February / March 2005 Volume 8 Number 2 featu res 30 Murano Beads Joanne Cleaver 42 Aiko Beads Don Pierce 52 Labor of Love: The Wedding Shawl Hillary Lampers 72 Beadwork IV: The Beaded Figure
February / March 2005 Volume 8 Number 2 featu res 30 Murano Beads Joanne Cleaver 42 Aiko Beads Don Pierce 52 Labor of Love: The Wedding Shawl Hillary Lampers 72 Beadwork IV: The Beaded Figure
February / March 2005 Volume 8 Number 2 featu res 30 Murano Beads Joanne Cleaver 42 Aiko Beads Don Pierce 52 Labor of Love: The Wedding Shawl Hillary Lampers 72 Beadwork IV: The Beaded Figure
February / March 2005 Volume 8 Number 2 featu res 30 Murano Beads Joanne Cleaver 42 Aiko Beads Don Pierce 52 Labor of Love: The Wedding Shawl Hillary Lampers 72 Beadwork IV: The Beaded Figure
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February/March 2005 Volume 8 Number 2
30 Murano Beads Joanne Cleaver
42 Aiko Beads Don Pierce
52 Labor of Love: The Wedding Shawl Hillary Lampers
72 Beadwork IV: The Beaded Figure
Extra! Extra!
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‘Beaute Bow Brooch
by Aten Baker
oso Loomuoried
Cotar [P
ty Cao Goldman ilprojects
Wish Upon a Starfish Dufcey Heller
Aun peyote-sttched sea creature
36 Beachcomber Bracelet Judi Wood
‘A igh-angle-waven bracelet inspired bythe beach
38 Ga
ind Necklace Kathleen Hazard
inne wirenorked neckpigoe
40 Genesis Necklace Heather Culhane
A wonderul art lass bead suspended irom hesinghone-
siiched ropes
54 Carolyn’s Wedding Purse Sandi Wisoheart
‘A grgecus oorworked wedi bag
4° Passing Through
6 Project Contibutr
59. Beautiful Bow Brooch Atene Baker cco
Paty wireworked bow pins 8 Techniques
62 All Butloned Up Bonnie Clewans 12 Letters
Vtage style buttons stung into a lant bracelet
28° Calendar
64 Rhythmic Ruftles Jane! Gradowski
Alaclteright-angle-weven neclace 101 Style Sawy
78 Bombay Bracelet $. Raven Willey
Aichi textured heringuone- and brick-sitched bracelet
104 The Challenge
106 Beadmakers: Sassy Silkies
81 Victorian Infinity Neck’ace
Jennifer VanBenschoten
A sates of serals worked in right-angk
heningbone stich
108 Glass Doctor Ginny Sycuro
weave and
111 Bead Boy
84 Filigree Wrist Corsage Dona Anderson-Swiderek 112 Cool Stuff
A tnt tre dimensional peyote-stoned tower
136 Bead Diva: Cara! Wilcox Wells
87 Gold Ganutell Flower Graziella Tanti
A delicate reworked fower based ona centres-ld
90 Blushing Rose Bracelet Katie Hacker
simple ight-angle-woven bracelet
92 Fanned Waves Bracelet Maria Rypan
‘An of-loom bracelet wit undulating rows of bugle beadsApril/May 2005 Volume 8 Number 3
Lustered Lovelies: Cultured Pearls Rev
Jamie Hogsett
38 The Creatures of Jewelry 10
Diane Fitzgerald
60 Heart Felt: Gail Crosman Moore's New Love
Danielle Fox
70 JoAnn Baumann: Living in the Beaded Moment
Laurie Freeman Shimizu
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Subseribers: Look onthe
tront cover for 3 password
that wil give you access to
Ie subseriberoniy weosite,
‘owes Earogs ty Jokon Baurannprojects
Pearl Blossom Bracelet Dona Anderson
Svetlana Ancker
rung wth pears coins
land Julie Lim
6 vine of iike flowers
Flower Lariat Genie Medina Milgrom
‘Alafia accented by beaded beads and flowers galore
Dancing Fairy Charms Mary Yaeger
Atoop of wewored wisps
Garden Walk Bi
‘Sheilah Cleary
19 wih @fnged floner
Laced Rose Pin Arlene Baker
n lower brooch
Strawberry Cluster Necklace Kathy Mamat
sirung piece ith scious quartz teardrops
Making a Felted Egg Gai Crosman Moore
Simple insrctons oat
Fuchsia Necklace Adapted by
Gwen Blakley Kinsler
Ariat showcasing prety crocheted
Cab Bouquet J. Marsha Michler
created wih a méange of tetniques
Deep Blue Dreams Alethia Donathan
An Jass beads and peats kr
with macramé
4 together
Wisteria Nec
A cascade of wi
Passing Through
6 Letters
8 Project Contributors
10 Cool Stuff
14° Bead Boy
18 Style Sawy
85 Gass Doctor Ginny Sycuro
89. Beadmakers: Patt Cant
90 Calendar
118 Techniques
120 The ChallengeBEADWORK
June/July 2005 Volume 8 Number 4
The World of Stone Beads
National Treasures: Native American
Beadwork Kirsten M. Koepsel
Inspired Knots: The Macrame Art of
Joan Baboack Bonnie Brooks
Bead Journeys Jean Campbell
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Look onthe front42
Islander Bracelet Ruth Ann Grim
Fight-angle-woven rapes stung wih tone beads
Stylish Simplicity Necklace Nancy Macérthur
A.quick and easy stinging and w
ng project
Peyote Stitch Ball Caro’ Goldman
A fun and versa project
Gee's Bend Bag sholey Hauge Wong
A uitinied peje sth
African Odyssey Nancy Zellers
19 wth brick-stiched tubular beads
A beautiful ne 4
Metalic Crocheted Wistet susan Hammer 8
Acie ctin F
China Doll Paulette Livers 10
Ashu eke lug tu rd-ieprcetin
ve 6
As & Cras Revival Maren Blessing 19
Mn ing pj wh eats
+ Pagoda Eatings Melody MacDutoe
one carias 88
Charmed Spiral Necklace Kelly J. Nicodemus-Miller 90.
nce rd
Riviera Spirals Melody MacDuffee
Grarus otal ove res toate 120
Crystal Tango Bracelets Nancy Zellers
A party of colorful ight-angl-woven bracelets
Qoh-la-la Pin Bonnie Clewans
Afionery wi st pin
hoker Bonnie Clewans
xi and netted necklace
Camelian Choker Glenda Payseno
necklace rich wih brick stiched caboct
Passing Through
Project Contributors
Coo! Stuf
Bead Boy
Style Sawy
Beadmakers: Masha Neal Studlo
Glass Doctor Ginny Sycuro
The ChallengeAugust/September 2005 Volume 8 Number 5
Totally Charmed: Trinkets with Attitude
Deborah Cannarella
Jumping In: How to Start a Beading Business
Margaret Wieker
Beading the Spits: The Native American
Beadwork of Liz Bear Jamie Hogsettprojects
Ladder Stitch Mosaic Marlene Blessing
A simple bracelet fashioned wit adder and pico stitches
Netted Treasures Stacey Neilson
‘Arutled mesh and ribbon necklace
Peyote Reef Fish Vivian Caldwell
‘A schoo of colartl payate-sitched fish
Fire-Polished Collar Alexis Rossi
A gaming colar made wih simple nating
Dragontly Pin Arlene Baker
An enchaning adder stched cago
Green Tea Marlene Blessing 5
Asstrung necklace featuring a pendant made of
decorative as beads 8
Pight-Angle Bezel Dustin Wedekind 10
Necklaces showeasing fabulous seed-bead famed stones
Iridescent Braids Jennifer VanBenschoten
‘Aneckace and bracelet of braided tubular
heringbone-sitched ropes
Four Way Fashion Kerlann Gore
A versal bee stinging nd wienoring pject
Stony Spirals bors Gogh
‘Anca hat ps anew ston sil ope
Porcupine Cuff Tina Koyama
A damatcaly tered peyote tichod bracelet 90
Mossy Rutle Aysse Advaria 118
-Awandtly wary breclt worked in eingbone stich
Colled Gem Drops Janice Berkebile
Earings of coled wie wih gemstone dangles
Gorgeous Gourds Susan Helmer
Apar of stung neclaces eating decorated
gourd pendants
Passing Through
Project Contributors
Cool Stuff
Fast & Fabulous CED
Seeds GED
The Challenge
Beadmakers: Tiger Henderson and
ory Antos
Gass Doctor Ginny Syeuro
Style Sawy
October/November 2005 Volume 8 Number 6
Hold That Bead!
features _ J
Jamie Hogsett " LS
Hello, Doles! y
Bart) McLean and her
Beaded Fiber Dols
Jamie Hogsett i
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‘that will give you access to the web
exclusive projects
Luminous Unk by
Nancy Nerog and Carle Wnegardenprojects
Wire Happy Laura Funk
AnecKace stung vith reworked Inia glass bead dangles
Unchained Charms Laura Leist
Wirewotked inks for a igh, ary bracelet
Pom-Pom Ring Doris Cghi
A peyoe-itched bard topped wit farsi nge
Party on Your Wrist Tery Stumpt
Avwhisical cut of we Inks stung wth an aay 0
Hang On, Tabby! Yoshie Marubashi
A purfect precious pyae-stched cat charm
Jesters Foly Bracelet Janel radowski
Acco ube sal rac
ry Crystal C orl Bonnie Clewans
Ad on bracelet of ents, cult wih right-ange weave
Traveing Spit Dols Christina Vandervist
Abraodet at ters
Beaded Mandala Mary Tafoya
An embroidered mandala pojact excerpted from the new
book Beating forthe Sout
Tiers of Joy Kate Ferrant Richbourg
A pair of wearable crystal chandsier eating
Crystal Bright Necklace Barbara Marie
Astungn a wondertl wiewrapped
TGIF Necklace Trio Tina Koyama
A set of miand-math spiral rope necks
Beads on a Wire Mary Lowe
‘A beaded bracelet that shows off
colored wee core
Galaxy Clus
Out. oft
Rok Stars Christi Friesen
Palymer cay pends ace
i gems
Her Majesty's Amulet Bag Jer Hemera
A payate-sitchec amet bag wth ol bearing
a family ofcoloruly embroiered
4 Passing Through
6 Letters
8 Project Contributors
10 Cool Sut
15 Fast & Fabulous
17 Seeds
82 The Challenge
85. Beacimakers: Cay Avr Designs
87 Gass Doctor Ginny Syeuro
90 Calendar
118 Techniques
120 Bead Boy0
ORK | j
December 2005/January 2006 Ais volume 9 Number 1
de = h
e B }
J '
S4is iF
Stestrg Light on nc:
Dane Fox
Putting onthe Bitz
Costume Jewelry Design
Inspirations Martene Blessing
Findings Fever!
Meke Magic with Metal Clay
Jean Campbell
holidays! Visit our we
center the subscriber password
located on the front caver to view
special subscriber-only content.
patton ae
ne Canes Alene BakerpI
Crystal Co
‘a NIkKi Blanchard
flowing with radiant cy
Fair and Square Bracelet Sheryl Stephens
Fich crystal square rings linked by metalic seed beads
Glamour Giri Necklace Jean Campbell
balan th aright-ang
Crystal Clear Set Melody MacDurte
Alin and pai of
imitate diamonds
Uplown Sweater Guard Auth Ann Grim
ier sched sweater adomnmen
Night atthe Op ker Diane Dennis
peyote sith cpr featuing beaded
inks and
Day-to-Night Bracelet Pat uingame
and Emily Carson
A sel bracelet sung wih sver chin and Bina
on tradtonal Byzant
‘ azade Necklace Liz Smith
‘A peyete-sitched necklace that resembles a golden
knotted ribbon
Cluster Amber Traeden
cluster of jt black crystals adds punch to a sting
Dancing Lights Cuff SaraBeth Cullinan
crt creation
28 Dustin Wedekind
y Lariat Tassel Viki Lareau
is lat punctuated by flashy tassels
4 Passing Through
6 Letters
8 Project Contributors
11 totic GD
13 Seeds
15 Fast & Fabulous
16 Cool Stuff
99 The Challenge
101 Beacmakers: Chimera Glassworks
102 Gass Doctor Gimy sycuro
106 Calendar
126 Techniques
128 Bead Boy