Comparison of Autism Awareness Levels in The Us and India

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Anjali K Kapoor, Autism Open Access 2019, Volume 09
DOI: 10.4172/2165-7890-C1-006

European Autism Congress

March 14-15, 2019 | Zagreb, Croatia

Comparison of autism awareness levels in the US and India

A utism spectrum disorder (ASD) is commonly diagnosed in children and affects

communication and behavior. Studies have indicated lower autism rates in developing
countries; 1 out of 45 children (ages 3-17) in the US versus only 23 out of 10,000 children in
India are diagnosed with autism. To understand this discrepancy, a survey was conducted to
assess autism awareness in India and the US. The survey was translated into local languages
and more than 500 valid survey responses were collected and analyzed. The survey results
depict a stark difference in autism awareness levels between the US and India: 100% of
survey participants in the US had heard of ASD compared to only 12.6% of participants
in India. The survey results also highlight a strong correlation between overall education
level and autism awareness. The answers to detailed questions regarding ASD symptoms
and potential causes indicate that the Indian respondents who had heard about ASD were
equally knowledgeable about the disorder as their US counterparts. Additionally, the survey
suggests autism is not actually less prevalent in India; after explaining autism symptoms
Anjali K Kapoor to the participants, the majority of both US and Indian participants estimated that between
The Pingry School, USA 1-5% of the people in their respective communities exhibit autistic characteristics. Finally,
the participants identified elementary teachers, OB/GYN and pediatricians as focal points
to effectively raise autism awareness in India. Overall, the survey results suggest that lower
reported cases of autism in India are likely due to lack of awareness rather than lower

Anjali K Kapoor is the Founder of Puzzle Ribbons, a charity dedicated to helping autistic children and their
families in developing countries. She has written several blogs related to autism spectrum disorder.


Autism-Open Access | ISSN : 2165-7890 Autism 2019 Volume 09

Page 62

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