manufacturer of a piece of equipment and are attached to the
plan, they need not be rewritten into the plan as long as they adequately address the procedure or
element. (I) PPE selection based upon site hazards, (ii) PPE use and limitations of the equipment, (iii)
Work mission duration, (iv) PPE maintenance and storage, (v) PPE decontamination and disposal, (vi)
PPE training and proper fitting, (vii) PPE donning and doffing procedures, (viii) PPE inspection procedures
prior to, during, and after use, (ix) Evaluation of the effectiveness of the PPE program, and (x) Limitations
during temperature extremes, heat stress, and other appropriate medical considerations.

(h) Monitoring.

(1) General. (I) Monitoring shall be performed in accordance with this paragraph where there may be a
question of employee exposure to hazardous concentrations of hazardous substances in order to assure
proper selection of engineering controls, work practices and personal protective equipment so that
employees are not exposed to levels which exceed permissible exposure limits, or published exposure
levels if there are no permissible exposure limits, for hazardous substances. (ii) Air monitoring shall be
used to identify and quantify airborne levels of hazardous substances and safety and health hazards in
order to determine the appropriate level of employee protection needed on site.

(2) Initial entry. Upon initial entry, representative air monitoring shall be conducted to identify any IDLH
condition, exposure over permissible exposure limits or published exposure levels, exposure over a
radioactive material’s dose limits or other dangerous condition such as the presence of flammable
atmospheres, oxygen-deficient environments.

(3) Periodic monitoring. Periodic monitoring shall be conducted when the possibility of an IDLH condition
or flammable atmosphere has developed or when there is indication that exposures may have risen over
permissible exposure limits or published exposure levels since prior monitoring. Situations where it shall
be considered whether the possibility that exposures have risen are as follows: {i}When work begins on a
different portion of the site. {ii} When contaminants other than those previously identified are being
handled. {iii}When a different type of operation is initiated (e.g., drum opening as opposed to exploratory
well drilling.) {iv}When employees are handling leaking drums or containers or working in areas with
obvious liquid contamination (e.g., a spill or lagoon.)

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(4) Monitoring of high-risk employees. After the actual clean-up phase of any hazardous waste operation
commences; for example, when soil, surface water or containers are moved or disturbed; the employer
shall monitor those employees likely to have the highest exposures to those hazardous substances and
health hazards likely to be present above permissible exposure limits or published exposure levels by
using personal sampling frequently enough to characterize employee exposures. The employer may utilize
a representative sampling approach by documenting that the employees and chemicals chosen for
monitoring are based on the criteria stated in the first sentence of this paragraph. If the employees likely to
have the highest exposure are over permissible exposure limits or published exposure limits, then
monitoring shall continue to determine all employees likely to be above those limits. The employer may
utilize a representative sampling approach by documenting that the employees and chemicals chosen for
monitoring are based on the criteria stated above.

NOTE TO (h): It is not required to monitor employees engaged in site characterization operations covered
by paragraph (C) of this section.

(i) Informational programs.

Employers shall develop and implement a program which is part of the employer’s safety and health
program required in paragraph (b) of this section to inform employees, contractors, and subcontractors (or
their representative) actually engaged in hazardous waste operations of the nature, level and degree of
exposure likely as a result of participation in such hazardous waste operations. Employees, contractors
and subcontractors working outside of the operations part of a site are not covered by this standard.

(j) Handling drums and containers

(1) General. (I) Hazardous substances and contaminated, liquids and other residues shall be handled,
transported, labeled, and disposed of in accordance with this paragraph. (ii) Drums and containers used
during the clean-up shall meet the appropriate DOT, OSHA, and EPA regulations for the wastes that they
contain. (iii) When practical, drums and containers shall be inspected and their integrity shall be assured
prior to being moved. Drums or containers that cannot be inspected before being moved because of
storage conditions (i.e., buried beneath the earth, stacked behind other drums, stacked several tiers high
in a pile, etc.) shall be moved to an accessible location and inspected prior to further handling. (iv)
Unlabeled drums and containers shall be considered to contain hazardous substances and handled
accordingly until the contents are positively identified and labeled. (v) Site operations shall be organized to
minimize the amount of drum or container movement. (vi) Prior to movement of drums or containers, all
employees exposed to the transfer operation shall be warned of the potential hazards associated with the
contents of the drums or containers. (vii) U.S. Department of Transportation specified salvage drums or
containers and suitable quantities of proper absorbent shall be kept available and used in areas where
spills, leaks, or ruptures may occur. (viii) Where major spills may occur, a spill containment program,
which is part of the employer’s safety and health program required in paragraph (b) of this section, shall
be implemented to contain and isolate the entire volume of the hazardous substance being transferred.
(ix) Drums and containers that cannot be moved without rupture, leakage, or spillage shall be emptied into
a sound container using a device classified for the material being transferred. (x) A ground-penetrating
system or other type of detection system or device shall be used to estimate the location and depth of
buried drums or containers. (xi) Soil or covering material shall be removed with caution to prevent drum or
container rupture. (xii) Fire extinguishing equipment meeting the requirements of 29 CFR Part 1910,
Subpart L, shall be on hand and ready for use to control incipient fires.

(2) Opening drums and containers. The following procedures shall be followed in areas where drums or
containers are being opened: (I) Where an airline respirator system is used, connections to the source of
air supply shall be protected from contamination and the entire system shall be protected from physical
damage. (ii) Employees not actually involved in opening drums or containers shall be kept a safe distance
from the drums or containers being opened. (iii) If employees must work near or adjacent to drums or
containers being opened, a suitable shield that does not interfere with the work operation shall be placed
between the employee and the drums or containers being opened to protect the employee in case of
accidental explosion. (iv) Controls for drum or container opening equipment, monitoring equipment, and

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fire suppression equipment shall be located behind the explosion-resistant barrier. (v) When there is a
reasonable possibility of flammable atmospheres being present, material handling equipment and hand
tools shall be of the type to prevent sources of ignition. (vi) Drums and containers shall be opened in such
a manner that excess interior pressure will be safely relieved. If pressure cannot be relieved from a
remote location, appropriate shielding shall be placed between the employee and the drums or containers
to reduce the risk of employee injury. (vii) Employees shall not stand upon or work from drums or

(3) Material handling equipment. Material handling equipment used to transfer drums and containers shall
be selected, positioned and operated to minimize sources of ignition related to the equipment from igniting
vapors released from ruptured drums or containers.

(4) Radioactive wastes. Drums and containers containing radioactive wastes shall not be handled until
such time as their hazard to employees is properly assessed.

(5) Shock sensitive wastes. As a minimum, the following special precautions shall be taken when drums
and containers containing or suspected of containing shock-sensitive wastes are handled: (I) All non-
essential employees shall be evacuated from the area of transfer. (ii) Material handling equipment shall be
provided with explosive containment devices or protective shields to protect equipment operators from
exploding containers. (iii) An employee alarm system capable of being perceived above surrounding light
and noise conditions shall be used to signal the commencement and completion of explosive waste
handling activities. (iv) Continuous communications (i.e., portable radios, hand signals, telephones, as
appropriate) shall be maintained between the employee-in-charge of the immediate handling area and
both the site safety and health supervisor and the command post until such time as the handling operation
is completed. Communication equipment or methods that could cause shock sensitive materials to
explode shall not be used. (v) Drums and containers under pressure, as evidenced by bulging or
swelling, shall not be moved until such time as the cause for excess pressure is determined and
appropriate containment procedures have been implemented to protect employees from explosive relief of
the drum. (vi) Drums and containers containing packaged laboratory wastes shall be considered to contain
shock-sensitive or explosive materials until they have been characterized.

Caution: Shipping of shock sensitive wastes may be prohibited under U.S. Department of Transportation
regulations. Employers and their shippers should refer to 49 CFR 173.21 and 173.50.

(6) Laboratory waste packs. In addition to the requirements of paragraph (j)(5) of this section, the following
precautions shall be taken, as a minimum, in handling laboratory waste packs (lab packs): (I) Lab packs
shall be opened only when necessary and then only by an individual knowledgeable in the inspection,
classification, and segregation of the containers within the pack according to the hazards of the wastes. (ii)
If crystalline material is noted on any container, the contents shall be handled as a shock-sensitive waste
until the contents are identified.

(7) Sampling of drum and container contents. Sampling of containers and drums shall be done in
accordance with a sampling procedure which is part of the site safety and health plan developed for and
available to employees and others at the specific worksite.

(8) Shipping and transport. (I) Drums and containers shall be identified and classified prior to packaging
for shipment. (ii) Drum or container staging areas shall be kept to the minimum number necessary to
safely identify and classify materials and prepare them for transport. (iii) Staging areas shall be provided
with adequate access and egress routes. (iv) Bulking of hazardous wastes shall be permitted only after a
thorough characterization of the materials has been completed.

(9) Tank and vault procedures. (I) Tanks and vaults containing hazardous substances shall be handled in
a manner similar to that for drums and containers, taking into consideration the size of the tank or vault.
(ii) Appropriate tank or vault entry procedures as described in the employer’s safety and health plan shall
be followed whenever employees must enter a tank or vault.

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(k) Decontamination

(1) General. Procedures for all phases of decontamination shall be developed and implemented in
accordance with this paragraph.

(2) Decontamination procedures. (I) A decontamination procedure shall be developed, communicated to

employees and implemented before any employees or equipment may enter areas on site where potential
for exposure to hazardous substances exists. (ii) Standard operating procedures shall be developed to
minimize employee contact with hazardous substances or with equipment that has contacted hazardous
substances. (iii) All employees leaving a contaminated area shall be appropriately decontaminated; all
contaminated clothing and equipment leaving a contaminated area shall be appropriately disposed of or
decontaminated. (iv) Decontamination procedures shall be monitored by the site safety and health
supervisor to determine their effectiveness. When such procedures are found to be ineffective,
appropriate steps shall be taken to correct any deficiencies.

(3) Location. Decontamination shall be performed in geographical areas that will minimize the exposure of
uncontaminated employees or equipment to contaminated employees or equipment.

(4) Equipment and solvents. All equipment and solvents used for decontamination shall be
decontaminated or disposed of properly.

(5) Personal protective clothing and equipment. (I) Protective clothing and equipment shall be
decontaminated, cleaned, laundered, maintained or replaced as needed to maintain their effectiveness.
(ii) Employees whose non-impermeable clothing becomes wetted with hazardous substances shall
immediately remove that clothing and proceed to shower. The clothing shall be disposed of or
decontaminated before it is removed from the work zone.

(6) Unauthorized employees shall not remove protective clothing or equipment from change rooms.

(7) Commercial laundries or cleaning establishments. Commercial laundries or cleaning establishments

that decontaminate protective clothing or equipment shall be informed of the potentially harmful effects of
exposures to hazardous substances.

(8) Showers and change rooms. Where the decontamination procedure indicates a need for regular
showers and change rooms outside of a contaminated area, they shall be provided and meet the
requirements of 29 CFR 1910.141. If temperature conditions prevent the effective use of water, then other
effective means for cleansing shall be provided and used.

(l) Emergency response by employees at uncontrolled hazardous waste sites

(1) Emergency response plan. (I) An emergency response plan shall be developed and implemented by all
employers within the scope of paragraphs (a)(1)(I) through (ii) of this section. section to handle anticipated
emergencies prior to the commencement of hazardous waste operations. The plan shall be in writing and
available for inspection and copying by employees, their representatives, OSHA personnel and other
governmental agencies with relevant responsibilities. (ii) Employers who will evacuate their employees
from the danger area when an emergency occurs, and who do not permit any of their employees to assist
in handling the emergency, are exempt from the requirements of this paragraph if they provide an
emergency action plan complying with section 1910.38(a) of this part.

(2) Elements of an emergency response plan. The employer shall develop an emergency response plan
for emergencies which shall address, as a minimum, the following: (I) Pre-emergency planning. (ii)
Personnel roles, lines of authority, training, and communication. (iii) Emergency recognition and
prevention. (iv) Safe distances and places of refuge. (v) Site security and control. (vi) Evacuation routes
and procedures. (vii) Decontamination procedures which are not covered by the site safety and health
plan. (viii) Emergency medical treatment and first aid. (ix) Emergency alerting and response procedures.
(x) Critique of response and follow-up. (xi) PPE and emergency equipment.

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(3) Procedures for handling emergency incidents. (I) In addition to the elements for the emergency
response plan required in paragraph (l)(2) of this section, the following elements shall be included for
emergency response plans: (A) Site topography, layout, and prevailing weather conditions. (B)
Procedures for reporting incidents to local, state, and federal governmental agencies. (ii) The emergency
response plan shall be a separate section of the Site Safety and Health Plan. (iii) The emergency
response plan shall be compatible and integrated with the disaster, fire and/or emergency response plans
of local, state, and federal agencies. (iv) The emergency response plan shall be rehearsed regularly as
part of the overall training program for site operations. (v) The site emergency response plan
shall be reviewed periodically and, as necessary, be amended to keep it current with new or changing site
conditions or information. (vi) An employee alarm system shall be installed in accordance with 29 CFR
1910.165 to notify employees of an emergency situation, to stop work activities if necessary, to lower
background noise in order to speed communication, and to begin emergency procedures. (vii) Based
upon the information available at time of the emergency, the employer shall evaluate the incident and the
site response capabilities and proceed with the appropriate steps to implement the site emergency
response plan.

(m) Illumination.

Areas accessible to employees shall be lighted to not less than the minimum illumination intensities listed
in the following Table H-120.1 while any work is in progress.

(n) Sanitation at temporary workplaces

(1) Potable water. (I) An adequate supply of potable water shall be provided on the site. (ii) Portable
containers used to dispense drinking water shall be capable of being tightly closed, and equipped with a
tap. Water shall not be dipped from containers. (iii) Any container used to distribute drinking water shall be
clearly marked as to the nature of its contents and not used for any other purpose. (iv) Where single
service cups (to be used but once) are supplied, both a sanitary container for the unused cups and a
receptacle for disposing of the used cups shall be provided.

(2) Nonpotable water. (I) Outlets for nonpotable water, such as water for firefighting purposes shall be
identified to indicate clearly that the water is unsafe and is not to be used for drinking, washing, or cooking
purposes. (ii) There shall be no cross-connection, open or potential, between a system furnishing potable
water and a system furnishing nonpotable water.

(3) Toilets facilities. (I) Toilets shall be provided for employees according to Table H-120.2. (ii) Under
temporary field conditions, provisions shall be made to assure not less than one toilet facility is available.
(iii) Hazardous waste sites, not provided with a sanitary sewer, shall be provided with the following toilet
facilities unless prohibited by local codes: (A) Chemical toilets; (B) Recirculating toilets; (C) Combustion
toilets; or (D) Flush toilets. (iv) The requirements of this paragraph for sanitation facilities shall not apply to
mobile crews having transportation readily available to nearby toilet facilities. (v) Doors entering toilet
facilities shall be provided with entrance locks controlled from inside the facility.

(4) Food handling. All food service facilities and operations for employees shall meet the applicable laws,
ordinances, and regulations of the jurisdictions in which they are located.

(5) Temporary sleeping quarters. When temporary sleeping quarters are provided, they shall be heated,
ventilated, and lighted.

(6) Washing facilities. The employer shall provide adequate washing facilities for employees engaged in
operations where hazardous substances may be harmful to employees. Such facilities shall be in near
proximity to the worksite; in areas where exposures are below permissible exposure limits and which are
under the controls of the employer; and shall be so equipped as to enable employees to remove
hazardous substances from themselves.

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(7) Showers and change rooms. When hazardous waste clean-up or removal operations commence on a
site and the duration of the work will require six months or greater time to complete, the employer shall
provide showers and change rooms for all employees exposed to hazardous substances and health
hazards involved in hazardous waste clean-up or removal operations. (I) Showers shall be provided and
shall meet the requirements of 29 CFR 1910.141(d)(3). (ii) Change rooms shall be provided and shall
meet the requirements of 29 CFR 1910.141(e). Change rooms shall consist of two separate change
areas separated by the shower area required in paragraph (n)(7)(I) of this section. One change area, with
an exit leading off the worksite, shall provide employees with an area where they can put on, remove and
store work clothing and personal protective equipment. (iii) Showers and change rooms shall be located in
areas where exposures are below the permissible exposure limits and published exposure levels. If this
cannot be accomplished, then a ventilation system shall be provided that will supply air that is below
the permissible exposure limits and published exposure levels. (iv) Employers shall assure that employees
shower at the end of their work shift and when leaving the hazardous waste site.

(o) New technology programs.

(1) The employer shall develop and implement procedures for the introduction of effective new
technologies and equipment developed for the improved protection of employees working with hazardous
waste clean-up operations, and the same shall be implemented as part of the site safety and health
program to assure that employee protection is being maintained.

(2) New technologies, equipment or control measures available to the industry, such as the use of foams,
absorbents, absorbents, neutralizers, or other means to suppress the level of air contaminants while
excavating the site or for spill control, shall be evaluated by employers or their representatives. Such an
evaluation shall be done to determine the effectiveness of the new methods, materials, or equipment
before implementing their use on a large scale for enhancing employee protection. Information and data
from manufacturers or suppliers may be used as part of the employer’s evaluation effort. Such evaluations
shall be made available to OSHA upon request.
(p) Certain Operations Conducted Under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976

Employers conducting operations at treatment, storage and disposal (TSD) facilities specified in
paragraph (a)(1)(iv) of this section shall provide and implement the programs specified in this paragraph.
See the “Notes and Exceptions” to paragraph (a)(2)(iii) of this section for employers not covered.

(1) Safety and health program. The employer shall develop and implement a written safety and health
program for employees involved in hazardous waste operations that shall be available for inspection by
employees, their representatives and OSHA personnel. The program shall be designed to identify,
evaluate and control safety and health hazards in their facilities for the purpose of employee protection, to
provide for emergency response meeting the requirements of paragraph (p)(8) of this section and to
address as appropriate site analysis, engineering controls, maximum exposure limits, hazardous waste
handling procedures and uses of new technologies.

(2) Hazard communication program. The employer shall implement a hazard communication program
meeting the requirements of 29 CFR 1910.1200 as part of the employer’s safety and program.

NOTE TO 1910.120 - The exemption for hazardous waste provided in 1910.1200 is applicable to this

(3) Medical surveillance program. The employer shall develop and implement a medical surveillance
program meeting the requirements of paragraph (f) of this section.

(4) Decontamination program. The employer shall develop and implement a decontamination procedure
meeting the requirements of paragraph (k) of this section.

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(5) New technology program. The employer shall develop and implement procedures meeting the
requirements of paragraph (o) of this section for introducing new and innovative equipment into the

(6) Material handling program. Where employees will be handling drums or containers, the employer shall
develop and implement procedures meeting the requirements of paragraphs (j)(1)(ii) through (viii) and (xi)
of this section, as well as (j)(3) and (j)(8) of this section prior to starting such work.

(7) Training program - (I) New employees. The employer shall develop and implement a training program
which is part of the employer’s safety and health program, for employees exposed to health hazards or
hazardous substances at TSD operations to enable the employees to perform their assigned duties and
functions in a safe and healthful manner so as not to endanger themselves or other employees. The initial
training shall be for 24 hours and refresher training shall be for eight hours annually. Employees who have
received the initial training required by this paragraph shall be given a written certificate attesting that they
have successfully completed the necessary training. (ii) Current employees. Employers who can show by
an employee’s previous work experience and/or training that the employee has had training equivalent to
the initial training required by this paragraph, shall be considered as meeting the initial training
requirements of this paragraph as to that employee. Equivalent training includes the training that existing
employees might have already received from actual site work experience. Current employees
shall receive eight hours of refresher training annually. (iii) Trainers. Trainers who teach initial training shall
have satisfactorily completed a training course for teaching the subjects they are expected to teach or they
shall have the academic credentials and instruction experience necessary to demonstrate a good
command of three subject matter of the courses and competent instructional skills.

(8) Emergency response program - (I) Emergency response plan. An emergency response plan shall be
developed and implemented by all employers. Such plans need not duplicate any of the subjects fully
addressed in the employer’s contingency planning required by permits, such as those issued by the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, provided that the contingency plan is made part of the emergency
response plan. The emergency response plan shall be a written portion of the employers safety and health
program required in paragraph (p)(1) of this section. Employers who will evacuate their employees from
the worksite location when an emergency occurs, and who do not permit any of their employees to assist
in handling the emergency, are exempt from the requirements of paragraph (p)(8) if they provide an
emergency action plan complying with section 1910.38(a) of this part. (ii) Elements of an emergency
response plan. The employer shall develop an emergency response plan for emergencies which shall
address, as a minimum, the following areas to the extent that they are not addressed in any specific
program required in this paragraph: (A) Pre-emergency planning and coordination with outside parties. (B)
Personnel roles, lines of authority, training, and communication. (C) Emergency recognition and
prevention. (D) Safe distances and places of refuge. (E) Site security and control. (F) Evacuation routes
and procedures. (G) Decontamination procedures. (H) Emergency medical treatment and first aid. (I)
Emergency alerting and response procedures. (J) Critique of response and follow-up. (K) PPE and
emergency equipment. (iii) Training. (A) Training for emergency response employees shall be completed
before they are called upon to perform in real emergencies. Such training shall include the elements of the
emergency response plan, standard operating procedures the employer has established for the job, the
personal protective equipment to be worn and procedures for handling emergency incidents.

Exception #1: an employer need not train all employees to the degree specified if the employer divides the
work force in a manner such that a sufficient number of employees who have responsibility to control
emergencies have the training specified, and all other employees, who may first respond to an emergency
incident, have sufficient awareness training to recognize that an emergency response situation exists and
that they are instructed in that case to summon the fully trained employees and not attempt control
activities for which they are not trained.

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Exception #2: An employer need not train all employees to the degree specified if arrangements have
been made in advance for an outside fully-trained emergency response team to respond in a reasonable
period and all employees, who may come to the incident first, have sufficient awareness training to
recognize that an emergency response situation exists and they have been instructed to call the
designated outside fully-trained emergency response team for assistance.

(B) Employee members of TSD facility emergency response organizations shall be trained to a level of
competence in the recognition of health and safety hazards to protect themselves and other employees.
This would include training in the methods used to minimize the risk from safety and health hazards; in the
safe use of control equipment; in the selection and use of appropriate personal protective equipment; in
the safe operating procedures to be used at the incident scene; in the techniques of coordination with
other employees to minimize risks; in the appropriate response to over exposure from health hazards or
injury to themselves and other employees; and in the recognition of subsequent symptoms which may
result from over exposures. (C) The employer shall certify that each covered employee has attended and
successfully completed the training required in paragraph (p)(8)(iii) of this section, or shall certify the
employee’s competency for certification of training shall be recorded and maintained by the employer. (iv)
Procedures for handling emergency incidents. (A) In addition to the elements for the emergency response
plan required in paragraph (p)(8)(ii) of this section, the following elements shall be included for emergency
response plans to the extent that they do not repeat any information already contained in the emergency
response plan: {1}Site topography, layout, and prevailing weather conditions. {2}Procedures for reporting
incidents to local, state, and federal governmental agencies. (B) The emergency response plan shall be
compatible and integrated with the disaster, fire and/or emergency response plans of local, state, and
federal agencies. (C) The emergency response plan shall be rehearsed regularly as part of the overall
training program for site operations. (D) The site emergency response plan shall be reviewed periodically
and, as necessary, be amended to keep it current with new or changing site conditions or information. (E)
An employee alarm system shall be installed in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.165 to notify employees of
an emergency situation, to stop work activities if necessary, to lower back-ground noise in order to speed
communication; and to begin emergency procedures. (F) Based upon the information available at time of
the emergency, the employer shall evaluate the incident and the site response capabilities and proceed
with the appropriate steps to implement the site emergency response plan.

(q) Emergency response program to hazardous substance releases.

This paragraph covers employers whose employees are engaged in emergency response no matter
where it occurs except that it does not cover employees engaged in operations specified in paragraphs
(a)(1)(I) through (a)(1)(iv) of this section. Those emergency response organizations who have developed
and implemented programs equivalent to this paragraph for handling releases of hazardous substances
pursuant to section 303 of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (Emergency
Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986, 42 U.S.C. 11003) shall be deemed to have met the
requirements of this paragraph.

(1) Emergency response plan. An emergency response plan shall be developed and implemented to
handle anticipated emergencies prior to the commencement of emergency response operations. The plan
shall be in writing and available for inspection and copying by employees, their representatives, OSHA
personnel. Employers who will evacuate their employees from the danger area when an emergency
occurs, and who do not permit any of their employees to assist in handling the emergency, are exempt
from the requirements of this paragraph if they provide an emergency action plan complying with section
1910.38(a) of this part.

(2) Elements of an emergency response plan. The employer shall develop an emergency response plan
for emergencies which shall address, as a minimum, the following areas to the extent that they are not
addressed in any specific program required in this paragraph: (I) Pre-emergency planning and
coordination with outside parties. (ii) Personnel roles, lines of authority, training, and communication. (iii)
Emergency recognition and prevention. (iv) Safe distances and places of refuge. (v) Site security and
control. (vi) Evacuation routes and procedures. (vii) Decontamination. (viii) Emergency medical treatment
and first aid. (ix) Emergency alerting and response procedures. (x) Critique of response and follow-up. (xi)

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IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
PPE and emergency equipment. (xii) Emergency response organizations may use the local emergency
response plan or the state emergency response plan or both, as part of their emergency response plan to
avoid duplication. Those items of the emergency response plan that are being properly addressed by the
SARA Title III plans may be substituted into their emergency plan or otherwise kept together for the
employer and employee’s use.

(3) Procedures for handling emergency response. (I) The senior emergency response official responding
to an emergency shall become the individual in charge of a site-specific Incident Command System (ICS).
All emergency responders and their communications shall be coordinated and controlled through the
individual in charge of the ICS assisted by the senior official present for each employer.

NOTE TO (q)(3)(I). - The “senior official” at an emergency response is the most senior official on the site
who has the responsibility for controlling the operations at the site. Initially it is the senior officer on the
first-due piece of responding emergency apparatus to arrive on the incident scene. As more senior officers
arrive (i.e. , battalion chief, fire chief, state law enforcement official, site coordinator, etc.) the position is
passed up the line of authority which has been previously established. (ii) The individual in charge of the
ICS shall identify, to the extent possible, all hazardous substances or conditions present and shall address
as appropriate site analysis, use of engineering controls, maximum exposure limits, hazardous substance
handling procedures, and use of any new technologies. (iii) Based on the hazardous substances and/or
conditions present, the individual in charge of the ICS shall implement appropriate emergency
operations, and assure that the personal protective equipment worn is appropriate for the hazards to be
encountered. However, personal protective equipment shall meet, at a minimum, the criteria contained in
29 CFR 1910.156(e) when worn while performing fire fighting operations beyond the incipient stage for
any incidnt. (iv) Employees engaged in emergency response and exposed to hazardous substances
presenting an inhalation hazard or potential inhalation hazard shall wear positive pressure self-contained
breathing apparatus while engaged in emergency response, until such time that the individual in charge of
the ICS determines through the use of air monitoring that a decreased level of respiratory protection will
not result in hazardous exposures to employees. (v) The individual in charge of the ICS shall limit the
number of emergency response personnel at the emergency site, in those areas of potential or actual
exposure to incident or site hazards, to those who are actively performing emergency operations.
However, operations in hazardous areas shall be performed using the buddy system in groups of two or
more. (vi) Back-up personnel shall be standing by with equipment ready to provide assistance or rescue.
Qualified basic life support personnel, as a minimum, shall also be standing by with medical equipment
and transportation capability. (vii) The individual in charge of the ICS shall designate a safety officer, who
is knowledgeable in the operations being implemented at the emergency response site, with specific
responsibility to identify and evaluate hazards and to provide direction with respect to the safety of
operations for the emergency at hand. (viii) When activities are judged by the safety officer to be an IDLH
and/or to involve an imminent danger condition, the safety officer shall have the authority to alter,
suspend, or terminate those activities. The safety official shall immediately inform the individual in charge
of the ICS of any actions needed to be taken to correct these hazards at the emergency scene. (ix) After
emergency operations have terminated, the individual in charge of the ICS shall implement appropriate
decontamination procedures. (x) When deemed necessary for meeting the tasks at hand, approved self-
contained compressed air breathing apparatus may be used with approved cylinders from other
approved self-contained compressed air breathing apparatus provided that such cylinders are of the same
capacity and pressure rating. All compressed air cylinders used with self-contained breathing apparatus
shall meet U.S. Department of Transportation and National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

(4) Skilled support personnel. Personnel, not necessarily an employer’s own employees, who are skilled in
the operation of certain equipment, such as mechanized earth moving or digging equipment or crane and
hoisting equipment, and who are needed temporarily to perform immediate emergency support work that
cannot reasonably be performed in a timely fashion by an employer’s own employees, and who will be or
may be exposed to the hazards at an emergency response scene, are not required to meet the training
required in this paragraph for the employer’s regular employees. However, these personnel shall be given
an initial briefing at the site prior to their participation in any emergency response. The initial briefing shall
include instruction in the wearing of appropriate personal protective equipment, what chemical hazards

1-46 Unit 1: Hazardous Materials Review Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
are involved, and what duties are to be performed. All other appropriate safety and health precautions
provided to the employer’s own employees shall be used to assure the safety and health of these

(5) Specialist employees. Employees who, in the course of their regular job duties, work with and are
trained in the hazards of specific hazardous substances, and who will be called upon to provide technical
advice or assistance at a hazardous substance release incident to the individual in charge, shall receive
training or demonstrate competency in the area of their specialization annually.

(6) Training. Training shall be based on the duties and function to be performed by each responder of an
emergency response organization. The skill and knowledge levels required for all new responders, those
hired after the effective date of this standard, shall be conveyed to them through training before they are
permitted to take part in actual emergency operations on an incident. Employees who participate, or are
expected to participate, in emergency response, shall be given training in accordance with the following
paragraphs: (I) First responder awareness level. First responders at the awareness level are individuals
who are likely to witness or discover a hazardous substance release and who have been trained to initiate
an emergency response sequence by notifying the authorities of the release. First responders at the
awareness level shall have sufficient training or have had sufficient experience to objectively demonstrate
competency in the following areas: (A) An understanding of what hazardous substances are, and the risks
associated with them in an incident. (B) An understanding of the potential outcomes associated
with an emergency created when hazardous substances are present. (C) The ability to recognize the
presence of hazardous substances in an emergency. (D) The ability to identify the hazardous substances,
if possible. (E) An understanding of the role of the first responder awareness individual in the employer’s
emergency response plan including site security and control and the U.S. Department of Transportation’s
Emergency Response Guidebook. (F) The ability to realize the need for additional resources, and to
make appropriate notifications to the communication center. (ii) First responder operations level. First
responders at the operations level are individuals who respond to releases or potential releases of
hazardous substances as part of the initial response to the site for the purpose of protecting nearby
persons, property, or the environment from the effects of the release. They are trained to respond in a
defensive fashion without actually trying to stop the release. Their function is to contain the release from a
safe distance, keep it from spreading, and prevent exposures. First responders at the operational level
shall have received at least eight hours of training or have had sufficient experience to objectively
demonstrate competency in the following areas in addition to those listed for the awareness level and the
employer shall so certify: (A) Knowledge of the basic hazard and risk assessment techniques. (B) Know
how to select and use proper personal protective equipment provided to the first responder operational
level. (C) An understanding of basic hazardous materials terms. (D) Know how to perform basic control,
containment and/or confinement operations within the capabilities of the resources and personal
protective equipment available with their unit. (E) Know how to implement basic decontamination
procedures. (F) An understanding of the relevant standard operating procedures and termination
procedures. (iii) Hazardous materials technician. Hazardous materials technicians are individuals who
respond to releases or potential releases for the purpose of stopping the release. They assume a more
aggressive role than a first responder at the operations level in that they will approach the point of release
in order to plug, patch or otherwise stop the release of a hazardous substance. Hazardous materials
technicians shall have received at least 24 hours of training equal to the first responder operations level
and in addition have competency in the following areas and the employer shall so certify: (A) Know how to
implement the employer’s emergency response plan. (B) Know the classification, identification and
verification of known and unknown materials by using field survey instruments equipment. (C) Be able to
function within an assigned role in the Incident Command System. (D) Know how to select and use proper
specialized chemical personal protective equipment provided to the hazardous materials technician. (E)
Understand hazard and risk assessment techniques. (F) Be able to perform advance control,
containment, and/or confinement operations within the capabilities of the resources and personal
protective equipment available with the unit. (G) Understand and implement decontamination procedures.
(H) Understand termination procedures. (I) Understand basic chemical and toxicological terminology and
behavior. (iv) Hazardous materials specialist. Hazardous materials specialists are individuals who respond
with and provide support to hazardous materials technicians. Their duties parallel those of the hazardous
materials technician, however, those duties require a more directed or specific knowledge of the various

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IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
substances they may be called upon to contain. The hazardous materials specialist would also act as the
site liaison with Federal, state, local and other government authorities in regards to site activities.
Hazardous materials specialists shall have competency in the following areas and the employer shall so
certify: (A) Know how to implement the local emergency response plan. (B) Understand classification,
identification and verification of known and unknown materials by using advanced survey instruments and
equipment. (C) Know the state emergency response plan. (D) Be able to select and use proper
specialized chemical personal protective equipment provided to the hazardous materials specialist. (E)
Understand in-depth hazard and risk techniques. (F) Be able to perform specialized control, containment,
and/or confinement operations within the capabilities of the resources and personal protective equipment
available. (G) Be able to determine and implement decontamination procedures. (H) Have the ability to
develop a site safety and control plan. (I) Understand chemical, radiological and toxicological terminology
and behavior. (v) On scene incident commander. Incident commanders, who will assume control of the
incident scene beyond the first responder awareness level, shall receive at least 24 hours of training equal
to the first responder operations level and in addition have competency in the following areas and the
employer shall so certify: (A) Know and be able to implement the employer’s incident command system.
(B) Know how to implement the employer’s emergency response plan. (C) Know and understand the
hazards and risks associated with employees working in chemical protective clothing. (D) Know how to
implement the local emergency response plan. (E) Know of the state emergency response plan and of the
Federal Regional Response Team. (F) Know and understand the importance of decontamination

(7) Trainers. Trainers who teach any of the above training subjects shall have satisfactorily completed a
training course for teaching the subjects they are expected to teach, such as the courses offered by the
U.S. National Fire Academy, or they shall have the training and/or academic credentials and instructional
experience necessary to demonstrate competent instructional skills and a good command of the subject
matter of the courses they are to teach.

(8) Refresher training. (I) Those employees who are trained in accordance with paragraph (q)(6) of this
section shall receive annual refresher training of sufficient content and duration to maintain their
competencies, or shall demonstrate competency in those areas at least yearly. (ii) A statement shall be
made of the training or competency, and if a statement of competency is made, the employer shall keep a
record of the methodology used to demonstrate competency.

(9) Medical surveillance and consultation. (I) Members of an organized and designated HAZMAT team
and hazardous materials specialist shall receive a baseline physical examination and be provided with
medical surveillance as required in paragraph (f) of this section. (ii) Any emergency response employees
who exhibit signs or symptoms which may have resulted from exposure to hazardous substances during
the course of an emergency incident either immediately or subsequently, shall be provided with medical
consultation as required in paragraph (f)(3)(ii) of this section.

(10) Chemical protective clothing. Chemical protective clothing and equipment to be used by organized
and designated HAZMAT team members, or to be used by hazardous materials specialists, shall meet the
requirements of paragraphs (g)(3) through (5) of this section.

(11) Post-emergency response operations. Upon completion of the emergency response, if it is

determined that it is necessary to remove hazardous substances, health hazards and materials
contaminated with them (such as contaminated soil or other elements of the natural environment) from the
site of the incident, the employer conducting the clean-up shall comply with one of the following: (I) Meet
all the requirements of paragraphs (b) through (o) of this section; or (ii) Where the clean-up is done on
plant property using plant or workplace employees, such employees shall have completed the training
requirements of the following: 29 CFR 1910.38(a); 1910.134; 1910.1200, and other appropriate safety and
health training made necessary by the tasks that they are expected to be performed such as personal
protective equipment and decontamination procedures. All equipment to be used in the performance of
the clean-up work shall be in serviceable condition and shall have been inspected prior to use.

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Student Text Unit 2: Recognition, Identification, Detection 2-1

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
2-2 Unit 2: Recognition, Identification, Detection Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
By the end of this section, participants will be able to:

C List four basic clues for identifying hazardous materials

C Describe the DOT system of placarding
C Describe the NFPA 704 Marking System
C Identify highway cargo tanks that may carry hazardous materials by shape, and list at least one
commodity carried in each
C Identify rail tank cars that may carry hazardous materials by shape, and list at least one commodity
carried in each
C List other resources that can be used to further identify hazardous materials

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IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
2-4 Unit 2: Recognition, Identification, Detection Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Your ability to recognize and identify the presence of hazardous
materials is essential for your safety. Only after you identify – or
at least classify – the material, can you decide on the appropriate
action. Dispatch information may give you an initial warning, but
this information is often incomplete or inaccurate. This unit
describes how to detect the presence of hazardous materials by
looking for four basic clues:

C Occupancy and location of a fixed facility

C Placards, labels, and markings
C Container shape and design
C Shipping papers or facility documents

You can also use your vision, aided by binoculars, and your
hearing to detect the presence of hazardous materials.

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IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
2-6 Unit 2: Recognition, Identification, Detection Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
The occupancy and location of an emergency site can provide
valuable clues. If the processes, materials used, and products
manufactured at a particular site are known, First Responders
can begin to make some determinations about the hazards that
are likely to be involved.

waste stored in drums at DOE facility

Remember, you may find hazardous materials incidents in sites

other than industrial settings. A shopping center, dry cleaning
facility, hardware store, or automobile repair shop could be the
site of a chemical spill or fire involving hazardous materials.

Virtually any industry or business can store or use hazardous materials

Often, the people who use these materials are not aware of the
potential hazards unless they work with the fire department to
prepare for an emergency situation.

Use pre-incident planning as a way to educate yourself and the

community about the safe use and storage of hazardous

Student Text Unit 2: Recognition, Identification, Detection 2-7

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Placards, labels, and markings provide information about the
types and hazards of products being transported or stored.
There are a number of marking systems required or strongly
recommended where hazardous materials are present. The
most common ones are discussed in this section.

The DOT System

The Department of Transportation (DOT) regulates the type of
labels and placards that must be attached to hazardous materials
containers and the vehicles that carry them.

DOT Hazard Classes

DOT placards are based on nine hazard classes:

C Class 1 = explosives
C Class 2 = gases (compressed, liquefied, or dissolved under
C Class 3 = flammable/combustible liquids
C Class 4 = flammable solid/dangerous when wet/spontaneous
C Class 5 = oxidizers/organic peroxides
C Class 6 = toxic (poisonous)/infections
C Class 7 = radioactive materials
C Class 8 = corrosive materials
C Class 9 = miscellaneous dangerous goods

DOT Placards and Labels

DOT placards are diamond-shaped signs (10-3/4 inches on
each side) that are required to be affixed on each side and each
end of vehicles carrying hazardous materials. Placarding
requirements are very specific. Placards indicate the primary
hazard—the most dangerous property—associated with the
material being transported. Some materials also require
subsidiary (secondary) placards, which do not carry class

DOT labels are 4-inch diamonds (or smaller, for cylinders)

affixed to non-bulk packages of hazardous materials. Generally,
they are required for the same materials for which placards are
required. Unlike placarding, labeling is not limited to the
material’s primary hazard. So a package containing a material
that meets the definitions of more than one hazard class must be
labeled for each of those classes.
UN Identification Numbers

2-8 Unit 2: Recognition, Identification, Detection Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
The corresponding UN (United Nations) 4-digit identification
number must appear in the center of the placard or beside the
placard. The 4-digit identification number may replace the class
name in the center of the placard for bulk shipments of
hazardous materials. However, it cannot replace the
DANGEROUS placard or the class name for Radioactive
materials or any class of Explosives.

UN numbers can be incorporated into a placard, or posted on a

separate orange marker next to the placard.

DOT Table I Materials

Certain categories of materials must always be placarded with
their primary hazard placards, regardless of the amount being
transported. These are referred to as Table 1 materials because
they appear in Table 1 of the placarding section of the Code of
Federal Regulations (49 CFR 172.500).

DOT Table 2 Materials

Table 2 includes all other placardable hazardous materials.

However, these materials do not become “placardable” unless
1,001 pounds or more are being carried (of any one, or a
combination of Table 2 materials). In other words, any quantity of
Table 1 material must be placarded. Table 2 materials must be
placarded only if the gross weight is 1,001 pounds or more.

Mixed Loads
When the total weight of two or more materials from Table 2 is
1,001 pounds or more, a Dangerous placard may be used. If
5,000 pounds (2,205 pounds as of October, 1997) or more of any
of these materials are loaded at one location, the corresponding
placard must be used, along with a Dangerous placard or the
class placard for the other materials.

The materials in Tables 1 and 2 are listed on the following page.

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IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations


Explosives (Division 1.1) Explosive

Explosives (Division 1.2) Explosive

Explosives (Division 1.3) Explosive

Poison gas (Division 2.3) Poison gas (Toxic Gas)

Dangerous when wet (Division 4.3) Dangerous when wet

Toxic Materials and Infectious Substances Poison (Toxic)

(Class 6)

Radioactive (Class 7, those substances in Radioactive

Radioactive III packaging only)


(1,001 LBS. OR MORE)


Explosives (Division 1.4) Explosive

Explosives (Division 1.5) Blasting agent

Explosives (Division 1.6) Explosive

Non-flammable gas (Division 2.2) Non-flammable gas

Oxygen (Division 2.2) Oxygen

Flammable gas (Division 2.1) Flammable gas

Combustible liquid (Class 3) Combustible

Flammable liquid (Class 3) Flammable

2-10 Unit 2: Recognition, Identification, Detection Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Flammable solid (Division 4.1) Flammable solid

Oxidizer (Division 5.1) Oxidizer

Organic peroxide (Division 5.2) Organic peroxide

Toxic Materials and Infectious Substances Toxic

(Class 6)

Corrosive (Class 8) Corrosive

Irritating Dangerous

Student Text Unit 2: Recognition, Identification, Detection 2-11

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
NFPA Marking System
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has developed
a marking system for fixed sites to indicate the dangers
associated with various hazardous materials handled at a
location. This marking system is not used in transportation, and
is not federally regulated or required. Local jurisdictions,
however, may require the use of the system at fixed sites.

The NFPA marking system (detailed in NFPA 704) uses a

diamond divided into color-coded quadrants. Each quadrant is a
specific color and indicates a material’s health hazard (left),
flammability hazard (top), reactivity hazard (right), or special
hazards (bottom).


Health Hazard Reactivity

(blue) (yellow)

Special Hazards

The health, flammability,

and reactivity hazards are ranked from
0 to 4, with 0 indicating no risk and 4 indicating the greatest risk.
The specific hazard area may contain a special symbol or letter
indicating a specific danger. For example, OX indicates an
oxidizer, a trefoil (or propeller) indicates a radioactive material,
and a W indicates a water reactive material. The NFPA marker
for sulfuric acid is shown on the next page. The numbers
indicate a fairly significant health hazard (3), no flammability
hazard (0), and moderate reactivity (2). The W indicates that
sulfuric acid is water-reactive.

2-12 Unit 2: Recognition, Identification, Detection Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
3 2
Table 2.2 on the following
page describes the rating system for
the degree of hazard.

Hazardous Materials Information

The Hazardous Materials Information System is very similar to
the NFPA marking system. HMIS uses the same color coding
and number indicators, but the marker is in bar form rather than

Student Text Unit 2: Recognition, Identification, Detection 2-13

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations


4 Very short exposure Will rapidly and completely Capable of detonation or

could cause death or vaporize at atmospheric explosive reaction at normal
major residual injury pressure and normal temperatures and pressures;
temperature, or will readily sensitive to mechanical or
disperse in air and burn localized thermal shock

3 Short exposure could Can ignite under almost all Capable of detonation or
cause serious temporary normal temperature explosive reaction if exposed to
or residual injury conditions a strong ignition source or if
heated under confinement; may
react explosively with water

2 Intense or continued Capable of ignition when Readily undergoes violent

(but not chronic) exposed to relatively high chemical change at elevated
exposure could cause temperatures temperatures and pressures;
temporary incapacitation may react violently with water
or possible residual

1 Exposure could cause Must be heated before May become unstable when
irritation, but only minor ignition exposed to heat and pressure;
residual injury will occur may react with water, but not

0 Exposure under fire Will not burn Normally stable, even under fire
conditions would conditions; not water reactive
present no hazard
beyond that of ordinary
combustible material

2-14 Unit 2: Recognition, Identification, Detection Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Military Marking System
The military has developed its own marking system which is
used on military shipments at fixed site facilities. This system
consists of four numbered classes as well as three special

The four military classes are:

Class 1: Mass Detonation Hazard

Class 2: Explosion with Fragmentation Hazard

Class 3: Mass Fire Hazard

Student Text Unit 2: Recognition, Identification, Detection 2-15

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Class 4: Moderate Fire Hazard

The three special hazard symbols are:

Chemical Hazard

Apply No Water

Wear Protective Breathing Apparatus

2-16 Unit 2: Recognition, Identification, Detection Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Specific materials
The shape, size and design of containers used in transportation
and storage may give you other clues that hazardous materials
are present. Shape and design may also indicate the general
type of material in the container – a compressed gas, for
example, is easily identifiable by a cylindrical container with
rounded ends. Container shapes are often specific for certain
materials, and many are regulated by federal law.

carrying LSA radioactive material

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IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Bulk and Non-Bulk Containers
Both bulk and non-bulk containers are used to transport
hazardous materials. Bulk containers hold hazardous materials
without an intermediate form of containment. These types of
containers include highway cargo tanks, tank cars that transport
materials by rail, and other containers (except watercraft) with:

C A maximum capacity of more than 119 gallons (450 liters) for

containers of liquids
C A maximum net capacity of more than 882 pounds (401
kilograms) for containers of solids
C A water capacity greater than 1,001 pounds (454 kilograms)
for containers of gases

Non-bulk packaging such as 5-gallon drums, bottles, and dewars

include all containers with capacities less than these.

Highway Carriers
Most cargo tanks in service today were built to MC (motor
carrier) specifications, and they are often identified by the
specifications to which they were built, such as MC 306, MC 307,
etc. Those cargo tanks which were built after August 31, 1993,
must conform to new DOT specifications (DOT 406, DOT 407,
and DOT 412). However, many tanks built to the older MC
specifications will remain in service for several years.

Each type of cargo tank is shown on the following pages, along

with a general description of the tank and its common cargo.

2-18 Unit 2: Recognition, Identification, Detection Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Pressure Cargo Tank (MC 331)

C Rounded ends
C Transports gases liquefied through compression (propane,
butane, anhydrous ammonia, and chlorine)

Low Pressure Cargo Tank (MC 307 or DOT 407)

C Circular or horse-shoe shaped cross sections and flat ends

C May have rollover protection
C Transports flammable or combustible liquids, mild
corrosives, poisons, and almost all other types of liquid

Student Text Unit 2: Recognition, Identification, Detection 2-19

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Non-Pressure Cargo Tank (MC 306 or DOT 406)

C Elliptical cross sections and flat ends

C Usually compartmented
C Transports petroleum products such as gasoline and fuel oil

Corrosive Liquid Cargo Tank (MC 312 or DOT 412)

C Circular cross-sections and flat ends

C Relatively small diameter with visible stiffening rings
C Transports corrosives such as sodium hydroxide,
hydrochloric acid, and sulfuric acid as well as other high-
density liquids

2-20 Unit 2: Recognition, Identification, Detection Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Cryogenic Liquid Cargo Tank (MC 338)

C Circular cross sections and rounded ends

C Heavily insulated with piping and valves in a rear cabinet
C Transports gases liquefied through temperature reduction,
such as liquid oxygen (LOX), liquid nitrogen, liquid hydrogen,
and liquid helium

Other types of highway carriers that might transport hazardous

cargo include :

C Covered hopper trucks

C Tube trailers
C Tractor trailers
C Box trailer
C Vans, step-vans, and flatbed pickup trucks

Railroad Tank Cars

Tank cars are bulk containers used to carry both hazardous and
non-hazardous materials by rail. The specific type of materials
carried in a tank car determines how the tank is constructed, as
well as its size, fittings, linings, and other features.

When a rail incident occurs, railroad personnel are often the best
source of information. They are the experts on rail car design
and use, and can provide you with information that could save
your life. Becoming familiar with the railroad companies operating
in the community before an incident occurs is essential.

Although there are exceptions, most tank cars carry only a single
commodity. In general, they all look very similar, with circular
cross sections and rounded heads. Because of their similar
design, you must learn to identify specific tank car characteristics
for clues about the nature of the commodity being transported.

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One feature that is added to pressure tank cars and to certain
non-pressure tank cars transporting hazardous materials is a
head shield. Head shields are required for non-pressure tank
cars transporting ethylene oxide. Head shields protect the heads
of tank cars from puncture by the coupling mechanism. Half-
or trapezoid-shaped plates of steel are added to the lower
half of each head. Some tank cars incorporate either full or
bottom half-head shields into a protective jacket that covers the
entire tank car. This makes the head shield difficult to see.

Head Shield

Tank cars can be divided into several different categories, each

with its own distinct characteristics. The most common are
discussed in this section.

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Pressure Tank Car

C Designed for pressures from 100 psig to 600 psig

C Fittings inside a protective housing on top of tank
C Housing distinguishes pressure from non-pressure tanks
C Transports flammable and non-flammable compressed
gases or poisonous compressed gases

Non-Pressure Tank Car

C Designed for pressures below 100 psig at 105°F-115°F

C Distinguished from pressure tank cars by manway and visible
C May be compartmented with fittings and manways for each
C Transports flammable liquids, flammable solids, oxidizers
and organic peroxides, poisons, corrosives, and non-
hazardous materials

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Corrosive Liquid Tank Car

C Similar to non-pressure tank cars

C Can be distinguished by staining around manway
C Some painted with vertical stripe of corrosion-resistant paint

Cryogenic Liquid Tank Car

C Carry low pressure refrigerated liquids (minus 130°F and

C Designed as a tank-within-a-tank for insulation
C Product may vent under normal conditions

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Box Car

C Enclosed cars with steel or wooden interiors

C Used for general freight
C Carries drums, boxes, cylinders or other non-bulk containers

Gondola Car

C Uncovered, with low sides and ends

C Transport bulk ores and other solid materials
C Often used to carry radioactive materials

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IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Other Types of Containers
Ton Containers
When shipped by rail, ton containers are carried on special flat
cars, in boxcars or gondola cars, and in trailer-on-flat-cars or

Ton Container

All fittings are located in the heads, including fusible plugs and/or
spring-loaded safety relief valves. Safety relief devices are
prohibited for certain poisonous or noxious materials.

Ton containers transport gases like anhydrous ammonia,

butadiene, chlorine, phosgene, refrigerant or dispersant gases,
or sulfur dioxide.

Tank Containers
Tank containers consist of a single metal tank mounted inside a
sturdy metal supporting frame. This unique frame structure, built
to rigid international standards, makes tank containers
intermodal. This means that they can be used in two or more
modes of transport, such as rail, highway, or water.

The tank is generally built as a cylinder enclosed at the ends by

heads. Its capacity is generally less than 6,340 gallons (about
24,000 liters). Other tank shapes and configurations are rare, as
are tanks with multiple compartments.

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Tank Container

Intermodal Containers
Intermodal containers are used to transport liquid and solid
materials. Fifty-five gallon drums or other large non-bulk
containers are often grouped together in intermodal containers.
The advantage to these types of containers is that they can be
shipped via ground, air, or water without the contents being

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IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
All shipments of hazardous materials, as defined by DOT, must
be accompanied by shipping papers. The type of shipping paper
varies depending on the mode of transportation. Table 2.3 lists
the type of shipping paper that corresponds to each mode of
transportation. Subsequent pages show samples of the different
types of shipping papers.

Shipping papers provide detailed information about the contents

of the shipment. They may alert you to the presence of
hazardous materials through a variety of required entries. As
valuable as shipping papers are, keep in mind that they are not
always complete, and sometimes even required entries are

Shipping papers may include the following information:

C Proper shipping name, hazard class and division, DOT

Identification Number, total quantity by weight or volume
C EPA waste stream number, EPA waste characteristic or “D”
number—this may indicate that waste is hazardous, even if it
cannot be identified as a particular chemical (only required
for Class 9 materials – see 40 CFR 262.20)
C Placard notation, placard endorsement (by rail and highway)
C RQ (reportable quantity) notation indicating that a hazardous
material is being shipped in an amount exceeding a federally
specified level
C Other notations such as CORROSIVE, EXPLOSIVE, etc.
C Descriptions of the type of hazard such as marine pollutant
or subsidiary hazard

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IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations




Highway Bill of Lading or Cab of vehicle within Driver

Freight Bill reach of the driver

Rail Waybill and/or Member of train crew Conductor

Consist (conductor or

Water Dangerous Cargo Warehouse or pipe-like Captain or master

Manifest container on barge

Air Air Bill with Shipper’s Cockpit (may also be Pilot

Certification for found attached to the
Restricted Articles outside of packages)

In emergencies you may not have ready access to shipping

papers. However, federal regulations require the driver of a
cargo tank to carry shipping papers in the cab of the vehicle or
on his/her person. But in an emergency, you may not be able to
approach the vehicle, or the driver may be unconscious or
otherwise unavailable. In these cases, you may be able to
obtain shipping paper information from at least two other
sources: the shipper/generator, and/or the carrier. If the cargo is
hazardous waste, the disposal facility will also have copies. In
case of an accident, you may be able to see the name of the
carrier on the exterior of the cab or the vehicle itself.

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Material Safety Data Sheets
Documents for fixed facilities include material safety data
sheets (MSDSs) and related reports. The owner or manager of
the facility is required to keep MSDSs for all hazardous materials
(above an established quantity) handled or stored at the facility.
These should be made available to you during pre-planning. An
MSDS can provide information on the physical and chemical
properties of the material, the hazards associated with it, and
basic directions for response actions.

Your pre-incident plan should include information on where the

facilities in your community keep MSDSs. For example, MSDSs
may be kept in an office some distance from the affected area of
the building. MSDSs and other facility documents may be kept
in a container that is set aside for use by emergency responders.
MSDSs may look very different from one another, as you can
see from the samples provided in the appendix.

You may not have preplanned the facility. Or, you may find that a
previously preplanned site has been storing or using chemicals
not included in your preplan. In either situation, you will have to
look elsewhere for the appropriate MSDS.

Like all documents, the information that you find on an MSDS

should be verified with other sources of information. The
information on an MSDS may be incorrect, incomplete, or not
applicable to your situation. A blank MSDS is shown on the
following pages.

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IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Information Sources
After you have looked for clues and found that a hazardous material is present, you can draw on a number
of resources to identify the specific material and hazards involved. Identification of the hazard will help
you decide the appropriate course of action.

The resources available to you will depend on your jurisdiction, equipment, training, and standard
operating procedures. Those resources commonly used to provide additional information about hazardous
materials include reference books, telephone hotlines, and detection devices.

Reference Books
There are several reference books available to assist in identifying hazardous materials. Two commonly-
used references are the North American Emergency Response Guide-book and the NIOSH Pocket Guide
to Hazardous Materials. Using both of these references, you can find basic information about the physical
properties of chemicals and initial response actions.

The North American Emergency Response Guidebook can assist you in making decisions about response
actions. However, it has advantages as well as disadvantages. For example, it includes clear instructions
for use, but the information is very general.

In addition, it is only one source of information. You should always check the recommendations for actions
with at least two other sources, including your jurisdiction’s standard operating procedures.

The NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards lists materials by their chemical name and provides
descriptions of the chemical and exposure limits, along with first aid procedures in the event of exposure.

You must become familiar with the Pocket Guide prior to using it so that you can use it quickly and
understand the abbreviations used throughout the book.

Telephone Hotlines
Telephone hotlines can provide general information about hazards and, possibly, responder actions.
When calling a hotline in an emergency, be prepared to give all the information you can regarding the

Hotlines frequently used by emergency response personnel include the following:

The National Response Center maintains an emergency hotline for transportation incidents involving
hazardous materials. Their number is found in the North American Emergency Response Guidebook:
(800) 424-8802; or in the Washington, D.C. area (202) 267-2675.

CHEMTREC, The Chemical Transportation Emergency Center, provides 24-hour information for
transportation incidents. This organization carries MSDSs for all chemicals manufactured in the United

CHEMTREC is funded by the chemical industry. It provides information on fixed sites and transportation
hazardous materials emergencies, and will give you immediate advice on the nature of the product and
the steps you should take to handle the early stages of a problem. They will not, however, give you
specific tactical advice. Tactical measures are specific to your department depending on personnel skills,
knowledge, and resources.

CHEMTREC also maintains a current list of state and federal radiation authorities who provide information
and technical assistance on handling incidents involving radioactive materials.

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IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Calls to CHEMTREC should be limited to emergencies only.

CHEM-TEL, INC. is another emergency response communication service.

CANUTEC provides a similar service in Canada. CANUTEC is the Canadian Transport Emergency
Centre. It is located in Ottawa and is operated by the Transport Dangerous Goods Directorate of
Transport Canada.

CANUTEC provides a national bilingual advisory service and is staffed by professional chemists
experienced and trained in interpreting technical information and providing emergency response advice.

CHEMTREC, CHEM-TEL, INC., and CANUTEC will assist one another in providing information to
emergency responders. Their telephone numbers are listed near the front of the North America
Emergency Response Guidebook.

SETIQ and CECOM Serve similar functions in Mexico. SETIQ is the Emergency Transportation System
for the chemical industry. CECOM is the National Center for Communications of the Civil Protection
Agency. Telephone numbers for SETIQ and CECOM can be located in the North American Emergency
Response Guidebook.

ATSDR, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Diseases, provides technical assistance via telephone and
can be reached at (404) 639-0615.

Your local poison control center can provide information to assist in the treatment of exposed
individuals. Check the front cover of your local telephone book for this number.

In addition, you can maintain a list of regional, state, and local emergency resource numbers. These
may include regional response teams from the Environmental Protection Agency, response teams from
the Department of Energy, or regional and local resources in your area.

Many manufacturers and shippers maintain telephone help lines. You should contact the chemical
manufacturers in your area to learn if they have hotlines or resources that you can use in an emergency.

It may also be helpful to contact other local facilities to find out the names of chemical shippers with whom
they have contracted.

You also may be able to obtain information on hazardous materials through software and computer
databases. Many systems carry chemical information very similar to that found on the manufacturer’s
MSDS, as well as additional data.


CAMEO II TM is a software package developed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
This system is designed to help emergency planners and first responders plan for and respond to
incidents involving chemical emergencies. It contains information on thousands of commonly transported
chemicals and an air dispersion model to assist in evaluating release scenarios and evacuation options. In
addition, it contains several databases and computation programs to assist in meeting the planning
provisions of SARA Title III. The program is available through the National Safety Council at
(312) 527-4800, extension 6900.

The Emergency Information System/Chemical version (EIS/C), by Research Alternatives, Inc.,

provides information on chemicals, maps to plot spills, facility plans, and chemical inventories for
businesses, as required by SARA Title III. Brochures, a demonstration disk, and additional information can
be obtained by calling (800) 999-5009; in the Washington, DC area: (301) 424-2803.

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IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations

Medline is an on-line program that consists of bibliographic citations from thousands of health-related
journals. It is accessed through the National Library of Medicine (NLM). Call (800) 638-8480 or inside
Maryland: (301) 496-6193 for more information. Toxline and TOXLIT are the NLM’s on-line interactive
collections of toxicological information, referencing materials in such areas as chemically-induced
diseases, environmental pollution, occupational hazards, and pesticides. Chemline is an on-line chemical
dictionary maintained by NLM.

Toxicology Data Network (Toxnet) is a computerized system of toxicologically-oriented data banks.

Within this system, Hazard Substances Data Bank, Chemical Carcinogenesis Research Information
Systems, and the Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances are available.

The Hazardous Materials Incident Reporting System, developed by the National Fire Information
Council (NFIC) provides a collection of detailed information on reportable incidents.

The TRANSCOM system combines satellite communications, computerized database management, user
networks, and ground communications to follow the progress of en-route shipments of some radioactive
materials (usually fissile materials). The primary objective of TRANSCOM is to provide a central
monitoring and communications center for DOE shipments of spent fuel, high-level waste, and other high
visibility shipping campaigns. With this system, DOE can continuously monitor the location and status of
these shipments within the continental United States.

TRANSCOM provides authorized users with TRANSCOM software to use with their personal computers,
modems, and telephone lines. Authorized users can access the TRANSCOM system to obtain
unclassified information concerning current and upcoming shipments.

In the event of an emergency, the vehicle operator can contact the TRANSCOM control center. If
necessary, DOE is notified and decides on appropriate response measures. Information on key
emergency response contacts for DOE-headquarters (HQ), the shipper, the state, and the appropriate
DOE Operations Office is also available on-line in TRANSCOM.

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Student Text Unit 3: Chemical Properties 3-1

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3-2 Unit 3: Chemical Properties Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
By the end of this section, participants will be able to:

C Recognize the three states of matter

C Define the following terms:

C Vapor pressure
C Flash point
C Lower and upper explosive limits
C Specific gravity
C Solubility
C Vapor density
C Chemical reactivity
C Ignition temperature
C pH

C Describe how the pH scale can be used to assess the hazards of acids and bases
C Describe the following types of chemical reactions:

C Oxidation
C Explosion
C Gas Compression

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3-4 Unit 3: Chemical Properties Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
All elements exist in nature in one of three states: solid, liquid,
or gas. Substances can change from one state to another as
changes occur in temperature or pressure, or both. A change in
a material’s state is likely to affect the degree of hazard posed by
the material, as well as the tactics for controlling the situation.
For example, a toxic substance may be more hazardous in the
gaseous state than in the liquid state because it is easier to
inhale as a gas and more difficult to control.

A solid is a substance that retains a definite size and shape
under normal conditions. When most solids melt, they change to
liquid. The temperature at which this occurs is called the melting
point. When solids change directly to gas, the process is
called sublimation. Carbon dioxide (dry ice) is a well-known
example of a solid that sublimates.

Liquids are substances that flow easily and have a specific
volume but no specific shape. The temperature at which a liquid
freezes is called the freezing point. The temperature at which a
liquid changes to a gas is its boiling point. At this temperature,
which is unique to each liquid, bubbles of the liquid rise to the
surface and enter the surrounding air. The boiling point of a
liquid is related to its vapor pressure.

Student Text Unit 3: Chemical Properties 3-5

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
A gas is a substance that expands or compresses readily and
has no independent shape or volume. Gases may condense to
form liquids; this change occurs when a gas is cooled to or below
its boiling point. Substances that occur naturally as gases have
low boiling points compared to solids and liquids.

To evaluate the hazard posed by a gas, you must know (or

estimate) its concentration in air. Explosive limits are one way to
evaluate the concentration of flammable gases and vapors.
Concentration of gas can also be expressed in terms of percent,
parts per million (ppm), and parts per billion (ppb). These terms
are typically used in reference materials when listing the
concentration of a gas or vapor that causes health effects. One
part per million is equal to 1/1,000,000.

(Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health) is a reference
frequently mentioned in resource material. IDLH is the maximum
level of exposure, without irreparable effects, within 30 minutes.

3-6 Unit 3: Chemical Properties Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Vapor Pressure
Vapor pressure is a measure of the ability to evaporate, that is,
to change from a liquid to a gas. (A liquid in the gas state is a
vapor.) Vapor pressure is often measured in millimeters (mm) of
mercury (Hg), but other units may be used. The higher the vapor
pressure, the more likely a liquid is to evaporate. For example:

Material Approximate Vapor Pressure

at Room Temperature
Rock 0 mm Hg
Water 25 mm Hg
Acetone 250 mm Hg
Any gas >760 mm Hg
Acetylene 2,500 mm Hg

As temperature increases, the vapor pressure of a liquid

increases. For example, look at the effect of temperature on the
vapor pressure of water on the following chart.

Vapor Pressure Temperature of Water

of Water
25 mm Hg 72° F
93 mm Hg 122° F
760 mm Hg 212° F

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IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
If the temperature is high enough, the vapor pressure rises until
it equals atmospheric pressure. At this point, the liquid boils and
becomes vapor. Because liquids expand when they vaporize,
the effect of temperature on a liquid’s vapor pressure can be
catastrophic if the liquid is in a closed vessel. If there is no
mechanism for venting, the vapors generated as the liquid is
heated will exert increasing amounts of pressure on the vessel,
possibly leading to container failure.

Flash Point
Flammable liquids with high vapor pressures are generally more
dangerous than those with low vapor pressures. This is because
they more readily form ignitable mixtures in air and are more
easily inhaled. Flash point is the temperature at which a liquid
generates enough vapors to create an ignitable mixture near the
surface of the liquid.

A flammable liquid is a liquid that has a flash point below 100°F

(38°C). Liquids that have flash points of 100°F or more are
classified as combustible liquids.

Explosive Limit
Explosive or flammable limit refers to the concentration of a
flammable vapor or gas in air. Below the lower explosive limit
(LEL), the mixture is “too lean” to ignite. This means that there
are not enough flammable vapors in the air. Above the upper
explosive limit (UEL), the mixture is “too rich” to ignite. That is,
there is too little oxygen to support combustion. Between the
LEL and UEL, the mixture is explosive or flammable. Remember
that sources of electricity such as lights, motors, traffic, and static
electricity can ignite mixtures between the LEL and UEL.

Flammable gases have an LEL of less than 13%, or a flammable

range greater than 12%. Most flammable gases have LEL
ranges of 3% to 6%.

3-8 Unit 3: Chemical Properties Student Text

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Specific Gravity
Specific gravity is a concept used to measure the weight of
solids and liquids in comparison to an equal volume of water.
Water has a specific gravity of one. Solids and liquids that are
heavier than an equal volume of water have specific gravities
greater than one. Similarly, solids and liquids that are lighter
than water have specific gravities less than one.

Specific gravity has no unit of measure. It is only a relative value

(relative to water). The specific gravity of a substance indicates
whether it will sink or float in water. This property can also
determine your response activity (for example, the type of dam
you build to control a liquid spill in water).

Solubility refers to the degree that one substance mixes with
another substance. The mixture is called a solution. The
substance presenting greater amount is called the solvent.
Water can be a solvent, though in common usage the term refers
to petroleum-based chemicals. The substance present in lesser
amount is called the solute. A solute may be a gas, a liquid, or a

If a solute mixes completely in a solvent, it is said to be miscible

with that solvent. For example, alcohols such as methyl, ethyl,
and propyl alcohol are miscible with water. Water miscible
means that the liquid is infinitely soluble in water. Regardless of
the amount of methyl alcohol added to water, it will all mix. All
other liquids (and all solids) are either very soluble, soluble,
sparingly soluble, or insoluble. Some references may also list
solubility data in terms of a percentage, indicating the weight of
the material that will dissolve in a certain amount of water.

Student Text Unit 3: Chemical Properties 3-9

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Vapor Density
The concept of vapor density is used to measure the weight of
a gas compared to an equal volume of air. Air has a vapor
density of one. Substances with vapor densities less than one
are lighter than an equal volume of air and will rise in air. Those
with vapor densities greater than one will sink in air, and often
collect in low lying areas or close to the ground. This is important
when sampling the air, identifying safe areas during an
emergency, and predicting how a gas will spread.

There are a couple of shortcuts in determining whether a gas or

vapor has a vapor density less than air. One method is to use
the molecular weight of the chemical. The molecular weight is
the mass that is assigned to atoms or molecules that make up a
chemical. This unit may be found in references such as the
NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards. Vapors and gases
with molecular weights greater than 29 (the molecular weight of
air) tend to sink in air. Vapors of flammable liquids also tend to
sink in air. (Flammable gases may rise or sink, depending on the
gas; for example, propane sinks, and methane rises.)

3-10 Unit 3: Chemical Properties Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Chemical Reactivity
Chemical reactions result when two or more substances combine
to form new chemicals and energy is absorbed or released.
Polymerization, combustion, and ionization are examples of
chemical reactions. The rate at which a chemical reaction
occurs depends on a number of factors, including:

C Temperature—increasing temperature usually speeds

C Concentration—increasing the concentrations of the
reacting materials usually increases the rate of reaction
C Pressure—increasing pressure, especially on reacting gases
and vapors, may speed reactions, though this is not always
C Presence of catalysts—a catalyst is a substance that
increases the rate of chemical reactions, but is not changed
by the reaction

In addition to the factors listed above, the physical and chemical

properties of the reactive materials can influence the reaction.
For example, gases and vapors react more readily than liquids
and solids; and highly reactive materials can spontaneously
explode or ignite when exposed to another substance.
Some materials react when exposed to water. For example,
sodium metal is extremely water-reactive and may explode
when in contact with water. It is stored dry or in mineral oil or
kerosene. Air reactive materials react when exposed to air.
White and yellow phosphorous spontaneously ignite in air; a
related term, pyrophoric, is used to describe a material (liquid or
solid) that spontaneously ignites in air at or below 130°F.

Ignition Temperature
References may list the ignition temperature of a chemical
(also called the auto-ignition temperature). This is the
temperature at which a material starts to burn without a flame or
other ignition source present. At this temperature, gases or
vapors are consumed in fire as rapidly as they are formed, and
the material continues self-sustained combustion. Many
flammable solids have ignition temperatures greater than 400°F,
much higher than flash points of flammable liquids. One notable
exception is phosphorus (white or yellow), with an ignition
temperature of 86°F.

Student Text Unit 3: Chemical Properties 3-11

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The pH scale is a reference scale indicating the acidity or
alkalinity of materials. The scale ranges from 0 to 14, with 7
considered neutral. Values lower than 7 indicate increasing
acidity, while those higher than 7 indicate increasing alkalinity.
The pH scale is a logarithmic scale, with 7 at the center of the
scale. This means that the difference in acidity from pH 6 to pH
7 is small, while the difference from pH 3 to pH 4 is greater, and
the difference in acidity between pH 1 and pH 2 is very great.
When dealing with acids and bases, it is also important to obtain
information about the concentration of the acid or base.
Concentration indicates the percentage of the material in water.
Both acids and alkalis can cause injury. Materials with a very
low or very high pH are the most hazardous, and any highly
concentrated acids or bases should be carefully assessed before
action is taken. Caustics are particularly dangerous because the
chemical seeks out the acids in the body.

Other Chemical Reactions

Other chemical reactions may affect the way you respond to an
incident involving a hazardous material.

Oxidation is a chemical reaction that enables a substance to
burn. In a fire, the presence of an oxidizer will make the fire burn
hotter and faster, and may cause explosions. Oxygen is a
powerful oxidizer, but by itself it is non-flammable. When added
to other materials (even non-flammable protective clothing) it
dramatically accelerates combustion.

Explosions are chemical reactions that suddenly release a
tremendous amount of energy. Explosions can be loosely
categorized according to reaction time. High explosives react
quickly — within millionths of a second — while low explosives
react more slowly. High explosives (such as dynamite) detonate;
that is, they create and almost instantaneously release gas. Low
explosives (such as black powder) deflagrate in that they create
gas a little more slowly.

3-12 Unit 3: Chemical Properties Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Gas Compression
Gas compression can also lead to chemical reactions. Compared
with other states of matter, gases are the least dense. They can
be compressed by increasing pressure or decreasing
temperature to force the gas into a smaller volume. Certain
gases are classified as cryogenic because of their low
temperatures and extremely low boiling points.

Unlike other compressed gases, you must consider the extreme

coldness of a cryogenic gas during a fire. Cryogenic containers
always carry safety relief devices. Applying water may freeze
these devices and cause the container to rupture.

A hazard common to all compressed gases is the potential for

the expansion of the gas when it is warmed or no longer under
pressure. Containers may fail, releasing large amounts of the
gas. The expansion ratio refers to the comparison of a volume
of the gas to its liquefied form. For example, liquefied natural
gas (LNG) has an expansion ratio of 600 to 1. This means that
one cubic foot of LNG will expand to 600 cubic feet when
warmed or no longer under pressure.

Flammable gases that are transported or stored in their liquefied
form are particularly hazardous because there is the potential for
a boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion (BLEVE). This is
the term for an uncontrolled fire and explosion of vapor as it
escapes from a ruptured container of liquefied flammable gas. A
BLEVE occurs when a container is exposed to fire. The liquid
inside begins to boil and vaporize. The vapor is vented from the
relief valve and the level of liquid begins to drop. As this
happens, the flames impinge on the vapor space of the tank.
Heat and pressure build, and the container weakens and
ruptures, resulting in an explosion.

Student Text Unit 3: Chemical Properties 3-13

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
3-14 Unit 3: Chemical Properties Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations

Student Text Unit 3: Chemical Properties 3-15

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
3-16 Unit 3: Chemical Properties Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
MSDS Exercise
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) contain standard information about hazardous chemicals at fixed
locations. They are published by chemical manufacturers. The format of an MSDS, including the order in
which information appears, may be different for each chemical. It may also vary among manufacturers of
the same chemical. Review the three MSDSs on the following pages for methyl ethyl ketone, carbon
disulfide, and muriatic acid. Then answer the questions below.

Which of these chemicals is/are flammable?

Which is/are required to have a Flammable Liquid and Poison label?

Which will evaporate the fastest at room temperature?

Which is the most toxic?

Student Text Unit 3: Chemical Properties 3-17

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations



CASE NO.: 78-93-3
PRODUCT CODES: 9214,9323,9211,5385,9319,Q531
EFFECTIVE: 08/27/86











METHYL ETHYL KETONE 90-100 78-93-3



3-18 Unit 3: Chemical Properties Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations






















LD50 (IPR-MOUSE)(MG/KG) - 616
LD50 (SKN-RABBIT) (G/KG) - 13


Student Text Unit 3: Chemical Properties 3-19

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations



















3-20 Unit 3: Chemical Properties Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
















UN/NA UN1193



UN/NA UN1193

Student Text Unit 3: Chemical Properties 3-21

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
FSC: 6810
NIIN: 012090692
Manufacturer’s CAGE: 62910
Part No. Indicator: A
Part Number/Trade Name: CARBON DISULFIDE,4351-030
General Information
Company’s Street: PARIS BYPASS
Company’s P. O. Box: M
Company’s City: PARIS
Company’s State: KY
Company’s Country: US
Company’s Zip Code: 40361
Company’s Emerg Ph #: 314-982-5000
Company’s Info Ph #: 800-354-2050
Record No. For Safety Entry: 001
Tot Safety Entries This Stk#: 001
Status: SE
Date MSDS Prepared: 06APR89
Safety Data Review Date: 08FEB95
Supply Item Manager: KX
MSDS Preparer’s Name: UNKNOWN
MSDS Serial Number: BGQQG
Specification Number: NONE
Spec Type, Grade, Class: NONE
Hazard Characteristic Code: F5
Unit Of Issue: BT
Unit Of Issue Container Qty: 1 PT
Type Of Container: BOTTLE
Net Unit Weight: 1.3 LBS
NRC/State License Number: NOT RELEVANT
Ingredients/Identity Information
Proprietary: NO
Ingredient: CARBON DISULFIDE (SARA 302/313) (CERCLA)
Ingredient Sequence Number: 01
Percent: 100
NIOSH (RTECS) Number: FF6650000
CAS Number: 75-15-0
ACGIH TLV: S, 10 PPM; 9495
Other Recommended Limit: NOT RECOMMENDED
Physical/Chemical Characteristics
Boiling Point: 115F,46C
Melting Point: -148F,-100C
Vapor Pressure (MM Hg/70 F): 300 @ 68F
Vapor Density (Air=1): 2.6

3-22 Unit 3: Chemical Properties Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Specific Gravity: 1.26
Decomposition Temperature: UNKNOWN
Evaporation Rate And Ref: 22.6 (N-BUTYL ACETATE=1)
Solubility In Water: 0.2 %
Percent Volatiles By Volume: 100
Viscosity: UNKNOWN
Corrosion Rate (IPY): UNKNOWN
Autoignition Temperature: 194F
Fire and Explosion Hazard Data
Flash Point: -22F,-30C
Lower Explosive Limit: 1.3
Upper Explosive Limit: 50
Reactivity Data
Stability: YES
Hazardous Poly Occur: NO
Conditions To Avoid (Poly): NOT RELEVANT
Health Hazard Data
LD50-LC50 Mixture: TLV 10 PPM (SKIN)
Route Of Entry - Inhalation: YES
Route Of Entry - Skin: YES
Route Of Entry - Ingestion: YES

Student Text Unit 3: Chemical Properties 3-23

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Precautions for Safe Handling and Use
Neutralizing Agent: NOT RELEVANT
Control Measures
Protective Gloves: PVA
Transportation Data
Trans Data Review Date: 95039
DOT Proper Shipping Name: CARBON DISULFIDE
DOT Class: 3
DOT ID Number: UN1131
DOT Pack Group: I
IMO Regulations Page Number: SEE 3109
IMO UN Number: 1131
IMO UN Class: 3.1
IMO Subsidiary Risk Label: TOXIC
IATA UN ID Number: 1131
IATA UN Class: 3
IATA Subsidiary Risk Class: 6.1

3-24 Unit 3: Chemical Properties Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Disposal Data
Disposal Data Review Date: 88270
Rec # For This Disp Entry: 01
Tot Disp Entries Per NSN: 001
Landfill Ban Item: YES
Disposal Supplemental Data: MSDS FM MFR DATED 12 JULY 85 & CONFORMS TO OSHA HAZ COMM
1st EPA Haz West Code New: P022
1st EPA Haz Wst Char New: ACUTELY TOXIC (H)
1st EPA Acute Hazard New: YES
2nd EPA Haz Wst Code New: D001
2nd EPA Haz Wst Name New: IGNITIBLE
2nd EPA Haz Wst Char New: IGNITABILITY
2nd EPA Acute Hazard New: NO
Label Data
Label Required: YES
Technical Review Date: 08FEB95
MFR Label Number: UNKNOWN
Label Status: F
Common Name: CARBON DISULFIDE,4351-030
Signal Word: DANGER!
Acute Health Hazard-Severe: X
Contact Hazard-Severe: X
Fire Hazard-Severe: X
Reactivity Hazard-None: X
Protect Eye: Y
Protect Skin: Y
Label Street: PARIS BYPASS
Label P.O. Box: M
Label City: PARIS
Label State: KY
Label Zip Code: 40361
Label Country: US
Label Emergency Number: 314-982-5000

Student Text Unit 3: Chemical Properties 3-25

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
FSC: 6810
NIIN: 00F032922
Manufacturer’s CAGE: TRCHE
Part No. Indicator: A
Part Number/Trade Name: MURIATIC ACID
General Information
Item Name: ACID
Company’s Name: T & R CHEMICALS, INC
Company’s Street: 700 CELUM ROAD
Company’s P. O. Box: 330
Company’s City: CLINT
Company’s State: TX
Company’s Country: US
Company’s Zip Code: 79836
Company’s Emerg Ph #: 915-851-2761
Company’s Info Ph #: 915-851-2761
Record No. For Safety Entry: 001
Tot Safety Entries This Stk#: 001
Status: SE
Date MSDS Prepared: 27JAN89
Safety Data Review Date: 14FEB94
Preparer’s Company: T & R CHEMICALS, INC
Preparer’s St Or P. O. Box: 700 CELUM ROAD
Preparer’s City: CLINT
Preparer’s State: TX
Preparer’s Zip Code: 79836
MSDS Serial Number: BTBJB
Ingredients/Identity Information
Proprietary: NO
Ingredient Sequence Number: 01
Percent: 35.2
NIOSH (RTECS) Number: MW4025000
CAS Number: 7647-01-0
Other Recommended Limit: 7 PPM
Physical/Chemical Characteristics
Vapor Pressure (MM Hg/70 F): 30
Specific Gravity: 1.18
Solubility In Water: COMPLETE

3-26 Unit 3: Chemical Properties Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Fire and Explosion Hazard Data
Flash Point: NONE
Reactivity Data
Stability: YES
Hazardous Poly Occur: NO
Health Hazard Data
Route Of Entry - Inhalation: YES
Route Of Entry - Skin: YES
Route Of Entry - Ingestion: YES
Precautions for Safe Handling and Use
Neutralizing Agent: LIME OR SODA ASH
Precautions-Handling/Storing: STORE IN COOL, DRY, WELL-VENTILATED PLACE.

Student Text Unit 3: Chemical Properties 3-27

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Control Measures
Ventilation: REQUIRED
Transportation Data
Disposal Data
Label Data
Label Required: YES
Technical Review Date: 14FEB94
Label Date: 10FEB94
Label Status: F
Chronic Hazard: YES
Signal Word: DANGER!
Acute Health Hazard-Severe: X
Contact Hazard-Severe: X
Fire Hazard-None: X
Reactivity Hazard-Slight: X
Protect Eye: Y
Protect Skin: Y
Protect Respiratory: Y
Label Name: T & R CHEMICALS, INC
Label Street: 700 CELUM ROAD
Label P.O. Box: 330
Label City: CLINT
Label State: TX
Label Zip Code: 79836
Label Country: US
Label Emergency Number: 915-851-2761
Year Procured: UNK

3-28 Unit 3: Chemical Properties Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations

Student Text Unit 4: Introduction to Radioactive Materials 4-1

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
4-2 Unit 4: Introduction to Radioactive Materials Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
By the end of this section, participants will be able to:

C Describe the sources of radiation

C List at least five uses of radioactive materials
C Define radioactive terms
C Explain the basic principles of radiation
C Describe the health effects of radiation exposure and protective methods

Student Text Unit 4: Introduction to Radioactive Materials 4-3

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
4-4 Unit 4: Introduction to Radioactive Materials Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Your jurisdiction is located at or near a Department of Energy
(DOE) site or transportation route. DOE has developed
comprehensive transportation and disposal plans designed to
help prevent radiological accidents. Transportation of radioactive
materials is well-regulated and very safe. Consequently, your
chances of responding to such incidents are minimal.

Highway incident involving radioactive materials

However, you need to be prepared for all types of emergencies.

So while this program covers all categories of hazardous
materials and related safety and health issues, there is a special
focus on radioactive hazards.

Background Radiation
Most of the 92 naturally occurring elements on earth are unstable
and can change into other forms. Radiation begins in the center
of the nucleus of these elements, where energetic parties or
waves of energy are released as the atoms decay to stable

More than 80% of the radiation we are exposed to comes from

“background” radiation — natural sources like sunlight, soil and
rocks. Most remaining exposures come from manmade sources,
such as x-rays and common household appliances like smoke
detectors and color televisions.

On the following page, Table 4.1 shows the average annual

dose from natural background. Table 4.2 shows the average
annual dose from manmade sources.

Student Text Unit 4: Introduction to Radioactive Materials 4-5

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Table 4.1

Source mrem/year

Cosmic rays (radiation from the sun 28

and outer space)

The earth 26

Radon (in certain geographic areas) 200

The human body 25

Building materials 4

Table 4.2

Source mrem/year

Medical 90
(primarily from diagnostic x-rays)

Fallout from atomic weapons 5

Consumer products 1
(color television, computers)

Nuclear power 0.3

Exposure to radiation is generally measured in rems. Most

human exposure is so small the dose can be measured in
millirems. The average person’s exposure is about 360 millirems
a year, about 300 of which is from background radiation. An
airplane trip across the country adds about 5 millirems, dental
x-rays about 40 millirems. A person living just outside a nuclear
power plant receives another millirem or so each year, while an
employee of the same plant receives an additional 300 millirems
or so per year.

4-6 Unit 4: Introduction to Radioactive Materials Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
How Radioactive Materials
Are Used
Radioactive materials are used in producing many of the
products we use every day: plastic wrap, radial tires, coffee
filters, and smoke detectors.

Many medical facilities contain radioactive hazards.

Radioactive materials are used for diagnostic radiology, radiation

medicine, and radiopharmaceuticals. Radiation hazards also
exist wherever radioactive materials are stored or radioactive
waste products are discarded.

Fires involving radioactive materials can result in widespread

contamination. Radioactive particles can be carried easily by
smoke plumes, ventilation systems, and contaminated water
runoff. While radiation exposure outside of medical and research
facilities is not common, you should be alert to its presence
in labs, hospitals, and other treatment facilities.

Table 4.3 lists some commonly-used radioisotopes, examples of

their uses, the forms in which they’re transported, and the most
common mode of transport.

Student Text Unit 4: Introduction to Radioactive Materials 4-7

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations

AMERICIUM 241 Used in industry to: Powder Highway

C Determine drilling locations for oil wells (enclosed in Rail
C Manufacture home smoke detectors capsule) Air
C Measure lead in dried paint
C Ensure uniformity in steel and paper

CALIFORNIUM 252 Used in medicine to: Solid Highway

C Research and treat cancer (especially Air
cervical, ovarian, and brain cancers)
Used in industry to:
C Detect explosives in luggage at
C Measure moisture in soil and silos
C Start up nuclear reactors

COBALT 60 Used in medicine to: Solid Highway

C Treat cancer Rail
C Suppress immune reaction in Air
C Sterilize surgical instruments
Used in industry to:
C Test welds and casting
C Check for internal structural flaws
C Locate buried utility conduits
Used in agriculture to:
C Preserve poultry, fruits and spices

IODINE 131 Used in medicine to: Liquid Highway

C Diagnose and treat medical disorders Rail
C Trace medical observations Air

IRIDIUM 192 Used in medicine to: Solid Highway

C Treat prostate cancer Air
Used in industry to:
C Check the integrity of pipeline welds,
boilers and aircraft parts

PLUTONIUM 238 Used in medicine to: Solid Highway

C Power pacemakers Air

HYDROGEN 3 Used in industry to: Solid Highway

(TRITIUM) C Illuminate paint, exit signs and aircraft Rail
C Trace the flow of water
C Identify molecules in scientific studies

4-8 Unit 4: Introduction to Radioactive Materials Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
In order to understand radiological hazards, you should first
become familiar with some related terms:

Curie is a measurement of the activity of an isotope.

Rad (radiation absorbed dose) measures a quantity called

“absorbed dose,” which means the amount of energy actually
absorbed in a material. The rad measures any type of radiation,
but it does not describe the biological effects.

Rem (roentgen equivalent man) measures a quantity called

“dose equivalent,” which relates the absorbed dose in human
tissue to the resulting biological damage. This measurement is
necessary because not all radiation has the same biological
effect. The rem measurement is obtained by multiplying the rad
by a quality factor that is unique to a specific type of radiation.

Roentgen (R) measures the quantity of an exposure to a

gamma or x-ray.

The terms above reflect traditional units of measuring radiation.

However, SI (Systeme International) units are now being
accepted in the U.S. The following table shows each traditional
unit, the comparable SI unit, and the conversion factor from the
smaller amount to the larger.

Traditional SI Unit Conversion Factor

Unit (smaller unit
to larger unit)

Curie (Ci) Becquerel (Bq) 1 Ci = 37 billion Bq

rad Gray (Gy) 1 Gy = 100 rad

rem Sievert (Sv) 1Sv = 100 rem

Roentgen (R) Coulombs per 1 C/kg = 3,876 R

kilogram (C/kg)

For the purposes of this program, and for your response, you
can assume all these terms mean essentially the same thing: a
unit of measure of radiation.

Student Text Unit 4: Introduction to Radioactive Materials 4-9

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Basic Principles of Radiation
The atom is a unit of matter. The three basic particles of the
atom are protons, neutrons, and electrons. Each atom has a
center called a nucleus. The nucleus contains protons, which
carry a positive electrical charge, and neutrons, which are not
charged. Negatively-charged electrons orbit the nucleus.
Electrons are much lighter than protons and neutrons; 1,845
electrons have the mass of one proton.

Parts of an Atom

The positive protons and the negative electrons hold the atom
together. When there are equal numbers of protons and
electrons, the charges are balanced and the atom is stable.

Atoms of the same element have the same number of protons,

but can have a different number of neutrons. Atoms that have
the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons
are called isotopes. Isotopes have the same chemical
properties; however, the nuclear properties can be quite different.

If there are too many or too few neutrons for a given number of
protons, the nucleus will have too much energy and the atom will
not be stable. The atom will try to become stable by giving off
excess energy in the form of particles or waves (radiation).
When we talk about radiation, we are usually referring to
ionizing radiation rather than non-ionizing radiation.

Ionizing radiation has a tremendous amount of energy. When an

ionizing particle interacts with an atom, it can remove an electron
from the atom’s orbit, causing the atom to become charged, or

4-10 Unit 4: Introduction to Radioactive Materials Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations

Non-ionizing radiation does not ionize the atoms around it. Most
background radiation from the soil, for instance, does not ionize
the atoms it contacts.

The type of radiation given off by the nucleus depends on how

the nucleus changes. If protons and neutrons are rearranged,
the atom emits gamma radiation. If an orbiting electron changes,
the atom gives off x-rays. If the number of protons and neutrons
changes, the atom emits one or more types of radiation.

Types of Radiation
There are several types of radiation present in nature and
manmade sources:

C Alpha particles
C Beta particles
C Gamma rays
C X-rays
C Neutrons

Alpha Particles
Alpha particles are the slowest of the three types of radiation.
They can travel only a few inches in the air, losing their energy
almost as soon as they collide with anything. They can easily be
shielded by a sheet of paper or the outer layer of a person’s skin.
An alpha particle has a large mass and two protons, two
neutrons, and no electrons. Because it has two protons and no
electrons, it is positively charged. When emitted from the
nucleus, the positive charge causes the alpha particle to strip
electrons from nearby atoms as it passes.

Student Text Unit 4: Introduction to Radioactive Materials 4-11

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Alpha Radiation

Alpha particles are extremely hazardous to fire fighters because

they can be inhaled and deposited in body tissues, where they
can cause severe long-term health effects. Positive pressure
SCBA is effective protection against inhaling alpha particles.
These agents can affect the cells of the body in various ways,
and each is capable of destroying cells.

Beta Particles
Beta particles are more energetic than alpha particles. They
travel in the air for a distance of a few feet. Beta particles can
pass through a sheet of paper but may be stopped by a sheet of
aluminum foil or glass.

A beta particle has a small mass and is usually negatively

charged. It is emitted from the nucleus of an atom with a charge
of minus one. Beta radiation causes ionization by interfering with
electrons in their orbits. Both have a negative charge, so the
electrons are repelled when the beta particle passes.

Beta Radiation

4-12 Unit 4: Introduction to Radioactive Materials Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Beta particles can damage the skin or tissues of the eye.
Internally, they can be extremely damaging if they concentrate in
specific tissues.

Gamma Rays
Gamma rays (unlike alpha or beta particles) are waves of pure
energy; they have no mass. They are emitted from the nucleus
of an atom and travel at the speed of light (186,000 miles per
second). Gamma radiation can be very penetrating and requires
concrete, lead or steel to stop it.

Gamma Radiation

X-rays are essentially the same as gamma rays except that they
are emitted from the electrons that orbit the atom’s nucleus,
rather than from the nucleus itself. Gamma rays and X-rays are
also called photons. Because they have very high energy and
penetrate deeply, gammas and X-rays can affect not only
specific organs, but the surrounding tissues as well.

Gamma radiation and X-rays are electromagnetic waves or

photons and have no electrical charge. The difference between
the two is that gamma rays originate inside the nucleus and
X-rays originate outside the nucleus. Both can ionize an atom by
directly interacting with the electron.

Student Text Unit 4: Introduction to Radioactive Materials 4-13

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Neutron Particles
Neutrons are particles normally contained in the nucleus of an
atom. They can be released through certain manufacturing
processes, such as nuclear fission (splitting an atomic nucleus).

Neutron Radiation

Neutrons are considerably larger than beta particles but have

only one-fourth the mass of alpha particles. Because they can
penetrate even thick lead shields, they can be extremely
damaging to humans. However, neutron radiation is very rare
since it is generally emitted only when atomic weapons are

4-14 Unit 4: Introduction to Radioactive Materials Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Effects of Exposure
The effects of radiological exposures can be characterized two
ways: as a result of whole body exposure or as a result of
local exposure. These terms are discussed below.

Whole Body Exposure

Exposure of the entire body to a dose of 100 R or greater in a
short time period (24 hours or less), results in signs and
symptoms known as acute radiation syndrome. The radiation
source in such cases is usually gamma or X-rays. Actual cases
of unintentional whole-body radiation exposure have occurred
only very rarely. Few symptoms are noted at doses under
100 R, but damage can be detected in white blood cells.

Doses greater than 100 R result in progressively more

threatening consequences that tend to follow a predictable time
course. Doses of 100 to 200 R usually cause nausea and
vomiting within hours of the exposure. Typical results of
laboratory tests include a decrease in certain blood components,
especially white blood cells, within two days. This effect is
important because white blood cells play a major role in the
immune system.

At doses from 200 to 600 R, the most critical problem is

maintaining sufficient levels of circulating blood cells. This dose
range is life threatening, especially if no treatment is received.
White blood cells are most severely affected.

At doses of 300 R or more, hair loss occurs after about two


With exposures between 600 and 1,000 R, chances for survival

are decreased. Death may result from infection, hemorrhage,
and other results of decreased bone marrow functioning, but
may take months to occur.

At doses greater than 1,000 R, cells of the small intestine lining

are damaged and do not recover, resulting in infections and loss
of fluid and electrolytes through the wall of the intestine. Death
occurs within days.

Student Text Unit 4: Introduction to Radioactive Materials 4-15

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends dose
limits for emergency workers in various situations. The rem
dosage noted below reflects the Total Effective Dose Equivalent
(TEDE) lifetime exposures.

rem Condition

5 General monitoring (no life

safety involved)

10 Protection of a large population

25 Life saving (once in lifetime)

>25 Life saving (authorization

Source: U.S. EPA

For exposures above 25 rem, responders must be made fully

aware of the risks involved, and the person or agency in
command must authorize the exposure in writing.

Local Exposure
The effects of partial body exposure to radiation depend on the
dose and site of the exposure. Other organs frequently affected
by local exposure include the skin and reproductive organs.
Effects on bone marrow and the gastrointestinal system occur
when these organs are the targets of the exposure. Signs and
symptoms of exposure, such as nausea and decreased white
blood cells and platelets, are also seen when radiation is used in
the treatment of cancer.

The following photograph shows the right buttock of a man who

had carried a 28-curie iridium radiography source in his back
pocket for 45 minutes. When this photo was taken – about 31
days after exposure – the burn was 4” in diameter and about 1”

4-16 Unit 4: Introduction to Radioactive Materials Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Radiation burn from radiography source

Improper handling of gamma or beta sources or heavy exposure

to X-ray, neutron, or other particle beams can result in radiation
burns to the skin. These are classified like thermal burns – first,
second, or third degree, depending on the extent of the injury.
However, unlike thermal burns, they develop much more slowly,
often taking days to become evident. Because of this, the cause
of the burn is not always recognized.

Cancer and Radiation

Cancer is a major long-term health effect of ionizing radiation.
The reasons for this effect are not yet fully understood, but are
likely to be related to changes produced in the DNA, the genetic
material of cells. These changes may involve several steps that
take years to progress to the onset of cancer.

Many scientists who experimented with radiation at the turn of

the century later developed skin cancer. This was the first link
noticed between radiation exposure and cancer.

Other types of cancer are also thought to be associated with

radiation exposure. Leukemia, a cancer affecting bone marrow,
has been linked to several types of radiation exposure. Some
risk for lung cancer has been attributed to radon gas, particularly
among uranium mine workers.

Other types of cancer linked to radiation-exposed humans

include bone (other than leukemia), breast, stomach, and
thyroid. For example, workers who applied radium paint to watch
dials ingested radium when they dabbed their paint brushes on
their tongues. Radium is taken up by bone tissue. These
workers have been shown to have higher than average
rates of various bone cancers.

Student Text Unit 4: Introduction to Radioactive Materials 4-17

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
The following photograph shows two views of a right hand that
belonged to a pioneer medical radiologist. The hand was
amputated in 1932 and the radiologist died in 1933. Cancerous
conditions like this were caused by repeated doses of radiation
adding up to thousands of rems.

Other Hazards of
Radioactive Materials
You should be aware of several multiple hazard situations
involving radioactive materials. One of these is the presence of
explosives or flammables with radioactive material. Radioactive
material is forbidden from shipment with Class A explosives but
may accompany other classes of explosives.

Also, many radioactive materials are shipped as compounds of

acids or bases. Uranium hexafluoride (UF6) is one example of
an acidic radioactive material. Breached containers of this
compound can release highly toxic and corrosive hydrogen
fluoride gas.

The toxicity of this gas is far more hazardous than the

radioactivity of the uranium, and emergency personnel should be
alert to fumes, smoke, and irritating or noxious odors. Shipments
of uranium hexafluoride must bear both RADIOACTIVE and
CORROSIVE labels and placards.

4-18 Unit 4: Introduction to Radioactive Materials Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Heavy elements such as uranium, thorium and plutonium may
spontaneously ignite and burn when in finely divided metallic
form. This will produce airborne radioactive material. Fire
fighters should watch for smoking from these packages; although
these elements are probably not shipped in this form.

Water-Sensitive Radioactive Materials

Some radiological materials are water-reactive. Uranium
hexafluoride is probably the most common. For these materials,
the chemical hazards are much more serious than the radiation
hazards. Although these materials are shipped in protective
overpacks, they may explode or react violently with fuels if the
container is breached.

If you are responding to an incident that involves water-sensitive

radioactive materials, keep these points in mind:

C Structural fire fighting gear will not protect you from

contamination; only trained personnel in chemical protective
clothing should respond.
C Use dry chemical, water spray, fog or foam on undamaged
containers, but do not use water or foam if there is a release.

If a fire is not involved you may see a foaming residue or sense

irritating vapors, indicating a release.

Student Text Unit 4: Introduction to Radioactive Materials 4-19

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
4-20 Unit 4: Introduction to Radioactive Materials Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
In an emergency situation, you may know only that a material is
radioactive without knowing which type of radiation is being

Limiting Exposure
You can minimize your exposure to any type of radiation by:

C Limiting the time that you are near the source of radiation
C Increasing the distance between yourself and the source
C Shielding yourself with appropriate protective clothing

The shorter the time you are exposed to radiation, the less your
exposure. Work quickly and efficiently; rotate teams to keep
individual exposures to a minimum.

The farther you are from a source of radiation, the lower the
dose you receive. If you must approach low level radioactive
materials, do not touch them; use shovels or brooms and avoid
physical contact.

SCBA and bunker gear shields you from most alpha and beta
radiation. Several inches of lead is necessary to shield you from
gamma radiation. In the field, use clothing, vehicles, equipment,
containers or natural barriers like hills, trees, and rocks to protect
yourself from radiation exposure. However, be aware that your
apparatus, depending on its profile and construction material,
may not provide adequate shielding.

Shielding also includes covering the source itself. For example,

you may be able to prevent exposure to alpha and some beta
radiation if you cover the source with a drum or heavy material,
such as a tarp.

Like other exposures, if your clothing or skin is contaminated

with a radioactive substance, exposure will continue until you are

Student Text Unit 4: Introduction to Radioactive Materials 4-21

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Hazardous materials incidents often place First Responders in
uncontrolled and potentially hazardous environments. You may
be exposed to a range of chemical, biological, and physical
hazards. It makes sense, then, to monitor every responder’s
health through periodic medical examinations. Such
examinations are designed to detect any changes in your health
so that early treatment can prevent irreversible disease
processes. These medical examinations are usually performed
within a medical surveillance program and monitored by a
licensed health care practitioner with expertise in occupational

Inverse Square Law

The inverse square law is based on the principle that the farther
a person is from a source of radiation, the lower the dose will be.
By measuring the radiation exposure rate at a given distance
from a source, then doubling the distance from the source, the
intensity of the radiation is reduced by one-fourth. For example,
radiation that measures 8mR/hr at 2 feet from a source would
measure only 2mR/hr at 4 feet from the source.

Conversely, when the distance from the source of radiation is

reduced by half–for example, from 2 feet to 1 foot–the exposure
rate increases four times, from 8mR/hr to 32 mR/hr. The diagram
on the following page illustrates this principle.

The inverse square law is valid only for small point sources such
as those used in radiography. It does not apply in accident
situations where radioactive materials are released and

4-22 Unit 4: Introduction to Radioactive Materials Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Exposure Rate Example
At Point

A = 4x 32 mR/hr
B=x 8 mR/hr
C = 1/4x 2 mR/hr

The Inverse Square Law

The Inverse Square Law means that as distance from a
source increases, the rate of exposure decreases;
essentially, the further you are, the safer you are.

Student Text Unit 4: Introduction to Radioactive Materials 4-23

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
PPE and Radiation
Clothing that covers skin also offers protection from some forms
of radiation. However, it will not keep you from becoming
exposed. A fire fighter dressed in full structural fire fighting
clothing (helmet, SCBA, coat, pants, boots and gloves) is well
protected from surface contamination. If you should become
contaminated by a liquid or solid (not airborne) hazardous
material, taking off your outer clothing should remove most of the

Airborne contamination is more dangerous. If a radioactive

contaminant enters your body through a cut in your skin, or if you
inhale radioactive particles, the material will remain inside your
body and continue to expose the surrounding tissue. The best
protection against internal contamination is SCBA. Always wear
your SCBA when airborne radiation (or any other airborne
hazard, for that matter) is suspected.

Remember that alpha particles will not penetrate the skin, so

your regular protective clothing will offer sufficient skin protection.
However, alpha radiation can cause very serious problems
if it is inhaled.

Although beta radiation can be stopped by a thin piece of metal,

structural fire fighting gear (with a duck shell and Nomex liner)
offers little protection. Furthermore, inhalation of particles can
cause extensive damage.

Gamma rays can penetrate lead, so your fire fighting gear will
not keep you from exposure to this type of radiation.

4-24 Unit 4: Introduction to Radioactive Materials Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations

Student Text Unit 5: Packaging, Transportation and Storage 5-1

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
5-2 Unit 5: Packaging, Transportation and Storage Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
By the end of this section, participants will be able to:

C Identify three types of packaging for radioactive materials

C Describe package testing procedures for radioactive materials containers
C Describe the type of information required on radioactive placards and labels
C List five types of radioactive shipments
C Explain how radioactive materials are transported
C Identify six types of radioactive waste
C Explain how radioactive materials are stored

Student Text Unit 5: Packaging, Transportation and Storage 5-3

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
5-4 Unit 5: Packaging, Transportation and Storage Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
All shipments of radioactive materials, whether from industry or
government, must be packaged and transported according to
strict Federal regulations. These regulations protect the public,
transportation workers, and the environment from potential
exposure to radiation.

Types of Packaging
The most effective way to reduce the risks associated with
transporting radioactive material is to follow the appropriate
packaging standards specified by DOT and, when required, NRC
regulations. The type of packaging used is determined by the
activity, type, and form of material to be shipped. Depending on
these factors, radioactive material is shipped in one of three
types of containers:

C Industrial packaging
C Type A packaging
C Type B packaging

Industrial Packages
Materials that present little hazard from radiation exposure, due
to their low level of radioactivity, are shipped in industrial
packages. These are also known as strong, tight packages.
This type of container will retain and protect the contents during
normal transportation activities. Slightly contaminated clothing,
laboratory samples, and smoke detectors are examples of
materials that may be shipped in industrial packages.

Industrial containers can range from

cardboard boxes to sturdy wooden or steel crates

Student Text Unit 5: Packaging, Transportation and Storage 5-5

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Type A Packages
Radioactive materials with higher specific activity levels are
shipped in Type A packages. These packages must demonstrate
their ability to withstand a series of tests without releasing the
contents. Regulations require that the package protect its
contents and maintain sufficient shielding under conditions
normally encountered during transportation. Typically, Type A
packages are used to transport radiopharmaceuticals
(radioactive materials for medical use) and certain regulatory-
qualified industrial products.

Type A packages are made of fiberboard, wood, or steel and often have
some shielding material for LSA radioactive materials

Type B Packages
Radioactive materials that exceed the limits of Type A package
requirements must be shipped in Type B packages. Shippers
use this type of package to transport materials that would
present a radiation hazard to the public or the environment if
there were a major release. For this reason, a Type B package
design must not only demonstrate its ability to withstand tests
simulating normal shipping conditions, but it must also withstand
severe accident conditions without releasing its contents.

Type B cask used for transporting spent reactor fuel

5-6 Unit 5: Packaging, Transportation and Storage Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Type B cask specifically designed for rail transportation

Type B packages are used to transport materials with high levels

of radioactivity, such as spent fuel from nuclear power plants.
These large, heavy packages provide shielding against the
radiation. The size of Type B packages can range from small
containers to those weighing over 100 tons.

Package Testing
Radioactive materials are packaged according to their form,
quantity, and concentration. DOE ensures that when radioactive
materials are transported, they are packaged carefully to protect
the public, transportation workers, and the environment. DOT
and NRC regulate the testing of radioactive material package
designs. DOT is responsible for specifying the required test
conditions for packages. NRC certifies that packages designed
for materials with higher levels of radioactivity, such as spent
fuel, meet DOT’s test requirements.

Type A Packaging Testing

Type A package designs must withstand four tests simulating
normal transport conditions. These tests include:

C Water spray for one hour to simulate rainfall of two inches

per hour
C Free-fall drop test onto a hard, flat surface
C Compression of at least five times the weight of the package
C Penetration test by dropping a 13 pound, 1.25 inch diameter
bar vertically onto the package from a height of 3.3 feet

Student Text Unit 5: Packaging, Transportation and Storage 5-7

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Type A package designs must withstand four tests simulating
conditions of normal transport, including water spray (rain), drop,
compression, and penetration tests (handling conditions)

The NRC has established strict performance standards and

testing requirements for Type B package designs. Computer
analyses and scale model testing demonstrate the structural
integrity of the design.

Type B Packaging Testing

Type B packaging must withstand Type A packaging and four
additional tests:

C A 30-foot drop onto a flat, unyielding surface so that the

package’s weakest point is struck
C A 40-inch free drop onto a 6-inch diameter steel rod at least
8 inches long, striking the package at its most vulnerable
C Exposure of the entire package to 147 o F for 30 minutes
C Immersion of the package under 15 feet of water for at least
8 hours

5-8 Unit 5: Packaging, Transportation and Storage Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Type B packages must withstand four more tests simulating
severe accident conditions: impact, puncture, heat, and water

Crash tests using actual spent fuel package prototypes have

been used to verify the accuracy of the computer models. For
example, a truck carrying a prototype shipping package was
crashed into a 900-ton concrete wall at 81 miles an hour. The
truck was demolished, but the package was damaged only

Special Form and Fissile Materials

Special form materials are radioactive isotopes enclosed in
sealed capsules. They are designed to withstand a fire and a
high degree of damage, so they are rarely a problem unless the
source is removed from the capsule. If you suspect that a
source has been removed from the capsule, stay away from the
area and notify the appropriate radiation authorities.

Containers for fissile materials are also designed to withstand a

great deal of stress, so it is not likely these materials will present
a hazard. These materials are not flammable. In addition, the
packaging is designed to withstand total engulfment by fire at
temperatures of 1475° Fahrenheit for a period of 30 minutes.

Student Text Unit 5: Packaging, Transportation and Storage 5-9

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Placards and Labels
Placards are required on vehicles transporting one or more
packages bearing Radioactive - Yellow III labels, even if the
cargo is in Type A packages. High level radioactive materials,
such as spent nuclear fuel, require a diamond-shaped placard
within a larger white square with a black border.

Non-bulk containers of radioactive materials must be marked

with the shipping names, product identification, and shipper’s
name and address. Labels identify the contents and radioactivity
level according to three categories:

C Radioactive - White I: almost no radiation. The maximum

allowable radioactivity is 0.5 mrem/hr on the package
C Radioactive - Yellow II: low radiation levels. The maximum
allowable radioactivity is 50 mrem/hr on the package surface,
and one mrem/hr at three feet from the package.
C Radioactive - Yellow III: higher levels. Maximum allowable
radioactivity is 200 mrem/hr on the package surface, and 10
mrem/hr at three feet from the package. This is required for
fissile Class III materials or large quantity shipments of any
radiation level. (Fissile refers to elements in which a fission
reaction can be induced. This reaction will cause fissile
atoms to become unstable and release energy and
radiation.) Vehicles carrying packages with Yellow III labels
must have a radioactive placard on both sides and both ends
of the vehicle.

Each of these labels also includes lines on which the contents

are identified and the level of radioactivity is stated in terms of
curies. The Yellow II and Yellow III labels have additional items
called the transport index box. (The top of the diamonds for
Radioactive II and III are actually yellow.) For the majority of
shipments, the number in the transport index box indicates the
maximum radiation level (measured in mrem/hr) at one meter
(3.28 feet) from the surface of the package.

5-10 Unit 5: Packaging, Transportation and Storage Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
In the examples above, a transport index of 0.1 on the
Radioactive III label indicates that radiation measured 1 meter
from the surface of the package should be less than 0.1
mrem/hr. With the exception of exclusive use shipments, the
maximum transport index for any shipment is 10 mrem/hr.
Packages that carry radioactive materials are designed to absorb
radiation if it is
released from the container. There are other regulations
pertaining to the transport index as well, though not as commonly

Regulations limit exposure by restricting the total of all the

transport indexes on any one vehicle, usually to less than 50.
Exposure is also limited by requiring tests for radioactive
contamination on the outside of the packages before shipping.

If a total shipment exceeds 200 mrem/hr, the vehicle must be

designated exclusively for the purpose of transporting that

Above the transport index is the contents line, which identifies

the material inside the package.

Under contents is the activity line, which gives the level of

radiation in becquerels or curies.

Reusable shipping containers that are empty, but possibly

contaminated inside, are labeled with the word “empty.”

Student Text Unit 5: Packaging, Transportation and Storage 5-11

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
5-12 Unit 5: Packaging, Transportation and Storage Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Radioactive materials are shipped safely every day. DOE
regulations covering these materials strictly control the types that
can be carried, their quantities, and the packaging. In addition,
hazard communication standards help ensure that those who
handle or come into contact with these materials – including
emergency responders – will be able to identify the cargo and
understand the hazards.

Types of Shipments
Radioactive materials that are shipped include:

C Uranium ores
C Nuclear fuel assemblies
C Spent fuel
C Radioisotopes
C Radioactive waste

Uranium ores and associated chemical products are shipped

from mines and mills to purification processors. Irradiated
material is shipped to manufacturers of metal and ceramic fuel

Nuclear fuel assemblies are the source of energy for

commercial nuclear power plants and their production of
electricity. Fuel elements are also produced for research reactors
and national defense programs.

Spent or “used” fuel is moved to a geologic repository for

permanent disposal. Commercial spent fuel is now being
temporarily stored at power plants, while Government-owned
spent fuel from test or research reactors is stored at DOE sites.

Radioisotopes are transported from reactors to medical

facilities, research laboratories and defense sites, as well as to a
variety of industries and manufacturing facilities.

Radioactive waste results from processes that use radioactive

materials and must be transported to storage or disposal sites.

Transportation accidents involving radioactive materials are very

rare. Of 500 billion total shipments in this country every year,
100 million (.02%) contain hazardous materials, and only 3
million (.0006%) contain radioactive materials.

Hospitals, factories, research facilities, nuclear power plants and

other users of radioactive material are often at some distance
from the locations that supply this material. In addition, they are
often far from the waste storage and disposal sites.

Student Text Unit 5: Packaging, Transportation and Storage 5-13

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Radiological Shipments by Industry

Strict federal regulations established and enforced by the

Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC) govern the packaging, labeling,
documentation and routing of shipments of radioactive materials.
All modes of transportation (highway, rail, air or waterway) and all
carriers (private or government) are covered by these

5-14 Unit 5: Packaging, Transportation and Storage Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Transportation of Radioactive Materials
by Highway
Most radioactive waste is shipped by highway cargo tanks.
Trucks transport a wide variety of both low-level and high-level
radioactive materials, including fission products used to
manufacture nuclear fuel.

Tractor-trailer transporting radioactive cargo

Transportation of these materials is highly regulated. Among

other restrictions, carriers are required to follow the most direct
interstate route, bypassing heavily populated areas when

When transportation incidents occur, they are most likely the

result of a cargo tank accident. However, containers used for
shipping high level radioactive materials are very strong, and
releases are extremely rare.

Example of cask used to transport high-level spent reactor fuel

Student Text Unit 5: Packaging, Transportation and Storage 5-15

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
South Gate, CA, February 1993

A vial of potentially deadly radioactive cesium-137 was either lost or

stolen while in transit along Interstate 5. The vial (measuring 3.5” by
.75”) was being shipped from northern California to South Gate.
Cesium-137 is used to sterilize medical equipment. This material is
usually encapsulated in two steel tubes and welded closed.
Because of its high level of radioactivity, cesium-137 is stored
underwater and must be remotely handled during use and loading
for transport. Officials using a Geiger counter eventually found the
small container beside an on-ramp to the Long Beach freeway. Had
it not been for an anonymous tip, the container might not have been
found. — “Hazardous Materials Emergencies,” John R. Cashman,

Transportation of Radioactive Materials by Rail

Rail is the second most frequent method of transporting
radioactive materials. Generally, trains carry only large volumes
of material, such as uranium hexafluoride.

Rail accidents can be particularly dangerous for two reasons.

For one, extremely large quantities are involved. Secondly, a
serious accident can damage several rail cars, resulting in
combinations of hazardous materials.

The preferred method of shipping radioactive materials and

waste is by unit train, which runs directly between its point of
origin and its destination. It receives priority right-of-way and
expedited switching, and does not receive or unload any
additional cargo along the way. The radioactive loads are
contained by a disposable liner and a hard cover and carried in
gondola cars.

Rail cars placarded RADIOACTIVE cannot be placed next to a

locomotive or an occupied caboose. A buffer car – loaded with
any non-radioactive material – must be placed between a car
carrying radioactive materials and a locomotive or caboose.

Federal regulations and DOE require shippers and carriers to

have emergency plans in place in case an accident involving a
rail car occurs. DOE also requires railroads to document their
compliance with regulations and laws before and during
of radioactive materials. This documentation ensures that
railroad tracks and rail structures such as culverts and crossings
are in safe condition before any materials are shipped. Also,
DOE is working with states along shipment routes to train and
brief responders on their transportation plans. This training
program, in fact, is part of DOE’s effort to increase awareness
and response capabilities along its transportation routes. In the
unlikely event of an accident involving DOE-regulated radioactive
materials, DOE will ensure that any release is cleaned up, and
that any other remedial actions are taken.

5-16 Unit 5: Packaging, Transportation and Storage Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Transportation of Radioactive Materials by Air
DOT strictly limits air shipment of radioactive materials. One
exception is radiopharmaceuticals. Radiopharmaceuticals are
radioactive drugs used to diagnose or treat illnesses, and are
frequently short-lived, small and light-weight. Often they must be
delivered quickly to hospitals and medical laboratories, so air
shipment is generally the best method.

Air shipment of radioactive materials is not regulated by the

Code of Federal Regulations, as are most other methods.
Regulations for air transport are issued by the International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

With the exception of nuclear weapons, large quantities of

radioactive materials are rarely shipped by air. The military and
its contract carriers are notable exceptions, however.

Transportation of Radioactive Materials by Water

Only a small percentage of radioactive materials are shipped by
water, primarily because this type of transportation is slow and
geographically limited. Materials that are occasionally transported
via waterways include spent nuclear fuel, uranium metal,
uranium hexafluoride, and low-level waste. When shipped by
water, these materials are identified as “marine pollutants” and
noted as such on the manifest.

International water transport of radioactive materials is governed

by the IAEA and the International Marine Organization (IMO).
Transportation in US waters is regulated by DOT and NRC. In
addition, DOE has conducted extensive tests to ensure the
safety of ships carrying radioactive cargo.

Shipments that exceed a certain level of radioactivity must be

shipped exclusively on vessels hired specifically for that purpose.

Student Text Unit 5: Packaging, Transportation and Storage 5-17

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
5-18 Unit 5: Packaging, Transportation and Storage Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
When radioactive materials are depleted of their usefulness, they
are considered waste and must be stored at a government-
approved disposal facility.

Storing Radioactive Waste

Each type of waste is sent to a disposal site that is appropriate
for its characteristics.

High Level Waste

High level waste results from the reprocessing of spent nuclear
fuel in a commercial or defense facility. Reprocessing can
recover the usable radioactive materials for research and
defense programs. High level waste is currently stored in
underground tanks and vaults at government sites. Some of this
waste will be solidified in a glass form, packaged in stainless
steel canisters, and placed in heavily shielded casks for transport
to a permanent geologic repository.

Spent Fuel

Spent fuel results from producing electricity at nuclear power

plants or from operating other reactors such as research
reactors. After the usable fuel has been expended, highly
radioactive fuel assemblies remain.

The U.S. does not reprocess spent fuel from power plants, but
has reprocessed spent fuel from many types of reactors in the
past. Spent fuel is shipped as a solid, and is packaged in casks
for transport. Currently, spent fuel is stored in pools of water,
aboveground vaults, or concrete casks onsite at reactor or
commercial power plants.

Spent fuel from DOE-owned reactors is stored where it is

produced or at other DOE sites. Like high-level waste, spent fuel
will eventually be shipped to permanent geologic repositories.

Under the Nuclear Waste Policy Act, DOE is responsible for

transporting spent fuel from power plants, as well as defense-
related high-level radioactive waste, to permanent repositories.

Student Text Unit 5: Packaging, Transportation and Storage 5-19

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Transuranic Waste
Transuranic waste contains manmade elements heavier than
uranium, thus the name trans (or beyond) uranic. Transuranic
waste results from defense production activities and includes
contaminated protective clothing, tools, glassware, and
equipment. Most is now stored at government sites throughout
the country. Although most transuranic waste is no more
radioactive than low-level waste, it is radioactive for a longer
period of time.

In the past, transuranic waste was shipped in rail cars, but

shipments to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in New
Mexico will be made by truck in a specially-designed packaging
called the TRUPACT-II. WIPP is designed to demonstrate the
disposal of transuranic waste in deep, geologically stable salt
beds. If the demonstration project is successful, the site will
become a permanent disposal facility for transuranic waste.

Low-Level Waste
Low-level waste results from research, medical, and industrial
processes that use radioactive materials. Commercial power
plant operations and defense-related activities, including
weapons disassembly and cleanup of production sites, also
produce some low-level waste. Low-level waste consists of
contaminated rags, papers, filters, tools, equipment, and
discarded protective clothing.

Low-level radioactive scrap metal from a building

demolition at uranium processing facility

Typically, low-level waste contains small amounts of short-lived

radioactive material dispersed in large quantities of non-
radioactive material. It is far less hazardous than high-level waste
and is usually packaged in sturdy wooden or steel crates and
steel drums for shipment to storage or disposal sites.

5-20 Unit 5: Packaging, Transportation and Storage Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Low-level waste is sent to disposal sites licensed by the U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Several commercial sites
accept waste from producers of low-level waste, and some
states have formed regional compacts to dispose of low-level
waste when these facilities close. Sites have been established
throughout the DOE complex for disposal of DOE low-level

Mixed Waste
Mixed waste is waste that contains both hazardous chemical
components and radioactive components and is subject to the
requirements of the Atomic Energy Act and the Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act. Mixed waste is treated,
packaged, and shipped offsite to DOE or commercial disposal
sites by most DOE facilities that produce it. Envirocare of Utah,
Inc., recently began accepting DOE mixed waste shipments for
disposal. The waste is encapsulated in melted recycled plastic
and disposed of in an onsite landfill.

Uranium Mill Tailings

Uranium mill tailings are radioactive rock and soil byproducts
from uranium mining and milling. Mill tailings contain small
amounts of naturally occurring radium that decays and emits a
radioactive gas, radon. When radon gas is released into the
atmosphere, it disperses harmlessly. However, radon gas might
be dangerous if it is inhaled in high concentrations over a long
period of time. Uranium mill tailings are transported to several
disposal facilities specifically designed to accept them. When the
disposal site reaches capacity, it is sealed to prevent dispersion
of radon gas.

Student Text Unit 5: Packaging, Transportation and Storage 5-21

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
5-22 Unit 5: Packaging, Transportation and Storage Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations

Student Text Unit 5: Packaging, Transportation and Storage 5-23

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
5-24 Unit 5: Packaging, Transportation and Storage Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Activity 5-1

Time: 0930 Hours

Weather: Cloudy, wind out of the northeast.
Temperature 52°F

You receive a medical call from the dispatcher, a patient with difficulty breathing. You are sent to assist
an ambulance enroute to a warehouse in an industrial park. You are to meet the caller at the loading
dock on the east side of the warehouse.

Upon arrival, you notice very little activity. The company is Environmental Enterprises, Inc. This is a
company which, among other things, cleans tanks and water blasts graffiti, provides deep well monitoring
and does site clean-up and remediation.

On the loading dock you meet a mechanic who says he placed the emergency call for himself. His B/P is
162 over 98. Respirations are 18 and shallow. His chief complaint is respiratory distress and nausea.

He says he was working on the lighting in a trailer, trying to repair some fixtures and a short in the wiring.
He has been at work since 0730 that morning, and in the trailer for about an hour. His ladder slipped
while repairing the light on the ceiling of the trailer, causing him to fall against one of the containers. He
landed on his side.

You send a fire fighter to the trailer to find out what is inside. The fire fighter returns and tells you no
hazards are readily apparent. There is no product leaking onto the floor, nor are there any placards
outside of the trailer. There are, however, several drums with hazardous waste stickers and what look like
yellow and white labels. These containers were in the dark forward end of the trailer.

You decide to investigate a little further. On one of the drums, you can see the corner of a Radioactive-II
label. You take a better look with your flashlight. The number .5 is written in the transport index box on
the Radioactive-II label.

The ambulance is just pulling into the yard.

1. How would you characterize the scenario?

2. How would you treat the patient?

3. What hazards are involved?

Student Text Unit 5: Packaging, Transportation and Storage 5-25

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
5-26 Unit 5: Packaging, Transportation and Storage Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations

Student Text Unit 6: Radiation Emergencies 6-1

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
6-2 Unit 6: Radiation Emergencies Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
By the end of this section, participants will be able to:

C Describe the basic types and functions of radiation survey instruments

C Identify the ways patients can become exposed/contaminated by radiation
C Explain how to control a situation involving a radiation release
C Identify the agencies that require reports when there is a radiation release

Student Text Unit 6: Radiation Emergencies 6-3

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
6-4 Unit 6: Radiation Emergencies Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
In most cases, accident scenes involving radioactive materials
are handled in the same way as any other hazardous materials
incident. However, you may need to take different precautions,
depending on the type and form of radiation, as well as the other
hazards involved. The following information covers some of
these issues.

When you arrive at a transportation incident scene, conduct a

survey as you would with any other hazardous materials incident.
If you see any indication that radioactive materials are involved
(placards, labels, information from workers), look for the shipping
papers, which will identify the radionuclides being transported. If
radioactive contamination prevents you from searching, contact
the carrier’s dispatcher directly. Since you cannot see or feel
radiation, never assume it is not present in these situations.

If you have radiation monitoring instruments and are trained in

their use, survey the immediate area to find out if radiation is
present. Monitor any accident victims if they do not have life-
threatening injuries. Also, monitor the time in the hot zone.
Remember that time, distance and shielding are your most
effective protections against radiation hazards.

An initial radiation survey will only give you a preliminary estimate

of radiological hazards. If you do not have access to the types of
instruments that are used to take complete and detailed
radiological readings, you should contact the appropriate
authorities immediately.

Student Text Unit 6: Radiation Emergencies 6-5

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
6-6 Unit 6: Radiation Emergencies Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Because radiation cannot be detected by the human senses, you
must rely on instruments to confirm its presence. Two categories
of instruments are currently used to detect the presence of
radiation. Survey meters detect the presence of radiation.
Dosimeters measure an individual’s exposure or dose. Both
types of instruments require specific training in their use and the
interpretation of results.

Survey Meters
Survey meters were originally designed to detect radiation in the
event of a nuclear attack. Various types are available to detect
alpha, beta, gamma, X-ray, and even neutron radiation, but the
most commonly used types detect beta and gamma radiation.
The others are more specialized and require more training in
their use. A description of some of the more commonly used
instruments is included in this section.

Two civil defense survey instruments are the CD V-700 and the
CD V-715. These instruments measure rate of exposure in
roentgens per hour (R/hr) or milliroentgens per hour (mR/hr).

CD V-700
This survey meter is known as the Geiger-Mueller counter or,
more popularly, as the Geiger counter or GM meter. It detects
beta radiation and measures gamma radiation in the low range
up to 50mR/hr. If the radiation field is high, the instrument may
become saturated and produce inaccurate readings.

The meter detects both beta and gamma radiation unless a

special shield is placed over the probe. The shield stops beta
radiation, so when it is in place only gamma radiation is detected.
The only control on the CD V-700 is a selector switch that has an
OFF position and three ranges labeled x100, x10 and x1.
Remember, these meters measure gamma radiation but only
detect beta radiation (they cannot measure beta radiation).

Student Text Unit 6: Radiation Emergencies 6-7

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations

To use the CDV-700, follow these steps:

1. Check to see that fresh batteries are in place. If not, insert
2. Turn the range selector switch to the x10 range.
3. Allow 30 seconds for the instrument to warm up.
4. Open the probe shield and place the open area directly
against the check source on the side of the instrument. The
meter needle should deflect, indicating it is responding to
5. Determine the background radiation level by setting the
instrument on the most sensitive scale (x1) and observing it
for about 30 seconds. (Background radiation is usually less
than 0.05 mR/hr or under 50 cpm when the selector switch is
on the x1 range. The needle may jump randomly on this
setting because of erratic background radiation).
6. Set the meter to the x100, x10, or x1 selection. On the x1
setting, the radiation exposure rate is as shown on the meter.
On the x10 and x100 ranges, the meter readings must be
multiplied by 10 and 100 respectively to obtain the correct
reading. If the meter deflects full scale on the x1 or x10
ranges, select a higher range on the selector switch.

The CD V-700 will not give a correct reading if exposure rates

are above 1 R/hr. Use a higher-range instrument when radiation
exposure levels exceed 50 mR/h, the maximum that the CD V-
700 can measure.

CD V-715
This survey meter measures high-level gamma radiation up to
500 R/hr. It cannot be used to detect background radiation,
alpha or beta particles, or low-level gamma radiation (less than
50 mR/hr).

6-8 Unit 6: Radiation Emergencies Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
CD V-715

To use the CD V-715, follow these steps:

1. Check to see that a fresh battery is in place. If not, insert
2. Turn the selector switch to the zero position.
3. Allow approximately two minutes warm-up time.
4. Adjust the zero control so that the meter reads zero. Without
proper zero adjustment, the instrument may not read
5. Turn the selector switch to CIRCUIT CHECK (the needle
should point to this area).
6. Recheck the zero setting on all four ranges.
7. Begin surveying with the instrument set on the x0.1 range.
8. Slowly move the probe over the site of suspected
contamination, avoiding contact between the surface and the
probe. Hold the probe about one inch from the site being
monitored. Survey the entire body, head to toe, paying
particular attention to wounds and body orifices.

The selector switch on the CD-715 has seven positions:

CIRCUIT CHECK, OFF, zero, x100, x10, x1, and x0.1. On the x1
range, the radiation exposure rate is as shown on the meter. On
the x0.1, x10, and x100 settings, multiply the meter readings by
factors of 0.1, 10 and 100 respectively to obtain an accurate

Alpha surveys are usually performed to detect surface

contamination that may lead to exposure by inhalation, ingestion,
or absorption through open wounds. Because alpha counters are
difficult to use properly and may be misinterpreted, alpha surveys
should be performed by experienced personnel.

If you are trained in the use of a CD-700 or CD V-715 survey

meter, keep in mind that these instruments measure only
radiation levels, not contamination levels. However, you can
assume that if radiation is present, you may be exposed or

Student Text Unit 6: Radiation Emergencies 6-9

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Ludlum M3 Survey Meter
The Model 3 is a portable survey instrument with four linear
ranges used in combination with dose rate or CPM meter dials.

Four linear range multiples of x0.1, x1, x10, and x100 are used in
combination with the 0-2 mR/hr meter dial; 0-200 mR/hr can be
read with a range multiplier.

To use the Ludlum M3 Survey Meter, follow these steps:

1. Open the battery lid and install two “D” size batteries. Note
(+) (-) marks on the inside of the lid. Match the battery
polarity to these marks.
2. Switch the range switch to BAT. The meter should deflect to
the battery check portion of the meter scale. If the meter
does not respond, recheck that the batteries have proper
3. Connect a detector to the M3.
4. Turn the instrument range switch to x100. Expose the
detector to a check source. The speaker should click with the
AUDIO ON-OFF switched to ON.
5. Move the range switch to the lower scales until a meter
reading is indicated. The toggle switch labeled F-S should
have fast response in “F” and slow response in “S”.
6. Depress the RES switch. The meter should zero.
7. Proceed to use the instrument.

To assure proper operation of the instrument between

calibrations, an instrument operational check should be
performed prior to use. A reference reading with a check source
should be obtained at the time of initial calibration or as soon as
possible afterwards, for confirming correct operation. Confirm the
proper reading on each scale.

If the instrument fails to fall within + 20% of proper reading, it

should be sent in to a calibration facility for recalibration.

6-10 Unit 6: Radiation Emergencies Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Each individual entering a suspected radiation area should wear
a personal dosimeter. Personal dosimeters measure
cumulative exposure, that is, the total amount of radiation
exposure during the period of measurement. Personal
dosimeters should be worn on the outside of personal protective
equipment. The three most common types are described below:

C Pocket Dosimeter: This is a direct readout instrument that

resembles a fountain pen and is worn clipped to the outside
of personal protective equipment. An advantage of pocket
dosimeters is their ability to provide an immediate dose
reading in the field. There are models to detect both high and
low levels of exposure.

Pocket Dosimeters

Student Text Unit 6: Radiation Emergencies 6-11

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
C Film Badge: Film badges contain photographic films
sensitive to X-ray, gamma, and beta radiation, giving an
approximate measure of cumulative exposure. Badges must
be processed to obtain their results.

Film Badges

C Thermoluminescent Detector (TLD): TLDs contain crystals

of salts that can record beta, gamma, and X-ray radiation.
They have a very wide range of detection. Like film badges,
TLDs must be specially processed for results. TLDs are
processed by heating the crystal and releasing the trapped
electrons. Over time, TLDs lose their accuracy because
electrons will be released from their “trapped” location.

6-12 Unit 6: Radiation Emergencies Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
If victims are involved in a radiation incident, move them away
from any potential area of contamination unless this increases
the risk of injury. Remember to treat serious wounds first.
Consequently, do not waste time measuring radiation levels.
Start first aid immediately. You can do a quick initial radiation
survey of the patient if you have the appropriate equipment and
know how to use it. But remember that conventional life-saving
first aid always has priority unless you suspect a high dose (400
to 600 rad). In these cases, victims need immediate treatment
for radiation illness.

Identify contaminated parts of the victim’s body using a disaster

tag. If you take meter readings, note these readings on the tag.
The tag will give hospital personnel important information about
the patient’s status.

There are a number of ways patients can be contaminated by or

exposed to radiation. The patient may be:

C Exposed to an external source of radiation

C Contaminated externally
C Contaminated internally
C Have a contaminated wound

Exposure to External Sources

Patients that have been exposed to external sources of gamma,
x-ray, or neutron radiation do not pose contamination problems.
The degree of radiation injury depends on the amount of the
dose. If the whole-body exposure exceeds 100 rem, symptomatic
treatment at a specialized hospital may be needed.

Patient exposed to radiation from external source

Student Text Unit 6: Radiation Emergencies 6-13

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Externally Contaminated Patients
Contamination means that radioactive materials in the form of
gases, liquids or solids are released into the environment and
1) come into contact with and 2) remain on a patient. Externally
contaminated patients should be checked with a radiation survey
meter because the radiation can be a hazard if it spreads. Even
if external contamination is present, give lifesaving assistance
immediately. Wear gloves, a gown, cap and mask and wrap the
patient in a blanket or sheet for transport. Save all clothing,
bedding and clothing in appropriate containers and mark them as

Externally contaminated patient

Internally Contaminated Patients

Patients who are internally contaminated have inhaled or
ingested radioactive materials. Once that happens, the
radioactive material is distributed through the body based on its
chemical properties. For example, radium targets bone, iodine
the thyroid gland. Depending on the radioactive material,
treatment can be given to prevent further uptake, or to promote
removal of the material from the body. Medications used for this
purpose are specific to the radioactive material and are given by
the receiving hospital. There is little a First Responder can do in
these cases. It’s important to remember that patients may also
be externally contaminated.

6-14 Unit 6: Radiation Emergencies Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Internally contaminated patient

Contaminated Wounds
In patients with contaminated wounds, your primary objective is
to treat the wound, then prevent the further spread and
absorption of radiation. Clean the wound and cover it with a self-
adhering surgical drape. Flood adjacent skin with saline. Save
and identify all particulates as well as irrigating fluid and tissue.

Be sure to notify the receiving hospital if you are bringing in

patients who have been contaminated with or exposed to
radioactive materials. For contaminated patients, the hospital
may want to set up a decontamination area. After you transfer
the patient, you and the other responders must be surveyed for
contamination. Discard contaminated clothing in plastic bags
and shower if necessary. Do not leave the area until you are
released by a health physicist. You will also need to survey your
unit and all the equipment used to treat the patient.

Student Text Unit 6: Radiation Emergencies 6-15

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
6-16 Unit 6: Radiation Emergencies Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Controlling Releases
Low level materials generally do not present a significant threat.
However, your safety, as well as the safety of the public and
other responders is still a concern. The primary points to
remember when dealing with a radiation incident are:

C Remember that rescue, life-saving, first aid and control of a

fire and other hazards take priority over measuring radiation
C Notify the appropriate radiation authority
C Isolate spills or leaks for at least 80 to 160 feet in all
C If the spill is large, consider downwind evacuation of 330 feet
C If a fire is involved, consider evacuation of 1,000 feet in all
C Move containers away from fire if you can do so safely, but
do not move damaged packages
C Cover liquid spills with sand, earth or a noncombustible
material; dike large spills
C Cover powder spills with a plastic sheet to reduce spreading

Reporting Releases
OSHA and NRC require extremely detailed and lengthy reports
of all radiation incidents. A preliminary report may be issued
months before a final document. Because the time between the
incident and final report can be very long, it is critical that you
keep good records of your initial response. Keep exact notes of:

C Date, time of day, and exact location

C Scene diagrams
C Atmospheric conditions
C Monitoring results
C Sequence of events
C Names of persons you contacted

Student Text Unit 6: Radiation Emergencies 6-17

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
6-18 Unit 6: Radiation Emergencies Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations

Student Text Unit 7: Personal Protective Equipment 7-1

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
7-2 Unit 7: Personal Protective Equipment Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
By the end of this unit, participants will be able to:

C Explain the advantages and limitations of various types of personal protective equipment
C Describe the types of respiratory equipment
C Explain the limitations of self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA)
C Describe decontamination procedures

Student Text Unit 7: Personal Protective Equipment 7-3

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
7-4 Unit 7: Personal Protective Equipment Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Structural fire fighting clothing and equipment should not be used
for hazardous materials incidents. The only possible exception
to this may be incidents that involve gasoline spills. In this case,
follow your own department’s standard operating procedures.

NFPA Standards
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has issued
three standards on protective clothing for fire fighters. Each of
these standards is described below.

NFPA 1991
NFPA 1991 is the standard on vapor-protective suits for
hazardous chemical emergencies. It represents the highest level
of protection and covers the use of vapor-protective suits that are
generally used only by hazardous materials team members.
Vapor-protective suits should not be used for fire fighting or in
flammable or explosive situations. Nor should they be used
where there are biological, cryogenic, or radioactive hazards.

Emergency responders in vapor-protective suits

NFPA 1992
NFPA 1992 defines performance criteria for suits that provide
protection from chemical splashes only. Although liquid splash-
protective suits can be used in the hot zone, they should not be
used in situations where vapor or gas hazards are present. In
many instances, liquid splash protective suits are also adequate
for decontaminating entry personnel in vapor-protective suits.

Student Text Unit 7: Personal Protective Equipment 7-5

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Emergency responder in liquid splash protective suit, going through a
decontamination process

NFPA 1993

This standard applies only to personnel working outside the hot

zone in support functions. This type of protective clothing can be
used only if the site has been characterized and chemical
hazards are insignificant. For fire fighters, “support function” can
refer to structural fire fighting gear. However, the standard does
not cover the face shield, gloves or boots unless they are an
integral part of the garment.

Typical structural fire fighting gear with SCBA

7-6 Unit 7: Personal Protective Equipment Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Structural Fire Fighting Gear
Structural fire fighting gear is designed to protect fire fighters
from heat and flame. The coats are generally made of three

C The outer layer provides durability, tear resistance, and some

thermal protection, and is typically reinforced with Kevlar and
C The middle layer is usually made of a waterproof mate-rial,
designed as a moisture barrier
C The inner layer is designed for thermal protection only, and
may also be covered with Nomex or Kevlar

There is no layer or component designed to protect against any

type of chemical.

Chemical protective clothing, on the other hand, typically

provides no thermal protection. Instead, this clothing is resistant
to specific chemicals, depending on the material that makes up
the suit.

Protective suits may be constructed to keep out gases and

vapors (fully encapsulated, vapor-protective) or to prevent
exposure to liquids (liquid splash-protective).

Student Text Unit 7: Personal Protective Equipment 7-7

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
7-8 Unit 7: Personal Protective Equipment Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Because inhalation is one of the major routes of exposure to
chemicals, respiratory protection is extremely important. Most
First Responders use self-contained breathing apparatus
(SCBA) as the primary means of respiratory protection.

SCBA usually consists of a facepiece connected by a hose to a

regulator. The regulator is connected to an air source carried by
the wearer. SCBAs offer protection against many types and
levels of airborne contaminants.

Only positive-pressure SCBAs and supplied air respirators

(SARs) should be used in emergency response. SCBAs maintain
a positive pressure in the facepiece during inhalation and
exhalation. Some other types of breathing apparatus such as air
purifying respirators do not. Both SCBA and SAR facepieces
should be fit-tested before use.

Air purifying respirators are unsuitable for emergency response.

While cartridges on the respirator’s mask filter contaminants in
the environment, there is no supply of air. If the environment is
oxygen-deficient, then the air taken in through the mask is
oxygen-deficient as well. This could be extremely hazardous in
an environment where oxygen is being displaced or consumed,
as in combustion. Also, the user must know the type and
concentration of material present in order to select the
appropriate cartridge for the atmosphere.

Self-Contained Breathing
SCBAs are extensively regulated by federal legislation. Federal
regulations require that these devices be tested and approved by
the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) and by the
National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).
The following diagram shows typical SCBA components.

Student Text Unit 7: Personal Protective Equipment 7-9

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Inspection and Storage
Inspect your PPE and store it properly to keep it in good
condition. Good care minimizes repairs and extends the life of
your equipment.

The sample inspection checklist on the following page can serve

as an initial guide for developing more extensive procedures.

7-10 Unit 7: Personal Protective Equipment Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations

C Check that all connections are Coats and Trousers:

C Check materials (including C Examine outer shell, liner materials, wristlets, collars, and
harness and straps) for hoods for evidence of:
pliability, signs of deterioration,
and signs of distortion C Contamination: soiling, stains, discoloration,
C Check for proper setting and deterioration
operation of regulators and C Physical damage: tears, cuts, punctures, abraded areas
valves (according to C Thermal damage: brittleness, charring, stiffness, melted
manufacturer’s areas
C Check that bottle is securely C Check stretch recovery of hood and wristlet materials
fastened to pack/holder and is C Examine condition of all seams, looking for loose stitching or
full lifted tape of moisture barrier seams
C Check hydrostatic test date for C Examine hardware (snaps, hooks and dees, zippers) for
bottle signs of corrosion
C Check operation of alarm(s), C Examine trim for loss of luster, abraded areas, and evidence
check P.A.S.S. device if of melting
attached to SCBA C Inspect after cleaning
C Examine face shield and lenses
for cracks and fogginess Helmets:
C Inspect SCBAs: daily or at shift
change; before and after each C Examine shell for: discoloration, pitting, separation,
use; at least monthly when in impact/puncture damage, and evidence of melting
storage; every time they are C Examine face shield for: scratches, cloudiness, and
cleaned evidence of melting
C Examine retention/suspension system for discoloration,
evidence of thermal damage, and physical defects
C Examine helmet hardware for corrosion and trim for loss of
luster, abraded areas, and evidence of melting
C Inspect after cleaning


C Examine outer shell and liner materials and wristlets for

evidence of damage and contamination
C Examine condition of all seams, looking for loose stitching or
lifted tape of moisture barrier seams; check to ensure that
liner has not separated from outer shell


C Examine boot outer and liner materials for evidence of

damage and contamination
C Examine condition of soles for punctures, cuts, or
embedded items (for example, nails)
C Examine hardware (eyelets, stud posts, zippers) for signs of

Student Text Unit 7: Personal Protective Equipment 7-11

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Decontamination or “contamination reduction” is the process of
removing or neutralizing contaminants that have accumulated on
personnel and equipment. This process is critical to health and
safety at hazardous materials response incidents.

Fire fighter in liquid splash protective gear undergoing decontamination

Decontamination protects responders from hazardous

substances that may contaminate and eventually permeate their
protective clothing, respiratory equipment, tools, vehicles, and
other equipment used at the emergency scene. It also minimizes
the transfer of harmful materials into non-contaminated clean
areas, helps prevent mixing of incompatible chemicals, and
protects the community by preventing movement of contaminants
from the site.

Preventing Contamination
To prevent contamination, you should establish work practices
and standard operating procedures that minimize contact with
hazardous substances. At an emergency scene, for example,
avoid leaks, spills, and obvious sources of hazards, as well as
indirect contact with potentially contaminated surfaces.

Types of Contamination
Contaminants may be located on the surface of personal
protective equipment or may have permeated into the PPE
material. Surface contaminants are often easy to detect and
remove; however, contaminants that have permeated a material
are difficult or impossible to detect and remove. If contaminants
that have permeated a material are not removed by
decontamination, ongoing exposure may result.

7-12 Unit 7: Personal Protective Equipment Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Decontamination Methods
All personnel, clothing, equipment, and samples leaving the Hot
Zone (where there is potential exposure to hazardous materials)
must be decontaminated to remove any harmful chemicals or
infectious organisms. Decontamination methods physically
remove contaminants, disinfect biologic contaminants, or remove
contaminants by a combination of physical and chemical means.
Decontamination allows the responder to safely remove the
protective clothing.

Decontamination Plan
A decontamination area must be set up before any personnel or
equipment enter areas where the potential for exposure to
hazardous substances exists. Decontamination procedures
provide an organized process by which levels of contamination
are reduced. This process is a series of procedures performed
in a specific sequence. For example, outer, more heavily
contaminated items (e.g., outer boots and gloves) should be
decontaminated and removed first, followed by decontamination
and removal of inner, less contaminated items (e.g., jackets and
pants). A minimum decontamination layout is shown on the
following page.

Student Text Unit 7: Personal Protective Equipment 7-13

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Decontamination Plan

7-14 Unit 7: Personal Protective Equipment Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
ll equipment used for decontamination must also be
decontaminated and/or disposed of properly. Buckets, brushes,
clothing, tools, and other contaminated equipment should be
collected, placed in containers, and labeled. Also, all spent
solutions and wash water should be collected and disposed of
properly. Clothing that is not completely decontaminated should
be placed in plastic bags pending further decontamination and/or

Emergency Decontamination
In addition to routine decontamination procedures, emergency
decontamination procedures must be established. In emergency
decontamination, the primary concern is to prevent severe injury
or loss of life. At the same time, contaminants must be removed
to prevent ongoing exposure to the patient and exposure to
response personnel through secondary contamination. Even in
an emergency, decontamination should follow a specific

Outer, more heavily contaminated items are decontaminated and

removed first, followed by less contaminated articles of clothing.
Gloves and boots or shoes may require more extensive
decontamination than shirts or jackets. In cases where the victim
is wearing street clothing or other materials that are not easily
decontaminated, the outer clothing should be removed.

Dry contaminants should be brushed off the skin. Liquid

contaminants can be blotted dry. Care must be taken to keep all
contaminants away from the face and open wounds. Affected
skin and mucous membranes (including the eyes) should be
flushed with lukewarm water for at least 15 minutes. Cold water
can be used if lukewarm water is not available. Large amounts
of water must be used when corrosives are involved.

Student Text Unit 7: Personal Protective Equipment 7-15

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations

Student Text Unit 8: Scene Management 8-1

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
8-2 Unit 8: Scene Management Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Learning Objectives
By the end of this section, participants will be able to:

C List the components of an incident management system

C Briefly describe the functions of sections within the incident management structure
C Define hot, warm, and cold zones
C Describe the First Responder’s initial actions on arriving at a hazardous materials incident
C Describe decontamination procedures
C Describe termination procedures
C Explain why post-incident analysis and evaluation is a necessary element of scene management

Student Text Unit 8: Scene Management 8-3

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
8-4 Unit 8: Scene Management Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Effective scene management depends on a well-defined
structure that is outlined in standard operating procedures,
routinely practiced, and used at all incidents. An operation
without an incident management system leads to poor use of
resources and endangers the health and safety of response

In situations involving hazardous materials, incident management

systems are not only useful, they are required by regulations
established by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) and the Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA). The regulations that specify the use of an incident
management system are 29 CFR 1910.120 and 40 CFR 311,
respectively. All fire fighters not covered by federal OSHA are
covered by EPA regulation.

An incident management system places one person in charge of

an incident and guides deployment of personnel and equipment.
It organizes personnel and tasks so that the person in charge is
not overwhelmed. It eases communication by identifying
reporting relationships and establishing a chain of command
among personnel.

This type of systems approach applies to small incidents

involving one or two companies as well as large incidents
involving agencies outside the fire department and crossing
jurisdictional lines.

System Positions
Incident Commander
The Incident Commander is the sole person in charge and is
accountable for the actions taken at the incident. He or she is
the highest authority at an incident scene, whether this individual
is a fire fighter, fire chief, or a representative of another
organization. The Incident Commander is responsible for
establishing strategic goals (determining whether offensive or
defensive operations are appropriate) and the tactical objectives
to meet those goals. The Incident Commander’s roles and
responsibilities are described in 29 CFR 1910.120 (q)(3).

Many departments assign command to the first officer of the first

arriving fire department company. This ensures that an individual
is in charge of the incident from the beginning.

Student Text Unit 8: Scene Management 8-5

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
The initial Incident Commander remains in command until
command is transferred or the incident is stabilized and
terminated. Command may be transferred to an officer with
more command experience, more knowledge of hazardous
materials, or other unique qualifications.

Support Staff
The Command Staff assists the Incident Commander. Since
these are staff functions, their purpose is to support incident
operations. None of these positions is directly involved in
rescue, fire suppression, or hazard control, but they are essential
to successful operations.

The Safety Officer position should be implemented at every
hazardous materials incident. Though the Incident Commander
has overall responsibility for the safety and health of fire
department members at the scene, an Incident Safety Officer is
appointed to help manage this task. The Incident Safety Officer
assesses hazardous and unsafe situations at emergency
incidents. In order to function effectively, this individual must
have authority to prevent or stop unsafe acts that present an
immediate danger to life or health.

Numerous government agencies and private firms may become
involved in hazardous materials incidents. The task of
coordinating responding agencies may become too great for the
Incident Commander, and a Liaison Officer may be appointed to
assist in this function. The Liaison Officer helps to keep
resources at a manageable distance from the Command Post
while coordinating their efforts.

Public Information
A Public Information Officer may be appointed if the Incident
Commander requires assistance in providing information to the
public and the news media. There may be a great demand for
information regarding an incident, or the news media may be
particularly helpful in supplying evacuation information to the
public. Like other staff positions, the Public Information Officer
must be trained and practiced in the role before an incident

8-6 Unit 8: Scene Management Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Command Staff
There are four functions that may be established in an incident
and each answers directly to the Incident Commander.

The Planning Section is responsible for collecting, evaluating,

and disseminating information about the incident and available

The Logistics Section assists the Incident Commander in

providing facilities and services to support personnel at the

The Finance (Administration) Section is responsible for

tracking all costs related to an incident.

The Operations Section is the Section most often activated by

the Incident Commander. It is the Section that is responsible for
most of the tactical planning and direct action.

Divisions, Groups and Sectors

Divisions refer to multiple resources operating in a geographic
location. A large hazardous material incident may be divided into
more than one area--Division A, Division B, Division C, etc.
Generally, division A is assigned to a geographical location at the
front of the incident. Then additional divisions are assigned in a
clockwise direction.

Groups refer to multiple resources assigned a function that may
transverse divisions. Groups may also carry out a specialized
task within a division.

Sectors can be based on either geographic or functional
considerations. Sector is simply another term used by other
incident management systems, to describe either a division or

Student Text Unit 8: Scene Management 8-7

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Command Responsibilities
Regardless of the type or complexity of an incident, a command
structure operates at three levels: the strategic level, responsible
for overall incident command; the tactical level, representing
grouped resources; and the task level, responsible for
completing the objectives of individual companies or units. An
example demonstrates how these levels are addressed at
hazardous materials incidents. An incident, such as a dumpster
fire, may start with only an engine company responding and the
company officer filling the Incident Command function. Strategy,
tactics, and tasks are formulated and carried out by this single

Components are added as needed. For example, if the

dumpster contains water-reactive materials and the application
of water causes the fire to extend to a nearby building, the
response may expand to involve two or three companies. The
Incident Commander remains in charge, with those in charge of
the responding companies answering directly to the IC.

Only in the smallest incidents can the Incident Commander

continue to manage all of the major and strategic areas. If the
incident escalates, he or she must delegate some
responsibilities. If the fire in this example extends to several
areas of the building, additional resources will be needed. These
resources will be organized into Divisions/Groups or Sectors.

8-8 Unit 8: Scene Management Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Response Objectives
There are a number of basic objectives that must be met by the
first units and the commanding officer on arriving at the scene of
a hazardous materials incident.

First, establish command and secure the area. Establish

controlled access areas starting at an outside perimeter and
work toward isolation of the contaminated area. After you secure
the outer perimeter, establish warm and hot zones.

Hazard area secured with fencing and signs

Survey the scene and size up the situation. Regardless of the

hazard, the strategic priorities are the same: life safety (operating
forces and civilians), incident stabilization, and property and
environment conservation.

After initial sizeup and communication of incident status, collect

additional information. Determine the identities, quantities,
handling considerations, and locations of the involved hazardous
materials; by what means the material is spreading; and the
hazards likely to result from the spill or release.

Next, evaluate container damage. Use all available information

to evaluate the stability of the hazardous material containers.

Student Text Unit 8: Scene Management 8-9

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Damage to intermodal container containing radioactive materials

Assess vulnerable populations and evaluate the need for

rescue and protective actions for groups of people. Rescue of
endangered individuals at hazardous materials incidents should
not be performed unless the safety of the rescuers can be

Isolate the hazard. First Responder actions for isolating

hazards are limited to defensive tactics only. While response
recommendations found in references and advice from experts
should influence the Incident Commander’s decision regarding
tactics, he or she must also weigh the risks and benefits of
specific actions.

Continue to evaluate the situation and make decisions based

on new information. Most experienced responders use a process
for making decisions. A process ensures that decisions are
arrived at in a logical, well thought-out way. An example of a
decision-making process is shown on the following page.

8-10 Unit 8: Scene Management Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
*SFC--- Structural Fire Fighting Clothing

Student Text Unit 8: Scene Management 8-11

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
8-12 Unit 8: Scene Management Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
As a First Responder, you may be involved in several different
roles at hazardous materials incidents. One of your most
important initial actions is isolating the hazard area by
establishing zones.

Hot Zone
The hot zone (also referred to as the hazard zone, the restricted
zone, or the exclusion zone) is the area in which the hazardous
material is actually located. It is the area of maximum hazard
and is restricted to essential personnel using appropriate
protective clothing and equipment. Access to this area is tightly
controlled at a single entry point, and no one is allowed to enter
this zone for any reason without a “buddy.” Also, prior to entry, a
backup team with the same number of members as the entry
team must be standing by.

Time within the hot zone must be minimized through careful

planning and monitoring. The entry team must have
communication devices and alternate plans for communication if
radios do not function. There must be an emergency recall
system in case it becomes necessary to rapidly evacuate the

Warm Zone
The warm zone (also called the transition zone or the
contamination reduction zone) is a transition area between the
hot zone and the cold zone (clean area). This area, located away
from the hazard, helps prevent contaminants from spreading to
unaffected areas. Decontamination takes place in the warm
zone, and personnel must use protective equipment appropriate
to the level of hazard. The line that separates the hot zone from
the warm zone is the hot line, and this may be marked with
barrier tape.

Cold Zone
The cold zone is the area beyond the range of potential
contamination. The public is excluded from this area to allow the
fire department and other emergency response agencies to
function. The command post, treatment area for decontaminated
patients, and rehabilitation area for emergency response
personnel are established in the cold zone.

Student Text Unit 8: Scene Management 8-13

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Zone set-up at a hazardous materials incident

8-14 Unit 8: Scene Management Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Whenever a hazardous material is involved in an incident,
regardless of whether or not there is a release, the public is likely
to assume it is a dangerous situation.

Although it is important that you know how to communicate with

the media and the public in case you are acting as a public
information officer, be aware that in most cases public
information must come from a single authorized source.

Responding to Interview
If you are to be interviewed, anticipate the questions the media
will ask and prepare for them. In many cases, technical and
hazard information can be supplied by the shipper or government
agency. Avoid the pitfalls of an interview:

C Repeating the negatives

C Denial
C Attacking
C Responding to worst-case scenarios

Select three key points you want to address to the public, and
formulate short, to-the-point responses that answer the question
and focus on your key message.

When an interviewer poses a question, structure your response

in the following way:

C Identify with interviewers by recognizing their concerns (“Yes,

I used to think that, too..”)
C Give information by describing what the hazardous material
is, and what it does or does not do. Provide the facts.
C Explain the action the fire department and other responders
are taking to control the situation.

Always keep in mind that the media may be more interested in

building up the more sensational aspects of a story. Despite the
precautions that may have been taken, the public perceives any
hazardous materials as a serious threat, and the news media will
focus on the danger angle.

Student Text Unit 8: Scene Management 8-15

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
8-16 Unit 8: Scene Management Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Termination of an incident should follow carefully developed
procedures that include transferring command (if cleanup
operations will continue beyond the emergency phase), record
keeping, debriefing, and post-incident analysis. Though the
environment surrounding a hazardous materials incident may
have to be cleaned up, this is not the responsibility of fire fighters.

Records that should be collected may include logs from the

Decontamination Officer/Leader, the Incident Safety Officer’s
report or log, and documents generated by the Incident
Commander. Any written information about the materials
involved, such as shipping documents or MSDSs, should be
turned over to the Incident Commander.

Debriefing should occur as soon as possible after the incident

has been stabilized. The debriefing process ensures that all
participants have a basic understanding of what materials were
involved and any relevant health risks. The Incident Commander
should also take this opportunity to supplement reports with
information from personnel operating at the scene.

Post-Incident Evaluation
The post-incident evaluation is a key element in improving
emergency response to hazardous materials incidents. The
analysis may be used by the fire service only, or it may be
shared with other agencies, industries, or private contractors that
need the information for planning and prevention activities.

During the analysis, all aspects of the incident should be

reviewed. The incident itself and relevant events leading up to
the incident should be summarized, followed by a review of all
procedures and responses by the fire department. These may
include command and control, tactical operations, interagency
cooperation, and resources and support services.

Health and safety issues related to the incident should be

evaluated and follow-up extended to anyone exposed to the
hazardous materials.

Information that is collected and reviewed as part of this process

should be used to identify areas for improvement, standard
operating procedures that should be revised, and implications for
training. The information can also be used for pre-planning. In
this way, review of the incident can have a very positive effect on
your health and safety.

Student Text Unit 8: Scene Management 8-17

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
8-18 Unit 8: Scene Management Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations

Student Text Unit 9: Pre-Incident Planning 9-1

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
9-2 Unit 9: Pre-Incident Planning Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
By the end of this unit, participants will be able to:

C State the objectives of pre-incident planning

C Explain the process for developing a pre-incident plan
C List types of information needed to assess risks
C Explain how to assess community vulnerability
C List resources that may be considered when planning
C Describe environmental factors that should be considered when pre-incident planning

Student Text Unit 9: Pre-Incident Planning 9-3

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
9-4 Unit 9: Pre-Incident Planning Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Fire departments should begin planning and preparing for
hazardous materials incidents long before they occur. Through
pre-incident planning, hazards can be identified, resources
appropriated, and personnel trained. First Responder
responsibilities for pre-incident planning are determined by each

The objectives of pre-incident planning are to prevent and

prepare for incidents. Both are important and both save lives.
Hazards can be identified and plans can be prepared before life
threatening situations occur. Preparedness is not a new concept
for fire fighters. For years, fire services have conducted pre-fire
plans for buildings and used these plans during drills and actual
fires. These same skills are used in pre-incident planning
activities for hazardous materials incidents.

Student Text Unit 9: Pre-Incident Planning 9-5

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
9-6 Unit 9: Pre-Incident Planning Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
A good plan begins with identifying the types and locations of
hazards within a community. It must also include a way to notify
authorities of any change in status of a material, its quantity, or
its location. The sample Pre-Incident Plan Form on the following
pages lists the elements of a typical pre-incident plan.

Student Text Unit 9: Pre-Incident Planning 9-7

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations



Building/Site Name:

Type of Business:

Building Size: Frontage: x Depth: = Area:


Owner’s Address:

Owner’s Telephone:

Owner’s Agent:

Agent’s Address:

Agent’s Telephone:

Emergency Contact:

Emergency Telephone:

Cleanup Contractor:

Prepared by:


Specific Property Use:

Number of Stories:

Age of Building:

Construction Type: 1st Type % 2nd Type %

1 = Fire Resistive 5 = Heavy Timber
2 = Protective Non-Combustible 6 = Unprotected

9-8 Unit 9: Pre-Incident Planning Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
3 = Protected Ordinary 7 = Unprotected Ordinary
4 = Protected Wood Frame 8 = Unprotected Wood Frame

Relevant Features:

Type of Roof Construction:

Exterior Connections: Locations:

Interior Connections: Wet Dry

Location Type

Sprinkler Systems:

Exterior Connection Location:

% Coverage: Wet: __________ Dry: __________ Both: _________

Shutoff Location:

Valves: Open (Y/N) ______ Supervised (Y/N) ______ Zoned Areas (Y/N) ______

Other Extinguishing Systems (halon, CO 2 , dry powder, etc.):



Warning System:
Detection Type (heat, smoke, both):

Connection to Alarm (local, central, master, auxiliary):

Alarm Company: Telephone:

Access and Entrances:

Student Text Unit 9: Pre-Incident Planning 9-9

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations

Common Hazards - List any common hazards (heating system, combustibles,

transformers) in the building and their locations

Utilities - List type and location of utility shutoffs (natural gas, electrical)

Special Hazards - List any special hazards (acetylene, propane tanks, other chemicals)
in the building and their locations, including types of containers and any containers
(attach MSDS for each chemical)

9-10 Unit 9: Pre-Incident Planning Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations

(attach copies of both the facility plan and your department’s plan)


(attach a copy of the site plan with hydrants and preferred

apparatus locations highlighted)


(attach a copy of the site plan with specific hazards/vulnerable

areas identified and highlighted)


(attach a copy of a detailed site plan (8 ½" x 11" only)

Student Text Unit 9: Pre-Incident Planning 9-11

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Fixed Sites
If you are involved with developing pre-incident plans, you
should visit all facilities that have been identified as housing
hazardous materials. In addition to obtaining specific data on
each hazardous material, you should review the facility’s
emergency plans. You can obtain specific data on hazardous
substances from MSDSs. If, for some reason, MSDSs are not
available or are incomplete, consult other references.

It is not always readily apparent that a site contains hazardous

materials. The facility may be small and contain only very small
quantities of hazardous materials (below the mandatory reporting
levels), or the owners and operators may not be aware of the
hazards presented by the materials they are using. At times, you
must be a detective. You must look at what the facility is
manufacturing, how supplies are stored, and what kind of
equipment is being used. You also need to recognize clues that
hazardous materials are present. Clues include obvious signs
such as placards and labels or subtle signs such as specific
processes and procedures.

Transportation Routes
Fixed-site industrial facilities are not the only locations of
potential hazardous materials incidents. Transportation corridors,
including waterways and highways, represent potential sites for
incidents and must be planned. Hazardous materials incidents
may also occur at landfills, construction sites, retail areas,
underground storage tanks, utility right-of-ways, and rail yards.

The hazard identification phase of pre-incident planning primarily

involves gathering information. Once you have begun gathering
information, you should start developing a comprehensive plan
of action.

9-12 Unit 9: Pre-Incident Planning Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
The next step is hazard analysis and risk assessment. This is
the process during which you:

C Identify the potential for an incident that will cause damage to

life, property, or the environment
C Analyze the risk or probability of an incident occurring
C Identify vulnerable areas

Identify the Potential

Use the information obtained from inspections and pre-incident
planning visits, along with data received from facilities, reference
textbooks, and other agencies, to determine the likelihood that
an incident will occur. This will also help you estimate the risks
an incident would present to fire service personnel, civilians,
property, and the environment.

Analyze the Risk

To assess risks, you need information on:

C Transportation frequency and routes

C Specific risks to people and property in vulnerable areas
C Past experiences with the material and the facility
C Control and safeguard mechanisms currently in place

A thorough hazard identification and risk assessment identifies

fixed facilities of most concern to a community. Site-specific pre-
incident plans should be developed for those facilities. Before
you conduct an actual inspection of the sites, review all available
information on the facility, including:

C Previous inspection reports

C Drawings
C Permit applications
C History of fires or chemical incidents
C MSDSs or lists of chemicals

Student Text Unit 9: Pre-Incident Planning 9-13

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Identify Vulnerable Areas
For planning purposes, the population and facilities located
within susceptible areas are considered vulnerable. Information
about the vulnerable population can be the basis for planning
activities that may be needed, such as evacuation.

After a site visit, estimate the residential population, as well as

the number of persons who may be present at commercial,
industrial, and recreational facilities. Note high volume roadways
and water supply sources as well as facilities with high-density or
dependent populations.

Community characteristics can be used to determine the relative

degree of vulnerability. The level of vulnerability depends on the
anticipated difficulty of protecting the population and on the
number of persons that could be exposed if a hazardous
materials incident were to occur.

9-14 Unit 9: Pre-Incident Planning Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Resources include everything needed to control an incident such
as personnel, supplies, equipment, and funding. Resources also
include knowledge, expertise, access to other agencies, and
regulatory processes.

Required Resources vs.

Available Resources
After determining what resources will be needed to appropriately
respond to an incident, make an inventory of actual resources. If
there is a discrepancy between the two, a plan must be
developed to work within limitations or to obtain the necessary
resources. This could include measures to prevent an incident,
reduce the risks, limit the consequences, or improve response

Your available resources and training help dictate how you

handle hazardous materials incidents. One fire department may
have the resources and training to handle large scale hazardous
materials incidents while another jurisdiction may need to
develop a mutual support response from a neighboring
department. For yet another, the best approach may be to
identify the hazard and take steps to prevent the incident.

None of these approaches is wrong. The right response is

working within limitations of resources and training. The wrong
response is going beyond those limitations.

Not all communities need every type of equipment on the

market, nor do they all need the most detailed technical training
available. Each community’s needs depend, in part, on the
number of incidents likely to occur and the availability of outside
resources, such as a hazardous materials emergency response
team in a nearby city, a readily available industry expert, and
state or federal agencies that are available to assist with incident

Incidents that consume large amounts of resources do not occur

frequently. Rather, it is the smaller incidents, such as a spilled
five-gallon pail, a leaking gas tank on a car, or plastic burning in
a building that represent the most frequently encountered
hazardous materials incidents. Ironically, these are the incidents
for which there is the least planning and the ones often over-
looked as health and safety risks.

Student Text Unit 9: Pre-Incident Planning 9-15

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
During the preparation phase, you must list and categorize all
possible sources of assistance, as well as all available
and supplies. Inventory the capabilities and limitations of
your department or company. Decisions can then be made
about who, or what agency, will be able to augment your

Outside agencies that may be of assistance and with whom you

should plan include:

C Other fire departments and hazardous materials response

C Public health agencies
C Chemists and industrial hygienists
C State and local environmental agencies
C Industry response organizations
C The water authority
C Universities with chemists, toxicologists, and public health
C Federal agencies (EPA, OSHA, and Coast Guard)
C Hazardous materials cleanup companies
C Utility companies

If these outside agencies and organizations are to be used, their

limitations and capabilities must be understood and incorporated
into the planning process. As an emergency response plan is
developed, each resource must be consulted and included in the

Large numbers of resources are needed less frequently when

pre-incident planning activities lead to prevention. As facilities
are planned, there are many opportunities to initiate educational
programs, increase civilian awareness to the potential for
hazardous materials incidents, and initiate corrective actions to
prevent incidents. Prevention may not be as exciting or as
interesting as hazardous materials response, but it does save
valuable resources, including lives and health.

9-16 Unit 9: Pre-Incident Planning Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations

Student Text Unit 9: Pre-Incident Planning 9-17

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
9-18 Unit 9: Pre-Incident Planning Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
This material was designed to provide emergency responders with background information on some of
the regulations that have pioneered changes in the fire service. This information has been summarized to
address fire service interests, and is not intended to be all inclusive or to provide legal interpretation.

A. Federal Regulations


In 1976, Congress passed the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) which allowed
the federal government to regulate the creators, transporters, and treatment and disposal
operators of hazardous wastes. This was the federal government’s first effort at managing
hazardous wastes and their effect on public health and the environment. However, this act did not
affect the many hazardous waste sites that had been created prior to the passage of
RCRA—many of which were abandoned and contained unknown quantities of unknown wastes.


In order to address the cleanup of those sites not covered under RCRA, Congress enacted the
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA).
CERCLA quickly became known as Superfund, in part because of the funds that it created for the
cleanup and proper reclamation of abandoned and inactive hazardous waste disposal sites.
Specifically, this act created a five-year program that allowed the government to spend $1.6 billion
to clean up hazardous waste sites. It further allowed the federal government to negotiate cleanups
by responsible parties, to sue such parties for the cost of cleanup, or to sue for orders directing
responsible parties to clean up the sites themselves.

In addition, Superfund provided for the creation of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease
Registry (ATSDR). The ATSDR is charged with carrying out the health-related responsibilities of
CERCLA and RCRA. For example, the agency collects, maintains, analyzes, and disseminates
information related to human exposure to toxic or hazardous substances. It also assists the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in identifying hazardous waste substances that should be
regulated, and performs numerous other activities. However, the bulk of responsibility for cleanup
and management was delegated to EPA.

Superfund progress was very slow and expensive. Numerous lawsuits had to be brought against
responsible parties; this used up a tremendous amount of Superfund money and delayed cleanup
progress at many of the sites. In addition, CERCLA had neglected to include a statement of
principles or goals and objectives. As a result, there seemed to be much confusion over exactly
what outcomes were expected.


In an effort to overcome these obstacles, and after much discussion and many drafts, Congress
passed the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA). The overriding
purpose of SARA was to expand and accelerate the cleanup efforts originally established by
CERCLA. In order to do this, SARA provided additional funding ($7.5 billion) and time (an
additional 5 years) to the original Superfund program. SARA also made changes in the law to
promote speedier action and a more definitive direction for the cleanup efforts.

Student Text Unit 9: Pre-Incident Planning 9-19

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations

SARA Title I establishes new worker protection standards which address hazardous materials
issues such as, but not limited to: site analysis, training, medical surveillance, protective
equipment, decontamination procedures, and emergency response. This section also
addresses the establishment of certain grant programs, including the hazardous waste worker
training grant that sponsored this training program.


SARA Title II deals with various provisions such as financial liability, insurance, oversight and
reporting requirements, and, more importantly, to response personnel and the transportation
of hazardous materials.



SARA Title III, often referred to as “The Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know
Act of 1986,” contains the SARA provisions most relevant to fire fighters. These provisions
encourage communities and emergency responders to play active roles in pre-incident
planning and prevention. Title III is made up of three subtitles that may be further broken
down by section. Those sections most relevant to first responders are listed below:

Subtitle A: Emergency Planning and Notification

Section 301: Establishment of state commissions, planning districts, and local


Section 302: Substances and facilities covered and notification procedures

Section 303: Comprehensive emergency response plans

Section 304: Emergency notification

Section 305: Emergency training and review of emergency systems

Subtitle B: Reporting Requirements

Section 311: Material Safety Data Sheets

Section 312: Emergency and hazardous chemical inventory forms

Section 313: Toxic chemical release forms

Subtitle C: General Provisions

The emergency planning sections were designed to help state and local governments
develop greater response and preparedness capabilities. They require that each state
establish a State Emergency Response Commission (SERC), which in turn must
designate local emergency planning districts and appoint Local Emergency Planning
Committees (LEPCs).

9-20 Unit 9: Pre-Incident Planning Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
The LEPCs’ primary responsibility is the development of emergency response plans.
These plans help prepare communities for potential hazardous materials emergencies.

In preparing their emergency response plans, LEPCs must:

C Identify facilities and transportation routes of potentially hazardous substances

C Establish emergency response procedures

C Designate a community coordinator and facility coordinators to implement the plan

C Devise methods for identifying potential releases and the area and population likely to
be affected

C Identify available emergency equipment and facilities and those individuals

responsible for them

C Develop evacuation plans

C Develop standards for an emergency response personnel training program

C Develop a plan for rehearsing emergency response plans

The emergency notification sections of Title III require that facilities immediately notify
their LEPCs and SERCs of any hazardous materials releases meeting or exceeding
reportable quantities. At a minimum, notification must include the chemical name, the
quantity released, and possible health risks. Facilities must also prepare formal, written
notices regarding these releases. The Community Right-to-Know reporting requirements
state that facilities using, making, or storing certain chemicals in certain quantities must
provide Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) or a list of MSDS chemicals to the LEPC,
the SERC, and the local fire department. Local fire departments, LEPCs, and SERCs
cannot dictate how the reporting is to be done; SARA dictates reporting procedures.

Toxic chemical release reporting is intended to inform the public as well as government
officials about toxic chemical releases. Facilities are responsible for submitting (to EPA
and state officials) data on releases of specified chemicals that occurred during the
previous calendar year.


Title IV of SARA addresses issues that are most directly related to non-emergency work.

4. OSHA 1910.120

OSHA 1910.120 (section q) addresses six main issues that have an impact on fire fighters and
other emergency response personnel:

C Medical surveillance programs

C Established by the employer

C Required for members of hazardous materials response teams
C Required for all personnel who become exposed to hazardous materials, especially those
experiencing symptoms of exposure

Student Text Unit 9: Pre-Incident Planning 9-21

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
C Training programs

C Minimum training requirements include:

C Eight hours of training for operations level first responders

C An additional 24 hours of training for hazardous materials technicians, specialists,

and incident commanders

C Topics include, but are not limited to:

C Care and use of chemical protective clothing

C Techniques and procedures to stop or control leaks

C Clothing and equipment decontamination

C Emergency response planning

C Required for fire departments who respond to hazardous materials emergencies

C Minimum planning components include:

C Pre-incident planning

C Personnel roles, lines of authority, training, and communications

C Emergency recognition and prevention

C Site security and control

C Evacuation routes and procedures

C Decontamination

C Emergency medical treatment

C Critique of response

C Personal protective equipment

C Incident management systems

C Decontamination procedures

C Chemical suit testing

5. OSHA 1910.1200

OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard (1910.1200), commonly known as the “Worker Right-
to-Know Rule,” applies to all employers and, therefore, protects the interests of all workers.
Specifically, this regulation is intended to provide all employees who work with or around
hazardous materials easy access to hazard information about these materials. It requires that
employers make MSDSs readily available to employees. It further requires that employers provide
annual employee training to identify where MSDSs are stored and how MSDS information should
be interpreted. OSHA 1910.1200 not only preempts state hazard communication laws in states
without state OSHA plans, it also requires federal OSHA approval for state hazard communication
laws in states that operate their own OSHA programs.

9-22 Unit 9: Pre-Incident Planning Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
OSHA also develops and oversees numerous other regulations that are not necessarily related to
hazardous materials, but pertain to the health and safety of workers in other ways.

6. Hazardous Materials Transportation Act

This act gives the Department of Transportation (DOT) regulatory authority to establish
transportation regulations such as placarding and labeling of hazardous substances, container
and vessel specifications, and limitations on the quantities and/or types of materials that may be
transported under certain conditions. In addition, the DOT oversees inspection and compliance
with these regulations. Detailed information on DOT regulations can be found in Title 49 of the
Code of Federal Regulations.

As part of the DOT, the United States Coast Guard (USCG) is responsible for regulating
transportation of hazardous materials on navigable waters. The USCG maintains the Chemical
Hazards Response Information System (CHRIS), which provides health and safety information for
responders to hazardous materials spills.

7. Environmental Protection Agency

The EPA is responsible for regulation, control, and management of air and water pollution,
hazardous waste disposal, noise, radiation, toxic substances, and licensing pesticides, fungicides,
and rodenticides. SARA has expanded EPA’s responsibilities to include occupational health and
safety standards (EPA’s 40 CFR 311) identical to OSHA 1910.120 for state and local government
workers not covered by OSHA.

B. State and Local Regulations

Many state and local governments are developing their own regulations pertaining to the manufacture,
storage, and transportation of hazardous materials within their jurisdictions. While these regulations
must at least meet the minimum federal requirements and must not be inconsistent with federal
regulations, they may be somewhat different from federal regulations. This has the potential for
creating an untold number of different regulations from state to state, and possibly from locality to
locality. It could become a tremendous burden for anyone transporting hazardous materials through
different localities and states to understand and comply with each of these regulations. The
transportation industry is working with individual jurisdictions and the federal government to alleviate
this problem.

As previously mentioned, Title III of SARA mandates that each state establish a SERC (State
Emergency Response Commission), LEPCs (Local Emergency Planning Committees), and local
emergency planning districts. The SERC designates the local emergency planning districts. LEPCs
must include representatives from each of the following departments/interests: state and local
government, police, fire, civil defense, public health, environment, medical treatment, transportation,
affected facilities, community groups, and the media.

Each LEPC is responsible for developing a district-wide emergency response plan; establishing rules
pertaining to the transportation, storage, and use of hazardous materials in their district; notifying the
public about LEPC meetings and activities; establishing public inquiry procedures; and evaluating
available resources. The emergency response plans are reviewed by the SERC, which also oversees
other LEPC activities.

Student Text Unit 9: Pre-Incident Planning 9-23

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
9-24 Unit 9: Pre-Incident Planning Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations

Student Text Case Studies CS-1

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
E. 69th St.

E. 70th St.

E. 71st St.
E. 71stS

Hand Ave.
Union Avenue

Ivy E. 72nd St.

E. 72ndSt.

ga r

n Ave
E. 73rd St.
Aetna Plating Co.

E. 74thSt.

E. 75thSt. E. 75thSt.

E. 76thSt.
E. 76thSt. Ba t e

s Ave

E. 77thSt.

E. 78thSt.

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E. 79thSt.


CS-2 Case Studies Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Case Study
Cleveland, Ohio

Around 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, March 29, 1997, a three-alarm fire broke out at the Aetna Plating Com-
pany in Cleveland, Ohio. The company employed about 40 workers, none of whom were in the building
at the time of the fire. A neighbor who spotted smoke coming from the building reported the fire.

Responding fire fighters found heavy smoke coming from the building. The building did not have a
sprinkler system. Fire fighters began ventilating and attacking the fire from the interior. They discovered
the source of the fire in the northwest corner of the basement. Three engine companies supplied five
master streams and several hand lines. Command staged at E. 79th and Union Ave; apparatus was
staged at E. 75th and Union Ave.

Aetna, a metal plating company that produces coatings for heavy machinery, uses a number of toxic
materials in its production process. Trichloroethylene, sodium hydroxide, sulfuric acid, hydrogen fluoride,
various cyanides, and other caustic and toxic materials were reported to be in the building.

Before the fire could be extinguished, conditions worsened. Fire fighters were ordered from the building
and assumed a defensive position. About 20 residents in homes on Union Avenue and E. 73rd St. were
evacuated as a precaution.

Runoff water was diked on the north and south sides of the building. Water on the north side was pH
tested and found to be neutral; however, water on the south side was highly caustic, with a pH of 14.
Runoff water also contained higher levels of cyanide than were expected, and was greenish in color.
Green may indicate the presence of heavy metals.

Fire fighters soon began complaining of ill effects from smoke exposure about two hours after they arrived
at the scene. A triage area was set up by the Heavy Rescue team, upwind of the fire. Most complaints
concerned burning sensations in the throat and lungs, headache and nausea. Information gathered at
the scene from the owner and his hazardous materials person indicated that most chemicals present
were unlikely to enter the atmosphere. However, there was a 250-gallon tank of trichloroethylene
present. This is a volatile chemical that evaporates readily when exposed to heat.

A total of 32 fire fighters went to various hospitals with respiratory symptoms or headaches. Five were
kept overnight; the others returned to duty. The incident was terminated about 12 hours later. During that
time, fire fighters had returned to the scene periodically to deal with hot spots. The Aetna building was
completely destroyed. A new vehicle just purchased by the company was also totaled. Since the fire,
Cleveland Fire Department haz mat specialists have worked with the owner and the Ohio EPA to clean up
the site. The cost of the cleanup is expected to surpass $500,000. The cause of the fire remains undeter-

After an inspection, the Cleveland Fire Department issued a report stating that “...runoff is most likely a
50% sodium hydroxide solution contained in a 3,000 gallon tank near the Union Avenue side of the
building. At this time, we do not believe the cyanides were affected by runoff or the fire. The green color
was probably a chromium precipitate in a sludge pit that the fire streams were disturbing. NE Ohio
Regional Sewer determined the only affected runoff was in the immediate Union Avenue area and not
onto other properties or other storm drains. The effects felt by Fire Department members was potentially
a trichloroethylene open vat in the immediate area of the fire origin. This could contribute to the respira-
tory distress and other effects being felt by Cleveland Fire Department members.”

Student Text Case Studies CS-3

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
CS-4 Case Studies Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Case Study
Springfield, Massachusetts

Emergency response teams in Springfield, Massachusetts had their hands full on December 16, 1991,
when a drunk driver slammed into a tractor trailer carrying 11,000 pounds of nuclear fuel.

Around 3:00 a.m. a drunk driver started for his home in Connecticut from a bar in Holyoke, Massachu-
setts. He headed south on Interstate 91…in the northbound lane. About the same time a couple was in
their flatbed trailer loaded with nuclear fuel. They were en route from a General Electric plant in North
Carolina to the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant in Vernon, Vermont. Their cargo was 24 solid fuel
rods in 12 zirconium casks in wooden crates, with an estimated value of one million dollars. The fuel rods
were unirradiated uranium dioxide. Unirradiated nuclear fuel is less dangerous than irradiated, or “spent”
fuel, but it does emit alpha radiation. This material was not required to be placarded.

The couple in the flatbed tractor-trailer had just stopped to refill two 125-gallon diesel tanks just south of
Springfield. As they drove into the downtown area, they saw the drunk driver’s car coming the wrong way
in their lane, headed straight for them. The tractor-trailer swerved but the other vehicle hit the passenger

Both vehicles hit the east guardrail. The car stopped, but the truck veered across the lanes and landed
on the southbound lanes. There were only minor injuries. The tractor-trailer, however, was engulfed in

Massachusetts state police responded to the accident on I-91 a few minutes after it happened. Fortu-
nately, the truck driver had been able to retrieve the shipping papers from his burning tractor-trailer cab
before it was engulfed in fire. According to these papers, the cargo was 4,864 kilograms of “u-enriched
<20%, solid, uranium dioxide,” classified as “RQ Radioactive Material, Fissile N.O.S. (not otherwise
specified).” The UN code was UN 2918. There were 12 wooden cases on the truck. Each case held
steel containers. The containers carried a total of 11,000 pounds of uranium dioxide.

Ambulances transported the couple and the other driver to the hospital. At the hospital, a medical doctor
with a radiation survey instrument checked the ambulances, the EMTs, their equipment, and the three
patients. No signs of contamination were found.

One of the ambulances transporting the victims notified Engine No. 7, which was enroute to the scene, of
the radioactive cargo on the burning truck. The lieutenant on No. 7 was also the hazardous materials
team leader. He staged the engine at a safe distance to observe the fire. Meanwhile, the rest of the
HMRT and a battalion chief were dispatched. All the arriving units staged at a safe distance and ob-
served the fire through binoculars. From their vantage point, it looked like only the front section of the
trailer was on fire, and that two large cases had fallen off the trailer. HMRT and the battalion chief agreed
that it was safer to let the cargo burn until they could find out more information about the contents. The
diagram on the preceding page shows the position of the vehicles after the accident.

Student Text Case Studies CS-5

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
However, the Haz Mat team was able to find out very little about uranium dioxide, except that it was
radioactive and the area should be evacuated. So while the material was being researched, police
evacuated the area and shut down sections of I-91 north and southbound, as well as all three bridges
leading into Springfield. A survey with a Geiger counter did not show any radiation.

A command post was set up in a nearby hotel. The battalion chief called Vermont Yankee, where the
nuclear fuel was being shipped; General Electric, the shipper; and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
He was told by all three sources to isolate the area, let the fire burn, and stay away from the vehicle.
Vermont Yankee also dispatched their own hazardous materials team. Later the chief received a return
call from the NRC, saying that uranium dioxide was a very low-level radioactive material, the containers
were crash-proof, and fire fighters could approach the vehicle and extinguish the fire. But at that point the
fire was nearly out and only the tires were burning. Applying water would have compounded the problem
of a diesel fuel spill, so the battalion chief decided to let the tires burn.

At the command post, representatives from the responding agencies (see below) listed their priorities and
who was going to handle what. They secured a contractor and prestaged the equipment needed for
cleaning up the diesel fuel so the bridges could open as soon as possible. But the fuel rods were another
problem. Neither General Electric nor Vermont Yankee wanted the shipment and each claimed the other
owned it. Also, the fuel rods would have to be repackaged before they could be taken to Vermont.
Fortunately a local military facility, Westover Air Force Base, had facilities for repackaging the fuel rods.
The Air Force Base was contacted and agreed to take the shipment.

By 9:00 a.m. the isolation area was reduced to 100 yards. A contractor had been called to clean up the
diesel spill, and Vermont Yankee had agreed to transport the fuel rods to Westover for repackaging.

By the time the incident was over, the following agencies had become involved:

From the city From the state From the U.S. gov’t Other responders

Fire State Police NRC Yankee Atomic

Police Nuclear Incident EPA General Electric
Public works Advisory Team FEMA Baystate Medical
Emergency Public Works OSHA Center
Preparedness Environmental Westover AFB American Red Cross
Parking Authority Protection DOT
Mayor’s Office Emergency
EMTs Management

Among all the activity at the accident scene were the media. Local and national news media responded
in force. (One local television affiliate had a banner behind its news desk claiming “Nuclear Winter

The nuclear fuel was transported to a local military facility, Westover Air Force Base. The public was
never told of its destination.

CS-6 Case Studies Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Springfield, Massachusetts has had an integrated Hazardous Materials Incident Response Plan since
1986. Among other items, the plan has procedures for:

• Notifying the proper authorities

• First responder operations
• Other fire department operations
• Obtaining assistance from police, civil defense, public works and health department
• Follow-up and retraining

The plan was comprehensive for a reason. Interstate 91 is the primary route between New England and
New York. In the city, where the incident took place, I-91 runs parallel to a railroad and a river, crosses
other railroad tracks, and connects with I-291. There are any number of opportunities for transportation

End note: When the fire cooled, the NRC investigated the burned truck. The fire had consumed the
wood containers and damaged the metal casks inside. In the most severely damaged containers, the fuel
assemblies had been distorted to conform to the metal cask. The plastic fuel rod separators and foam
protection for the fuel assemblies also burned, and some of the clad tubes had swollen from the pres-
sures caused by high temperature. Later, tests showed that temperatures would have to reach 1,500o F
to cause that much damage.

Student Text Case Studies CS-7

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
CS-8 Case Studies Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations

Student Text Glossary G-1

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
G-2 Glossary Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations

As Low As Reasonably Achievable; refers to the EPA recommended allowable dose.

Absorbed Dose:
The energy imparted to matter by ionizing radiation per unit of irradiated material at the place of interest.
The unit of absorbed dose is the radiation of absorbed dose (rad).

The number of nuclear transformations occurring in a given quantity of material per unit time.

Alpha Particle:
A charged particle emitted from the nucleus of an atom having a mass and charge equal in magnitude to
that of a helium nucleus; i.e., two protons and two neutrons.

The smallest particle of an element which cannot be divided or broken up by chemical means. It consists
of a central core called the nucleus, which contains protons and neutrons. Electrons revolve in orbits
around the nucleus.

Atomic Number:
The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom.

Background Radiation:
The radiation in man’s natural environment, including cosmic rays and radiation from the naturally radio-
active elements, both outside and inside the bodies of humans and animals. It is also called natural
radiation. Man-made sources of radioactivity contribute to total background radiation levels. Approxi-
mately 90 percent of background radiation from man-made sources is related to the use of ionizing
radiation in medicine and dentistry.

Becquerel (Bq):
The SI unit of activity. One becquerel is one decay per second.

Beta Particle:
An electron emitted from the nucleus of an atom with the mass of an electron and a charge of either
minus one or plus one.

The collection and analysis of human hair, tissue, nasal smears, urine or fecal samples to determine the
amount of radioactive material that might have been ingested by the body.

Biological Half-Life:
The time required for the body to eliminate by biological processes one-half of the amount of a substance
which has entered it.

Byproduct Material:
Any radioactive material (except special nuclear material) that became radioactive by exposure to the
radiation produced in the process of utilizing special nuclear material.

Code of Federal Regulations.

Student Text Glossary G-3

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Charged Particle:
An ion; an elementary particle that carries a positive or negative electrical charge.

Counter, Geiger-Mueller:
Highly sensitive, gas-filled radiation-measuring device.

The traditional measuring unit used to describe the amount of radioactivity in a sample of material. One
curie is equal to 37 billion disintegrations per second.

Department Of Transportation.

Decay, Radioactive:
Disintegration of the nucleus of unstable atoms by spontaneous emission of charged particles, electro-
magnetic radiation, or both.

The reduction or removal of contaminating radioactive material from a structure, area, object, or person.

A general term for denoting the quantity of radiation or energy absorbed. If unqualified, it refers to ab-
sorbed dose.

Dose Equivalent:
The product of the absorbed dose in tissue, quality factor, and all other necessary modifying factors at the
location of interest.

Dose Rate:
The absorbed dose delivered per unit time. It is usually expressed as rads per hour, or in multiples or
submultiples of this unit, such as millirads per hour. The dose rate is commonly used to indicate the level
of hazard from a radioactive source.

Any instrument used to detect and measure radiation exposure.

Encapsulated Source:
A radionuclide sealed in a container such as a tube or needle. Also called a sealed source.

Film Badge:
A dosimeter based on a pack of photographic film which measures radiation exposure.

Gamma Ray:
Electromagnetic radiation of nuclear origin with wavelength shorter than that of visible light; identical to x-
rays except in how they originate.

Gray (Gy):
A special name for a unit of absorbed dose and the energy it imparts. The SI unit of absorbed dose equal
to 1 Joule/kilogram.

Health Physics:
The science concerned with recognition, evaluation, and control of health hazards from ionizing and non-
ionizing radiation, and record keeping.

G-4 Glossary Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
International Atomic Energy Agency.

Inverse Square Law:

The relationship which stated that gamma radiation intensity is inversely proportional to the square of the
distance from a point source.

Atomic particle, atom, or chemical radical bearing an electrical charge, either negative or positive.

Ionizing Radiation:
Any radiation capable of displacing electrons from atoms or molecules, thereby producing ions, such as
alpha, beta, gamma and X-rays.

Exposure to ionizing radiation.

Nuclides having the same number of protons and hence the same atomic number, but differing in the
number of neutrons, and therefore in the mass number. Isotopes have almost identical chemical proper-

Initials come from Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. The laser is a device that
emits highly focused, single frequency electromagnetic radiation.

Leak Test:
A radiation/contamination survey of a sealed source.

Maximum Permissible Concentration.

Periodic or continuous determination of the amount of ionizing radiation or radioactive contamination
present for purposes of health protection. Also referred to as “surveying.”

Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

An uncharged elementary particle with a mass slightly greater than that of the proton, and found in the
nucleus of every atom heavier than the lightest isotope of hydrogen.

A type of atom characterized by the constitution of its nucleus. The nuclear constitution is the number of
protons, number of neutrons, and energy content; it can also be characterized by atomic number and
atomic mass.

Student Text Glossary G-5

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Nucleus, Atomic:
The small, positively charged core of an atom. It is only about 1/100,000 diameter of the atom but
contains nearly all the atom’s mass. All nuclei contain both protons and neutrons, except the nucleus of
ordinary hydrogen, which consists of a single proton.

A gamma or x-ray.

Radiation Safety Committee.

Radiation Safety Officer.

Radiation Absorbed Dose. A rad is the unit of absorbed dose. The rad is a measure of the energy
imparted to matter by ionizing particles per unit mass of irradiated materials at the place of interest. A rad
is approximately equal to the absorbed dose in tissue when the exposure in air is one roentgen (R).

(1) The emission and propagation of energy through space or through a material medium in the form of
waves such as electromagnetic or sound waves.
(2) Emissions, such as alpha and beta radiation, or rays of mixed or unknown type, such as cosmic
(3) The energy released during atomic or nuclear transitions between different energy states.

Radioactive Decay:
Disintegration of the nucleus of an unstable nuclide by the spontaneous emission of charged particles,
neutrons, and/or photons.

Radioactive Half-Life:
The time required for a radioactive substance to lose fifty percent of its activity by decay.

The tendency of certain nuclides to spontaneously undergo a nuclear transformation, emitting ionizing
radiation in the process.

An unstable isotope of an element that decays or disintegrates spontaneously, emitting radiation. Ap-
proximately 5,000 natural and artificial radioisotopes have been identified.

Roentgen Equivalent Man– a special unit of radiation dose equivalent. The dose equivalent in rems is
numerically equal to the absorbed dose multiplied by the factor (Q), the distribution factor, and any
necessary modifying factors.

The unit of exposure from x- or gamma rays.

Sealed Source:
A radioactive source sealed in an impervious container which has sufficient mechanical strength to
prevent contact with and dispersion of the radioactive material under the conditions of use and wear for
which it was designed.

G-6 Glossary Student Text

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
Material used to prevent or reduce the passage of radiation. A shield may be designated according to
what it is intended to absorb (as a gamma-ray shield or neutron shield), or according to the kind of
protection it is intended to give (as a background, biological, or thermal shield).

Sievert (Sv):
The SI unit of dose equivalent to 1 Joule/kilogram.

Source Material:
Uranium or thorium, or any combination thereof, in any physical or chemical form.

Special Nuclear Material:

Plutonium, uranium 233, uranium enriched in the isotope 233 or in the isotope 235.

Specific Activity:
Total activity of a given radionuclide per unit mass or volume.

An evaluation of the radiation hazards under a specific set of conditions. When appropriate, such evalua-
tion includes a physical survey of the location of materials and equipment, and measurements of levels of
radiation or concentrations of radioactive materials.

Survey Instrument:
A portable instrument used for detecting and measuring radiation under varied physical conditions. The
term covers a wide range of devices.

Systeme International (SI):

A system of units adopted by the 11th General Conference on Weights and Measurements in 1960 and
used in most countries of the world.

Transport Index:
The number placed on a radioactive materials package label that indicates the control required during
transport. The transport index is the radiation level, in millirems per hour, at three feet from the accessible
external package surface; or, for fissile Class II packages, an assigned value based on criticality safety
requirements for the package contents.

The hydrogen isotope with one proton and two neutrons in the nucleus.

X Rays:
Electromagnetic radiations with wave lengths shorter than that of visible light.

Student Text Glossary G-7

IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations
G-8 Glossary Student Text
IAFF Training for Radiation Emergencies: First Responder Operations

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