Description: Super Thoroseal Is A Blend of Portland
Description: Super Thoroseal Is A Blend of Portland
Description: Super Thoroseal Is A Blend of Portland
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Do not apply SUPER THOROSEAL to frozen
substrates or if the ambient temperature is ESTIMATING DATA
below 5 C or expected to fall below 5 C within
24 hours. A two layer application requires approximately
Avoid application in direct sunlight. 3.0 to 4.5 kg./m and will be strongly
Always apply the mix to a pre-dampened influenced by the roughness of the substrate.
surface. High-suction substrates require more
dampening than dense substrates. However,
make sure there is no free-standing water. PACKAGING
Apply by brush or broom or with traditional
mortar sparing equipment. Mixed material Available in 2 colors, white and gray.
must be used within 45 minutes, or less under 4.5 kg. cans (4 units per box) and 25 kg. bags
hot weather conditions. The actual nominal
thickness per coat must be 1.0 and 1.5 mm.
First Coat
Brush or broom the mix firmly onto the pre- SUPER THOROSEAL should be stored under
dampened, prepared surface. After completing cover, clear off the ground and stocked not
2 or 3m , strike off with the brush or broom in more than 6 sacks high. Protect the materials
one direction for aesthetic purposes. Care from all sources of moisture and frost.
must be taken not to spread the material too
When the material begins to drag or “ball”, do PRECAUTIONS
not add more water, but dampen the surface
again. SUPER THOROSEAL is based on cement
and can be irritating to the skin and eyes.
Second Coat Gloves and eye protection should be worn.
Allow at least overnight to cure before applying The use of dust mask is recommended.
subsequent coats. Dampen the first coat and Accidental splashes of the material to the skin
remove excess moisture. If SUPER or eyes should be immediately washed off with
THOROSEAL is used in closed, poorly clean water. In the event of prolonged irritation
ventilated rooms, condensation may occur on seek medical advice. In the case of ingestion,
the first coat. This condensation must be give water or milk to drink and treat
removed from the surface. Apply the second symptomatically. Medical advice should be
coat at right angles to the first coat to ensure sought.
good covering. For detailed Health, Safety and Environmental
recommendations, please consult and follow
SUPER THOROSEAL can be spray applied all instructions on the Product Material Safety
but should afterwards be brushed well into the Data Sheet.
substrate to ensure proper adhesion.
To improve the aesthetic appearance, an
additional layer can be applied by spray,
eventually sponge floated to give a uniform
Under hot excessive drying conditions fog-
spray after the initial set has taken place for as
long as practicable.
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