Mobile Communication Assigment 2
Mobile Communication Assigment 2
Mobile Communication Assigment 2
Part 1…………………………………………………………………………….
Part 2………………………………………………………………………………..…
2.1 Link Budget related cell radius MATLAB function and script……………………
Part 3…………………………………………………………………………………
3.1 Beamforming……………………………………………………………………10
Appendix B…………………………………………………………………………..17
Multiple antenna systems are widely in use these days. This report consists of three
parts in which the first part explains and demonstrates a single input single output
(SISO) system. This technique is assumed, and a MATLAB Script has been written
to simulate the transmission of randomly generated data over AWGN channel. This
MATLAB script comprises of three modulation techniques of LTE namely QPSK,
16-QAM, 64-QAM. Furthermore, a graph has been plotted to compare the Bit error
rate (BER) of these modulation techniques. This section also consists a literature
review based on SISO, SIMO, MISO and MIMO systems. All systems are compared
and analyzed with the corresponding results.
Part two of this report Provides a working on link budget calculation of the uplink
mobile communication system. All the parameters have been given in the chart and a
MATLAB function has been written to calculate the cell radius. Furthermore, the
function has been used for the MATLAB script that was written to calculate the cell
radius. A Literature review on the impact of using different modulation techniques
such as QPSK, 16QAM and 64QAM on the cell coverage range has also been
discussed. It has also been demonstrated using MATLAB code.
importance of Massive MIMO beamforming in 5G systems and beyond. It finally
discusses about the advances that has taken place currently regarding beamforming.
Part 1
A Single input Single output (SISO) That operates in a 24GHz has been assumed . It
operates with a line-of-sight channel between the transmitter and the receiver. There
are three modulation techniques of LTE. They are QPSK, 16QAM and 64QAM.
Random data is transmitted over an AWGN channel and a MATLAB script was
written to simulate the transmission. This script is commented to visualize the impact
on the transmitted signals. A single graph was plotted to compare the Bit Error Rate
(BER) of the above-mentioned modulation techniques for an AWGN channel. The
MATLAB Script for the above-mentioned simulation and plotting is attached in the
Appendix A.
The above figure 1 shows the Bit Error Rate (BER) for QPSK, 16QAM and 64QAM.
It is evident that the estimated Bit Error Rate graph curve of all three techniques is
similar at -20 Eb/No. The graph curve changes for QPSK as it approaches a positive
Eb/No value. The Curve drastically drops. Therefore, it is visually proved that the Bit
Error rate of QPSK drastically drops from 10 -3 to 10-8. The Curve of the other two
16QAM and 64QAM techniques are constant and parallel after a certain point. The
BER of 64QAm is slightly higher than the 16QAM. The MATLAB script for the
Graph plotting is attached in Appendix A.
SISO: The lowest BER is given by SISO because it has only one antenna present.
SIMO: Due to multiple antennas in the receiver side, it has better BER than SISO
MISO: Due to less signal loss and multiple input antennas, it is better than SIMO
MIMO: BER is highly present in MIMO because it has many antenna in the
transmitting and the receiving sides.
SIMO: Due to multiple antenna at the receivers end the throughput is less because it
has many complexities
MISO: Due to the single antenna at the receivers end it is better than SIMO.
MIMO: MIMO has the highest capacity when compared with other systems. it has
better and wide application on the market.
SISO: One antenna is only present at both the ends. The signals are transmitted from
the transmitter to the receiver
SIMO: In this one antenna transmits signals and the signals are received by many
antennas. Maximum ratio combining takes place. This happens when the signals are
MISO: Signals are Transmitted from different antennas and an antenna receives all
the signal. The space for receiving the signal becomes less.
MIMO: When multiple antennas are present in both the ways signal can be
transmitted and received in many ways and easily.
SISO: Comparing to other systems, this has a weak signal because it has only one
transmitting antenna and one receiving antenna.
SIMO: When signal is transmitted the receiver antenna with the stronger receiving
capacity will receive the signals and it can choose stronger antenna
MISO: Spacetime coding technique is used, and it can send signals in both the ways.
This will increase receive signal quality
MIMO: Signals are transmitted in many ways and used spatial multiplexing. This
increases and gives the best quality of signal when compared to others.
All four SISO, SIMO, MISO and MIMO have been practically analyzed using
software. The BER curve against SNR for all four antennas have been done.
All four Curves were compared, and a set of values were obtained from the graph. In
the set of values obtained it was evident that MIMO has the highest BER comparing
with other systems such as SISO, SIMO, and MISO
Part 2
2.1 Link Budget related cell radius MATLAB function and script
Total thermal noise at the receiver -118.4 dBm
User noise interference margin 3 dB
--------------------------------------------- -------------------------
Total noise at the receiver -115.4 dBm
This equation can be used to calculate the cell radius. The L in the equation represents
the magnitude of the link attenuation in decibels, (r) is the range or radius which is in
meters (m). Centre frequency is represented by (fc)
By making r as the subject of the equation, L and fc can be substituted to find the
radius of the equation. A MATLAB function was written according to the required
manner to find the cell radius. Furthermore, a MATLAB script was written that uses
the function to find the cell radius. This was achieved by using the valued derived
from the table 1.
The MATLAB function and the script can be found on the Appendix B.
Three different types of modulation techniques are used by LTE (4G) Systems. It
consists of QPSK, 16QAM and 64QAM. When higher order modulation is used, the
modulation allows to broader the bandwidth efficiency of the antenna and a higher
coverage can be gained. For example, a 64QAM Modulation technique [14].
From the above scenario, it is evident that the link attenuation that is allowable
increases to the energy per bit to noise ratio + 10log 10K. That is Eb/No + 10log10K. In
this case K varies according to the modulation type.
A MATLAB Script was written using the same MATLAB function and radius of
different modulation were derived accordingly. The MATLAB script is present in the
Appendix C
Before running the MATLAB script L was found from the table above. By comparing
the value of L that was derived from 2.1,
Derived nominal L = 154.87 dB
The above L values of all three Techniques of LTE was substituted in the MATLAB
script in Appendix C and the corresponding cell ranges of each modulation technique
was found.
The cell radius of the above modulations techniques when compared to the radius in
2.1 are much higher. Therefore, when There are higher order modulations, the cell
ranges can be increased rapidly. This also proves that all when all other system
parameter are same, different modulation techniques will create an impact on the cell
coverage or range of the system.
Part 3
3.1 Beamforming
When a particular base station can adapt the radiation pattern of an antenna that is
transmitting data is known as Beamforming [1]. Unlike normal antennas, antennas
That can form their beams direction according to the users location are known as
beamformers. Reduction of interference with the users nearby when data is transferred
in a specific route is done by beamforming, and it also assists the base station to get
the best route to deliver the data to its users [2]. Beamforming plays a major role and
has many advantage for 5G networks and the future ahead. It is believed that
beamforming will be implemented in many ways in the future network developments.
For Example, Spectrum efficiency is boosted by beamforming for Massive MIMO
systems, and it also helps in boosting the data rate for millimeter waves. As millimeter
waves have a shorter wavelength, it doesn’t travel longer distances and it doesn’t
penetrate through obstacles. For this issue beamforming sends in concentrated signal
beams and makes the users able to get a good signal without having any interference
There are many ways in which beamforming techniques classified. There ais much
research done to classify beamforming techniques. One of that is its characteristics.
Gotsis and Sahalos are two scientists who classified beamforming according to its
physical characteristics. Further, beamforming was classified into two types such as
switched beamforming and adaptive beamforming. These types were further parted
according to various types of array antennas. For example, Linear array antennas,
rectangular array antennas, and circular array antennas [3]. Beamforming techniques
were also classified based on signal processing. These techniques were classified into
analogue beamforming, digital beamforming, and hybrid beamforming. Cheap phase
shifters are used in Massive MIMO when using analogue beamforming. This
beamforming good foundation to gain user signal and it is also accurate. Normally
digital beamforming is expensive, and they are complex. Massive MIMO systems
also uses Hybrid beamforming. Beamforming techniques can also be classified as
Switched beamforming and Adaptive Beamforming. Normally a switched beam
system is established on a predefined beam system where it depends on a fixed
network. It was developed by Butler and Ralph in 1961. The model was known as a
Butler Matrix. It consists of Phase shifters and hybrid couplers. Adaptive
beamforming is classified as two types: Blind adaptive algorithms and non-blind
adaptive algorithms [4].
Massive MIMO concept was introduced recently by scientists. It is updated every
year and is gaining its presence in the market. Massive MMO systems are developed
so far that some experiments have been done in the Bristol university in 2015 where
spectral efficiency was achieved by many users. This includes each user modulated
256QAM [5,6]. Massive MIMO have operating very efficiently in many
environments. If there is low frequency and baseband, a massive MIMO system can
operate well in this kind of environment too [7]. It is also proven that massive MIMO
systems are very much cost effective, and it is not very complex as other systems. The
hardware implementation has also been tested successfully [7]. Many companies such
as Samsung, Sprint, Nokia, and Sony Ericsson have implemented massive MIMO
antennas. Massive MIMO systems have an advantage of having only classic hardware
at the base station.
Massive MIMO has many benefits compared to other systems but not all systems are
perfect. Massive MIMO faces many challenges such as channel estimation, problems
related to energy efficiency and pilot contamination. There are some current advances
in Beamforming, and they are being discussed. In massive MIMO systems large
number of antennas are used. It becomes very much complex. A recent experiment
that was conducted and evaluated proves that it has very efficient and high performing
algorithms[8,9,10]. Many new ways of hybrid beamforming that work with millimeter
wave bands are designs and they can used for massive MIMO systems. This attempt
is done to reduce the complexity of the hardware system and to increase the
performance of the systems [11,12]. Now there are only a limited number of antennas
for the massive MIMO base stations. To improve the overall performance of the
massive MIMO system a certain fairness must be given to all users. Much research
has been used to find the efficient user scheduling algorithms. A recent advance in
Beamforming technique shows that the system includes maximum ratio transmission
and precoder tables [13].
1. Molisch A.F., Ratnam V.V., Han S., Li Z., Nguyen S.L., Li L., Haneda K. Hybrid
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Appendix A
Part 1- 1.1
% Matlab Script for Bit Error Rate (BER) calculations for QPSK, 16-QAM and 64-
QAM with Plotting Graph
frameLength = 240; % Defining the length of a data frame as 240
numPackets = 1000; % Defining the number of packets as 1000
EbNo = -30:0.5:30; % Defining the Energy per bit to noise ratio range in dB
QPSK_BEREstimate = zeros(size(EbNo)); % Defining the vector to store Bit Error
Rate or QPSK
QAM16_BEREstimate = zeros(size(EbNo)); % Defining the vector to store Bit Error
Rate or 16-QAM
QAM64_BEREstimate = zeros(size(EbNo)); % Defining the vector to store Bit Error
Rate or 64-QAM
qpskModulator = comm.PSKModulator('ModulationOrder',M_QPSK,'BitInput',true);
%Creating a QPSK modulator that functions on bits.
qpskDemodulator =
comm.PSKDemodulator('ModulationOrder',M_QPSK,'BitOutput',true); %Creating a
QPSK demodulator that functions on bits.
for idx = 1:length(EbNo) % ‘for’ loop is used for Looping over several EbNo values
within the selected range
data = randi([0 1],frameLength,1); % This generates data vector per frame
% Modulating the data frames generated for QPSK, 16-QAM and 64-QAM
QPSK_modData = qpskModulator(data); % Modulating the QPSK data frames
'UnitAveragePower',true); % Modulating the 16-QAM data frames
'UnitAveragePower',true); % Modulating the 64-QAM data frames
% Demodulating the receive signal to the receivers and recovering the data
QPSK_demod = qpskDemodulator(QPSK_rxSig); % Demodulation of signal at
the QPSK receiver
QAM16_demod = qamdemod(QAM16_rxSig,M_16QAM,'Outputtype','bit'); %
Demodulation of the signal at the 16 QAM receiver
QAM64_demod = qamdemod(QAM64_rxSig,M_64QAM,'Outputtype','bit'); %
Demodulation of the signal at the 64 QAM receiver
QPSK_BEREstimate(idx) = QPSK_numErrs/numBits; % Estimating the Bit Error
Rate for QPSK modulation technique
QAM16_BEREstimate(idx) =QAM16_numErrs/numBits; % Estimating the Bit
Error Rate for 16-QAM modulation technique
QAM64_BEREstimate(idx) =QAM64_numErrs/numBits; % Estimating the Bit
Error Rate for 64-QAM modulation technique
grid % Labelling the Graph to identify axis and the graph name
legend('Estimated BER of QPSK','Estimated BER of 16 QAM', 'Estimated BER of 64
title("Estimated Bit Error Rate for QPSK, 16-QAM and 64-QAM")
xlabel('Eb/No (dB)')
ylabel('Bit Error Rate (BER)')
Appendix B:
Part 2- 2.1
Appendix C
Part 2- 2.2