Casantusan Worksheet Rizal

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Ronald Casantusan January 17, 2022

BSHM501 07 Worksheet 2

How did Jose Rizal and the other

Illustrados view cultural minorities
before the Exposition?


Tracing Origins: Illustrado Dr. Jose Rizal and other illustrado's that project the
Nationalism and Racial Science of public neighborhood moreover. The illustrado mixed to
Migration Waves inheritance comparably to the messy farthest reaches
of Filipinos, as it was dubious the reference of racial
By Filomeno V. Aguilar Jr.
investigation of explorer waves, made the joining of
likewise known as the country's minority social and
ethnic organizations incredibly dangerous.

Were their initial reactions a form of

racial discrimination and elitism

Tracing Origins: Illustrado The wrongdoing rates and its part of additions of
Nationalism and Racial Science of hopeless, contradicting association perspectives, and
Migration Waves takeoff from social principles are related with racial
isolation and elitist culture. Besides, the country's
By Filomeno V. Aguilar Jr
ontological clarification has excluded arrangements for
explicit crossbreeds, plural, and outlined Philippines

What were the instances during

Rizal’s exile in Dapitan that made him
change his mind about the primitive

The Dapitanous urged to reflect on Rizal involved his insight and capacities in an
relevance of Rizal assortment of fields, including ophthalmology, plan,
craftsmanship, agribusiness, and instructing. Rizal's
By Gualberto Laput
beliefs on what society ought to be as an immediate
aftereffect of the public obscenities he went against
already have made due right up 'til the present time.
There could be presently not any Spaniards taking
advantage of Filipinos. Dr. Jose Rizal required our
country's conviction that the Philippines would be
taken care of in the Cortes, Spain's official body, and
that the abuses would be halted.

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