Retail Prices For Beef, Pork, and Poultry Cuts, Eggs, and Dairy Products

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Last update

Retail prices for beef, pork, and poultry cuts, eggs, and dairy products January 12, 2022
cut Ground Ground Lean and All Chuck Chuck Round Round
chuck beef extra lean uncooked roast, roast, roast, roast,
ground ground graded USDA USDA graded
beef beef and Choice, Choice and
ungraded boneless boneless ungraded
not Choice but not
or Prime Choice or
Units dollar/pounddollar/pounddollar/pounddollar/pounddollar/pounddollar/pounddollar/pounddollar/pound
### 4.066 3.862 5.518 4.300 #N/A 5.646 5.069 #N/A
Jan-20 4.100 3.886 5.630 4.343 #N/A 5.398 5.062 #N/A
Feb-20 4.033 3.865 5.521 4.298 #N/A 5.368 5.260 #N/A
Mar-20 4.108 3.881 5.635 4.355 #N/A 5.382 5.175 #N/A
Apr-20 4.343 4.052 5.708 4.556 #N/A 5.786 5.528 #N/A
### 4.789 4.461 6.101 4.931 #N/A 7.049 6.906 #N/A
Jun-20 5.330 4.737 6.314 5.291 #N/A 7.165 6.546 #N/A
Jul-20 4.732 4.264 6.052 4.840 #N/A 6.476 5.884 #N/A
### 4.307 4.177 5.760 4.640 #N/A 5.972 5.668 #N/A
### 4.165 4.076 5.730 4.547 #N/A 5.849 5.760 #N/A
Oct-20 4.212 4.008 5.758 4.552 #N/A 5.749 5.614 #N/A
### 4.330 4.027 5.672 4.596 #N/A 5.960 5.522 #N/A
### 4.202 3.951 5.715 4.555 #N/A 6.008 5.302 #N/A
Jan-21 4.310 3.965 5.705 4.543 #N/A 5.811 5.475 #N/A
Feb-21 4.252 3.987 5.611 4.556 #N/A 5.991 5.582 #N/A
Mar-21 4.377 4.042 5.780 4.648 #N/A 6.088 5.625 #N/A
Apr-21 4.290 4.096 5.973 4.656 #N/A 5.949 5.771 #N/A
### 4.495 4.101 5.952 4.703 #N/A 6.381 5.822 #N/A
Jun-21 4.565 4.357 6.016 4.869 #N/A 6.635 6.209 #N/A
Jul-21 4.521 4.388 6.081 4.846 #N/A 6.700 6.100 #N/A
### 4.636 4.468 6.179 4.964 #N/A 6.800 6.004 #N/A
### 4.786 4.504 6.146 5.051 #N/A 7.457 6.276 #N/A
Oct-21 4.869 4.719 6.371 5.237 #N/A 7.397 6.330 #N/A
### 4.810 4.716 6.270 5.261 #N/A 7.272 6.426 #N/A
### 4.792 4.604 6.315 5.174 #N/A 6.922 6.234 #N/A

Note: #N/A means that the data are not available.

Sources: "BLS" are average prices reported by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). "ERS" are US
The following sheets have links to older data from the BLS and ERS. For more BLS data look in the "moreBLS" tab. Instruction
Last update Next update
January 12, 2022 February 10, 2022
All Round Round Sirloin Sirloin Beef for All All Short ribs,
uncooked steak, steak, steak, steak stew, uncooked uncooked any primal
beef roasts USDA graded graded USDA boneless beef other beef source,
Choice and and Choice steaks not veal bone-in
ungraded ungraded boneless
but not not Choice
Choice or or Prime

5.537 5.977 #N/A #N/A 8.481 5.751 7.709 5.053 #N/A

5.515 5.963 #N/A #N/A 8.441 5.754 7.653 5.046 #N/A
5.532 6.091 #N/A #N/A 8.333 5.830 7.642 5.148 #N/A
5.535 6.091 #N/A #N/A 8.265 5.730 7.676 5.079 #N/A
5.896 6.410 #N/A #N/A 8.600 5.697 7.951 #N/A #N/A
7.068 7.301 #N/A #N/A 9.480 6.308 8.957 5.691 #N/A
7.057 7.394 #N/A #N/A 10.423 6.752 9.518 6.071 #N/A
6.461 6.950 #N/A #N/A 9.413 6.336 8.698 5.672 #N/A
6.059 6.579 #N/A #N/A 8.875 5.995 8.213 5.448 #N/A
6.035 6.447 #N/A #N/A 8.795 5.872 8.133 5.442 #N/A
5.841 6.383 #N/A #N/A 8.931 5.696 8.154 5.375 #N/A
5.883 6.449 #N/A #N/A 8.876 5.729 8.081 5.482 #N/A
5.868 6.339 #N/A #N/A 8.980 5.870 8.085 5.552 #N/A
5.861 6.522 #N/A #N/A 9.148 5.949 8.250 5.632 #N/A
6.063 6.443 #N/A #N/A 9.079 5.782 8.281 5.664 #N/A
6.229 6.412 #N/A #N/A 9.134 5.762 8.383 5.570 #N/A
6.216 6.640 #N/A #N/A 9.344 6.034 8.656 5.703 #N/A
6.512 6.737 #N/A #N/A 9.892 6.225 9.120 5.954 #N/A
6.824 7.297 #N/A #N/A 10.780 6.802 9.747 6.317 #N/A
6.749 7.183 #N/A #N/A 10.538 6.731 9.670 6.370 #N/A
6.727 7.112 #N/A #N/A 10.599 6.666 9.652 6.380 #N/A
7.133 7.282 #N/A #N/A 11.010 6.874 9.912 6.640 #N/A
7.127 7.304 #N/A #N/A 11.654 6.920 10.209 6.751 #N/A
7.161 7.404 #N/A #N/A 11.508 7.159 10.228 7.011 #N/A
6.948 7.342 #N/A #N/A 11.055 7.363 9.933 7.011 #N/A

or Statistics (BLS). "ERS" are USDA, Economic Research Service calculations based on BLS and USDA, Agricultural Marketing Service da
k in the "moreBLS" tab. Instructions for finding the older broiler composite data are in the "moreERS" tab.
Bacon, Pork Pork All pork Ham, rump Ham, All ham All other Bologna,
sliced per chops, chops, chops or shank boneless (not pork all beef or
pound center cut, boneless half not canned canned or excluding mixed
bone-in sliced) canned
and sliced


5.474 3.772 3.805 3.391 #N/A 4.070 3.035 2.761 #N/A

5.505 3.781 3.854 3.368 #N/A 4.194 3.110 2.722 #N/A
5.497 3.920 3.813 3.419 #N/A 4.226 3.130 2.775 #N/A
5.257 3.907 3.791 3.415 #N/A 4.464 3.376 2.762 #N/A
5.346 4.148 4.014 3.673 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
5.348 4.371 4.409 3.972 #N/A 4.549 #N/A 3.085 #N/A
5.772 4.544 4.689 4.189 #N/A 4.608 #N/A 3.152 #N/A
5.776 4.351 4.355 3.910 #N/A 4.574 #N/A 3.099 #N/A
5.559 4.060 4.343 3.788 #N/A 4.631 #N/A 3.045 #N/A
5.619 4.066 4.369 3.799 #N/A 4.538 #N/A 2.891 #N/A
5.722 3.947 4.138 3.632 #N/A 4.559 3.476 2.989 #N/A
5.754 4.054 4.289 3.737 #N/A 4.550 3.344 2.974 #N/A
5.831 4.248 4.134 3.741 #N/A 4.469 3.261 2.991 #N/A
5.831 3.943 4.204 3.694 #N/A 4.616 3.441 3.020 #N/A
5.778 3.963 4.137 3.676 #N/A 4.921 3.683 3.001 #N/A
5.852 4.067 4.253 3.765 #N/A 4.790 3.511 2.997 #N/A
6.215 4.161 4.328 3.844 #N/A 4.856 3.548 3.176 #N/A
6.346 4.162 4.362 3.875 #N/A 4.907 3.638 3.217 #N/A
6.670 4.351 4.541 4.089 #N/A 4.922 3.773 3.381 #N/A
6.857 4.322 4.455 4.081 #N/A 4.667 3.711 3.564 #N/A
7.096 4.326 4.469 4.057 #N/A 4.683 3.747 3.474 #N/A
7.220 4.233 4.393 4.051 #N/A 4.847 3.831 3.497 #N/A
7.317 4.394 4.495 4.147 #N/A 4.964 3.921 3.565 #N/A
7.265 4.356 4.430 4.072 #N/A 4.937 3.853 3.665 #N/A
7.211 4.357 4.409 4.023 #N/A 4.827 3.707 3.494 #N/A

ricultural Marketing Service data.

Retail Wholesale Wholesale Chicken, Chicken, Chicken, Turkey, Eggs, Milk, fresh,
broiler broiler -retail fresh legs, bone- boneless frozen, Grade A whole,
composite composite broiler whole in breast whole fortified-
spread gal.


191.8 69.7 122.1 1.450 1.505 3.113 1.389 1.535 3.188

187.0 71.3 115.7 1.409 1.451 3.059 1.580 1.461 3.253
188.2 69.3 118.9 1.362 1.479 3.013 1.639 1.449 3.196
192.8 71.2 121.6 1.400 1.538 2.956 #N/A 1.525 3.248
203.1 63.2 139.9 1.571 1.598 3.158 #N/A 2.019 3.267
204.5 68.3 136.2 #N/A 1.581 3.348 #N/A 1.640 3.210
207.9 68.7 139.2 1.747 1.602 3.349 #N/A 1.554 3.198
203.2 67.1 136.1 1.712 1.579 3.221 #N/A 1.401 3.255
201.0 65.9 135.2 1.609 1.568 3.276 #N/A 1.328 3.406
200.1 62.6 137.5 1.542 1.557 3.302 #N/A 1.353 3.448
199.9 63.2 136.7 1.580 1.551 3.290 #N/A 1.408 3.380
201.7 66.3 135.4 1.639 1.550 3.412 #N/A 1.450 3.425
200.7 67.2 133.5 1.621 1.543 3.293 #N/A 1.481 3.535
202.8 68.4 134.5 1.595 1.600 3.260 #N/A 1.466 3.468
199.0 72.6 126.4 1.583 1.553 3.239 #N/A 1.597 3.368
200.6 76.9 123.7 1.543 1.569 3.291 #N/A 1.625 3.348
201.9 87.5 114.4 1.515 1.579 3.406 #N/A 1.620 3.447
204.1 94.7 109.4 1.486 1.593 3.371 #N/A 1.625 3.497
205.6 93.1 112.6 1.474 1.611 3.353 #N/A 1.642 3.557
208.2 90.7 117.5 1.435 1.615 3.500 #N/A 1.642 3.627
214.9 90.2 124.7 1.472 1.706 3.536 #N/A 1.709 3.560
216.1 89.7 126.5 1.504 1.723 3.517 #N/A 1.835 3.585
217.4 86.6 130.8 1.523 1.709 3.589 #N/A 1.821 3.663
221.0 85.2 135.9 1.583 1.733 3.618 #N/A 1.718 3.671
221.6 88.9 132.7 1.606 1.729 3.725 #N/A 1.788 3.743
American Cheddar Ice cream,
processed cheese, prepackage
cheese natural d

dollar/pounddollar/pound dollar/½ gallon

3.909 5.302 4.740

3.847 5.204 4.824
3.912 5.381 4.884
3.907 5.329 4.918
3.981 5.453 4.941
4.097 5.558 4.934
4.222 5.619 5.088
4.189 5.517 4.898
4.285 5.572 4.950
4.246 5.611 4.944
4.233 5.583 4.925
4.132 5.589 4.846
4.200 5.540 4.927
4.193 5.656 5.014
4.162 5.600 4.937
4.145 5.682 4.949
4.100 5.441 4.978
4.048 5.421 4.685
3.989 5.386 4.886
3.972 5.392 4.943
3.977 5.336 4.918
4.019 5.387 4.900
3.987 5.396 4.952
3.948 5.326 4.770
3.894 5.257 4.766
Copy some or all of the following codes into the box on the BLS series report website (link below)
The site has options for changing the years one downloads. hot link to data

BLS codes BLS descriptions

APU0000703111 Ground chuck, 100% beef, per lb. (453.6 gm)
APU0000703112 Ground beef, 100% beef, per lb. (453.6 gm)
APU0000703113 Ground beef, lean and extra lean, per lb. (453.6 gm)
APU0000FC1101 All uncooked ground beef, per lb. (453.6 gm)
APU0000703212 Chuck roast, graded and ungraded, excluding USDA Prime and Choice, per lb. (453.6 g
APU0000703213 Chuck roast, USDA Choice, boneless, per lb. (453.6 gm)
APU0000703311 Round roast, USDA Choice, boneless, per lb. (453.6 gm)
APU0000703312 Round roast, graded and ungraded, excluding USDA Prime and Choice, per lb. (453.6 g
APU0000FC2101 All Uncooked Beef Roasts, per lb. (453.6 gm)
APU0000703422 Steak, T-Bone, USDA Choice, bone-in, per lb. (453.6 gm)
APU0000703425 Steak, rib eye, USDA Choice, boneless, per lb. (453.6 gm)
APU0000703511 Steak, round, USDA Choice, boneless, per lb. (453.6 gm)
APU0000703512 Steak, round, graded and ungraded, excluding USDA Prime and Choice, per lb. (453.6 g
APU0000703612 Steak, sirloin, graded and ungraded, excluding USDA Prime and Choice, per lb. (453.6
APU0000703613 Steak, sirloin, USDA Choice, boneless, per lb. (453.6 gm)
APU0000703432 Beef for stew, boneless, per lb. (453.6 gm)
APU0000FC3101 All Uncooked Beef Steaks, per lb. (453.6 gm)
APU0000FC4101 All Uncooked Other Beef (Excluding Veal), per lb. (453.6 gm)
APU0000703431 Short ribs, any primal source, bone-in, per lb. (453.6 gm)
APU0000704111 Bacon, sliced, per lb. (453.6 gm)
APU0000704211 Chops, center cut, bone-in, per lb. (453.6 gm)
APU0000704212 Chops, boneless, per lb. (453.6 gm)
APU0000FD3101 All Pork Chops, per lb. (453.6 gm)
APU0000704311 Ham, rump or shank half, bone-in, smoked, per lb. (453.6 gm)
APU0000704312 Ham, boneless, excluding canned, per lb. (453.6 gm)
APU0000FD2101 All Ham (Excluding Canned Ham and Luncheon Slices), per lb. (453.6 gm)
APU0000FD4101 All Other Pork (Excluding Canned Ham and Luncheon Slices), per lb. (453.6 gm)
APU0000704421 Sausage, fresh, loose, per lb. (453.6 gm)
APU0000705121 Bologna, all beef or mixed, per lb. (453.6 gm)
APU0000706111 Chicken, fresh, whole, per lb. (453.6 gm)
APU0000706211 Chicken breast, bone-in, per lb. (453.6 gm)
APU0000706212 Chicken legs, bone-in, per lb. (453.6 gm)
APU0000FF1101 Chicken breast, boneless, per lb. (453.6 gm)
APU0000706311 Turkey, frozen, whole, per lb. (453.6 gm)
APU0000708111 Eggs, grade A, large, per doz.
APU0000709112 Milk, fresh, whole, fortified, per gal. (3.8 lit)
APU0000709213 Milk, fresh, low fat, per gal. (3.8 lit)
APU0000710111 Butter, salted, grade AA, stick, per lb. (453.6 gm)
APU0000710211 American processed cheese, per lb. (453.6 gm)
APU0000710212 Cheddar cheese, natural, per lb. (453.6 gm)
APU0000710411 Ice cream, prepackaged, bulk, regular, per 1/2 gal. (1.9 lit)
link below)

d Choice, per lb. (453.6 gm)

d Choice, per lb. (453.6 gm)

d Choice, per lb. (453.6 gm)

d Choice, per lb. (453.6 gm)

. (453.6 gm)
per lb. (453.6 gm)
You will find historical data on the broiler composites and spreads on the meat price spreads data page in the file called:
Historical monthly price spread data for beef, pork, broilers

Once you download this file, go to the “composite” tab for broiler composite data. The retail composite starts in 1980. The wholesale com
the file called:

arts in 1980. The wholesale composite and price spreads start in 1990.

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