CAD-CAM Unit-5a
CAD-CAM Unit-5a
CAD-CAM Unit-5a
Quality: It can be defined as the degree to which a particular product (or) its various
components meet certain standards specified by the designer.
Quality assurance (QA): It deals with the activities that will maximize the probability
of the product and manufacturing components with design specifications. Quality
Assurance is performed before manufacturing of the product like the selection of a
particular material of a component among various materials etc. QA involves in product
design, manufacture planning, decisions concerned to production equipment, tooling
methods etc.
Quality control (QC): It deals with the activities related to inspection, detection and the
necessary corrective action to be taken to eliminate poor quality of the product and its
components. QC activities are carried out after the manufacturing of the product. These
activities involve planning of inspection procedures, measuring instruments and the
specifications of gauges required for inspection. Quality control is achieved by:
1. Inspection.
i. Control charts:
a. R charts (control chart used to plot the range of each sample).
b. X charts (control charts used to plot the average measured value of a certain quality
characteristics of each of series of samples taken from the manufacturing process).
c. P-chart (or) 100p-chart (control chart for percentage defective in the sample)
d. C-chart (control chart for number of defects in the sample is plotted as a function of
e. S-chart (control chart for standard deviation).
f. np-chart (control chart for number of defectives).
ii. Acceptance sample.
2. Testing.
1. Inspection: It refers to the activity of examining the product to determine if it meets
specified design standards (or) not. Inspection is used to assess the quality of the product
in relation to the design specifications.
Computer Aided Quality Control (CAQC): Computer is used to monitor, control and
to prepare the final reports of the inspection and testing procedures. CAQC is a broad
range of services in the manufacturing organisation which go beyond the simple
inspection process. The typical inputs and outputs into CAQC are shown in fig.
3. Bridge type CMM: It is similar to the cantilever type. It has support for the outer ends
of the y-axis beam on the base. The bridge construction adds rigidity to the machine. It
provides superior accuracy in measurement.
Computer aided testing (CAT): Testing is applied to access the functional performance
of a final product. Computer aided testing is the integration of computer in the testing
procedure with the intention of bringing consistency and accuracy in the testing system.
In CAT, different levels of automation for carrying out the test can be found. At the basic
level, computers can be used just in monitoring and analysing the results where the data
from data acquisition system is fed to the computer followed by the preparation of report
on test results.
However, automation at the higher level involves computer integrated test cells
consisting of a series of testing stations interconnected by material handling systems.
Products flow automatically from the final assembly line to the testing unit through an
interface system. Handling system transfers the product to the available test station. In
the test station, the product will be registered in the proper location and orientation
followed by the attachment of required apparatus to conduct the test. The process of
testing will be monitored by the computer and subsequent analysis of the result is done.
If the product passes the test it will be automatically move to the next assembly line for
final packaging. If the product fails the test, it is transferred for manual inspection
indicating the reason of its failure and in some cases even suggesting the corrective action
to be taken. This type of testing system is recommended when the product is complicated