NEP UG Syllabus BCA 18102021

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For the course



NEP2021 Scheme

Academic Year 2021-22 and onwards

Department of Computer Science and Applications


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1 Dr. Muralidhara B L

Department of Computer Science

Bangalore University

2 Dr. Guru D.S


PG Department of Computer Science

Mysore Univeristy

3 Dr. Susesha

PG Department of Computer Science

Mysore Univeristy

4 Dr. Prabhakar C.J


Kuvempu University, Shimogga

5 Dr. Chandrakanth Naikodi

Associate Professor

Department of Computer Science

Davanagere University

6 Dr. Prathibha V Kalburgi

Ramaiah College of Arts Science, and Commerce

7 Mrs. Amalorpavam
Sambram Academi of Management Studies


8 Dr. H.K. Gundurao

Associate Professor

Vijaya College, Bangalore

9 Dr. Bhagyawana S Mudigowda

Associate Professor

Maharani Cluster University, Bangalore

10 Smt. Nagarathnamma S.M

Associate Professor

Maharani Cluster Univeristy, Bangalore

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[Based on I-C. Model of Karnataka State Higher Education Council]

Semest Course Title of the Paper Credits Languages, Skill Credits Total
er Code Enhancement (SEC), and Credits
Ability Enhancement
Courses (AECC)

I CA-C1T Discrete Structure 3 OE1: Open Elective 3 26

CA-C2T Problem solving Techniques 3 Language L1 3

CA-C3T Data Structure 3 Language L2 3

CA-C4L Problem solving Lab 2 SEC I : O ce 2

Management Tools

CA-C5L Data Structure Lab 2 Physical Education 1

Health & Wellness 1

II CA-C6T Computer Architecture 3 OE2: Open Elective 3 26

CA-C7T Object Oriented Programming 3 Language L1 3

using Java

CA-C8T Database Management System 3 Language L2 3

CA-C9L Java Lab 2 Environmental studies 2

CA-C10L Database Management System 2 Physical Education 1



III CA-C11T Operating Systems 3 OE3: Open Elective 3 26

CA-C12T Computer Networks 3 Language L1 3

CA-C13T Python Programming 3 Language L2 3

CA-C14L Computer Networks Lab 2 SEC II : Computer 2

Assembly and Repair

CA-C15L Python Programming Lab 2 Physical Education 1


IV CA-C16T Software Engineering 3 OE4: Open Elective 3 26

CA-C17T Arti cial Intelligence 3 Language L1 3

CA-C18T Internet Technologies 3 Language L2 3

CA-C19L Arti cial Intelligence Lab 2 The Constitution of India 2

CA-C20L Internet Technologies Lab 2 Physical Education 1


V CA-C21T Design and Analysis of Algorithm 3 CA-V1 Vocation Course I : 3 23

Quantitative Techniques

CA-C22T Data Analytics 3 CA-E1 Elective I :

a. Data Mining

b. Computer Graphics

CA-C23T Web Programming 3 SEC III : Cyber Crime, 2

Cyber Law, and
Intellectual Property Right

CA-C24L Data Analytics Lab 2 Physical Education 1

CA-C25L Web Programming Lab 2 NCC/NSS/CL/R&R 1

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Semest Course Title of the Paper Credits Languages, Skill Credits Total
er Code Enhancement (SEC), and Credits
Ability Enhancement
Courses (AECC)

VI CA-C26T Theory of Computation 3 CA-V2 Vocation Course 3 23

II : Electronic Content

CA-C27T Machine Learning 3 CA-E2 Elective II :

a. Operations

b. Software Testing
CA-C28T Mobile Application Development 3 Professional 2

CA-C29L Machine Learning Lab 2 Physical Education 1

CA-C30L Mobile Application Development 2 NCC/NSS/CL/R&R 1


VII CA-C31T Cloud Computing 3 CA-V3 Vocation Course III 3 21

: Technical Writing

CA-C32T Internet of Things 3 CA-E3 Elective III :

a. Modeling and

b. Compiler Design

CA-C33T Internship 2 Research Methodology 3

CA-C34L Cloud Computing Lab 2

CA-C35L Internet of Things Lab 2

VIII CA-C36T Block Chain Technologies 3 CA-V4 Vocation Course IV 3 20

: Project Management

CA-C37T Cryptography and System 3 CA-E4 Elective IV :

Security a. Human Computer

b. Parallel Algorithms

CA-C38T Block Chain Technologies Lab 2 Research Project 6

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Total Teaching Hours: 48 No. of Hours / Week: 03

UNIT – I [12 Hours]
Set Theory and Logic: Fundamentals of Set theory, Set Operations and the Laws of Set Theory, Counting and
Venn Diagrams, Cartesian Products and Relations, Functions–One-to-One, Onto Functions, Function
Composition and Inverse Functions. Mathematical Induction, The well ordering principle, Recursive
Definitions, Structural Induction, Recursive algorithms. Fundamentals of Logic, Propositional Logic, Logical
Connectives and Truth Tables, Logic Equivalence, Predicates and Quantifiers.

UNIT - II [12 Hours]

Counting and Relations: Basics of counting, Pigeonhole Principle, Permutation and Combinations, Binomial
coefficients. Recurrence relations, Modeling with recurrence relations with examples of Fibonacci numbers
and the tower of Hanoi problem. Divide and Conquer relations with examples (no theorems). Definition and
types of relations, Representing relations using matrices and digraphs

UNIT - III [12 Hours]

Matrices: Definition, order of a matrix, types of matrices, operations on matrices, determinant of a matrix,
inverse of a matrix, rank of a matrix, linear transformations, applications of matrices to solve system of
linear equations.

UNIT - IV [12 Hours]

Graph Theory: Graphs: Introduction, Representing Graphs, Graph Isomorphism, Operations on graphs.
Trees: Introduction, Applications of Trees, Tree Traversal, Spanning Trees, Minimum Spanning Trees, Prim’s
and Kruskul’s Algorithms. Connectivity, Euler and Hamilton Paths, Planar Graphs. Directed graphs:
Fundamentals of Digraphs, Computer Recognition - Zero-One Matrices and Directed Graphs, Out-degree,
in-degree, connectivity, orientation, Eulerian and Hamilton directed graphs, tournaments.
Text Books:
1. Ralph P. Grimaldi: Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics, 5thEdition, Pearson Education, 2004.
2. C. L. Liu: Elements of Discrete Mathematics, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2000.
3. F. Harary: Graph Theory, Addition Wesley, 1969.
4. Richard Bronson, Schaum’s Outline of Matrix Operations, McGraw-Hill publications, 2nd Edition, 2011

Reference Books:
1. Kenneth H Rosen. Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, McGraw-Hill publications, 7th edition,
2. J. P. Tremblay and R.P. Manohar. Discrete Mathematical Structures with applications to Computer
Science, Mc Graw Hill Ed. Inc. 1975.
3. Charles G Cullen. Matrices and Linear Transformations, Dover Publications Inc., Second Edition, 1990

Web Resources:

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Total Teaching Hours: 48 No. of Hours / Week: 03

UNIT - I [12 Hours]
Introduction: The Role of Algorithms in Computing, Algorithms as a technology, Analyzing algorithms,
Designing algorithms, Growth of Functions, Asymptotic notation, Standard notations and common functions.
Fundamental Algorithms: Exchanging the values of two variables, Counting, Summation of a set of numbers,
Factorial Computation, Generating of the Fibonacci sequence, Reversing the digits of an integer, Character to
number conversion.

UNIT - II [12 Hours]

C Programming: Getting Started, Variables and Arithmetic expressions. Input and Output: Standard input and
output, formatted output- printf, variable length argument list, formatted input-scanf. Control Flow:
Statements and Blocks, If-else, else-if, switch, loops: while loop, for loop, do while, break and continue, goto
and labels. Pointers and Arrays: pointers and address, pointers and function arguments, multidimensional
array, initialization of pointer arrays, command line arguments.

UNIT - III [12 Hours]

Factoring Methods: Finding the square root of a number, the smallest Divisor of an integer, the greatest
common divisor of two integers, computing the prime factors of an integer, generation of pseudo random
numbers, raising a number to a large power. Array Techniques: Array order Reversal, Array counting or
Histogramming, Finding the maximum number in a set, removal of duplicates from an ordered array,
partitioning an array, Finding the kth smallest element, multiplication of two matrices.

UNIT - IV [12 Hours]

Merging: the two-way merge. Sorting: Sorting by selection, sorting by exchange, sorting by insertion, sorting
by diminishing increment, sorting by partitioning. Searching: binary search, hash search. Text processing and
Pattern searching: text line length adjustment, keyword searching in text, text line editing, linear pattern

Text Books:
1. R.G.Dromey, “How to Solve it by Computer”, Pearson Education India, 2008.
2. Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein, “Introduction to
Algorithms”, 3rd Edition, The MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts London, England, 2008
3. Brain M. Kernighan, and Dennis M. Ritchie, “The C Programming Language”, 2nd edition, Princeton
Hall Software Series, 2012.

Reference Books:
1. Steven S. Skiena, “The Algorithm Design Module”, 2nd Edition, Springer-Verlag London Limited, 2008.
2. Donald E. Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming”, Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms, 3rd Edition,
Addison Wesley Longman, 1997.
3. Donald E. Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming”, Volume 2: Seminumerical Algorithms, 3rd
Edition, Addison Wesley Longman, 1998.
4. Greg Perry and Dean Miller, “C programming Absolute Beginner’s Guide”, 3rd edition, Pearson
Education, Inc, 2014.

Web Resources:
1. “Algorithms for Interviews”

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Total Teaching Hours: 48 No. of Hours / Week: 03

UNIT-I [12 Hours]

Introduction and Overview: Definition, Elementary data organization, Data Structures, data Structures
operations, Abstract data types, algorithms complexity, time-space trade off. Preliminaries: Mathematical
notations and functions, Algorithmic notations, control structures, Complexity of algorithms, asymptotic
notations for complexity of algorithms. Arrays: Definition, Linear arrays, arrays as ADT, Representation of
Linear Arrays in Memory,Traversing Linear arrays, Inserting and deleting, Multi-dimensional arrays,
Matrices and Sparse matrices.

UNIT-II [12 Hours]

Linked list: Definition, Representation of Singly Linked List in memory,Traversing a Singly linked list,
Searching in a Singly linked list, Memory allocation, Garbage collection, Insertion into a singly linked list,
Deletion from a singly linked list; Doubly linked list, Header linked list, Circular linked list. Stacks:
Definition, Array representation of stacks, Linked representation of stacks, Stack as ADT, Arithmetic
Expressions: Polish Notation, Conversion of infix expression to postfix expression, Evaluation of Post fix
expression, Application of Stacks, Recursion, Towers of Hanoi, Implementation of recursive procedures by
stack. Queues: Definition, Array representation of queue, Linked list representation of queues. Types of
queue: Simple queue, Circular queue, Double-ended queue, Priority queue, Operations on Queues,
Applications of queues.

UNIT-III [12 Hours]

Binary Trees: Definitions, Tree Search, Traversal of Binary Tree, Tree Sort, Building a Binary Search Tree,
Height Balance: AVL Trees, Contiguous Representation of Binary Trees: Heaps, Lexicographic Search Trees:
Tries, External Searching: B-Trees, Applications of Trees. Graphs: Mathematical Back ground, Computer
Representation, Graph Traversal, Topological Sorting

UNIT-IV [12 Hours]

Searching: Introduction and Notation, Sequential Search, Binary Search, Comparison of Methods. Sorting:
Introduction and Notation, Insertion Sort, Selection Sort, Shell Sort, Divide And Conquer, Merge sort for
Linked List, Quick sort for Contiguous List. Hashing: Sparse Tables, Choosing a Hash function, Collision
Resolution with Open Addressing, Collision Resolution by Chaining.

Text Books:
1. Seymour Lipschutz, “Data Structures with C”, Schaum’s outLines, Tata Mc Graw Hill, 2011.
2. Robert Kruse, C.L.Tondo, Bruce Leung,Shashi Mogalla,“Data Structures and Program Design using C”,
Pearson Education, 2009.

1. Mark Allen Weiss,“ Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C”, Second Edition, Pearson Education,
2. Forouzan,“A Structured Programming Approach using C”,2nd Edition, Cengage LearningIndia,2008.

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CA-C4P: Problem Solving Lab using C

Write, and execute C program for the following:

1. to read radius of a circle and to find area and circumference
2. to read three numbers and find the biggest of three
3. to check whether the number is prime or not
4. to read a number, find the sum of the digits, reverse the number and
check it for palindrome
5. to read numbers from keyboard continuously till the user presses
999 and to find the sum of only positive numbers
6. to read percentage of marks and to display appropriate message
(Demonstration of else-if ladder
7. to find the roots of quadratic equation
8. to read marks scored by n students and find the average of marks
(Demonstration of single dimensional array)
9. to remove Duplicate Element in a single dimensional Array
10. to perform addition and subtraction of Matrices
11. to find factorial of a number
12. to generate fibonacci series
13. to remove Duplicate Element in a single dimensional Array
14. to find the length of a string without using built in function
15. to demonstrate string functions
16. to read, display and add two m x n matrices using functions
17. to read a string and to find the number of alphabets, digits, vowels, consonants, spaces and special
18. to Swap Two Numbers using Pointers
19. to demonstrate student structure to read & display records of n
20. to demonstrate the difference between structure & union.

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NOTE: For all the programs write the output, flowchart and number of basic operations performed.

1. Given {4,7,3,2,1,7,9,0} find the location of 7 using Linear and Binary search and also display its first

2. Given {5,3,1,6,0,2,4} order the numbers in ascending order using Bubble Sort Algorithm

3. Perform the Insertion and Selection Sort on the input {75,8,1,16,48,3,7,0} and display the output in
descending order.

4. Write a program to insert the elements {61,16,8,27} into singly linked list and delete 8,61,27 from the
list. Display your list after each insertion and deletion.

5. Write a program to insert the elements {61,16,8,27} into linear queue and delete three elements from the
list. Display your list after each insertion and deletion.

6. Write a program to insert the elements {61,16,8,27} into circular queue and delete 4 elements from the
list. Display your list after each insertion and deletion.

7. Write a program to insert the elements {61,16,8,27} into ordered singly linked list and delete 8,61,27
from the list. Display your list after each insertion and deletion.

8. Write a program to add 6x3+10x2+0x+5 and 4x2+2x+1 using linked list.

9. Write a program to push 5,9,34,17,32 into stack and pop 3 times from the stack, also display the popped

10. Write a recursive program to find GCD of 4,6,8.

11. Write a program to inert the elements {5,7,0,6,3,9} into circular queue and delete 6,9&5 from it(using
linked list implementation)..

12. Write a program to convert an infix expression x^y/(5*z)+2 to its postfix expression

13. Write a program to evaluate a postfix expression 5 3+8 2 - *.

14. Write a program to create a binary tree with the elements {18,15,40,50,30,17,41} after creation insert 45
and 19 into tree and delete 15,17 and 41 from tree. Display the tree on each insertion and deletion

15. Write a program to create binary search tree with the elements {2,5,1,3,9,0,6} and perform inorder,
preorder and post order traversal.

16. Write a program to Sort the following elements using heap sort {9.16,32,8,4,1,5,8,0}

17. Given S1={“Flowers”} ; S2={“are beautiful”} I. Find the length of S1 II. Concatenate S1 and S2 III.
Extract the substring “low” from S1 IV. Find “are” in S2 and replace it with “is”

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Total Teaching Hours: 48 No. of Hours / Week: 03

UNIT - I [12 Hours]

Number Systems: Binary, Octal, Hexa decimal numbers, base conversion, addition, subtraction of binary
numbers, one's and two's complements, positive and negative numbers, character codes ASCII, EBCDIC.
Computer Arithmetic: Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Division algorithms, Floating-point
Arithmetic Operations, Decimal arithmetic operations. Structure of Computers: Computer types,
Functional units, Basic operational concepts, Von-Neumann Architecture, Bus Structures, Software,
Performance, Multiprocessors and Multicomputer, Digital Logic Circuits: Logic gates, Boolean algebra,
M a p S i m p l i f i c a t i o n . C o m b i n a t i o n a l C i r c u i t s : H a l f A d d e r, F u l l A d d e r, f l i p
representation: Fixed and Floating point.

UNIT - II [12 Hours]

Basic Computer Organization and Design: Instruction codes, Computer Registers, Computer Instructions
and Instruction cycle. Timing and Control, Memory-Reference Instructions, Input-Output and interrupt.
Central processing unit: Stack organization, Instruction Formats, Addressing Modes, Data Transfer and
Manipulation, Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC) Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC),

UNIT - III [12 Hours]

Register Transfer and Micro-operations: Register Transfer Language, Register Transfer, Bus and Memory
Transfers, Arithmetic Micro-Operations, Logic Micro-Operations, Shift Micro-Operations, Arithmetic
logic shift unit. Micro-programmed Control: Control Memory, Address Sequencing, Micro-Program
example, Design of Control Unit. Input Output: I/O interface, Programmed IO, Memory Mapped IO,
Interrupt Driven IO, DMA. Instruction level parallelism: Instruction level parallelism (ILP)-over coming
data hazards, limitations of ILP

UNIT - IV [12 Hours]

Memory System: Memory Hierarchy, Semiconductor Memories, RAM(Random Access Memory), Read
Only Memory (ROM), Types of ROM, Cache Memory, Performance considerations, Virtual memory,
Paging, Secondary Storage, RAID. Multiprocessors And Thread level Parallelism: Characteristics of
multiprocessors, Multi-Threaded Architecture, Distributed Memory MIMD Architectures, Interconnection

1. Mano M Morris, ”Computer System Architecture”, 3rd edition Pearson India(2019).
2. William Stallings, “Computer Organization and Architecture designing for performance”, 10th
edition, Pearson(2016)

1. Subrata Ghoshal, “Computer Architecture And Organization”, Pearson India(2011).
2. Andrew S. Tanenbaum “ Structured Computer Organization”, 5th edition, Pearson Education
3. Carl Hamacher, Zvonks Vranesic,SafeaZaky, “Computer Architecture And Organization”, 5th edition
McGraw Hill New Delhi,India(2002).
4. Kai Hwang, “Advanced Computer Architecture - Parallelism, Scalability, Programmability”, Tata
Mcgraw-Hill (2008).

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Total Teaching Hours: 48 No. of Hours / Week: 03

UNIT-I [12 Hours]

Introduction to Java: Basics of Java programming, Data types, Variables, Operators, Control structures
including selection, Looping, Java methods, Overloading, Math class, Arrays in java. Objects and Classes:
Basics of objects and classes in java, Constructors, Finalizer, Visibility modifiers, Methods and objects,
Inbuilt classes like String, Character, String Buffer, File, this reference

UNIT-II [12 Hours]

Inheritance and Polymorphism: Inheritance in java, Super and sub class, Overriding, Object class,
Polymorphism, Dynamic binding, Generic programming, Casting objects, Instance of operator, Abstract
class, Interface in java, Package in java, UTIL package.

UNIT-III [12 Hours]

Event and GUI programming: Event handling in java, Event types, Mouse and key events, GUI Basics,
Panels, Frames, Layout Managers: Flow Layout, Border Layout, Grid Layout, GUI components like Buttons,
Check Boxes, Radio Buttons, Labels, Text Fields, Text Areas, Combo Boxes, Lists, Scroll Bars, Sliders,
Windows, Menus, Dialog Box, Applet and its life cycle, Introduction to swing, Exceptional handling
mechanism. I/O programming: Text and Binary I/O, Binary I/O classes, Object I/O, Random Access Files.

UNIT-IV [12 Hours]

Multithreading in java: Thread life cycle and methods, Runnable interface, Thread synchronization,
Exception handling with try-catch-finally, Collections in java, Introduction to JavaBeans and Network

1. E. Balagurusamy, Programming with JAVA, McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2007

Reference Books:
1. Raj Kumar Buyya, Object Oriented Programming with JAVA, McGraw Hill, 2009
2. Herbert Schildt, Java A Beginner’s Guide – Create, Compile, and Run Java Programs Today, Sixth
Edition, Oracle Press, 2014
3. Ken Arnold, James Gosling, “The Java Programming Language, Fourth Edition, Addison Wisely, 2005
4. Herbert Schildt, ‘The Complete Reference Java, 7th Edition, McGraw Hill, 2007

Web Resources

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Total Teaching Hours: 48 No. of Hours / Week: 03

UNIT - 1 [12 Hours]

Databases and Database Users: Introduction, An example, Characteristics of the Database Approach, Actors
on the Scene, Workers behind the Scene, Advantages of Using DBMS Approach, A Brief History of
Database Applications, When Not to Use a DBMS. Database System Concepts and Architecture: Data
Models, Schemas, and Instances, Three-schema Architecture and Data Independence, Database Languages
and Interfaces, The Database System Environment, Centralized and Client-Server Architectures,
Classification of Database Management Systems.

UNIT - 2 [12 Hours]

Data Modeling Using Entity-Relationship Model: Using High-Level Conceptual Data Models for Database
Design, An Example Database Application, Entity Types, Entity Sets, Attributes and Keys, Relationship
Types, Relationship Sets, Roles and Structural Constraints, Weak Entity Types, Refining the ER Design
Company Database Diagrams, Naming Conventions and Design. Issues, File organization and storage,
secondary storage devices, type of single level ordered index, multi-level indexes, indexes on multiple keys,
other types of indexes.

UNIT – 3 [12 Hours]

Relational Model and Relational Algebra: Relational Model Concepts, Relational Model Constraints and
Relational Database Schemas, Update Operations, Transactions and Dealing with Constraint Violations,
Unary Relational Operations: SELECT and PROJECT, Relational Algebra Operations from SET Theory,
Binary Relational Operations: JOIN and DIVISION, Additional Relational Operations, Examples of Queries
in Relational Algebra. Relational Database Design: Anomalies in a database, functional dependency, normal
forms, lossless join and dependency, BCNF, normalization through synthesis, higher order normal forms.
SQL- SQL Data Definition and Data Types, Specifying Constraints in SQL, Schema Change Statements in
SQL, Basic Queries in SQL, More Complex SQL Queries, Insert, Delete and Update Statements in SQL,
Specifying Constraints as Assertion and Trigger, Views(Virtual Tables) in SQL, Embedded SQL, Dynamic

UNIT – 4 [12 Hours]

Introduction to transaction processing, transaction and system concepts, desirable properties of transactions,
transaction support in SQL. Concurrency control techniques: two-phase locking techniques, concurrency
control based on timestamp ordering. Recovery techniques: recovery concepts, recovery in multi-database
systems, database backup and recovery from catastrophic failures.

Text Books:
1. Elmasri and Navathe: Fundamentals of Database Systems, 7th Edition, Addison -Wesley, 2016.
2. Silberschatz, Korth and Sudharshan Data base System Concepts, 7th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2019.

1. C.J. Date, A. Kannan, S. Swamynatham: An Introduction to Database Systems, 8th Edition, Pearson
education, 2009
2. Database Management Systems :Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke: , 3rd Edition, McGraw-
Hill, 2003

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1. Write a simple java application, to print the message, “Welcome to java”

2. Write a program to display the month of a year. Months of the year should be held in an array.
3. Write a program to demonstrate a division by zero exception
4. Write a program to create a user defined exception say Pay Out of Bounds. .
5. Write a java program to add two integers and two float numbers. When no arguments are supplied,
give a default value to calculate the sum. Use function overloading.
6. Write a program to perform mathematical operations. Create a class called AddSub with methods to
add and subtract. Create another class called MulDiv that extends from AddSub class to use the
member data of the super class. MulDiv should have methods to multiply and divide A main function
should access the methods and perform the mathematical operations.
7. Write a program with class variable that is available for all instances of a class. Use static variable
declaration. Observe the changes that occur in the object’s member variable values.
8. Write a java program to create a student class with following attributes: Enrollment_id: Name, Mark
of sub1, Mark of sub2, mark of sub3, Total Marks. Total of the three marks must be calculated only
when the student passes in all three subjects. The pass mark for each subject is 50. If a candidate fails
in any one of the subjects his total mark must be declaredas zero. Using this condition write a
constructor for this class. Write separate functions for accepting and displaying student details. In the
main method create an array of three student objects and display the details.
9. In a college first year class are having the following attributesName of the class (BCA, BCom, BSc),
Name of the staff No of the students in the class, Array of students in the class
10. Define a class called first year with above attributes and define a suitable constructor. Also write a
method called best Student () which process a first-year object and return the student with the highest
total mark. In the main method define a first-year object and find the best student of this class
11. Write a Java program to define a class called employee with the name and date of appointment. Create
ten employee objects as an array and sort them as per their date of appointment. ie, print them as per
their seniority.
12. Create a package‘ student.Fulltime.BCA‘ in your current working directory
a. Create a default class student in the above package with the following
attributes: Name, age, sex. b. Have methods for storing as well as displaying
13. Write a small program to catch Negative Array Size Exception. This exception is caused when the
array is initialized to negative values.
14. Write a program to handle Null Pointer Exception and use the “finally” method to display a message to
the user.
15. Write a program which create and displays a message on the window
16. Write a program to draw several shapes in the created window
17. Write a program to create an applet and draw grid lines
18. Write a program which creates a frame with two buttons father and
mother. When we click the father button the name of the father, his age and designation must appear.
When we click mother similar details of mother also appear.
19. Create a frame which displays your personal details with respect to a button click
20. Create a simple applet which reveals the personal information of yours.
21. Write a program to move different shapes according to the arrow key pressed.
22. Write a java Program to create a window when we press M or m the window displays Good Morning,
A or a the window displays Good After Noon E or e the window displays Good Evening, N or n the
window displays Good Night
23. Demonstrate the various mouse handling events using suitable example.
24. Write a program to create menu bar and pull-down menus. 

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1. Draw E-R diagram and convert entities and relationships to relation table for a given scenario.
Two assignments shall be carried out i.e. consider two different scenarios (eg. bank, college)

Consider the Company database with following Schema

2. Perform the following:
a. Viewing all databases, Creating a Database, Viewing all Tables in a Database,

Creating Tables (With and Without Constraints), Inserting/Updating/Deleting

Records in a Table, Saving (Commit) and Undoing (rollback)

3. Perform the following:

a. Altering a Table, Dropping/Truncating/Renaming Tables, Backing up / Restoring a


4. For a given set of relation schemes, create tables and perform the following Simple Queries, Simple
Queries with Aggregate functions, Queries with Aggregate functions (group by and having clause).

5. Execute the fallowing queries

a. How the resulting salaries if every employee working on the ‘Research’ Departments is given a 10%

b. Find the sum of the salaries of all employees of the ‘Accounts’ department, as well as the maximum
salary, the minimum salary, and the average salary in this department

6. Execute the fallowing queries

a. Retrieve the name of each employee Controlled by Department number 5 (use EXISTS operator).
b. Retrieve the name of each dept and number of employees working in each Department which has at
least 2 employees

7. Execute the fallowing queries

a. For each project, retrieve the project number, the project name, and the number of employee who
work on that project.(use GROUP BY)
b. Retrieve the name of employees who born in the year 1990’s

8. For each Department that has more than five employees, retrieve the department number and number of
employees who are making salary more than 40000.

9.For each project on which more than two employees work, retrieve the project number, project name and
the number of employees who work on that project.

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10. For a given set of relation tables perform the following: Creating Views (with and without check option),
Dropping views, Selecting from a view

Create the following tables with properly specifying Primary keys, Foreign keys and solve the following

BRANCH (Branchid, Branchname, HOD)

STUDENT (USN, Name, Address, Branchid, sem)
BOOK (Bookid, Bookname, Authorid, Publisher, Branchid)
AUTHOR (Authorid, Authorname, Country, age)
BORROW (USN, Bookid, Borrowed_Date)

1. Perform the following:

a. Viewing all databases, Creating a Database, Viewing all Tables in a Database,
Creating Tables (With and Without Constraints), Inserting/Updating/Deleting
Records in a Table, Saving (Commit) and Undoing (rollback)
Execute the following Queries:

2. a. List the details of Students who are all studying in 2nd sem BCA.
b. List the students who are not borrowed any books.

3. a. Display the USN, Student name, Branch_name, Book_name, Author_name,

Books_Borrowed_ Date of 2nd sem BCA Students who borrowed books.
b. Display the number of books written by each Author.

4. a. Display the student details who borrowed more than two books.
b.Display the student details who borrowed books of more than one Author.

5. a. Display the Book names in descending order of their names.

b. List the details of students who borrowed the books which are all published by the same

Consider the following schema:

STUDENT (USN, name, date_of_birth, branch, mark1, mark2, mark3, total, GPA)

6. Perform the following:

a. Creating Tables (With and Without Constraints), Inserting/Updating/Deleting
Records in a Table, Saving (Commit) and Undoing (rollback)

7. Execute the following queries:

a. Find the GPA score of all the students.
b. Find the students who born on a particular year of birth from the date_of_birth column.

8. a. List the students who are studying in a particular branch of study.

b. Find the maximum GPA score of the student branch-wise.

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