MAN Diesel: Treatment of Lubricating Oil
MAN Diesel: Treatment of Lubricating Oil
MAN Diesel: Treatment of Lubricating Oil
Page 1 (2) Treatment of Lubricating Oil B 12 15 0
Operation on Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) The following values for "n" are recommended:
HFO operating engines requires effective lubricating n = 5 for HFO operating (residual)
oil cleaning. In order to secure a safe operation it is n = 4 for MDO operating
necessary to use a supplement cleaning equipment n = 3 for distillate fuel
together with the built on full flow depth filter. For
this purpose a centifugal unit, a decanter unit or an Example: for 1000 kW engine operating on HFO,
automatic by-pass filter can be used. self-cleaning separator with a daily effective separat-
ing period of 23 hours:
Continuous lubricating oil cleaning during engine
operation is necessary. Q = 1000 x 1.36 x 5 = 295 l/h
The centrifugal unit, decanter unit and the automatic
by-pass filter capacity to be adjusted according to
makers resommendations. Separator Installation
Normally, it is recommended to use a self-cleaning With multi-engine plants, one separator per engine in
filtration unit in order to optimize the cleaning period operation is recommended, but if only one separator
and thus also optimize the size of the filtration unit. is in operation, the following lay-outs can be used.
Separators for manual cleaning can be used when A common separator can be installed, possibly with
the reduced effective cleaning time is taken into con- one in reserve for operation of all engines through
sideration by dimensioning the separator capacity. a pipe system, which can be carried out in various
ways. Fig. 1 and 2 show a principle lay-out for a single
plant and a multi-plant.
The required Flow
Q = P x 1.36 x n
Fig 1 Principle lay-out for direct separating on a single plant.
MAN Diesel
B 12 15 0 Treatment of Lubricating Oil Page 2 (2)
Eng. No 1 5° slope
Oil level in
base frame
Eng. No 2
To/from lubricating
oil separator Separator
Eng. No 3 Overflow
Fig 2 Principle lay-out for direct separating on a multi plant. Fig 3 Principle lay-out for overflow system.
The aim is to ensure that the separator is only con- Overflow System
nected with one engine at a time. This to ensure
that there is no suction and discharging from one As an alternative to the direct separating an overflow
engine to another. system can be used (see fig. 3).
NB! Min. 5° slope at the drain pipe.
To provide the above-mentioned it is recommended
that inlet and outlet valves are connected, so that
they can only be changed-over simultaneously. By-pass Centrifugal Filter
With only one engine in operation there are no prob- The Holeby GenSets can be delivered with built-on
lems with separating, but if several engines are in by-pass centrifugal filters.
operation for some time it is recommended to split
up the time so that there is separation on all engines,
which are operating in turns. By-pass Depth Filter
The capacity of the separator has to correspond When dimensioning the by-pass depth filter the sup-
with the separating of oil on the single engine n plier’s recommendations are to be followed.