Our County Is Being Affected by Extreme Weather Event/climate-Related Disasters, Following Are Some of The Examples
Our County Is Being Affected by Extreme Weather Event/climate-Related Disasters, Following Are Some of The Examples
Our County Is Being Affected by Extreme Weather Event/climate-Related Disasters, Following Are Some of The Examples
Climate change is often used to denote deviations of climatic statistics over a given period (e.g. a month,
season, or year) when compared to long-term statistics for the same calendar period. Variability in
climate may be due to natural processes of the climate system (internal variability), or to variations in
external factors (external variability). It can also cause tropical zones and events like EL NINO OR LA
Nina, which influence the conditions differently causing variability. For example - if we take the
temperature of last 50 years of Delhi region, we see that there has been a change of 1.5-2 degree
Celsius in highest and lowest range of temperature of that region, but some area like hilly areas or
desert areas showing strong increase or decrease in temperature.
1. Our county is being affected by extreme weather event/climate-related disasters, following are
some of the examples:
Flash Flood in Kedarnath 2013, due to heavy rainfall and cloud burst caused many casualties.
In 2014 Kashmir suffered disastrous flood across many districts caused by torrential rainfall.
Chennai flash flood of 2015 resulted from heavy rainfall by north-east monsoon.
Bihar is suffering from flood in last few years like in 2020, 2019, 2017, 2016, 2013 and many
more years.
Gujarat suffered the drought in 2018 and flood in 2020 which damaged the agricultural stream.
In 2019 Rajasthan suffered heavy rainfall in the desert area and in some areas, hailstorm was
also registered.
Hazard caused by lighting in Haridwar on 21 st July 2020.
Floods in Assam and Bihar in 2020 and some casualties were registered due to the thunderstorm
and lighting in the Bihar.
Cloud burst, Flash flood, drought, flood, fluctuation in precipitation patter, extreme wind events
and landslide due to flood, increase frequency and intensity of cyclone.
8. Climate change being considered in disaster risk management strategies of your government -
Yes, addressing climate change is need of the hour and it should be considered in disaster risk
management strategies by government, and by our organization.
Climate change is being addressed at the national level in India through national disaster
management plan NDMP 2019 and National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC), it is being
further addressed at the state level and district level through State Disaster Management Plan
(SDMP), State Action Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC), and District Disaster Management Plan
In almost all cases, climate change should be considered, which can be embedded in existing risk
reduction strategies.
Mostly hazards are now causing by climate change and increase in global warming affecting the
overall climate in almost every area.
Timing of the rainy season, the intensity of rainfall, the duration of dry periods, the intensity of
storms, duration of cold period is changing.
The areas which were recording very high rainfall, are now receiving less rainfall in recent years
and the areas which were facing drought, are now facing flood/ flash flood (For Ex: Rajasthan
etc) so climate change disaster risk management will help the society, government and local
stakeholders to effectively deal with it and to survive in the available resources.