Year 7 Revision Guide

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Year 7

Geography Revision
So what is geography about?
Can you remember the Key Geographical concepts?

How do manmade and natural
places fit together in the ‘world What are manmade and
jigsaw’? natural places like?


Understanding the big Environmental interaction

and sustainable
picture as well has what we
experience day to day
People use the natural
world and have the ability
to change it

Physical and human processes

What events can change the

physical and human world?

We all have an impact on each

What Fertile Questions have we studied in Year 7

 Where on earth am I?
An introduction to basic maps and map skills. This topic provides the
foundation to all geographical knowledge and future fertile

 Where is paradise? Is paradise lost?

During the investigation of this question we looked at the human and
physical attractions of places. We studied the patterns of global
tourism and the reasons why tourism has increased over the last 50
years. Finally we looked at whether tourism should be stopped to
protect the environment or whether tourism could continue as long
as it was sustainable for the environment.

 Who do you think you are?

In this fertile question we began to think about cultures, stereotypes
and identity. We have done a class investigation into where we have
come from and we used this information to discuss how migration
has influenced the culture and traditions in the UK. We also
discussed some of the negative views people have of migration and
why they might hold these views.
How will I be assessed in the Summer Geography Exam?

You will sit a 90 minute paper in the main hall. The exam has 2
sections which cover the knowledge, skills and geographical
concepts you have studied this year.

Section A

This will recap the basic maps and skills you learnt in the fertile
question “Where on earth am I?”

You will need to revise the following:

1. Continents and Oceans:

2. Can you remember your countries and which continents they
are in?

True or False?

1. India is in Europe
2. Spain is in Asia
3. Brazil is in South America
4. Japan is in Asia
5. Morocco is in Europe
6. Canada is in North America
7. UK is in Europe
8. Germany is in Antarctica
9. Venezuela is in South America
10. Iraq is in Oceania
11. China is in Asia
12. Thailand is in Asia
13. New Zealand is in Oceania
14. USA is in North America
15. Nigeria is in Africa

3. Can you label a blank map of Europe

4. Can you give the capitals of European countries
True False If False give the
correct answer
The capital of Spain is Lisbon
The capital of Germany is Berlin
The capital of Italy is Rome
The capital of Poland is Minsk
The capital of Denmark is Oslo
The capital of Finland is Helsinki
The capital of Czech Republic is Bern
The capital of Austria is Vienna
The capital is Switzerland is Paris
The capital of Norway is Oslo
The capital of Sweden is Copenhagen
The capital of Portugal is Lisbon
The capital of the Netherlands is Amsterdam
The capital of Belgium is Madrid
The capital of France is Paris
The capital of the UK is Edinburgh
Te capital of Athens is Greece

5. Can you label a map of the British Isles and give their capitals?
e. Republic of
6. Do you know the
difference between
British Isles, UK and
Great Britain?

7. Can you remember

the map skills you have learnt?
Grid references
How to give a four figure grid reference

 Give the number of the vertical blue line on the left of the place or symbol

 Give the number of the horizontal blue line underneath the place or symbol

How to find a grid reference

 Go along the top of the grid until you find your first two numbers.

 Go up the side of the grid until you come to your next two numbers.

 Follow the blue lines until your fingers meet

 Your square is above and to the right of your fingers

OS Map Symbols

Can you work out all these symbols

from your OS key?

Compass Directions

When you are giving directions you must always

give the direction you need to go towards. True or

1. From Brighton to London is north

2. From Edinburgh to Glasgow is east
3. From Nottingham to Cambridge is south
4. From Middlesbrough to Manchester is
south west
5. From Edinburgh to Newcastle upon Tyne is
North east
6. From Norwich to Dover is north
Section B
An essay on the impact of migration on culture in the UK

How has migration influenced the culture of the UK?


Level 3- give examples of how culture has changed due to migration

Level 4- describe how different areas of English culture have changed

Level 5- explain how migration from different parts of the world has influenced culture in
England and give examples

Remember- You must climb the Geographical Mountain to success!

Synthesise synthesise
Explain Explain Explain
Compare Compare Compare Compare
Describe Describe Describe Describe Describe
Recognise Recognise Recognise Recognise Recognise Recognise
Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7

Each step of the way is a step closer to the top. To climb up to the next camp you need to
use another skill.
How has migration influenced the culture in England?

(Basic Essay outline)

(You may use this outline in your exam but you will not be allowed to take any notes
into the Exam)


Migration- moving from another country

Influenced- changed

Culture-traditions, art, beliefs, behaviour, ideas including literature, art, and music

People have moved to E_______ from all over the w_______. When people move to
another country to live this is called_________.

There are many reasons why people move, for example


When people move to another country due to war or natural disaster they are called

Migrants in England come from many countries, such as


Migration can influence the culture of a country in many ways, for



Can you give some advantages of migration and give some examples why people might
think migration is having a negative impact in the UK?

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