State, Nation, and Globalization: Lesson 3
State, Nation, and Globalization: Lesson 3
State, Nation, and Globalization: Lesson 3
Lesson 3
1. What is the significance of the state in the study of politics and governance?
2. What elements define the nature of the state?
3. What is nationhood and how is it related to the state?
4. How does nationhood influence politics and governance?
5. How does globalization influence world politics, economics, and culture?
6. How does globalization impact regional, global, and national politics?
Defining the State
The term state refers to the political structure of an organized community that lives under
a government. The state is related to but is not synonymous to government and country, which
refer to elements that compose the state. The state is often combined with the concept of the
nation, which gives rise to the concept of the nation state.
The state is considered the highest form of human association, and it is the product of
man's basic desire for survival and the attainment of wants and needs. The state is considered by
Enlightenment philosophers such as Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean Jacques
Rousseau as a product of an established order brought about by human cooperation and
agreement. The state is primarily an organization with a legal purpose which is to impose law
and order to ensure the welfare of the people. It is this nature of the state that imbues it with the
power to enact and enforce laws.
The state is considered a product of the interaction of its various elements, and cannot be
reduced to a single institution such as the government. As citizens, we encounter aspects of the
state in our everyday lives but it is most evident in the laws and regulations we live by and the
public services we avail of. The state is also embodied by our public officials, members of the
police and armed forces, and government officers and workers. Their actions as they conduct
their duties and responsibilities are considered manifestations of the power of the state. The
state is also embodied by symbols such as the flag the national anthem, monuments, and other
symbols used by the government.
Understanding Nationhood
A nation is a large group of people who share common characteristics such as language,
traditions, and ethnicity. The people that comprise a nation also share a common culture and
history. They also identify themselves as a distinct and unified group. with common interests and
aspirations. In modern political discourse, the nation is considered a political and cultural entity
and is often studied alongside the state.
The state is the political structure of an organized community living under a
government. The essential elements of the state include population, territory,
government, and sovereignty.
In international relations, the state is recognized as a sovereign state. This means that
all states are equals. They are able to exercise their sovereignty and pursue their
respective interests without undue influence from other states.
The nation is a large group of people who share common characteristics such as
language, traditions, and ethnicity. The people who belong to a nation share the same
culture and history, and identify themselves as a people distinct from others.
The emergence of nationhood is closely tied with the concepts of identity and ethnicity.
It is through the process of nation formation and nation building that groups of people
come together as a single, unified nation. Nation formation is the process where people
gradually establish a national identity. Nation building, meanwhile, is a process
initiated by the state that defines and reinforces national identity.
Nationhood is an integral part of politics as citizens work together and are united by a
common cause arising from their shared identity. It is a source of political integrity and
is used as a means to call on citizens to support government actions.
The state is seen as a representative of a particular nation and this gives rise to the
concept of a nation state. The actions of the state are often determined by the values
and traditions that are rooted in national identity.
Globalization, in its various dimensions, has given rise to many opportunities that
brought about positive effects for many states, Global politics opens up opportunities
for states to render aid to each other, provides avenues for dialogue and cooperation
and ensures that states learn from each other. Economic globalization enables emerging
markets and industries to thrive due to trade liberalization, and provides states with
opportunities for economic development. Cultural globalization has given rise to a
global community that accepts and celebrates diversity
Despite Its positive effects, globalization has also brought about a number of
challenges. Critics of globalization consider it as a detriment to the welfare of some
states, as global interests often run counter to national interests. Economic
globalization has rendered some developing nations helpless in the face of competition
in the global free market. The supranational character of political globalization,
likewise, is seen as a limitation to national sovereignty. On the other hand, the refusal
of powerful states to abide by international laws and standards also limits the
effectiveness of global cooperation.
A. Identify the following:
__________1. It is an organized community that lives under a government.
__________2. This refers to the ability of the state to govern and control its people and territory.
__________3. This is the freedom from outside influences or foreign intervention
__________4. This is a legitimate state but cannot exercise sovereignty.
__________5. This is a state that has no legitimacy but exercises sovereignty.
__________6. This is a large group of people who share common characteristics such as
traditions, ethnicity, culture, and history
__________7. This process is engaged in by states in order to develop, reinforce, and further
develop a national identity.
__________8. This is the gradual process of political, economic, and cultural integration brought
about by increased trade and communication.
__________9. This refers to a unified, coherent, and organized political entity that effectively
exercises the powers of state.
__________10. This is a dimension of globalization that is evident in International cooperation
and dialogue.
Form a group of five and discuss the positive and negative effects of globalization.
Complete the table by providing the required information.
Dimensions of Globalization Positive Effects Negative Effects
A. Identify a social, economic, or political issue in the Philippines and discuss how globalization
can contribute to addressing it. Discuss ways that the Philippine government and the
international community can cooperate in solving this problem.
B. Research on the international reaction to the war on drugs implemented by the Duterte
administration. Discuss the international views on the conduct of the war on drugs and compare
them to the perspectives from the Philippine government. Relate the discussion to political
globalization and sovereignty.