a) Delhi Control, IT 237 we will commence our descent at a time 2213. (Answer :
Delhi Control Kingfisher 237 top of descent 2213.).
b) Chennai approach VT EWQ I see an aircraft straight ahead coming on to me.
(Answer : Chennai approach VT EWQ I see an aircraft head on.)
c) VT FRT Delhi Tower visibility will lessen to 300 m in rain. (Answer : VT FRT
Delhi Tower visibility will Reduce to 300 m in rain.)
d) Mumbai Tower 9W 675 glide path has gone away. (Answer: Mumbai Tower Jet
Air 675 glide path has gone off the air.)
e) VT FBN keep holding over VOR and you are likely to commence your approach
at 2217. (Answer: VT FBN Expected Approach Time 2217.)
Question 2/5
a) VT HBK are you ready to take off without delay. (Answer: VT HBK confirm
ready for immediate departure.)
b) IC 546 see around for Boeing. (Answer: IC 546 look out for Boeing.
c) VT RFD report at control zone border. (Answer: VT RFD report at control zone
d) VT ACR descent to 10000 feet. ( Answer: VT ACR descent to FL 100)
e) Trivendrum tower let me know the aerodrome existing pressure. Trivendrum
tower let me know the aerodrome existing pressure. (Answer: Trivendrum Tower
request QFE.)
Question 3/5
Question 4/5
Question 5/5
Question 6/ 5
Question 7/7
Question 8/6
a) VT ASH continue making circles at your level there will be some delay for your
descend. (Answer: VT ASH continue orbiting, maintain level, expect delay.)
b) Cochin Twr, did you say clear to land.(Answer: Cochin Twr, confirm clear to
c) Amritsar VT FOX is your weather good enough for my visual flight. (Answer:
Amritsar VT FOX confirm your weather VFR.)
d) Delhi VT ATT we are flying behind Air India and getting his turbulence.
(Answer: Delhi VT ATT we are following Air India and experiencing wake
e) Chandigarh VT UIJ I am getting in your airspace. (Answer: Chandigarh VT UIJ
entering your airspace.
Question 9/5
a) Mumbai control yes we are approved RVSM status. (Answer: Mumbai control
Affirm RVSM.)
b) Ahmadabad we are having bumpy weather would like to climb and cruise FL 320.
(Answer: Ahmadabad we are experiencing turbulent, request climb FL 320.)
c) Delhi control we are getting back wash from aircraft ahead request lower flight
level. (Answer: Delhi control we are experiencing wake turbulence from aircraft
ahead request lower flight level.)
d) Nagpur Radar I need your help to navigate me for Instrument Landing System.
(Answer: Nagpur Radar request Radar vectoring for I L S.)
e) Delhi on finals I got into down draft and went down by 300 feet. (Answer: Delhi
on finals I experienced down draft and lost 300 feet.
Question 10/5
a) Is radio nav aid services available for aircraft. (Answer Confirm radio nav aid
services available.)
b) Nagpur tower VT UGA touch down at 1245 landing on runway 13. (Answer:
Nagpur tower VT UGA landed runway 13, 1245.
c) VT IBV switching over to Delhi approach on 127.9. (Answer: VT IBV changing
to Delhi approach on 127.9.)
d) IC 538 turn right heading 230 degrees to identify yourself on radar. (Answer:
INDAIR 538 turn right heading 230 for RADAR identification.)
e) AI 367 keep coming at speed you are flying. (Answer: AI 367 maintain speed.)
Question 11
a) Is radio nav aid services available for aircraft. (Answer: Confirm radio nav aid
services available.
b) 6E490 wind direction is changing. (Answer: I fly 490 wind variable.)
c) 9W339 switching over to Delhi approach on 127.9. (Answer: Jetair 339 changing
to Delhi approach on 127.9.)
d) IC 538 turn right heading 230 degrees to identify yourself on radar. (Answer:
INDAIR 538 turn right heading 230 for RADAR identification.)
e) AI 367 keep coming at speed you are flying. (Answer: Air India 367 maintain
Question 12
a) Delhi control VT HJD would like to make approach in visual reference to terrain.
(Answer: Delhi control VT HJD request visual approach.)
b) IC 538 turn right heading 230 degrees to identify yourself on radar. (Answer:
INDAIR 538 turn right heading 230 for RADAR identification.)
c) 6E490 wind direction is changing. (Answer: 6E490 wind variable.)
d) VTJYO make one circle right at downwind. (Answer: VTJYO orbit right at
e) Runway Visual Range 2500. (Answer: RVR two thousand fife hundred.)
a) Delhi control VT HJB would like to make approach in visual reference to terrain.
b) IC 263 turn right 230 degrees to identify you on Radar.
c) AI 221 keep coming at the speed you are flying.
d) VT IJG make one circle to right at downwind.
e) Runway visual range is zero. (Answer : RVR Nil)
Question 14/5
a) VT RUT weather at Jammu has become better. (Answer: Weather Jammu has
b) Delhi control 9W 431 crossing border of your area. (Answer: Delhi control
crossing control boundary.)
c) IC 132 do not descent below FL 150. (Answer: Indair 132 maintain FL 50.)
d) I am ready for a quick take off. (Answer: Ready for immediate departure.)
e) 6E 490 wind direction is changing. (Answer: Ifly 490 wind variable,)
Question 15/5
Question 16/5
Question 17/5
a) Nagpur wilco . we will try to let the gear down again and if it remains up and I am
unable to release the nose gear then we will land all three up. (Answer: Nagpur
Approach, will attempt again to lower gear, if unable, then will make belly
b) VT WXR obtain special weather report from surface movement control (Answer:
VT WXR obtain SPECI from Ground.)
c) Madurai confirm your runway is serviceable and what is its magnetic orientation.
(Answer: Madurai, confirm runway operational and QFU.)
d) Delhi I have spotted aircraft on finals, can we be behind him. (Answer: Delhi
traffic on finals in sight, Request follow him.)
e) Confirm Rock island has old vertical separation system. (Answer: Confirm
Rockland island has CVSM)
Question 18
a) Nagpur wilco . we will try to let the gear down again and if it remains up and I am
unable to release the nose gear then we will land all three up. (Answer: Nagpur
Approach, will attempt again to lower gear, if unable, then will make belly
b) Delhi Radar, VT JKL very good morning, I Can not see out due to weather, can
you please help me to your VOR on RADAR. (Answer: Delhi Radar VT JKL,
IMC, request Radar vectoring to VOR.)
c) Cochin I think we can speed up and manage to take off before your aircraft that is
reaching. (Answer: Cochin we can expedite and depart before arriving aircraft.)
d) Delhi I have spotted the aircraft on final, can we be behind him. (Answer: Delhi
traffic on finals in sight, can we follow him.)
e) Hyderabad when I was short distance to land wind pushed me. (Answer:
Hyderabad when in short finals, lost height due down draft.)
Question 19/5
a) Nagpur Approach can you tell me the laid down method of holding over NNP.
(Answer: Nagpur approach request holding pattern NNP.)
b) VT ASH in the order of landing your number three. (Answer: VT ASH number
three in landing sequence.)
c) Delhi control IT 247 We will commence descent at 2215. (Answer: Delhi control
Kingfisher 247 top of descent 2215.)
d) Chennai approach I see an aircraft straight ahead coming on to me. (Answer:
Chennai approach an aircraft head on.)
e) VT RFT Delhi tower visibility will lessen to 300 in increasing rain. (Answer: VT
RFT Delhi tower visibility will reduce to 300 in increasing rain.)
Question 20
a) Delhi we are coming back to you for landing. But we are heavy for Landing, so
would like to burn fuel. (Answer: Delhi we are returning, but unable to make
overweight landing, would like to exhaust fuel.)
b) Aurangabad tower good morning VT DEX, for local flying. Please give me area.
(Answer: Aurangabad tower VT DEX, for local flying. Request Sector.)
c) Hyderabad VT HEN for how long you estimate my holding over HHY. (Answer:
Hyderabad VT HEN request duration of hold over HHY.)
d) Mumbai I can see the follow me vehicle at the crossing of taxi ways. (Answer:
Mumbai follow me at the intersection of taxi ways, in sight.)
e) AI 779 the other aircraft is horizontally separated. (Answer: Air India 779 traffic
laterally separated.)
Question 22/5
a) IT 666 request what winds you are getting at FL 330. (Answer: Kingfisher 666
request spot wind at FL 330.)
b) Mumbai tower IC 767 request dim the runway lights. (Answer: Mumbai tower
Indair 767 request reduce intensity of the runway lights.)
c) Chennai tower we are ready to take off without delay. (Answer: Chennai tower
ready for immediate departure.)
d) 9W 564 contact Delhi approach control arrival radar. (Answer: Jetair 564 contact
Delhi arrival.)
e) 6E 786 contact Jummu direction finder. (Answer: Ifly 786 contact Jummu
Question 23
a) Chennai looks like weather is forming up can you give me a quick descent please.
(Answer: Chennai weather appears to be building up, request expedite descent.)
b) Hyderabad what is my number for take off please. (Answer: Hyderabad request
sequence for departure.)
c) Kolkata control I have reached FL 310 and seen the aircraft coming from opposite
direction. (Answer: Kolkata reached FL 310 reciprocal traffic in sight.)
d) Delhi VT GMR I have been calling you many times, I am waiting for descent.
(Answer: Delhi VT GMR gave repeated calls standing by for descent.)
e) IT 6675 Delhi, visibility has lessened due to increasing rain. (Answer: Kingfisher
6675 Delhi visibility has reduced in rain.)
Question 25/5
a) VT GMR it appears visibility may decrease to 200 meters with increase of rain.
(Answer: VT GMR trend visibility may reduce 200 in rain.)
b) IC 668 expect to leave VOR for landing at time 0048. (Answer: Indair 668
Expected approach time 0048.)
c) Chennai tower request barometric pressure at sea level. (Answer: Chennai tower
request QNH.)
d) IC 879 proceed to runway holding position via Alpha and golf. (Answer: Indair
879 cleared to runway holding position via Alpha and golf.)
e) VT TFG report when you get into the VOR hold, (Answer: VT TFG Report
entering VOR hold.)
Question 26/5
a) VT HYU do not cross Alpha higher than FL 200. (Answer: VT HYU cross Alpha
FL 200 or below.)
b) Delhi has eight aircraft holding in a pile above each other. (Answer: There are 8
ac in stack over Delhi.)
c) VT KSE slow down your speed to have more separation. (Answer: VT KSE
reduce speed for separation.)
d) VT BGT do not lessen your speed as there is VT GCD trailing you. (Answer: VT
BGT maintain speed due VT GCD following you.)
e) Amritsar do you have fuel filling available. (Answer: Amritsar confirm refueling
Question 27/5
Question 28 Repeat of Q no 27
Question 29/5
Question no 30
a) Coimbatore Tower let me know the aerodrome height sea level. (Answer:
Coimbatore Tower request aerodrome elevation.)
b) Chennai tower please repeat lowest the lowest usable flight level. (Answer:
Chennai tower say again transition level.)
c) Trivendrum tower runway has water accumulated here and there. (Answer:
Trivendrum tower runway has water logging in patches.
d) Bangalore tower let me make a direct ILS approach. (Answer:. Bangalore tower
request straight in ILS approach.)
e) VT SED contact Delhi Radio on frequency of first choice. (Answer: VT SED
contact Delhi radio on primary.
Question No 31
a) Rajgarh can you give me magnetic orientation of your runway please. (Answer:
Rajgarh request Q F U ) Que eff you.
b) Ballowal tower the middle line of the runway is weak. (Answer: Ballowal towe,
runway centre line light faded.)
c) Nagpur please lessen brightness of runway lights. (Answer: Nagpur request
reduce intensity of runway lights.)
d) Jammu what will my altimeter read if I land on standard setting. (Answer: Jammu
request Q N E. Que enn eee
e) Delhi control VT RFC with you. (Answer: Delhi control VT RFC on your
Question No 32
Question No 33
a) VT GJK, it appears visibility may decrease to 200 meters with increase in rain.
(Answer: VT GJK , trend visibility may reduce 200 in rain.)
b) IC 556 expect to leave VOR for landing at time 0042. (Answer: Ind Air 556
expected approach time 0048.)
c) Cochin tower request barometric pressure at sea level. (Answer: Cochin tower
request QNH.)
d) IC 879 proceed to runway holding position via Alpha and Golf. (Answer: Ind air
879 cleared to runway holding position via A & G.)
e) VT RED report when you get into VOR hold. (Answer: VT RED report entering
VOR Hold.)
Question No 35
a) Nagpur wilco . we will try to let the gear down again and if it remains up and I am
unable to release the nose gear then we will land all three up. (Answer: Nagpur
Approach, will attempt again to lower gear, if unable, then will make belly
b) Mumbai Radar, VT YHL very good morning, it is raining badly, can you please
help me to come on ILS. (Answer: Mumbai Radar, in heavy rain, request Radar
vectoring for ILS.)
c) Cochin I think we can speed up and take off before your aircraft that is reaching.
(Answer: Cochin we can expedite and depart before the arriving aircraft,)
d) Delhi I have spotted aircraft, can we climb on getting clear. (Answer: Delhi traffic
in sight, can we climb after crossing.)
e) Amritsar tower, I am at 9 DME of ILS. (Answer: Amritsar tower, 9 DME ILS).
Question No 36
Question No 37
Q No 46
a. VT GIF Delhi, IC 460 is not listening. Please tell him to contact Lucknow.
(Answer: VT GIF Delhi, lost contact with IC 460, request relay message to
contact Lucknow)
b. IT 321 work is being carried out on runway 15.. (Answer: IT 321 work in
progress on runway 15)
c. What is route name from Delhi to Singapore. (Answer: Request route designator
Delhi to Srinagar. );
d. Chennai could you take us before others as we have less fuel. (Answer; Chennai
we are less on fuel, request priority.)
e. Ballowal can you see me on radar. (Answer: Ballowal do you have me on Radar.
Q No 47
a. Zulu airspace closed from time 6 o’clock. (Answer: Zulu airspace closed with
effect from 0600)
b. Runway 16 will be closing from 0330 , for laying of another layer. (Answer:
Runway will be closed from 0330, for re carpeting. )
c. Ballowal tower obstacle redlight on water tank not functioning. (Answer:
Ballowal water tank obstacle light inoperating.)
d. Amritsar tower VT KLO we will fly low for visual check. (Answer: Amritsar
tower VT KLO we will make a low pass for visual check.
e. VU NHG after landing exit the runway on north. (Answer: VU NHG after landing
vacate runway on N.)
Q No 49
Q No 50
1 VT HIP watch out for a Glider flying near aerodrome. (Answer: VT HIP look out
for glider flying in vicinity of aerodrome.
2. IT 3221 runway surface is slippery be careful. (Answer: IT 3221 runway surface
is slippery exercise caution )
3. Jodhpur VT EDL what are your operational hours. Jodhpur VT EDL request
watch hours. Madurai VT BNJ alligned on VASIS.
4. Delhi VT LOM, yes we are approved for RVSM. (Answer: Delhi VTLOM, affirm
5. Madurai VT BNJ we are established on VASIS. (Answer: Madurai VT BNJ
alligned on VASIS.)
Q No 51
a. AI 998 your collision light are off. (Answer: AI 998 collision lights are not
b. Because runway top was wet, so that aircraft skidded. (Answer: Aircraft skidded
due runway surface wet.)
c. Height of runway is 800. (Answer: Elevation of aerodrome is 800.)
d. There are clouds all over sky. (Answer: Sky is overcast)
e. Ballowal please tell me that from what level does your VOR approach start.
(Answer: Ballowal request initial approach altitude for VOR approach.
Q No 52
b. Leh Tower I can see the ground. (Answer: Leh toer terrain in sight)
d. ATC is provided at and when requested for. (Answer: ATC available on request)
e. Grass cutting work is going on either side of runway. (Answer: Grass cutting
work in progress on both side of runway.)