Admission To Undergraduate Programmes (Full-Time) Guide To Filling in The Application Form For Students With NUS High School Diploma

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Admission to Undergraduate Programmes (Full-Time)

Guide to filling in the Application Form for students with

NUS High School Diploma
Office of Admissions

The online application form consists of 6 sections (7 sections if applying for Medicine programme). Please complete section and click on
the ‘Next’ button to go to the next section.

Please view sample of completed form by section below, with explanation to assist you to complete the form at the end of each section.
Note that all fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Section 1 – Personal Information

Section 2 – Choices of Programme
Section 3 – Educational Qualifications
Section 4 – Application for LKCMedicine MBBS programme (visible only if the choice of programme is Medicine)
Section 5 – Discretionary Admissions (DA) Scheme (Optional)
Section 6 – Other Information
Section 7 – Declaration

The form does not allow you to save and complete at a later time. Please prepare all required information before you start your
application. You should print a copy at the ‘Preview’ page before you submit your application. There is no option available for you to
obtain the application form once submitted.
You will be provided with an Application Number if the online submission is successful. If you are not given an Application Number,
please submit your application again.
Please read the instructions to pay the application fee and submit the required supporting documents at the page where your application
number appeared. You may go back to view the same page at Check Status link. You are strongly encouraged to make use of the
uploading feature for the submission of your supporting documents. Your application cannot be processed until the application fee and
required supporting documents are received within the stipulated deadline.
If you are 25 years of age and with at least 4 years of work experience (after graduation from High School) as at 1 July 2020, you may
complete the optional section for Mature Applicants at the tracking page after your application. Please read explanation to complete the
section at the last page of this guide.

Section 1 – Personal Information

Personal Particulars
* Title/Full Name (as shown in passport, Identity Card or Birth Certificate) Mr Tan Wen Kian
First / Given Name Wen Jian
Last / Family / Surname Tan

* Passport / Identity Card No. / School Registration No. S0087624Z

(eg. E1234567)
(for Malaysian, please provide Malaysian IC No (with no hyphen). S'porean & S'pore PR should provide S'pore/PR IC No.
Please do not type any additional words (eg. passport, etc) beside the number. )

Foreign Identification No. (FIN)

(for foreign students who have studied in Singapore only, required if applicable)
*Are you a Singaporean or Singapore Permanent Resident? Yes
*Race Chinese
Singapore Citizen
* Nationality: You declare you hold a pink NRIC. If not, follow your * Country/Region of Birth: Singapore
passport nationality.
*Gender: Male Religion: Free Thinker
*Date of Birth: Mobile/Hand phone: 98357012
08-DEC-2000 -
(DD-MON-YYYY, e.g. 05-MAR-2002) Country code - Mobile number
(Omit Country Code for Singapore number)

Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore, Office of Admissions, Guide to filling in application form – NUS High School Diploma
Provide only one address, either Singapore or Foreign. Do not provide both.
*Permanent Home Address Correspondence Address(if different from permanent address)
For Singapore Address, please provide your address here: For Singapore Address, please provide your address here:

* Postal Code: 120345 Postal Code:

* Block / House No: 345 Block / House No:

Unit Number: # 12 98 Unit Number: #

- -

For Foreign Address, please provide address here: For Foreign Address, please provide address here:

* Address (Line 1): Address (Line 1):

Address (Line 2): Address (Line 2):

Address (Line 3): Address (Line 3):

State / Province: State / Province:

Postal Code / Zip: Postal Code / Zip:

* Country/ Region: Country/ Region:

* Home phone: 67890123 Home phone:
- - - -
Country code- Area code -Local number Country code- Area code -Local number
(Omit Country & Area Code for Singapore number) (Omit Country & Area Code for Singapore number)

Please provide a valid email address as your application outcome will be notified through email.
If you do not have an email account, please choose and apply for one at

*E-mail1 E-mail2(If any)

Full-time National Service in Singapore

Full-Time National Service in Singapore
(select ‘Registered’ if awaiting enlistment letter/notification)
for Male Singapore Citizen and Singapore Permanent Resident only. Please submit relevant supporting document if you are exempted from Full-Time National Service)

Enlistment Date
(DD-MON-YYYY, e.g. 05-Mar-1990)

Operational Ready Date

(DD-MON-YYYY, e.g. 05-Mar-1990)

Item Explanation
Title/Full Name Indicate your title and type in your full name in the same sequence as it appears in your Passport or Identity card.
First / Given Name Give the name you are known by as shown in official documents.
Last / Family / Surname Leave blank if your family name is not included in the Proof-of-Identity.
Passport/Identity Card No Singaporean and Singapore Permanent Resident (SPR) must provide Singapore NRIC number beginning with alphabet 'S'.
Foreign Identification No. (FIN) Applicable to foreigners who are studying or working or residing in Singapore only. FIN refers to Student’s Pass number,
Employment Pass number, etc.
Race As appeared in your IC. For double-barrelled race, please indicate the first component of the double-barrelled race shown in
your IC.
Date of Birth Please provide date as shown in Identity Card or Passport in DD-MMM-YYYY format: e.g. 21-Jan-2001.
Singapore Address You only need to type in your block/house number, unit number and postal code as the system will capture the full address.
Foreign Address  Address must be typed in English.
 Do not type your address in one line. Break them in line 1 (block/house and unit number), 2 (road or street number) or 3 (city
name, if applicable).
 Do not use full stop.
Email address Ensure that email address provided is correctly typed and valid as the outcome of your application will be made through email.
Full-time National Service in Compulsory for male Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents to complete this section. It is important to fill in the correct
Singapore Enlistment and Operationally Ready Dates so that we will know which admission year to reserve if you are offered a place. If you
are unsure of the exact date, please provide the estimated dates and update us via email later.
You may leave the dates blank if you have registered and not known of your Enlistment date yet.

Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore, Office of Admissions, Guide to filling in application form – NUS High School Diploma
Section 2 – Choices of Programme

Choice of Programme
(To provide at least first choice. Do not repeat choices). Click here to find out more on programmes available and check on the Minimum Subject Requirements.

First Choice: Medicine

Second Choice : Biomedical Sciences & BioBusiness (Double Major)
Third Choice: Materials Engineering with a Second Major in Medical Biology
Fourth Choice: Materials Engineering with a Second Major in Pharmaceutical Engineering
Fifth Choice: Psychology

Please note that your application will also be considered for the choice(s) listed below, in top-to-bottom sequence, subsequent to the choice(s) you
have indicated above. To find out more about this new scheme, click here.

Materials Engineering

1. Applicants interested in the LKCMedicine programme are to note that only those who have selected the programme as a first choice will be
considered. Applicants must not have started or completed an undergraduate programme at any university. Applicants who have previously applied
may not be considered unless they have shown significant improvements in their academic grades or BMAT results and have not been shortlisted
for interviews. Applicants are required to complete an additional section "Application for LKCMedicine Programme" at the Application Tracking
Page via the Check Status link upon successful submission of this online application form.
2. Application choice auto-inclusion scheme. Applicants choosing any programme with a second major will also be considered for its corresponding
programme with no second major, in a manner succeeding any of the 1st to 5th choices if selected in the application form, and if they have not
been earlier selected as one of the five choices. E.g. an applicant indicated 1st choice Biological Sciences with a second major in Food Science and
Technology, 2nd choice mechanical engineering, and no other choices will be considered for Biological Sciences with a second major in Food
Science and Technology, mechanical engineering, followed by Biological Sciences. If the applicant wishes to be considered Biological Sciences as a
second choice over mechanical engineering, he should therefore indicate Biological Sciences as a second choice.
3. Students who are offered Engineering or Engineering with a Minor in Business programme will be streamed into either Civil, Electrical & Electronic,
Mechanical, Environmental or Materials Engineering from the second semester of year 1 of study on the basis of their year 1 first semester
university results and competition.
4. Applicants interested in the double degree programmes offered under Engineering & Economics are allowed to choose no more than 2 from the
programmes available.
5. Applicants choosing a particular programme with a minor in business will also be considered for its corresponding programme with no minor, and
vice versa. E.g. by choosing ‘Bioengineering with a Minor in Business’, one will also be considered for ‘Bioengineering’. Similarly, by choosing
‘Bioengineering’, one will also be considered for ‘Bioengineering with a Minor in Business’. Applicants need not and will not be provided the option
to choose both.
6. If you choose Art, Design & Media as one of your choices, please take note of the additional supporting documents that you need to submit.
7. Please note that Arts (Education) and Science (Education) are teacher training programmes. Successful applicants will be bonded to serve the
Singapore Ministry of Education for 4 years.
8. Please note that some of the lessons related to Biomedical Sciences programme are conducted in Chinese. To apply for the programme, you need
to have at least a pass in Chinese at GCE 'O' Level/Junior High School level. This programme is not applicable to Citizens of Mainland China, Hong
Kong SAR, Macau SAR and Taiwan.

Item Explanation
Choice of  It is not necessary for you to indicate all 5 choices but you must provide at least one (1st) choice.
Programme  Do not repeat the choices.
 If you are interested to take up the double degree programmes offered under Engineering & Economics, do not choose more than 2 as
your choices.
 If you are interested in a particular programme with a minor in business, you will automatically be considered for the same programme
with no minor. You will not be able to select both programmes as difference choices.
 If you are choosing any programme with a 2nd Major, you will automatically be considered for its corresponding programme with no 2nd
major. For details, please see Note 2 above.
 Note that you need to have at least a pass in Chinese at Secondary School level as some of the lessons related to Biomedical Sciences
programme are conducted in Chinese.
 Click on in the online application form for tips to assist you in indicating your choices.

Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore, Office of Admissions, Guide to filling in application form – NUS High School Diploma
Section 3 - Educational Qualifications
If you are still studying in High School

Please indicate your

-> Still Studying OR just completed high school OR just received final results less than 3
academic status:
Still studying OR just graduated from high school with either awaiting final results or just received final results not more than 3 months ago. The
result will be available/ has just been released in (MMM-YYYY, e.g. MAR-2018)
Please indicate your
-> Completed High School and currently a university student
academic status:
Completed High School and currently a university student in:
Name of University:

Province/State/Country of Study:


Year of Study:
(Eg. 1, 2)

Cumulative / Final GPA / Score:

(Point Obtained/Maximum Point, e.g. 3.50/4.00)
Please indicate your
-> Completed High School and currently a university student
academic status:
Completed High School and received final results more than 3 months ago. Indicate what you have been doing after high school till now. (e.g. Took a
gap year in 2018, helping in my father’s business and taking a diploma course from Jan 2019 till now; Taking a 2-year associate degree/university accredited diploma or
advanced diploma programme from Jun 2018 till now)
Indicate what you have been doing here.
Taking a gap year.
NUS High School Diploma
*The highest qualification I have obtained is (indicate name of programme, university/college attended & country.
e.g. Bachelor Degree in Engineering, University of Canberra, Australia)

*Please give Diploma final results. Please provide Overall CAP, Major CAP and Honours CAP for subjects taken.
2019 *CAP for Graduation 3.8
Graduation Year (eg 2019)
*Diploma Name Diploma (Merit) with Honours in Biology & Majors in Mathematics, Chemistry & Physics

(as appeared in your Diploma certificate/transcript. Format/E.g. Diploma (Merit) with Honours in Biology, & Majors in Mathematics, Chemistry & Physics.
Use the symbol ampersand ‘&’ to replace ‘and’, where applicable.)
*Diploma Research Title
Research Title:

(as appeared in your research transcript. Use the symbol ampersand ‘&’ to replace ‘and’, where applicable.)

*Diploma Excellent
Research Grade:

Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore, Office of Admissions, Guide to filling in application form – NUS High School Diploma
Major CAP Honours CAP
*Subject Taken *CAP Subject Taken CAP

Physics 3.8 Mathematics 3.9

Chemistry 3.8 Physics 3.8

Mathematics 3.8 Chemistry 3.9

(Type subject here if not listed above)

(Type subject here if not listed above)

Overall CAP

* Subject Taken *CAP

English 3.8

Chinese 3.8

Biology 4.0

Chemistry 3.8

Mathematics 3.8

Physics 3.8

Fine Arts 3.5

(Type subject here if not listed above)

Mother Tongue (Click here to check the requirement.)

If you are exempted from Mother Tongue (MT) or have been approved a MT-in-lieu, please submit MOE approval letter along with the supporting

Higher Chinese Grade:

Subject: (Provide ‘O’ / ‘A’ Level MT taken. Format/E.g. ‘Higher Chinese’, ‘H1
Malay’, etc. Key in ‘Exempted’ if exempted from MT)

MOE Scholar
Were you an MOE Scholar during your study in High School?

Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore, Office of Admissions, Guide to filling in application form – NUS High School Diploma
Additional Education Information (if any).

 Provide your CollegeBoard Advanced Placement (AP) results here (if any), in reverse chronological order (starting with the latest results).
(Format/E.g. 2010 AP - Biology - 5/5, Chemistry - 5/5, Physics B - 5/5, Statistics - 5/5. 2009 AP - Calculus AB - 5/5.) Please indicate subject(s) taking if yet
to sit exam. (Format/E.g. 2014 AP – Microeconomics, Calculus BC.)
 Provide your CollegeBoard SAT Subject Tests results here (if any), in reverse chronological order (starting with the latest results). (Format/E.g.
2012 SAT Subject Tests - Chemistry – 700/800, Maths Level 2 –700/800.) Please indicate exam period and subject(s) taking if yet to sit exam or
pending results. (Format/E.g. Dec 2013 SAT Subject Tests - Chemistry, Maths Level 2.)
 Please list any other courses attended after high school (e.g. Jan 2008 – still studying, Diploma in Computer Science, Singapore Institute of
Management, Singapore).
 You may use this section to explain if there is any discrepancy in grade provided from documents submitted or the grading system in your
 Provide details if there is gap period between your Junior/Senior High School or within your Senior High School of study.
 List the document(s) your school is forwarding directly to the University if these documents have not been provided/issued directly to you
(e.g. up-to-date officially-certified transcript will be posted by my high school directly).

Total word count: 0 words. Words left: 200 Your information must not be more than 200 words.

Item Explanation
Academic Status Click on in the online application form if you have doubt in selecting the option available.
Give Diploma final results Provide your Diploma graduation year, CAP, Diploma name, Research title, Research grade and results.
Mother Tongue Provide mother tongue subject and grade obtained. If you are exempted from taking mother tongue, you are required to
submit the approval letter issued by MOE.
Additional Education Information Provide your AP grades, details of NUS undergraduate module taken and courses attended after high school, if applicable.
Leave blank if this is not applicable to you.

Section 4 - Application for LKCMedicine MBBS Programme

(Will appear only if Medicine is indicated as your choice)

BioMedical Admissions Test (BMAT)

You will have to register for the Biomedical Admissions Test (BMAT) and take the BMAT as part of the criteria for entry to the LKCMedicine MBBS
programme. Only results of the BMAT taken in the 12-month period prior to admission to LKCMedicine will be considered in the selection process.
Have you registered (if applying before 30 October 2019) or sat (if applying after 30 October 2019) for the BMAT in
October 2019?

BMAT Candidate Number
Personal Statement
In not more than 300 words, introduce yourself including, but not limited to, the reasons for your wishing to study medicine and any experience
that may have driven your desire to become a doctor. Leadership experience and teamwork ability should be highlighted.
The personal statement may be followed up at the interview stage.
Note: You may provide a draft here. You will be able to revise/finalise your Personal Statement within application period via the Check Status link
upon submission of this application form.
Type your statement here.

Total word count: 0 words. Words left: 300 (Please limit your description to 300 words)

Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore, Office of Admissions, Guide to filling in application form – NUS High School Diploma
Referee Report
Your application requires two references in the format of online referee report to be completed by two referees. Instructions for your referees
with regard to completing the online referee report are available at “Tracking Page” which you will be directed to after completing and submitting
this online application form.

Item Explanation
BioMedical Admissions You must register by 15 October 2019 to sit for the BMAT on 30 October 2019 to be eligible for the programme. Please note that only
Test (BMAT) results of the BMAT taken in the 12-month period prior to application to LKCMedicine will be considered in the selection process. Please
visit for details.
Personal Statement You may modify your personal statement after submission at the ‘Tracking Page’ during the application period. No changes will be
allowed after the application closing date.
Referee Report Online Referee Report – The instructions along with the login details are available at ‘Tracking Page’. You are required to forward the
details to 2 referees to complete the online referee report.

You may login to the ‘Tracking Page’ again at ‘Check Status’ link.

Section 5 - Achievements

Discretionary Admissions (DA) Scheme (Optional)

Please let us know if you have any other talents or achievements besides your academic results that you would like us to consider in your application
for this admission exercise.

This Section may be completed after you have submitted the application form.
Do you want to complete it now
Are you currently or were you previously a carded athlete? Please specify the sports (select “Not Applicable” if you are not)
Not Applicable

Please complete Sections A & B below and note the instructions for the completion of the Appraisal Form at the end of the application.
The link for the Online Appraisal Form & due date for submission will appear after you have submitted your online application.

1. Interview: Only shortlisted candidates are required to attend an interview.
2. Supporting Documents: All related information provided in this section may be required for submission for verification. Failure to submit the
supporting documents may nullify any consideration under the DA Scheme but the admission application based on academic results will still be
3. Activity 1 to 3: To provide all other achievements/participations/ involvements details (within the last 5 years only) in the area of arts &
culture, community work, leadership, entrepreneurship, sports, etc. in Merit order of THE MOST OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENTS/TALENTS
indicated FIRST.

Activity Participation/ Major activity/ Event/ Position Held(e.g. President, From To List awards/certificates
Representation Competition (e.g. SEA Games, Captain, etc. Indicate ‘NA’ if not (within the last received and/or elaborate
Level International Olympiad, Tan Kah applicable.) 5 years only) your involvements
and Type Lee Innovation Awards, etc) (Please limit to 100 words)

Total word count: 0 words. Words

left: 100

Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore, Office of Admissions, Guide to filling in application form – NUS High School Diploma


Total word count: 0 words. Words

left: 100


Total word count: 0 words. Words

left: 100

Please choose an essay topic (choose only 1 option). There is no standard writing style nor a right or wrong answer.
a. Share an event or incident you have encountered personally and why and/or how it has affected you or is especially meaningful to you.
b. Describe a person who has had an influence on you, and share with us why and/or how the person has influenced you.
c. Why are you interested in the degree programme(s) that you have chosen on your application?

Personal Essay

Total word count: 0 words. Words left: 300 (Please limit your description to 300 words)

Item Explanation

Discretionary Admissions (DA) Students with exceptional talents other than academic grades are encouraged to complete this section.
Scheme (Optional)
At least 1 (up to 2) appraisal must be submitted online to support your application. You will need to forward to your appraiser
your application number and NRIC number to submit the online appraisal at this URL:
Only shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend an interview in Singapore in April 2020 (LKCMedicine programme) /
May/June 2020 (all other programmes).

Section 6 - Other Information

Tuition Grant (Will appear only for Singapore Permanent Resident and foreigners)

Indicate your choice below

I do not wish to apply for a Tuition Grant. I understand that I will pay Non-Subsidised Tuition Fee throughout my course of study, and will not
be eligible to apply for the Tuition Grant, Scholarships or other forms of financial aid throughout my course of study, if I am offered a place.

I wish to apply for a Tuition Grant. I am prepared to sign a Tuition Grant Agreement with the Government of Singapore, which would require
that I secure employment and serve in a Singapore entity for three years upon graduation. I am aware that the Agreement requires two
sureties, who must be above 21 and below 65 years of age, and who must not be undischarged bankrupts. I also declare that I have not
received a Tuition Grant or other sponsorship/subsidy from the Government of Singapore previously for a course of study at the same or a
higher level as my new course. If I have, I am aware that this will be taken into consideration when assessing my Tuition Grant eligibility for my
new course.

Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore, Office of Admissions, Guide to filling in application form – NUS High School Diploma
English Language Proficiency (Please enter available score that is applicable to you and provide only score that is still valid.)

TOEFL Test Date: Score Mode of test

(DD-MMM-YYYY, e.g. 01-Feb-2018)

SAT Test Date: Critical Math Writing/Evidence- Essay

Reading Based Reading (for test
(DD-MMM-YYYY, e.g. 01-Feb-2018) and Writing taken before (eg.6,7,8)

IELTS Test Date: 19-APR-201 Band 7.5 Writing 6.0

(DD-MON-YYYY, e.g. 01-Feb-2018)

PTE Test Date: Overall Writing

Academic Score
(DD-MMM-YYYY, e.g. 01-Feb-2018)

ACT with Test Date: Composite Reading Writing

Writing Score
(MMM-YYYY, e.g. Feb-2018)

Application History
* Have you applied to NTU previously?
 Indicate offer programme, offer year, and reason for rejecting offer (where applicable), if you have been offered admission previously.
(Format/E.g. 2013 Mechanical Engineering, financial constraints.)
 For Male Singaporeans or Singapore Permanent Residents serving full time national service who have accepted offer, indicate offer year,
reserved programme and matriculation year. (Format/E.g. 2013 Computer Engineering, matriculation year 2015.)
 If you have previously applied for Medicine programme at LKCMedicine, indicate the application status. (Format/E.g. 2013 Medicine,
not shortlisted for MMI; 2014 Medicine, wait-listed but unsuccessful.)

Total word count: 0 words. Words left: 50 Your information must not be more than 50 words.

Current Academic Status in Singapore

* Have you previously studied or are you currently studying in NTU (Nanyang Technological University), NUS (National University of No
Singapore), SMU (Singapore Management University), Poly-FSI (Polytechnic-Foreign Specialised Institution), SIT (Singapore Institute
of Technology) , SUTD (Singapore University of Technology & Design), SUSS (Singapore University of Social Sciences, formerly known
as SIM University (UniSIM)), NAFA-RCM (Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts-Royal College of Music) or LASALLE-Goldsmiths (LASALLE
College of the Arts-Goldsmiths College)?

If yes, please provide the following:

Name of Institute:
* Total number of semesters you have paid/liable to pay tuition fee under MOE tuition grant:
(eg. 1, 2, 3..)

Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore, Office of Admissions, Guide to filling in application form – NUS High School Diploma
Note: 1. Under the Ministry of Education, Singapore (MOE) Tuition Grant (TG) policy, subsidised full-time undergraduates who transfer or re-admit
within or across NTU, NUS, SMU, SUTD, Poly-FSI, SIT, SUSS, NAFA-RCM or LASALLE-Goldsmiths are eligible for TG up to the normal
programme duration for the new programme less the number of semesters of TG received for the previous programme. (i.e. Number of
semesters of TG eligible for the new programme = Number of semesters required to complete the new programme in normal duration -
Number of semesters of TG received for the previous programme).

2. Students who hold/obtain a degree or higher qualification through subsidy or sponsorship by the Singapore Government will NOT be eligible
for TG to pursue a second programme of the same or lower level.

* Are you currently studying in a Private Education Institution, a Polytechnic or a University in Singapore? Yes
Please indicate name of Institute and programme attending and expected date of completion.
Please note that if you are studying in a Polytechnic in Singapore, you can apply for admission under the ‘Diploma awarded by a polytechnic in
Singapore’ application group when you are in the final year or after completion of your Diploma programme.

XXX Language Learning School, English Course, Sep 2018 to May 2019.

Total word count: 0 words. Words left: 50 (Your information must not be more than 50 words.)

Disabilities and Special Needs

Please note that students who are Hepatitis B carriers will not be eligible for admission to the Biomedical Science & Chinese Medicine
programme. For admission to the Medicine programme, please refer to Ministry of Health, Singapore Screening and Vaccination Requirements.
* Do you have any past or current physical health, mental health or learning needs, disabilities, illnesses or impairments (which may or may not
cause you to require special assistance, support or facilities while studying at the University or within the Programme you have applied for)?
If you are unsure about what may be important to list, please declare it anyway so that we could assess how we may assist and support you.
Please provide details below, including any adjustments, facilities or assistance that may be required (if any), and submit the relevant medical
documents. For colour blindness, please indicate whether you are able to identify red and green wires.

Partial colour blindness, Green Colour Deficiency.

Total word count: 0 words. Words left: 50 (Please limit your description to 50 words)
Note: This information will enable the University to develop a complete profile of an applicant and determine whether he/she might need
additional resources in his/her studies. The University, however, does not guarantee the provision of special aid (financial or otherwise) to any

Criminal Records Declaration

Complete your declaration under ‘Criminal Records Declaration’ via Check Status after completing and submitting this online application form.

NTU Scholars Programmes

In the event you are offered admission, would you like to be considered for/receive updates or promotional materials on the following Scholars

University Scholars Programme No

C N Yang Scholars Programme No

(for Science and Engineering programmes only)

NTU-NIE Teaching Scholars Programme No

(for Arts(Education) and Science(Education) programmes only)

Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore, Office of Admissions, Guide to filling in application form – NUS High School Diploma
Item Explanation
Tuition Grant Indicate whether you wish to pay subsidised or non-subsidised tuition fee if offered admission.
(Applicable to SPR only)
English Language Proficiency Leave blank if your results are not yet available. You may upload the results at the tracking page when available.
Current Academic Status in Provide your education status in Singapore, if applicable. Note that if you already received MOE Tuition Grant (TG) at any
Singapore university in Singapore and wish to re-apply for admission to another programme with TG, the TG you have received earlier
will be deducted accordingly in your new programme, if offered.
Disabilities and Special Needs You must provide details and submit the medical documents, if applicable. Information provided will be kept confidential.
Please read Special Medical Conditions To Note on restrictions in programme of study for Hepatitis B and Colour Blindness.
Criminal Records Declaration To declare all convicted criminal offenses by a law in any country, if applicable, via Check Status link after submitting the
online application form.
NTU Scholars Programmes Indicate whether you are interested to be considered for the listed programme(s). Please note that Information will be
provided to shortlisted applicants only.

Section 7 - Declaration

 I hereby declare that the information provided in this application is true and complete and all documents submitted in support of my
application are true and honestly presented. In the case of assignments for Art, Design & Media Programme (if applicable), they represent
my own work.
 I am responsible for requesting official documents from the educational institution attended by me. I hereby also authorise the University
to obtain official records, if necessary, from any educational institution attended by me.
 I understand that any provision of inaccurate or false information or forged supporting documents, or omission of information will render
this application invalid and that, if admitted on the basis of such information, I can be required to withdraw from the University or liable
to prosecution in a court of law in Singapore.

 I acknowledge that I have read and understood the NTU Personal Data Privacy Statement and Consent for Applicant and I consent to the
NTU collecting, using, disclosing and processing my personal data in accordance with the Purposes stated in the document.

I agree with the above declarations.

Password Creation
Please provide your preferred password. Please provide your preferred password. The length of your password must be between 8 to 20 characters
with at least one Capital letter (A-Z), at least one lower case letter (a-z), at least one number (0 – 9) and at least one special Characters (!@#$%&()*).

Note: The password is case-sensitive, i.e. if you have used a Capital Letter, e.g. 'A', you cannot enter 'a' in small case when logging in. You are
reminded to remember your password and keep it confidential.

!ApplyNTU12 (enter between 8 to 20 Characters)

Enter password:


Back Preview

Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore, Office of Admissions, Guide to filling in application form – NUS High School Diploma
Item Explanation
Declaration Please read the declaration and click the agree button to proceed.
Password Creation You will need to remember this password for the checking of your application progress, update your application, etc at ‘Check
Status’ link. You should keep this password confidential to prevent any tampering of your records. The length of your
password must be between 8 to 20 characters with at least one Capital letter (A-Z), at least one lower case letter (a-z), at least
one number (0 – 9) and at least one special Characters (!@#$%&()*).
Preview button Click the button to preview the completed form. You are advised to check your entry and make changes, if necessary, before
you click the ‘Submit’ button.
If you wish to keep a copy of your application form, you should save or print a copy before you click the ‘Submit’ button.

For Mature Applicants (available at the tracking page after application)

Item Explanation
Mature Applicant Application You will need to indicate whether you are at least 25 years of age with at least 4 years of work experience (after graduation from
Form High School) as at 1 July 2020 to continue with the application. If you meet the criteria, you are required to provide the details
of your past and present employment records. Please note that National Service and compulsory Industrial Attachment during
your study are NOT considered as work experience. Please leave blank for 'Date resigned' if you have not resigned from your
present job.
Personal Statement & Referee You must submit a Personal Statement of not more than 200 words online and 2 Referee Reports from at least one employer
Report using the downloadable Employer's Referral Form. Referrals must be at supervisory level and above. The completed Employer's
Referral Form is to be sealed and sent to the Office of Admissions.
You will need to click ‘Refresh’ button or re-login at ‘Check Status’ link to view these links at tracking page after you have
successfully completed the application for mature applicants.

Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore, Office of Admissions, Guide to filling in application form – NUS High School Diploma

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