NPTE Candidate Handbook
NPTE Candidate Handbook
NPTE Candidate Handbook
Version 2022.1 1
About the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy® (FSBPT®) ..................................................... 4
Purpose of the NPTE Program .................................................................................................................. 4
Exam Development ................................................................................................................................... 4
Section 2: Exam Integrity and Security ......................................................................................................... 5
Protect your Reputation and Career ......................................................................................................... 5
Exam Security on Test Day ........................................................................................................................ 6
Exam Security after Test Day .................................................................................................................... 6
NPTE Security Agreement, General Terms of Use, and Arbitration Policy ............................................... 6
Additional Security Information ................................................................................................................ 7
Section 3: Eligibility Requirements ............................................................................................................... 7
General Eligibility Requirements............................................................................................................... 7
Testing Limits ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Section 4: Understanding the NPTE .............................................................................................................. 7
Exam Administration ................................................................................................................................. 7
Exam Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Exam Scoring ............................................................................................................................................. 8
Section 5: Preparing for the NPTE................................................................................................................. 9
Content Outline ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Practice Exam and Assessment Tool ......................................................................................................... 9
Section 6: Exam Registration and Scheduling ............................................................................................... 9
Your Journey Map ..................................................................................................................................... 9
FSBPT Account Creation .......................................................................................................................... 10
Validating Graduation (CAPTE-Accredited Programs Only) .................................................................... 10
Registering for the NPTE ......................................................................................................................... 10
Exam Eligibility ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Testing Accommodations........................................................................................................................ 11
Authorization to Test (ATT) Letter .......................................................................................................... 11
Scheduling your Exam ............................................................................................................................. 11
Section 7: Rescheduling, Withdrawing, and No-Shows .............................................................................. 12
Rescheduling a Prometric Appointment ................................................................................................. 12
Canceling a Prometric Appointment ....................................................................................................... 12
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No-Shows ................................................................................................................................................ 13
Section 8: Test Day ...................................................................................................................................... 13
Arrival and Check-In ................................................................................................................................ 13
Testing Center Environment ................................................................................................................... 14
Exam Navigation ..................................................................................................................................... 14
Note-Taking ............................................................................................................................................. 14
Breaks ...................................................................................................................................................... 15
Disruptions to Testing ............................................................................................................................. 15
Section 9: After Test Day............................................................................................................................. 15
Receiving Your Results ............................................................................................................................ 15
Withheld Scores ...................................................................................................................................... 16
Completing the Licensure Process .......................................................................................................... 16
Score Transfers........................................................................................................................................ 16
Need to Test Again? ................................................................................................................................ 16
Performance Feedback Report ............................................................................................................... 17
Section 10: Appeal Policy ............................................................................................................................ 17
Candidate Appeals .................................................................................................................................. 17
Jurisdiction Appeals ................................................................................................................................ 17
Contact Us ................................................................................................................................................... 17
NPTE-PT Test Content Outline ............................................................................................................... 20
NPTE-PTA Test Content Outline ............................................................................................................. 21
Abbreviations .............................................................................................................................................. 22
Sample Questions .......................................................................................................................................... 24
Physical Therapist Examination .............................................................................................................. 24
Physical Therapist Assistant Examination ............................................................................................... 25
Version 2022.1 3
About the Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy® (FSBPT®)
The mission of FSBPT is to protect the public by providing service and leadership that promote safe and
competent physical therapy practice.
FSBPT’s vision is that state licensing boards and FSBPT will achieve a high level of public protection
based upon a strong foundation of laws and regulatory standards in physical therapy, effective tools and
systems to assess entry-level and continuing competence, and public and professional awareness of
resources for public protection.
FSBPT develops, maintains, and administers the National Physical Therapy Examination® (NPTE®) for
physical therapists (PTs) and physical therapist assistants (PTAs).
1. To help ensure that only those individuals who have the requisite knowledge of physical therapy
are licensed in the physical therapy field
2. To help regulatory authorities evaluate candidates and provide standards that are comparable
from jurisdiction to jurisdiction
The national exams are only one part of the evaluation process used by licensing authorities. In some
jurisdictions, the national exam is supplemented by other means of assessing candidates' ability to
practice physical therapy. For more information on each jurisdiction’s licensure requirements, see the
Licensing Authorities Contact Information page on FSBPT’s website.
Exam Development
Questions (also known as items) appearing on the NPTE are developed by volunteer item writers. These
volunteers are PTs and PTAs who represent a broad range of practice settings from across the country.
Item writers attend workshops and receive instruction to enable them to write high-quality, job-related
examination items.
Once items have been developed and submitted to FSBPT, the Exam Development Committee (EDC)
reviews the items and determines if the item is entry-level, tests current content, and contains only one
correct answer. The EDC also reviews entire test forms to ensure each item does not overlap content or
cue the answer for other items on the examination form. These items will later become pre-test
questions on exams to determine fairness before appearing on the NPTE as actual scored items. There
are fifty pretest items on each level of examination.
Examinations are built based on an examination outline or blueprint. This outline identifies the content
areas that must be on the examination and the number of questions to be included from each content
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area. The outline is developed from a job analysis, which identifies the activities and tasks that comprise
the entry-level practice of physical therapy. The job analysis is based on survey data and expert
The involvement of a representative group of practicing physical therapists, physical therapist assistants,
and other professionals during examination development ensures that the examinations are relevant to
the current practice of physical therapy. Additionally, staff and technical advisors work to maintain the
examinations and ensure compliance with established testing standards.
The NPTE is the property of FSBPT and is protected by contract, trade secret, and federal copyright laws.
It is a violation of these laws, and thus illegal, to share any information whatsoever about any NPTE
question. In particular, sharing information about a question recalled from memory or asking someone
who has taken the NPTE to share such information is illegal.
Soliciting recalled questions from candidates who have previously taken the exam is deeply unethical for
several reasons. The first is obvious: you are expected to pass the test based on your own merit and
without assistance. The members of the public who will entrust you with their well-being expect that
you are a trustworthy and competent individual. By asking previous test takers to share questions with
you, you are committing an illegal act and are undermining the very purpose of the exam. Also, by
soliciting questions from previous test takers, you are encouraging others to commit illegal acts.
FSBPT aggressively protects the integrity of the NPTE. This protection is important to safeguarding the
public from persons who do not have the requisite knowledge of physical therapy and therefore are not
qualified to practice physical therapy. Any person for whom FSBPT has a reasonable suspicion of sharing
or soliciting information about any NPTE question may be prohibited from sitting for the NPTE until a full
investigation has determined that the person did not share or solicit such information.
FSBPT has prosecuted and will continue to prosecute individuals who share or solicit others to share any
information whatsoever about any NPTE question. FSBPT will also report any incidents of candidates
requesting questions or sharing questions to their licensing jurisdictions.
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The bottom line: Items from the NPTE are not to be shared or solicited for any reason, and candidates
who are determined to be guilty of soliciting or sharing questions will severely damage their chances of
ever being licensed in any jurisdiction and are subject to prosecution and civil action.
You can review Prometric’s Testing Center Regulations and view a video outlining what to expect on test
day on Prometric’s website,
If you give or receive assistance during the examination or if you violate any other security policy, you
may be required to stop testing immediately and leave the room. Your examination will not be scored.
Prometric and FSBPT monitor all candidates and will statistically analyze scores for the purposes of
detecting and verifying cheating. If FSBPT determines that your score is unable to be validated due to an
unlikely response pattern, we will cancel your score and notify your licensing authority.
Candidates whose examinations are held for additional validation will be contacted through email by
FSBPT staff. Candidates will be required to provide additional information about how they prepared for
the NPTE. FSBPT will not release these candidates’ scores until they complete this additional
investigation or if the candidates provide inaccurate information. Candidates who do not complete the
investigation within sixty days of testing are subject to having their scores canceled.
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Additional Security Information
If you have questions about examination security, or if you know of a person or people who have
violated FSBPT’s exam security policies, it is your responsibility to email
Testing Limits
The following testing limits apply to all candidates taking the NPTE:
1. You cannot test more than three consecutive times. If you have tested three consecutive times,
you must skip the next exam date.
2. You cannot test more than six times in your lifetime at either exam level. You may test up to six
times at both the PT and PTA level if you are otherwise qualified to test at both levels.
3. You cannot test if you previously took the exam twice and received two very low scores, defined
as any scaled score below 400.
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Candidates may test at any Prometric testing center that is offering the NPTE, regardless of where they
are seeking licensure. For example, a candidate who is seeking licensure in Virginia may test at a
Prometric testing center in Maryland; the scores will be sent to Virginia once they are released.
Exam Overview
Both the PT and PTA exams are administered in sections, with fifty multiple-choice questions in each
exam section. A scheduled fifteen-minute break is offered following the second section of both exams.
Candidates may also take unscheduled breaks following the other sections of the exam, but time taken
for unscheduled breaks will be deducted from the overall exam time.
The exam time for both the PT and PTA exams is presented as a block of overall exam time, which
candidates may use as they wish as they complete the exam. The exam will terminate after the testing
time has elapsed.
Exam Level Sections Total Questions Testing Time Total Appointment Time*
Exam Scoring
The NPTE is a multiple-choice exam with one correct answer for each question. Scores are determined
by the number of questions you answer correctly, with no penalty for choosing incorrectly. Thus it is in
your interest to answer every question, even if you are unsure of the answer.
The NPTE uses sophisticated procedures to ensure test forms (versions) are equally difficult across
administrations. Scaled scores are an important part of making sure test scores are comparable.
As forms of the NPTE may vary slightly in their level of difficulty, raw scores (the number of questions a
candidate answers correctly) are converted to scaled scores. The scaled scores represent equivalent
levels of achievement regardless of the examination form taken, ensuring that scores on all forms of the
examination are comparable. The NPTE scaled score is a mathematical conversion of raw scores to a
scale that ranges from 200 to 800. Because of the conversion, a score of 800 does not equal a perfect
score–it is only the highest score that FSBPT reports.
All jurisdiction licensing authorities have adopted the same criterion-referenced passing standard for the
NPTE. Although FSBPT reports scores ranging from 200 to 800, the NPTE is a pass/fail examination. The
examination is not designed to distinguish between many levels of competence, only to distinguish
whether a candidate has at least the minimum level of competence required to practice as an entry-
level PT or PTA. The passing standard is a scaled score of 600; therefore, any score of 600 or higher is a
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passing score, and any score below 600 is a failing score. The number of questions that have to be
answered correctly to achieve a score of 600 can change from form to form, but is generally within a
one to two question range.
If a form of the examination is slightly easier than the form on which the passing score was set, a
candidate would have to answer more questions correctly to obtain a scale score of 600. If the form of
the examination is slightly harder, a candidate would have to answer fewer questions correctly to pass
the examination. This process ensures that we apply the same standard of difficulty regardless of
whether the items are a little easier or a little harder than those on another form.
Your PEAT purchase includes two timed exams for your exam level (PT or PTA). Each set consists of a
retired NPTE form and a practice form. The fee for PEAT is $99 for sixty days’ access.
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your own, customized journey map based on your PT/PTA program and the state you want to practice
If you graduated from a program that is not accredited by CAPTE, you will need to request that an FSBPT
profile be created on your behalf. To do so, visit and complete the
survey linked on the right side of the page. If you do not have a Social Security Number, an Alternate ID
number will be assigned to you after you complete the survey. Allow three business days for creation of
your account.
When registering for the NPTE, pay close attention to all applicable registration deadlines, which are
firm. You must register and pay the exam fee in full no later than 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on the day of
the registration deadline, or you will not be permitted to register for that exam. Deadlines are posted on
the FSBPT website.
Exam Eligibility
Once you register for the NPTE, your jurisdiction will need to make you eligible for the exam. This
process differs by state, so it is important to understand your jurisdiction’s policies and licensing
requirements. Jurisdictions often require a licensure application, supporting academic records, an
application fee, or other documentation before they make their candidates eligible for the NPTE. It is
your responsibility to ensure that your jurisdiction has all necessary information to make you eligible for
the exam.
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You must be made eligible for the exam prior to the Jurisdiction Approval Deadline, which is seven days
after the registration and payment deadline. If you are not made eligible by this deadline, your
registration will be closed and your exam fee will be refunded minus a $50 processing fee. Deadlines are
posted on the NPTE website.
Important Note: If you have registered for the NPTE but have not yet been made eligible for the exam,
contact your jurisdiction directly to determine what additional information is necessary to be made
Testing Accommodations
FSBPT offers reasonable testing accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to
candidates who have a recognized disability or impairment and who demonstrate that accommodations
are necessary to access the NPTE. To request testing accommodations, make sure to indicate that you
have a disability covered by the ADA when you register for the NPTE.
The process for submitting an application for testing accommodations depends on where you are
seeking licensure. For more information on applying for accommodations, see the FSBPT Testing
Accommodations website.
When you receive your ATT letter, take a few minutes to review it carefully. The ATT letter includes
instructions on how to schedule your testing appointment, the exam fee you will pay to Prometric, and
your name as it exists in Prometric’s registration system. Make sure your first and last names exactly
match your name on the ID you will be presenting on test day. If the names do not match, update your
name in your FSBPT profile. If you have any doubts about the information contained in your ATT letter,
contact FSBPT Exam Services well in advance of test day.
Prometric testing centers fill up quickly, so it is critical to schedule as soon as possible after receiving
your ATT letter. If your preferred testing center is not available on your exam date, you may need to
schedule your exam at a different location. You can continue to check Prometric’s real-time seating
availability using their website in case a seat in a more convenient location becomes available, but there
is no guarantee this will be the case.
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In very rare instances, candidates may not be able to find a seat within 250 miles of their location. If you
are unable to find a seat within this radius, please contact FSBPT Exam Services for additional assistance.
If an Exam Services agent cannot find you a seat within this radius and you decide to withdraw from
your exam, FSBPT will waive the standard processing fee. (See Section 7 for more information on
withdrawing from an exam.)
Canceling your testing appointment with Prometric does not automatically cancel your exam
registration in FSBPT’s system. You must take the additional step of withdrawing from the exam (see
below) no later than the end of the exam window exam date. If you do not withdraw from the exam,
you will forfeit your full registration fee.
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You can withdraw from an exam up until the end of the testing window. After that date, you will no
longer be able to withdraw from the exam, and you will forfeit all of your exam fees.
If you do not appear for your scheduled exam appointment, or if you are not allowed to test due to lack
of qualifying ID, you will be marked as a “no-show” in Prometric’s system and no scores will be
generated. You will forfeit all of the exam fees paid to Prometric; however, you are able to withdraw
from the exam and secure a partial refund of your registration fee as long as you withdraw by the end of
the testing window (see above).
Arrive at your testing center thirty minutes before the scheduled start time to allow for an efficient
check-in process. Upon arrival, you will be greeted by a Test Center Administrator (TCA) and asked to
store any personal belongings in an assigned locker. You may only bring your ID documents, locker key,
and a pair of foam earplugs in an unopened container to the check-in station. Turn off all electronic
devices when storing them in your locker.
• Ask you to present qualifying identification (see next section for more information).
• Scan your primary ID document.
• Take a digital photograph.
• Ask you to sign the exam logbook and verify your signature.
• Take your fingerprint digitally.
• Scan you with a metal-detecting wand.
Qualifying Identification
All candidates are required to present two forms of qualifying identification to be granted admission to
the testing room. The documents must both exactly match the first and last name(s) in your
Authorization to Test letter. If the names on your ID do not exactly match your registration, you will not
be permitted to test, and you will be considered a no-show.
You must present one primary ID, such as a driver’s license or a passport, and one secondary ID that
includes your name and signature, such as a credit card.
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Your Primary ID must meet the following criteria:
• Be government issued
• Include a photo that can be used to positively identify you
• Be pre-printed with your name and include your signature
• Be unexpired and not clipped, stamped “void,” or otherwise marked as an invalid ID
• Be current
• Include your pre-printed name and your signature
If you have any questions about your IDs or the name on your registration, contact FSBPT Exam Services
well in advance of your scheduled test date.
Testing rooms at Prometric testing centers are carefully controlled to allow for a testing experience that
is comfortable and secure and with minimal distraction. All candidates are provided with an individual
computer workstation that includes dividers to minimize visual distraction. Candidates are also provided
with noise-reducing headsets and are permitted to bring foam earplugs to further reduce any unwanted
noise. Earplugs must be in an unopened container and will be inspected by testing center staff.
Temperature is controlled in Prometric testing centers at a level that is intended to be comfortable for
all candidates; however, this temperature can vary between testing centers, and individuals often have
different preferences when it comes to temperature. It is a good idea to dress in layers so you are
prepared for varying temperatures. Security policies prohibit wearing heavy jackets in the testing room.
Exam Navigation
All candidates are presented with an exam tutorial prior to beginning the exam. This tutorial will explain
the functionality of the exam and allow you to practice with the exam features for a few minutes before
the start of the actual exam. Time spent in the tutorial does not count against the overall exam time.
You can navigate freely through the questions in a particular section of the exam and return to any you
wish to review further. You may also mark questions to help you remember which questions to return to
later. However, once you end a section you will not be able to return to any questions in that section.
All candidates are provided with an erasable note board for note-taking. You may take notes during any
of the timed sections of the exam.
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The note board must remain at your desk during testing and must be returned to the testing center staff
at the conclusion of the exam. Removing or attempting to remove the note board from the testing
center is a breach of exam security and may result in an investigation.
All candidates are offered a break after each fifty-question section. The fifteen-minute break after the
second section is considered a “scheduled” break, as the break time is not counted against the overall
exam timer. The other breaks are “unscheduled,” and any time spent on these optional breaks will be
deducted from the overall exam time. You are only permitted to take a break when your exam is
displaying the break screen.
When taking a break, you will be asked to sign out of the testing room and provide a digital fingerprint.
You may open your assigned locker only to access a snack, a drink, or medication. Accessing study
materials or electronic devices is strictly prohibited and will be investigated as a violation of FSBPT’s
security policies.
Make sure to account for any check-in and check-out time when taking a break. If your scheduled break
exceeds the allotted fifteen minutes, your exam timer will begin to run again.
Disruptions to Testing
Prometric takes great care to provide an environment conducive to test-taking. However, on rare
occasions unexpected events that impact the testing environment can occur. If you experience any
issues while you test, your first step should be to notify a Prometric staff member who can provide
guidance and make every effort to address the problem.
If the disruption you experience is resolved within one hour, you will be expected to resume and
complete your exam. However, if the resolution of the issue takes longer than an hour, or if the issue
cannot be resolved on test day, you have the option to reschedule your exam for another date as soon
as possible. A Prometric agent will contact you to schedule a new exam appointment.
If you feel that your testing environment impacted your ability to complete the exam, notify FSBPT
immediately. FSBPT staff will review your concern and respond with the results of their investigation.
Your pass/fail results will be posted to your online account approximately five business days after your
eligibility period ends. The results will be sent to your jurisdiction at the same time; no further action is
required to send your scores to the jurisdiction you selected when you registered for the exam.
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Your free score report, which includes your numerical scaled score, will be posted to your online
account ten business days following your exam date. This report can be accessed for free for thirty days.
After thirty days, you can access your score report by purchasing an Individual Score Report on your
online dashboard.
The free score report posted to your dashboard includes only your scaled score and pass/fail status. If
you would like additional diagnostic feedback on your exam performance, you may purchase a
Performance Feedback Report (see below).
Withheld Scores
All scores are subject to review and validation prior to their release, and FSBPT has the sole authority to
determine whether a score will be released to any party. On any given exam date, some candidates will
have their scores withheld for a number of reasons. Withheld exam scores will usually be released
within a week of their planned released date in most cases, but this may vary with high testing volumes.
If your score is withheld, FSBPT may ask you to provide additional information before your scores are
released. Responding promptly and accurately to this request will help to facilitate the release of your
exam scores.
If you have any additional questions about withheld scores, see the FSBPT website.
If you passed your exam, congratulations! Your score will be sent automatically and electronically to the
jurisdiction you selected during registration. Make sure to contact your jurisdiction directly to complete
the licensure process. Jurisdiction contact information is available on the FSBPT website.
Score Transfers
Your scores are automatically reported to the jurisdiction you designated when you registered for the
NPTE. If you need to send your scores to another jurisdiction, you can do so any time after your scores are
released by logging in to your online account and clicking on “Score Transfer to State.” Score transfers are
electronic and immediate, though it may take some time for the jurisdiction to access your score. A $90 fee
applies to all score transfer requests.
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Performance Feedback Report
To help you understand your areas of strength and weakness, you may consider purchasing a
Performance Feedback Report. This report provides detailed diagnostics on your performance and is
broken down by content area, by body system, and by section.
Performance Feedback Reports can be purchased from your online account for $100.
Jurisdiction Appeals
Candidates who are ineligible to take the NPTE due to the NPTE eligibility requirements must present
information to a licensing authority that may then request an appeal on the candidate’s behalf. Visit our
website for information on this appeal process.
Contact Us
Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy
124 West Street South, Third Floor
Alexandria, VA 22314
Open Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time
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Examination Services:
Telephone: 703-739-9420
Fax: 703-739-9421
Administrative Services:
Telephone: 703-299-3100
Fax: 703-299-3110
Version 2022.1 18
Content Outlines
The NPTE consists of objective, multiple-choice questions covering the major areas of physical therapy.
The PT examination consists of 250 items and the PTA examination consists of 200 items. An overview
of the content outlines is included in this handbook. For the complete content outlines, go to and click “NPTE content.”
The NPTE is designed to measure whether a candidate has the requisite knowledge required of entry-level
physical therapists or physical therapist assistants. The focus is on the clinical application of knowledge,
concepts and principles necessary for the provision of safe and effective patient care. Provision of safe
patient care includes consideration of current best evidence from clinically relevant research regarding the
safety and efficacy of therapeutic, rehabilitative, and preventive physical therapy services.
Note that these blueprints cover important entry-level knowledge areas that are reasonably tested using
well-constructed multiple-choice items; some important areas are excluded because they cannot be
adequately assessed in a multiple-choice format, are better assessed through other elements of the
licensing process, are not specific to the scope of practice of physical therapists, or assess standards that
might vary substantially across situations or practice locations. In addition, some important knowledge
areas that are not linked to specific body systems and are not explicitly mentioned in the content outline
(e.g., communication skills, teaching and learning techniques) are encompassed by multiple knowledge
areas that are included in the content outline and are represented in test content to a greater extent
than is apparent from this outline.
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NPTE-PT Test Content Outline
Integumentary System
3-4 3-4 3-4 9-12
Metabolic & Endocrine
Systems – 3-4 2-3 5-7
Gastrointestinal System
0-2 2-3 1-2 3-7
Genitourinary System
1-2 2-3 1-2 4-7
Lymphatic System
0-2 1-3 2-3 3-8
System Interactions
– 8-12 – 8-12
44-57 58-74 48-60 –
Equipment, Devices, &
Technologies 5-6
Therapeutic Modalities
Safety & Protection
Responsibilities 4-5
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NPTE-PTA Test Content Outline
Physical Diseases/Conditions
BODY SYSTEM Therapy Data that Impact Effective Interventions TOTAL PER SYSTEM
Collection Treatment
Cardiovascular &
Pulmonary Systems 6-8 6-7 9-11 21-26
Musculoskeletal System
12-14 9-11 15-16 36-41
Neuromuscular & Nervous
Systems 8-10 8-10 12-14 28-34
Integumentary System
2-3 1-3 2-4 5-10
Metabolic & Endocrine
– 3-4 2-3 5-7
Gastrointestinal System
– 0-2 0-2 0-4
Genitourinary System
– 0-2 0-2 0-4
Lymphatic System
1-2 1-2 1-2 3-6
System Interactions
– 5-7 – 5-7
Equipment, Devices, &
Technologies 7-9
Therapeutic Modalities
Safety & Protection
Research & Evidence-
Based Practice 2-3
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The abbreviations that follow have been approved for use on the Physical Therapist and Physical
Therapist Assistant examinations. Approved abbreviations may be used in place of the term or phrase
they represent.
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R correlation coefficient (statistical concept)
Rep repetition
ROM range of motion
S1, S2, S3, S4 first heart sound, second heart sound, third heart
sound, fourth heart sound
S1, S2, S3, S4, S5 sacral spinal column levels/nerve root positions
SACH foot solid ankle cushion heel foot
SaO2 oxygen saturation
Sec second
SOAP note subjective, objective, assessment, and plan note
T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, thoracic spinal column levels/nerve root positions
T11, T12
THR total hip replacement
VO2 assessment volume of oxygen assessment
W watt
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Sample Questions
The sample questions that follow are illustrative of the type found on the Physical Therapist and
Physical Therapist Assistant examinations.
1. After sitting at a computer station for 2-3 hours, an individual reports experiencing a sharp, localized
pain in the left arm. When asked to show the location of the pain, the individual points to the area of
the insertion of the deltoid. The pain disappears when the individual stands up and walks around briefly.
Which of the following interventions is MOST likely to correct the problem?
a. Isometric strengthening of the deltoid
b. Lumbar extension exercises in prone position
c. Instruction in correct postural alignment in sitting position
d. Instruction in shoulder active range of motion exercises
2. A patient with a medullary-level vascular lesion has increased vagal nerve activity. Which of the
following descriptions BEST represents the cardiovascular effects that occur when the patient
transitions from supine to standing position?
a. Rise in blood pressure and no change in heart rate
b. Drop in blood pressure and no change in heart rate
c. Rise in blood pressure and an increase in heart rate
d. Drop in blood pressure and an increase in heart rate
3. A patient has used crutches with a partial weight-bearing toe touch gait for the past 3 months. When
progressed to full weight-bearing, the patient is unable to demonstrate a heel-toe gait sequence with
the involved extremity. Which of the following disorders is the MOST likely origin of the gait
a. Plantar fasciitis
b. Fibular (peroneal) nerve palsy
c. Heel cord tightness
d. Hammertoe
4. While abducting the shoulder, the patient in the photograph denies pain while moving the arm
through the range indicated in photograph A, but reports increasing pain severity as the arm moves into
the range indicated by photograph B. Which of the following disorders is MOST likely present?
a. Acromioclavicular joint lesion
b. Subacromial bursitis
c. Infraspinatus tendinopathy
d. Partial tear of the supraspinatus
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Answers to sample questions: 1.c; 2.b; 3.c; 4.a
1. During a physical therapy evaluation, a patient with a sprain of the deltoid ligament of the ankle
reported pain with palpation of the affected area and with ankle motion that stressed the ligament. To
determine any change in the patient’s pain level during subsequent treatment, a physical therapist
assistant should palpate which of the following areas?
a. Anterior to the lateral malleolus while the patient’s ankle is passively plantar flexed
b. Inferior to the medial malleolus while the patient’s ankle is passively everted
c. Over the sinus tarsi while the patient’s ankle is passively inverted
d. Deep to the Achilles tendon while the patient’s ankle is passively dorsiflexed
2. Which of the following instructions would be MOST appropriate to give a patient who is learning
pursed-lip breathing?
a. Exhale through pursed lips while contracting abdominal muscles.
b. Exhale by blowing air out forcefully between pursed lips.
c. Exhale by relaxing air out through pursed lips.
d. Exhale in quick short puffs through pursed lips.
3. A patient with impaired kinesthesia who is performing active range of motion exercises of the upper
extremities will MOST likely require which of the following supplemental interventions?
a. Visual cues while performing the exercises
b. Pain-relieving modalities prior to performing the exercises
c. Trunk stabilization while performing the exercises
d. Stretching prior to performing the exercises
Version 2022.1 25
4. If angle 1 in the photograph is greater than 20°, which of the following complications is the patient
MOST likely to develop?
a. Patellofemoral tracking disorder
b. Genu recurvatum
c. Lateral collateral ligament sprain
d. Medial meniscal lesion
Version 2022.1 26