Syllabus SY TT 21-22 New Format

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DKTE Society’s


Rajwada, Ichalkaranji 416115
(An Autonomous Institute)


B. Tech. Textile Technology Program

Second Year
With Effect From
B. Tech. Textile Technology - 2021

Second Year B. Tech Textile Technology

Semester- III

Teaching Scheme

Course Code Name of the Course Group Credits
Theory Tutorial Practical
Hrs/ Hrs/ Hrs/ Total
Week Week Week

1 TTL231 Textile Mathematics - III BSC 3 - - 3 3

2 TTL232 Thermal Engineering ESC 3 - - 3 3

3 TTL233 Manmade Fibres and Yarns PCC 3 - - 3 3

4 TTL234 Fibre Testing PCC 3 - - 3 3

5 TTL235 Yarn Forming Technology - II PCC 3 - - 3 3

6 TTL236 Fabric Forming Technology - II PCC 3 - - 3 3

7 TTP237 Fibre Testing Lab PCC - - 2 2 1

Yarn Forming Technology - II
8 TTP238 PCC - - 2 2 1
Fabric Forming Technology - II
9 TTP239 PCC - - 2 2 1
10 TTD240 Textile Design and Colour Lab PCC - 2 - 2 2

11 ADL201-A Environmental Studies MC 2 - - 2 --

Total 20 02 06 30 23

Group Details
HSMC: Humanities, Social Science & Management Courses
BSC: Basic Science Courses
ESC: Engineering Science Courses
PCC: Professional Core Courses
PEC: Professional Electives Courses
OEC: Open Elective Courses
PST: Project / Seminar / Ind. Training
MC: Mandatory Courses

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B. Tech. Textile Technology - 2021

DKTES Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji

Second Year B. Tech. Textile Technology (Semester – III)

Teaching Scheme: Credits Evaluation Scheme:

Lectures: 03 Hrs./ Week SE-I: 25 Marks
SE-II: 25 Marks
SEE: 50 Marks
Course Objectives:
To explain ordinary differential equation and solve problems.
To apply ordinary differential equations for solving simple mechanical and electrical problems.
To explain linear differential equation and solve problems.
To apply linear differential equations for solving simple mechanical and electrical problems.
To explain theory of large sample tests (Z-tests) with application in textiles.
To explain theory of small sample tests ( , t and F-tests) with application in textiles.
To explain theory of estimation and theory of statistical quality control for process control
and for lot control.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to
Solve problems related to ordinary differential equations and its applications
Solve linear differential equations and its applications.
Identify textile data for testing, test the hypothesis. Calculate and interpret large sample Z-tests.
Calculate and interpret small sample t-tests. Calculate and interpret Chi-square and F-tests.
Apply estimation for unknown parameters. Evaluate and interpret process and lot control methods.
Course Contents
Unit I Differential equations of first order & first degree 07 Hours
a. Definition of exact differential equation, method of solution and examples
b. Definition of non-exact differential equation, method of solution and examples
c. Definition of linear differential equation, method of solution and examples
d. Definition of non-linear differential equation, method of solution and examples
Unit II Linear differential equations of nth order with constant coefficients 07 Hours
a. Definition of LD equations, methods of finding Solution in the form y = C.F. + P.I
and examples
b. Cauchy’s homogeneous linear differential equations with constant coefficients and
their solution.
Unit III Applications of ordinary and linear differential equations 06 Hours
a. Applications of ordinary differential equations to solve simple electrical and mechanical
engineering problems
b. Applications of LD equations to solve simple electrical and mechanical engineering problems
Unit IV Testing of hypothesis and Large sample tests 07 Hours
a. Introduction to testing of hypothesis,
b. Basic Concepts viz. Hypothesis, Statistic, Critical Region, Errors in testing, Level of Significance.
c. Large sample tests for population mean, equality of population means and examples
d. Large sample tests for population proportion, equality of population proportions and examples

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B. Tech. Textile Technology - 2021

Unit V Small sample tests and estimation 07 Hours

a. Small sample tests for population mean, equality of population means and examples
b. Test for variance and equality of variances and examples
c. Test for goodness of fit and examples
d. Test for independence of attributes and examples
Unit VI Statistical quality Control 05 Hours
a. Introduction to statistical quality control with types process control and lot control.
b. Control charts, , , , and control charts and examples
c. Single and double sampling plans. Concepts of lot control AQL, LTPD, AOQ, AOQL, O.C. Curve
References Books:
1. A Text Book of Applied Mathematics: by J.N. & P.N. Wartikar.
2. Higher Engineering Mathematics by B. S. Grewal.
3. A Text Book on Engineering Mathematics by Bali, Saxena & Iyengar.
4. Mathematical Statistics by J. Fruend.
5. Applied Statistics & Probability of Engineers by Montgomery & Runger.
6. Probability & Statistics for Engineers by Johnson.

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B. Tech. Textile Technology - 2021

DKTES Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji

Second Year B. Tech. Textile Technology (Semester – III)

Teaching Scheme: Credits Evaluation Scheme:

Lectures: 03 Hrs/Week SE-I: 25Marks
SE-II: 25Marks
SEE: 50Marks
Course Objectives:
To understand basics of Thermodynamics, Thermodynamics processes and Air standard cycles. To
get familiar with the procedure for solving numerical based on the same.
To understand the properties of steam, its types and applications in textile. Different types of steam
boilers, its construction, accessories and mountings. To get familiar with the procedure for finding
performance of boiler.
To understand basics of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Thermic fluid heating system,
concerned parameters, psychometric processes, application of the same in textile industry.
To get acquainted with various types of compressors, pumps and pneumatic symbols, application of
the same in textile industry.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to
Explain basics of Thermodynamics, thermodynamic processes and air standard cycles by drawing
concerned diagrams, derive the necessary expressions and solve numericals based on the same.
Explain the properties of steam, its types and applications in textile. To describe construction and
working of different types of steam boilers, its accessories and mountings with the help of diagrams.
To solve the numericals based on performance of boiler.
Explain basics of refrigeration, air conditioning and thermic fluid heating system and its application
in textile industry. To read and interpret psychometric chart. To describe psychometric processes
with the help of diagrams and derive necessary expressions for the same.
Describe construction and working of various types of compressors, pumps and their applications in
textile industry. To draw symbols for pneumatic systems.
Course Contents
Unit I Introduction to Thermodynamics and Air standard cycle 09 Hours
a. Introduction to Thermodynamics: Laws of thermodynamics – zeroth law, first Law, second law of
thermodynamics. Thermodynamic Processes – constant volume, constant pressure, constant
temperature, adiabatic, polytropic& throttling process with P-V & T–S diagrams, numericals based
on the same.
b. Air standard cycle: Introduction, assumptions in thermodynamic cycles, terms used in
thermodynamic cycles, efficiency of a cycle, representation of Carnot cycle, Otto cycle, Diesel cycle
on P-V and T-S diagram and numericals based on the same.
Unit II Properties of Steam 06 Hours

Formation of steam at constant pressure, temperature vs. total heat graph during steam formation,
enthalpy, enthalpy of water, enthalpy of evaporation, enthalpy of dry saturated steam, wet steam,
superheated steam, specific volume of steam, steam table, external work done during evaporation,
internal energy of steam, difference between gas & vapour, types of calorimeter, numericals based on
the same. Applications of steam in textiles.

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B. Tech. Textile Technology - 2021

Unit III Steam boilers, mountings & accessories: 07 Hours

a. Steam boiler: Introduction, classification of boilers, Important terms for steam boilers, essentials of
good steam boiler, selection of a steam boiler, construction & working of fire tube boilers such as
Cochran boiler, Locomotive boiler, construction & working of water tube boiler such as Babcock &
Wilcox boiler, equivalent evaporation, efficiency of boiler &numericals based on the same.
b. Boiler mountings & accessories: Mountings - safety valve – dead weight safety valve, lever safety
valve, spring loaded safety valve, water level indicator, fusible plug, steam pressure gauge, feed
check valve, stop valve, blow off cock. Accessories – feed water pump, injector, economizer, super
Unit IV Thermic Fluid Heating System: 02 Hours
Introduction, thermic heating system, expansion &deaeration tank, their selection, requirements of
fluids, deterioration of fluid, consequences, cleaning of the system, application in textile industry.
Unit V Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. 12 Hours
a. Refrigeration: Introduction, unit of refrigeration, coefficient of performance (COP), difference
between heat engine, refrigerator & heat pump. Air refrigerator working on reversed Carnot cycle
with P-V &T-S diagram, derivation for expression of COP.
b. Air Conditioning: Introduction, psychrometric terms, Dalton’s law of partial pressure,
psychrometric chart, psychrometric processes - sensible heating & cooling, bypass factor of heating
& cooling coil, humidification & dehumidification, sensible heat factor, cooling with
dehumidification, cooling with adiabatic humidification of air, adiabatic chemical dehumidification,
humidification by steam injection, mixing of air streams, objectives, methods & features of modern
humidification plant in textile mills, effect of moisture on textile fibres, sling psychrometer, hair type
Unit VI Pumps, Compressors and Introduction to Pneumatics. 03 Hours
a. Pumps & Compressors: Pumps – reciprocating, centrifugal (construction and working principle).
Compressors - classification, reciprocating, rotary - vane & screw compressor, centrifugal
compressor, axial flow compressor.
b. Introduction to Pneumatics: Pneumatic Circuits – symbols of cylinder, control valves, check valves.
Air treatment – symbols for air filter, refrigerated dryer, lubricators, Control valves – symbols for
poppet valve, pilot operated check valve and spool valve. Application of Pneumatic circuits in
Textile machines.
References Books:
1. A Textbook of Engineering Thermodynamics by R.K. Rajput.
2. . Thermal Engineering by R.S.Khurmi& Gupta.
3. A course in Refrigeration & Air conditioning by Arora &Domkundwar.
4. Refrigeration & Air conditioning by R. K. Rajput.
5. Pneumatic Systems by Majumdar.
6. Hydraulics & Pneumatics by Andrew & Parr.
7. Humidification & Air conditioning by S. P. Patel. 8. Textile Humidification by K. G. Vaze.

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B. Tech. Textile Technology - 2021

DKTES Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji

Second Year B. Tech. Textile Technology (Semester –III)

Teaching Scheme: Credits Evaluation Scheme:

Lectures: 03 Hrs./ Week SE-I: 25 Marks
SE-II: 25 Marks
SEE: 50 Marks
Course Objectives:
To explain the manufacturing process of regenerated and synthetic manmade fibres
To explain the structure and properties of regenerated and synthetic manmade fibres.
To explain the applications of regenerated and synthetic manmade fibres.
To describe the manufacturing, characteristics, and applications of important high performance fibres

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to
Illustrate the manufacturing process of regenerated and synthetic man-made fibres
Analyze the structure, properties, and applications of regenerated and synthetic manmade fibres
Identify the applications for regenerated and synthetic manmade fibres.
Illustrate the manufacturing process, characteristics, and applications of high performance fibres
Course Contents
Unit I Cellulosic/Regenerated Fibres: Part I 06 Hours
a. Viscose Rayon: Process of manufacturing Viscose Rayon fibres, physical and chemical properties of
Viscose Rayon, Applications of Viscose Rayon fibres.
b. Tencel Fibre: Manufacturing process of Tencel fibres, properties, and applications of Tencel fibres,
Difference in Viscose Rayon and Tencel fibres, Sustainability of Tencel fibres.

Unit II Cellulosic/Regenerated Fibres: Part II 06 Hours

a. Acetate Fibres: Production, properties and application of Cellulose Acetate and Cellulose Triacetate
b. Cuprammonium Rayon: Production, properties, and applications of Cuprammonium Rayon.

Unit III Polyester and Polyamide Fibres 08 Hours

a. Polyester Fibres: Raw materials used to manufacture Polyester fibre, manufacturing of Polyester fibre,
physical and chemical properties of the Polyester fibre, Applications of PET fibre.
b. Introduction to Polyamide fibres, types of Polyamide fibres.
c. Nylon 6: Raw materials and manufacturing process of Nylon 6, physical and chemical properties, and
applications of Nylon 6 fibres.
d. Nylon 66: Raw materials and manufacturing process of Nylon 66, physical and chemical properties, and
applications of Nylon 66 fibres.

Unit IV Acrylic and Elastomeric Fibres 06 Hours

a. Acrylic fibres: Concepts of Acrylic and Modacrylic fibres, manufacturing process, properties, and
applications of Acrylic fibres.
b. Elastomeric Fibres: Elastomeric fibre production, extension and recovery mechanism of Elastomeric
fibres, properties, and application of Elastomeric fibres.

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B. Tech. Textile Technology - 2021

Unit V High Performance Fibres 09 Hours

a. Introduction to High Performance Fibres.
b. Aramid Fibres: Manufacturing, characteristics, and applications of Aramid Fibres.
c. Carbon Fibres: Manufacturing, characteristics, and applications of Carbon Fibres.
d. High Performance Polyethylene Fibres: Manufacturing, characteristics, and applications of High
Performance Polyethylene Fibres.
e. Fully Aromatic Polyester fibres: Manufacturing, characteristics, and applications of Fully
Aromatic Polyester fibres.

Unit VI Nanofibre Technology 04 Hours

c. Introduction to Nanofibre Technology.
d. Manufacturing techniques of Nanofibres.
e. Properties and applications of Nanofibres.

References Books:
1. V. B. Gupta, V. K. Kothari, Manufactured Fibre Technology, Chapman and Hall, London.1997. ISBN:
2. A. Vaidya, Production of Synthetic Fibres, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1988. ISBN:
3. James Gordon Cook, Handbook of Textile Fibres, Vol.2 Manmade Fibres, Woodhead Publishing Series
in Textiles, 1984. ISBN: 9781855734845.
4. C. Woodings, Regenerated Cellulose Fibres, Woodhead Publishing Ltd., 2000. ISBN: 9781855734593.
5. S. Eichhorn, J.W. S. Hearle, M. Jaffe, T. Kikutani, Handbook of Textile Fibre Structure, Volume 1:
Fundamentals and Manufactured Polymer Fibres, CRC Press, Woodhead Publishing in Textiles, 2009.
ISBN: 9781439801192.
6. S. Eichhorn, J.W. S. Hearle, M. Jaffe, T. Kikutani, Handbook of Textile Fibre Structure, Volume 2:
Natural, Regenerated, Inorganic, and Specialist Fibres, CRC Press, Woodhead Publishing in Textiles,
2009. ISBN: 9781439820728
7. J. W. S. Hearle, High-Performance Fibres, Woodhead Publishing, 2001. ISBN: 9781855737549.
8. P. Brown, K. Stevens, Nanofibers and nanotechnology in textiles, Woodhead Publishing, in association
with The Textile Institute, 2007. ISBN: 9781845691059.

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B. Tech. Textile Technology - 2021

DKTES Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji

Second Year B. Tech. Textile Technology (Semester – III)

Teaching Scheme: Credits Evaluation Scheme:

Lectures: 03 Hrs/ Week SE-I: 25 Marks
SE-II: 25 Marks
SEE: 50 Marks
Course Objectives:
To explain significance and selection of sample
To discuss technical significance of fibre properties.
To describe testing methodologies for evaluation of fibre properties.
To explain significance of moisture in textiles and its measurement.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to
To select representative sample.
To understand technical significance of fibre properties.
To test and interpret results of fibre properties.
To understand moisture fibre relations.

Course Contents
Unit I Sampling for determination of fibre properties 05 Hours
Necessity of sampling, Terms: Population, Sample, Random sample, biased sample, Factors
governing sampling, Sampling methods - Zoning method, Squaring method, Cut squaring method,
Core sampling method.
Unit II Longitudinal dimensions (Fibre length) 08 Hours
Concept, Technical Significance of fibre length, Staple length of cotton, Length- frequency diagrams,
Fibre length measurement - Oil plate method, Comb sorter method, Scanning method - Digital
Unit III Transverse dimensions (Fineness & Maturity) 06 Hours
a. Fibre Fineness: Concept, Measures of fineness, Technical significance of fineness, Measurement of
fineness - Microscopic method, Gravimetric method, Airflow method - Sheffield Micronaire.
b. Fibre Maturity: Concept, Measures of maturity, Technical significance of maturity, Measurement of
maturity - Caustic soda method, Polarized light method, Differential dyeing method.
Unit IV Fibre strength 08 Hours
Terms and definitions, Stress-strain curve, Importance of Tensile properties, Factors influencing fibre
strength, Types of loading, Measurement of fibre strength - Single fibre strength –Strain gauge
transducer principle, Bundle fibre strength – Pendulum lever principle, Comparison of Single fibre
strength and Bundle fibre strength.
Unit V Moisture relations and testing 05 Hours
Terms and definitions, Effect of moisture on textiles, Regain–humidity relationships, factors
affecting moisture regain, Measurement of atmospheric conditions- dry and wet bulb hygrometer,
hair hygrometer, electrolytic hygrometer, measurement of regain –oven dry method, methods based
on resistance and capacitance principles.

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B. Tech. Textile Technology - 2021

Unit VI Miscellaneous testing and modern fibre testing- 07 Hours

a. Trash: Classification of trash, Technical significance of trash, estimation of trash content in cotton
by Trash analyser.
b. Neps – Concept, Classification of Neps, importance, Neps in card web –Shirley template method,
nepping potential.
c. Honey dew Content – Concept, Significance and estimation of honey dew content
d. Fibre Density – Concept, Measurement of fibre density
e. Fibre Quality Index and its significance
f. Modern fibre testing instruments: -
High Volume Instrument (HVI), Advanced Fibre Information System (AFIS).
References Books:
1. Principles of Textile Testing, J.E.Booth, CBS Publishers & Distributors, 1996.
2. Physical Properties of Fibres, Morton and Hearle
3. Manuals of HVI, AFIS
4. Manual of Spinning, P. Lord.
5. Physical Testing of textiles, B. P. Saville.
6. Handbook of Indian Standards.

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B. Tech. Textile Technology - 2021

DKTES Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji

Second Year B. Tech. Textile Technology (Semester – III)

Teaching Scheme: Credits Evaluation Scheme:

Lectures: 03 Hrs/ Week SE-I: 25 Marks
SE-II: 25 Marks
SEE: 50 Marks
Course Objectives:
To explain working principles and process parameters of Blow Room, Carding and Draw Frame.
To describe constructional details and design aspects of machine parts and mechanisms involved in
Blow Room, Carding and Draw Frame
To Explanation to enumerate parameters influencing Blow Room, Carding and Draw Frame
To Describe utilities, maintenance needs, methods to evaluate the processes. To acquaint the
students with features of modern machines and industrial working by organizing industrial visits
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to
Explain the working principles and process parameters of Blow Room, Carding and Draw Frame
Demonstrate the constructional details and design aspects of machine parts and mechanisms involved
in Blow Room, Carding and Draw Frame
Estimate parameters related to Blow Room, Carding and Draw Frame
Explain maintenance needs, methods to evaluate the processes. Describe features of modern Blow
Room, Carding and Draw Frame
Course Contents
Unit I Blow Room Process and Its Constructional Details 08 Hours
a. Object of blow room machines, evolution of opening and cleaning principles.
b. Various components of blow room machines,
c. Different zones in blow room,
d. Conventional blow room machines.
Unit II Assessment of Blow Room Performance and Modern Development 09 Hours
a. Modern blow room machines Automatic bale opener Mild openers– Maxi-flow / Uni-clean /
Vario-clean Blenders Intensive openers.
b. Method used for - material transport in modern blow room- Waste removal- Dust removal-
Contamination removal. Waste recycling machines and methods
c. Assessment of performance of Blow Room – Cleaning efficiency, Nep efficiency, fibre breakage,
Openness value

Unit III Carding Process and Its Constructional Details 07 Hours

a. Feed to Card – Principle and concept of chute feed to card. Advantages and limitations. Study of
design details of different types of chute feeding systems.
b. Constructional Details -Revolving Flat Card, Detailed study of design developments in Taker in
zone, Cylinder Flat Carding Zone, Doffer Zone, Sliver formation, Study of cards used in the industry
c. Driving arrangement, production calculations, draft calculations, stop motions.

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B. Tech. Textile Technology - 2021

Unit IV Assessment of Card Performance and Modern Development 05Hours

a. Transfer efficiency of card – importance, concept, methods of finding transfer efficiency.
b. Auto-levelers at Card – Basic principles, concepts – Types– Working Principles–Setting of auto
c. Card Clothing- evolution and Metallic wire details , Card wire mounting.
d. Assessment of performance of card – Cleaning efficiency, Nep removal efficiency, fibre breakage
e. Automation in Card
Unit V Draw Frame Process and Its Constructional Details 07 Hours
a. Functions of draw-frame, principles of drafting and doubling. Principles of roller drafting,
design details, evolution and developments of drafting systems in draw-frame
b. Study of constructional details and design.
c. Production Calculations.
Unit VI Assessment of Draw Frame Performance and Modern Development 03 Hours
a. Study of maintenance aspects.
b. Assessment of performance of draw-frame. Defective production Causes and remedies for the
same. Norms
c. Automation in Draw Frame- Study of modern draw-frames. Blending draw-frame.
References Books:
1. The Textile Institute Publication –Manual of Textile Technology-Short Staple Spinning Series Vol I
to IV by W. Klein.
2. Practical guide to combing by W. Klein, Textile Institute publication Vol.3
3. Technology of cotton spinning by J. Janakiram.
4. Drawing, Combing and speed frame by Zoltan, S. Szaloky, The Institute of Textile Technology,
5. Draw frame, combing and speed frame by J. H. Black; The Textile Institute publication, Manual of
cotton spinning Vol-IV part II.
6. Spun Yarn Technology by Eric Oxtoby.
7. Elements of combing by A. R. Khare.
8. Combing by G. R. Merrill.

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B. Tech. Textile Technology - 2021

DKTES Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji

Second Year B. Tech. Textile Technology (Semester – III)

Teaching Scheme: Credits Evaluation Scheme:

Lectures: 03 Hrs/ Week SE-I: 25 Marks
SE-II: 25 Marks
SEE: 50 Marks
Course Objectives:
To explain the construction and working of winding machine.
To explain the construction and working of warping machine.
To explain the various weaves like backed fabrics, bed ford cords, welt and pique with their
characteristics, weaving requirements and applications.
To explain the construction of double cloth, extra thread figuring and leno structure.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to
Explain the construction and working of winding machine
Explain the construction and working of warping machine
Understand the various weaves like backed fabrics, bed ford cords, welt and pique with their
characteristics, weaving requirements and applications.
Understand the construction of double cloth, extra thread figuring and leno structure.
Course Contents
Unit I Winding 12 Hours
a. Need and objects of winding process
b. Construction and working of winding machines.
c. Types of winding machines
d. Concept of P and Q winding, their applications.
e. Yarn Clearing
f. Knotting & Splicing
g. Geometrical aspects: - Cone angle, angle of wind, wind per double traverse,
surface speed, traverse speed, winding speed,
h. Package Quality: Causes and remedies for various winding package defects
i. Construction and working of pirn winding machine.
j. Calculations: winding speed, production per machine, and efficiency.

Unit II Warping 08 Hours

a. Need and objects of warping, classification of warping process
b. Construction and working of beam warping and sectional warping machine
c. Types of creels – ordinary and modern warping creels, tensioning arrangement etc.
d. Stop Motion, Brake, Comb, Beam pressing, etc.
e. Concept of creel master, Management Information System
f. Calculations related with the production, efficiency, organizing the set, number of sections, etc.

Unit III Cord Structures 06 Hours

a. Bed ford Cords
b. Welts and Pique

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B. Tech. Textile Technology - 2021

Unit IV Backed Cloth 03 Hours

a. Warp Backed Cloth
b. Weft Backed Cloth

Unit V Double Cloth 05 Hours

a. Definition, Classification of Double cloth
b. Construction of Double Cloth Structures

Unit VI Extra Figuring and Leno Structure 05 Hours

a. Figuring with extra threads
b. Gauze and Leno

References Books:
1. Fundamentals of Yarn Winding by Milind Koranne
2. Modern Preparation & Weaving by A. Ormerod
3. Winding and Warping by M. K. Talukdar
4. Textile Design and Colour by Watson
5. Advanced Textile Design by Watson

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B. Tech. Textile Technology - 2021

DKTES Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji

Second Year B. Tech. Textile Technology (Semester – III)

Lab Scheme: Credits Evaluation Scheme:

Practicals: 02 Hrs/ Week CIE: 50 Marks
SEE: 50 Marks

List of Experiments

1 Study of Zoning technique for selection of fibre sample.

2 Fibre Length by using Grease Plate Method.
3 Comb Sorter method for estimation of fibre length parameters.
4 Fibre Fineness by Cut-Weight Method.
5 Measurement of fibre fineness by airflow principle.
6 Fibre Maturity Measurement by Caustic Soda Method
7 Determination of trash content in cotton using Trash Analyzer.
8 Determination of Neps in Card web by Shirley Template.
9 Determination of moisture content and regain by oven dry method.
10 Determination of moisture content by Shirley Moisture meter
11 Study of fibre parameters on AFIS.
12 Study of fibre parameters on HVI.

Submission – Completed Journal.

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B. Tech. Textile Technology - 2021

DKTES Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji

Second Year B. Tech. Textile Technology (Semester – III)

Lab Scheme: Credits Evaluation Scheme:

Practicals: 02 Hrs/ Week CIE: 50 Marks

List of Experiments

1 Study of Blow-room line - Flow chart - Machine positioning in Blow-room

2 Study of Bale Opening and Mild Opening machine - Dimensions, Driving arrangement, speed
calculations and Opening Intensity Calculation.
3 Study of Fine cleaning machine – Dimension, driving arrangement used, Speed calculations and
Opening Intensity Calculation.
4 Study of feeding to card machine – Dimension, driving arrangement used, Speed calculations
and Opening Intensity Calculation.
5 Study of De-dusting machines – Working, Dimension, Driving arrangement and calculations,
and overall cleaning efficiency of Blow Room
6 Study of Passage, Driving arrangement and calculations of carding machine
7 Carding Setting- Front Zone
8 Carding Setting- Back Zone
9 Study of constructional details, Driving arrangement and calculation of Draw Frame.
10 Study of auto-levelers used on card and Draw frame.
11 Demonstration of wire mounting, grinding, roller mounting and buffing machine.
12 Mill visit I to study modern features of Blow Room, Carding and Draw Frame

Submission – Completed Journal.

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B. Tech. Textile Technology - 2021

DKTES Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji

Second Year B. Tech. Textile Technology (Semester – III)

Lab Scheme: Credits Evaluation Scheme:

Practicals: 02 Hrs/ Week CIE: 50 Marks
SEE: 50 Marks
List of Experiments

1 Study of modern winding machine

2 Study of the effect of splicing parameters on the splice quality.
3 Study of sectional warping machine.
4 Study of sectional warping machine drive
5 Study of pirn winding machine.
6 Fabric analysis – Bed ford cord fabric
7 Fabric analysis – Backed Cloth
8 Fabric analysis – Double Cloth
9 Fabric analysis – Figuring with extra thread fabric
10 Fabric analysis – Leno fabric
11 Visit to winding unit
12 Visit to warping unit

Submission – Completed Journal.

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B. Tech. Textile Technology - 2021

DKTES Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji

Second Year B. Tech. Textile Technology (Semester –III)

Lab Scheme: Credits Evaluation Scheme:

Tutorial: 02 Hrs/ Week CIE: 50 Marks

List of Assignments

1 Elements of art- Line, Direction, Size, Shape, Colour, Value, Texture.

2 Colour modification chart- Primary, Secondary and Tertiary colour modification.
3 Colour theory chart - Pigment theory of colour (Subtractive)and light theory of colour (Additive)
4 Textile design development with the help of designing principles -Principle of Repetitions,
5 Principle of Alteration - Change in colour, Change in size, Change in direction, Permutation and
combination. (Any one of list.)
6 Principle of Grade, Harmony, Balance, Contrast, Dominance (Any one of list.)
7 Composition of textile design by - Rectangle base, Drop base – half drop or full drop.
8 Composition of textile design by Diamond base, Ogee base, Sateen base. (Any one of list)
9 Development of point paper design for dobby weaving.

Submission – Completed Assignments

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B. Tech. Textile Technology - 2021

DKTES Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji

Second Year B. Tech. Textile Technology (Semester – III)

Teaching Scheme: Evaluation Scheme:

Lectures: 02 Hrs/ Week SEE-: 70 Marks
CIE (Project work) -: 30 Marks
(Annual Evaluation in Sem. IV)
*Evaluation of the course will be in Sem. IV based on syllabus of Sem. III and Sem. IV

Course Objectives:
To recall fundamental physical and biological principles those govern natural processes.
To state the importance of ecological balance for sustainable development.
To describe the impacts of developmental activities and mitigation measures and to further
understand the environmental policies and regulations.
To identify the complex relationships between scientific approaches to environmental issues and
political, social, economic, and ethical perspectives on the environment.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to
Develop an understanding of different natural resources including renewable resources.
Realize the importance of ecosystem and biodiversity for maintaining ecological balance.
Aware of important acts and laws in respect of environment.
Demonstrate critical thinking skills in relation to environmental affairs
Course Contents
Unit I Significance of environmental studies 09 Hours
a. Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies Need for public awareness.
b. Forest resources: Use and over-exploitation, deforestation, Timber extraction, mining, dams and
their effects on forests and tribal people.
c. Water resources: Use and over-utilization of surface and ground water, floods, drought, conflicts
over water, dams-benefits and problems.
d. Mineral resources: Usage and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting and using mineral
e. Food resources: World food problem, changes caused by agriculture effects of modern agriculture,
fertilizer-pesticide problems.
f. Energy resources: Growing energy needs, renewable and non-renewable energy sources, use of
alternate energy sources.
g. Land resources: Land as a resource, land degradation, man induced landslides, soil erosion and
h. Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources.
i. Equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyle.
Unit II Ecosystems 09 Hours
Concept of an ecosystem, Structure and function of an ecosystem, Producers, consumers and
decomposers, Energy flow in the ecosystem, Ecological succession, Food chains, food webs and
ecological pyramids. Introduction, types, characteristics features, structure and function of the
following Ecosystem: - a) Forest ecosystem, b) Grassland ecosystem, c) Desert ecosystem, d)
Aquatic ecosystems (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries)

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Unit III Biodiversity and its Conservation 08 Hours

Introduction – Definition: genetic, species and ecosystem diversity, Biogeographical classification
of India, Value of biodiversity: consumptive use, productive use, social, ethical, aesthetic and
option values.; Biodiversity at global, National and local levels.; India as a mega-diversity nation;
Western Ghats as a bio-diversity region; Hot-spots of biodiversity; Threats to biodiversity: habitat
loss, poaching of wildlife, man-wildlife conflicts; Endangered and endemic species of India;
Conservation of biodiversity: In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity.
References Books:
1. Clark R. S., Marine Pollution, Clanderson Press Oxford (TB) Pg No. 6.
2. Cunningham, W. P. Cooper, T. H. Gorhani, E. & Hepworth, M. T. 2001, Environmental
Encyclopedia, Jaico Publ. House, Mumbai, 1196p.
3. De A. K., Environmental Chemistry, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
4. Down to Earth, Centre for Science and Environment ®
5. Gleick, H., 1993, Water in crisis, Pacific Institute for Studies in Dev., Environment & security.
Stockholm Env. Institute. Oxford Univ. Press 473p.
6. Hawkins R. e., Encyclopedia of Indian Natural History, Bombay Natural History Society, Bombay

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B. Tech. Textile Technology - 2021

Second Year B. Tech Textile Technology


Teaching Scheme

Sr. Course
Name of the Course Group Credits
No. Code
Theory Tutorial Practical
Hrs/ Hrs/ Hrs/ Total
Week Week Week

1 TTL251 Textile Mathematics - IV BSC 3 - - 3 3

2 TTL252 Textile Electronics ESC 4 - - 4 4
Chemical Processing of Textiles
3 TTL253 PCC 3 - - 3 3
4 TTL254 Yarn & Fabric Testing PCC 3 - - 3 3

5 TTL255 Yarn Forming Technology - III PCC 3 - - 3 3

6 TTL256 Fabric Forming Technology -III PCC 3 - - 3 3

7 TTP257 Textile Electronics Lab ESC - - 2 2 1

Chemical Processing of Textiles
8 TTP258 PCC - - 2 2 1
- I Lab
9 TTP259 Yarn & Fabric Testing Lab PCC - - 2 2 1
Yarn Forming Technology - III
10 TTP260 PCC - - 2 2 1
Fabric Forming Technology - III
11 TTP261 PCC - - 2 2 1
12 ADL201 Environmental Studies MC - 2 - 2 --
Total 19 2 10 31 24
Group Details
HSMC: Humanities, Social Science & Management Courses
BSC: Basic Science Courses
ESC: Engineering Science Courses
PCC: Professional Core Courses
PEC: Professional Electives Courses
OEC: Open Elective Courses
PST: Project / Seminar / Ind. Training
MC: Mandatory Courses

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B. Tech. Textile Technology - 2021

DKTES Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji

Second Year B. Tech. Textile Technology (Semester –IV)

Teaching Scheme: Credits Evaluation Scheme:

Lectures: 03 Hrs./ Week SE-I: 25 Marks
SE-II: 25 Marks
SEE: 50 Marks
Course Objectives:
To explain Laplace transform & inverse of it with examples.
To apply Laplace transform for solving L.D. equations
To teach vector differentiation with examples.
To define Fourier series and explain formulae and solve examples.
To explain Analysis of Variance types one way, two way analysis of variance and examples.
To explain DOE with its importance, basic principles, basic designs CRD, RBD, LSD and factorial
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to
Solve problems related to Laplace and inverse Laplace transforms and L.D. equations using
Laplace transforms.
Solve problems of Fourier series and Solve problems of vector differentiation.
Solve and interpret problems of one-way and two-way ANOVA.
Solve and interpret problems of CRD, RBD, LSD two factor and three factor factorial experiments.
Course Contents
Unit I Laplace Transforms and its application to L.D Equations 08 Hours
a. Definition, Laplace transforms of standard functions, of derivatives and integrals with examples.
b. Inverse Laplace transforms by simplification, partial fraction and convolution method
c. Method of solving L.D. equations with initial conditions using Laplace transforms and examples.
Unit II Vector differentiation 05 Hours
a. Definition of vector function of scalar and its derivative with interpretation. Vector tangent,
velocity and acceleration vectors with examples.
b. Definition of scalar, vector valued function of point ( , , ). Definition of gradient, divergence,
curl, directional derivative, solenoidal, irrotational vector fields with examples
Unit III Fourier Series 06 Hours
a. Full range Fourier series, definition, Euler’s formulae for constants with examples of
(0, 2 ), (− , ), (0, 2 ), (− , ).
b. Hal range Fourier series, definition, Euler’s formulae for constants with examples of
(0, ), (0, ).
Unit IV Analysis of Multivariate Data 04 Hours
a. Multivariate data, multiple correlation coefficients, partial correlation coefficients with examples.
b. Multiple regression, multiple regression equations with examples.
Unit V Analysis of Variance 08 Hours
a. Introduction of Analysis of Variance, One-way analysis of variance with examples.
b. Two-way analysis of variance with one observation per cell and examples.
c. Two-way analysis of variance with observations per cell and examples.

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Unit VI Design of experiments with basic designs and factorial experiments 08 Hours
a. Introduction of design of experiments, basic principles and basic designs.
b. Basic designs CRD, RBD, and LSD with examples.
c. Factorial experiments, 2 and 2 factorial experiments with examples.
References Books:
1. A Text Book of Applied Mathematics: by J.N. & P.N. Wartikar.
2. Higher Engineering Mathematics by B. S. Grewal.
3. A Text Book on Engineering Mathematics by Bali, Saxena & Iyengar.
4. Mathematical Statistics by J. Fruend.
5. Applied Statistics & Probability of Engineers by Montgomery & Runger.
6. Probability & Statistics for Engineers by Johnson.

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B. Tech. Textile Technology - 2021

DKTES Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji

Second Year B. Tech. Textile Technology (Semester – IV)

Teaching Scheme: Credits Evaluation Scheme:

Lectures: 04 Hrs/ Week SE-I: 25 Marks
SE-II: 25 Marks
SEE: 50 Marks
Course Objectives:
To explain the operation and applications of semiconductor devices, power semiconductor devices
and electromechanical devices
To describe working principle of different types of sensors and transducers
To explain working of digital circuits, microprocessor, microcontroller and PLC
To demonstrate applications of electronics in textiles

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to
Describe operation and application of semiconductor devices, power semiconductor devices and
electromechanical devices
Explain working principle of different types of sensors and transducers
Explain working of digital circuits, microprocessor, microcontroller and PLC
Demonstrate applications of electronics in textiles

Course Contents
Unit I Basic Electronics and Semiconductor devices 19 Hours
Classification of materials- conductors, insulators and semiconductors;
Electronics components, passive components- resistors, capacitors and inductors;
Semiconductor diode, Rectifiers- half wave and full wave; Filters-shunt capacitor filter, series inductor
filter; Zener diode, zener regulator; Transistor- Construction, working, configurations, common emitter
characteristics, Basic CE amplifier

Unit II Op-amp and power semiconductor devices 08 Hours

Op-amp- Introduction, block diagram, symbol, ideal op-amp, IC741-pinout and specifications;
Open loop op-amp configuration, drawbacks of open loop configuration;
Concept of feedback in amplifier, +ve and –ve feedback, closed loop op-amp configuration
Power semiconductor devices: SCR construction, operation, turning ON and OFF of SCR, SCR
characteristics, SCR in DC Motor speed control; Triac- Construction, working and characteristics, diac-
Construction, working and characteristics, AC power control using triac

Unit III Transducers and electromechanical devices 08 Hours

Introduction, transducer classification – Primary and secondary transducers, active and passive
transducers, analog and digital transducers, basic requirements of transducers;
Photodiode, phototransistor, LDR, LED, Optocouplers, Optical shaft encoders;
Pressure measurement –bourdon tubes; Temperature Transducers – RTD, Thermocouple, Thermistors;
Strain gauge- working principle, bonded type strain gauge; Linear variable differential transformers
(LVDT), Capacitive transducers, Piezo electric transducers, Proximity sensors
Electromechanical devices- relay, solenoid valve

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Unit IV Digital Electronics 09 Hours

Difference between analog and digital electronics, digital gates, 4:1 multiplexer, 1:4 demultiplexer, 3:8
decoder, 8:3 encoder, level triggered RS flip flop, edge triggered D, 4-bit register, memory & its types

Unit V Microprocessor, Microcontroller and PLC 04 Hours

8085 microprocessor features, pin diagram and architecture;
8051 microcontroller features, block diagram; PLC block diagram

Unit VI Automation in Textiles 04 Hours

Automatic textile control systems- feedback, feed forward and combined; applications of electronics in
spinning, weaving, testing and finishing

References Books:
1. Electronics Components and Materials by Madhuri Joshi
2. A Textbook of Applied Electronics by R. S. Sedha
3. Basic Electronics by B. L. Therja
4. Electrical and Electronics Measurements and Instrumentation by A.K.Sawhey, Dhanpat Ria and
Sons Pub.
5. Instrumentation Devices & Systems by C.S. Rangan, G.R. Sharma,TMH Pub
6. Op-amp and Linear Integrated Circuits by Ramakant Gaykwad
7. Digital Principles and applications by Malvino and leach
8. Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and applications with 8085
by Ramesh Gaonkar.
9. The 8051 Microcontroller Architecture, Programming and Applications by Kenneth J, Ayala.
10. Electronic Controls for Textile Machine – Hiren Joshi and Gouri Joshi, NCUTE
11. 8085 Microprocessor by Vibhute & Borole

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B. Tech. Textile Technology - 2021

DKTES Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji

Second Year B. Tech. Textile Technology (Semester – III)

Teaching Scheme: Credits Evaluation Scheme:

Lectures: 03 Hrs/ Week SE-I: 25 Marks
SE-II: 25 Marks
SEE: 50 Marks
Course Objectives:
To describe the objects of sizing and preparatory processes
To describe the process sequence in pre-treatment of various types of textiles
To explain the role of various chemicals used in pre-treatment of textiles with their objectives
To explain the importance and evaluation methods of mercerization

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to
Illustrate the importance of sizing and pretreatments
Describe process sequence in pre-treatment of various types of textiles
Understand objectives various chemicals used in pre-treatment of textiles
Illustrate the importance and evaluation of mercerization
Course Contents
Unit I Sizing 06 Hours
a. Sizing: Process, Purpose, Ingredients: Types, functions
b. Adhesives: Classification, Starches- Properties, testing,
c. Softeners: Types, properties, testing methods, Size paste formulation: Cotton, P/C, P/V blended yarn.
Unit II Grey Fabric Inspection and Mechanical Preparatory Processes 06 Hours
a. Grey fabric inspection: Purpose, Faults in grey fabric- four point & ten point system of inspection,
Criteria for rejection.
b. Mechanical Pretreatments: Importance, application, types , Shearing & cropping machine: 2 cutter
and 4 cutter
c. Singeing: Importance, Construction & working principle of gas singeing machines for woven and
knitted fabric
Unit III Desizing 04 Hours
a. Size on grey fabric: Identification
b. Desizing process: Purpose, Methods, Factors affecting process
c. Desizing machines: Batch wise & continuous
d. Desizing efficiency: Tegewa, weight loss percentage evaluation methods
Unit IV Scouring 08 Hours
a. Scouring: Importance, Mechanism and Reactions
b. Methods: Alkaline scouring, solvent scouring, bio-scouring,
c. Scouring process: cotton, polyester (PET) and their blends, knit goods,
d. Scouring machine: Batch-wise, semi continuous & continuous,
e. Wool Scouring, Crabbing, carbonization, and milling,
f. Degumming of silk: Purpose, Methods - Soap, alkali, and enzyme,
g. Evaluation of scouring: by absorbency, copper number, weight loss and strength

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Unit V Bleaching 08 Hours

a. Sodium hypochlorite bleaching: Purpose, mechanism, Procedure for cotton, factors affecting to
hypochlorite bleaching.
b. Hydrogen peroxide bleaching: Purpose, mechanism, factors affecting, Role of stabilizer, activator,
Process for cotton, Polyester and their blends
c. Comparison between H2O2 & NaOCl bleaching,
d. Sodium chlorite bleaching: Mechanism, Procedure for polyester.
Wool, silk, knits and colored woven goods: Precautions, procedure of
e. Machines: Batch wise, semi continuous & continuous methods of bleaching.
f. Efficiency of bleaching: Whiteness index
Unit VI Mercerization 07 Hours
a. Mercerization: Importance, changes occurred in fibre
b. Causticization: Purpose, process,
c. Factors affecting the mercerization process,
d. Machines: Yarn mercerization, pad-chain, padless-chainless, hot mercerization,
liquid ammonia mercerization,
e. Efficiency: BAN, Axial ratio, De-convolution count and absorbency method
References Books:
1. Textile Sizing by Goswami, B. C.; Anandjiwala, R. D.; Hall, D., CRC Press, 2004, ISBN:
2. Sizing by Ajgaonkar, D.B., Talukdar, M. K., Wadekar, V. R., Textile Trade Press, Ahmedabad, 1st
Edition, 1982
3. Warp Sizing by Paul V. Seydel.
4. Chemical Technology in the Pretreatment Processes of Textile by Karmakar, S. R.,
Elsevier Science Publication, Netherlands, 1999.
5. Textile Chemical Processing Vol- 1; Author: Jitendra Kumar; Publisher: Pankaj
Publication International; ISBN : BK 0202435
6. Textile Scouring and Bleaching by Trotman, E.R., Hodder Arnold, 1968
ISBN: 9780852640678
7. Textile Scouring and Bleaching by Choudhary, A. K. R. Science Publishers, Enfield,
NH, USA, 2006, ISBN: 9781578084043
8. Technology of Bleaching and Mercerizing by Shenai, V. A., Sevak Publication, Mumbai, 2003.
9. Introduction to Textile Bleaching by J. T. Marsh.
Chemical Processing of Synthetic Fibres and Blends by Datye, K. V.; Vaidya, A. A., Wiley-Blackwell,
New York, 1984, ISBN: 9780471876540
10. Chemical Processing of Polyester/ Cellulosic Blends by Mittal, R.M., Trivedi, S. S., ATIRA,
Ahmedabad, 1983.
11. Chemical processing of textiles, NCUTE publication.
12. Technology of Textiles- Spinning & Weaving, Dyeing, Drying, Printing &
Bleaching by EIRI Board, Engineers India Research Institute, ISBN:9788186732489.
13. The Complete Technology Book on Textile Processing With Effluents Treatment by
NIIR Board, NIIR Board, 2004, ISBN: 8178330504
14. Mercerization by J.T. Marsh.

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B. Tech. Textile Technology - 2021

DKTES Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji

Second Year B. Tech. Textile Technology (Semester – IV)

Teaching Scheme: Credits Evaluation Scheme:

Lectures: 03 Hrs/ Week SE-I: 25 Marks
SE-II: 25 Marks
SEE: 50 Marks
Course Objectives:
To discuss significance of yarn and fabric properties.
To discuss the factors affecting yarn and fabric properties.
To explain principle and testing methodology of yarn properties.
To explain principle and testing methodology of fabric properties.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to
Understand significance of yarn and fabric properties.
Discuss the factors affecting yarn and fabric properties.
Test yarn properties and interpret the results.
Test fabric properties and interpret the results.

Course Contents
Unit I Count and Twist in Yarn 07 Hours
a. Yarn Number:
Concept, Direct and indirect systems, Measurement of yarn number - Knowles balance, Stubbs
balance, Beesley balance, Quadrant balance, Relation between yarn count and yarn diameter.
b. Yarn Twist:
Terms and definitions, Function of twist in yarn structure, Effect of twist on yarn and fabric
properties, Measurement of twist in single and double yarns – Straightened fibre method, Twist
contraction method, Twist to break method, Optical method, Twist take up method.
Unit II Mechanical Properties of Yarns and Fabric: 12 Hours
a. Yarn Strength
Terms and Definitions, Effect of fibre properties on the yarn strength, Factors affecting the tensile
properties of textiles
Single yarn strength - The pendulum lever principle, Strain gauge transducer principle, Machines
working on these principles, interpretation of test results.
Lea Strength - The lea CSP or Break factor & its significance – Description of lea strength tester,
comparison of lea & single yarn test results, Ballistic test & its importance.
b. Mechanical Properties of Fabric
Fabric Strength – Importance of fabric strength test, Sampling of fabric, , Tensile strength
testing – Cut strip test, Grab test, comparison of strip test & grab test, Tear strength test, Bursting
Abrasion Resistance of fabric – Serviceability, wear, abrasion, Factors affecting abrasion resistance,
assessment of abrasion damage, BFT abrasion testing machine, Martindale abrasion tester.
Pilling - Concept, mechanism of pilling, factors affecting fabric pilling, ICI Pill Box Tester.

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Unit III Evenness of Yarn 10 Hours

a. Concept, Classification of irregularity, causes of irregularity, Measures of irregularity, Basic
irregularity, Index of irregularity. Addition of irregularity, Measurement of yarn irregularity - Visual
examination, Cutting & weighing method, Electronic capacitance principle, Variation of thickness
under compression, Analysis of irregularity – Variance length curves, spectrogram, Importance of
yarn uniformity. Imperfections – Concept, Causes and importance.
b. Classimat faults: Classification of faults and its causes. Principle & working of Classimat tester.
c. Hairiness in spun yarn - Concept, Causes, Reduction & Measurement of hairiness- Photoelectric
Unit IV Structural Properties of Fabric 04 Hours
a) Thickness – Definition, Significance, Shirley method of measurement of fabric thickness.
b) Crimp of Yarn In Fabric: Definition, Measurement, Effect on Fabric Properties.
c) Cover factor – Definition, Derivation of cover factor, Significance
Unit V Aesthetic Properties of Fabric 03 Hours
a) Fabric Stiffness – Concept, Importance of stiffness and Drape, measurement of stiffness: Shirley
stiffness tester (cantilever principle), Heart loop test.
b) Drape – Concept, Measurement of drape by Drape meter, Factors affecting stiffness and drape.
c) Crease resistance & crease recovery – Concept, Measurement of crease recovery, Factors
affecting crease recovery.
Unit VI Transport Properties of Fabric 03 Hours
a) Air permeability – Concept, Importance, air permeability, air resistance, air
porosity, Shirley air permeability tester, Factors affecting air permeability.
b) Water fabric relations – Concept, Importance, Water proofing & water repellency, Mechanics of
wetting, Wetting time test, Spray test, Drop penetration test, Bundesmann test, Water head test.
References Books:
1. Principles of Textile Testing, J.E.Booth, CBS Publishers & Distributors, 1996.
2. Physical properties of Textile Fibres, J. W. S. Morton & Hearle.
3. Physical Testing of textiles, B. P. Saville.
4. Handbook of Indian Standards.
5. Quality control and Testing, V. K. Kothari.
6. Textile testing Fibre, Yarn and Fabric, Arindam Basu, Published by SITRA, Coimbatore.

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B. Tech. Textile Technology - 2021

DKTES Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji

Second Year B. Tech. Textile Technology (Semester – IV)

Teaching Scheme: Credits Evaluation Scheme:

Lectures: 03 Hrs/ Week SE-I: 25 Marks
SE-II: 25 Marks
SEE: 50 Marks
Course Objectives:
To explain working principles and process parameters of combing preparatory, comber, speed frame
and ring frame.
To describe constructional details and design aspects of machine parts and mechanisms involved in
combing preparatory, comber, speed frame and ring frame.
To Explanation to enumerate parameters influencing combing preparatory, comber, speed frame and
ring frame.
To Describe utilities, maintenance needs, methods to evaluate the processes. Enumerate features of
modern combing preparatory, comber, speed frame and ring frame and acquaint the students with
industrial working by organizing industrial visits
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to
Explain the working principles and process parameters of combing preparatory, comber, speed frame
and ring frame.
Demonstrate the constructional details and design aspects of machine parts and mechanisms involved
in combing preparatory, comber, speed frame and ring frame.
Estimate parameters related to combing preparatory, comber, speed frame and ring frame.
Explain maintenance needs, methods to evaluate the processes. Demonstrate features of modern
combing preparatory, comber, speed frame and ring frame.
Course Contents
Unit I Comber Preparatory 06 Hours
a. Requirements of good lap – importance of good lap, number of passages and linear density of lap,
b. Methods of comber lap preparation – Different sequences of comber lap preparation, study of
sliver lap machine, ribbon lap machine, unilap machine.
c. Developments in combing preparatory machines.
d. Maintenance & Assessment of combing preparatory machines
Unit II Combing Process and Constructional Details of Comber 09 Hours
a. Objects of combing process. Study of combing cycle, Index Cycle.
b. Constructional details of Comber- feeding, nipper assembly, cylinder and detaching rollers,
cylinder needles, web and sliver transport, drafting and coiling at comber. Semi combing, normal
combing, super combing and double combing.
c. Forward and backward feed in combing. Maintenance of comber, Comber Settings.
Unit III Assessment of Comber Performance and Modern Development 05 Hours
d. Assessment of Comber Performance – Norms for production, speed. Combing efficiency,
Fractionating efficiency of comber. Influence of combing operation on quality
e. Automation in Comber: Automatic and centralized noil collection. Automatic material handling.
Stop motions in comber. Technical specifications of modern combers, available in the world market

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Unit IV Speed Frame 08 Hours

a. Objects of speed frame. Concepts of drafting, twisting and winding process.
b. Constructional aspects of Speed-frame – Creel, Top arm apron drafting system, Spindle & Flyer
assembly, Bobbin building, stop motions.
c. Study of mechanisms like – differential motion, swing motion, building mechanism. Performance
assessment of Speed-frame – norms,
d. Zero break concept, block creeling.
e. Maintenance of speed frame. Features of modern speed-frame machines.
Unit V Ring Spinning Process and Constructional Details of Ring Frame 08 Hours
a. Ring Spinning Process and Constructional Details of Ring Frame: Objects and principle of
operation, Creel, Drafting System, Top arm roller weighting, Spindle and driving arrangement, The
thread guide devices, The balloon control ring and the separator and their functions, important design
features and settings, Ring and Traveler, Study of building mechanism.
b. Spinning Geometry: Importance, effect of spinning angle, Drafting angle, spinning triangle.
Introduction to spinning tension
Unit VI Assessment of Ring Frame Performance and Modern Development 03 Hours
a. Developments in Ring Frame On line Monitoring of Ring frame Operation, Pneumafil and overhead
cleaners, Auto-doffing, Basics of Compact Spinning
b. Routine maintenance schedule of ring frames Relative Humidification requirement and its
importance. Performance assessment of ring frame.
References Books:
1. The Textile Institute Publication –Manual of Textile Technology-Short Staple Spinning Series Vol I
to IV by W. Klein.
2. Practical guide to combing by W. Klein, Textile Institute publication Vol.3
3. Technology of cotton spinning by J. Janakiram.
4. Drawing, Combing and speed frame by Zoltan, S. Szaloky, The Institute of Textile Technology,
5. Draw frame, combing and speed frame by J. H. Black; The Textile Institute publication, Manual of
cotton spinning Vol-IV part II.
6. Spun Yarn Technology by Eric Oxtoby.
7. Elements of combing by A. R. Khare.
8. Combing by G. R. Merrill.

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B. Tech. Textile Technology - 2021

DKTES Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji

Second Year B. Tech. Textile Technology (Semester – IV)

Teaching Scheme: Credits Evaluation Scheme:

Lectures: 03 Hrs/ Week SE-I: 25 Marks
SE-II: 25 Marks
SEE: 50 Marks
Course Objectives:
To explain the construction and working of sizing machine.
To explain the design features of automatic loom.
To explain the construction of pile fabric structure.
To explain the construction and working of projectile weaving machines
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to
Explain the construction and working of sizing machine
Understand the design features of automatic loom
Understand the construction of pile fabric structure
Understand the construction and working of projectile weaving machines
Course Contents
Unit I Sizing 10 Hours
a. Need and objects of sizing, Techniques of sizing – Hank, Ball warp & slasher sizing
b. Construction and working of sizing machine
c. Types of sizing creel – Over & under creel, vertical creel, inclined creel, equi-tensional creel and
magazine creel
d. Size ingredients and size cooking
e. Modifications in creel design, Modern size box
f. Thermal performance of drying cylinders and steam traps
g. Control of size level, size pick-up, temperature, moisture, stretch, etc.
h. Factors affecting size pick up & size add-on
i. Concept of migration in sizing, Factors affecting migratory behavior of ends during sizing
j. Assessment of sizing performance
k. Concept of single end sizing & various methods
l. Concept of dyeing cum sizing, Management Information System
e. Calculations related to production, efficiency, size concentration, size pick up, stretch, drying, warp
count, etc.
Unit II Automatic Weaving 08 Hours
a. Limitation of ordinary plain power loom
b. Design features of automatic looms
c. Basic concept of - Weft feelers, Transfer mechanism, Automatic let-off motion, Warp stop motion,
Centre weft fork
d. Operator assisting motions.
Unit III Fabric Structure - I 04 Hours
a. Warp pile – Terry pile structure
b. Warp pile fabrics produced with the aid of wires
c. Warp pile fabric produced by using face to face weaving principle

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Unit IV Fabric Structure - II 04 Hours

a. Introduction to tufted carpet structure
b. Weft pile
Unit V Introduction to Shuttleless Weaving Machines 03 Hours
a. Limitation of shuttle loom
b. Advantages of shuttleless weaving machines
c. Classification of shuttleless weaving machines
Unit VI Projectile Weaving 10 Hours
a. Weft insertion principle of projectile weaving machine
b. History of Projectile weaving machine
c. Projectile picking motion, projectile acceleration & retardation, torsion rod details
d. picking phases
e. Projectile preparation for picking, Receiving unit
f. Specifications of projectiles & grippers for various applications
g. Beat-up motion, Selvedge motion,
h. Let-off motion (Mechanical & power), Take-up motion, their advantages in relation to shuttle loom
i. All auxiliary motions such as brake, clutch, oiling, cleaning, MIS, pick finding, Multi colour weft
insertion, weft stop, warp stop, whip roller, weft brake etc.
References Books:
1. Sizing by Ajgaonkar
2. The Technology of Warp Sizing by J.B. Smith
3. Modern Preparation & Weaving by A. Ormerod
4. Textile Maths Vol.lll by J.E. Booth
5. Principle of Weaving by Marks A.T.C. and Robinson
6. Weaving Machines, Materials and Methods by Prof. M.K. Talukdar, Prof.D.B. Ajgaonkar
7. Shuttleless Weaving by Svaty
8. Modern Methods of Weaving by Duxburng
9. Advanced Textile Design by Watson

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B. Tech. Textile Technology - 2021

DKTES Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji

Second Year B. Tech. Textile Technology (Semester – IV)

Lab Scheme: Credits Evaluation Scheme:

Practicals: 02 Hrs/ Week CIE: 50 Marks
See: 50 Marks

List of Experiments

1 VI characteristics of semiconductor diode.

2 Half wave rectifier- without filter and with filter.
3 Full wave rectifier- without filter and with filter.
4 Reverse characteristics of zener diode.
5 Closed loop inverting amplifier using Op-amp 741.
6 Closed loop non-inverting amplifier using Op-amp 741.
7 AC power control using triac.
8 LDR characteristics.
9 Displacement measurement using LVDT.
10 Speed measurement using magnetic and photo-electric pickup.
11 Realization of digital gates.
12 Realization of flip-flops/ decoder.

Submission – Completed Journal.

D.K.T.E. Society’s Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji. Page 34

B. Tech. Textile Technology - 2021

DKTES Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji

Second Year B. Tech. Textile Technology (Semester – IV)

Lab Scheme: Credits Evaluation Scheme:

Practicals: 02 Hrs/ Week CIE: 50 Marks

List of Experiments

1 To find moisture content, ash content and total dissolved solids in the given starch sample.
2 To remove size on the given textile by using suitable desizing method.
3 Use open bath scouring method to improve the absorbency of the given cotton fabric
4 Use pressure boil scouring method to improve the absorbency of the given cotton fabric.
5 Bio scouring of Cotton knitted fabrics.
6 Use relevant degumming method to remove Serecin from the given silk.
7 Use suitable bleaching method to improve whiteness of the given cotton fabric.
8 Use combined scouring and bleaching method to improve absorbency and whiteness of the
given cotton fabric
9 Use open bath scouring and bleaching method for the given wool fabric
10 Use open bath bleaching method for the given silk fabric
11 Use hank mercerization method for the given cotton hank
12 Determine Barium Activity Number (BAN) of the given mercerized goods
13 Visit to sizing unit and process house

Submission – Completed Journal.

D.K.T.E. Society’s Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji. Page 35

B. Tech. Textile Technology - 2021

DKTES Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji

Second Year B. Tech. Textile Technology (Semester – IV)

Lab Scheme: Credits Evaluation Scheme:

Practicals: 02 Hrs/ Week CIE: 50 Marks

List of Experiments

1 Determination of yarn Linear Density.

2 Determination of twist in single yarn.
3 Determination of twist in double yarn.
4 Determination of single yarn strength.
5 Determination of yarn lea strength.
6 Estimation of crease recovery angle
7 Evaluation of yarn unevenness by cut weight principle.
8 Evaluation of stiffness of fabric.
9 Determination of fabric strip strength.
10 Determination of tearing strength of fabric.
11 Assessment of abrasion resistance of fabric.
12 Estimation of drapability of fabric.

Submission – Completed Journal.

D.K.T.E. Society’s Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji. Page 36

B. Tech. Textile Technology - 2021

DKTES Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji

Second Year B. Tech. Textile Technology (Semester – IV)

Lab Scheme: Credits Evaluation Scheme:

Practicals: 02 Hrs/ Week CIE: 50 Marks
SEE:50 Marks

List of Experiments

1 Study of Passage, Driving arrangement & calculations of Sliver lap machine.

2 Study of Passage, Driving arrangement & calculations of Ribbon Lap machine
3 Study of working principle, roller setting and lap forming mechanism on in Comber
4 Study of constructional aspects, combing cycle & index chart of modern comber.
5 Study of Comber setting
6 Study of Passage, Driving arrangement and calculation of Speed Frame.
7 Study of coils per inch of speed frame & differential gearing.
8 Study of building mechanism of speed frame.
9 Driving arrangement & calculations related to production, constants, draft twist etc. of Ring
10 Study of ring frame settings and spinning geometry.
11 Study of building mechanism of Ring frame.
12 Mill visit I to study modern features of combing preparatory, comber, speed frame and ring

Submission – Completed Journal.

D.K.T.E. Society’s Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji. Page 37

B. Tech. Textile Technology - 2021

DKTES Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji

Second Year B. Tech. Textile Technology (Semester – IV)

Lab Scheme: Credits Evaluation Scheme:

Practical: 02 Hrs./ Week CIE: 50 Mark

List of Experiments

1 General study of projectile machine and drive arrangements for various motions.
2 Study of projectile picking motion.
3 Study of style change process on projectile weaving machine.
4 Study, dismantling and resetting of side lever under pick mechanism.
5 Dismantling and resetting of clutch drive.
6 Dismantling and resetting of side sweep weft feeler mechanism
7 Dismantling and resetting of pirn change mechanism
8 Dismantling and resetting of semi positive let-off mechanism.
9 Fabric analysis – Terry Pile
10 Fabric analysis – Velveteen
11 Visit to sizing unit
12 Visit to autoloom and projectile weaving units

Submission – Completed Journal.

D.K.T.E. Society’s Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji. Page 38

B. Tech. Textile Technology - 2021

DKTES Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji

Second Year B. Tech. Textile Technology (Semester – IV)

Teaching Scheme: Evaluation Scheme:

Tutorial: 02 Hrs / Week SEE-: 70 Marks
CIE (Project work) -: 30 Marks
(Based on syllabus of Sem.
III and Sem. IV)
Course Objectives:
To recall fundamental physical and biological principles those govern natural processes.
To state the importance of ecological balance for sustainable development.
To describe the impacts of developmental activities and mitigation measures and to further
understand the environmental policies and regulations.
To identify the complex relationships between scientific approaches to environmental issues and
political, social, economic, and ethical perspectives on the environment.

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to
Develop an understanding of different natural resources including renewable resources.
Realize the importance of ecosystem and biodiversity for maintaining ecological balance.
Aware of important acts and laws in respect of environment.
Demonstrate critical thinking skills in relation to environmental affairs

Course Contents
Unit IV Environmental Pollution 08 Hours
Definition: Causes, effects and control measures of: a) Air pollution, b) Water pollution, c) Soil
pollution, d) Marine pollution, e) Noise pollution, f) Thermal pollution, g) Nuclear hazards
• Solid waste Management: Causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrial wastes.
• Role of an individual in prevention of pollution.
• Pollution case studies
• Disaster management: Floods, earthquake, cyclone and landslides. Tsunami.
Unit V Social Issues and the Environment 09 Hours
From Unsustainable to Sustainable development; Urban problems related to energy; Water
conservation, rain water harvesting, watershed management; Resettlement and rehabilitation of
people; its problems and concerns; Environmental ethics: Issue and possible solutions; Climate
change, Global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, nuclear accidents and holocaust;
Wasteland reclamation; Consumerism and waste products.
Unit VI Environmental Protection 10 Hours
Environment Protection Act.; Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act.; Water (Prevention
and control of Pollution) Act; Wildlife Protection Act; Forest Conservation Act; Population
Growth and Human Health, Human Rights. ; Field Work--Visit to a local area to document
environmental assets river/forest/grassland/hill/mountain or Visit to a local polluted site–
urban/rural/Industrial/Agricultural or Study of common plants, insects, birds or Study of simple
ecosystems-ponds, river, hill slopes, etc.

D.K.T.E. Society’s Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji. Page 39

B. Tech. Textile Technology - 2021

References Books:
1. Clark R. S., Marine Pollution, Clanderson Press Oxford (TB) Pg No. 6.
2. Cunningham, W. P. Cooper, T. H. Gorhani, E. & Hepworth, M. T. 2001, Environmental
Encyclopedia, Jaico Publ. House, Mumbai, 1196p.
3. De A. K., Environmental Chemistry, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
4. Down to Earth, Centre for Science and Environment ®
5. Gleick, H., 1993, Water in crisis, Pacific Institute for Studies in Dev., Environment & security.
Stockholm Env. Institute. Oxford Univ. Press 473p.
6. Hawkins R. e., Encyclopedia of Indian Natural History, Bombay Natural History Society,

D.K.T.E. Society’s Textile and Engineering Institute, Ichalkaranji. Page 40

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