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Sehs3282 Ap 2021 - 22 S1

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The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

School of Professional Education and Executive Development

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Surveying

SEHS3282 Construction Contract Law and Administration

Semester 1, 2021/22



Please refer to the Teaching Plan of the subject.


Please refer to the Teaching Plan of the subject.


3.1 Methods

Teaching and Assessment methods / % Due Dates Subject ILOs to be

Learning activities task Contribution assessed
to Subject 1 2 3 4 5

A) Coursework
Project Assignment Legal research project: 30% Report to be     
presentation, critical submitted
discussion and responses one week
in class and reflective after the
report presentation

Quiz Quiz 10% Week 9    

B) Final Examination Examination 60%    

Total 100%

*Student will be permitted to bring in an unmarked Standard Form of Building Contract as

Notes 1 Students must pass in both Coursework and Final Examination in order to
pass this subject.
2 NO re-assessment will be granted in all circumstances.
3 Absence from the final examination will automatically result in a “Fail” grade for
this subject. Students with very special grounds for absence from examination may
apply for late assessment. Permission is subject to the approval of the Subject
Assessment Review Panel (SARP). Engagement in work, interview, overseas
duty/travel and other related conflicts will normally NOT be considered as grounds
for granting late assessment.

3.2 Rationale

The project assignment requires the students to conduct research on assigned topic,evaluate
and apply the relevant law principles. The project develops the students’ ability to engage
life-long learning on construction contract law. The assignment requires studentsto analyze,
critically appraise and resolve administrative, organizational and managerial problems in
the practice of construction contract administration. The learning activities and assessment
methods foster an interactive learning environment in tutorial setting to develop critical
thinking and legal reasoning skill. The short quiz intends to sharpen the students’ legal
reasoning, analytical thinking and written communication skills requiring for resolving
common contractual problems or issues in the practice.

3.3 Grading

Subject Grade Short Elaboration on subject grading description

Grade Point Description
A+ 4.3 Excellent Demonstrates excellent achievement of intended
subject learning outcomes by being able to
A 4.0 skillfully use concepts and solve complex
problems. Shows evidence of innovative and
critical thinking in unfamiliar situations, and is
A- 3.7 able to express the synthesis or application of ideas
in a logical and comprehensive manner.
B+ 3.3 Good Demonstrates good achievement of intended
subject learning outcomes by being able to use
appropriate concepts and solve problems. Shows
B 3.0 the ability to analyse issues critically and make
well-grounded judgements in familiar or standard
situations, and is able to express the synthesis or
B- 2.7
application of ideas in a logical and
comprehensive manner.
C+ 2.3 Satisfactory Demonstrates satisfactory achievement of
intended subject learning outcomes by being able
C 2.0 to solve relatively simple problems. Shows some
capacity for analysis and making judgements in a
variety of familiar and standard situations, and is
C- 1.7 able to express the synthesis or application of ideas
in a manner that is generally logical but
D+ 1.3 Pass Demonstrates marginal achievement of intended
subject learning outcomes by being able to solve
relatively simple problems. Can make basic
Subject Grade Short Elaboration on subject grading description
Grade Point Description
D 1.0 comparisons, connections and judgements and
express the ideas learnt in the subject, though there
are frequent breakdowns in logic and clarity.
F 0.0 Fail Demonstrates inadequate achievement of intended
subject learning outcomes through a lack of
knowledge and/or understanding of the subject
matter. Evidence of analysis is often irrelevant or

Indicative descriptors for modifier grades:

Main Grade The student generally performed at this level, indicating mastery of
(solid) the subject intended learning outcomes at this level.
+ The student consistently performed at this level and exceeded the
(exemplary) expectations of this level in some regards, but not enough to claim
mastery at the next level.
- The student basically performed at this level, but the performance
(marginal) was inconsistent or fell slightly short in some regards.
Note: The above indicative descriptors for modifier grades are not applicable to the
passing grades D and D+

‘F’ is a subject failure grade, whilst all others (‘D’ to ‘A+’) are subject passing grades.
No credit will be earned if a subject is failed.
(1) PROJECT ASSIGNMENT (30% of total course marks)

The Task

The project assignment will be set in small groups of usually 4 to 6 students. The task
requires the students to conduct research on assigned topic, evaluate and apply the relevant
law principles. The students will be required to present the research findings, critically
analyse the contractual issues, and formulate their solution with legitimate reasoning.

Assessment Rubrics

Subject Intended Assessment Outstanding Good to Very Satisfactory Barely Inadequate

Learning Outcomes Criteria to Good to Wholly Adequate to (Grade: F)
Exceptionall (Grade: B to Satisfactory Barely
y B+) (Grade: C to Satisfactory
Outstanding C+) (Grade: D to
(Grade: A to D+)
Comprehension Identify all of Identify most Identify some Identify a few Fail to identify
1. Relate and apply the and analysis of the relevant of the relevant of the relevant of the relevant the relevant
legal principles and the task and key and key and key contractual contractual
modern development of contractual contractual contractual issues and issues and sets
contract law to issues and issues and issues and sets somewhat sets the scope of
construction contract sets the scope sets the scope the scope of the scope of the tasks
administration. of the of the the the incorrectly.
presentation presentation presentation presentation
very well. well. satisfactorily. with some
2. Familiarize and review inadequacy.
the features of some
common local and Legal research Conduct legal Conduct legal Conduct Conduct Fail to
international standard of skill research research reasonably limited conduct
forms of construction extensively. effectively. legal research. research. effective
contracts. Use many Use relevant Use relevant Some sources research and
relevant and and credible and credible used are not resources used
credible sources sources well chosen. are irrelevant,
sources properly from properly. They are not credible
3. Analyze the contractual properly from a diverse somewhat and
issues and evaluate the a diverse source base, irrelevant or inadequate.
contractual position of source base, such as legal not credible.
different parties in such as legal cases,
various contractual cases, construction
situations. construction contracts,
contracts, scholarly
scholarly books and
4. Communicate effectively books and articles as
with legitimate articles as appropriate
reasoning. appropriate.

Understanding Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate Fail to

of legal an accurate a good an some demonstrate
5. Develop the ability to principles and understand of understanding superficial an adequate
engage in life-long throughout the legal of the legal knowledge of understanding
learning on construction understanding principles and principles and the legal of the legal
contract law. of the legal contractual contractual principles and principles.
principles issues in issues in contractual
and/or general. general, but issues with
contractual with some some
issues. missing points incorrectness
or confusion. or
Interpretation Able to apply Able to apply Able to Show Fail to present
Comprehension the legal the legal connect the weaknesses in a correct
of construction principle principle legal principle applying the interpretation
contract and/or and/or and/or legal principle of construction
interpret the interpret the interpret the and/or contract
contract contract contract interpret the relevant to the
conditions to conditions to conditions to contract contractual
evaluate the evaluate the discuss the conditions to issues.
contractual contractual contractual discuss the
position. position. position. contractual

Legal reasoning Able to Able to Able to The argument Fail to

skill formulate a formulate a formulate an is not clear formulate a
very clear and clear and argument or and not clear
effective effective contractual adequately argument with
argument or argument or advice but supported by legitimate
sound sound with some legitimate reasoning.
contractual contractual weaknesses in reasoning.
advice with advice with the reasoning.
legitimate legitimate
reasoning. reasoning.

Communication Present the Present the Present the The Fail to

skill task clearly task clearly task clearly in presentation is formulate a
and effectively in generally but somewhat not clear
effectively in class and the very clear and argument with
class and engage some presentation engaging. legitimate
engage the discussion. may not be reasoning.
audience for very engaging. The
discussion. Not able to presentation is
response to not clear and
Able to Able to Not able to many of the not engaging.
response to response to response to questions
question or question or some of the effectively or Not able to
defence the defence the questions defence the response to
argument argument effectively or argument the questions
effectively. reasonably. defence the effectively. effectively or
argument defence the
Able to Able to effectively. The written argument
present the present the report is not effectively.
analysis in analysis in Able to well presented
written report written report present the with clear and The written
properly and properly and analysis in effective report is
succinctly. clearly. written report analysis or unclear and
properly and proper inadequate.
satisfactorily referencing
Fail to use
Contribution in Active Active Some Show some Fail to
class engagement engagement engagement in passive participate in
in a number in some presentations, engagement in class activities
of presentations, evaluations class adequately.
presentations, evaluations and
evaluations and discussions in
and discussions class.
discussions with
with constructive
constructive feedback and
feedback and questions.
(2) SHORT QUIZ (10% of total course marks)

The Task

The students will be required to complete a mid-term short quiz. The quiz intends to
sharpen the students’ legal reasoning, analytical thinking and written communication skills
requiring for resolving common contractual problems or issues in the practice.

Subject Intended Assessment Outstanding Good to Very Satisfactory Barely Inadequate

Learning Outcomes Criteria to Good to Wholly Adequate to (Grade: F)
Exceptionall (Grade: B to Satisfactory Barely
y B+) (Grade: C to Satisfactory
Outstanding C+) (Grade: D to
(Grade: A to D+)
Understanding Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate Fail to
1. Relate and apply the of legal an accurate a good an some demonstrate
legal principles and principles and understand of understanding superficial an adequate
modern development throughout the legal of the legal knowledge of understanding
of contract law to understanding principles and principles and the legal of the legal
construction contract of the legal contractual contractual principles and principles.
administration. principles issues in issues in contractual
and/or general. general, but issues with
contractual with some some
2. Familiarize and review issues. missing points incorrectness
the features of some or confusion. or
common local and misconception.
international standard
of forms of
construction contracts.
Interpretation Able to apply Able to apply Able to Show Fail to present
Comprehension the legal the legal connect the weaknesses in a correct
of construction principle principle legal principle applying the interpretation
3. Analyze the
contract and/or and/or and/or legal principle of construction
contractual issues and
interpret the interpret the interpret the and/or contract
evaluate the
contract contract contract interpret the relevant to the
contractual position of
conditions to conditions to conditions to contract contractual
different parties in
evaluate the evaluate the discuss the conditions to issues.
various contractual
contractual contractual contractual discuss the
position. position. position. contractual
Legal reasoning Able to Able to Able to The argument Fail to
4. Communicate skill formulate a formulate a formulate a is not clear formulate a
effectively with very clear and clear and argument or and not clear
legitimate reasoning. effective effective contractual adequately argument with
argument or argument or advice but supported by legitimate
sound sound with some legitimate reasoning.
contractual contractual weaknesses in reasoning,
advice with advice with the reasoning
legitimate legitimate
reasoning reasoning
FINAL EXAMINATION (60% of the total course marks)

The Task

The students will be required to attempt a 2 hours written examination at the end of the
term. The student will be permitted to bring along the Standard Form of Building Contract
as a reference.

Assessment Rubrics

Subject Intended Assessment Outstanding Good to Very Satisfactory Barely Inadequate

Learning Outcomes Criteria to Good to Wholly Adequate to (Grade: F)
Exceptionall (Grade: B to Satisfactory Barely
y B+) (Grade: C to Satisfactory
Outstanding C+) (Grade: D to
(Grade: A to D+)
Understanding Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate Fail to
1. Relate and apply the of legal an accurate a good an some demonstrate
legal principles and principles and understand of understanding superficial an adequate
modern development throughout the legal of the legal knowledge of understanding
of contract law to understanding principles and principles and the legal of the legal
construction contract of the legal contractual contractual principles and principles
administration. principles issues in issues in contractual
and/or general. general, but issues with
contractual with some some
2. Familiarize and review issues. missing points incorrectness
the features of some or confusion. or
common local and misconception.
international standard
of forms of
construction contracts.

Interpretation Able to apply Able to apply Able to Show Fail to present

3. Analyze the Comprehension the legal the legal connect the weaknesses in a correct
contractual issues and of construction principle principle legal principle applying the interpretation
evaluate the contract and/or and/or and/or legal principle of construction
contractual position of interpret the interpret the interpret the and/or contract
different parties in contract contract contract interpret the relevant to the
various contractual conditions to conditions to conditions to contract contractual
situations. evaluate the evaluate the discuss the conditions to issues.
contractual contractual contractual discuss the
position. position. position. contractual
4. Communicate
Legal reasoning Able to Able to Able to The argument Fail to
effectively with
skill formulate a formulate a formulate a is not clear formulate a
legitimate reasoning.
very clear and clear and argument or and not clear
effective effective contractual adequately argument with
argument or argument or advice but supported by legitimate
sound sound with some legitimate reasoning.
contractual contractual weaknesses in reasoning,
advice with advice with the reasoning
legitimate legitimate
reasoning reasoning

You are strongly advised to pay attention to the rules and guidance notes regarding
plagiarism, how sources should be referred to, and bibliography referencing as stipulated
in the Student Handbook.

The School may take disciplinary actions against students when there is evidence of
collusion between individuals. The work of others which is included in the assignment
must be attributed to its source (a full bibliography and a list of references must be
submitted). Failure to observe such requirements may lead to serious consequences for
your study in this subject and your registration at the School. Please refer to the Section
“Penalties for Offences” in the Student Handbook for details.

You are also strongly advised to review the hot tips about plagiarism and how to avoid it
with reference to the following document: http Demonstrate some superficial knowledge of the legal
principles and contractual issues with some incorrectness or

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