Omnibus Rules On Minimum Wage Determination 1
Omnibus Rules On Minimum Wage Determination 1
Omnibus Rules On Minimum Wage Determination 1
Series of 2020
The Boards shall adjust minimum wage rates in a fair and equitable manner
considering existing regional disparities in the cost of living, other socio-economic
factors, and national economic and social development plans.
To ensure compliance with minimum wages and for ease of enforcement and
implementation of Wage Orders, the Boards shall simplify minimum wage structures.
Section 4. Scope and Coverage. This Rules shall govern proceedings in the
Commission and the Boards in all matters related to minimum wage determination both
for domestic workers and workers in private establishments.
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employees covered by such exemption shall be entitled to the same benefits given to
any regular employee, such as social security and healthcare benefits.
Section 5. Definition of Terms. As used in this Rules, the following terms shall
j. Industry - the set of all production units engaged primarily in the same or
similar kinds of productive economic activity;6
p. Regional Minimum Wage Rate - the lowest wage rate that an employer
should pay his workers, as fixed by the Board and which shall in no case
be lower than the applicable statutory minimum wage rate as may be fixed
by Congress;
t. Statutory Minimum Wage - the lowest wage rate fixed by law that an
employer can pay his workers; and
u. Wage Order - the Order issued by the Board pursuant to its minimum wage
determination function for workers in private establishments and for
domestic workers.
5 2009 Philippine Standard Industrial Classification, Technical Notes (under item 3-a)
6 Ibid., Technical Notes (under item 1)
7 Labor Code, Art. 212 (h)
8 Republic Act No. 10121, Sec. 3(ll)
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The Board may request the assistance and cooperation of any government
agency or private person or organization to provide information in aid of its minimum
wage determination function.
B. By Virtue of a Petition.
1. Form and Content. Any party may file a verified petition for wage
increase in person, by mail, or by electronic filing through the official
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email address of the Board, and which shall contain the following:
If a petition for wage increase is filed earlier than 60 days prior to the
anniversary of the Wage Order, the Board shall proceed to determine if
there exist urgent and reasonable grounds to issue a Wage Order within
the 12-month period, pursuant to the 2nd paragraph of Section 3, Rule
2. Action of the Board. Within five (5) working days from receipt of a
petition for wage increase, the Board Secretariat shall communicate to
the petitioner any non-compliance with the formal requirements under
this Rules. The petitioner must submit any lacking requirement within
five (5) working days from receipt of such notice of non-compliance,
otherwise, the same shall constitute ground for dismissal of the petition.
The Board shall then proceed with the publication and posting of notice
of public hearing pursuant to Sec. 3(B), Rule III hereof.
4. Opposition. Any party may file an opposition to the petition for wage
increase with the appropriate Board before the date of initial hearing,
copy furnished the petitioner/s, and shall contain the following:
The conduct of consultation and public hearing shall be subject to the rules on
quorum, and such quorum requirement shall be maintained until adjournment of
meeting or proceeding.
Public hearings may be conducted 60 days prior to the anniversary date of the
current Wage Order.
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In case the public hearing will be conducted fully or partially through tele or
videoconferencing, the Board shall accommodate as many participants as possible,
but shall ensure that all parties are given the opportunity to be heard.
B. Notice and Attendance to Public Hearings. The Board shall cause the
publication of the notice of public hearing (Annex “B”) in a newspaper of
general circulation in the region containing the date/s, place and time of
public hearing/s, as well as contact information of the Board. Said notice
shall also be posted in at least three (3) public places in the region and in
the website of the Board. The Board may also cause the airing of notice
with local radio and television stations, and posting in its social media
accounts. The publication and posting shall be made at least fifteen (15)
days before the initial hearing.
In case there is a petition for wage increase filed with the Board, the notice
of public hearing shall include the name and address of petitioner, and the
subject of petition (Annex “C”).
The notice shall also indicate the number of days within which any party
may submit a position paper, based on the Board’s schedule or timeline to
issue a Wage Order, within the prescribed number of days for the conduct
of public hearing and deliberation.
C. Procedure in the Conduct of Public Hearing. The Board shall adopt the
following procedure in the conduct of its public hearings:
1. The Chairperson shall call the public hearing to order and instruct the
Secretariat to acknowledge the presence of quorum and attendees.
4. The Chairperson shall have control and supervision of the hearing, and
shall provide ample time to the attendees to express their views,
opinions, or comments on the subject matter of discussion, including
calling upon petitioners and their witnesses to present their views and
evidence, and allowing oppositors the equal opportunity to be heard.
5. The Chairperson or any other member of the Board shall refrain from
giving personal views, opinions or comments, but may seek clarification
of issues or data.
6. The Chairperson shall conclude the hearing and shall advise the
attendees that they may submit position papers or written comments
based on the Board’s schedule or timeline to issue a Wage Order, within
the prescribed number of days for the conduct of public hearing and
A. Prepare the invitation and notice for the conduct of consultation and public
hearing, respectively, and ensure that the same are properly communicated
to concerned parties;
B. Ensure the participation and presence of quorum of the members of the
Board, as well as the attendance of all concerned organizations,
stakeholders or interest groups;
C. Take note of the proceedings and keep a record of the same;
D. Prepare the summary and minutes of consultations and public hearings;
E. Provide overall assistance and technical support in the conduct of
consultation and public hearing.
In case the consultation and public hearing will be conducted through tele or
videoconferencing, the Secretariat shall further assume the following duties and
A. Determine the need for some or all members of the Board to convene
physically to facilitate the virtual consultation and public hearing, subject to
other existing and appropriate guidelines of the government;
B. Determine the digital platform to be used;
C. Ensure that attendees have access to the digital platform at least a day
before the scheduled consultation and public hearing;
D. Conduct a short briefing on virtual meeting mechanics at the start of
consultation and public hearing, and announce that the proceedings shall
be recorded;
E. Launch the digital platform and ensure that attendees are able to hear and
see the other participants clearly during the course of consultation and
public hearing;
F. Take a picture or screenshot of all the attendees with their videos turned
on at the start and at the end of consultation and public hearing for purposes
of documentation;
G. Assist the Chairperson in facilitating the consultation and public hearing,
such as management of attendees’ turn to speak, facilitating the use of
comment or chat boxes of the digital platform used, among others; and
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H. Ensure that except for the Chairperson, the microphones of all attendees
are “turned-off” or put on “mute” mode when not speaking, for clear and
orderly flow of discussion and to avoid background noise and distraction.
The Secretariat may ask for submission of preliminary comments relative to the
subject of consultation or public hearing, which shall form part of the documentation of
the consultation or public hearing.
All pre and post submission of aforementioned papers may be done through
the official e-mail address as indicated in the website of the Board and/or in the
published notice.
Section 1. Issuance of Wage Order. The Board shall, within thirty (30) days
from the date of the last public hearing, resolve the merits of the petitions for wage
increase or determine whether a Wage Order should be issued. Where appropriate,
the Board shall issue a Wage Order establishing the new minimum wage rate which
shall in no case be lower than the prevailing minimum wage rate in the region.
The Wage Order shall be signed by all members of the Board who participated
in the wage deliberation. Members may manifest their concurrence or dissent beside
their signature in the Wage Order, and may submit their explanation in a separate
sheet of paper.
The Board shall then furnish the Commission a copy of the resolution on the
petition/s for wage increase or a copy of the Wage Order, as the case may be. The
Board shall also provide the Commission Secretariat a copy of the newspaper where
the notice of public hearing and petition/s for wage increase were published. Further,
the Board Secretary shall issue a certification (Annex “F”), attested to by the
Chairperson, that such notice had been posted in at least three (3) public places in the
Section 2. Contents of Wage Order. A Wage Order shall specify the wage
increase/s in the region. Such new minimum wage rates should not result to any
diminution of existing wage rates, allowances, and benefits of any form under existing
laws, decrees, issuances, executive orders, and/or under any contract or agreement
between the workers and employers.
A Wage Order shall further contain a set of general and specific provisions. A
template for the guidance of the Boards is herein attached as Annex “G”. The Boards
may modify some provisions in the template, including the “Whereas” clauses, as may
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For ease of enforcement and compliance, the Board shall simplify wage levels
considering the socio-economic conditions in the region.
Should the Board find urgent and reasonable grounds to issue a Wage Order
within the 12-month period, it shall submit a written justification to the Commission for
its immediate review and affirmation. Once affirmed by the Commission, the Board
may initiate the minimum wage setting process.
After deliberation, the Commission shall issue a decision sheet (Annex “H”) on
the result of its review.
Section 5. Publication and Effectivity. After the Wage Order has been
reviewed by the Commission, the Board may now cause its publication. A Wage Order
shall take effect after fifteen (15) days from its publication in at least one (1) newspaper
of general circulation in the region.
The Board shall furnish the Commission Secretariat a copy of the Wage Order
as published.
For purposes of this Rules, a party shall mean any individual or a legitimate
organization or association of workers/employers in the region, province, or industry
therein, as determined by the Board, and who stands to be directly affected by the
Commission or Board proceedings, orders, or resolutions.
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Section 2. Ground for Appeal. An appeal may be filed on the ground of grave
abuse of discretion on the part of the Board for committing serious error in the
application of law and non-compliance with prescribed guidelines and/or procedures.
Section 4. Comment of the Issuing Board. The issuing Board shall submit
its comment on the appeal within ten (10) working days from the date of receipt of
notice from the Commission.
Section 5. Effect of Appeal and Filing of Bond. The filing of appeal does not
operate to stay the implementation of a Wage Order. If the appeal includes a prayer
for suspension of payment of wage increase, the appellant shall file with the
Commission an undertaking with a surety or sureties for the payment to the employees
affected by the Wage Order of the corresponding increase, in the event such Wage
Order is affirmed by the Commission. Such surety company must be duly accredited
by the Supreme Court of the Philippines.
Section 7. Period to Act on Appeal. The Commission shall resolve the appeal
within sixty (60) calendar days from the filing thereof.
Section 10. Entry of Judgment. After the Resolution of the Commission has
attained finality, an Entry of Judgment shall be issued.
Section 11. Effect of Filing of Petition for Certiorari. The filing of Petition for
Certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court before the Court of Appeals shall not
stay the implementation of the Wage Order.
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(For Wage Order of workers in private establishments)
The parties may use the suggested formula for correcting wage distortion
salary adjustment provided under the NWPC Manual on Wage Distortion.
induced disasters.
2. The calamity must have occurred within six (6) months prior to the
effectivity of the Wage Order. Where the calamity occurred during the
life of the Wage Order, establishments may still apply for exemption but
only with respect to tranches that are yet to be implemented, if any.
2. Certified true copy of the business permit for the current year issued by
the concerned Local Government Unit.
(c) The fact that it notified its workers of its action to apply for
exemption from payment of wage increase;
(d) The fact that it is compliant with the previous Wage Order; and
(e) That in case the application is not granted, the employees shall
receive the appropriate increase due them plus interest of one per
cent (1%) per month retroactive to the effectivity of the Wage
The Board may require submission of other pertinent documents to support the
application for exemption.
2. All applications shall be filed not later than seventy-five (75) days from
the date of publication of the Wage Order or from the date of declaration
of calamity, as the case may be.
2. Where an application has been duly filed, the Board Secretariat shall
notify the concerned DOLE Regional Office that action on any complaint
for alleged non-compliance with the payment of the minimum wage, be
deferred pending resolution of the application for exemption.
4. The Board shall decide on the application for exemption within 45 days
from the filing thereof. An application shall be considered filed if
received by the Board Secretariat with complete documents pursuant
to Section 3 of this Rule. After which, the Board Secretariat shall notify
the applicant, the workers or union president, if any, and the concerned
DOLE Regional Office of its Resolution (Annex “L”).
The appeal shall state the date appellant received the resolution of the Board,
the ground relied upon and the arguments in support thereof copy furnished the
appellee. The appeal may be filed in person, by mail, or by electronic filing through the
official email address of the Board.
Immediately upon receipt of the Board of the appeal, the entire records of the
case shall be transmitted to the Commission. The Commission shall then issue a notice
of filing of appeal (Annex “M”). The appellee and the Board may file their opposition
and comment, respectively, within ten (10) working days from receipt of the notice. The
opposition and comment may be filed by concerned parties in person, by mail or by
electronic filing through the official email address of the Commission.
The Commission shall resolve the appeal within sixty (60) calendar days from
the filing thereof.
Section 9. Ground for Appeal. An appeal may be filed on the ground of grave
abuse of discretion on the part of the Board for committing serious error in the
application of law and non-compliance with prescribed guidelines and/or procedures.
Section 1. Quorum. At least four (4) members of the Commission or the Board
shall constitute a quorum to transact business, provided that the Chairperson or the
Vice Chairperson is present, and each sector is represented. The Commission or
Board may dispense with the proviso requiring complete sectoral representation if two
(2) representatives of a sector failed to attend for two (2) consecutive meetings despite
proper notice.
The Commission and the Boards shall endeavor to meet physically in all its
meetings. However, when there is an urgent matter to be addressed and where a
physical or face-to-face meeting is not feasible for some or all members, a quorum
may be constituted through the use of tele/videoconferencing technology. The quorum
requirement shall be maintained until adjournment of meeting
Section 2. Use of Electronic Signature. The Commission and the Board may
authorize the Secretariat to safe keep and affix their respective electronic signature on
any document as reflected in the corresponding minutes of meeting. Such electronic
signature shall be presumed to be the signature of the person to whom it correlates,
and was affixed by that person with the intention of signing or approving the electronic
document pursuant to Republic Act No. 8792 or the Electronic Commerce Act of 2000.
The Commission and the Board may also use digital signature validly issued by the
Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) or by any entity
as may hereafter be authorized by the government.
The affixing of signature of any member does not necessarily carry with it
assent to the act of majority. Hence, it is incumbent upon the member to clearly express
his/her position, and instruct the Secretariat to annotate his/her dissent or any
comment which will form part of his/her signature on matters being discussed and
voted upon.
Section 4. Notice of Meeting. The Secretariat shall send out notice via e-mail
to all members of the Commission or the Board at least three (3) days prior to the
scheduled meeting. The Secretariat shall also inform all members of the Commission
or the Board through mobile call or text messaging. The notice shall include the
following information:
A. That the meeting will be done physically, via tele or video conferencing, or
blended, specifying the application or platform to be used;
B. Date and time of meeting;
C. Agenda of meeting; and
D. Access code and instructions to join and participate, if it will be done
through tele or video conferencing.
Upon receipt of the e-mailed notice, the members of the Commission or the
Board shall confirm his/her attendance by replying to the aforementioned e-mail, or
though mobile call or text messaging to the Secretariat.
Section 5. Materials for the Conduct of Meeting. The Secretariat shall send
out all documents and/or presentations to be discussed in the meeting together with
the notice, either physically or electronically.
Any substantive change in the Wage Order shall require its republication.
The special civil actions under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court are not remedies
available under this Rules to question the issuance of a Wage Order. Aggrieved parties
may file an appeal pursuant to Rule V hereof.
Section 10. Commission and Board Records. Wage Orders and Resolutions
of the Commission and Board may be made available to the requesting party pursuant
to the NWPC Freedom of Information Manual.
Section 13. Effectivity. This Rules shall take effect after fifteen (15) days from
its publication in one (1) newspaper of general circulation.
Department of Labor and Employment
Acting Socioeconomic Planning Secretary
National Economic and Development Authority
Vice Chairperson
(Sgd.) (Sgd.)
Labor Representative Management Representative
Trade Union Congress of the Employers Confederation of the
Philippines Philippines
Member Member
(Sgd.) Vacant
DAVID L. DIWA JR. Management Representative
Labor Representative
Lakas Manggagawa Labor Center
Executive Director IV
National Wages and Productivity Commission