Postcodeloterij Opzeggen
Postcodeloterij Opzeggen
Postcodeloterij Opzeggen
Lottery membership.
There is a big prize in the street
Consider playing with only 1 lot
Canceling the Postcode Lottery online
The most common way to cancel the Postcode Lottery is online cancellation.
Quitting online is an easy way.
You can also do this by using the lottery cancellation service
Canceling the Postcode Lottery by post
You can cancel the Postcode Lottery in writing.
Use the following postal address
• National Postcode Lottery
• Beethovenstraat 200
Canceling the lottery is cheaper than sending it yourself.
We offer the registered letter for a lower price than if you go to a post office yourself.
The price of the post is already around 10 euros for a registered letter!
And we simply send your cancellation letter digitally by registered mail.